A Cunting for celebrities/actors on serious debate panels
I nominate the undeserved privileged few who “identify” themselves ( check me out all up to the minute diversity aware) as actors / singers who go on debate panels like question time etc as a voice of the fucking people/general all round oracle on current affairs.
Fuck me Im just back in country and had recorded the last few question times to boil my piss whilst I re-acclimatized to our great lands only to be met with Brian Cox on question time letting me know I’m a cunt for voting to leave the most undemocratic fucking stitch up of the peoples of the UK that has ever been perpetrated. Why is it that this country somehow believes that just because you are an actor your views somehow have extra credence ? Seriously? When one of these cunts spouts an opinion, the news is all fucking over it but why ?
They are usually not academic. Off to drama school luvvies who have never had to live a normal life. Cox isn’t the only one guilty of this , but I’m baffled why the general populace would be swayed by an actor ? what the fuck is wrong with us ? Taking a celebrities view on shit ? 90% of the populace is better informed than them anyways. I’m a Scot and I know Cox is a cunt , as I do Ewan McGregor
Why do broadcasters even bother getting them on ? Pathetic cunts lapping their shite up and pathetic cunts buying the doom scenarios.
Nominated by Squint Cuntwood
That nasally voiced pikey fuckwit Russell Brand is a prime example. Has reinvented himself from a drug addled unfunny shagger of crabs ridden US teeny bopper music ‘stars’ to an authority on Brexit and austerity despite living a millionaire lifestyle.
Sat behind him on Air NZ once: Smug cunt. Needed a good wash…
And a good slap, the scruffy cunt
Yeah, I saw the QT with the Cox wanker. He was getting so fucking angry but nowhere near as angry as me, wondering why the BB fucking C thought any cunt would be interested in what this ageing luvvy wanker thinks about anything. Fuck off Cox you cunt. When I want your opinion about acting and licking arse i’ll ask for it.
It’s noticeable that all these sleb shitbrains have the same opinions……you don’t need me to tell you what they are.
I look forward to Morrissey appearing on QT and slagging off the fucking EU and open door immigration. Ain’t gonna happen though.
It’s no surprise this bastard cunt was a rabid Nat during the Scots Referendum.
Blogging from the boulevards of LA this cunt knew what was best for his fellow Scots.
What a weapons grade cunt he is.
He appeared in an episode of Hammer House of Horror called ‘The Silent Scream’ which also starred Peter Cushing.
What a shame it wasn’t for real.
Genuinely there couldn’t be a more fitting outcome for this cunt.
In a nutshell he gets held captive in a remote cottage and all the walls and windows are electrified, every time he tries to break out he gets a massive electric shock.
I think the last scene shows Cox screaming for help at the window but know one can see him or hear him.
Oh the joy……
Highly satisfying post.
Its the BBC Freddie they ALWAYS have a 90% remain panel, pretty much goes for the audience as well.
If it’s the Brian Cox I’m thinking of, he’s a professor of particle physics (albeit only at Manc uni, but you can’t have everything…), so hardly a total duffer (nor an actor). Still a cunt, mind…
Oh, THAT fucking Brian Cox… sorry…
So what was yours? PPE at bloody Oxford, I’ll be bound. Nowt wrong with Manchester’s science, lad.
Well done Francis. I was just about to make a comment on Cox discrimination but you robbed me of the opportunity.
There’s nothing more informative than watching these cunts on a ‘celebrity’ version of a ‘quiz’ programme (Pointless, The Chase, Tipping Point). They are almost universally thick as shit and ignorant beyond belief. You’d think they’d at least know something about the field they’re in but no, just as uninformed because the world should revolve around them. Why these arseholes believe we should all be grateful for, and follow, their views when most of them couldn’t spell their own fucking name, is beyond me.
I was just about to say they have the ‘Z’ list barrel-scrapers on the ABBC’S Sunday morning “Muslims Vs Christians” show (I think it’s called The Big Question with Nicky Cuntbell), pontificating about waycism, social justice, disparity of “wealth distribution” (whilst being personally minted), etc.
