Knock off Phones and cheapskates.

Newcastle student paid hundreds for iPhone X box filled with CONCRETE in online scam.Omar tried to buy an iPhone X online but only realised he had been the victim of the fraud after handing over £650 for the empty box.”
I’d like to Cunt people who are too greedy to see what would be obvious to most people.

These people who think that they’ve won a lottery that they haven’t even entered,or buy a £1000 phone from some dodgy Cunt on ebay,or respond to an email from Prince BlueGums of Bananaland offering $1 million if they supply their bank account details, etc.
I’m aware that some old people get caught up in these scams,and have a modicum of sympathy for them,but often their family say that they hid the letters so nobody was aware of what was going on…Well if they were sufficiently compos mentis to hide the evidence,they must have also been sufficiently compos mentis to realise that everything possibly wasn’t ticketty-boo.

As for the just plain naive and greedy,well, Fuck them,they get what they deserve.

Nominated by Dick Fiddler

55 thoughts on “Knock off Phones and cheapskates.

  1. Omar shouldn’t even be in this country so he can fuck off back to the sand dunes and stick his phone up his arse while he’s doing it.

      • I thought Omar was a Channel X star – a “man of colour”, hung like a donkey who brought us such greats as “Big Omar’s British Adventures”, “Omar’s Fat Bird Frenzy”, and “Amazing Omar’s Triumphs”

  2. Good cunting Dick. Every Nigerian I ever encountered in IRC’s were either “Princes”, Chieftains, Thugs, Scammers, Scumbags,Liars,Cheats,Theives and so on.
    All reveled in heir ability to cream the weak, the vulnerable and the down right stupid. That of course included our Immigration System. Allowing one of these fuckers compassionate absence for his “Fathers” funeral, the IMO was clearly upset when Bongo did not return. Thick Cunt.

  3. I’ve read about these Omar types Mr Fiddler all of them budding architects or like, in IT.

    Sons of fucking bus drivers!

    • What can an iPhone do ….? that my
      Alcatel £9.00 from Lidl can’t do
      All this iPhone/ samsung shit will be seen as a cult in 200 years time
      Cunts the lot of them …..

    • Well it probably won’t do a ultra high definition, ultra slow motion selfie which will then turn itself into an animated representation of a snowflake unicorn for you to send as an emoji!

      I don’t know how you sleep at night not having that feature!

      I wonder how many of the cunts blew a grand on an iPhone X just to do that? Once?

      They might as well put a grand on roulette and opted for red or black. Flake cunts!

  4. Those sad BBC cunts are at it again… Hiring a lip reader for that royal wedding? I’m not what you’d call any sort of royalist, but even they should have their rights… Isn’t this an absolute disgrace? Somebody should tell BBC News that what people say to each other in private (or when they get married) has fuck all to do with the general public… That said, if someone else tried a similar trick on one of their precious little black friends, their pet peacefuls, or those lovable Grenfellians, the beebscum would be the first to yell ‘Surveillance’ ‘Breach of human rights’ and (wait for it) ‘Racist’…. The BBC really are the cunts of the earth….

    • Of the one instant I saw of the whole bloody thing it was Mike Tindale talking to his wife Zara (nee Philips) and I’m sure he was saying: “Preggers or not you’re still getting the hammer tonight you gorgeous looling thing!”

  5. £1000 is an obnoxious price for a phone anyway. For 50 quid my phone gives me WiFi, 4G and access to the Android store as well as doing pretty much everything I want it to. I can only laugh at these cunts who pay such extortionate prices for their mobiles thinking they’re getting something vastly superior instead of the same basic shit.

    • Oh, it’s one of Vodafone’s Smart Mini phones by the way if anyone’s curious.

  6. Off subject. Just heard that cretin Abbot on Today regarding Grenfell. She claimed that it was evidence of ‘institutional racism’. This wasn’t challenged by Humphreys, as is becoming more regular. So, putting migrants in homes, paying them benefits, giving them more rights than they could ever dream of in their own shitholes is institutionally racist. Welcome to 2018.

    • I’m genuinely wondering if the ol’ Flabbopotomus is going senile. Even for her that’s a laughable statement.

      • I’ve never known the Flabbott as anything but demented, so it’s hard to tell.

