The London Marathon

Yes, it’s marathon day. Cunts in costumes running 26 miles on the road to nowhere.

Thousands of the cunts. Endless tedious BBC coverage with cunts spouting bollocks. The Beckham’s spawn has run it. Paula Radcliffe has won it. Prince Harry says it’s wonderful so it must be a cuntfest.

And it’s all in the name of charity – or money for feckless cunts and scroungers. The odd worthy cause maybe but mainly people doing it to make themselves look good.

Marathon? Cuntathon more like.

Apparently it’s going to be scorchio. Hope the cunts boil.

Nominated by Pedantic Cunt

83 thoughts on “The London Marathon

  1. A load of attention seeking wankers who have to be treated for neck injuries from constantly looking around for the cameras. Silly cunts dressed up as chickens, all for charidee of course. BBC wankers churning out the same old cliches and fawning over two bob slebs ( apparently Katie Price is participating, probably end up in a pub car park with her shorts round her ankles)
    And won by some skinny African cunt nobody has ever heard of.
    A pile of shit but the highlight of the BBC’s sports coverage for the year.

  2. If its going to be a scorcher they better guard the bottled water better than the other year when members of the ‘comoonitee’ swooped like flies on little M’tebeh waiting at a UN food drop.

  3. A mate of mine told me they used to hand out random bottles of water some had been spiked with vodka. Just what you need when approaching the 20 mile marker.

    • That wouldn’t be the Russians would it? Hopefully they’ll spike ’em with something a little stronger this year…

  4. Someone will definitely cark it today….. People running for charities no one has ever heard of or for very questionable ones.

    In my younger days it meant no South London shag the night before as you would not be able to get home in the morning.


    • Well predicted Krav – you were only a day out – one of the cunts croaked this morning.

  5. Just turned over to ITV to avoid the BBC cuntathon shite and guess what????

    Yes, they’re covering the Southampton cuntathon because it’s local init? A choice of killing yourself pointlessly over 26 miles, 13 miles or 10 km. Presumably the latter being to appease the snowflake remainer cunts with something that sounds Euro friendly.

    How more cuntathons out there I wonder???

    • You sound like me Pedantic Cunt.I hate any group sport starting with football . But what baffles me most is cunts that are into Golf, indoor bowls and Cricket. Fuck me talk about watching paint dry. If anything as simplistic as that stimulates you then you must never get depressed. A sort of comfortably numb mentality . Whenever i speak to dullards that are into these sports they usually have fuck all to talk about other than Gollf or some other equally boring pastime, total simpletons. sometimes i wish i could be so easily stimulated. Sorry if i have upset any Cunters that are into these pass times .

      • I sometimes tune in to see how The Empire Cunts Back is faring on the snooker table…

  6. My community have a themed, fancy dress half marathon, every year.
    Last years theme was 1960’s pop stars. Bizarrely, more than half of the participants came dressed as Hank Marvin, which somewhat overshadowed the event….

    • Excellent Sir. A genuine laugh moment. That’s made my poo time a great start to the day.
      Just a thought. I might organise a charidee event for the famine in Africa and insist everyone dresses as Hank Marvin to that as well .

  7. I’ve never run a marathon,for charity or otherwise,but then again,I’ve never cost the NHS thousands for hip-replacements,tendonitis,shin-splints etc. Most of the Cunts are just doing it for a bit of self-importance…oh,look at me,aren’t I worthy. We had one particular Cunt up here who used to run with a fridge strapped to his back, I remember him being interviewed saying, “I’m just an ordinary man doing extraordinary things”..Fucks Sake,talk about loving yourself. The idiot obviously thought of himself as some kind of white-goods based Superman, I just wished that the interviewer would ask him if he ever got scorch marks from the sun that he believed shone from his arse…Anyhow,happily I can report that he is now apparently suffering from all kinds of injuries caused by his relentless self-promotion. Hopefully they’ll bury the wanker in his fridge,I’m sure that’s what he’d want.

    • Every year, that fucking atrocity called the Great North Run Fucks up the road system to the fucking point of madness. ( My Madness )
      Stuck in your fucking car and being passed by chickens dragons and all assorted lunacies really makes my piss boil! And the charities ? A right load of wank. BTW, the charity commision state on their web page that some 6000 new charities were registered last year alone. It is one of Britains biggest industries. You work your bollocks off to give your cash to some fucking darkie cause. Bollocks to that !

      • If any of it reaches the Skinnies after the charity managers had been paid their vast salaries…

  8. Mohamed Farrah will be there? I’m sick of that Somalian cunt doing the ‘Mobot’… What the fuck is that all Abaaaaaht. He is the left favourite poster boy ain’t he. The cunt.

