Beyonce and JayZ

Beyonce and Jay Z are supercunts…
These two strutting, preening, arrogant john johns shove their fame, obscene wealth, and decadent lifestyle in everyones’ faces… They also act all big time and their flash antics and lavish habits would make even Louis XIV and Charles II combined look humble…

But, seriously, what are they? Who the fuck are they? A so-called ‘independent woman’ who had her career manufactured and paid for by daddy, a mediocre talent who sounds like a stuck car alarm and relies on props, costumes, and expensive videos, a ‘strong feminist’ who puts up with her serial cheater of a husband, and a ‘black icon’ who has sold millions of records and gained worldwide fame by being a ‘coconut’ and trying to be white…

As for Jay Zed? Record as long as your arm, can’t get past referring to women collectively as ‘bitches’, has threesomes behind his wife’s back, assaulting various people, has to use the ‘N’ word to get noticed, and basically an all round cunt… Yet they both think of themselves as royalty?! Pair of fucking cunts…

Nominated by Norman

41 thoughts on “Beyonce and JayZ

  1. Need your thoughts…

    A couple of Jehovah’s Witnesses at the door yesterday telling me about how the Bible is the key to happiness.

    I asked “Are you yanking my chain?” to which the senior of the duo (these twats are always in pairs) said that he wasn’t. I asked if stoning people and raping women was the key to happiness, which he didn’t much care for. Then I told them to bugger off.

    Was I too rude? Or not rude enough?

    Another picture…

    • Not rude enough, CMC, however I’ve never quite over over, I think it was ASimpleArsehole’s (apologies if wrong) tale of his method of shifting JWs. Apparently in an attempt to squeeze out a rasping fart as the JWtalked to him,ASA unfortunately followed through…the stench and sight of the heathen straining his ringpiece was enough to set the god-bother away down the path at speed. I am still in awe of a man prepared to go to such lengths to deter cold-callers.
      Have you considered trying that method? A sure fire winner,I’m sure you agree.

      • Any God-botherers will be shown my farmers, and despite washing 4x daily, they’re stinkers !!

      • And these celebri-slags are a waste of silicone.
        Theit partners a waste of space, sunlight, H2O and O2.
        Silicone should be reserved for the creators of Real Dolls. Especially non-computerised, non-talking models.
        Apparently, Flabbott and Lady Weegee will soon be made available. The advertised accessories, included in the price, are a reinforced bed, and industrial hoist for moving them around.

      • You get a free selfie stick with the Flabbot one so that you have no excuses to take pictures and show them to your terrorist & murderer appeasing friends.

    • I would describe your response as “robust yet fair.” And nowhere near rude enough!

      If they interrupt another episode of ‘Can’t Pay? We’ll Take It Away’, I will not be responsible for my actions…

      • I used to take my old Max to the door, big brown Doberman he was great for keeping jw’s and trick or treaters from the door and pikeys from scrapheap.

    • No but on a related note…

      Parking near the local cricket ground (where the lad plays) is of a premium.

      Where I parked yesterday was legal – but by the nearest micron – next to the reserved spaces for the local mentalist (Methodist) God bothering establishment.

      When I retuned to my car I was immediately confronted by some Colonel looking type – polished brass buttons and all – “Do you realise your car is preventing us from using OUR space!?!”

      Like I say, I was parked legally, no crossing of lines (otherwise they paste terse messages onto your windscreen) but only a Smart car would get in *their* remaining space.

      So I said, politely: “I am parked legally.”

      “Yes but any fool could see that the space you’re next to could not be used and we have a lot of elderly people who attend who need these spaces!”

      Frankly he was being a bit of a cunt and so I said this: “Well in that case, as a devout Christian, you will forgive me.”

      His face was an absolute picture. No coming back from that one is there you religious CUNT!

    • The last time the botherfolk came to my door I allowed my very territorial German shepherd, who can push down on the screen door handle to greet them. How fast they ran through the gate. I laughed so hard I couldn’t even ask them, where is your God now.

    • Are you not meant to invite these counts in for a strong cup of coffee?

      Maybe they only refuse in fear of possible deviants spiking them with GBH and giving them a bakey blasting?

      Fortunate not to have had the cunts call at my door so far.

  2. Sorry Norm but you seem to be pretty clued up on this pair of non-talents.

    I am aware of their existence but they are an irrelevance in my life. My grump would be the daft sector of the population showering them in adulation and placing them where they are now.

    They do sound like a pair of cunts both of whom will inevitably indulge in plastic surgery as they age. They will then resemble a pair of dandy simians covered in cling film.

  3. In the above pic, Jay Z looks rather like an uppity Phantom of the Opera.

  4. All that money and look at the fit of his shirt collar, he looks like a homeless cunt going for an interview

    • That was the only shirt left in the Charity shop. He’s a decidedly funny-looking bugger, that JayZed. He loks a bit simple.

      She’s just a semi-talented, average-looking tart with a massive arse.

  5. They are just another pair of lowlifes that have no talent, a bit like the Kim Kardashian tart who strips naked to get plastered over newspapers. Reality TV will continue to produce these airheaded cunts, each batch being slightly more talentless and desperate than the last. Bores and whores the lot of them

  6. On a similar theme I don’t know who this Kanye West cunt is but I believe he is an “artiste” of the same genre. Apparently he has come out in support of the Tangoman and causing a storm among the snowflakes.
    Now I have seen a photo of this West cunt and I can assure the aforementioned snowflakes that he is definitely black.
    Fucking raaay-sists!

    • Trump has done more for blacks than Obummer ever did – African-American unemployment under Trump has been the lowest on record, 6.8% in December 2017 and only slightly up in March this year to 6.9%.

      But it’s raaacissst to point that out, innit?