And yet, the day before they’ll be on “Pointless Celebrities” (and they most certainly are) racking up a nice big red ‘X’ to a question like this: “Can you name the metals with the missing vowels. Now Ted and Charlene have already picked MAGNESIUM so you have the remaining options Jordan…”
_ R _ N
T _ N
S T _ _ L
“Oooh, oy dunno, aw that’s so ‘ard in’it!?! Erm ‘Ton’ naw that’s a ‘eavy fing in’it. ‘Stool’ naw that’s a chair in’it. Ok Alexander oy’m gonna go wiv ‘Brin’ B R I N ‘Brin’.”
“Ok. Let’s see how many people thought ‘Brin’ was the missing metal…”
“Oh I’m so sorry Jordan both you and Biggins have scored maximum points but it been great having you on the show. But it’s not all bad as – Jordan – I believe you’re on tomorrow’s Big Question show as an expert on the issues of ‘Cultural Enrichment’ and Chris you’re paneling on the Govt’s select committee on LGBTQXYZ rights and gender neutrality. With such beacons of intelligence as yourselves how can they possibly go wrong!”
That’s about right!! RWAC ?
Yes , All these celebrities are as thick as shit. They posture about making simplistic statements like, Give more money to the poor , put all the Grenfell cunts in 5 star hotels for the rest of their lives and love all the Peaceful cunts, then the snowflake audience erupt with howls of great idea. Stupid fucking cunts !!!
Luvvies champion Labour, social security and all things heavily administrative that cost the taxpayer money, because as soon as the work dries up many of them claim every taxpayer-funded benefit that they can lay their grubby mitts on.
This preserves a perpetual left wing, benevolent mindset; “we a recall in this together”. That silly cunt Cox has no more idea about how the EU is pissing up our back than the hole in his arse.
I only watch QT now if I consider that there is reasonable political balance; I.e. very seldom. Their eagerness to invite wank slebs on the panel like Izzard, Brand and (sucks) Cox is never balanced by inviting more Conservative leaning celebrities on the panel. Why haven’t we seen Bryan Ferry or Gary Numan on QT to boil Flabbott’s mousse d’chocolad?
Talking of Liebore luvvies, I must recommend a couple of Colin Firth films, as I feel y’all would enjoy them. No, really.
Born Equal, with Robert Carlyle. Firth plays a banker, finally he is stabbed to death by Carlyle’s character. (The best man won, in every sense.)
Tinker, Tailor (despite the annoying presence of Cunty Mac Cuntface CumberpatchKid, in a really debilitating portrayal of Peter Guillam (PC-morphed into a gay character because it’s so vital for our times, innit ?) and not a patch on Michael Jayston) was also excellent, as Firth’s character was shot dead.
I think you see what I’m getting at.
If CF is capable of doing a phoney Oirish accent, he could be hanged as a traitor in his next film.
Maybe I forgot to mention Firth’s a cunt.
Oh Colin please dont fuck off and live in Italy you jumped up poncy cunt who’s the same character in all your films.
We are all in this together.
You should definitely watch the movie Idiocracy
Future society has deteriorated so much that President Camacho, a former wrestler and porn star who has the highest IQ in the US, is the only person suitable for presidency!
It is indeed a great tragedy that a modern equivalent of a court JESTER (aka a celebrity), who has an intellect that is hardly above that of a common chimpanzee, has become a role model for young cunts.
However, if you have a pop culture that constantly vilifies brainiac, studious children and glorifies shite-headed cunts (e.g. https://youtu.be/SCq8n_hOcN8 ), then it is inevitable that you will end up with generation Snowflake. These cretins are allergic to reading books, critical/independent thinking, and learning about history. So it shouldn’t be a surprise that celebricunt dullards wield great influence over our cretinous snowflakes.
The Libtard Elite doesn’t give a fuck about the public. These actors and singers have no self-made opinions. They just regurgitate what they’ve heard from their masters, “radical” academics and journalists. Celebricunts are mere puppets and pawns who are controlled by Leftist opinion-makers in their battle for their imaginary Marxist “Utopia”.
P.S. to see how rotten the pop culture is just look at YouTube’s trending videos.
You should definitely watch the film Idiocracy. In this film, future society has deteriorated so much that President Camacho, a former wrestler and porn star who has the highest IQ in the US, is the only person suitable for presidency!
It is indeed a great tragedy that a modern equivalent of a court JESTER (aka a celebrity), who has an intellect that is hardly above that of a common chimpanzee, has become a role model for young cunts.
