The Rod Licence

Despite many heavyweight and far more important cuntings of late, this one’s been chafing away at my rusty gusset for some years now, so here goes…

It is illegal to fish in England and Wales, with a rod and line, unless you purchase, each and every year, a “Rod Licence” from the Environment Agency (AKA Sponging Cunts). Now call me cynical but has this anything to do with angling being, still, one of the biggest participation sports in the UK ?

A Rod Licence doesn’t allow you to fish anywhere, mind – Fuck Me NO – you’ll need a permit from the relevant “water” for that, No, just to wave your own fishing rod about in public (the purchase of said rod coming out of your own pocket, of course). One wonders if they’ve nicked this idea from TV Licensing….

Admittedly, part of the booty thereby purloined goes into funding various Water Authority’s bigger venues, but you’ll still have to buy a permit to fish those venues.

Even if you own and run your own fishery, like a mate of mine does here in North Wales – He must still purchase a Rod Licence to fish, legally, for his own fish, on his own land, in his own fucking water. If you do, like him, run your own fishery, unless it’s a water authority fishery, you’ll get fuck all financial assistance from the funds accrued by the Environment Agency’s Rod Licence, just regular visits from EA “Bailiffs” harassing your customers to make sure they have Rod Licences. Oh and they turn up with handcuffs dangling, authority to impound your tackle, your vehicle, etc – I kid you not.

What other “sport” requires that you have a Licence ? Shooting – Yes, I fully understand that – The Police will need to know if you own a shotgun, with which to raid the local Post Office.

But you could do that with an air pistol, a baseball bat, a bread knife… none of which, by law, require a licence.

For the life of me, I can’t imagine a scenario where some cunt is standing at the Post Office counter, fly-rod in hand, demanding “Hand over the money or I’ll cast…”

I didn’t buy a Rod Licence last year – just fucked off up to Sconny Botland, where you don’t need one…

Nominated by Cunt Reviled

Meanwhile in Croatia Bailiffs enforce the rod licence laws.

54 thoughts on “The Rod Licence

  1. Let’s face it, wherever you go, whatever you do these days some fucking cunt is trying to rob your pockets. I am astonished, beyond belief, that medical staff have to pay through the nose to park at the hospitals where they work but, somehow this has become perfectly acceptable. Not to mention fucking councils charging you to park on a public road outside your own cunting house and fining you for putting the wrong kind of rubbish in the wrong coloured bin. Fuck me, do you remember when the bin men used to walk up the garden, carry your bin out, empty it and then put it back in the same place? Nowadays you have to put it out on the street and then spend quarter of an hour searching for the fucker before finding it half way down the fucking street. And then, what do they spend this money on? Importing subsidised cheap labour for the rich, giving it to foreign murdering dictators, propping up the fucking EU and paying MPs golden pension pots. Don’t get me fucking started on the fucking TV licence and how much of is going on EU propaganda and into the fucking pockets of Saint fucking Gary fucking Taxdodger the fucking cunting bastard wanker sack of shit cunt!

    • None of what you said is acceptable but the people who implement these charges or procedures simply don’t care because they know there’s fuck all you can do about it.

    • Yet fucking MP’s get everyfuckingthing paid for through their ‘expenses’ the greedy cunts don’t touch their over inflated wages, they even get a second home fo’fuxake.
      They should be like any other worker, you need to get to work, pay your own bus fare, your job is too far away, fucking move nearer or stay in digs, or get another fucking job you lazy cunt

      • Another bunch of cunts, civil servants my arse. Nothing civil about much and most of their behaviours.

        Cunts need a little “reminding” every now and then that they are paid by us to serve us. Some are too thick however to hear such messages of discontent.

  2. Thanks to Basement Bob for the Limb dumb link at the end of the last thread. They are asking you to tell them you are going to show up for the snowflakes demo against the Tangoman visit.
    I filled in:
    First name……Fuck
    Last name…….Off
    E mail…………
    Then made up a postcode

    Got back the reply….thank you,Fuck

    Did it again with a different name and made up e mail.

    Got the reply….thank you, Fuckoffcable

    As the Lib dumbs say, tell your family and friends!
    They will think thousands of wankers will be turning up called Shithead, Littletimmywanker and Dievincedie.

