Kid in pubs

I pure hate kids in pubs. There was a time…a more civilised time…when if your old man took you to the pub, you sat in the car and he bought you out a bottle of pop and a packet of crisps every half hour. An arrangement that was agreeable for all concerned. Not now though. You go out for a quiet pre Sunday roast pint and you have to run a gauntlet of legions of the hyperactive little cunts, high as fucking kites on E numbers and Haribo, running about screaming and shouting, climbing over everything, stampeding in and out and leaving the door open so the arctic wind chills you to the bone.

Nominated by Mecha-Rigsby

64 thoughts on “Kid in pubs

  1. Sorry to go off topic but I’ve got to get something off my chest.

    I think some other contributors have already posted links to Nick Cohen’s Radio 4 documentary on the insane alliance between so-called ‘liberals’ and the Islamist hard right. Here’s the link from my blog if you haven’t heard it…

    I just do not understand the leeway given to Islamists in the West. The media absolutely love to denounce anything they dislike as ‘far right.’ But the purple buffoons of UKIP and the oaf our American friends have chosen to place into the Oval Office are not the ‘far right’ of Owen Jones’ fevered wet dreams. The real far right are the people who wish to strip woman of all their rights and force them to wear binbags in public. The real far right are the people who want to kill Jewish people for simply existing. The real far right are the people who think it’s ok to marry nine year olds but would chuck our pal Kravdarth off the nearest skyscraper for consensual sex with fellow adults.

    Many of our Northern contributors have complained for years about sex abuse in the old mill towns I remember hearing about during my O-Level History class. But Sikh people in Birmingham had been complaining for years about girls from their community being targeted by members of a certain religious persuasion. This is NOT a racial issue. The Establishment and the media didn’t and don’t give a fuck. My computer does not recognise the word ‘Sikhophobia.’ What a surprise, I don’t fucking think.

    Sorry to Mecha-Rigsby for interrupting his nomination of Kids in Pubs. I just had to get this off my chest. I’ve posted this rant over on the nominations page too if the admins think it qualifies.

    • Agree with every word!

      For the record sex with rent boys is contractual nit consensual!

    • From your blog

      “in bed with some of the most unpleasant and far right misogynists, homophobes and anti-Semites in Britain today.”

      What is this snowflake bullshit? It’s almost compulsory to be gay if you want to work at the BBC.

    • I go along with all of that. One thing I got from the programme was very interesting and made by a moderate moslem I think, regarding the labour party.
      They have the old colonial attitude to Islam. You deal with one man and he keeps the rest in line. So they deal with ‘elders’ to bring in a few hundred votes. These elders are conservative and primitive. So it benefits Labour to be anti-Semitic and to ignore women’s rights. Makes sense to a cynical Marxist ideology.

    • No apology required – it’s a sound cunting and one I wholeheartedly agree with.

    • Excellent post there mate. It really shows up the hypocrisy of the left that they are willing to forge an alliance with hard right muslims, the very people who seek to destroy Western culture and replace it with their own, savage, dark age ‘culture’. They seek to convert us to their interpretation of Islam, or kill us if we refuse. And fuckwits like Corbyn, McDonnell, The Abbotopotamus, and many others from across the political spectrum are happy to side with them because they belief it will stop them trying to kill us. It won’t. It will just encourage them.

      And these so called ‘liberals’ are the very same ones who recently gate crashed a debate on free speech, using violence and intimidation to try to stop it. They are the same ones who call the Tories ‘scum, and the likes of UKIP, ‘Nazis’. They clearly have no concept of irony, because seeking to restrict our right to freedom of speech, especially using violence, telling us what we can and cannot say, demanding we respect the rights of people such as transgenders, non-binary’s and the like, seeking to replace our way of life with their own, fucked up version of what society should be, while not giving a flying fuck about OUR rights, OUR beliefs and our opinions, are the acts of true Nazis.

      I will NEVER submit to their demands. I will not be intimidated by Islamists or their far left lap dogs. I will live my life the way I want to live it. I will express my opinions, using my right to free speech (which also includes the right to offend), as I see fit. If I’m physically attacked for that, I will defend myself. I may not win, but I’ll put a bloody good fight. I will not, as they are doing, try to inflict my own beliefs on others. I don’t have that right. And neither do they. I will resist them at every opportunity.

