I know that, you know that, but apparently the POTUS doesn’t.
I like Trump but if we needed any more proof that Donald Trump is a bit thick, this is it.
He’s miles better than the alternatives, and compared to other politicians he’s a fucking genius (I wish we had a Trump), but to the general public he’s made himself look like a stupid old man and he’s handed a mountain of ammo to the lefty twats that try to discredit him despite the good work that he does.
Though I doubt he gives a fuck, which is actually why I like him so much.
This dumb slut has been going around trying to bring down the president by “spilling the beans” *aherm* on their affair. I can’t quite figure out why, but she probably smelt a few bucks and is now whoring herself out to grab what she can (makes a change).
But what has he done wrong?
Well he cheated on his wife, something I could never condone. That’s between him and his wife though.
But what has he done to Stormy Daniels?
Let me guess.
He told her she was clever and beautiful, she believed him (stupidly) and when she found out he only wanted one thing she got the hump.
He’s married. What the fuck did she expect?
Well no doubt she expected that all along, but he’s rich so she fucked him anyway coz she’s a slag and that’s it.
No. That’s not it.
This cunt was also paid $130,000 to keep her gob shut on the subject, but being a stupid whore that wasn’t enough.
How many other guys paid you $130,000 for a shag? Not many I’m guessing.
Hell, I’D fuck Donald Trump for $130,000. … he’d probably ask for his money back though.
She claims that she never fancied him and he bored her. ..Diddums.. Why did you fuck him then? … proof enough of the fact that she is a money grabbing slag with the morals and sincerity of two bit, back alley, stray dog … she probably has mange too.
Obviously the media on both sides of the pond have been all over this.
The twats, for some reason, think that Stormy Daniels is someone to be respected and listened to. Even the most fanatic of femenazi cunts can’t think that getting gang banged by 10 blokes is clever or empowering for women. … though I suspect they’ll try to find a way to spin it.
Stormy Daniels is an opportunistic, stupid, stuck up, self righteous, over indulged, back stabbing, money grabbing slut and she sure as hell ain’t gonna bring down the president of the United States of America.
Not this one anyway.
Go back to getting fucked by everyone and stay the fuck out of politics coz no one gives a fuck about anything that you’ve got to say.
Take your money and fuck off.
Y’ cunt.
Nominated by Deploy The Sausage
Spot on. I like Trump simply because he does whatever the fuck he wants without thoughts of repercussions or, indeed, any thought at all. He would simply have told the EU to fuck off, not pander to almost every demand they’re making like the bunch of cunts we have allegedly ‘fighting’ for our sovereignty.
Fuckin spot on cunting DTS…?
Although a bit of a cunt Trump was far and away the best candidate! , Hilary Clinton? Seriously!! Dodgy self entitled cow, pretty clueless too…
The STORMY story is more of a breeze and tango man will ride it out much to the chagrin of the democratic ( joke word) libertards who a desperate to sink the Don!!
For all his faults trump has put more go into the American economy in one year than that useless cunt bollock Obama did in 8 years!
Like other posters I wished we had him to tell the Cunts over in Brussels where to go!!
Agree Quislings,
A woman who gets paid (a lot) for men to fuck her up the arse, swallows spunk in copious amounts and cavort in twosomes, threesomes, foursomes and orgy’s is “offended”?? Fucking hell, that’s like asking a tramp sharing your sleeping bag shitting in his keks and complaining about the smell.
Beautiful. Anderson Cooper can fuck off also. He is nothing but a hack. Fuck CNN.
I think Trump is a cunt. But. The hypocrisy and double standards here are fucking off the scale.
Bill Clinton was far more sinister in his groping and frotting. A sly, nasty piece of work.
JFK made Clinton look like an amateur. And quite possibly colluded in cover-ups and worse.
So we have the Donald. A narcissistic, shallow cunt of a man., admitted, but he is elected president of the USA. I cant see how a whore can be used to change this. The same class of cunts that venerate JFK will try to use this bollocks to remove an elected president. There were no burglaries. Nothing illegal. It is just cuntgate for liberals.
I bought a Stormy Daniels porn DVD from a market stall.
Initially I thought I’d been right royally ripped off.
Got home, turned on the DVD player, put in the disc.
First scene looked like some old cunt, sitting in the dark, with a limp cock in his hand.
Hadn’t switched the TV on….
Money grubbing slags like Daniels only serve to enhance Trump’s reputation.
Trump knows he’s a cunt. Mrs Trump knows he’s a cunt. His children know he’s a cunt. The American electorate know he’s a cunt.
An honest and transparent cunt. Compare and contrast with the Clintons, Blairs and Corbyns of this world. What’s not to like?
It seems that there is a Stormy Daniels sex doll.
