Caroline Lucas

Caroline Lucas thinks its okay for snowflakes to block a runway trying to prevent a plane from taking off with “deportee’s” on board.

How did these cunts even know details about this secret unscheduled flight? More security breaches?

Lucas puts GB security at risk by suggesting these organised criminal security breaches are forgotten?

There are serious laws regarding breaching airport security, being airside without relevant travel documents, being on the apron / runway surface, disruption to flights and traffic etc etc many of which are bound by aviation laws. Then there’s the obstruction of the deportation laws as well?

I’m betting there’s a high parking Stanley representation involved in this “peaceful” mission.

We cannot allow our country’s laws be made a mockery of any longer and when your deemed no longer welcome, then its time to leave.

A serving MP should be not be in office if they feel asking that 15 criminals involved in such a serious organised crime be pardoned is appropriate. It highlights concerns in her ability to think and function in the best interests of Great Britain and its security.

I thought the hijacking of vessels was more the style of Greenpeace than the Green Party.

Nominated by Basement Bob

33 thoughts on “Caroline Lucas

  1. What fucks me off is that they only had 47 of the fuckers on board the plane in the first place – it surely could take 180 in comfort – 250 if you stuff a few more of the fuckers in the overhead lockers. Lets face it, this would be more comfortable than how the cunts got in to the UK in the first place.

    What the pussy UK Government should have done is taken the leases of those A380s lying idle and set up an EasyJet style operation – Peaceful Air. To save on the turnaround times they could just chuck them out of the back at 20,000 ft. They could sell Ryan Air style lottery tickets in flight for the chance to own one of the 5 parachutes on board.

    • You can usually get some in the wheel wells too.
      It gets a bit cold but their bushy beards should help keep them warm.

  2. Caroline Lucas comes across as someone who has a certifiable mental illness.

    Plus she looks the spitting image of ET.

  3. They should put this ugly dog on a plane and dump her among a load of peacefuls in the shithole suburbs of Paris. Let’s see how the bitch gets on among her beloved people in her beloved EU.

  4. I’ve despised this cunt for as long as i can remember .
    When shes not standing up for illegal immigrants and scum , shes trying her hardest to derail Brexit .
    I’m going to have to go have a walk now, as i’m fucking fuming … ;(

    • Any one that breaches airside security should be shot. End of.

      Their actions would not be conducive with the safe operation of the aircraft and therefore would endanger innocent lives, so in my book they do not get even a second chance.

      All airport perimeter fences/air side are off limits and should have signs stating ‘use of deadly force authorised’. It would only need to be done once or twice and the snowflake protest fuckers wouldn’t try it again.

      Now, should any Uman Rites lawyer get involved, well they can be lined up too I’m afraid.

      As for this Lucas MP cunt, she/it should be removed from the House. She is effectively encouraging further incidents by requesting pardons for those who carried out these acts. As a serving MP she is not fit for purpose, especially as she clearly hates and despises anything and everything to do with traditional good ole Blighty, that’s whys she’s trying so hard to destroy it from within. Much like the rest of the MP remoaners and Euro Cucks tbh.


  5. Was an almost weekly event as far as Im concerned. Some cunt interfering in deportations, usually an MP trying to make a name, often a sleb, and on two occassions my nemesis Flabbot.
    As FME for Depo’s I would always encounter those who took ill as they approached the aircraft. The whole thing was a staged event, and usually in the presence of IAS or RLC representation, plus of course the obligatory camcorder..
    I recall with great clarity the attempted deporttion of a Jamaican Woman who not only stripped, but shit everywhere on the plane seats and aisle, before feigning an epiliform seizure! What a load of cunt.
    At the time of the riots at IRC Oakington, we had cunts up trees talking to the media on mobiles, alleging starvation and ill treatment. The local thick tights brigade would turn up, and throw food parcels over the fences for the fuckers.
    My clash with Flabott was the beginning of the end for me in IRC and my “fuck you cunt chops ” was not at all well received by the contract monitors.
    keth Vaz springs to mind. he’s a slimy cunt also.
    But to the point of this most excellent cunting ( thank you BB ) A depo order is signed at the highest level ( Home Secretary ) and always following total exhaustion of a legal process. The order is a lawful order to deport ( and by force should that be necessary ) and any person who attempts to prevent that order is liable to a fine and or a period of imprisonment.
    Sadly though, these are rarely if ever put into effect.
    Caroline Lucas has a record of obstinency, and she is ( as an MP ) part of the governmental process. It is totally unacceptable for her or any other to assist, cause or prevent an operational order. The home Office and the Parliamentary secretariat should take this arsehole to the fucking cleaners for this , but they won’t. In her position to support, and encourage fuckwits should be worthy of HER deportation.
    My bog roll of the Prophet Mohammed was my ultimate downfall ( so fucking what ) and should readers still be interested, they are available on line ( but in bulk ). My advice is though, don’t let the local Imam use your bog!

    • I just wanted the opportunity to comment on the post of someone who had clashed with the Flabbott, and bask in his reflected glory. Sorry. Thank you. She’s on Any Questions right now (R4), incidentally. Blarting about Brexit, natch.

    • Can you fly an A380? Peaceful Air is recruiting.

      Mind you, a C5 would be far more efficient – open the ramp, throttle up, sharp climb and arseholes away…….

    • Good post, ASA. People like yourself who have first-hand experience of our broken system really should have some way of exposing the shortcomings of the deportation process. It’s too easy for the politicians to hide behind the “human rights” legislation,using it as a shield to mask their ineffectiveness. It suits them just fine to be able to blame “European legislation” for their failures….another reason that they look to derail Brexit,perhaps?

