Theresa May (13)

Theresa ‘The Appeaser’ May is deserving of a nomination. It’s emerged that May is planning to say ‘FUCK YOU’ to the 17.4 million patriots who voted to leave the EU by keeping us locked into the Customs Union. This means that we’ll STILL have to obey EU rules and regulations and, more importantly, leave us unable to make our trade deals. As if that wasn’t bad enough, this dipshit move has emboldened those unelected fucks in the EU, and now their demanding that we either accept their terms, or their will be no deal.

I’ve said more than once that as a remainer, May had no intention of delivering the Brexit we voted for, and now she’s given us the biggest proof yet of her intentions. The only other explanation, is that she’s the most inept, incompetent politician in British political history. Either way, if she continues on this course, she will be committing political suicide and dragging the Tories down with her. Worse still, she will guarantee that anti-British cunt, Corbyn, becomes the next resident of 10 Downing Street, which means that the Abbottopotamus becomes Home Secretary, fellow IRA collaborator McDonnell becomes Chancellor, and that drooling, snooty imbecile, Thornberry, becomes Foreign Secretary. In other words, the UK will completely and utterly…fucked!

It can’t be a coincidence that most of those she put in charge of Brexit are fervent remainers. All 39 of her advisors are remainers. Her performance in what she laughingly calls ‘negotiations’ has been so pathetic, it makes me wonder how she could be so incompetent without it being deliberate. Then again, you only have to look at her tenure as Home Secretary to see that she’s completely unsuited to be in any high level government post. When he was Mayor, Boris bought a couple trucks with water cannons, but May vetoed their being used, even though many other EU countries use them. She all but barred the police from using stop and search, and we all know how that’s worked out. What’s the total dead in London so far this year? 60? The police have suffered cuts for the best part of twenty years, but it was May who really cut them to bone.

May the Meek, is about as much a leader as I am an astronaut. The sad thing is, she frequently shows at PMQ’s that she has the potential to be a leader. She regularly skewers Corbyn, as she did last Wednesday, when Corbyn asked if was it the previous Home Secretary, who ordered the destruction of the Windrush documents in 2010. She replied; “No, it was the Home Secretary in 2009 who ordered those documents destroyed”. Corbyn had no comeback to that. So why is she so monumentally incompetent? I mean, when she called the unnecessary general election last year, she threw a lead of more than twenty points in the space of just two weeks, because her manifesto was pathetically shite. As a result, she almost handed Corbyn the keys to Downing Street.

The Tories seem to be starting to realise that if they’re to have any chance of winning the next general election, May has to go. She’s been warned that if she goes ahead with her plan to keep us in the Custom Union, which we specifically voted against, she will face a leadership challenge. The Tories need to do that anyway. It’s a sad indictment of her tenure as leader that the Tories are struggling to get a convincing lead over Labour in the polls. They should be light years ahead of that piece of shit and his band of traitors. The fact they’re not, is proof that May has to go.

Another fucking epic nomination by, Quick Draw McGraw

94 thoughts on “Theresa May (13)

  1. Is that the same Theresa May who has said three times in the last week that we are leaving the customs union?
    Is it the same Theresa May who has said she will ignore the vote to keep us in if it goes the wrong way?

    She might have a lot of faults, God knows she does, but she’s been quite clear on this point.

    Just asking!

  2. “the most inept, incompetent politician in British political history”

    Flabbott? Farron? Clegg? Corbyn? Soubry? Adonis? Shurely the list of those even more inept and incompetent goes on and on. And that’s just the modern ones.

    Heath? Chamberlain? Atlee?
    Should I go on?

  3. Another top cunting QDM, especially the last paragraph regarding May’s ineptitude to crush Compo and his shadow cabinet of fellow cunts including the likes of Thornberry and Flabbott.

    • May’s only “strength” will be sticking onto No. 10 like shit to a blanket.

  4. The handling of Brexit must surely go down as one of if not the biggest fuck ups (or stitch ups) in British history.

    And still the farce goes on and on, with many permutations as to the final outcome still on the cards.

    No one has a fucking clue as to what is happening, however the longer it goes on the more I realise our great leader May has done pretty much everything she can to sabotage the deal the Leavers expected and were promised,

    Labour change their minds as often as a whore changes her drawers. Cunts.

