Ahmed Hassan

I would like to nominate Ahmed Hassan, the little asylum seeking cunt who attempted to bomb a London Tube train.

I hope that this turd burglar is given a proper prison sentence and that he is isolated from others of his ilk so that he is not further radicalised. He didn’t even attempt the 72 virgins trick as the fuckwitted cunt attempted to escape from Dover back to the earthly paradise he came from. He’ll discover what a virgin’s life is really like once he is in prison.

Deportation for the cunt if he is ever released.

Nominated by Sir Cuntalot

37 thoughts on “Ahmed Hassan

  1. When hes done his 5 years he will be lavished with all sorts of benefits and deportation will fought every step of the way by twatty liberals who turn the little bubo into a victim of white suppression, and he was only being true to his culture, BOOM!!!

  2. The term of 5 yrs tells it all. 5yrs for attempting to murder hundreds of people.

    • Dont know what he actually received but if experience is anything to go by , in this country he will never serve what he is given

    • Been sentenced to 34yrs. So probably halved for good behaviour as he didnt blow anyone up in the clink

  3. Poor Ahmed was just like any other teenager…… bored……. due to government cuts in youth services. You also have to understand that where he came from he had seen things that you and I can’t even imagine….it’s no wonder the balance of his mind was disturbed. Then you have to consider the blatant racism he had to suffer from Daily Mail reading brexiteer cretins. And why was he sent to live with old people, the sort of little Englanders who voted Leave? He should have been given his own house and if he had been given a car he wouldn’t have been on the Tube in the first place. This child is a victim.

    You fucking Nazis.

    Yours, in peace
    J. O’Brien

  4. Surely this cunting should be extended to each and every one of the peaceful scum? They’re all guilty as fuck. Either doers or sympathisers. I truly hope they all contract the bubonic plague.

      • Too late Thomas – they brought all that in to Londonistan a decade ago. Marrying your first cousins, FGM, consumption, Victorian diseases that had almost been eradicated are making a comeback because of filthy habits of the jigaboos. TB being a prime example of Londonistans most common malady. And still the madness goes on. We have never been able to live alongside this vermin either abroad or at home.

  5. Did anyone here have the gradually creeping feeling that this Cunt sort of, You Know… might not be 18? The trial judge apparently had concerns. So we are clear he looks early/ mid 20’s. So to be clearer he was most likely an adult when he arrived here , but of course needed to be fostered , presumably to “Protect Him”. From who or what I wonder. And of course “we” ( whoever the Fuck that is these days ) did the “right thing” and indulged and facilitated this Cunt. Instead of being placed with Mr and mrs Gumby the gullible fools who like cruises and visits to the Palace he should have been taken for a drive by two blokes in a car with no number plates and found 2 weeks later in a ditch.

    • My puzzlement is this: – how can a foster child build a fucking bomb in his bedroom with no fucker noticing? Am I missing something?

  6. Free board, free lodging, food, TV, Pornhub, Butlins on steroids, Korans coming out the screw’s bungholes, drugs on tap – the cunt would have to be pretty high up the food chain to enjoy a life of Riley existence like that in Iraq. No wonder these ‘children’ are so keen to come here and blow us all up.

  7. Shame they didn’t let the goat bothering cunt live with Lily Allen….. With hilarious results.

  8. I dont think the Geneva Convention covers Cunts like this. They see themselves as “soldiers”. But their conduct does not qualify them as “combatants” as defined by the GC. They are in fact a non class, “unlawful enemy combatants” , who would seem to fall within the cracks of the various well meaning but naive conventions. So, as the Yanks figured out at Gitmo, you can do what you want with the filth. Although I would settle for just killing them. And their families, just to, you know, sort of get the point across…. Thye point being, of course, Stay Away Or Die You Mediaeval Cunt…

    • Nothing that being chucked out of a Peaceful Air A380 at 20,000 ft wouldn’t sort out.