However, if you have a pop culture that constantly vilifies brainiac, studious children and glorifies shite-headed cunts (e.g. https://youtu.be/SCq8n_hOcN8 ), then it is inevitable that you will end up with generation Snowflake. These cretins are allergic to reading books, critical/independent thinking, and learning about history. So it shouldn’t be a surprise that celebricunt dullards wield great influence over our cretinous snowflakes.
The Libtard Elite doesn’t give a fuck about the public. These actors and singers have no self-made opinions. They just regurgitate what they’ve heard from their masters, “radical” academics and journalists. Celebricunts are mere puppets and pawns who are controlled by Leftist opinion-makers in their battle for their imaginary Marxist “Utopia”.
P.S. to see how rotten the pop culture is just look at YouTube’s trending videos.
Dear Admin,
Please delete this accidentally-posted comment.
Showbiz is run by liberal leftie luvvie wankers both sides of the pond, watch a Hollywood film and mostly the villains will be right leaning often with a Nazi connection thrown in for good measure, just so even the thickest Cunts watching can figure out the baddies are right wing.
As most people know the main movers and shakers in Hollywood wouldn’t be fans of anything right as there’s a lot of history there, 1930,s Germany for instance , so its geared towards showing liberal leftie good right bad!!
Star Wars for example, the evil empire, run by a dictator who’s right hand man is dressed all in black like a space version of an SS officer commanding a legion of thugs called stormtroopers ? Hmm !! I’m guessing darth would have voted brexit!
Die hard… good cop fighting German terrorist hans gruber? Who of course has far right connections
X men…. our old mate baldy Patrick Stewart fighting big bad colonel striker who’s main obsession is to destroy anyone who is different?
Knowing the river flows that way how many actors will try and swim upstream? It’s professional suicide, better treat TV time as an audition for righteousness and virtue signaling to their future employers!! , im sure many slebs don’t agree with this view of the world but rather than disagree simply keep quiet leaving it for Cunts like cox, Patrick Stewart, cumbersnatch and Co to spew their bollocks!!
The idea of this insidious campaign is to smear anyone who is on the right as a rascist, fascist or worst a Nazi……
Cunts like Cox… their job is to spout the lines of professional writers and get told what to do by Directors etc….so how come their opinions are considered more worthy of public platform than those of any other cunt plucked at random off the street?
Because sadly, like advertising, audiences get taken in, often confusing the actor with someone they think is important or matters.
Celebrity sells. Not to me though, it repels – if a celebrity is for something I’m usually against it by default… at least until I’ve had time to put their superficially persuasive bullshit through me trusty onboard crap detector!
Brian Cox, the ‘celebrity’ physicist is a weird looking cunt. As some sort of academic his views on the EU are hardly impartial as he rides the gravy train.
I am very interested in Physics but cant watch anything Cox is in as he turns it into an overhyped me me me cuntfest.
The cunt.
Anyone who wants to nominate Brian Cox for a fourth cunting has got my support. What a twat.
And mine too Allen. Cunt Cox would make a very good double act with Pierre Trudeau, and even Emmanual ( I fuck Grannies ) Macron.
They all seem to be a bit similar….nauseating cunts!
The reason that so many “celebs” are now appearing is because our modern society values “Celebrity” above all else. Of course we’re going to get the increased influence of “celeb” reflected in all aspects of life.
Just look at how many followers these people have on facebook and twitter. We may not value the celeb opinion,but a hell of a lot of people do.Millions of people spend every spare moment checking up on the kardashians,rita ora, etc. Their every bowel movement and opinion is a matter of importance to the twitter generation,so of course it’ll be reflected in the media.
Face facts…the views of Cumerbatch and Lily Allen are relevant and important to that generation. We may not like it,but the views of a less social-media generation like (I suspect) us are of no interest to the people who matter…the generation whose future we have stolen. Get with it, Cunters,take your pill,lie back and accept the Brave New World…you’ve had your day, the future belongs to the vibrant,multi-cultural,metropolitan Youth….and they’re welcome to every glorious moment of it.
Fuck them.
Exactly right DF, the (Anti) Social Media generation are obsessed with celebrities… Its like celebrity is a religion these day’s. Even drug dealers are getting caught via Cuntbook and Twatter by posting there latest purchases and holidays on it and don’t realise they are being or can be watched, I really think these generations are fucked. At 39 I am glad I learnt about life before all of this Social Media as I feel for these twats r for whom it’s all they’ve known. There are more people on earth than ever before and this cunt social media makes them all think they are special and that they’ll change the world… Then they grow up and have a shit job and life kicks their ass. I hope the later generations after these see and reject this pile of cunt and common sense takes over again.