    The House of Lords are just senile undemocratic old fuckers who only care about their status and £300 a day.

    Theresa May is a useless bitch with no spine or respect of democracy.

  5. I’ve never believed there will be a brexit anyway, we are ruled by incompetents at best, traitors at worst and some MP’s appear to be, no ARE, both. May appears to be a nice woman who should have stayed in the kitchen where she could have fucked up recipes in safety. As it is she’s handing Corbyn the country on a plate.

  6. We knew all along that this was a smoke and mirrors fiasco. When you put a bunch of remainers in charge of leaving how could it possibly go any other way ? Those cunts knew from the begining we were staying , it was just a matter of how they would apply it. I will not be voting for any of the cunts any more, no matter what party they belong to. Wev’e been well and truly fucked over.

  7. Nigel Farage keeps his head down lately. As he been promised a big fat pay off or some cushy job along side Taffy Kinnock ?

  8. She has announced today that from now on, every year we will have a Steven Lawrence Memorial Day. What the fuck? Last week, BBC news output was dominated by this fucking windrush non story, and the anniversary of Lawrence getting murdered. Also, they manufactured an outrage by playing a little of the Enoch Powell rivers of blood speech, just so they could bang on endlessly about how much of a racist cunt he was, and how wrong he got it. No agenda there whatsoever….
    I feel sorry for the Lawrence family, for their loss, and the fact that people are using their dead son as a poster boy for the case against white racism in Britain. If, like so many black teenagers in London recently, he had been stabbed by another black kid, nobody would remember his name. But, the fucking BBC love stirring this pot, and I’m fucking sick of it.

    • Perhaps they can take Nelson off that column and replace him with a statue of Saint Stephen giving the Black Power salute? I must admit to my ignorance of when P.C Blakelock’s Memorial Day is…

      • It’s on the same day as every murdered police officer’s memorial day, Dick. The 12th of never.

    • We should have a Kriss Donald memorial day too but I would hazard a guess that the maybot bitch hasn’t a clue who the poor lad was

  9. On this wonderful day whilst we all celebrate the birth of the new royal baby, the Prime Minister has declared that 22nd April will be known forever as Stephen Lawrence day. Will we getting the day off?

    • Name for royal sprog sorted.

      Arise Stephen Lawrence Flicknife Trainers Biscuit-Barrel Windsor !

  10. Maybe – see what I did there? – she’s just paying a blinder by continuing to fuck about until we drop out with no deal? After all,if there’s no deal to vote on then there’s no parliamentary debate and vote on the final deal is there?
    Our maybe she’s just out of her depth?

    • Interesting point of view, and I hope it is the former. A complete drop out would be the preferred outcome, but I think the EU would step in with an extension in the hope that they can continue to milk the cash cow.

  11. New royal sponger all over the news, fucking sickening, the bastards are breeding like rats.
    Can’t add anything to this cunting Quick Draw, spot on.

    • There is a news blackout at my house. I cant watch or listen to the cap wringing, arselicking sycophants who assume the birth of another fucking benefits scrounger matters. We feed, clothe and fund their lives of unimaginable luxury so at least don’t rub it in.

  12. Below is a description of how Switzerland treats it’s EU border.

    ‘Switzerland is a member of the Schengen Area (an area consisting of most countries on the European continent, Norway, Sweden, Finland and Iceland. It does not include the UK or Ireland) and no passport checks are done on people crossing borders within the Schengen area. However, because Switzerland is not a member of the EU, it is not in a Customs Union with its neighbours and the Frontier Guards may ask if travellers have anything to declare. (They are more likely to do this to those driving privately owned Swiss-registered cars). In many cases there is no staff at the border. When there are staff, expect to be waved through in most cases, but if a traveller DOES have something to declare it is wise to do so. There are Customs Forms available, even if the post is not staffed, and a box to drop them in.’

    Doesn’t sound difficult does it? The Swiss have their own trade deals, often better than EU deals, are not in a Customs Union and are very successful as a trading nation. Why the Irish fucking border presents a problem is beyond me. Just another aspect of Project Fear and a stick for the gnomes of Brussels to beat May and co unless they wake up and say fuck EU.