    • He ran half the course for £250,000 in 2013 and £500,000 in 2014 for the full race, not sure what or if he is getting paid this year – a good bet he is.

      • Cmon now Mr Bastard, he has a home in America to pay for and no doubt a couple of home here as well. Maybe Nike aren’t paying him the multi millions they were. He’ll no doubt have another 7 kids soon as well.

      • That’s appalling! Why don’t they just blow the cunt out and give half a million quid to charity?
        Someone has a seriously distorted sense of values.

  9. Dunno if it was the London Marathon but I remember seeing some idiot participating wearing one of those solid metal deep sea diving outfits that probably weigh more than the cunt wearing it. Took the cunt about four days to complete the marathon… What a selfish cunt.

  10. A neighbour ran it a couple of years ago. For charideee of course. Expected every fucker to sponsor him, the cunt.

  11. Great British Bake Off star Nadiya Hussain brands Theresa May a ‘monster and a threat’ over decision to bomb Syria

    Read more:

    Well,that’s that sorted. Nadia has spoken….shame the bitch didn’t say it in time to get it into yesterdays’s “celeb” post….she probably deliberately held back until she thought that we’d moved on…fucking devious Cunt.

    • No matter where most of these cunts live they are peaceful first, way before any allegiance to the country that raised the cunts. They refer to their brothers and sisters abroad and they are mostly not interested in integrating and trying to fit in. In most cases totally incompatible with western culture.

      • Damned right B&WC. And in keeping with this morning’s cunting, I must say that I’m very suprised that there hasn’t been a truck of peace barreling its way through closely-knit runners and spectators alike. Not that I’d want that to happen of course, good heavens no. I’m merely suprised that it hasn’t. It would seem like an ideal opportunity for the peaceful vermin.

      • There’ll be too many vibrant members of da comoonitee,armed with machetes,hanging about looking to mug any stragglers, for the average peaceful suicide candidate to risk his health. He wants to be taken alive to live out his days in comfort in a taxpayer-funded cell,not diced and sliced by a gang of disrespected trainee teachers,rap-stars,youth workers and community leaders.

    • Funny how the lovely Nadia did so much better out of the deal than any of the other bake off winners. Nothing to do with her wearing a headscarf I’m sure.

    • Did she make clear what she objected to most..presumably less the fact that the west were bombing but more the fact that we weren’t bombing enough, and eminently failing in our duty to act as air strike capability for Jai’sh Al Isla,… what better way to celebrate the raf ‘s centenary than by acting as top cover for a fucking psychotic death cult… or falling in a skip on a night out. Move along Please…Makes You Proud, etc etc…

  12. The ones that do my nut in are the cunts “running for chariddee”.

    Every one of the cunts will be off work tomorrow and/or Tuesday to recover.

    They’ll raise £100 quid for some virtue-signalling bollocks to make themselves look good to others but point out if they went to work instead and donated their day’s wages they’d make 3 times as much then you’re the cunt for pointing it out.

    The fact it’s on all bastard day on the telly takes the piss too. Last thing I want on a Sunday is watching the US resident, Quorndon eating, “peaceful” cunt bobbing his head up and down for two bastard hours – and getting a £1mil appearance fee for it – before fucking back off to the states to dodge paying any tax on it! The cunt!

    On the 9am news they should it’s started, and on the 5pm news say it’s finished. That’s all we need. Bunch of cunt!

  13. Eeeuurrgghh…it like a hot, mobile Question Time, at least in terms of irritating the piss out of a cunter. How many darkies, spaccos and “good causes” can the Beeb shoehorn in the programme before the start of the race. I’m watching it for a few minutes before I go out (currently 9:50) and they’re just interviewing fireman who are running for the “victims” of sponging, darkie Jenga-inferno Grenfell. I’d gladly give to a worthy cause as long as that cause was torching the towers adjacent to Grenfell.

    • Shhhh! Have you not heard, Windrush is the new Grenfell mate.

      You need to keep up with the times you unfeeling cunt!


      • Shhhh!

        That has nothing to do with it, honest guv.

        And all of the solicitors and barristers sharpening their collective knives – in order to further pillage the public purse – is purely coincidental, honest guv.

        The only good thing will be if this latest legal “cash cow” dries up the Grief-fell spongers fund.

        One can hope.

        They get the Windrush (or “Windfall” as I like to call it) while the rest of us get the bum-rush, especially if we’re lacking in the “Cultural Enrichment” stakes.


