Evil Rick Thorburn and his family.

Evil Rick Thorburn and his family.

This appears to be a case of strato-cunt. This man and his wife ran some kind of daycare Centre and also adopted a young girl.

When she was 12 years old one of the sons was regularly raping her, then fessed up to the parents only because he was afraid he’d got her pregnant. The parents worried what to do about it when daddy had the brilliant idea of…kill the girl and dump her body in a salt bog. Then the family colludes to keep it quiet. They only got busted a year later after a tipoff.

What sort of moral compass guides these people? This goes beyond the black humor cunting usually seen here, I can’t really think of anything that cunts this strato-cunt and his hyper-cunt spawn than the facts of the case.

However, when they arrive in Hell I do hope they all get hollowed out and used as prophylactics by thorn-cocked demons who continually fuck razor-blade and acid-cunted hags in Hades for the rest of eternity and then some.


Nominated by Three strokes



28 thoughts on “Evil Rick Thorburn and his family.

  1. I don’t know what to say. cunt is rather civil.
    I think that’s all I can say .

  2. Agree with Benny. Cunt is too mild.

    Extradite him to the US where we still have the death penalty. In fact send him to Alabama, Florida, Kentucky, South Carolina, or Virginia where they still have the electric chair.. We’ll fry his evil ass. Sort of a prep for spending eternity in Hell.

    ⚡ ?. ?

    • And ” forget that the sponge was meant to be wet ” – Percy ,Green Mile.

      • Water, particularly salt water, is a good conductor of electricity. Soaking the sponge (placed under the chair’s cap) causes the electricity to move in a more efficient line, thus executing cunts faster.

        Without wetting the sponge, the electricity would disperse over the body meeting with considerable resistance, thus causing the body to cook, and death to be a lot more agonising and satisfying for those who enjoy watching.

        Hope that answers your question General.

      • Goddamnit General! You’ve out-dried me in the wit stakes again! I capitulate.

        Ffs, get with it Creampuff you cunt.

  3. Throw them in a Taiwanese buggery pit and then it’ll be on to the medieval torture methods.

    • Our ancestors were certainly inventive when dishing out justice though usually for stealing a pig or dissing the king. I think for this specimen lingchi or slow slicing would be appropriate, was only banned in China in 1905.

  4. Bury the cunts alive. Amazing how many cunts there are on this planet.

  5. I know nothing of this case.

    Even though (I’m assuming) he’s an Aussie I’m surprised that the AL-BB-CERA weren’t all over this like a rash on a flea-bitten dog.

    I mean he looks like one of the hated middle-aged white man clan and stories like this could offset the “Rotherham issue” that they can barely muster to cover.

    You know like the wall-to-wall coverage of the terrorist Darren “fucking” Osborne we had for a fortnight unlike the misunderstood “peacefuls” blowing fuck out of kids in a concert in Manchester which barely mustered two days coverage – one day of which was “hug a peaceful” in support of the Met and Manchester Met cracking down on secondary (name-calling) offences.

    Maybe they’re not covering Rick Thorburn just in case the honest folk of blighty were to point out their reticence and disparity to cover “peaceful” atrocities – which obviously never happen in the UK.

    Nothing to see here – say the ABBC.

    What it on Fox News instead then I say!

    Oh, but Fox News has now been removed from our UK TV sets now hasn’t it! Hmmm… funny that…?

  6. Holy crack pipes what a vile brood of utter cock scum.

    Having A whole family of degenerate cock smokers is new one for me. How the fuck a whole family can be completely spastic and heartless.

    Poor girl deserved better and was let down , when will they actually check out the fuckers before handing over a child.

    Hope that they are all dragged bare arse over course glass paper for 10miles then cooled off with a vinegar salt bath before being drowned in a drum of Diane Abbott s piss and vaginal excretion s.

    • For less serious offences an appropriate sentence
      could be one of 40 lashes behind the foreskin to be
      administered with a knotted bootlace presoaked before
      use in a saline solution….100 lashes for a second offence,
      & 6 points on their driving licence.
      Maximum penalty…….decapitation of the organ rather than 100 lashes.

  7. Our wonderful society will no doubt proffer an explanation, reason etc. And we no longer have state execution as it is “inhumane”

    All this lib shit should be set aside, the cunt dragged throught the streets before being hung drawn and quartered. CUNT

  8. There are loads of these cunts all over the world, most of whom we never find out about. You will find that they are the children of scum who, themselves were the children of scum and so on. The way to go is to get hold of the scum kids before they start shagging and sterilise the bastards. Of course it’s very unfair, they didn’t ask to be born to scum parents, but that’s life.
    It would also have the advantage of winding up the libtards and making them cry (again). Of course we could always tell them the parents voted leave and that would shut the soft cunts up.

    • In two or three generations from now, future snowflakes will be sat down, breath held and worried looks exchanged.

      “Yes, Tarquin, Granddad really was a white working class heterosexual who identified soley as male, voted for Brexit and….the shame, he read the Daily Mail.”

  9. I doubt if he will be called Tarquin. More likely Mohammed, Abdul, Yusif or, for those who still have a sense of history……..Tony.

    • Or Jeremy god forbid, @ RTC your probably not far off the money with reading, I think I read our countries future are struggling to tell the time on traditional clock faces because of mobiles. Not little primary school cunts either, cunts sitting exams who will be at university soon spunking away 9K a year.

      • I’ve heard they’re updating Big Ben’s outmoded clock face with a millennial friendly LED digital display instead. That’s what all the scaffolding’s up there for, apparently.

  10. The son was named Trent. Only a pure blood cunt would name one of their vermin thus. That alone should have disqualified them from child adoption.

    • Agreed I’ve never met a likeable Trent before they are all obnoxious cunts its like naming your son Liam…. born to be a insufferable cunt at birth

      • I like those geographical names. If I had kids they’d be called Peniston, Bangor and Stoke Poges.

  11. There shouldn’t be countless trials and waste of taxpayer expenses on evil cunts like this, bring back the guillotine ffs

  12. So we are cunting two long enjoyed australian activities at Isacunt.com today barbecue and rape….

  13. If I was in charge of our justice system and you visited this page, you would find this cunt in the dead pool section.

  14. Hate to say this chaps / chapesses or those that identity etc etc pish n wind
    But this sort of thing goes on in every town in uk
    My m8 used to work in a children’s home one said 13 yr old female had been raped by daddy and uncle
    Was then fostered out and guess what????
    Foster Daddy did as well
    Chances of this young lady being balanced and well adjusted and trusting us fucking zero
    Daddy, uncle and foster daddy SHOULD have been utterly utterly destroyed , burnt alive and ashes skattered
    All got less than 8 yrs jail
    Not a black nor Asian etc White middle class – makes you feel ashamed and dirty
    Bring back Capital Punishment
    Question; reoffending rate for capital punishment
    Answer ; ZERO

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