Two glaring, and utterly baffling issues about ISAC: first, The Guardian has only been nominated five times, and second, the last nomination was nearly 18 months ago according to the search tool. Whilst I suspect intervening cuntings directly against Graun columnists have absorbed focus from the paper itself, please allow me to redress the balance on this fucking cancerous shit-rag in one of those nominations that goes beyond describing a mere annoyance, and into real acerbic fucking hatred.
No-one on this site really needs an introduction to the arch-liberal agenda of this publication; nor the cuntitude of columnists/cuntributors such as Hadley Freeman, Owen Jones, Polly Toynbee, George Monbiot and co. For context, worth mentioning in passing that the paper has recently hit financial hard times, only now just in the black after a mammoth begathon from its readership.
Q: Why does a cunter even acknowledge the Graun?
A: In the same way some of you can’t avoid James O’Brien, I too can’t resist seeing to what depths the Graun will stoop to push the liberal left agenda; following the logic of their idiotic ideals to ridiculous conclusions, beyond any reason or semblance of common sense, often annoying even their own left-wing readership as viewed within article comments.
Recent exhibits of show-stopping cuntery. For starters, how about yesterday’s politicising of Prof. Stephen Hawking’s death as a disabled man, before the body was even cold and the battery still live on his speak’n’spell vocoder voicebox. Then we have a classic from a few weeks ago – Polly Toynbee, that archetypal middle-class socialist cunt, inbetween quaffing hemp mocachinos from some free trade outlet in Belsize Park, penned an appeal to Sinn Fein as fellow brothers in arms, all to stop fucking Brexit. Last week saw a mental gymnastics masterclass as the pathological hatred of Donald Trump meant that they simply could not compute the peace talks with North Korea as anything other than a disaster. And my personal favourite from this week, ‘We must stop robots with a white male bias’.
Jesus Jones wept.
This bastard of a wanksheet has largely foregone proper journalism for a monstrous flow of vomit-filled opinion pieces which twist and warp individuals and events to suit their agenda in a worse manner than any news outlet I have ever read, and that includes the Mail. The endless bellyaching on Trump and Brexit screams like one long autistic-like hissy fit and has been non-stop since 2016.
Even worse, the far-left columnist’s obsession with identity politics, and resulting fall back demonisation of the white man in all aspects of life truly fucking sickens me. It is wrong to be white, wrong to be proud of being British (English really when you break down their fucking arguments), wrong to want to protect a British way of life and wrong to not want a slew of fucking banana boats all lining up to port at shit-harbour.
I consider the Graun far more despicable than the fucking Al-BBC – the only merciful aspect to this journal of cunt is the dwindling readership figures. However, thick as thieves with Aunt Beebezera, Guardian columnists get an utterly disproportional representation on Question Time, Daily Politics and related, so even though the paper is struggling, we still get its views pushed into our fucking faces on the reg.
I’ve read past Graun articles and felt the fucking piss flash out of my bladder in one furious supercritical jet of steam. Between that and the indignation, I could power the Didcot turbines single-handed, with just a cup of tea in one hand and a copy of the cunting Graun in the other.
Every aspect of this paper is one colossal collection of cunt. I absolutely detest everything it stands for, and hold each and every one of their columnists beneath fucking contempt.
Nominated by The Empire Cunts Back
Timely cunting of these cunts who are only too eager to contribute to the destruction of society. Nice one TESB.
Sadly , the Gaurdian doesn’t even make a satisfactory arsewipe. If it did, then its existence could be justified! The kind of society they promote is a world where I don’t want to be.
I honestly think that all of this shit will end in violence as society falls apart! Until such time, fuck the Gaurdian and all who thrive on it! Cunts.
Some cunt on Sky News reviewing the papers, Dr. Liza McKenzie, not a pretty sight at any time of the day. She reckons the stabbings in third world London are not a criminal problem but a social one, away with the fucking fairies or what ?
In other news, the Russki cunts have openly threatened the UK, so we can expect some kind of cyber attack or some other mischief. They claim they’ve never produced Novichoc, cunts.
