
Tinder is a cunt.Tinder has now introduced that sign of modern relationships the mixed race couple in the form of an emoji, as you can imagine they cover all the permutations of couples . Fuck me will the social engineering never stop how long before it is compulsory to be with a black chap or chappess though i suspect it will only be allowed if its white girl with black fella as seems to be portrayed on most tv ads.

Is it any fucking suprise racism is becoming more popular as a lifestyle choice.
Please stop trying to impose your fucking ideas of your twatty light coffee coloured nirvana on me you liberal left wing right on fuck twats.

Granted you see mixed race couples but not in the percentages the smugs would have you believe. CUNTS of the first water are the liberal left, or if you disagree the illiberal left. People would get along better if we didnt have it rubbed in our noses like a naughty carpet shitting puppy. I blame it all on the grand master CUNT the man who registers 12 on the Cuntsmic scale , tony blair CUNT CUNT and double CUNT that he is, i think he is the motherload of cunt whence all cunts and cuntism spring from.

Nominated by Civvydog.

56 thoughts on “Tinder

  1. Being too old for tinder, is it not a lot less trouble to just rent a mare and let it go an hour later?

    • An hour? I can get her primed,pumped,disappointed and wipe my bell-end on the curtains all before my Bombay Bad Boy potnoodle has had it’s 2 minutes standing time….I don’t like to eat before manoeuvres, it can give me wind and heartburn.

      • Back in the early 80s when at uni, my oirish landlady had something in the rent contract about “No interfering with da net curtains”

        I wouldn’t have feckin dared… It would have been something like a sort of fenian biological warfare incident… galloping knob-rot, spouting lefty gibberish, perhaps, and then SLUDGE…

  2. I’ve heard of Tinder but, frankly, I have such a low level of interest in it I can’t even be bothered to find out what it really is.

    • Ditto moggie63. As an old cunt cannot be arsed and have absolutely no use with the plethora of social media sites these days.

      For shallow or desperate people who consider friends as people they have never actually met.

  3. Like King Cunt above, I’m too old for Tinder. Plus I don’t think my wife would let me join!

    This anti-Semitism row over Jeremy Corbyn is a right load of old bollocks but it does expose the hypocrisy of what Honorary Cunter Rod Liddle calls the ‘Faux-Left.’ For what it’s worth, I don’t think Corbyn is an anti-Semite, I just think he’s really thick. Anyone could look at a mural that wouldn’t be out of place in Julius Streicher’s Der Sturmer and not think anti-Semitism must be a bit dim.

    Corbyn is thick but he is also instinctively anti-Western; his long association with fucktards from the IRA, Hamas and Venezuela might not have mattered when he was an obscure far left backbencher but it matters a great deal when Labour are putting him forward as their alternative Prime Minister.

    And whilst I don’t think Corbyn is personally anti-Semitic, some of his supporters certainly are. This definitely applies to those folks who are quick to raise the spectre of ‘racism’ and ‘Islamophobia’ whenever their own ‘community’ is criticised. Who can blame some Jewish folks and Israelis doing the same whenever they get criticised? Monkey-see-Monkey-do! Nor am I an apologist for or supporter of Israel and its corrupt and increasingly thin-skinned PM. FYI, I simply don’t give a damn about anything to do with the endless conflicts of the Middle East. To quote Mr D. Fiddler of this parish, fuck them.

    I was inspired to write this post by the shenanigans surrounding Corbyn’s pathetic non-apology…


    • Glad you raised this. Pretty well agree. However, if we are going to call all Muslims cunts (which offends the wet left) we should be free to call all Jews cunts if that is our opinion. Me, I know that not all Muslims, and not all Jews, are cunts. I’ve lived next door to a Sephardic rabbi, and I’ve visited Rumi’s shrine at Konya. I avoid easy stereotypes, personally.

      Also, since antisemitism has been redefined quite a lot lately, not least by Israel, you no longer have to be a goose-stepping stormtrooper with a canister of Zyklon to be an antisemite. All that’s needed is to be vocal in your criticism of Israel’s domestic policy, which more knowledgeable cunts than I have described as apartheid. And that’s most of what’s going on in Labour, though I have no doubt that some members get as enthusiastic on the topic as some of us do about the, er, snackbars.

      • One could argue that most majority Muslim countries operate an apartheid system.

        If one gave a fuck.

      • I give enough of a fuck to point out that many in Labour are as unhappy about our arms sales to Saudi and others as they are about our officially uncritical support of Israel.

    • I posted much the same yesterday, in my own hamfisted manner, but admire your superior breadth and articulation (is that the right word?)

      Great link also btw – cheers!