      • Ironic that the ~eroic bell-enders of Trumpton appear to have put more money into raising money for the Grenfell enrichment project.than they did on the actual night… despite this being their “Day Of Days”, they achieved fuck all.. They couldnt contain the fire, they failed to send high lplatforms,( a mistake anyone could make when dealing with a fire in a block of flats.. ) and they failed to evacuate, having bizarrely confirmed to the residents the “stay put” plan is still in play. But strangely, found they couldnt deliver. Maybe should have thought it through. Never mind though, lets all have a ggod cry in public and meet Adele and all’s well… The most laughable thing is that the legal sharks will pull the LFRS apart over this, so maybe the crying turds could have saved their energy for the 2019 calendar photo shoot…. Waaaannnnnkers…

    • Agree Thomas, Stuff the cunts back in Grenfell and torch it again . Douse David Lammy in Turps and use him as tinder , the cunts oily fat could keep it burning for a week.

  14. I am fucking gobsmacked…

    Tom Daley and husband Dustin Lance Black look totally smitten as they celebrate their baby shower

    Read more:

    Two publicity mad arse-reamers throwing some American-style party to celebrate the fact that they are “having”(the mind boggles) a baby boy.

      • Hells bells, baby showers under normal circumstances are for attention seeking cunts, foisting the ‘celebration’ of their forthcoming puking, wailing shitting machine on cunts who don’t care, never mind these two.

    • Any baby boy adopted and bought up by botty-mad homos should be allowed to have a nice, strong lock on his bedroom door. Now, I’m not saying that benders such as these would *necessarily* bum their charges when the need overtook them, but still…same with scout leaders, ficking weirdos to a man. We all love our children, of course, and have a moderate giving-of-a-shit about our nieces and nephews or the children of close friends. But why on earth would you want to give up your free time for a bunch of kids to whom you have no actual connection? Because you want to bum, that’s why. It’s certainly no coincidence that Thomas Watt Hamilton (Dunblane massacre perpetrator) was a scout master. Doubtless that wasn’t the first time he discarged his weapon into a young boy.

      • Bear Grylls is Chief Scout. It all becomes clear now..The Gays apparently use “Bear” as a code word for a hairy fruity-man,so they really are just being brazen when they selected the best known “Bear” in the land as their leader….. I bet he’s no stranger to a bit of woggle stretching.

      • Afternoon, Mr F. Yes, ho ho “Bear” indeed. And he is of course quite partial to drinking wee wees on the survival thingy, something the gay is fond of, I’d imagine. It’s supposedly his own but who knows what goes on off camera? I’ll bet he drinks piss waaaaay before the water runs out (or tips the water away so he’s got an excuse). Incidentally, here’s a terribly amusing clip of ghastly wimminz failing pathetically at doing anything productive at all on ‘The Island’:

      • I don’t have kid’s, unfortunately friends and family have reproduced making me an uncle, god father, and step father.
        step kids are great I ignore them and leave it to their naturals to sort it out, My nephews are little cunts (one launched a fire engine at me once) and God children normally piss off and leave me alone after I have made them cry for the second time.
        (squirt water bottle at their crotch and loudly announce that they have pissed themselves and they soon fuck off)
        Fucking horrible little things.

    • Call me so non PC, but IMHO a child needs a male and female role model for a balanced upbringing so I have to say I wouldn’t allow same sex couples to adopt

      • Erm I think it’s safe to say that everyone on this site in well ad truly non-PC……..

      • Quite right PMS, woofters, arse bandits and shitshovellers should never be allowed to marry under any circumstances, and should all be forced to undertake “re-education” to cure the little cunts.
        As for having babies…..a really good stiff turd is all I would allow.

  15. Great cunting this one.

    Another Fucking Al-BBCeer’s annual cuntfest. I like the ‘hot mobile QT’ analogy TtCE

    It’s bloody sexist though as those wimminz times are behind the men’s and that’s just wrong.

    Nice to see some positive discrimination though, as me late Dad would say, them Darkies can’t half run.

    • Especially if they’ve got an ‘Enry in their arse pocket and there’s a blue light behind them!

      Sorry couldn’t resist. ?

      Besides, since “Stop and Search” was redacted (as it was offensive to “Cultural Enrichment”) they wouldn’t get pulled anyway, so no need to chuck the knife, in’it.


      • The polis would be required to return the blade to said non-racially defined individual with health and safety advice not to cut his/her/it self…

  16. Even when I was at my fittest, I never felt any need to run a marathon, London or otherwise. Run 26 miles? That’s what cars were fucking invented for.

    • Exactly, I believe we need to maintain a certain level of fitness but running 26 miles… Madness. I believe a lot of these fitness freaks are in worse health than some 20 a day alchy cunt.