      • The problem is that Hackney Hippo is being given more and more airtime to spout her bollocks and, before long, the probability is that even more parts of our multicoloured society will start believing her as what she is saying will just become the norm.

        A friend of mine has just returned from a holiday in the Isle of Wight. He works fucking hard as a groundworker and scraped together £2K to take him and his family for a well-earned break. When he got there the place was full of sand-dwellers and bogos, which isn’t the typical demographic for the IOW.

        After some surreptitious enquiries, he found out that said swarthy holidaymakers had been given free holidays courtesy of our beloved but soft as fucking shite government as they were victims and families of the Grenfell victims. FUCKING HOLIDAYS? HAVE THESE CUNTS IN GOVERNMENT COMPLETELY LOST THE PLOT? Had my house burnt down he cunts would have asked if I was insured then I would be on my own. FUCKING HOLIDAYS?

        CUNTS, CUNTS AND CUNTS! Grenfell – the giant milky fucking tit that just keeps on giving.

      • Let’s not forget that most of them are illegals as well Paul. They should never have been there in the first place.

    • The obvious answer Cuntstable is immediately for tye givernment to stop housing them and cut off all of their benefits.

      This will demonstrate beyond all reasonable doubt the there is no racism.

      Otherwise it will always be a heads I win, tails you lose situation with the racist hippo, who should (by the way) make her fucking mind up as she was one of many pushing for loads of hand outs for the Grenfell “victims”.

  7. Omar deserves what he got. Thick cunt. I always laugh my nuts off when I read about these Shirley Valentine types falling in love with some nuclear physicist that they’ve met on line and live halfway around the world. They always have stacks of money but it’s always tied up and not accessible but if they could borrow 10k they can get the travel arrangements sorted. In the mean time one of their kids has to go into intensive care and needs 50k for life saving operation. This proves what real true love is that she is prepared to trust this hero in the hope of riding off into the midnight sun on his white horse. TRUE LOVE. Fuck off Love more like. Stupid cunts.

    • Spot on. 74 yr old widow grimm, skeletal or bloated , goes on holiday and falls in love with a 22 yr old samboman who says she is absolutely gorgeous (with or without those teeth ) and can’t wait to marry her .! And the daft cunt comes home to arrange the meal tickets!
      Bang on Kendo!

    • They’re the same sort of cunts who take seriously that naive bollocks spouted forth by blick bishop Michael Curried-Bunghole on Saturday.

  8. MM declares she is proud to be a woman and a feminist. FFS.

    Failed second rate actress and divorcee marries non achieving publicly funded ginger knobhead. The couple of the people. Of course, most people are able to soeng £56,000 on an engagement dress, £150,000 on a wedding dress and £50,000 on a wedding cake. And drive away in a £350,000 replica E-Type. And have dodgy “where’s my fucking knighthood” Beckham at the reception.

    Today it is claimed the marriage has resolved the problem of racism in the UK.

    That obnoxious Hirsch woman was on saying that up until now the establishment have been sending out negarive signals in so much that up to now the royal family have been white.

    The grinning cunt otherwise known as Paul Burrell was also on but managed to switch off before he said anything.

    Certain members of the wedding invitees castigated for not looking more interested at the Gospel type section of proceedings. Perhaps thought naively that our own unspoken thoughts were our own fucking business and noone elses.

    The rotal wedding, fucking bollocks from start to the seeming never ending finish.

    • I’m just glad the wedding is over. All this coverage of it has literally made me more physically and mentally tired. All this fuss for a minor royal ffs – at least when William got married the blanket coverage was somewhat understandable with him being a future king and all.

    • Apparently she didn’t look enough like a gorilla to suit some black organisations…

      • Oh god apparently both her and Harry love Trudeau and Obama as well, and are really popular with Groaniad readers. No wonder ol’ Queenie gave the cunts a dirty look.

      • Oooh – don’t forget the fridge magnet and 20% off voucher for the Windsor Castle gift shop! Worth every penny of £1000.00…

  9. I can see concrete iphones taking off as an ironic statement by the hipster tendency. In which case £600 is far too cheap, and I have ordered a bag of cement.