Took the words right out of my mouth BAWC
“Then they grow up and have a shit job and life kicks their ass”
100%correct, these sad cunts who champion everyone else over their own friends/family/community gradually realize they arent going to be Slebs, rich and living it large, but are in fact competing for jobs/housing/resources with the very cunts they championed in their youth when they get to their thirties , stupid cunts…life bites
Dick , totally get you point on the snowflake point of view that we’ve to fuck off and roll over as we’ve ruined their future , but it shows a worrying trend of forgetting what the generations before them did to have the luxury they live in and also an often unsaid trait.. Not giving a fuck what your parents think /feel. pretty non liberal attitude methinks
To be fair,Mr.Cuntwood,I too knew far better than my parents when I was young. The old farts just didn’t get it. Every generation thinks that it knows better than the last.
As the song goes..
Every generation
Blames the one before
And all of their frustrations
Come beating on your door
I used to love taking pills. Not sure the old constitution could handle ’em these days, so will have to give the Brave New World one a pass. You ain’t fucking wrong though Dick.
If each generation didn’t give a fuck about the next generation, we would still be living in caves. This utterly selfish, dangerously irresponsible attitude of snowflake cunts is absolutely disgusting. The future does NOT belong to this shite-headed Snowflake generation. A bunch of imbecilic millennial cunts do not have the right to shit upon the entire history of Albion.
If the future does NOT belong to this shite-headed Snowflake generation,who does it belong to? Unfortunately our generation is not immortal and so the next generation steps up to take it’s place. We may not agree with this generations thoughts,but,like it or not,it WILL be them their generation that takes over.
your right , i know the 40’s generation knew better than their parents and the 50’s , 60’s , 70’s etc did as well but what im saying is at least those generations had a bit of self reliance and “got to get on with it” attitude
any get up and go this current one has got up and left 10 years ago , constantly looking for reassurance and social acceptance, im just glad I’ll be well dead when it is their time ,
also , knowing better than your parents is one thing ,( this is on brexit ) but disregarding their views and hoping they die soon for a second vote is another
I’d imagine that the 40’s generation,fresh from fighting a World War,looked at the hippy generation and were as appalled as we are by this generation.
It’s absolutely untrue that 60’s and 70’s generations knew better than their parents. Most of our social ills have their root in those cuntish times. Sexual Revoultion, aggressive feminism, hippies, amorality,……..
Well, you seem to favour that selfish, devil-may-care attitude of absolute individualism which is characteristic of the snowflake generation. I guess honour and respect for the sacrifices and achievements of previous generations, who by their blood, toil, tears and sweat created Great Britain, are history.
I think Rod Taylor’s rant in The Time Machine (1960) nicely sums up my argument:
For someone who was so worried in the Police thread about things getting “personal”,you seem very quick to label me as a” selfish,devil-may care Snowflake” supporter…. I’d better not make any assumptions about you,had I?
Dear Dick,
I think you misunderstood me. I never said nor meant to imply that you support the selfish, devil-may-care attitude. Considering what you said (“Get with it, Cunters,take your pill,lie back and accept the Brave New World…you’ve had your day, the future belongs to the vibrant,multi-cultural,metropolitan Youth….and they’re welcome to every glorious moment of it.”), it seemed to me that you approve their complete disregard of the past.
I politely disagreed with you and criticized the socially irresponsible mentality of absolute individualism.
Apologies if I expressed myself equivocally.
@CW…..but you say,and I quote from your post above…”Well, you seem to favour that selfish, devil-may-care attitude of absolute individualism which is characteristic of the snowflake generation.”…what have I misunderstood?
Anyway,enough,I’d hate to “completely dominate” the subject.
Here is what you said:
“Get with it, Cunters,take your pill,lie back and ACCEPT the Brave New World…you’ve had your day, the future belongs to the vibrant,multi-cultural,metropolitan Youth….and they’re WELCOME to every glorious moment of it.”
Replying to this, I said: ” you SEEM to favour that selfish, devil-may-care attitude of absolute individualism which is CHARACTERISTIC OF THE SNOWFLAKE GENERATION”
Now, where is “labeling” or “getting personal” in what I said?