  4. The B words been used !!
    Just the mention of that Cunt annoys me!
    Totally agree with CD on the constant social engineering bull shit it’s hugely irritating, TV adverts have been riddled with this fuckin nonsense for years, before they got into the mixed race couples and shoe horning every racial group into every advert the same Cunts were bringing you all ( white) men are stupid thick cunts! Who without a woman would be completely lost!
    Even today you see dozens of adverts portraying men as gormless dim witted Cunts unable to sort out life’s most basic situations!!

    • Ain’ t that the truth Q, the ones annoying me at the moment are Alexa and other so-called ‘home help’ devices. Not really anything to do with black/white couples (give it time) but more of a glimpse into the future of useless cunts too lazy to look at a weather forecast, switch on a light or pick up a phone. The men are usually portrayed as dickless wankers who have got themselves into some ‘hilarious’ jape in the kitchen and need a creepy patronising voice in a box to sort it all out.

      • Time that Alexa cunt was Cunted methinks… feel a little nomination comin’ on.

      • Alexa should be “up-cycled” into something useful, eg a baked bean tin.

        And it might get painted by Warhol…

  5. Now that I’ve been alerted to the possibilities, I’m going to sign up. I’ll dig out an old photo from 30 years ago,titivate my general persona and lie outrageously…I’ll be knee deep in clunge within days. I hope that they weed the fatties and the uglies out, I don’t want to have to wade through dozens of growlers trying to get the leg over with a young Stud like me. I’d better set the age limit to 30 years old,a lot of these older biddies lie about their age,and I really wouldn’t want some powdery-fannied old trout rocking up expecting some of the “sweet stuff”…Carol Kirkwood can Fuck Off too.
    How have your own experiences been on Tinder,Civvydog? Much luck? 🙂 .

    • I had a great deal of success, Mr F. Never had so much sex. Alas, I am dyslexic and installed Grindr by mistake. My ass is killing me.

      • Oh Dear, Well, I suppose In the immortal words of Kelly Clarkson, “What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger”…of course, bearing in mind that most of them are riddled with The Aids, Kelly may well be incorrect.

        C’est la vie, Mr. Cunt-Engine…just the price that you must pay for your Fruity misadventure.

    • Ive looked but to be honest i dont think the bloke exists that some of these old tabbies desire, they need to be tall, well off in touch with their feelings , perfumed clean hands, fit, empathetic etc. The women in my age group are frightening ive done all the fucking hectic shit when i was younger i want a quieter life now but these mad old sorts dont they list their hobbies and likes and how fuck the get time to sleep is beyond me, eg pubs, music, dancing, travel,theatre,gym, running, time with friends, staying in, goin out ,the list goes on and on its tiring reading it and one last thing some of the tabbies are stunning ,why are they on dating sites do they really exist ?

      • I keep away ive come to the conclusion that most women are fucking barking irrational aggro, its just me and the hound and my old trucks now, fuck em , or perhaps not as it would seem.

      • No, silly billy… it’s because all white men (obviously) have small cocks! So NO woman in her right mind would go for a white man when there’s black knob on offer. But is that racist? Of course not!

      • That explains a lot, and also why so many wimmin like fucking horses (other farmyard animals are available).

      • That horse thing…if there’s a stallion in her life, you can forget all about your chances. Been there, never came within a mile of doing that…she looked great in a t-shirt.

        Though they might respond to the pheromones, and dousing yourself in horse sweat could be the answer.

      • I spent 38yrs shoeing nags and a lot of the ladies are shall we say “different” not as bad as dog ladies though all those years working for women and poofs no wonder im like i am.

      • Good to have that from the horse’s…feet…Civvydog. But I’d forgotten about farriers. If anyone human can, they can. Hope your career wasn’t completely celibate.

  6. Tinder is for desperate cunts to find a slag…..shame they cant call themselves srewfix as that’s already taken, same with plenty of fish and all the countless others making a few quide out of the sad and desperate.
    This is the problem with most modern people they have to have a computer to help the find a partner who has probably lied on their advert…cant you find that in the pub on a Friday nite…….Get a life you sad cunts

    • “Can’t you find that in the pub on a Friday nite”……I’m afraid I can’t. They all know me.

      • What are you whining about Dick? They all know me too. And ever since I joined the Colonial Militia I’ve been known as the Minute Man!


      • Im suprised im not called “Micro SOFT ” now General and it wouldn’t be because of my skill with computers!!

      • What drunken shenanigans have you been up to Mr Fiddler? Are you familiar with the black marias? Now anyone overindulging gets to sleep it off in a nice NHS bed rather than a hedge.

      • “Drunken shenanigans” just about sums it up, L.L. The only time that I’ve been actually worried when arrested was in Greece. I was detained at the airport following “drunken shenanigans” and a couple of gobbshite Greeks. I was arrested at gunpoint, and eventually deported….a lesson to only get arrested in English speaking countries,a rule that I have stuck to by never again going anywhere where they speak foreign.