As for the Guardian this is a well deserved cunting for an unworthy rag with an agenda for extreme liberals and freaks.
Cunts galore.
Funnily enough I nominated “Social Mobility” for a cunting as every cunt from meejah to politicos are blaming this for the recent spate of stabbings/shootings/killings.
No its because they’re cunts and it’s in their mindset. Want to work? No. Fancy stabbing someone instead? That’ll do nicely.
Solid and timely cunting. The good news Is, the guardian is circling the drain and having to beg it’s readers to contribute towards its running costs.
I wear the fact that I have been been from CiF more times than I care to remember as something of a badge of pride. Although it’s not called ‘comment is free’ anymore. Probably because this lofty statement is somewhat at odds with the blatant censorship they employ on anyone that doesn’t toe the correct party line on race/immigration/LBQTUSBCIAKGB/etc issues.
One can only hope that any of the afformentioned columnist cunts are mugged and stabbed to death by a gang of the darkies they seek to protect.
Nice cunting, ECB. Like yourself, I have to try and get a handle on myself when these treasonous pricks are mentioned; it’s not good for my middle-aged blood pressure.
What with all the entirely justifiable criticism of “effnicks” on this site, I’ve just seen a suprising and heart-warming story about three minority lads actually doing some real good:
They were probably frightened that they couldn’t reach his wallet if he was hanging 6 foot down.
So true Empire. I presume when anyone applies for a job at that shit rag be it cleaner, journo or editor the said applicant has to prove that they have a degree in being a total cunt. Whenever one of the cunts rise out of their coffin after dark to appear on a news show my mrs locks down all moveable items. Wankers.
Great Cunting TECB.
I give ‘newspapers’ a wide berth, and the Grauniad in particular, but take my hat off to others with stronger constitutions who monitor them on our behalf, no doubt for the the same reason I suffer mega-cunt James O’Shithead’s prattle in the background most mornings:
“Know your enemy and know yourself – find naught in fear for 100 battles…” (Sun Zi, 6th Century B.C.)
The only time I look at a newspaper is when I’m waiting for a takeaway or at the dentists. The ton of cash saved not buying newspapers has been more than enough for the upkeep of ‘Creampuffs’, my stately pile.
PS: occasionally check out articles online, mainly piss boilers from the Daily Mail…
Did anyone have Eric Bristow for Deadpool?
Excellent cunting TECB!
Just this week I read articles from guardian that made me grate my teeth!
First up we had writer Henry porters headline IS THE BBC ABDUCTING ITS RESPONSIBILITIES OVER BREXIT..
According to this swivel eyed cunt the bbc has shut down any debate on brexit, even appearing to exhibit pro brexit bias!! WTF! The bbc pro brexit??
Next up and equally as cuntish is Rhiannon Lucy cossletts call to arms for young voters to FIGHT FOR YOUR BREXIT RIGHTS…
Her turgid piece is about Dr Sam meisas from the EU loving LSE who did a study on 10,000 young peoples ( under 30) attitudes to the EU , and if they had any positive identification to it? , as you cunters will already be aware it’s a fuckin loaded question! Even someone like myself who absolutely hates the anti democratic unelected over bearing Cunts over in Brussels would be able to find something that they could have a positive identification to, that doesn’t mean you actually support that entity!!
Where did our LSE dr go to get his information? EyoU that’s who!! An EU funded organisation , so absolutely no fuckin bias there then Claude!!
And amazingly what did they find out? That Young Brits are amongst the most positive about the EU in Europe!!
Over 50% had some kind of positive identification with the EU, what the fuck does that mean?? Absolutely nothing!!
For the record I have a positive identification for the EU?
I have identified and am absolutely positive they are CUNTS!!!
That 50% of young cunts who identify positively with the EU were probably looking forward to a nice cushy life on the dole – green with envy at youth unemployment rates in Greece, Italy & Spain, etc, of 40% or more…
Once again we’ve stolen their future, ha ha.
Abdicating ??
We have all been fed what a disaster leaving the EU will be for the UK by the established leftie media.
But I hear very little about whats so great about being in it.
Click on this link then scroll down to the table.
