It saddens me beyond belief – especially as I owe my grandson’s life to them – but I am forced to cunt Great Ormond Street Hospital.
Why? Well, it’s to do with this ridiculous furore over the President’s Club. GOSH have decided that they will return £530,000 in donations they have received from them. Think about it for a minutes. £530,000 is enough to buy 5 ventilators. So let’s stand on a principal and let a load of new born babies die.
“All monies raised in our name go to support vital work. However, due to the wholly unacceptable nature of the event we are returning previous donations and will no longer accept gifts from the Presidents Club Charitable Trust.”
So not that vital then? And some silly tart stirring up shit in the FT about men groping hostesses who were fully aware of what they were getting into results in children dying.
Great judgement. Get a grip you daft cunts…
Nominated by Dioclese
Clearly their misguided hypocritical principle of where the money came from is more important than anything else.
After all, what is more important than saving a child’s life.
Can totally understand if the money donated was as a direct result of crime, drugs, or money laundering but was actually from some old guys having a night out with some scantily clad girls. A bit of slap and tickle, a bit of harmless fun. Absolutely no harm done, and everyone knew in advance as to what the evening may entail and might be expected of them. No victims apart from one feminist female journalist who did not want to elaborate on some sketchy details as inappropriate to do so.
Think many people wil now consider they do not need the money.
Which is a shame for the kids.
What an utter pile of cuntage. If GOSH can afford to blow over £half a million quid on virtue signalling, they can afford to do without any further donations from me.
It’s not the hospital ( ie the doctors, nurses, staff ) who have made this decision but some little group of pen pushing, arse licking bureaucrat cunts. They should be named and made to justify this decision especially as they spend money on tv advertising for donations.
You can bet your life they have accepted donations from rich tax dodging cunts and never dreamed of questioning the source of that wealth. A load of fucking bollocks all caused by some ambitious journalist bitch looking for an easy story.
Quite an interesting newsletter:
Thanks Shitcake. Already subscribe to the newsletter.
It now seems more clear to me than ever that every day that passes makes the Brexit I voted for seem more unlikely.
Sadly, since the major reorganization of he NHS leading to the formation of PCT’s. boards have been taken over by the “ideologically inspired ”
These people are largely appointed into powerful positions either by a political “influence”, or by the established management clique of cronies.
More PCT’s are flexing political muscle, and doing it more frequently. Obliging peripheral organizations who in turn will benefit.
Gt Ormand Street Hospital is a slick machine, skilled in the art of financial abstraction. It has “investments ” in real estate, and commodities and a portfolio of properties “gifted” by generous and well meaning donors.
Gt Ormond St has an “obligation” to be “on side” of its benefactors and the political influences that surround and feed it.
Please check its financial status as a registered charity. It makes for “interesting ” reading.
Needless to say. It is not the staff who are errant here, but the cunts who feed from them. For that. GOSH is a cunt, and needless to say, I shall donate fuck all to them at any time in the future.
( The business model, is strikingly similar to the National Trust ) Cunts also.
They do amazing work but a thoroughly deserved cunting!!
Fuckin stupid beyond belief!
Welcome to Britain 2018 ………… CUNTS
The utter shame this brings on the hospital is beyond belief. Twitter storms and PC more important than kids. What despicable cunts.
I love cunting when one can let rip, especially at the wall of cunt members. But this is just so sad. Half a million quid. A child could conceivably die as a result. And for what?
Some rich cunts enjoying an evening of flirting with scantily clad beautiful girls. I’m not ashamed to say I would have liked to have been there, my sort of thing. And raising serious serious dosh. Fuck me, there weren’t even any fucking strippers! And some mank journalist seriously lacking on the looks side of things takes offence, and the cunts at the FT choose to write it. It’s the editors that are the true cunts in all this.
And a labour Lord loses his job for being there and leaving early. There are so many cunts embroiled in all this that we could make it last a week.
Yeah, but the Labour Lord (Mendelsohn) was also pro Israel, so Catweasel had no choice but to cynically take the opportunity to sack him.
After all, attending that event was far worse than anything Keith Vaz ever got up to…
Mendelsohn’s a thoroughly seedy cunt in his own right (cf ‘Lobbygate’) and one of Blair’s tapeworms. And Mrs, sorry Lady, M is Facebook’s Europe VP, too. Surprised Corbyn kept him on at all. He’s a cunt. No sympathy required, whether or not you favour apartheid in the ME.
All that may be true K, plenty of thoroughly seedy cunts in Labour as we well know.
But on this occasion I was pointing out what a massively hypocritical virtue signalling cunt Corbyn is, appeasing the Femstasi and anti-semites with one stone.
A rare moment of Catweasel efficiency.
I will cunt GOSH for a different reason. My young son (3 at the time) was due to have enlarged tonsils and adenoids removed. My wife is a Doctor so understood the risks behind the procedure but was not happy with the old fashioned ‘ice cream scoop’ tonsil removal technique as my son has developmental/speech and language problems due to being born 10 weeks premature and scarred airways due to intensive ventilator treatment after birth.