    • Actually it was me, but whatever.
      I just used Vince Cable,
      Got a very nice “Thank you Vince” message

      Incompetent fuckers can’t even write a web page that verifies an email address. Why would anyone support these idiots?

    • Thanks Freddie,

      I believe that I did in fact post as you stated the link last night. Or am I losing the plot again?

      Maybe it was a fucking dream?

      My intention is to put in Vinces email address but with county names so that they themselves actually email vince but say “thanks Wanker” etc etc.

    • I got asked how many friends I was bringing, maximum 99 for some reason.

      Oh and a message…If you are not “Constantly looking like you can smell shite” please click here.

      It also scrolled my name across as someone who had RSVP’d in a banner at the bottom. Alongside various other Cock Sucker etc etc etc type names 😀

      As Mr Fiddler would say….fuck them!

      Sad to say I read some other shot on their site regarding their campaigns such as banning upskirting.

      Jo Swinson won’t need to worry about this unless the Incels are out, who else could be so hard up?

      Maybe that’s why she’s pushing it?

      Fed up being jealous like them Incel cunts because it’s never happened to her.

      They are a fucking looney party!

    • Freddie, the postcode required for treacherous scumbags is SW1A 0AA

      …and it ain’t Oil – Drum Lane, Acton !!

  3. Sorry PC. Please take the credit. I’m thinking up new names. You have to use a different e mail address for anyone who is interested. The cunts.

  4. Thanks to Admin for posting my nomination of that micrococked ‘incel’ twat in Toronto.

    Does anyone else see the link between these wankers (literally) and the hideous abuse of white, Hindu and Sikh girls in various towns across the country that northern cunters have been ranting about for years? Both ‘incels’ and the delightful people behind this abuse have contempt for women and a massive sense of entitlement in regards to sex. As one ardent swain in Newcastle (I think) said: “Women like you are just for me to fuck and use like trash.” Splendid fellow.

    Our moral superiors at the BBC, Guardian and Putin’s rag are very concerned about this and believe that it’s the ideology of ‘incels’ that we should be tackling.

    These people don’t do irony.

    • I think I may have touched on that very point on your nomination of the incel cunt.

      Cunts thinking they have the right to it because its there. That’s the behaviour you see displayed in shithole countries by the uncivilised cunts.

  5. @Freddie. ….. You’ve touched a nerve with the car parking thing for NHS workers. The wife used to work part time for the NHS and had to pay for a permit. Then when we got loads of snow she was asked to pick up other members of staff as she drIves a land rover but there was no waiving of fees, the cunts. Then to rub more salt into the wound, when she had to finish work due to ill health she was told that she wasn’t entitled to any kind of benefits as she hadn’t paid enough national insurance. After a while she received a letter from the department for work and pensions to attend a fitness for work interview, even though she wasn’t claiming a bean ,she asked me what to do, I said tell them to fuck off and throw the letter in the bin, cunts again. After numerous hospital visits , an operation and paying yet more car parking fees, she is now on the mend.
    We’ve both paid our dues over decades and have been treated like second rate citizens compared to cunts who arrive from bogo bogo land en masses and get everything including the kitchen sink even though they’ve paid fuck all into the pot.
    I fucking hate officialdom and have as little to do with it as possible.
    As for rod licences, I’ve never had one .
    Spent many a happy hour fishing.
    Fuck them.

    • Ditto charging disabled parking, you know why its free dont you?
      The little blue badge is a licence to park like a cunt, yep double yellows mean fuck all and we can park where we like.
      so various organisations offer free parking to stop us doing that, not anymore they don’t so expect some cuntish parking down your way!
      Also whilst we are on the subject, I am in litigation with smart parking UK who oversee the local health center car park, well there cash cows were out of order I offered money to 3 of them, one had a bag over its head and the other two had run out of tickets, so being a canny chap I photographed them.
      when my “fine” (invoice) came through I sent them pictures of their fucked machines, along with the picture of my fucked automatic car and pointed out the fact I have to go to the fucking place because my foot is fucked (get the violin out) and I can’t be expected to do a fucking marathon around a multi storey car park to find a machine that works.
      They have offered me the chance to pay my invoice in instalments or face possible court action.
      I am very keen on the idea of being taken to court by the cunts and having the other fuckers fined on that day reimbursed too.
      Fucking wankers, the Health center runs clinics for amputees and future amputees so why the fuck cant they have the decency to service it properly.
      Rant over (if only temporarily)

    • Cunts. Did you read about those fucking pikeys who had one of their scum relatives in the hospital? They parked 2 caravans in the car park and refused to pay. The coppers were called and do you know what they did? They put a fucking fence around them and let them stay there for 3 days until the patient was released. Then they just drove off without paying a penny. It goes without saying the filth got the treatment for nothing as well as they’ ve never paid a penny to the state.
      Try parking in your local hospital and refusing to pay and see what happens.

