Tony Blair (14)

I see we are awash with excellent cuntings of unworthy cunts of the deepest dye, but here’s yet another attempt. No, that isn’t Elton John again. It’s worse.

What have the following cunts in common? Apart from being certifiable cunts, that is:

Tony Blair, Peter Mandelson, Jack Straw, Neil Kinnock, Jack Straw, Rushanara Ali, Tulip Siddiq, Nick Clegg, Paddy Ashdown, Caroline Lucas and Sir David Amess

Give in? They all aggregated (as particles of sewage do) to ” drum up publicity for a campaign to tackle uncorrected poor vision, which affects 900 million Commonwealth citizens who do not have access to glasses”

Leaving aside the issue of supplying poor N’Tossa with glasses in order for him to find his way to the polluted well twenty miles from his hut, and the unlikelihood that the Tony Blair Institute for Tony Blair will do anything other than collect a rakeoff from the proceeds of the campaign in order to manage…something unspecified…, what is this really about? Beating river blindness, glaucoma and macular degeneration? Improving peoples’ vision? Or improving yesterdays’ politicians’ visibility?

What a carefully-chosen collection of laughing-up-their-sleeves, semicriminal and stratospheric cunts. Several of whom could fund the entire project out of petty cash without needing to bother the charitable public, who might then want to sort some problems a lot nearer home with their money.

What am I cunting here? The Clearly campaign, which agreed to allow its name to be besmirched by this bucket of bleeding-heart cunts, and is thus infected with antibiotic-resistant cunt.

Nominated by Komodo

61 thoughts on “Tony Blair (14)

  1. I can only assume that the government or whoever is behind this scheme are reluctant to commit any resources to it so what better way to ensure the thing falls flat on its fat arse than enrolling some of the most despised cunts in the country so they can say ‘ah never mind, we tried but nobody gives a fuck’ so fucking call it a day.

    • As Save The Children found to their cost, when they used my naively donated cash to award Bliar a Global Legacy Award, thereby losing not only my support but the regular monthly DD’s of thousands of others.

      It was around this time the scales began falling from my eyes and I saw these big business, so called ‘charities’ for the scam rip-off merchants they are.

      You’re spot on Kendo – get Blair on board, signal virtuously, pocket the cash and sink without trace. Cunts:

      • As soon as I read the Forsyth was a former aide of Blair’s the pieces all fell into place. The claim that the decision was made in the U.S., where he isn’t quite so despised, is bollocks. Blair is an arrogant piece of shit, and this award would have massaged his already inflated ego no end.

  2. The cunt of all cunts!

    The ruination of our cuntry was sown when Ted Heath knowingly gifted our sovereignty away (along with our industry in deference to Germany’s) but this cunt above all others accelerated our demise courtesy of an open door policy on immigration, especially of the “peaceful” variety, as well as sucking liberally from the EU teat.

    Cunty Blair is the very reason why barristers and solicitors should not be allowed to hold office in the UK – because they’re all untrustworthy cunts who know how to work the system so’s to avoid legal comeback on their cunt decisions.

    There’s a reason why Blair repealed the death penalty for treason law because he knew his own treacherous cunt neck wouldn’t be flying too far from the noose with his cunt decisions!

    And now that we’ve managed to eject the cunt (like a troublesome kidney stone) he’s never off the fucking telly spouting his fucking lies and Soros cock-sucking bullshit!

    This cunt dragged us back 2,000yrs with his 2nd Dark Age reign of “peaceful” insurrection and now we the – decent, not minted (like him & his shovel-faced untrustworthy QC cunt of a wife) – people of this land have to put up with those consequences.

    In 2007 there should have been a long stern look at the endemic “peaceful” issue in this cuntry and their behavioural traits (lazy, idle, bomb-making, pee-dough, benefit sponging mini-cab drivers) but no, even after a multifaceted attack across the capital, fuck all was done on this CUNT’S watch!

    In another thread someone said they don’t drink but had a bottle ready for this cunt to peg it. Similarly another said they’ll hold a street party.

    If I’m lucky enough to outlive this cunt (which is highly fucking unlikely – the cunt) I’ll bring the bunting!

    Fuck off Phoney B.Liar you fifty-face, untrustworthy, EU shill, UK sell-out CUNT!

    • Tone Bliar, the CUNT by which all others will be judged (and found wanting !) for all eternity.

      We shall need industrial wellies when this cunt carks, for surely all snoflakes will be crying a river of rancidity…

  3. He deserves to burn in hell for eternity for how he has behaved and what he has done to this once great country.

    All I want to say as not prepared to waste any time on the cunt.

