I am going to mega cunt Lloyds TSB!
Why? Perhaps I am not being rational here but my reasons are as follows :
1, Internet banking – well apparently my nice secure password Fucku2 was unacceptable
2, On separation from Mrs Benny MKII they swore that neither of us could independently remove themselves from the joint account, Well not so as it panned out, sitting in a restaurant trying to impress future MRS Benny (MkIII), I have my card declined and a swaith of threatening letters about an overdraft on an account that I now seem to be solely responsible for (and they have emptied my current account to fill the hole caused by the myriad of direct debits that have fuck all to do with me)
3, After that abortion the over generous over draft, I shit you not I have an overdraft! I can go over by £200 pm if I want and then the magic card stops working only on this occasion my un agreed overdraft stopped the card at £1000 and they fucking charged me bank charges on that!
4, Well today was the final straw I phoned the telephone banking system that to say the least is arse at the best of time and the fucks have deleted my pass code (which is numeric and not rude) I can not fucking believe the incompetence of the fuckers.
All this coupled with such a shit interest rate have made me decide that the black horse can fuck right off.
Nominated by a very pissed off Lord Benny
I had an account with Lloyds until ten years ago. They were shite then, and I’m not surprised to find out that they’re shite now. When I was with them, they were constantly charging my wife and I charges for going over our overdraft, despite the fact we were NEVER overdrawn. They kept declining our cards so often, we had to switch to using credit cards instead. And we decided to switch banks, they did everything they could to derail our move. They only stopped when we went to the financial ombudsman. Got £400 in compensation from them. Now we’re with NatWest. They have their faults, but they’re a huge improvement over Lloyds.
Any bank is a cunt, and all banks are cunts absolutely.
I could add, in terms the cunts might understand, “jointly and severally”
Why does this sound like something from a Marx Brothers filum ??
Maybe you should’ve inserted a ‘sanity clause’…
I use Lloyds for one of my current accounts, I was messing around with Internet Banking a while ago and they offered me an ‘Easy Saver’ account with an incredible 0.05% interest… The cunts.
Sorry: off topic but , but…
Yasmin Ali Baba Brown on LBC last night. Said Enoch Powell was a racist because, amongst other things, he made his famous speech on Adolfs birthday.
What a cunt.
Don’t apologise for being off topic.
Fuck em
I have as little to do with banks as possible. Although we pool day to day household expenses /bills, the wife and I maintain strictly separate accounts – neither of us would dream of having any sort of joint account. Being a control freak I use cash whenever possible, though do appreciate the convenience of online banking…
Apart from PayPal I have two current accounts (for historical reasons), main one with Barclays, the other with Lloyds. Rarely have problems cos no credit cards (debit only – rarely used), no overdrafts, no outgoings that I don’t instigate manually – except two DDs, both cheerity – so not a lot to go wrong, touch wood.
That said, I have to assume they’re Cunts and up to no good, so statements are watched like a hawk.
Sadly your appalling experience surprises me not Lord Benny. I feel your pain… 100% sympathetic. Hope things improve for you real soon.
I’ll add this here as the old thread is dead and mibbee I’m running the risk of breaking rules and cunting cunters (fuck it), but I’m pissed off with cunts regulating or trying to regulate what gets discussed here on ISAC.
If a topic of discussion, even if it’s not THE topic, is not to your liking, give it a miss. Move on. Ignore.
Don’t fuckin tell me I’m boring just coz you have no interest.
I’ve had enough of plenty topics and Newsnight, but that’s alright as I’ll leave you all who do like it to it.
If I have no interest I don’t cunt the cunter and try and belittle them.
Some cunters, to me anyway, seem to believe that they are superior and some topics are beneath them. If so, again, just shut the fuck up and find a post/comment that you do like.
Fuck em!!!!!!
I agree with you on this. There have been several cuntings that I either found uninteresting or didn’t know anything about the subject and I simply passed on and waited for the next one to come along. It’s not like anybody has paid to read it, so no reason to get pissed off about it.