This tells you all you need to know about the Grauniad. Shit-rag.
im Really surprised by the guardians circulation figures,
I’m amazed that in a country of only 55 million they can find 149,000 Cunts ready to buy it…..
The amazing thing is the guardian writers get a massively disproportionate amount of TV time to their readership figures!
In addition, they seem to have far more fucking ‘journos’ and contributors than most.
I suspect many Blairites get their fill from BBC news…
V true TECB ………..
149k eh?
That is less than one third of the daily video views of the ‘what’s inside’ youtube channel.
How the mighty have fallen.
Yes Quislings, That fucking piss boiler Owen Jones is always on the box, constantly spewing crap from his punchable gob. The thing is, he is often ridiculed and walks off crying it’s not fair. I wonder if they have him on just for novelty value ?
Fuck me !!
Given the no. of snoflakes and lefty circle-jerk artistes around, I thought the Groiniad would have much higher sales figures.
You just don’t get quite the same “right-on edgy vibe” from Moaning Owen’s farticles if you have to read them…
Thomas the Wank Engine (on YouTube) is worth a gander !
Somewhat pleasing to see The Mirror nosediving down the shitter as well.
Sanctimonious “#MADEYOUPUKE” cunts…
Christ, that was indeed such a fucking infuriating ad campaign.
#MadeYourPissBoil would have been more appropriate.
The Mirror has always been a shit paper that appeals to cunts who want something for nothing. It’s one saving grace though is GARTH . Is he still in it ?
Funny enough last time I looked he was. My old Dad bought the mirror religiously until fairly recently and like most old school labour voters took it as the word of truth.
Until I woke him up…
The Grauniad was in it’s pomp during the Blair years. Everything in the garden was rosy and the all knowing Phoney Tony could walk on water. There’s nothing middle class liberals love more than a Tory government calling itself Labour. They get richer and can pretend that the smelly proles are being “looked after.” It absolves their guilt and helps them sleep at night after a bellyfull of delightful plonk.
Then along came Brexit and Trump and their beloved Labour Party split between the Blairites and the Trots. What a fucking disaster! Their whole world collapses as the plebs tell them to stick their patronising bollocks up their fat , overfed arses.
The sooner this parrot cage lining goes down the toilet the better . Fucking cunts.
Agree that this rag is so right-on that it is unreadable. The same can be said of Private Eye (Remoaners Gazette) But the Mail etc are just as bad in the other direction. So for me, best to avoid newspapers and their dreadful advert filled websites altogether.
Just a quote from my favorite middle eastern philosopher RIP sweet Persian angel
I’d have slung one up her.
Still can if you are a bit sharpish.
For my money the three biggest Cunts over at the guardian have to be…..
1…. Polly Toynbee
2…. rafael behr
3…. Owen Jones
Afuh Hirsch.
Female equivalent of Jones.
Afua ffs.
Spellchecker is a count.
Don’t worry re soilcheck, CMC…
People who have cuntybollox names deserve to be ignored. Its parents obv couldn’t spell phwoar, someone’s dropped a beast.
I’ve got to go with Cunt’s Mate’s Cunt and say Afua Hirsch hand down.
Prolonged, sustained high levels of cunt from Toynbee and Jones, but many of the more infrequent columnists and cunt-ributors come out with utterly wild and divisive pieces or a twisting of events. Tempting as it is to think ‘just doing it for the click-bait’, it simply isn’t the case – a cursory look at Hadley Freeman’s twitter feed for example and you can see the cunt genuinely despises men.
Then, the coup de grace – invited guest pieces from pieces of shit like tranny agitator in chief Munroe Bergdorf, that privileged black anti-white racist from Cambridge and even old Compo-cunt Corbyn himself.
Biggest guardian cunts at current time of writing:
1. Afua Hirsch
2. Owen Jones
3. Polly Toynbee
4. Hadley Freeman
5. Suzanne Moore
John crace is another absolute sack of guardian shit!
“The problem isn’t the robots, it just that they’re not transgender, ethnic, disabled robots that follow Islam!”