  2. Ny local is more like a fucking creche.

    Little shits running around, high on soft drinks. Also, Mothers pushing great big fuck-off prams that invariably hit the back of your legs.

    The parents are usually to be found supping Stella while their unattended brats scream blue murder or cry continuously.

    Hate them all, I go to the pub to relax, but just can’t.

    When the smoking ban came in they should have split it between smoking and non-smoking pubs, that way kids could all fuck off somewhere else, and L could have a ciggie with my pint.

  3. I used to enjoy a rolly, a pint and read of some description in a local of my choosing whenever I was working away (which was quite often).

    Then it was deemed socially unacceptable to smoke in pubs (no one had the forethought to allow smoke rooms – which used to exist in the 30’s – 50’s).

    As an infrequent smoker – again a couple of an evening when working away – the new law didn’t bother me in the slightest and if I did fancy one I’d have it before going in and/or coming out after a couple of pints.

    However I know that this didn’t sit well with a lot smokers, some through inconvenience/addiction, some through bullishness at being further persecuted for being one of modern society’s social lepers.

    Travelling up and down the country I started to find that my usual haunts were either closed, closing or were evolving into “Food Pubs” in order to stay afloat.

    Most ordinary social drinkers don’t go to the pub to eat, they go – surprisingly enough – for a drink, a game of dominoes, and the craic with the lads; and so these “drinkers” pubs had to evolve further and become “Family Friendly Food Pubs”.

    I would say – since 2007 (during the UK’s second dark age) – 90% of the pubs I used to frequent up and down the country have either gone or have “evolved” into “Family Friendly Food Pubs”.

    This obviously entailed appealing to and encouraging the family unit to partake in the eating part of the equation, including their wonderful little offspring.

    This was like garlic to a vampire as far as seasoned social drinkers were concerned: no peace to read a paper, play dominoes or just a chat with like-minded individuals on any subject of their choosing (mostly healthy cuntings), and – the final straw – being looked upon by the Tristan and Jemimah set as “social pariahs” for actually using said pub as intended, i.e., for a drink.

    Again more drinkers left in droves (which is where the money is rather than a £10 quid 2-for-1 two course meal while nursing 1/2 a coke for 2hrs) and more pubs closed with only the very shit franchise pubs staying afloat with their ball-pools and fluffy mascots to meet and greet each little angle as they walked through the door raring to get hyper on a blue slush.

    I would just like ask one question: in 2007 it was deemed socially unacceptable to smoke in pubs. I was just wondering when it became socially acceptable to have screaming kids flying around all over the place in a total cuntfest of hyperactivity when all I want is a quiet pint, bag of pork scratchings and the ability to hear at least one word of the sport on TV (which is also often occluded by fucking balloons bouncing all over the knot-end)!

    Fucking cunts!

    A worthy nomination. I couldn’t agree more!

    • I don’t understand why every pub has to be the same. There should be smoking pubs and non-smoking pubs, children-welcome pubs and no children allowed pubs. Then you’d be able to please yourself. Or does that make too much sense?

      • I used to travel to Gerona in Spain. A beautiful little spot rarely visited as it was a hub for the onward travellers to Barcelona and the Costa Brava (Lloret de mar – what a stinking shitfest if anyone has had he dubious “pleasure”). It is a University town and a very staunch Catalonian stronghold. The bars / pubs had a very simple method for smokers boozers as the majority of the populace like a smoke with a pint and watching the footy. In the window and the front door was a white sign declaring smoking was allowed throughout. In the non smoking pubs a red sign was displayed declaring a non smoking pub. Result is that most of the boozers had a white sign but if you were meeting friends you could opt for the non smoking boozer and move on if you wanted a tab in another next door.
        Britain – and England in particular has always been a country that prided itself on democracy and having a live and let live attitude throughout the centuries (hence we are stuck with a mish mash of peacefuls and the like who would slit your throat or bomb your fucking buses in a heartbeat – but we have always been tolerant). Prohibiting a legal substance to be used in places where another big killer (alcohol) is served just makes / made no sense. Winny would be spinning in his grave at the thought. Much more wisdom would have been seen had the pubs opted for a smoking room – like a complete reversal – instead of a non smoking room – just have a smoking room. I cant think of a single “law” that resulted overnight in so many other laws being broken – particularly domestic violence.
        As a youth in the shipyards – the tradesmen would frequent the many working mens clubs who opened at tea time to cater for the working man. He would pop in, have a quiet smoke, read the evening post and have a couple of beers before setting off home and getting on with the wife nagging and the ankle biters wanting to play. So now, the unhappy chap picks up a carry out on his way home, has a few with his tea and becomes irritated that he isn’t getting his hour on his own to reflect on the day and have a couple of quiet pints. That often results in the wife getting lippy and ending with her getting a slap and the old man being lifted by the law or having the bobbies round the house. A more stupid ban I don’t think there has ever been. Still, you can marry another bloke and identify as one of at least 76 known genders so I guess its not all bad. CUNTS