      • Read about it at the time. It was a Manchester hospital, I’ve paid a fortune in car parking fees there, but not these cunts, oh no, preferential treatment for them, vermin.

      • See my post below. Plod and officious cunts only go after the cunts who they know will pay and will cough up for fines for fear of being dragged into court – usually not qualifying for legal aid – and so the threat of £1,000’s in legal fees vs £100 fixed penalty fine usually does the trick.

        If it were any other organisation it would be deemed “Collecting Monies through Menaces”, like protection rackets.

        However if you are “Peaceful”, Pikey or eastern blocker with no identifiable income then they’re happy to go to court FoC courtesy of more of the hard working folk’s taxes being pissed away on some legal brief (rubbing their cunt hands) and so they don’t bother.

        What’s the point when they can focus their attention on the soft touch born and bread working folk! Thus avoiding all that paperwork and thus avoiding actually doing some fucking work!


      • Time for civil disobedience by the tax paying public

        I could do with a fucking couple of months in a 5 star hotel with 3 meals a day and watch Jeremy fucking kyle all fucking day without having to buy a fucking tv bastard licence… grrrr… cunts

      • I doubt it after hearing recently of someone being fined for parking during their kids treatment one fine was for the first night the child got rushed in severe condition, then another for the other cap park used despite hospital giving them a permit? Cunts…just what you need when your kids at deaths door.

    • Cuntish ideas like charging staff to park at hospitals and then they expect me to not only feel sorry for the NHS government arm, but also accept a sub standard health service with their excuse of struggling to get doctors & nurses?

      All these doctor / hospital documentary & dramas brainwashing us that shit hospital service riddled with fuck ups is the norm and it’s not just me and you it’s happening to everyone, even on BBC casualty?

      Oh and note none of the patients complain or make a fuss so don’t you dare either!

      I reckon treating staff like cunts by doing things like charging them to park is a big factor in getting staff. The amount some staff pay is fucking obscene and there is no excuse for it, especially when ridiculous costs are spent administering the parking charge / fines system.

      I wonder if all them private hospitals you hear about charge their staff for parking or so they feel sorry for them as the NHS has already robbed them earlier that day at peasant hospital land?

      Maybe a rule on you either work for public hospital or private and not both might get those waiting lists down too. I recently went under the knife and its been a merry go round for years.

      Maybe if my surgeon didn’t only operate on a fucking Friday (one day a week) I wouldn’t have waited years for what seems has been a rush botched job. Maybe if he didn’t work at the private hospital everynight, the cunt might have been able to come and see me post op and not five months later in an office? I wonder if the private cunts pay him for sitting around chatting for four days and donning the scalpel for only one?

      The NHS should be paying these cunts piece work, a fee per patient. That would get the lists down and people seen quicker instead of ruining cunts lifes.

      Rant over…have I just got carried away and wrote a warranted cunning for our beloved NHS?

    • DWP pay out like a fucked fruit machine the minute a peaceful name is used or “the appropriate” ethnicity religion box is ticked. Dregs left for whitey to fight for.

      Cunts owe me about 40 weeks while waiting decision….again!

  6. If you go fishing in a bedsheet and keep on say “Ali’s Snackbar” repeatedly, or bang on a thick eastern European accent the bailiffs will simply walk on by.

    It’s the same logic the police use, i.e., the “aversion to paperwork” or “being called a waycist” principle.

    • click on the little blue link at the bottom of the post to see eastern european bailiffs.

  7. He’s on the telly again…

    As usual I get up, switch the TV on, surf through the news channels, get to ITV’s GMB (hardly news I know) and there he is again, the whingeing pansy that is Owen Jones.
    Banging on about Trump and his anti Muslim views, while promoting his love of the trans gay lesbos.
    Doesn’t this cunt understand that the muzzies will have him in their sights, for two and half twists with tuck, off a ten storey car park.
    Why is this prick given so much air time..?