  9. From reports in the papers the Judge made a fair old speech when this cunt was sent down. Specially loved the bit when his honour started banging on about the Quran being a book of peace or some such shite and how Islam was a religion of peace blah, blah bollocks etc. Well briefed by the libtard establishment no doubt.
    Well the little shit is off to young offenders/ adult nick, Butlins whatever for a couple of years; then house, benefits and all the other stuff in case he gets naughty again.

  10. Let’s see if the cunt does anything near the 34 years he was given. You watch, if comrade Corbyn and his band of fuckers win the next election, his sentence will be slashed, as was the Bulger murderers was, when Blair’s bastards got in. When they did that, the reason given was that the vanquished tories were trying to look tough on law and order, and those two poor misunderstood children paid the price. Freed the early, and look how that worked out.
    Personally, I think the best punishment would entail a noose and a drop. Cheap, and safe from future meddling by snowflake cunts.

  11. Travelling by tube can be dangerous not only to your physical heath but also your mental health.
    A few years ago after a heavy lunchtime piss up, I’m on the tube. The train has stopped, it’s currently on one of the overground sections, it’s summer and the sun is heating the carriage like a furnace.
    After ten minutes without moving the driver comes on the tannoy and says there an issue at the next station and we won’t be moving for at least another ten minutes.
    It’s so fucking hot, it’s getting unbearable. The carriage is fairly empty and I spot a newspaper left on a seat, so I grab it and use it as a fan.
    After an eternity the train starts moving, we pull in to Finchley Road and a million people get on.
    The doors close and I realise more people than is comfortable are looking at me, some pointing and the occasional snigger.
    I’m drunk and reason that I’m just being paranoid, that’s until I start fanning my face again and realise I’m waving around a copy of Gay News.

    At that moment, I was praying a bomb would detonate, as with the police, there’s never a Jihadist when you need one….

    • Gay News at Finchley. Fucking hell JR, you were lucky to leave that train with a functioning arsehole. The sniggering was probably deciding which one was going for the back end and which one got the blowie.

  12. Al beebera described this illegal snackbar terrorist, well into at least his mid twenties as:-

    ‘A Surrey teenager’


  13. Newsflash. It has been reported that 63 Pakistanis have been killed in Bradford by a collapsing bunk bed.

    The police believe it may have been a terrorist attack by Al-Ikea.

    Hat, coat; door…

  14. This cunt was the target for much ABBC hand-wringing this morning: “…and do you feel that *we* let him down!”

    All tosh and all so they don’t have to implicate “peacefuls” – yet again.

    No, he is a blowy-up, “peaceful” ISIS cunt who only needs one thing – to be sent the fuck back to whatever shithole from wence he came!

    And then a full Grief-fell virtue-signalling hour on ABBC2 this evening.

    Did you know that all of the residents were doctors, nurses, scientists or pillars of the commoooonity.

    Not one of them were grabby Africunts or bomb-makery “peaceful” types.

    It was also handy that the presenter (who also moonlights as a right-on comedian) neglected to mention the “claimed for” body count also.

    That, and who caused the fire in the first place are now the only things I’m remotely interested in anymore about Grief-fell!

  15. So Ahmed Hassan makes the treacherous journey from Iraq to the UK.

    He’s a child, apparently, he travels alone, crossing continents and negotiates his way around the people traffickers that run the passage from Africa to Europe.

    This cunt is a model 16 year old, he’s more resourceful than your local library and as such he’s rewarded with free board and lodgings in Surrey.

    Some locals think he looks a bit older than 16 but that’s dismissed out of hand by the ‘authorities’ down to his horrific journey to seek freedom and shelter in the West.

    It turns out Hassan is on the Prevent program but left to his own devices. He’s on the program as he’s expressed an implicit desire to do harm to the British as he blamed them for the death of his parents, but fuck me in the poop shoot it turns out even though he was a known danger to the public he actually wasn’t on the Prevent program.