Me too…footie boils my piss, bur I’m “big” enough (well, statutory six inches, anyway), I hope, to understand that there’s plenty who like it, even if I’d rather spend a few hours having my ass whupped by Juicy Lucy Lane.
Much rather…
Sometimes I will post a reply in any footie sections, if it relates to general cuntishness or cuntitude that could apply to other sectors of da communidee…
You maybe many things Birdman but boring ain’t one of them.
I find everything boring. Especially my own fucking off topic rants… its why I drink, I like the escape.
What the Dickens has this to do with Lloyds Bank?
1. The thread isn’t dead
2. The site doesn’t have threads
3. “I’m pissed off with cunts regulating or trying to regulate what gets discussed here on ISAC.” Well if you don’t like the way things are done then feel free to fuck off to Cunts Corner or wherever you prefer?
This IS NOT a democracy. Capiche?
Bankers lend us money that never existed and then charge us interest on it. We buy one house and pay for three, When it comes to saving though interest is negligible on money we have worked hard to save and gone without to save it.
Who are the cunts?
Banks will lend an umbrella (suitably emblazoned with their corporate crud-logo), and demand it back at the first sign of rain.
Off topic…
Mega libtard cunt Carwyn Jones has resigned. Good fucking riddance, should be charged with manslaughter at the very least.
RTC, your news has gladdened my heart.
I’m close enough to pay day to be sociable, and go out for a pint or two in celebration !!
Fanny like a Mineshaft should be made queen of Wales.
May Dog bless her, and all that have fallen headfirst into her…
Hold the front page.
Some cunt called Jones is stepping down as leader of the Welsh Mickey Mouse club. I’m sure you will all agree that this is a great loss and well worth being the lead on the so called BBC website.
Fair do’s Cuntstable, you know how to sell a story!
And the News.
But the BBC is as keen as any raging rightwinger to weaken Corbyn, so it loves Old Labour’s problems as much as it adores Blair…
Those initials…CJ… Nostalgic memories of the farting chairs in Reggie Perrin’s boss’ office !
I hate Banks and I hate Bankers!
In our 21st Century world it costs money to spend money and it costs money to save money…all because of fucking banks and bankers. Fucking cunts.
?. ?. ?
Good summary. Banks turn a profit from every side of every transaction, and what happens when they fuck up? They get bailed out by the public. If I offered to borrow money at 0.1% in order to lend it at 4 or5%, I’d be a figure of fun. Ok, I’m a figure of fun anyway, because I let them do that with my meagrs savings. Cunts of the deepest criminal dye.
So you spent more than you have. That is cuntish, and you expect a bank to let you do it.More cuntish. Try that with a loan shark. Banks may be responsible for many problems but if they took on loads of clients like you who the fuck would bank with them?
You need to get yourself sorted , not the bank.
These would be the same banks who ran up overdrafts of not hundreds, not thousands, not even millions but Billions of pounds ? They are the last fucking people who should lecture anyone on good and responsible finances. Fuck them, the are criminals.
Banks -= CUNTS , simple as
Years ago when I was a student I went into a branch of Lloyds Bank to open a student account. The woman behind the counter looked me up and down and shook her head and said, “No. You cant have one”, in a snooty manner. I was wearing a leather jacket and jeans at the time, maybe I should have worn a suit and tie. Obviously I wasn’t good enough for them. Its ironic that a bank with such a high opinion of itself should end up going bankrupt and had to be bailed out by the government. Lloyds Bank = cunt * (2^1000000000-1).
Branches shutting down all across the country. My local will be gone soon and I’ll have to pay my wages in at the fucking post office. The queue is horrendous thanks to all the old codgers and benefits scroungers picking up their pensions and dole money respectively. What a load of cunts.
Apparently there will be a mobile service but this waits to be seen. Probably unlikely seeing as they’re all lazy arseholes