      • Take a look at the Swiss right-wing parties !
        Wish I were back there, politicians I could actually VOTE for.

      • In Switzerland, no freebies, no free houses , no sleeping in the parks, no rioting allowed, no breaches of civility or of the peace. Visitors who piss off the Swiss are moved on….permanently.

      • If we’re not willing to exercise control over our borders, how do we keep illegals and undesirables out?

  13. What a frustrating fucking conundrum this useless embarrassment to womankind is. Apart from delivering a few fine words in set piece speeches, and her often impressive performances at Prime Minister’s Questions, she could not be more of a Queen Midas (in reverse) if she tried – literally everything she touches turns to shit. Everything. The Tories must surely realise this by now. You’d need to have puke for brains not to.

    Right from the get go, from the non triggering of article 50, to Grenfell, to the General Election, to Windrush… if Labour had anything like a competent, credible government in waiting, May would surely have been ousted long ago.

    I get the feeling Remainers are banking on her making such a pigfucker’s ear out of Brexit that she’ll cause us to end up Remaining. And no Leaver has the balls to step up to the plate because they realise 85%+ of both Houses of Parliament and the Establishment /Civil Service are fervently Remain and against them, despite their weasel “we accept the will of the British people…” blather – cunts working day and night to sabotage the country’s chances of negotiating a proper Brexit acceptable to the British people.

    At best, May is just a patsy. Once we’re firmly back in the clutches of the 4th Reich, either by design or incompetence, the Tories will blame everything on May – ditch her quickly – then get back to business as usual. Brexit means Brino means Remain. Cunts.

  14. It’s been almost two years since this bloodless witch somehow found the hot seat and almost as long since she mouthed what she always knew was a fabrication: “Brexit means Brexit.”

    Clearly she had no intention of this and hopefully this will be the straw that breaks the camel’s back after an agonisingly slow last two years.

    Her face says it all: Tired, tepid, sleepless, vampiric eyes gaze out from a grey, gargoyle face which an ever-colourful set of beads always fails to brighten. She knows what she is. A deplorable, lying, dried-up, dithering, hateful, out-of-touch barren lizard clinging to both a tenuous manifesto of lukewarm policies as well as the usual Stone Age desert religion mumbo-jumbo. This failure has earned her place in future History books as the inept cunt who ruined the result.

    • That picture scares me. She looks like a serial killer. You’d think it would be hell to face her across the negotiating table.

      • I think it’d be terrifying sitting anywhere within her proximity. Her dead eyes and melted features would petrify the hardest of hearts. Nevertheless, when she opened her cakehole and started stammering, dithering, stuttering and coughing, you’d realise how weak she was. How cruelly fortuitous for the EU cunts.

    • Spot on, CM. The conniving, lying bitch knows DAMN well what she is doing.

      Enoch Powell spoke of “Rivers of Blood”

      I can see it happening, but not quite because of the reasons he put forward.

      • A bullet settles most arguments. Just saying of course. Metaphorically speaking of course.

    • Brexit does, indeed, mean Brexit. and elephant means elephant but we ain’t getting either of ’em

  15. The question is, why didn’t the Tories kick her useless arse down the road after the disastrous General Election? They can’t let her lead them into another election so they must be keeping her around for a reason.
    How about keeping her fucking about, dithering until just before the election. Then drop her, putting big bad Boris in promising to sort out these Johnny Foreigner chappies, don’t you know. That gives them another five years of project fear and wearing us down. By that time there will be another couple of million immigrant votes. 2nd Referendum, job’s a good ‘un.

  16. Leaning against an open door with this cunting.

    The Cuntstoms Union with the EU means we’ll be locked into all of the shit we wanted rid of including the free movement of people bit.

    I.E. The worst of both worlds Brexit which means we’re removed from the decision table but still forced to eat shit from the 4th Reich.

    Rumour has it that if this “non-binding” vote (which basically means that if the traitors of parliament vote to stay in the Cuntstoms Union – which they will, fucking traitors – it will be binding due to Remoaning from all and sundry clamouring for it) is passed then a vote of no confidence will be issued to the Conservative leader.