The point being (which the consultant failed to understand) was if my son suffered post op bleeding whilst sleeping, there was an unacceptably high risk of a 100mph drive to A&E by us and if he couldn’t alert us to a bleed then the results could be even more catastrophic, i.e. possible death from choking. Suffice to say, the procedure would not have been suitable in this case and we therefore declined it. The consultant become somewhat ‘spiky’ before offering us a follow up appointment at the end of last year (some 5 months later).
We saw sense and spoke to a genius of a consultant at the Evelina Hospital who pioneered a new cauterising procedure for tonsil removal that reduced the risk of bleeding to virtually nil. My son was operated on just over a month later and we took him home from hospital that evening, so good was his recovery. With the old fashioned GOSH procedure he would have had to have spent at least two nights in hospital, post-op.
What pissed me off was the ‘we know better’ attitude of some staff at GOSH and their failure to inform us of the Evelina’s treatment that carried far less risk.
I am sure there are some great staff at GOSH, so I can’t cunt them all. However, I will reserve a rich and flavoursome cunting for the numbnuts who treated my son there as well as the cunts that turned down the cash donation.
Not a nice experience. I hope your little lad is getting better and will be ok. Best wishes to him.
Your boy is well, that’s the main thing. I wish him a speedy recovery and a future filled with good people around him like his Dad. He wont go far wrong.
Warmest regards to you and yours
On topic – great cunting from one and all.
PM. So happy of the outcome.
Thanks chaps. The little man is improving his speech and language, albeit slowly. He had no amniotic fluid between 26 weeks and when he was born 4 weeks later.
He has his problems but I tell myself it could have been a lot worse.
Glad to hear all went well and he’s on the mend!
Job Done √
GOSH annual income £93million…..Assets £164 million….Inv £196 million
Set Investments £43 million. Exp £87 Million **
trustee of interest Sandeep Katwalah who is also a trustee for Bail for Immigration Detainees and Asylum.
Info from Charity Commisioners. Avail on line free.
Jesus how fucking depressing this current Twitter Mob witch hunt is along with the daily capitulation of any of their targets.
I wonder how that freckle faced cunt Maddison Marriage would feel if she’s ever lucky enough to get screwed and conceive, only to give birth to a sick child in need of treatment from GOSH?
How I wish some cunt journo would stop me in the street looking for a ‘vox pop’.
Who’d have fucking believed that Trustee was also a trustee of some dubious charity for Gimmegrants and Rapeugees. If you get chance take a look at Rod Liddles ‘6 degrees of Shami Chakrabarti’. Funny and depressing in equal measure.
This is so downbeat and sad.
Unfortunately a fair reflection of the current state of the nation.
Cutting one’s nose off to spite one’s face.
The thing is Dioclese me auld sausage it is far more important to signal the right virtues than it is to save children’s lives.
The right-on, snowflake brigade – powered by the group-think of FaceCunt and TwatCunt – really do need to get some reality pills and imbibe liberally.
Just like no one gives a fuck about the victims of “peaceful” terrorist attacks when it is far more important to show solidarity with the bomb-making scum by visiting their Mosques, etc., the day after 22 people – for example – died the night before (and many of them children as well).
Western society powered by “apps” has become such a cunt on itself it’s a wonder we manage to function on a daily basis.
Virtually every cunt I see younger than 30 seems continually transfixed with some social meejah brainwashing of some description or another to the point where they cannot even abide a 10 second lift journey without checking their thick-phones for some other feckless snowflake cunt’s status update.
The only reality they know is a virtual one and the only way they know how to exist – where craving likes is more addictive than heroin – is to virtue signal all of the time.
This means that all establishments also have to tow the virtue-signalling/group-think line from politics to health to TV to policing, etc., for fear of meejah backlash where a “dislike” goes around the planet quicker than Superman with a hard-on for Lois Lane!
Now here’s the kicker, and I think you’ll agree: if Gt Ormond St Hospital had just kept the money (which is exactly what they should have done), how long before a couple of modern-parent snowflake cunts are on the news bemoaning the death of their child because they REFUSED to go to Gt Ormond St Hospital?
Not long I bet, and the ultimate virtue-signal: “Oh yah we lost our young Moses Ibrahim Peter Deepak because we refused to go to any establishment connected with monies elicited by bum pinching! However both Tristan and I are over the moon with our 10 million likes, yah!”
Sickening! ?
For me, that just about sums it up?
Excellent post RWAC …
And in the pandemic of virtue signalling you really could see something like that happening!!
If these GOSH cunts and those femstapo bastards have thrown away half a million that could have saved kiddies’ lives then that makes them fucking murderers… Cunts…
Off topic: Here we go again.
This time J Rees-Mogg attacked by libtard anti-free speech bullies whilst giving a talk at Bristol University. From the report:
“He would’ve spoken for about half an hour before taking questions. But just a few minutes after he started speaking, a group of protestors came into the back of the lecture theatre and started shouting anti-Conservative rhetoric, very loudly, trying to shout him down. Rather than halting the event, or ignoring them, Mr Rees-Mogg walked up to the back of the theatre to try and talk them down. At that point, various other members of the audience got involved, leading to the scuffle which happened. It looked to me that Mr Rees-Mogg was actually pushed and shoved, although he insists he wasn’t. But it was a very aggressive and unexpected scene.”