    • Great post mate, our leaders really do live in a crock of shit. What gives the stupid munter the idea that it really is OK to break laws the enactment of which she is part of. Thought Vaseline was a number 1 cunt but this twat noses ahead no trouble. B

  6. I have it on good authority that Zippy is chronically embarrassed by his bonkers half sister Caroline and the criminal shenanigans she condones on behalf of the Green Talibanies.

    “She is a Grade A tranny cunt”, he was reported last night as saying from his down at heel Brighton & Hove ‘Rainbow’ bedsit.

  7. I fly in and out of Heathrow on a monthly basis and the number of snackbar luggage checkers is quite frankly, fucking alarming.

    • Yea Luton too. It may be bad to admit but I always get worried when I’m settling into my seat and look out of the window to see loads of Muslims with big beards loading stuff onto the plane.
      I always start to wonder if it’s too late to get off.

      • My very good friend Anthony Blair often flies from Luton, so that’s actually cheered me up a bit.

      • Having to work in that shithole (Lutonistan) I can comfortably confirm the following statistic (as audited myself whilst smoking a rolly overlooking the main thoroughfare):

        Of 20 people who walked past this was the breakdown:

        – 10 “peacefuls”
        – 5 Africunts
        – 3 Poles
        – 2 Brits

        And here’s the thing, the two brits were a couple of homeless fuckers!

        Absolutely shocking it is!

  8. I met the cunt. She was doing a protest outside my son’s school with a few other extreme lefty cunts. I can’t remember what it was about but I talked to her and the bitch was downright rude in her comments about the headmaster who, imho, was doing a great job. Hated her ever since.

    And any party who has a policy of a top rate of tax of 60% is delusional.

  9. Green Party. Brighton. Need we say more?
    The Green party are a bunch of non scientific flat-earthers. This would be fine if they stuck to their tofu and sandals but as with a lot of these fringe organisations, they have veered to the left in recent years.
    I don’t know Brighton. Saw Count Basie there once years ago and my daughter went to Uni there but that’s about it. But I am willing to bet that it isn’t overloaded with the vermin this harridan is trying to look after. And ironically it probably is overloaded with all manner of deviant that the aforementioned vermin would throw off buildings.
    Perhaps some cunt can put me right on that.
    Well cunted.

  10. Caroline lucas, like everyone else related to the green party, is an absolute cunt.
    How they get any votes whatsoever is a mystery to me. … who could possible think that they’d be capable if running the country.
    Especially if they will pardon criminals based on nationality or race.
    If someone blocked a runway to stand up for white English people she’s be calling for them to be thrown to the fuckin dogs.

    On a separate note … Owen Jones just got fired. Ha ha.
    He called for a 2nd ref and comrade compo sacked him.
    Maybe Corbyn’s not so bad after all … …
    … urr … no that doesn’t feel right, I take it back.
    He’s still a cunt.

    • Some think it’s a cynical move by Catweasel to make Labour look more Brexit friendly to the Party’s many traditional Leave voters alienated by him and Momentum – ready for the run up to the local elections.

      Will they get fooled again…?

    • Owen Jones

      If his brains were dynamite there wouldn’t be enough to blow his hat off.

      Love that quote.

      Good riddance you Welsh cunt

    • Clarification- it’s Owen Smith, NI secretary who’s been booted. Not Owen Jones, 12-year-old Trot who ‘writes’ for the Guardian. And who ought to be Welsh too, but isn’t even that good.

  11. Welsh windbag and brexit denying shadow cabinet minister Owen smith has been sacked by catweazel for bleating on about the need for a second referendum!!
    Fuckin hilarious stuff…
    I real dislike the Cunt
    Obviously smith like a jilted lover has sought sanctuary on social meejah!! Fucking cunt!!

  12. When reading this (rather decent) cunting, similar to when I read about those Trump protestors blocking motorways in ‘Murica, I was reminded of Bill Hicks’ advice to lorry drivers after the Reginald Denny incident:

    “Step on the fuckin’ gas, maan!”

  13. I fucking hate this soft as shite liberal moo with her stupid Wallace and Grommit gob. On top of that she can’t even fucking speak properly which drives me up the cunting wall. Any cunt with a speech impediment should not be allowed to be in Parliament, on tv or radio and I’d even think twice about letting them work in the fucking drive thru at Mac fucking Donalds. Stoopid soppy weak cunt.

  14. I’ve had it with this site. Most of my stuff does not get posted, possibly because the mods are bed wetters.

    • Perhaps you need to use more euphemisms to drop your postings below a level that can be construed as race hate or whatever.

  15. The only sack that Owen Jones likely experiences is that which he eagerly scoops up in his simpering, homo mouth, ie a vigorous teabagging for any other desperate poove willing to have sex with him.

    Owen Smith is a perspiring and deliberately very Welsh sounding cunt.

  16. I would take her passport off her and stick her in the plane. Fucking traitorous cunt.

  17. I bet that Americunt Libby Schaaf alerted her to the flight time. Too bad there were empty seats. We could have contributed some “undocumented citizens” and filled the plane up.

    Actually, I’ve been working on an idea. We start up a public service airline for deportees. Kind of on the same lines of Virgin. We could offer a luxury trans-oceanic trips at no cost. I’d like to call it…Kamikaze Airlines.

    Our motto: “Once you fly with us…you’ll never fly with anyone else.”

    ? ? ? ?

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