    Can’t happen quick enough for me. We need to rid ourselves of this “weak man in strong women’s clothing” leader because Comrade Corbyn is a shoe-in otherwise and Brexit or not we’d be double fucked with that cunt in charge!

    Jacob Rees Mogg would get my vote, he may be a bit plummy but the cunt can debate the rest of the ineffectual gobshites (on both sides of the house) into a cocked hat.

    He’s also the only cunt I’d trust to deliver the Brexit deal we want (and would not be bullied by Jean Claude Cunter, et. al.), is probably the only cunt who would walk away with a “no deal” and would fight tooth and nail to make it work by bolstering and garnering relationships away from the 4th Reich.

    And let’s not forget, those cunts need us far more than we need them. Those famous two words that Appeaser May has not used once: “TRADE DEFICIT!”

    The fact that she hasn’t batted that into the face of Gappy Verhofstadt and the lickspittle Tusk tell you everything you need to know about how “Strong, Stable and Robust” the deal our Appeaser in Chief is going for – about as “Strong, Stable and Robust” as a 10p balsa wood glider!

    She is a disgrace as a leader. How the fuck can you blow a 22pt lead in the polls!?! By opening her fucking mouth, that’s how. All she had to say was fuck all and now every decision has to be agreed, scrutinised and disrupted by the tribal fucktards of Nor’n I’land.

    Actually no, she is a fucking disgrace!

    So Appeaser May please feel free to fuck off! Do not pass go and do not collect any EU gravy on your way out you cunt!

    If Corbyn and his cabal of idiocy gets in the she will have had as much a detrimental effect on this nation as the Devil of the 2nd Dark Age (1997-2010). And how the fuck is that even possible!?!

  17. From across the pond it is clear that this cunt transcends earthly cuntishness and exists in a metaphysical cuntishness that is beyond the boundaries of time and space.

    With that said…as an outside observer I think the Tories need to force a vote of no confidence. They will win that vote. They need to call a General Election. I don’t know who can or will emerge as the next Tory leader. But they need to back Brexit and let the Labour Party continue to oppose them. Take it to the people again.

    Maybe Labour will win…I don’t know…but this is a fight to the death and the Tories need to start treating it as such.


    • With such a narrow majority, and a history of indecision,it would be too great a risk to call an election. Trying to oust her is again equally dangerous. Our only hope, would be if she went for the throat of all the treacherous rats on her benches. Radical surgical excision. The fear of god at losing their place in the public trough. Politicians are all a fucking scummy lot. I favour a strong assassin in the Prime position, a man ( not a fucking woman ) who could deliver an acid bath in an instant with his oratory. That leaves only one. Jacob Rees Mogg!

      • Maybe you good self and some of the seventh could nip across the pond and fuck em all over!

  18. The trouble is General about 70% of Tory MPs don’t want Brexit and will fight it all the way.
    Indeed some of them, cunts like Soubry for example, would prefer Corbyn in power if it meant saving their beloved EU. It’s gone beyond their own personal financial interest now, they just need to prove that they were right and scum like us are wrong.

    • I hate the French. Always have. I don’t like French food, too fussy and stinks of garlic. I don’t like Macron, and I don’t like their politics.

      What I do like, and what I do admire, is their willingness to have revolutions. I admire that when they get pissed off, they take to the streets. I also like their aplomb at lopping off aristo heads, and I like their contemptious attitude to all political decisions.

      In fact, Im beginning to like the French……it’s what we fucking need here, contempt and revolt.!

      • ASA, You have highlighted a few saving graces re the Frogs !

        Lady Squeegee was mouthing off the other day…”the old world order is breaking down”

        Precisely. the skids are under the EU, it risks falling apart sooner or later, and the treasonous Porky McPorkSnouts are shite-scared that the gravy train won’t be taking on any more freeloaders.

      • We have contempt by the bucket-load, it’s held by remainers for anybody who wants their country back.

      • Modern British people need an epic cunting for being timid, lazy, apathetic cunts. For fuck sake, we’ve become a nation in which people care more about Naked Attraction, Geordie Shore, and Strictly Cunt Dancing than they care about national sovereignty and ever-increasing migrant crime rate!