So another feather in J R-M’s pre Tory leadership bid cap.
Sad to see in a so-called democracy SB, conservative speakers like Milo Yiannopolis and Ben Shapiro get this all the time on campuses in the US aided shamefully by the institutions themselves. Fire alarms set off, threats of violence and intimidation and extortionate security fees levied just some of the tactics.
Whilst I like JRM for his politics, the masses won’t purely in the basis of the plums in his gob and his kid’s names.
Yes, modern society is as shallow as a cup of tea!
I wish he was doing David Davis’ job. Alas he’d be sacked by now for being too effective against Frau Merkelcunt’s 4th Reich and standing 1/2 a chance if actually leaving the EU Cuntdom!
I completely agree Rebel. May made a big mistake not including him in cabinet. She will come to regret that!
I wish she would just fuck off before we gift Labour the government through no redeeming features whatsoever other than the fact they’re not useless May!
Just seen the Rees-Mogg incident courtesy of the ABBC.
Nice to see the “activists” believed so highly in their convictions that the cunts wore bandanas and scarves to cover their faces.
Fucking coward cunts!
Ok for them to give JRM a rough time but not ok for any old Joe Public seeing their coward mugs and telling them: “I think you’re wrong!” too far from their precious safe spaces!
Gutless twats!
Hi SB,
I saw that as well, absolutely disgusting behaviour, JRM handled himself very well , I particularly like his dismissive description of the thugs as “shouty people “
Apparently they called him a Nazi, Racist and a facist !! the article didn’t say if anyone was arrested but I can give a description to the police…..
They need to be on the look out for 5 thick as shite snowflake liberal / momentum Cunts who haven’t got an original thought or opinion between them!! Oh fuck I’ve just realised that only leaves around 3 million suspects!!
I rated they way JRM fronted those SJW spunkbag drippings.
Morning Q,
Can you imagine how Mavis May would have handled those scumbags?
And you wouldn’t see Catweasel for dust in similar circumstances, he’d be back in his safe space before you could say ‘man of principle’.
Apart from his views on rape/abortion, J R-M looking even more like a shoe-in for next Tory leader.
I bet Mogg could have slapped these clowns into next week if he didn’t have his reputation and image to maintain. They clearly see him as a threat, thanks to the recent media reporting of course.
When he’s not verbally abusing his daughter by phone or beating up his Mrs. Alec Baldwin apparently doesn’t like Big Don’s tone…. Fucking fat has-been hypocrite libfuck cunt….
Baldwin’s a nasty piece of work!!
As you say Norman the Cunts an absolute hypocrite!!
And Skank-Jo has the nerve to do the ‘Time’s Up’ bullshit while doing Trump family impersonations on Saturday Shite Live with wife beater Baldwin… I hope Jimmy Franco sues the shit out of her…
Breaking news
Spice girls to reform to explore exciting new opportunities.
Really who the fuck cares about any of them. All have much wonga. or have married those with wealth so do not need the money however suspect greed is the only reason they are getting back together.
Fucking useless untalented uninspiring nothings the first time round, producing banal forgettable noise. Suspect they have not improved with age.
Really hope things go tits up for them. As Kevin Keegan once said “I would loov it”. Useless fuckers.
Unlike fine wine ageing talentless has beens generally get worse with age!!
I would like to see these tiresome fame hungry Cunts flounder on the rocks of a failed comeback unfortunately I think there’s enough stupid Cunts around to make it a success!?
It’ll be more a case of tits down…embarrassing old cunts.
In the promo picture Mel B looks like she’s spent ten years on the mattress of a crack house.
I’d still prang Emma Bunton into insanity, mind.
DIO totally agree ffs get a fucking grip
See in this case who gives a fuck where the money comes from its fucking half a million pounds
Gosh shame on you
Also I would imagine that virtually all of the medical staff at Gt Ormond St Hospital – from Senior Consultant to Junior Nurse – would have gladly accepted the money.
This just smacks of an overpaid administrator type of cunt who – unlike the medical staff – doesn’t give a fuck about the welfare of people or their children just so long as their image looks right!
Just as I wouldn’t allow anyone to become a politician who hadn’t worked at least 5yrs in a real job (outside of the Westminster bubble), I wouldn’t allow anyone to be a hospital administrator unless they first came from a medical background.
If they did I’m sure bullshit like this wouldn’t happen as patients would always come first not image! Cunts!
I feel for anyone currently with a child in need of or undergoing treatment at GOSH.
They can afford to turn down charity donations yet afford to pay Sly TV ™ to continually run adverts begging viewers for money to help fund them.
Imagine Batmanjelly turning down half a million for Kids Co?
Impossible to imagine Batmanjelly turning down any £££ from anyone!