A robot is a machine. It will do things like spray a car. Sort letters. Ram a strapon cock up Cresida’s lady bits. Etc.
How can they have any kind of human traits? Please note the Groaniad writer was talking about robots not androids (maybe she doesn’t possess the intellect to know the difference).
Is this really journalism? No. It’s merely a vehicle to target the hated middle-aged white man with more misogyny, bigotry and homophoby bile and venom.
They have become the caricature that comedy sketch shows portrayed them as in the 80’s and 90’s – and beyond.
I can honestly say that I have never read the Groaniad once in my life.
I also value my ring-piece way above using this disgrace to wipe it with. I’d rather use a handful of rusty nails!
Fucking Groaniad cunts!
I read an article a few years back with Peter Scissons the old news reader. He moved from BBC to ITV and said that basically journalism at the BBC consisted of turning up to the office where copies of the Guardian were strewn about , pick an article that wasnt crossed out ( claimed already) and run with that for the day
says it fucking all really
No taxation without representation taxation is theft!
A solid cunting for this shit rag and its contempt for the British way of life and its almost projectile diahorrea like spewing of left wing propaganda.
In other news the homeowner that stabbed the thieving scum burgling his home and was arrested by police has now got £2700 in GoFundMe donations for any future legal costs, an online petition of 6000 calling for charges to be dropped and of course a Twatter thread, #FreeRichardOsbournBrooks.
Most of it well intentioned but these are the lengths that in Britain 2018, people have to go, to head off any anticipated which-hunt and scapegoating what I believe an innocent man. Is Citizen Khan whining on regarding police cuts in this neighbourhood or giving burglary a low priority? Maybe he just doesn’t live in the right ‘comoonitee’.
What is troubling me, if reports are to be believed, is that he’s the primary carer for his wife, now suffering from mental illness. I suspect that is a strong reason why he was released on bail as murder suspects (not that he should even fucking be one, for Christ’s sake) almost never get released on bail.
Nevertheless, absolutely fucking abysmal decision on this case. Why murder? Why not manslaughter and then slowly work out what happened before, all being well, acquitting the guy?
This man should be given a fucking knighthood. It kind of shows that plod is good for nothing more these fucking days than dressing up for gay parades and surrounding fucking homeless bastards 5 to a man.
Only cunts get knighthoods.
Agreed RTC, the honours system in general is overdue a cunting. James fucking corden OBE?? What the fucking fuck? What for? Makes my piss boil that this absolutely useless individual gets an OBE and yet the oldest living Olympian ( passed away recently) got nothing apart from LORD Coe ( B Lairs bezzer) saying he served his country well.
Sir Nick Clegg ?? That takes some beating!! Seriously what Cunt rubber stamped that?
I thought it was an early April fools joke…….
Proves my point.
The victim of this murdering OAP comes from St Mary Cray apparently, just down the road from where I work. That tells me he is from the Star Lane pikey site which generates 99% of the crime in St. Mary Cray, Paul’s Cray and Orpington. Orpington is quite posh and many people are surprised at the relative cheapness of the house prices. That’s because of Star Lane…… what you save on the house price you spend on beefed up security.
The dead cunt’s mate will never be found , he will disappear into the pikey community. Don’t be so sure that this bloke won’t be charged, you can’t go round killing persecuted ethnic minorities.
Spot on with this post Freddie. Poor sod has been bailed today, and is to await the decision of the Prosecutor on weather he is to be charged, horsewhipped and stuffed before his ritual execution.The DPP is managed by Gaurdian reading cunts , so I guess you are right. He’s fucked!
The dead fella’s family are saying he didn’t deserve to die. Well that’s a matter of opinion. Breaking into old people’s homes to rob them and threatening them with a screwdriver? Didn’t deserve to live more like it.
The Guardian is not totally without use.
In December I found myself staggering around Kings X late at night after an afternoon and evening on the toot (can’t remember why – probably looking for a Lady of the Night or a purveyor of quality narcotics) with a bladder about to burst.
Their nice new Cathedral of Journalistic dross office building provided a suitably recessed front door lobby to receive a strong torrent of my stinking piss. The thought of their horrible lefty staff and journos slipping over on a frozen puddle of my piss in the morning did keep me amused for days.