      • And how is it that she’s allowed Macron to become Trump’s newest bestest friend? Why does she let Suckdick Khunt and Bercow get away with poisoning our relationship with the Americans without so much as a squeak of protest?

        Trump was warmly received by the Frogs. Now Macron’s been given the red carpet treatment in return – where the fuck is Mavis and the UK in all this? Fucking nowhere, that’s where. Par for the course. Bet even Corbyn couldn’t get something as basic as this so wrong.

    • As with my comments to Simple above I defer to your judgment Freddie but this is a fucking mess of Biblical proportions.


  19. Looks like another van of peace has just arrived to enrich our Canadian counterparts.

    • Yes. We can all thank that mincing cunt product of Margaret Trudeau, and whomsover sired the twat.

      • Could be any rock star cunt from the 1970s or 80s… The groupie slag had so many cocks, she probably doesn’t even know who the little cunt’s daddy is…

    • Expect Trudeau to “Hug A Peaceful!” in a big show of unity as it is with all PC fearing “Culturally Enriched” western nations.

      Hopefully he’s garnering advice on how to crack down on anti “peaceful” hate-speech following such an atrocity from the well seasoned (in “peaceful” appeasement affairs) Cresida Dick.

      Trudeau will however light a tiny candle for the victims of this attack – who clearly don’t matter – if he can be arsed, at some point. Probably after prayers in a Toronto Mosque tomorrow.

      “Toronto police say the driver of the van is in custody but they gave no details on age, gender or a possible motive.”

      It’s to be sure if the cunt was another Darren “fucking” Osborne or Thomas Mair type they would have been named, address details given and inside leg measurement plastered all over the news for days on end.

      I expect – although I could be wrong – that this cunt will be named near the back of the local advertiser in a few week’s time when it’s out of people’s immediate memory chain.

      O’course I could be just being cynical there I suppose…

      • Just heard an eye witness say the incident was particularly surprising as it took place in a “very peaceful area”…

  20. Apologies for not being online a while.Work has cracked me.Applying to go bank on Wednesday and taking my annual leave.

    • Jeez, what kind of hell is your job putting you through? I swear this crap has been happening to you for a while now!

      I hope things pick up for you.

      • Cheers man.It is a job so unbelievable in its nature I cannot begin to describe.It has lead me as a fully logical and overly sensible man to seriously contemplate suicide daily.It probably isn’t the worst job in the world but is up there.

    • Your email address has expired Shaun. Can you let admin have your new one otherwise the team can’t keep in touch with you?

      • Sure.From which source though?I can post my new email number or social media to you.

      • Use the form on the Contract Us page Shaun and it’ll reach the team. Nobody else will know it that way.

      • “Contract Us” ?? Does ISaC have a Hitman now ? Great idea- Thinning out a few of the top noms on here – do we get to vote on which cunt gets it first ?

  21. Bugger me… Cunt dies after running Londonistan marathon, and his family describe him as “an inspiration.”


  22. But he wasn’t just any cunt. He had been on some cooking program on t’telly. That makes him a sleb these days.

    • Bake off stalwart Nadia will lead a guard of honour, whisks solemnly held aloft followed by a dignified minutes silence.

  23. Of course he was a leader in his field, a man of great intelligence who would do anything for anyone. Just like every dead sleb.

  24. I tell you something my living hell of a job has taught me that supposed do Gooderstone are either thick to the point of mental retardation or that they are wilfully ignorant and secretly sadistic and obsessesd with penny pinching and killing those less fortunate.Either way it is a sick sick situation that is beyond absurdity or comprehension.This job has shown me that the world is unbelievably cruel in its nature and it’s implementation.This is not a partisan rant just a generic point that society is an abject failure by any verifiable measurement.

  25. My current job cracked me to the point of crashing my motorbike due to stress.and made me contemplate suicide daily for weeks.All I can say is never ever take your mental health for granted.No job is worth your life Or/and your mental health.

      • Smoke pot, drink ale and listen to techno fuck life and stress m8 become a moody nihilist like me lol

        Sorry to hear about your crash tho Shaun and don’t commit suicide just think of all the people who want to see you die and fail

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