        Fuck them.

  7. Good one Civvy!

    Libtards accuse all white people of racism. In order to show how not-racist they are they do shit like this. I wonder how many POC’s Tinder employs let alone has in management positions. And I wonder how many of those are in mixed race relations. It’s all bullshit just to make us all feel good. Like ice cream, rainbows and unicorns it’s a fucking fantasy.

    Let’s see…white male…white female. Black male…black female. Brown male…brown female. Yellow male…yellow female. Red male…red female. Rainbow cunt.

    Now…pick and choose or mix and match…show how not-racist you are.

    Fucking cunts!


    Full disclosure…I…a white male…was in a long term relationship with a black woman. We didn’t need or want fucking PC emojis!


    • I agree… I was with a girl from Argentina for a few years…. We didn’t even think about how PC or non-racist it was… I didn’t give a toss and I know that she definitely didn’t… These libfuck cunts wear skin colours and relationships like a badge and treat then like they’re a fashion trend… If it’s right between two people then skin colour means fuck all…

  8. I was an early adopter of internet dating and had a fair bit of success from it. This was, however, before the mass take up of internet use and any spastic with a smartphone could use apps and social meeja and dating sites and the like.

    This has meant that any pan faced, Croydon permed, 18 stone tattooed fishwife that puts up a profile on a dating sight, no matter how hideous and repellent, will be bombarded by comms from potential suitors all day long. This, in turn has lead to the demands of these halfwitted boilers becoming ever more and more ridiculous.

    One profile I saw recently was of a female that looked like the smell of gas. She listed, under her ‘interests’:- ‘snooker and soaps lol’. Form an orderly queue, boys…….

  9. The basic point here of course is that,needless to say, it’s only Raaacccist when white people are directing it at other flavours… the liberal left, having written the template for the “brave” new world, justify it on the lines of “Racism equals prejudice plus power…” See what they did there?? Of course, the only people with power must be the evil IC1’s, and thus it is spoken. The main point here is this shit only works when you buy into the libtard doublethink mentality. George Orwell had these Cunts worked out, and issued an early warning as to the self loathing nature of most lefty “intellectuals”… most of who seem to be rather oddly white, and in some cases it seems, anti-semitic. Funny Old World.

  10. Can’t fault your analysis of Blair, there, except that he’s rather more of a cunt than that. The latest Opinion of Tony Blair ™ is that

    The Conservatives “…believe that delivering it is the best inoculation against a Corbyn Government…..Brexit is not the route to escaping a Corbyn Government; it is the gateway to having one. ”

    There was also the mandatory reference to antisemitism, but this was to be expected from someone employed by the European Jewish Council’s boss, Moshe Kantor.

    (Speaker’s House Lecture, last night, as summarised with tweetable bons mots in bold, by the Tony Blair Institute for Tony Blair)

    Not just a pathological Remoaning cunt, but a pathological Remoaning backstabbing cunt. And still allowed to be a Labour Party member.

  11. Tinder is like Facebook and Twatter: at least 90% of the people who use t are weirdos, saddos, trouser fumblers, narcissists, loonies, slags, stalkers, attention seekers, demented housewives, obsessive lezzas, pervs, and every other freak you can think of…. It’s a cunts paradise…

  12. Tinder huh? honestly women give me such a headache nowadays I don’t think I could muster up the courage to talk to these tinder sluts. That and I don’t think I’ll find a bigger cunt then my ex girlfriend

    You either end up trying to contact some hotty only to find out shes using a fake avatar and is in fact a fat whore who just wants a sugar daddy so she can stuff her fatfuck face with sweets. Not to mention how many of these cunts who have herpes or some other foul stds up their snatch. Don’t look for love in a whorehouse as my mum use to say just another slutfinder disguised as a dating app for cunts

    • My grandad used to say ‘don’t shake the slut tree and expect an angel to fall out’

  13. Never looked on a dating site but always had a lot of whores in brothels during the 90s because i was always moving around to much and if i stopped long enough i´d have drug fueled sex with a pub slut and one of my best was when i encountered a massive German barmaid built like a brick shithouse with two seats and when i finished work a rake of beer at minimum price, free digs ,food and atempting to shag her with mr wobbly and as that great welsh philosipher dai dodgyknees once said”if it smells lick it till it doesnt” and some of these are either wastrels or tarts with hearts and the worst is off the cuff skinny cat lady shag and her teenage kids come into the bedrom and find mother who has not had a man for a while and decide to start talking step father and i was only home for four days and had just met the thing
    ian dury was correct Billericay dickie

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