  4. Pubs and restaurants are now fucking torture to endure with regards screaming, unruly cunt-children. What makes it worse is that their cunt parents no longer appear to have any sense of consideration for the poor bastards who have to suffer their fucking sprogs screaming and running around like the utter cunts they are.

    Sister fucking dearest and her Omen-tier son were exactly like this a few years ago. Fucking nephew would scream the bastard house down and all she would do is pathetically pat the bastard’s back and do the whole infuriating ‘sh-hh’ routine. Like that would make a difference to the bastard son of beelzebub. I was mortified whenever would meet on a weekend, being part of THAT group with the wailing little spoilt fucker.

    I’m not sure when this pub takeover with brats started, but all I know is that for your own sanity, most pubs are off limits during half-term and especially on weekends before 8pm. What a cunt.

  5. Nowhere is safe from these experiments of the liberal.and entitled. I remember a few years ago.some hipster cunt had his girl on his shoulders in a shopping centre and she was screaming her head off, not crying just screaming for fun, I reckon he almost had a hard on he was so proud of himself for not opressing her by making her considerate of others.

    We think the millenials are bad on social media now. When thia post millenial generation grow up we can kiss what’s left of our civilization goodbye.

    Just for the record, liberal precious middle class parents have a LOT to answer for, a whole hell of a lot.

  6. Oh Mecha, you have really hit a raw nerve with this over due Cunting. In Hove we have a lot of Poncy Gastro Pubs With stupid names such as The Slug and Lettuce where you can’t buy a pint under £5. One Pub near me used to be a rock band venue which was always packed with adults. Not now it;s been turned into a Creche that serves booze at inflated prices full of Snowflakes and their unruly brats with names like Tarquin and Gemima running round the Fucking Pub on Scooters and skateboards till the poncy cunting Pub closes. I tend to use my local Weatherspoons because its full of old cunts like me so the hipster parents tend to avoid the place.

    • Cardiff is literally wall-to-wall with these fucking family-infested holes and bollocks gastropubs. You actually have to use a fucking treasure map to find a decent pub that isn’t catering for hipsters, families or the massive cunt contingent of students there.

      • Goat Major still pretty traditional, I’ve never had any (kiddie) probs in there.

        Or anything goat-related…

        Seems pretty clear of hipster cunts and stoodent cunts too.

    • At least the pubs which serve food are still there. Used to live in Portsmouth and when I started drinking me and a friend did a listing and there was then in the late 70’s over 350 pubs and a lot of them were back street local boozers. Now at least 150 have shut and turned into flats. And those that are clinging on are struggling. Unfortunately pubs can’t survive on beer alone not when the big supermarkets give beer away with a packet of peas.
      My advice is only use the pubs where there is no food, no TV, no pool table, but think they are few and far between but if you use them then they won’t have to change. Oh and the real death of the real pub is Sky Sports. Used to be an old telly on a shelf in a pub and when there was a mid week cup replay or the rarity of Pompey being on Southern Soccer or another show it would be on the rest of the time it was off. Just my two penneth. Mind you kids in pubs are CUNTS

  7. A pub in Chester used to have a large blackboard outside bearing the legend ” We are not a family friendly pub, no children, no music, just good food and beer”. A veritable oasis in a desert of licensed premises child infested cunt.

    • Wow! I’m surprised they weren’t sued for not being inclusive and for offending people with kids.

  8. I’d fucking love to see some lousy little punk run into a waiter/waitress/waitperson carrying a full set of meals and go all over the little cunt. Mind you it would be the pubs fault for not having proper health & safety rules to cover such an event. Parents would clean up in compo. Inconsiderate cunts.

    • I once tripped one of the little Cunts that was running around the bar screaming. The little bastard faceplanted the tiled floor,at least then the shit had some justification for the wailing. Served the little Cunt right.

