West Europe is finished. Cars are burning every night in France. Mostly kept out of the media. Rape so epidemic that the swedes have changed how they categorise the crime in order to not offend their ‘new Swedes’. Again, mostly kept out of the media. We’ve now got a snackbar home secretary and a snackbar London mayor. And no cunt seems that bothered!! If you buy any fresh meat product from one of the supermarkets, if you look closely enough, you’ll see a little Halal symbol. In every single supermarket.
Then, of course, you’ve got the industrial scale rape of young white girls – which goes into the tens of thousands – up and down the country. And of course the terrorism.
So. My question is this – what is the point of these cunts? If we’d known in the 60’s when they started turning up oop North what we know now, would a single sane cunt wanted to let a single one of them in?
Nominated by, Mecha-Rigsby
I don’t believe that anyone “allowed” the destruction of Europe. I believe that it was,and is, a direct implementation of the Kalergi (or something similar) Plan. I don’t even hold individual politicians culpable. This is part of a long game played by a malevolent force that has used their power and money for generations to gain a stranglehold on Europe.
Their plan will result in the end of European civilisation as we know it. The beneficiaries of this plan will sit in their lairs in America and Israel and celebrate their triumph.
Fuck them.
I have always believed that if you can’t change the will of the people, then they will change the people. This Nation is now a divided patchwork. Different peoples, with different ambitions, desires and cultures. There is a divide and conquer strategy that has largely worked so far.
As the Weimar Republic’s contempt of the people gave way to the rise of Hitler, I think a similar scenario is highly likely. France, Italy and a few European satellites will lead the way. But UK ?….The UK is too far fucked. ( sadly )
I believe that only the East Europeans have the will to turn the tide. This is because they have never allowed the relentless feminisation and general moral decline that the Western European nations have embraced.
“Run, Hide and Tell”….My God,if ever a single phrase summed up the decline of a once belligerent,independent nation,that is it.
Yes Dick think you are right the Eastern europeans struggled to rid themselves of communism and want to enjoy freedom. The men act and dress like men the women act and dress like women none of this metrosexual bollocks. Although the Roma gypos cause issues and the Albanians are generally scum the majority of Easterns especially where I live in Bognorvitch work hard play hard and generally cause little problem, also don’t see many peacefuls so that’s a bonus.
Go up to Manchester regularly daughter is studying at uni (musician) and do see a lot of peaceful types. Also had relations in Halifax so my heart goes out to you northern natives who’ve suffered the influx of peaceful types changing for always the landscape of our heritage.
Kalergi, Soros, EU CUNTS to a CUNT
can I just point out albanians are not slavs, they were pushed down by the slavs, even then back in the day they were a bunch of nomadic goat fuckers they are illyrian, dito the romanians they are not slavs, I dont think czech or slovenians are either.
by the way albanians are cunts of magnitude to say the least.
All Albanians are drug dealers. They have zero care what quality of junk they sell and to whom. They want to make as much money as possible in a short time until they’re caught and subsequently deported. They then come straight back and begin again.
Spot on, Dick.
Common Purpose, Coudenhove-Kalergi (he was Austro-Japanese – a great bit of diversity, that ! Remember Hitler and Hirohito ??), Fabianism, Frankfurt-thought, Globalism.
An enormous heap of wank, presided over by…Soros, Clinton, Bliar, and our very own “glorious” leaders.
And, of course, the brainwashed sheeple snoflakes.
Top stuff yet again Mr Fiddler,
Kalergis understudy – Soros and his ilk are carrying the torch to reduce Europe to a mud coloured low intelligence easily manipulated and manageable population of adherents to the likes of the followers of Common purpose. I cant believe that our country, last invaded by a foreign army in 1066 have rolled over and given up our green and pleasant land to the blambos without a shot fired. Winny would be turning in his grave. We, who refuse to choose the path of the liberal multicultural elite giving away rights and introducing laws with which we vehemently disagree are being steamrollered by the minorities – uphill turd shovers, rug munchers, trannies and all sorts of freaks are now dictating how they should be addressed / treated / spoken to with the law behind them backed up by a weak government and opposition scared out of their collective wits at offending any group – apart for the “normal” majority. At last count Facaescrook had 76 separate identities you could “identify” yourself as. They missed me out. I am the angry white middle aged male who has worked for 45 years – most of them as a top rate tax payer who is sick to fucking death of the dregs that now occupy this once green and pleasant land. In other words – White English (confirmed). I still see a time in the not too distant future when there will be some form of civil unrest which will spread throughout Europe. Proud patriotic white males wont shirk the challenge. I know I wont. Its about time the Empire struck back.
