The British Legal System

The British Legal System

It turns out making a joke is actually an hate crime. If you do make a joke please be certain to ensure it is not edgey in any way. Make your jokes are benal, vapid, inoffensive and not fucking funny in any way whatsoever.

TAKE NOTICE; if you joke about any of the following you will be arrested, fined, potentially jailed and prayed upon by almost every limp wristed liberal retard mogoloid cunt in twitter shot…

Jews; nazis; rape; black people; brown people; wimminz; any religion ever (there is an exemption for jokes about protestant Christians provided they are white and male); eastern Europeans; western Europeans (again exclusion is in place for the only people on the planet that have a sense of humour- Englishmen and our international kin); emos; gays; trans-genders; trans-black people and anything that is mildly offensive to THE MOST EASILY OFFENDED GENERATION IN HISTORY. Which is a moving target by the way. They invent new things to get offended about quicker than a bloomberg terminal receives market data.

Oh year, definitely don’t teach a dog to do hitler shit. That single act of hatred will cost you 800 quid and is guaranteed to lead to a slippery slope that ultimately can only result in the deaths of millions. Scientific fact.

Get fucked.


nominated by, Fuckwit


122 thoughts on “The British Legal System

  1. No, the Israelis have got it all wrong. You let any cunt in, give them a house, benefits, education and healthcare. Then you start importing their extended family, or cunts who claim to be their extended family. As long as they don’t go anywhere near any rich people everything is fine.

    • Which is rather how the state of Israel started, isn’t it? Still, not being Jewish, I don’t have the right to occupy anyone’s land, so I’m probably jealous.

  2. I apologise for going a bit off-topic and lowering the tone, but today has been a piss-superheater. Is it the hot weather that brings out all the cunts ?

    The Markle Family. FFS, stop whingeing, and fuck off. You aren’t even officially related to the Windsors yet. Just think what it’s going to be like when you are fully “locked-in.” Foreign car-crashes, being exiled to the piggery at the bottom of Balmoral’s drive…Mhegane has ZERO understanding of anything. End of.
    Dozy bint Eve Pollard was saying that some royal should go over to Mexico, put an arm round Homer Markle and tell him everything will be ok. Oh FFS…
    This is a job for Phil the Greek, a true colossus amongst goodwill ambassadors. Although I imagine it will be a quick fly-over, a cheery two-fingered wave and “Bombs Away!”

    A quick perusal of The European (“Quality journalism for the retarded 48-Carat CUUUUUNT), reveals Yasmin AliBhaba-Brown wittering on about how the “European Dream” must be saved at all costs…I’d really love to know precisely WHAT this dream is, but intellectually I fear it is on the same level as most 6-year old Cubs and Brownies…Did, dib, dib, Mijnheer Verminhofstadt…We all know you can’t wait to get dibbing, you DEVIANT CUUUUUNT ! And a really, deadly serious farticle on Arse Wanger, by…Alistair Campbellend. Does Wanger have Linekuntish EU bumsucking tendencies ? It’s the only reason I could think of…

    Finally. Oh JC, the HSBC Bank of CUUUUNt ad. Brown hipster twat with cuntish glasses and even cuntier hairdo. “Whether you bank with bank of Mum & Dad, or Dad & Dad, or Mum & Mum”…When you join the Common Market, stick a dildo up yer bum.
    Bank of Deviant & Deviant.

    • The more the disruptive Markels get involved the better, imho. Nice post btw Belinda.

      • Turned the fucking news off tonight when lead story was about some parasite’s wedding.

  3. Also, David Lammy, who allegedly had a friend in Toksvig Towers (a bus driver ??).

    He says that 6 football teams-worth of Bumsrush folk have been illegally deported.
    I admit to having a problem with “football” and “worth”, and an even bigger one with the boot-lipped ubertwat Lammy.

  4. It is so blatant, It is almost embarrassing; MSM’s preoccupation with the Royal wedding and the situation in the Gaza Strip. Bread and circuses.

    I bet May is looking to sneak some key EU/not-so-Brexit agreements through on Saturday whilst the simpletons are furiously waving their miniature union jacks and drooling with simpering faces over the lovely Royal couple.

    This country is certainly for the taking by our political masters, their paymasters in Brussels and our swarthy friends from far away continents.

    Cunts x 10^100000000000000000

  5. According to the youtube video by young master Paul Joseph Watson that I watched this morning, the PC cunts are busily compiling lists of music that can be considered “offensive” in this brave new shitty world.
    First music, then your favourite old films, TV shows, paintings and books will be burnt.
    Then people will burn…

    • I’m guessing genuinely offensive kak like Adele won’t be figuring too highly on their list…

      • Burning Fat Addle could be a real Elf & Safety issue…
        Dense, chiking smoke, rivers of boiling fat, particulate matter all over the shop.

    • Only takes one itchy trigger
      One more widow, one less white (Admin edit.)