      • My late father always used to say to me when I was a young child, stop crying or I will give you something to cry about.

        Always worked because I knew tthat he meant it.

  9. The day that I can stroll into a school,expect a special seating area, scream like a pig having it’s throat cut, run around like a monger on acid and finally shit myself,is the day that I’ll stop moaning about bastarding brats in pubs. What’s sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander. (Being fair,when I read it back,I think I probably have done those things on my list,just possibly not every fucking time I go.)
    Fuck them.

  10. I hate children, alas it is a crime nowadays to dislike the feckers . Its not all middle-class twats with unruly offspring, have you never experienced the working class brats the spawn of the fat bird only related by the mother not the absent dads, all of a mish mash of colours and types. Ive never worked out why when there is bloke on the scene the fatter the brood mare the skinnier and weedy the stallion is.

  11. In Bury St Edmunds there is reputedly the smallest pub in the World. Its capacity is 8 persons , 1 of which is able to sit. There is no creche, there are no kids, there is no juke, and no fucking food ( save a bag of crisps ) It is a fantastic remnant of times gone by, and every time I go to Bury, I visit for a good old fashioned pint.
    Kids in pubs…..fuck off.
    Excellent cunting chaps!

  12. I can see both sides on this one.

    Being relatively old school believe children should be seen and not heard. Apply this rule to our 12 year old son if our at a pub or restaurant, in fact anywhere that is primarily an adult environment. He is ok with this, and we feel this should be permissible on the rare occasion we go out for a pub meal.

    Our local pub has a strict no children policy, and I am completely happy and respectful with that, we just go elsewhere.

    Many parents these days feel that is acceptable and their god given right for poorly behaved young children to be allowed to run around noisily and annoy others. Poor parenting, coupled with ignorance and selfishness. In my experience the parents will often become difficult and argumentative when this is pointed out to them, willing to make a scene equal or greater to the noise their fucking beat kids are making.

    The pub should have every right to not allow families with children onto the premises, or to ask the family to leave if their behaviour is to the detrimental effect of others.

    Regarding the smoking issues, should start by stating that I am a non smoker and always have been. When younger pubs and nightclubs allowed smoking something that I was used to and although it was for the best part not obvious at the time, the smell of cigarette smoke on my clothes the following morning was noticeable.

    Whilst I welcomed the smoking ban in public places, I feel extremely disappointed that the old tradition of a popping into the pub for a couple of pints and a cigarette or two would be lost. To me it would not have seemed beyond the realms of possibility for a pub to be split into smoking and no smoking sections. It does seem completely ridiculous to me that people are forced to smoke outside, especially in bad weather.

    I do remember many years ago many times being left in my fathers car with a bottle of Coca Cola and a packet of cheese and onion crisps whilst he was inside for his pint and ciggie.

    If anyone did that today, and if anything happened to the child they would be crucified by the media for being a neglectful and selfish parent (unless you are a doctor and your surname is McCann obviously).

    The 60’s were in my opinion much happier times than today’s, and I miss them very much.

    • Back in the Neolithic, which I remember well, some pubs indeed had a ‘Smoke Room’ – though generally the lounge bar and public bar were pretty hazy too.

      Our local can only cover its overheads by attracting passing trade (generally in Audis) and selling overpriced food, but keeps decent beer and has convenient places to smoke. The locals, such as can afford the eyewatering price of a pint, aren’t discouraged.

      But the bloody Audi brats…think it’s all been said. Endorsed.

    • I used to get the car treatment sitting in drivers seat pushing poking everything with result flat battery lights on , not popular child.

  13. The Price of a pint is far too high and that is why pubs are closing. Pubs are for men and as the elite hate that men can get together without female interference or children in tow are doing everything to ensure that public houses become unbearable.

    This is an attack on our culture and thus – as you never see peacefuls in pubs – is racist!

  14. International Wimminz Day today and Spanish women are going on strike to highlight how much work they do. No cooking, cleaning, shopping or childcare they whine, hang on aren’t they all supposed to be empowered and independent striving to be engineers or fucking astronauts?

    Not like Spain has one of the highest unemployment rates in the Eurozone, a migration crisis or political turmoil regarding Catalonia breakaway, some cunts are going to march around waving placards and refuse to cook Juan his paella.