It seems very strange that the person who once said “I enjoy a robust to-and-fro. It would get pretty dull if we all just agreed with each and only ever posted stuff that wouldn’t cause upset. We are all pretty opinionated people on here and all more than capable of putting our point,popular or not” would take issue with my honest disagreement.
And FYI, the “completely dominated” remark made on the Police post was not directed at you.
A friendly fellow cunter
My grandparent’s generation spawned two disastrous World Wars. Is it any wonder those born in the ’50s & ’60s were so intent on change, rejecting their parent’s ways in search of something better?
@GW… Oh,don’t worry, I’m enjoying every minute of this to-and- fro. Are you?
ps…if you weren’t referring to me,who were you referring to?
Dear RTC,
I don’t think OUR grandparents’ generation spawned two disastrous World Wars. Britain’s involvement in these wars was mainly of a defensive nature.
“Is it any wonder those born in the ’50s & ’60s were so intent on change, rejecting their parent’s ways in search of something better?”
This reckless and radical attitude is the driving force of “Progressivism”. I don’t think, socially/morally/culturally speaking, we’ve find a better alternative to the “rigid” and “oppressive” Victorian society
I’m not worried. I was just surprised that you seemed to take issue. I, too, am jolly happy to have a challenging discussion.
P.S. I was referring to Heinz. He replied to almost every comment with a confrontational tone.
I didn’t say they got it all right. But they were sincerely motivated in my opinion.
Dear Dick,
Please calm down. I NEVER said you are a selfish Snowflake ! For Christ’s sake, why do you put word in my mouth? Where did I label you as so and so?
This is what you actually said: “Get with it, Cunters,take your pill,lie back and accept the Brave New World…you’ve had your day, the future belongs to the vibrant,multi-cultural,metropolitan Youth….and they’re welcome to every glorious moment of it”
You’re saying that we should accept the situation, that we had our day, that future of society belongs to a bunch of snowflake, that they are WELCOME to it”.
After reading this, I said you SEEM to approve of the Snowflakes’ selfish attitude. Then I disagreed with you and criticized THEIR attitude. Now, where, ffs, did I say what is acceptable and what is not ???? Where is “getting personal” or “labeling” you as a selfish snowflake! in my innocuous remark. Even after you misread my reply and got upset over it, I took the blame and apologized for possible equivocation on my part.
I never said I was “horrified” at vitriolic comments. Again, you’re putting word in my mouth! I merely suggested that there is a difference between disagreement/criticism and vitriol.
Also, what on earth is the meaning of this ” Luckily for you,I’m not the thin-skinned type,or I’d be expecting the mods. to shut you down.” Hinting at mods to shut me down??
My friend, I hope you can see that this reply of yours is completely at odds with your previews remark “I enjoy a robust to-and-fro. It would get pretty dull if we all just agreed with each and only ever posted stuff that wouldn’t cause upset. We are all pretty opinionated people on here and all more than capable of putting our point,popular or not”.
I am a man of my word. If I say I referred to Heinz’s comments, then I referred to Heinz’s comments. I suspect, judging by your several allusions to my comment on the Police post, you took offence at that anonymous reply.
Let’s shake hands and move on.
@Ruff Tuff Creampuff
You know what they say my friend, “The road to hell is paved with good intentions”.
What would you suggest Gary – decide what the right thing to do is and then do the opposite?
Have your intentions never been good?
You referred to me as a “lunatic Libtard” a few noms back. Maybe you’re right, precious little makes sense about this country to me any more.
Dear Ruff Tuff Creampuff,
I would NEVER call a respectful fellow cunter such as yourself a “lunatic libtard”.
After you defined what Libtards mean by the word “racism” and I defined the made-up word “englishism” according to Libtard mentality, I said only a lunatic libtarc cunt can come up with these nonsensical words.
There’s been a huge misunderstanding. Thank you for bringing it up so that I could clear up this misunderstanding.
Appreciate your explanation Gary, message received and understood.
Meanwhile it’s a lovely sunny day – reckon we need to get out more…
“Suprised that you seemed to take issue”? Really? After you post your thoughts on what is acceptable and what,in your opinion,is not, you then decide to “assume” to know my opinions and label me as a selfish Snowflake. Suprisingly enough I’m going to pull you on it. After your professed horror at the “vitriol” used in the police post,I’d have thought that you’d take more care not to say anything hurtful to anyone else. Luckily for you,I’m not the thin-skinned type,or I’d be expecting the mods. to shut you down.