All part of the cultural marxist plan to dumb down the population and make us subservient to the socialist elites.
Has anyone else noticed that racism wasn’t a problem before the dregs of humainity showed up looking for handouts and a better life (on welfare)?
Now we are overloaded with the winnits from Satan’s own arsehole, the socialists have had to invent new laws to make the law abiding, tax paying indigenous population the criminals for wanting peacefuls and sub saharan scum to leave, when WE didn’t invite them in the first place.
It is way past time that 650 hemp ropes are strung from lamposts and the traitors who sold out our country and its people are suspended from them….. By the neck until dead.
1500 ropes, Odin’s Balls. The Lords are stuffed with them as well.
Bugger that, save the money. One BIG rope, tie all the fuckers together, chuck them on the back of a lorry and take them to some African shit-hole to replace all the cunts that are now over here.
Good morning Dick. I tend to agree with your pessimistic view. You only have to look at the likes of Blair and Merkel and what has happened with mass immigration to see where things are going. How long before Orban gets jailed or assassinated ?
Good morning Jack. The outlook doesn’t look healthy for Europe ,does it? I’m aware that people can dismiss “conspiracy” theories all too easily. All I’d say is stand back and really look at the bigger picture,and then tell me that it isn’t a deliberate scheme with a planned outcome.
Agree 100% DF
Any fool can see that the sand people’s have no intention of integrating and all that’s happening is the destruction European society as we’ve always known it.
The main protagonists are the likes of soros and Co the EU are complicit in this as well, they are hell bent on destroying nationalism and sovereignty, turning Europe in to one huge melting pot , it’s divide and conquer on a scale never seen before all driven by multinational corporations and their political shills…..
I think it’s certainly a possibility that something more malicious is afoot, but I really don’t want to bring myself to believe it.
Good morning Jack. I agree with the pessimism pervading both yours and Dick’s posts, but disagree with the conspiracy theory angle. Given the political will, it could have been stopped, or at least curbed. Either way we’re fucked and anyway I’m now beyond caring, fuck them indeed.
The “political will” is an illusion. The real decisions are not made by fly-by-night politicians. Big business is not going to be held in thrall by a bunch of venal nobodies. Politicians may be nominally in power,but it’s whoever holds the purse strings that makes the choices.
Wouldn’t argue with your take Dick. Global Capitalism and Commerce lie behind all. But for that to work, then tame and bought politicians must comply.
The human race is indeed a complex and unpredictable species, that has in its history produced rogue elements, genius and courageous leaders who have been cunts of the highest magnitude.. All is needed is one rebellious cunt, and the project can be fucked. I live in hope Dick
Quite agree with you,ASA. Perhaps such a leader will come to the fore….somehow don’t think he’ll be a Brit.
@Dick. Agree , certainly no one on the horizon to lead this once great nation. I will almost certainly be a European Cunt! Perhaps born in Austria, raised in Germany………
I know you believe that Dick, I just happen to disagree, that’s all.
“The stars are matter, we are matter, but it doesn’t matter.”
(Captain Beefheart)
As for rogue elements…
Tommy Robinson in prison NOW for 13 months, it seems. “Contempt of Court”
The only thing that’s contemptible here is the British legal system
It’s just the law of the jungle, which Man has been struggling to tame or reform from the beginning of time. And human nature. Big business is not a single entity or religion, it’s millions of ambitious people, some exceedingly greedy, some working to cooperate, many at each other’s throats. No more a conspiracy than the will of God. Or Allah, may he be fucked.
We are all compelled to believe in something. It’s the human condition. For me it’s De-Evolution.
Are we not men?
PS: I know nothing. Everything is pointless, and the same age.
“It’s millions of ambitious people”….I happen to believe that it isn’t “millions”,it’s a specific handful who really pull the strings.
We all have our own opinions,eh?
I know you believe that Dick, I just happen to disagree, that’s all.
“The stars are matter, we are matter, but it doesn’t matter.”