      • Black folk here in the states literally start foaming at the mouth at the mere mention of Donald Trump. However, they fall to their knees in genuflection faster than an NFL player hearing the National Anthem for the Community Con Artist.

  7. I’d definitely give Beyonce a ride on the old pleasure-rocket. I don’t mind a touch of the tar-brush in the ladies, just don’t like those Frizzy-Lizzy ones. Beyonce,like Rhianna,has enough “whiteness” and nice tits to be forgiven the more undesirable parts of her DNA. It really is amazing how just a drop of “whiteness” can lift them out of the scary stage of evolution and into the desirable stage. Perhaps the likes of the Williams sisters should be forced to have a bit of white DNA injected into their offspring to offset the coarser aspects of their appearance and manners?

    Don’t really know who the Jazzy is,but I bet he knows his way around a bucket of chicken gizzards,collard greens,…and drugs…lots and lots of drugs.

    Fuck them.

    • Serena Williams isn’t that black; I’ll bet there’s loads of whiteness in his sperm.

    • I seem to recall a study which showed that black women were brighter than white ones. True, perhaps – not one has ever required my attention.

  8. Unfortunately celebri-stars have more sway and say in public affairs/opinion than the current crop of politicians across the west these days.

    This is fuelled by (anti)social media and the need for the weak-minded to feel like they belong.

    If they “follow”/”friend”/”subscribe” to any of these slebs they genuinely believe that they are friends with said sleb. Psychological studies have shown that (weak-minded) people’s brains behave/react in the same way when they receive yet another vacuous soundbite from a sleb as they do receiving a message from their closest personal friends (if they have any that is).

    The politicos know this and therefore they align themselves with these cunts and their verbiage because – weak-minded or not – those cunts are still a vote.

    As with most slebs – from sport to tinsel town – the shite they come out with about “peaceful” hugging, immigration and all that tat does not affect them in the slightest but because *they* say it, it must be right, right!?!


  9. Marr is like a wall of cunt this morning – first Caroline Lucas and now Vince Cable.

    • At least Marr could zone out and fake another stroke when these two cunts start droning on about Brexit and how the youth of today have been supposedly shafted.

    • The care home Cable is in must be very lax to let the old bugger escape at 9.00 on a Sunday morning. They wouldn’t have had time to change his plastic pants. Some fucking BBC studio has a wet seat now.

  10. Unless you’re into ‘pregnant porn’ I’d advise you give Beyonce a very wide berth indeed, boom boom!

    Presumably the cunt wearing white man’s clothes and sexually assaulting her is just another wealthy Uncle Tom.

  11. Apparently thousands of grief jackers are going to run the last couple of miles of the London Marathon in honour of the bloke who pegged it last week. People have died on the run before so what’s so special about this cunt?
    Oh yeah, he had his face on the telly for 5 minutes in some cooking contest. That makes him a saint in this world. Bunch of pathetic wankers. I hope it fucking pisses down on the cunts.

    • These cunts should have indicators fitted to save time on their virtue-signalling.

      Just like “Stephen Lawrence Day” all steeped in PC, positive discrimination bullshit.

      You won’t get a Lee Rigsby day because there’s not enough boxes being ticked in order to warrant any virtue-signalling. There’s just not enough kudos in it for them is there!

      • So I guess there will be a scramble up Mount Everest for people who die climbing every year or a charity pedalo race across the Med in solidarity with boat jumping Africunts?

      • Not to mention the sponsored stabbing 1/2 marathon to show solidarity with “Culturally Enriched” stabbing victims.

      • Will they have a Keith Bennett Day? For the still unfound poor little lad who was another victim of those evil scumcunts, Brady and Hindley? Nah! For starters he wasn’t black… And also the social media mongs and snowflake PC mob won’t even know or care who he is… Cunts…

    • Even the Al_beeb said “Thousands of people who never knew him”…

      Clifftops and lemmings…

      Dulce et decorum est pro totally unknown to me cunt mori…

  12. I am blissfully unaware of these talentless turds and intend to keep it that way.

  13. Funny how quiet the Me Too Madame Guillotine mob and the Time’s Up celebrislag mafia have been over Ol’ Dirty Bastard Bill Cosby, isn’t it?… No outrage over ‘America’s Dad’ actually being charged, sentenced, and nicked for numerous sexual assaults on women?Well I fucking never… Wonder why that is? Is it coz e’ bur-lack? Then again, these virtue signaling painted whores also said fuck all about the recent news from Telford… Wonder if they still want the head of Jimmy Franco though? Of course they do! Fucking hypocritical fake titted racist trollops cunts….

    • If Richard Pryor was still alive he’d be laughing his arse off about Cosby.
      I bet Eddie Murphy is…

  14. These 2 porch monkeys represent the worst of what black America has to offer the world. Jaz Z has absolutely NO fucking talent whatsoever and is only one chromesome ahead of an ape.

    And while Beyonce can sing, her hip hop/rap/disco/noise or whatever the fuck you call it (’cause it sure as hell ain’t music) hurts the ears worse than an Irish banshee wailing on Halloween. She would be better advised to stick to the negro spirituals of her cotton picking ancestors.

    Yet…they are revered in the Africunt/Americunt community as entertainment superstars and next to being a drug dealer they are what every little groid aspires to be if they don’t get killed in a drive by and actually do grow up.

    They have made piles and piles of bucks. They hang with the Community Con Artist. They are treated like Wills and Kate. There are people who actually care what they think.

    Jesus H. Christ Himself, the world is upside fucking down and inside fucking out when these 2 Ubangis actually have influence on anything other than what brand of Malt liguor to drink or what menthol cigarettes to smoke.

    Look at these 2 and tell me the South wasn’t right.

    Long overdue cunting Norman.

    ♠. ?. ?

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