Please Dog, let it not be of the talking variety…
Normally I would hope the Donald smashed her a new arsehole.
Knowing what else has probably been up it however I think that would make it a very difficult task.
On same topic. Why does he not just confirm he paid nothing to fuck it. But 130,000 to leave – and as she has not left she is in contempt?
I agree that the Clintons are far worse than Big Don… Bill’s sordid antics both inside and outside the White House, and Kilary defending a known rapist in court and laughing at the victim…
As for Stormy Thingy? Well, a slag is a slag is a slag and all that…. And she looks rougher than a Gnu’s arse… More Wayne Rooney’s mark than Big Don’s I’d say…
Fucking hell, at least Uncle Harvey has had his pick of Hollywood celebrislags… Yet Big Don went for this plastic titted botlle blonde crabs riddled trollop?! It seems that Trump likes to aim low (and I’m also wondering if he actually did?)…
Big Don should quietly make sure that the Stormyslag ends up in Saudi… Then the locals could play the stones, and I don’t mean Mick, Keef and the boys….
Jeremy Corbyn = Diane Abbott, John Major = Edwina Curry, Bill Clinton = Monica Lewinsky to name a few of many. So the fuck what. Get back to your pole. Fucking dope.
Yes, but Clinton “did not have sexual relations with that woman.” He said so:
…then a bit later on, “Indeed Ah DID have seh-sexual relayshins with her (moralisingly)… and it woz WRONG.”
Perhaps the wellytop-fannied Ms Daniels has been nobbled by the Democunts and she is merely a low grade pawn (as opposed to porn) in this no-news tale.
Perhaps Ms Daniels ought to stick to what she knows best – i.e. penicillin jabs for gonorrhea and squelching around in communal man-custard.
Great nomination, CWCC.
I have little time for professional sluts outside of their brief shelf-life in front of the camera. Less still for the rare few like Stormy shitcunt Daniels; opportunist whores who delusionally believe that they have any semblance of relevance outside of being fap fodder.
Watching this totally shameless shitcunt, wheeling her grotesquely distended genitalia to the interview seat and henceforth revealing more about her own lack of morals than Trump’s, was as pitiful a sight as that mutated dog dragging itself to the feed bowl in The Fly 2. From what I can gather, and do stop me if I’ve got the wrong end of the faeces-smeared stick, is that this cunt claimed to have extra-marital sex with Trump – no money and no precautions involved – yet still feels the need to ‘tell all’ in an utterly one-sided, unsubstantiated story about something of no interest to anyone but the rabid left who have spent the last 18 months seizing upon anything to demonise The Donald with.
Quite why he would want to go bareback with such a rotten, well-worn piece of battery-acid tinged quim as Daniels is utterly beyond me but it is his indiscretion and, as deplorable as it might be, his business. Still, this all happened before his presidency, and crucially he didn’t abuse either her or any power to co-erce her into sex, a la Clinton. So no matter how much the media try to paint this as some kind of showstopping shocking revelation, it doesn’t even possess a fraction of the seriousness of the actions from Blowjob Bill.
The turd-shaped icing on the already shit-coated cake was seeing how the usual anti-Trump obsessed arsecloths like The Graun paint this ‘woman’ as a the paragon of virtue for America. We’ve already had Polly Toynbee appeal to Sinn Fein to stop Brexit, as well as Owen Jones et al championing genocidal warlord Tony Blair, so I suppose we shouldn’t be too suprised to see liberally obsessed media adopting any bedfellow, no matter how morally bankrupt, if it fits their rhetoric.
Stormy Daniels. A mammoth cunt in every sense of the word. Now fuck off, and take your cock-ravaged, STD-riddled arse with you.
Some slimeball with deep pockets has clearly been playing on the slut’s narcissism, coaching her to spout bollocks like:
“He was like, ‘Wow, you…you are special. You remind me of my daughter’.”
Well,so much for Big Don’s boasts about being a brilliant businessman. The soft Cunt paid $130k for a ride on that old growler? You can get a cracking Thai-style one in Newcastle for £50 p/ half-hour (not that I’ve ever needed all the that time,but they won’t work on 5 minute long appointments…greedy cows). Plus there’s the benefit of most of them not speaking the language,or probably even being aware of which country they’re in,so no fear of them running to the papers when he’d had his Golden Shower. I’d expect Gemma Arterton hanging of my knob for $130 thousand, and,by fuck,she’d have earned every cent by the time I was done.
Fuck her.
While he was on the job, I wonder if Big Don sang the old Sutherland Brothers and Rod Stewart classic?
‘I am shagging… Stormy Daniels… Will I get crabs? Who can say….’
I can’t believe a pornstar is being cunted and I know nuffin about her…….. I’m off to research this harlot…….
Why would ANYONE want to shag a woman with plastic tits? They really put me off…