(Captain Beefheart)
Sorry for double posting, ended up in the wrong fucking place first time around…
You and I, RTC –
We are Devo….
You understand my potato Komodo.
Orban is leading the way as there are now a few within Europe who are beginning to realize the reality of the situation. Oban has already incurred the wrath of the EU, and punitive actions are planned to curb his Nations attempt to rationalize, and make good a bad situation. The powder is dry……………bring on the flame
I read the papers,watch the news….drugs,perverts,religious maniacs,corrupt politicians,arrogant bankers,unemployable youths etc., and wonder why bother saving it?
Not sure we are bothering anymore. Think we’re entering a period of grief. Waiting for Trump to press the button. Rather that than something long and drawn out.
Agree with the general pessimism too but I don’t see the Khalergeee angle. It gives these cunts at the top way too much credit. Think it’s more to do with short sightedness, greed, and lack of honour in our top ranks. Japan doesn’t have this issue for example – strong social code.
Cheap labour and the type who shit out multiple babies/tax paying cabbages. Add in a dash of mass female hysterical incompetence/virtue signalling here, a dash of hippie thinking there, and there goes the strong social code.
Agree, very well put. Great point re Japan, btw.
Fair enough.BCC, but I would point out that the Kalergi plan involves the nations of Europe,not the far East,so would be unlikely to be a valid comparison. It won’t affect Japan because Japan in never mentioned in it.
Japan was also smart enough to not let in mass immigration and even when they do its like 20 immigrants a year with heavy heavy vetting
Enoch Powell was right but Sir Oswald Mosely was even righter and said it first
Switzerland doesn’t do too badly.
And do you think that Switzerland will remain as the shining beacon, untouched by change,when the rest of Europe has been overrun?
I’d be astonished if it did!
I don’t in any way disagree that Europe is fucked beyond hope, I just don’t believe in the conspiracy angle.
Do you think it’s possible your string pullers live in Switzerland? Could explain why it’s remained a “shining beacon, untouched by change” up to now…
No idea, RTC….but I have my suspicions.
🙂 .
Beware the gnomes of Zurich…?
It does have the advantage of NOT being in the EU.
And, after living there for eight years, I can say the country AND its people have a will of iron.
It will certainly outlast the Berlaymont Berghof…
Cant believe Tony Robinson was arrested and imprisoned… the establishment and its puppets are complete traiterous CUNTS
I wish it was Tony Robinson, the miserable, unfunny, poe-faced cunt, instead of Tommy Robinson!
Arrested for hanging around with boring cunts, digging holes for no particular purpose and pretending to know what the fuck you are talking about…..I presume.
I don’t like Robinison for various reasons but his arrest is orwellian and apparently there is a reporting ban on him too
Talk about Orwellian! Check this out:
“Peacefuls” from secular or former secular “peaceful” states were never an issue coming into this country.
Unfortunately – as a former Commonwealth entity – the former Northwest region of the Indian sub-continent has added zero value to this country in either monetary or “cultural” terms.
We should have disavowed that bunch of cunts as soon as India regained independence and split – basically – on religious standpoint.
Churchill had already called them an evil bunch of cunts for their beliefs and yet in they came along with the decent folk from the rest of the Commonwealth.
Then in the 70’s and 80’s there was a direct shift from secular “peacefulness” to the ignorant Shariah variant.
Iran fell to the Ayatollahs and were only kept in check by the secular Saddam Hussain regime.
The States aided the most militant of Shariah despots – the Mujahideen – as one in the eye to the USSR to make that their “Vietnam”.
It’s these cunts who were the foundation of Al-Qaeda and latterly ISIS. A lot of the old cunts at the head of those evil organisations were former Mujahideen cunts. All so quick to tell young men that dying for their “cause” is great by blowing the fuck out of themselves (and yet here they are in their 60’s and 70’s – if dying is so great, then you first, you evil old cunts)!
Latterly we “helped” rid the world of the secular Muammar Gaddafi in Libya and his replacement has been much better for the world hasn’t it! Especially all those boats leaving there, getting a mile from shore and then being ferried to Italy en-route to blighty – the land of milk and honey, oh, and benefits. Most of these cunts being economic migrants (burdens) from Africunt “peaceful” shitholes like Somalia.