  4. Seems odd that in 1998 Mr. Blair announced a fresh inquiry into “Bloody Sunday”(cost £200 million) and yet not a single penny has been spent inquiring into Blair’s own actions regarding war crimes,profiteering, misleading parliament, insider dealing,corruption,bribery….the list is endless.
    Of course,what I really want confirmed is that he truly is Charles Lynton …the fucking creeping deviant. I bet he is,he has the look and manner of a public-toilet lurker.

    • He quietly repealed the death penalty for treason when he was in office, probably because he knew that it could be used against him someday.

      It’s a funny one, Tony Blair – Thatcher was hated but respected. Even to this day, I hear people…that were not remotely Tory in their voting patterns say ‘Thatcher wouldn’t have had this’.

      Blair is just hated. And his ambulance chasing cunt of a wife.

  5. Blair has never given a cent to charity. His organisations leech off the money dull cunts donate. A true oxygen thief.

    • I’d like to empty every bloody one of his bank accs., and donate to the Genteel Buggered Butlers’ Association.

  6. If you look in the dictionary under Cunt it should read “tony blair” , i hate this festering, sapurating,fetid fleck of an infected pus filled bubo more than anybody or anything that has been born or invented in the universe. What he has done to my country deservez hang drawing and quartering. His smug smarmy grin sends me nuclear, every pic of him that appears in print in front of me has “CUNT” scrawled across its forehead in biro. He is lower than a maggots arsehole so low he could parachute out of a rats bum and still freefall, and walk under a snakes belly while wearing a top hat. CUNT.
    Got to stop now i cant see throhģ the rèeefmist.

  7. I pray he’s left his carcass to medical science and the quacks get to him before he croaks just so he can have a lot of pain. He needs a mortar rammed up his sabotch.

  8. Other nations must have looked on in disbelief as we allowed this cunt the keys to no.10. more than once.
    A real cunts cunt.
    A man skilled in apologising re. the Iraq war, also well skilled in accepting none of the blame.
    Says he has to live with his decisions about the Gulf war, still lives with all his limbs and children too.
    Throw in a clown faced cunt wife masquerading as a human rights lawyer who leeches from Tonys’ business and there you have it, familus cuntus.

    Worth about £100m and yet he fucks that moose.

    You get what you deserve in life, apparently….

    • I was in Greece in 2002 sat at a bar chatting to my mate, we were talking about Blair and the Labour government and what a fucking let down the cunts were, I voted for the bastards in ’97 to my shame, anyhow, we were talking about immigration, and I said to my mate, the whole world must be laughing their collective bollox of at us for allowing this open door policy bollox Blair encouraged, well, the greek lad behind the bar was ear wigging and felt compelled to come over and he said, ” we do laugh our ‘nads off, we cannot believe what your country is doing, we drink in our local bars, no tourists just old greek blokes chatting away and the main topic is how your country is going down the toilet because of your government, you are a laughing stock of the world”
      He was right, sadly
      And that Cunt Bliar is to blame.

      • Unfortunately things have gone from bad to worse for the Greeks. And for us. And for many others in the fucking shit hole otherwise known as the EU.

        Staggering to think that it only takes a handful of unelected fucking cunts to cause so much damage.

  9. If there is any justice in this world then Tiangong-1 will land slap bang on this cunt’s head.

  10. When he finally shuffles off this mortal coil should be dealt with Rasputin style, maybe shot with a silver bullet and a wooden stake through his black heart just to be sure. Ex BBC crackpot David Icke may have been on to something with his theory on the New World Order/Global Illuminati, Prime Ministers, Presidents and Royalty being six foot lizards, Blair would probably shed his skin and fuck off down the nearest drain.

  11. The biggest injustice with B.Liar? That this evil cunt will no doubt live to a ripe old age.

    The fucking monster should be deleted.

    • Where does the sleazeball live at the moment ? Does he still wake up next to the bootylicious Cheroot ? Or is he in a bunker somewhere ?

      The cuntlord.

  12. Thatch is my all time political hero (alongside Ronald and Winston) whereas Blair is so far below cunty level that I don’t think a word has been invented yet to describe him. Trouble is, I blame the Tories for him getting 2 1/2 shots at PM for the appalling candidates they chose to run against him. Does he not realise that he may well be the most hated man in the country, apart from Jon Venables. And the McCanns. And Harry Kane. And Nadia. And that unfunny gobby cunt on Question of Sport.

    • I blame John Major for being such a shit leader and Europhile that he rendered his mob unelectable for over a decade and we had to suffer the 13 year Labour Reign of Error.