As for your assertion that you were actually referring to Heinz as being confrontational,and not me…..well,of course I accept every word .
@CW…Oh.I’m calm enough, although I must say that you seem to get quite stirred up if anyone dares to pull you up. Good thing,in my opinion….however,sometimes it’s better to put the shovel down and stop digging. If you start setting out your thoughts on what is acceptable you should make sure that you keep a very tight rein on your own tone ad comments. You are not the arbiter on this site,and neither am I. You have dug yourself into a hole. Get on with it.
As for me getting the mods. involved,I think if you’d been on here any length of time,you’d know that I’m certainly not the kind to cry “Foul”.
It’s a lovely day,I’d suggest that you cool down in a nice shady spot.
What can I say? Guess, it’s impossible to have a decent discussion with you. Good to know that.
I honestly and sincerely reply to you, but you reply with irrelevant and fanciful comments that are overlaid with a sarcastic and condescending tone. A tone that is not worthy of a gentleman.
I have better things to do.
Good day
DF, I think our thoughts are very much aligned.
Blighty is now buggered beyond any point of return.
If I can, Switzerland beckons. They might even require me to undertake rifle practice.
I used to live a few minute walk from the council shooting range. I think they used beggars and parking offenders as targets on alternate Thursdays (that’s what we used to tell our visiting friends).
I am ignorant, thankfully…
Are Rita and Kia Ora related, the first perhaps being a Blueberry, Quinoa and Manuka Honey flavour re-mix ?
Excellent description Mr Fiddler. Well Said
Off topic but is it any wonder people are losing respect for the Police.
Coppers wearing NAIL VARNISH, HIGH HEELS, what would the Victorian coppers have done with these soft cunts.
That Leanne Carr who is off work stressed yet posts a picture from her holiday somewhere with pineapples on her tits can feel my Truncheon any day.
Am I in my rights to put a Copper (I don’t think is fit for purpose) under citizens arrest? I mean if he’s wearing high heels I could claim he is not protecting me and the rest of the public.
Try and make sure that someone films you as you do it B+WC. I’d love to see the video of you wrestling some tranny to the ground while trying to handcuff him and drag him off.
Shame Crimewatch isn’t on the go still, I bet you’d be lead story.
🙂 .
Thing is I’m not sure who the crowd watching would help, last ime I checked the Trannie’s are higher up the ‘Right on’ list than a part darkie so the cunts watching and filming on their IPhone x’s would probably help the Tranny officer and i’d get named and shamed on social media. Although I could claim to be a Windrush cunt, that could save me.
@ B&WC I’d help mate! I posted some time ago of my experience with midget plod and his deviant side kick! The comment of oday in the DM is quite right. They are here to police, not to enforce/advise on PC conformity!
Arrest the deviant cunts!
Cheers ASA.
I was going to post that link in the ‘Modern Plod’ cunting, just for jollies of course, but after reading a few of the umm… more committed comments, I sort of chickened out.
I watched the The Green Mile again a couple of weeks ago and as it’s been many years since I watched it last and have in those interviening years turned into a bitter and cynical 47 year old Cunter found my piss boiling at how I’d not seen the hidden agenda all those years ago.
Starring Tom Hanks who plays Prison Officer Tom Hanks with a problem down below with a ‘social conscience’ whilst working on Death Row.
Enter one giant of a Darkie who’s wrongly convicted (I bet he did it really) of murdering 2 young girls, he’s sent to death row.
Whilst on death row he’s bullied by a little shit of a white prison officer and the viewing audience are treated to many a cruel scene designed to make you hate the white guy.
Then fuck my boots it turns out the wrongly convicted Darkie has special powers and he cures Officer Hanks of his STD by sucking it out of his body, I shit you not, then not content with curing an STI he’s then taken to some judges house who’s wife’s dying of cancer and summoning the Power of Grey Skull fuck a doodle do he cures her of cancer.
The judge then is determined to reinvesitage his case and bla bla fucking bla he finds the real perpetrator and they all live happily ever after.
Oh and I forgot, nasty white prison officer gets his come uppance too.
It’s possibly one of the biggest piles of cunt I’ve ever watched and I spent most of the time telling all the characters (nasty white prison officer excepted) to fuuuuuuucccckkkkk offfffffff, go on fuuuuuuuuccckkkk offfffff.