    • Let’s just hope footage of the obnoxious twat finds its way onto Al-Jeera, and the Jihadis will hopefully send him an exploding dildo.

  8. Off topic but:-
    Why is it that we can have state visits from despots and murderers with not a peep from the professional free speech suppressors but a visit from the elected president of an ally is greeted with outrage? The Donald may be a cunt but he is the elected cunt of a democratic country.

    • Yeah it’s further derailment of Brexit.

      I know, let’s make our closest ally, leader of the free world and president of one of the largest economies (who – post Brexit – we’re expecting to trade with) feel like a pariah and made to feel totally unwelcome!

      Hah! See you Brexit cunts, us Remoaners have queered that pitch too ha ha! Aren’t we clever!

      Utter cunts!

      I was always taught that you respect the office (or rank) irrespective of what you think of the person. He should be given full state visit status and with all of the pomp and circumstance that that entails.

      I don’t give a fuck what libtards think.

      I don’t give a fuck what the “Culturally Enriched” cunts think (especially Abbott, Lammy and Chakarobati).

      And I especially don’t give a fuck what the “Peaceful” leprechaun of Londonistan thinks!

      It is the right and decent thing to do. I could understand the reticence if we were at war with the cunts but we’re not! On the world stage they are our closest ally and friends.

      It’s to be sure if it was some cunt diplomat from a terrorist incubator country like one of the ‘Stans’ or some despot Africunt leader the red carpet would reach from Heathrow all the way to Buckingham Palace!

      This country is a fucking disgrace! Run by morons and overpopulated with imported or libtard fringe cunts who now seem to have all of the say!

      Where is my Common Sense Party for fuck’s sake! ???

      • I think I’ve posted it last night but that cunt Lammy has incited trouble on his twitter regarding the POTUS visit. Trump may be new to politics but he could teach that cunt a thing or two despite the time he’s leeched onto politics.

        Lammy, go wank over your Grefellian art pictures you useless lump of fucking lard.

  9. You have to pay twice to fish anywhere but the sea now. Fines for non compliance are fucking out of all proportion to the offence – GBH carries a lower tariff. And as a point of interest, the signs at our local village pond are now in Polish, due to the fact that they seem to eat fish that tastes of mud. Fuck knows why.

    • If you want lower fines then maybe you should convert to “Peacefulness” and take up hobbies like blowing the fuck out of people, driving over people or beheading people.

      You’ll feel hard done to if you walk away with anything more than a slapped wrist!

  10. Not exactly on point, the only thing I have to say about fishing is that I don’t like animal cruelty, and those who believe that being impaled through the mouth by a sharp object isn’t painful for a fish are kidding themselves.
    I know a lot of people get enjoyment from this activity. Just my opinion.

    • I used to rough shoot for food, I can understand fishing to eat, I can’t understand it as a sport (likewise darts, snooker, pool and bowling) to me its a bit like giving a rabbit cpr and first aid after I have just shot it.
      (I always ate what I shot except when I was in the Army)
      This is my opinion.

  11. Off topic

    By chance this morning happened to catch the end of a Radio 5 conversation between Nicky Campbell and a female Peaceful.

    The subject matter was regarding Donald Trumps working visit to the UK in July.

    Needless to say, said Peaceful is deeply offended Trump will be coming to these shores despite him having legitimate business interests here and being democratically elected by the US electorate, a country which is a key ally to the UK.

    The reasons being she said was for his outspoken views on Islamic terrorists, Muslims, and his view on women (grabbing them by the pussy). She said she would demonstrate against his visit if the chance presented itself.

    When asked if she would demonstrate if Kim Jong-in came to the UK, oddly she said not.

    This was after Nicky Campbell had explained to her that North Korea is a dictatorship, that many people disappear without explanation or starve to death, that KJU has pleasure squads of underage school girls to give him sex, that he has death camps, and has been directly responsible for the deaths of his immediate family (including his brother).

    This made absolutely no fucking difference and she stood by her viewpoint. Clearly this demonstrates that in her mind that freedom of speech and speaking ones mind is highly unacceptable (especially when directed at Peacefuls and females), and should be suppressed at all costs however cold blooded murder is far more acceptable

    Warped logic whichever way you cut it, and I suspect typical of this sort of person.