      • Ah. Thank you for the inspiration. My designers have been instructed to conceptualise a mobile swimming pool, forthwith.

  10. The prices that these fuckers demand for the latest phone is ridiculous, especially Apple. Fucking hipster geeks. I remember owning a Nokia brick back in the day. It was shite but it could call and text and I enjoyed playing the retro games like space invaders and snake. That’s all you really need. Now you have to blow either hundreds of pounds on the handset or pay up to 80 quid per month. That’s nearly as much as some fucking car insurance. These new phones might be more advanced but it’s still a load of money. I mean, it doesn’t make your fucking toast in the morning or clean your arse for you after a shite. Load of cobblers.

  11. I see a load of these cunts down the boozer. Head down, glued to their screen, probably texting each other because they can’t be arsed to talk. Anti social cunts. My parents tell me of the times when pubs used to be for socialising and maybe the odd punch up. Actual conversations were had. No fuckers on their phones because they didn’t exist. Now they’re full of hipsters, snowflakes and sell fucking plant food for smelly vagan cunts. What is happening.

  12. I mean, it doesn’t make your fucking toast in the morning or clean your arse for you after a shite.

    One day soon, it surely will. Indeed, via the internet of things, it probably already does. More and more enquiring minds want to know if there is any point at all to existence.

    • It begins with a blessing
      And it ends with a curse,
      Making life easy
      By making it worse.

      (Soft Machine 1968)

      • Early Soft machine was alright might sound a bit dated now but what doesn’t?. Always thought that song “why are we sleeping” was talking bout drug addiction and addiction,attachment to things in general

      • Quadrophenia by the Who never seems dated to me. And the louder the better.

        To coin an Americanism, Fucking Awesome.

        Long live rock.

      • All Soft Machine, up to and including ‘Fourth’, was brill. Became a bit too standard jazz-rock fusion after Robert Wyatt left.

      • Oh Yes, Quadrophenia. Not their best album, Who’s Next is my favourite but Quad knocks spots off Tommy. Love playing the Punk and the Godfather full blast in my car.

    • Mine gets so bloody hot it could do the ironing.

      It’s probably alteady irradiated my gonads

      • Yep agreed Quad was way better concept album then Tommy, if you cunters ever wondereed where Pete got the idea for Tommy try listening to the The Pretty things brilliant S.F. Sorrow sometime….. One can say some heavy plagarism going on at best there is alot of “borrowing” of ideas

        Ruff Tuff Creampuff Kevin Ayers leaving was unfortunate, Robert Wyatt becoming a drunk and having a slip out of a window is what killed the band yeah they became way to jazzy after 3rd. Kinda funny Daevid Allen left the band that he originally co formed and named then started the biggest pothead band in the world with Gong in France lol

  13. Remember a few years back when every council estate kid just HAD to have the new Xbox for Christmas and these things were rarer than rocking horse shit.

    Some dozy 19 year old council estate cunt, eager to please his 4 year old hell spawn bought a photocopy of a picture of an Xbox for £450 off of ebay. Obviously didn’t read the description and went bleating to the daily mail.

    The ‘Sad face’ photos that accompanied the article had me laughing for weeks.

  14. Fuck phones and fuck the silly cunts who pay huge sums for the fuckers, scammed or not.
    We have been warned locally that scammers are phoning people, saying they are the police and there is fraudulent activity on their bank account so will they empty it straight away to a ‘safe’ account set up by the cops.
    How fucking dumb can some cunt be to fall for that? And now I’m stony broke.

    • Also, fuck the endless phone shops, especially around Cidee Rd, CF24, near me. At least the phoney American Hot Dog bar has closed its doors (no pork in the dogs, no “Bud” cos…Chef / Owner is a dirty, goat-fucking, probably related to raping taxi-driver…
      And fuck all those money transfer shops that Umbogos use to send their dodgy dosh back home.

  15. Severely off topic… but I spent so long on the John this morning reading ISAC comments, that my arse dried up before I’d had a chance to wipe it!

    Have also learned this morning that a certain James Shithead O’Brian is now going to become a regular reader of the Grauniad, because he’s recently discovered it’s not as up its own bumhole as he’d previously been led to believe… ffs.

    Superb cunting btw Dick!

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