90 minutes of Hollywood cuntery I’ll never ever watch again
Aye its funny going back and watching the oldies , the hidden cuntfuckery of liberalism is peppered through most of them , i miss being wee and not being burdened with the consciousness of the march to total LGBTQRSINJFWEFKDFD
oh and isn’t it strange that these cunts are missing the point on liberalism ? it was invented by the rich to have as less ties to government for as much wealth creation as possible….. maybe the Neo bit is what makes the modern day version all their own snowflake creation
My favourite History Programme of gonebye years, is SCUM!
I’m sure it was aired on Channel 4? Could be wrong but I’m reasonably certain it was.
Could you imagine C4 airing anything as hard hitting today.
No fucking way. I was just about in secondary school when it came out and I remember well C4 establishing its reputation as a broadcaster of controversial and hard hitting programs as well as a bit of soft porn…….
If ever we needed proof that the left has taken over C4 is a great example. Fellow cunters I present Jon Snow
@Squint Cuntwood
Classical liberalism is a political ideology that values the freedom of individuals — including the freedom of religion, speech, press, assembly, and markets — as well as limited government. It developed in 18th-century Europe and drew on the economic writings of Adam Smith and the growing notion of social progress.
About as different as chalk and cheese from the bastardised, relatively recent American ‘Liberal’ import creation we all know and hate as Libtardism…
Serena Williams was good in It, though.
If the version you watched was only 90 minutes you missed half the film at just over 3 hours running time.Oh,and as for the’happy ever after ending’,I think you must have missed the bit when Darkie got fried at the end for a crime he didn’t commit. Or maybe injustice is your idea of a happy ending,who knows.
I think I fell asleep during the utter shit fest but as I said Filipo, they all lived happily ever after.
Cee U Next Tuesday.
Tom Hanks is an unbearably po-faced,self-important cunt.
Sure celebs with the same trouted out opinions are cunts but I have respect for the few who go against the grain in politics. Like with morrisessy recently endorsing For Britian party this in my opinion is a good start but after he endorses them he comes out and does the whole “not really racist” routine
He’s been open about talking about the destruction of British identity by non-white immigrants, is endorsing a borderline non islamic hardline conservative party which calls for a full-stop end to Islamic immigration and extol british values, but he still feels the need to say “oh, but I have a Muslim friend tho, so I hate racism”
It’s pretty much the standard policy in the West now that if a white man is accused of racism, sexism, homophobia, and so forth that he’s going to be forced to resign or be fired. But come morrisesy don’t cuck with this pointless not racist shite If you don’t pick a side, you’ve picked the other side’s side Don’t start something you can’t finish m8…
The thing I find most ironic – especially with regards to the slebs over the pond – is the need to pillory and turn on anyone in their cabal who remotely drifts away from the current group-think mantra.
They also publicly distance themselves from people who 5 minutes ago were “…such great friends…” for even just saying something as wholly inflammatory as “…well maybe we should give the guy a chance, even if you don’t respect the man, you should respect the office…” (re: Trump).
The next day “…actually we were more like acquaintances than friends, in fact I think we were only in the same building – not even room – once…”, etc.
These cunts have very short memories because in the late ’40’s thru the ’50’s the luvvie community of Hollywood went through exactly the same hysteria of the McCarthy witch hunts.
It was only after Kirk Douglas named Dalton Trumbo – who actually was a communist – as the screenplay writer for Spartacus that the ill effects of that pariahism started to lift. Trumbo ghost-wrote several Oscar winning screenplays in that time (at a fraction of the money normally attracted by tinsel town scribes) and continued to do so after that period.
But many young actors/actresses caught in the mire missed out on notable careers and were deemed “too old” once the cloud lifted. Many became hooked on drugs and/or took there own lives.
That is the net result of a truly intolerant society of differing points of view. The current crop of Hollywood McCarthy-ites should hold their heads in shame at the ignorance of their own recent history and how what they’re doing now parallels that era in it’s entirety – if not more so.
The biggest issue I have with these cunts is that they cannot stand the fact that theirs (for now at least) is a single vote just like anyone else’s. And they lost (on both sides of the pond). So it’s time to respect democracy and live with it – you cunts!