However they are all doctors, scientists and businessmen aren’t they. Well apart from the 40yr old children o’course.
Now our very own 2nd/3rd generation of born’n’breds from the Northwest passage see the tide shift (in numbers) and are becoming more and more “chippy” and becoming more and more daring in their evil deeds (plotting, raping, grooming) because where “peacefulness” was mostly secular on the world stage, now it is mostly militant – and the cunts within are happy to go along with that.
The rest of the “peaceful” cunts who are not active in their militancy are still complicit as they will neither condemn nor identify those who would do us harm.
Now we have the west facing off with Russia as we try to depose another secular “peaceful” leader in Assad, and replace him with what? Why more Shariah cunts! Are we fucking mad!?!
There was hell on with Trump’s “peaceful” ban from entering the States (even thought it wasn’t) but any western country with any sense *should* impose a “peaceful” ban!
Our country is fucked because we have a n-generation indigenous population of the cunts now (and I mean those from the Northwest passage, secular Iranians displaced here due to the Shah being deposed are some of the nicest folk you’ll ever meet, the Northwest passage mob are just lazy idle nasty cunts to a one).
But we don’t help ourselves by appeasing the fuckers at every turn, ignoring their crimes in deference to clamping down on “hate-speech” towards them, and paying for as many kids as the fuckers can shell out like peas! If we capped the benefits machine these cunts abuse at every turn to two kids, maybe they’d be more reticent on breeding like rabbits if they knew they had to foot the bill for the other six!
And finally, we still allow £millions to come in from Saudi Arabia in order to build more Shariah Mosques and hate preaching faith schools. Ah but Saudi Arabia is rich and still has oil, so we’ll let that one slide even if large swathes of English towns and cities now more resemble Islamabad than something from our green and pleasant land.
But hey, that doesn’t affect our cunt politicians does it, or they’re happy to go with it to the detriment of “our own”, so long as they get their votes right (St. Jo of Cox for example).
And now those duplicitous bastards have made it illegal to even question the “peaceful” question.
What a cunt this country has become!
As for Europe, well Merkel should be strung up by her toes Mussolini style for her part in the Death of Europe!
Awesome post. Agree 100%. Any chance your new party will be up and running soon?
Quality post Rebel.
Excellent post
Magnificent post! hear hear sir !
And, sadly, the inbreedind DOES lead to truly psychotic, swivel-eyed, deranged cannon-fodder. There are statistics in Denmark suggesting that 30 per cent of young mental patients are brought into the world by as little as 3 percent of the poulation.
No prizes for guessing which religion is involved (marriage of cousins, granda having a son by his own daughter, uncle doing niece &c.).
I despair at the craven fools who refuse to acknowledge basic maths. They will say “oh they’re only so and so percent” and “it’ll never happen”. Well my truly ephemeral snowflakes, 2+2=4, 4+4=8, 8+8=16 and so on ad infinitum, and that’s simply the way it goes. “Oh it won’t happen, they’ll never let Turkey into the EU”… Let’s revisit that once Islamic parties start getting into West European government, shall we? Even in the soon to be Islamic Republic of Britain, the cogs are in motion to get Jeremy Dustbin elected and mark my words, Sad-Dick Khant would be Deputy PM. Jeremy is no spring-chicken and with the very reasonable odds chance he’d cark it during his tenure, who would then take over – I don’t mean as ‘leader’ of the country, I mean who as in which group of people would TAKE OVER the country. It’s all coming soon to a theatre of despair near you, fortunately I have the means to bugger off elsewhere but bet your last dinari, I will be watching with glee the media showing libtards being dragged out of their hiding-holes to go and covert, pleading “but, but, we were nice to you! we stuck up for you!!”. With disgustingly lip-smacking relish will I be pointing and laughing.
IMO, if Turkey had been admitted to the EU before Erdogan got going, it would have remained, as it was, constitutionally secular and with a dim view of Islamist extremists. Law of unintended consequences.
Have to concur. An uncomfortable truth perhaps.
Komodo, I feel you are right.
Before Erdogdirt got going… The good ole days !!
He has been getting particularly off his trolley the last couple of weeks.
Never argue maths with Diane Abbott because that’s waycist.
I don’t know if any of you have read Douglas Murray’s The Strange Death of Europe. It provides an excellent account of the process of this very decline that we have been seeing in Europe for years. Well worth a read.