    So like any self respecting gimmegrant Hassan does what one does when offered sanctuary in a free society, he plants a bomb on a train with the intention of teaching the infidel the error of his/her ways.

    Fast forward to Hassan’s trial and subsequent conviction Mr Justice Haddon-Cave when handing down the sentence said he would be treating the incident as a terrorist offence.


    Really, fuck me sideways, I’m almost lost for words, but fortunately Mr Justice Haddon-Cave sent this little mischievous skamp down with the following words, ‘Islam is a religion of Peace and you’ll have plenty of time to learn the Koran, I sentence you to 34 years chokey’

    Hang on a minute, the bearded child Gimmegrant never once presented Islam as part of his motivation/defence so I’m lost as to why the Judge mentioned it, maybe he was ‘pre-judging’ the outcome?

    And here’s the nub of it for me, he gets 34 years for planting a bomb on a Tube train that’s got only one intention, to cause maximum carnage amongst a crowd of maybe 150 people, then we have the über loser cunt Darren Osbourne who drives at low speed into a crowd of around 30 Peaceful’s, one of whom is already on the stairway to heaven and who ends up jumping the queue possibly as a result of Darren’s bad driving and what does he get.

    43 Years.

    And we pay for this shit.

    • Yes the disparity of how Osborne (the cunt – for resetting the clock on “peaceful” atrocity tolerance) was immediately referred to as a terrorist and treated thus all the way through.

      And yet all the actual terrorists are cunts from Kent or Norway, have nothing to do with “peacefulness” and are just misunderstood.

      It’s fucking sickening!

      • “Norwegian” is the term of reference in The Spectator blogs for “Peacefuls” on ISAC. For the same reason, some cunt who lived in Bergen for about five minutes but 32 years in Shithole, gets called a Norwegian by the Al Beeba.

        We went to Spain for two weeks holiday last year. Does that make me Spanish now? Cunts

  16. What the fuck is up with the hat? Is that where he hid the bomb?

    And perilous journey? Was he assaulted by a stewardess on Flydubai? Do they even have stewardesses? Was he harassed by Baghdad airport security? “Excuse me sir but you bomb must fit in the overhead compartment to qualify as carry on”.

    Or was he forced to fly some old BOAC reject where the stewardess asked him; “Sir would you like a snack? A bacon and tomato sandwich? Ham and cheese on rye? May I offer you something to drink? Coffee? Tea? Camel’s Milk? Bison piss infused bottled water?

    OK…so you don’t have the death penality. Surely you cunts have some old IRA types still in prison. Put him in with those mackerel snappers. Let him shout, “Ollie open the snackbar” and see how long he lasts around those spud munching gaelic cunts.

    ?. ?. ? ?

    • Morning General…

      This cunt came to Blighty in the back of a Semi, or a HGV as we say.

      Smuggled through Calais despite the fact we’ve spent millions on border security.

      What really gets my goat about this cunt is he was a known extremist, on a register but he refused to participate and the authorities did jack shit to make him.

      Why the fuck he wasn’t put on the first Baghdad Express is a disgrace.

  17. As someone who works in CAT A prisons I regret to say that he will be treated as the new messiah! All the peacefuls in gaol actually believe that when the UK is run by a shia counsel they will all be released. I would happily release all of them now into a safari park….

    • Think you mean sharia, Krav. Your active jihadi is generally a salafist Sunni, not Shi’a. Though I am well aware your lot like them if anything less.

  18. A long time ago in a land far away (that will remain nameless) two Egyptians flew into a town (we will call Dubrovnik) any way, they never got off the plane and the plane returned without them.
    Any way the Egyptians got a little upset and made all kinds of unfounded acusations against the un named country, Then the two individuals were identified as former Muhadjadeen and were on their way to aid the (lets say the Bosnians) and were identified as persons of interest (in a bad way) any way Egypt decided all of a sudden that they were not so important and not people of concern that they should be seen caring for and it all faded into history.
    See some countrys have a proper imigration policy.

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