    I have perhaps a daft question. Why do those less tolerant who seemingly despise Western values, Western culture, Western religion, Western infidels and the Western way of life come here (predominantly a Christian country) in the first place?

    If they seemingly hate everything so much perhaps they should do us all a favour and fuck off back to where they came from.

    • They come here because they can make the rules and our authorities will roll over for a peaceful tummy rub. You try having pissed-up sex on a beach in Dubai, plod will come along, give you a good kicking and chuck you into a smelly hole with 30 other cunts, then some medieval judge will insist you remain in said hole for 20 years or until a substantial bribe has been paid. In other words, the authorities are protecting their own country etc whilst ours protect (and seemingly pay for) every fucking country on earth except the one they supposedly run.

      • RTC, I manage 1:30 of that clip and my piss is fookin boiling!

        Where’s a SIXT hire van when you need to really drive smug?

      • Hope you watched it all Bob – required viewing for anyone in any doubt as to what we’re up against in this country and what the libtards are happy to condone.

      • Proof, if any were needed, that slimes are chronically inbred, genetically defective, with an IQ lower than the night-time temperature in the desert, and ripe for total extermination, like the vermin they are.

        Saw this vid once before, TRULY horrific.

    • Riddle me this, where were all these cunts, so-called upholders of human rights when leaders of China, Kuwait, UAE, Turkey and Qatar to name a few, visited the UK?

    • I used to live abroad, I didn’t go there for a better life, far from it the locals were legging it out as fast as they could due to a polite disagreement (civil war)
      Any way after a rather successful career in legitimised murder (state sanctioned) I decided to stay, to cut the long to the short after my retirement and a taste of civilian life I disagreed with my former employer!
      Any way they told me to jolly well fuck off! (actually shut the fuck up or you are going for a walk in the woods), so I just can not understand as to why this country has such an accommodating culture, understandably being a christian Country we have a habit of turning the other cheek, but this new habit of spreading both of them and getting fucked is a trife bothersome.

  12. It’s going to be a long hot summer of immense Big Don hating and virtue signalling isn’t it? It will become a competitive sport which will test even Lily Mong’s abilities to be the most offended… When Big Don arrives in Blighty it’s possible that El Mong will throw an eppy so huge that it will register on the Richter Scale… On the plus side, it should be a good chance for a bit of snowflake slapping… If tweets and suchlike shite upset them greatly, God knows what a clout will do… Here’s hoping that we (and those cunts) find out….I still think he cocked up with those Ivan baiting tweets, but it’s still Viva Big Don and fuck the snowflake libfuck fannies to hades…

    • Now THERE’S something that should be an olympic sport! I hate sport but I would watch that.

    • The Donald should just tell his driver to plough on through them in his armour plated, bomb proof Cadillac, Secret Service could mop up any cunt waffle.

  13. Never heard of this rip off rod licence fee but it sounds like a proper cunts tax. Do our EU visitor friends pay this fee when over here too? I bet they fucking don’t, just like the cunts in the trawlers & dredger type boats that scrape every trace of life from our sea beds. EU cunts!

    When did they start charging a man for the privlege of feeding his family off the land? Did Fred Flintstone pay rod tax to fish for him & Wilma?

    What is considered a rod? Any old branch from a tree or bush?

    What about fishing with just the line & hook or does it cover the line too?

    I’m honestly proper disgusted on this one, unknown to me as I don’t fish or know anyone who does. I’m more disgusted by your point of how actively it’s policed to catch cunts without this licence when peacefuls are out molesting young White girls every day.

    What a fuck up this country is.

    • Been going for years, Basement – It’s actually very slightly better than in the 80s – then, each water authority had it’s own rod licence, North West Water, Severn & Trent, Welsh Water, etc so you’d have to cough up a short term licence fee if you travelled about. Not sure what constitutes a rod, but the coarse fishing boys have to buy an additional licence if they have more than 2 rods set up…

      • That’s a cunt and unfair!

        If you had two rods set up and they both get a fish, can you wind the things both up at the same time and end up with both fishes?

        Can you work two rods at once I mean?

  14. To say nothing of the fear induced by a pike plug whistling through the air adjacent to, eg, an ear.

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