Thanks for the reminder – have been meaning to read for yonks!
It’s worth reading definitely. In stages though, or your piss might vaporize from anger.
It’s certainly very draining yeah. Took me a good two or three months to read it.
I made the mistake of reading the first chapters when I visited family in Switzerland. In the time I was there I could count the number of dindunuffins on my left hand and peacefuls on my right. Strong culture, no noise after dark too, and this was in a major city! The contrast between that and the book was infuriating.
It’s well written and I often recommend it. No cunt wants to read it though, much easier to just tut and draw the racist card out of the deck.
Especially if you’re called Abbott, Lammy or Khan!
In Switzerland, I was in Francophone parts, and dindus seemed on the increase, slightly.
Seems to be from the old French colonies. They are rarer in German speaking CH partly, I think, because of fewer historical colonial issues and b0 they find German language too difficult.
Thank Dog German is the majority language in CH; about 70+ percent, IIRC
Was in the Basel area myself. Beautiful place. The distinct lack of tension in the air was surreal. Walking through a busy christmas market not once did I get shoulder barged by some young punk or dindu pretending to be a rooster. No retarded mums blasting through with baby buggies. No obese cunts anywhere, all the old folk looking healthier and more sprite than your average 40 year old here.
No rubbish on the pavements, or dog links. You can even swim in the city river its so clean.
The more I think about it the more I realize what an utter disgrace our cities and culture have become.
But according to TPTB, there are no problems with the multi-culti, new world order, it’s all in the minds of the bigots and the real dark enemy is across the Channel and beyond Europe and it’s in the form of the RU. No, no, no, its not a distraction, its a real, present and existential threat. Look, they poisoned a twee, little old historic English town just recently, what more do you want? Why can’t you see this simple truth. Islam friend, Russia enemy? Perhaps we need to spend more money on supporting disadvantaged ethnic families from all cultures and also tax you more for that and to enable me to build up your armed forces to enable them to vanquish a Christian orthodox nation, (how inappropriate Christianity is and we can not have nations either), which do not share our liberal values of encouraging the fine conservative institution of an Islamic state to thrive and spread throughout the UK.
Anyway if you wont stump up the cash, then we the masters, will have no other choice than, if pushed in a conventional conflict, to first use our nuclear capability against the RU.
Here’s Gavin’s latest speech given to the Royal United Services Institute.
“If we do not have that conventional deterrence, and the ability to deter from conventional forces, then what we’ll find ourselves in, is a place that none of us wish to be in, and having to turn to the greatest deterrence of them all.”
So now thanks to Gavin, our deterence policy has suddenly morphed into a first strike option.
And a nice bit of financial arm twisting too Gavin, given no doubt with your usual insincere, learing smile. Never mind that the RU has thousands of nuclear devices and just a few well placed, would totally destroy us, but no matter, perhaps you see a final victory in ashes. So long as you can still look in the mirror, with self admiration and say, “I’m now a real man, see, I’m not a snivelling little, jumped up salesman nothing, who got sacked for kissy, kissy”, I will continue to live in my new sheltered bubble chamber, so the rest of you expendables, can go fuck yourselves”.
Perhaps a sound cunting of the Gabby Gavin is overdue.
Good read that was. Excellent stuff. Gavin IS a stooopid cunt !
Maybe I’m missing something (wouldn’t be the first time) but wasn’t he arguing for increased spending in order to bolster conventional defence?
Either way he’s a cunt and can fuck off, along with every other politician on this overcrowded, sceptred island paradise. Not.
Demonisation of Russia is a very stupid and dangerous sideshow. I know Vlad isn’t everyone’s cup of tea, but blaming the Salisbury balls-up on him is plain daft.
Can’t believe the KGB could have cocked up a simple assassination plot like that.
No, but Mi5 could. Useless cunts!
“Then, of course, you’ve got the industrial scale rape of young white girls – which goes into the tens of thousands – up and down the country.” ???
Question, Where’s all the fathers, the men folks of all those rape victims?
At the Pub watching TV?
Probably been told they’ll do 40yrs bird if they go anywhere near one of our beloved “peaceful” rapists because that would be the real crime, not the rape itself, wouldn’t it!
Namby pamby libbo guttersnipes.