30yrs ago if you had a law professor trying to give a lecture on the importance of free speech to a group of law students, and the students themselves were shouting “FUCK THE LAW! FUCK THE LAW!” (i.e. tomorrow’s lawyers and judges – we’re fucked) tinsel town would’ve been clamouring for the expulsion of those students for bringing one of the most sacrosanct principles of a free society – the law – into such ill repute.
Nowadays the “luvvies” applaud it (just to be seen to be “right-on” I’m sure). Cunts!
Enjoyed that. Agree totally.
A great shout there Rebel.
I wrote a piece some time back about the Marxist Italian Philosopher, Gramsci.
He was wise enough to realise ‘The West’ wouldn’t suffer a Marxist / Socialist otherthrow by force but instead by taking over the institutions, the institutions that form the bed rock of a democratic society such as The Judiciary, Education, Civil Service and the media.
I think all of those boxes have been ticked and in respect of the latter if you can control the media narrative that’s a truely powerful tool.
And so I’m often left pondering do these cunts really believe this shit or are they so scarred they’ll get blackballed they go along with it?
Maybe it’s a bit of both? I don’t know but what I do know is the fact that Morrisey, whilst a cunt, is financially independent and has a hardcore of fans who will always buy his output.
And the irony is never lost on me that from my experience most of his fans are über Whyties, 50 odd year old Graun reading champagne socialists working in the ‘public sector’ suckling a 6 figure salary from the taxpayers teet.
Paul Scholes… Said fuck all when he was a player, but now he can’t shut the fuck up, and he always (and I mean fucking always) moans and looks on the bad side where his ex-team is concerned… Nothing to do with the Cunts of 92 not getting the cushy jobs at Old Trafford that they wanted, I suppose?… Little ginger gremlin of a cunt….
£140 million for Pogba, Norman? If Mourinho can get half that, flog him. Got a bit of the Ballotelli’s about him, talented but still a cunt who needs to be told he’s special and have his ego massaged.
Paul Pogba is a cunt, something Abaaaaaht French black people there all twats. He’s a Muslim and I wonder how long he’d last in downtown Damascus with that stupid Blue/Blonde hair cut and his dancing. What a twat.
The anti-Big Don Septic Slebs of Hollyweird are particularly major cunts… Cunts like Devil Streep, Madogga, Chickboy Gaga, Skanklett Johansscunt, Cumguzzler Lawrence and many others do all their virtue signalling and Me Tooing, yet they all have skeletons in their cupboards and muck under the stairs…. And they all love the heinous gash that is Kilary Clinton….
Judging from stills I’ve seen of SJ in “Black Dahlia”, wearing a Burberry trenchcoat, I’d give her one, many times, many many times.
She’d be good like that in a silent film, with Ravel’s “Bolero” as accompaniment.
RE Hillary Clitworn, I understand she may have won 1st prize in a USA competition a few days ago, in which case I’m sure we’ll all go down to Interflora and send her a bouquet of giant hogweed.
“The World’s Ugliest Dog”
3rd prize went to something in Wales. And the canine at the other end of the lead, oddly, wasn’t too bad.
Anyone of you cunters have “superstar” Avacii in the dead pool?
or are you a thick cunt like me and don’t have a fucking clue who the dead cunt is?
Some cunt of a DJ or something wasn’t he?
The wife knew who he was. Apparently had a ‘hit’ about 2 years ago…
I had to google. ! ( He’s mega famous ???? ) (For what ? )
fucknose .
Swedish cunt. Made BBC News, though. Tell me they haven’t got something to hide.
They are all annoying cunts, but by far the worst has to be that fairy arsehole Eddie Izzard. His cranky views are bad enough but sitting there pouting in his fucking pink beret and nail varnish, and the way he always likes to remind the wankers who listen to him that he only wears EXPENSIVE wimmins schmutter….. what a gold plated cunt he is – with knobs on – or without, if in *girl mood*
Evidently he doesn’t grasp that money does NOT equate to good taste.
So the Gizzard shops til it drops, presumably buying expensive designer TAT that the wimmin’s fashiom mags have told their brain-dead readers to acquire.
A massive, devoid of any imagination CUNT
Comes to something when society mourn the loss of a fucking Disc Jockey. Mind you Jimi Saville got a bloody good send off.
Then it took the cunts over a year to say just ONE bad word against him…
Btw, it’s Jimmy, not Jimi. As a Hendrix fan I am naturally deeply offended.
Sorry Ruff Tuff, I’m deeply ashamed.