      Now, I’m not a religious person by any means but I like to think that Cunt Blair has a seat earmarked for him in the lowest circles of hell.

      • When I heard the news about Ladyboy fucking Izzard this morning I honestly thought it was an April Fools joke, but it turns out this useless heap of stinking shit really has assumed a position of *importance* on the ruling body of the Labour party.

        The old perv has been hankering after a job in Labour for years He wanted to be London Mayor but I doubt Sadiq Kunt will give that job up without a fight.

        Seems to me Labour is fucked. Who in real working class areas will relish seeing a middle aged pansy traipsing round in expensive womens clobber and lipstick and nail varnish. Hopefully this really will bugger Labours chances at the next election.

  13. Eddie Izzard promoted to labour’s New.Genuinely passing myself hahahahaha.

  14. Tony Blair…What a cunt.
    He is surely the cunt to whom any cunt has to be measured against, I simply cannot believe this cunt and his arrogance and the fact that by ‘Stopping Brexit’ he believes he has this countries best interests at heart. Cunts like Blair dont appear that often. Thank God.

      • Or try and use them in a bout of fraud. Or scam them off for a better pair.

      • Good to see you cunting PMS, I see the cunt still burns bright for Blair as it should.

      • That is what the taxpayer funded interpreter service is for Rebel.

        Also don’t forget that within the employ of these social services is very likely to be a native speakers of languages from all the shithole countries that the new cultural enrichers are arriving from.

        Employees that will bend over backwards to ensure the new cultural enrichers receive anything and everything available at the expense of the taxpayer.

        You UK taxpayers are paying for your own demise.

  15. Yep, without a shadow of a doubt, Tony is a cunt. In fact, I would go so far as to say that Tony Blair is the King of Cunts. A vile, arrogant, egotistical cunt, who just refuses to accept that the majority of the British people want to try to forget this lying prick. Yet still, this severed donkey dong keeps popping up in the papers and on TV to virtue signal and try to make himself look more like a saint than a traitor to the Uk.

    It won’t work. The British people will NEVER forget that Blair lied to us over WMD’s as a pretence to invade Iraq. I’ll certainly never forget the good mate, who died fighting in Basra over Blair’s war. A war which was started while we were already at war in Afghanistan, thereby diverting already sparse resources away from where they were most needed. A war which was fought not to rid a country of an evil tyrant, but to massage Tony Blair’s ego and vanity. He thought toppling Saddam Hussein would make look like a PM on a par with Churchill. He was wrong. Very wrong. What it did, was show him up for the megalomaniac he is.

    • Blair cynically expected Iraq to be his ‘Falklands’ He saw his heroine Thatcher turn her plummeting, almost terminal popularity around by going to war and successfully liberating the Falklands.

      “I’d like some of that,” he thought, “George wants to pretend Iraq is responsible for 9/11, cos ‘Saddam threatened to kill ma daddy, wah!’, so if I can trick Parliament into believing Saddam still has WMD and can snuff out the country within 45 minutes, we can join forces and use the armed forces to reap glorious applause from the dumb electorate, adoration I can live off for decades to come – beat Margaret’s glorious term in office even! What’s not to like?”

      Antony felt the heavy hand of treachery upon his shoulder…

  16. Nothing much more that I can add to these stupendous cuntings of this foul monster, other than to hope he ends up roasting his nuts on Satan’s barbecue for all eternity.
    Along with Ted Heath…

  17. I’ve flondered on the rocks of Blair’s cuntisness for years!
    Blair Is the richter magnitude scale that all other Cunts are measured against!!
    Blair makes being an utter cunt look a breeze! Rambling from one unwarranted intervention to another, a virtual black belt in lack of self awareness this late 90,s stalwart takes some beating! A monumental cunt of the ages it’s doubtful he can be surpassed-……
    Can anybody on the ISAC site name a more suitable candidate?

  18. We could change the name of this forum to “Is a Blair” and nobody would know the difference.

    General Blairster; Today I Blaired some libtards. Tomorrow I will Blair some celibrislags.”

    Rebel Without a Blair; Dude take it easy on your Blairings! Other people at ISAB have Blairings too you know!

      • I did, and in my opinion there was nothing wrong with my comment, no worse than some of the others that would only upset the snowflake generation

  19. I knew Blair was a cunt prior to the 1997 election, mainly due to the inhuman use of his hands as he was interviewed. Nobody moves their hands like he does, not even the Italians. David Icke might be correct after all. Blair is probably a large lizard in human form (no offence, Kimodo) and we need to perform a pre mortem on him soon to find out for sure. He is the epitome of a cunt.

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