    Kids in pubs, great cunting. Send the local winos to sit in the local ball pit screaming and pissing themselves.

    • ITV News had stupid slime bint on, droning about “fear” of slime wimmin…

      I’m not sexist.

      The slime men can do one, too.

  15. Here’s your big chance peeps. James o Brian is asking for people to phone him and explain why Brexit is a good thing. He promises to listen ! Get on there !

  16. Off topic – public sanity warning. It’s International Wimminz Day, apparently. Consider this a microcunting, with an invitation for a generalised Vapid Marketing Event Day cunting for all the other Days.

  17. In Brighton back in the early 70’s there was a Pub called the Full Moon which sold illegal cider which they called cloudy and sold for 12 pence a pint. After 5 pints you were on your arse. the only food available was cheese and ham rolls curled up round the edges of course. The Juke box would play endlessly Life on mars and American Pie by Don Mclean . Oh and kids were strictly forbidden from entering. Oh how i yearn for those days back.
    Is Guns & Roses a Brighton lad. He probably remembers that particular back street Boozer

    • 12 (old) pence? You wuz robbed. Round Weston you could get it for 10d. And that was in the classy joints. The knowledgeable stopped before 5 pints unless they knew there was someone to carry them home. And the locals drank it with blackcurrant because it tasted like horse piss. Wonderful stuff. I remember…well, no, actually, I don’t.

      • Folklore had it that cloudy wouldn’t ferment properly without a dead rat or two to supply protein. The rat simply corroded away in the mix. And I think folklore was right – a mate had a look at the facilities at one scrumpy-makers farm – the vat was open to birdshit as well.

    • There was a pub in Newport called the New Found Out. It sold this cloudy gut rot for about 1 shilling (mid 60s) I tried it once and it took the enamel off my teeth. There was usually a tramp’s pram parked outside. Inside the fragrant clientele were in various stages of self soiling and the smell was horrendous. Piss seeped from the bogs into the bar.
      A proper pub.

  18. I long for the old days when the only food in pubs was crisps. And if you asked for lager and lime you were told ‘we don’t do cocktails pal’.

  19. J O B sums up his attitude to brexit like this ‘ the house is on fire , it’s just a case of trying to save what we can now’.

  20. I am a lucky Bastard, firstly you would not want to bring your kids into the pubs where I live (or even go into them unless you wanted to die), however when I do meet up with my mate I go here.

    trully a temple to the tiple, being a micro pub, no music, no kids, just chat and quality ales, none of that mass produced piss that I regularly drink to escape from reality with.

  21. Sir, and Sirs:

    A timely and accurate report of a paradigm where the liberal entitled and also not so liberal or entitled seem to think their child care responsibilities are the community’s problem. We are not a commune, where their responsibility is shared.

    Plus, they also get totally lagging….talk endless shite about their cunting kids, applified by alcohol. Perhaps in future a pragmatic response, would be to phone social services emergency number and report a child protection issue. Particularly if out after 8pm. As they so often are allowed to.

    Another option is begin naming and shaming. I’m sure this could be an excellent start-up company for a millennial vlogger, incentivised by YouTube advertising. Wonder what companies would choose to advertise.

  22. There used to a pub round my way which used to be brilliant, it was a proper biker pub, even had a pump made from an old engine block, used to have live bands on a couple of nights a week, gorgeous women in tight leathers but best of all, no food other than peanuts and scampi fries, no kids, no Sky Sports which meant no cunts wearing Manchester United or Liverpool shirts taking over on a Sunday afternoon with their inane “banter” then sadly the owner got ill and had to sell up, the new owner ran it into the ground, got rid of the live bands, brought in a menu, allowed under 18’s in and started up poetry nights, the place went from the best pub in town to a housing estate in less than 5 years.

  23. Perhaps there could be a new thread to add to the most excellent dictionary. 1 item could follow-on from the modern misadventure “kids in pubs”.

    “Cunts in pubs” could identify all the unwanted “raff” that have eroded our Great English tradition. I say English because most Scottish pubs are likely to cause serious injury. And Welsh pubs are often presbetarian/hooligan/or full of singing twats and no fun at all.

    It could then be sent to Fullers et al. As a piece of academic research, to see if we can restore the balance of hipsters, women (who talk too much) and wannabe poker players, infiltrating the bastion of English pride and ruining what pubs were made for – blokes, beer and the art of cunting and conversation.