      Elvis Costello

      Admin edit. Cuntstable Cuntbubble. Do not take offense. Everyone knows what you mean. That word is on the naughty list. We must sometimes be cautious.

  6. Officially handing in my notice Friday.Have no other job to go to but enough in the bank to sustain my existence for a fair while.After I leave I will do an epic cutting on the entire subject.I was a cynic before I started but this job has taken me to a dark place whereby ones faith is diminished and shattered time and time again.The job is pretty much a cunters guide.All that is wrong in society can be found in this job on a daily basis and the cumulative effect has been well words fail me.I am so glad to be leaving. I have done 8 months and honestly think I would get sectioned if I did another 8.I would love too send the modern uni snowflakes who whinge to do a mere day were I work.I genuinely don’t know how they would react.Probably by having a meltdown in the first 45 minutes or just stood there in shock unable to comprehend their surroundings.

    • Sorry to hear that Shaun but look forward to the cunting epic.

      Fuck ’em!

      • I tell you what it will be a cutting that will go down in Isac history.Think Malcolm Tucker with insomnia and kidney stones on steroids.

    • Good for you Shaun.

      Fuck these cunts. They work on the basis that they ‘own’ you, ie they can treat you like a cunt ‘cus you need the job.

      I suspect it’s not limited to certain sectors of the economy as I hear similar tales from most people I come into contact with.

      In the business I work in there’s a dearth of vacancies yet you’d have thought there was 10 quality candidates for each job.

      Over the past couple of years I’ve been fortunate enough to be able to put a bit of money aside and now find myself in a position where no fucker owns me, well not for the next year or so!

      As my old man used to say ‘big or small, fuck ‘em all’

      Looking forward to reading more?

    • Dear Shaun,

      I wish you all the very best.

      I could even say I’d light a candle and hold hands; I think you get my drift.

      Carry on Cunting !

  7. I will only say what the job was after I leave but is the closest place to he’ll I can think of.

  8. The justice system (an oxymoron in this day and age) isn’t there to protect “the public” it’s there to protect the cunts in power from the public, and to suppress any dissent which doesn’t match their socio-globo-libero ideals.

    The Count Dankula thing was ill-advised at best and borderline at worst. However – as stated above – the premise of his conviction was based on what the judge believed Duckula was “thinking”.

    So judges are now Doris Collins clairvoyant or Obi Wan Jedi masters and can now decide what we are thinking??

    Let’s roll this up: “Yeh, Yeh, Yeh man but I could see him was finkin’ I was a criminal in’it!”

    “I could tell he didn’t like Muslims because you could see he was thinking it!”

    ” ‘ee was starin’ at moi tits and I know ‘ee was finkin about jizzin in my face!” – well guilty as charged there probably.

    But even so the notion that any cunt – Colin Fry or otherwise – can know what anyone else is “thinking” is ludicrous and even the Jewish community – whilst they thought it distasteful – defended his right to post the video.

    But that wasn’t good enough for agenda judge because that judge wanted to make an example of Count Dankula in order to grease the wheels on – you guessed it – hurt “peaceful” feelings.

    The first few cases will be alleged anti-semetic, sexist, or homophobic thoughts but they’re merely greasing the wheels to a total lock down on any opinions on that hateful doctrine of “peacefulness”.

    It is that simple.

    But in all of this I simply don’t understand why? Because – unless you’re a “peaceful” cunt – there’s absolutely nothing in it for anyone else in (a modern) society!?!

    In fact that bastard religion of “peace” (what a fucking joke) should be shunned for the barbaric madness that it is.

    Today’s judges = tomorrow’s beheading fodder. Are they mad??? These so-called superior intellects who look down on us and “judge” us simply have no fucking idea what’s coming. But then again when it does happen, they will be of the few rich cunts to escape to friendlier climes while the rest of us are left to cope with this internalised archaic tyranny.

    Those of us with the spirit to do anything about it will be too fucking old and probably used as practice infidels for “peaceful” kids to kill, leaving the gender aware, social media savvy, snowflakes to deal with it.

    I wonder what the snowflake hash-tag will be for being beheaded?


    And as for the transbenders, well that’s simple…


    We’re fucked! I fear for my kids in this looming Kalifate State aided by crusty auld thought-crime judges who’re probably getting a reach-around off some illegal Brazilian lady-boy, which is perfectly ok, isn’t it!

    Cunts! ?

  9. Anyone remember this?

    And so here we are just 6 years on and would you believe it…

    Genuinely I’m starting to think the only way I can offset any of this shit is to report every fucking lefty libtard ‘comedian’ C4 or Al-BBCeer for offending me.

    That bastard cunt Matt Forde is top of my list, I’d like to put a full shift in on that cunt.

    When I rule the world his new series will be called ‘I asked for a kicking and I got everything I deserved’ with Matt Forde.

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