You could have left a small deposit on their doorstep as well PC. A nice steaming turd would certainly stick in the frost!
Reminds me of the gendarme in Paris one night who sees a guy behaving suspiciously in a shop doorway. The gendarme yells ” No monsieur, defense de pisser !!” The guy looks over his shoulder and says “Je ne pisser pas, je m’abuse”. “Pardon monsieur” says the gendarme “Vive la sport”. If I’ve spelled things wrongly or the grammar is poor, I apologise but it been fucking ages since I did any French. Bunch of cunts anyway, fucking stupid language. They should talk shite like everyone else.
RT is no less than the Grauniad. RT refuse to allow my proposed handle of “upyershitter”
I can honestly I have not read a single newspaper for over 20 years due to the fact that all journalists are utter cunts. I came across a couple of high profile ones years back, the attitude and utter contempt in which they held the vast majority of the population was simply astounding. A friend I grew up with is a BBC journo, when I knew him he was ok, years of Uni later and BBC employment he was a scruffy bag of shit spouting lefty horses piss. Cunts to a man, each and every one.
The very worst newspaper in Britain. At least The Sun can have one or two decent articles and the Star doesn’t pretend to be an actual news source so much as a softcore porn mag.
Being in the building game I always used to read the sun.
(I stopped buying papers when Lee Rigby was murdered and they promoted the murdering cunts and made ’em famous).
There were a few pretentious cunts that used to put on a posh accent for the clients, conduct all their business meetings in Starbucks over a skinny pecan and elderflower mochy chini whateverthefuck and sun dried obergine and fair trade cumquat quiche (or whatever pretentious shite they serve) whilst overtly advertising the fact that they were guardian readers. … what twats.
They weren’t clever, they just thought that they were intellectually superior to the rest of us.
Funny, all of them when bust so they obviously weren’t that fucking clever.
I picked one up one day and fuck me what a load of self righteous shite.
They would just talk bollocks and then infer that if you agree with their bollocks that’s just because you’re better than everyone else and those peasants are just too stupid to get their heads round such sophisticated and enlightened thinking.
Great cunting by the way ECB… very well deserved.
Ben Chu from the Independent is also a 24 carat, military grade, first class, top notch cunt. I’m surprised he’s not been cunted yet (or has he?).
Independent? Their cup runneth over too.
Yasmin Alibhai-Brown
Christina Patterson
They don’t come a lot more cuntish.
I seem to remember cunting Mr. Chu some months back, over his comments that all Brexiteers were thick.
Fu-Man wouldn’t last 5 seconds against the “thick” Dr. John Redwood, Fellow of All Soul’s College, and Fu-Man can go and chew his own knob.
In any case, I bet BC has only painted himself yellow to gain street-cred amongst his fellow twats. His name is probably Bates. Or something else quite white, mc and not really on-message.
Beautiful, brought a tear to my eye.
I bet you did it left handed too!
I utterly detest the Cuntiad!
Full of self-important champagne socialists and other cuntbuckets who have never really done a proper 9-5 job, but loathe and despite the working class, the underclass, the middle-class … in fact anyone other than those down-trodden ethnic types, and people like themselves that drift snowflake-like between the classes in order to suit their own particular agenda.
You’ll be hard pushed not to see the words “racism” and/or “sexism” in any of its articles on a typical day – and this includes the sports section. It just loves to sniff for anything to do with these two virtue signals and turn it into a Thing!
And yet the majority of these contributors enjoy the intellectual middle class existence they have always craved, but despise in others. We can criticise your pathetic lifestyles, but you can’t do the same with ours because you’re ignorant racist, sexist fuckcunts. Now go away!
One day the Cuntiad will finally crash and burn, and hopefully the likes of Toynbee will end up at the JobCentre, and being asked by one of them effnicks why she hasn’t found a fuckin’ job yet?
The Cuntiad gives a cunt a bad name; at least a cunt has its uses; whereas the Cuntiad’s only usefulness is bog roll.
Fuck the cunts and their wishy-washy thinking!