      • I’m a marathon runner and a chain smoker. Nothing makes me happier than to finish in a respectable time (3hours for the full and 1.30 ish for the half) then crack open my back pack and get a good lungful of Mr Regals full strength lung blaster. I particularly like to see the people behind me when I light up. On a side note, every cunt who dresses up in a race is a attention seeking twat and should have flames upon their person.

      • @Thorax Cockslammer, Very impressive. If you didn’t smoke you could probably run to Scotland and back. I’m fucked after a kilometre in the gym (although I do increase the incline).

      • fuck, quit smoking Regals last year after 55 years of smoking. Im now attending clinics as I became ill…..I should never have quit. !

      • Same as that cockhead that paddled a canoe from Tasmania to ( almost) NZ. Sure you could do it but they invented boats so you can get a bit of rest and shelter in order to arrive alive. As he was setting out the eejit was blubbering about how he’d likely never see his little boy again. At least the stupid cunt got that bit right.

  17. Top cunting here PDC.

    As fellows Cunters well know, I hate an despise the fuckin BBC and nothing boils my piss and grips my shit more than the utter wankathon they broadcast every year in the name of sport. It’s masking their abuse of the licence fee and convieniently hides the fact they actually show no live sport at all. Apart from minority bollocks that SLY or Bt couldn’t give a flying fuck about.

    Anyway back to the marathon or should that be snickers? Cunts dressed as daffodils, deep sea divers or worse running 26 miles for charadeeee… Well they can fuck off, right off. It’s not sport it’s just cuntardes wanting their 10mins of seleb fame on the idiot lantern ‘look at me everybody’ I’m so right on!,

    As for the elite race, well it will be a sand person or jungle dweller coming in first, as usual all the long distances they run after the food parcel drops has some benefit. More reason for the Beeb to ram diversiitee down our throats.

    I just hope the Somalian living in the US doesn’t win, the Beeb will be wanking themselves silly till the next sports personality show. Cunts the lot of them.

  18. Correct me if I`m wrong, but I believe there is a spare slot for another `commentator` of this cuntathlon. All you need do is fill your mouth with marbles and you`ll instantly become Brendon Foster. This also has the advantage of people not being able to understand a word of the diarrhoea you`re squirting.
    PS — It worked for Brando as well.

  19. At least Sir “peaceful” didn’t win it – can you imagine ego run if he had.

    No doubt with 3rd place he’s already on a plane back to his Kalifate in the US (£1m in the arse pocket – no tax for scumbag Britain out of it though, eh).

    Fucking “Do you know who I am!?!” chippy ingrate!

    • Apparently he only lost because of some snowflakes at the water station wanting selfies with him……/ Yeh…….that’s right

      • Just heard he’d blamed it on the British weather – too hot, poor little Quornflake…

      • He only has himself to blame… he appeared to be wearing some kind of long sleeved wank sock arrangement… never a wise move ….

  20. Well the marathon is over for this year. The BBC have jizzed their soda sticks and are packing up before they go to the next wanking event.

    Sir Mo the Mighty will be leaving this evening to fly home to motherland number 3, where he will no doubt write a book about himself.

    As for the stupid fuckers who collapsed,….I hope their near death experience has shown them what tossers they really are, and for those who remain hospitalized….I hope you fucking cark..!

    • Tragic that the stout hearted Englishman Sir Mo of Quornburgh lost his bottle… presumably he’s at heathrow now demanding a free upgrade and giving the staff the “Is it cos I is black…” experience. Already missing him him off the quorn ads. He seems to have been replaced by some ginger kid who doubtless smells of piss….

  21. This is a desperately inclusive bout of mass self-flagellation.Indeed it would be more authentic (and entertaining) if the participants scourged themselves as they ran. What hideous crimes are they expiating?

    • Being wankers? In the case of the fire brigade being thick jobsworth Cunts… who can tell???

  22. Being a pedantic cunt I have to pick the BBC up on this nonsense.

    Just watched the sports report on the breakfast programme. They interviewed Mo Farrah who finished third and announced that he broke the course record.

    No he didn’t because the bloke who came first had just set a new one. Thick cunts.

    • Spot on.But announcing that amazingly three people broke the course record doesn’t bum Mo up enough does it now? So stop being so silly,and just enjoy the adoration this Greatest of British athletes deserves.

  23. Cunts who died doing the 2018 London Marathon 1. Cunts who died eating donuts at the finish. 0. Lets hope the organisers are already sending an invite to Nadiya Hussain for the 2019 marathon.

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