  24. Preaching to the choir on this one. I loathe, hate and despise kids with every fibre of my being. Sounds irrational, right? Nope. One of the things I value most in life is peace and quiet. Kids are the antithesis of that. Doesn’t matter the venue, occasion, setting, etc. but add a kid to the mix and it’s immediately ruined without fail. And we’re all supposed to just tolerate it like it’s OK. Well, it’s not OK for other people’s fucking vermin to infest almost everything I do and everywhere I go. Think about it, apart from strip clubs or your own home, where can you go these days where you’re guaranteed not to have to deal with fucking kids and their fucking awful noise and obnoxious, anti-social, disrespectful and inconsiderate behaviour? Pubs used to be one of those places.

    When I was a kid growing up in the ’70s, I think I’m right in saying the law was you had to be at least 14 AND be accompanied by an adult to even cross the threshold of a pub. To survive/make more money, many pubs evolved into pub/restaurants. The presence of a food service immediately got around the ‘no one under 14’ rule and thus pubs were ruined for ever. It’s the entitlement attitude of the parents which boils my piss. It’s the old ‘we’ve got a kid and you’re just going to have to put up with it’ ethos. That is SO WRONG on so many levels.

  25. It isn’t kids in pubs that is the problem. It is kids, full fucking stop.

    In the good old days, rich people would ship their spawn off to some boarding school while poor people would ship their spawn off to work in a mill or down a mine. The result, adults could live in peace.

    Society has become infantalised. Children are taught that they are the centre of the known universe. Young adults are sent off to university to learn some bullshit load of old post modernist cobblers. Junk food and fizzy drinks are on the menu before going off to the pictures to see the latest superhero film with 10 minutes of “plot” and 110 computer animation ( i.e. a fucking cartoon) and while enjoying the spectacle you must shove even more junk food and fizzy sugar water into yourself. Is it any wonder we are left with generation snowflake?

    • Agreed Skid. Kids aren’t for everyone and they’re certainly not for me and Mrs. Yank. If people want to have kids, then fine. Two things. 1) Keep the cunts away from me. 2) Pay for them yourselves and stop sponging off everyone else.

      If I ever chose to have lunch in a MacDonalds, I wouldn’t complain about the noise, smell, germs or anything else often associated with bastard kids. Equally, if I’m in an up scale restaurant for dinner or a pub for a quiet drink, I should not have to tolerate bastard kids. They SHOULD NOT BE THERE. Hey parents! Show an ounce of consideration for other people for a fucking change. Bastard cunty cunts of cunts.

  26. Screaming rioting kids in pubs are cunts to the highest degree. What liquifies my shit is the plain fact that their progressive fucking cuntmember parents actually encourage their bastard offspring to cause carnage in a public place? What in the proven name of professionally installed cunt has happened to common courtesy? Bastard parents, bastard kids. Some fucking ginger progressive manbun fuck with no bollocks strutting around like he’s a Samurai. They act all super offended if anyone dares scowl at their “bright darling” children. Fuck off to space. These cuntish moonhopper hipster fucks can walk into the ocean and take their repugnant pondlife with them. Nobody wants to see and hear the results of their greasy carpet fuck. The only way to guarantee peace and quiet is to stay at home. What a pannier full of cunt.

  27. If only The McCain’s had put the kids in the car and drove to the round, they could have popped out with crisps & juice.

    Cunts were too lazy to take pop & crisps back to the apartment or too miserable and tight.

  28. My thoughts exactly B.B. So a minor decunting for the McCanns?

    On holiday about 10 years ago in Crete there was a gang of little cunts popped up constantly on E numbers and Ice Cream.

    The leader of Cunt and the gang was an overweight little Timmy who’s parents had fuck all interest in engaging him, instead giving in to his every demand for more more more just to get some ‘me time’.

    One night Cunt and the gang were playing a game of chase or some shit which involved the hyper cunts running around the outside covered veranda.

    To protect from high winds coming directly off the sea there was a large sliding glass door, about 8ft high and maybe 15ft wide.

    As the game became increasingly over heated all of a sudden there was a huge bang.

    Fuck me poor little Timmy had run right into it at full pelt. The glass cracked like a spiders web but didn’t break.

    Little Timmy was knocked out cold and every adult in the vicinity recoiled in horror and went to his aid, except moi.

    That’ll fucking teach ya, I said to myself and ordered another beer.

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