Afua Hirsch (2)

There aren’t many cunts in the universe more worthy of our platitudes than Afua Hirsch.
I’ll try to keep this as brief as I can but it’s gonna be hard. The sheer cuntitude here is beyond comparison.

For those that don’t know this cunt, she’s a pannelist on The Pledge and a Guardian columnist.
Being a Guardian columnist is enough to get you added to the hall of fame on reputation alone, and is just about the cuntiest job on earth. A job perhaps only trumped in the levels of cuntitude by concentration camp guard or leader of the labour party.
She’s also an anti racist, feminist, anti men and anti white people activist.

In other words, a cunt.

Every time I watch this twat on the telly my piss boils and I feel my heart straining under the huge pressure brought on by the torturous agony of trying not to smash my tv into a million pieces.

The list of what makes her a cunt is infinite but I’ve tried to whittle it down some:

Everything for her is about race and gender. She talks about NOTHING else, then bitches if anyone else mentions race or gender.
If she wants society to stop judging and appointing based on race or gender then STOP FUCKING GOING ON ABOUT IT. Most people dont give a fuck about race, until some annoying twat comes along and rubs it in their face constantly.


This deluded cunt thinks we should let Isis terrorists back into our country and monitor them. The fact that this will cost hundreds of millions of pounds that we don’t have is beside the point to twats like her.
Apparently they should be reintegrated into society, even though the cunts were never integrated in the first place.
I think disintegration would be a far better course of action.
This is in the same week that sly news had a report about shelters for abused women. They build up the courage to leave their tormentors, pack their bags and come to the shelter with their kids and whole lives packed into what they can carry.
They get turned away.
There isn’t enough money to take care of them.
Afua Hirsch doesn’t give a fuck though.
The money would be much better spent on helping murdering, raping, jihadists come back to our country and get free housing, a job, a free car, some semtex and the keys to the local primary school.
Seems helping cunts that want to murder our children should take priority over everything else.
We have a finite amount of resources.
We have to prioritise the areas that most deserve it. But she doesn’t get that. Or maybe she does and just prioritises jihadis over innocent, law abiding people.

Either way she’s a cunt.

She wants to let in as many refugees as possible and supports open door immigration. She’s one of those idiots that genuinely believes that immigration benefits society. Where she gets her figures from is anyone’s guess.
Most immigrants earn minimum wage. If you earn minimum wage in this country you don’t pay tax. Then there’s the cost of health care, housing benefit and educating the masses of children that these cunts churn out.

All imigration does is saturate the jobs market to keep competition for low paid jobs high, therefore keeping wages low.
It benefits big business. Nothing else.

Why can’t lefties seem to get their heads around simple concepts such as supply and demand?
These same cunts that pretend to champion the working classes and low paid, are the same cunts responsible for keeping wages down, rents high, and quite frankly making life miserable for the low paid in society.
But she’s a real do-gooder, she really cares about poor people. Pppfffttt.

This is gonna surprise you.

Afua Hirsch loves the EU.
What a fuckin shocker.
Just like June Sarpong, this cunt constantly complains about the poor and minorities not getting a say, moans about the patriarchy, but supports an ultra-capitalist patriarchy run by crusty old rich white men.

I sometimes wonder how these cunts can even tie their own shoe laces.

These are titles of some of her latest guardian articles:

“Oxfam abuse scandal is built on the aid industry’s white saviour mentality”
About white people being cunts for trying to help black countries. Personally I’d tell em to get stuffed. She’d probably still moan though. White men are cunts. Black people are great. Men are cunts. And white people are cunts. Especially white men. … who are cunts.

“When feminists advance, why do prominent women hold us back?”
Some #metoo shite

“I’ve had enough of white people who try to deny my experience”
White people are cunts. Basically.
Especially white men.

“As a black woman I’m always fetishised: racism in the bedroom”
…Racism in the fucking bedroom?
… *sigh* …
Your guess is as good as mine. I can’t read any more of this shit.
I can only presume it goes somewhere along the lines of “white men are all cunts”.

Everything she writes is me me me me me.
I’m black so black people are great.
White people are cunts.
I’m a woman so women are great.
Men are cunts.

Afua Hirsch is on a crusade against white men coz she’s a racist, man hating cunt.
Hopefully the guardian will go bust soon and this captain of cunts will go down with the ship.I fear this may be wishful thinking though.

I suspect we’ll be hearing a lot more from this cunt over the coming years.

At least we have ISAC for some therapy.

All together now …


… aaahhh that feels better.

Nominated by Deploy the Sausage.

35 thoughts on “Afua Hirsch (2)

  1. Good cunting sausage ted talks in itself should get cunted at every available chance just abunch of virtue signalling cunts with goofy ideas pre approved by mega cunts like Soros and Ted Turner bunch of feel good diversity nonsense if you ask me

      • No the delusional mega rich cunt who owns cnn and created the united nations.

        Wishbone ash is a great english rockband tho, Argus was a favorite record pilgrimage was a really good album too tho m8

  2. Truly an epic cunt.

    Yesterday in the S Times there was an article by a Somali about knife murders in his area of London. The victims and perpetrators are Somali. The victims are of course all A students, promising artists, footballers, brain surgeons.
    This cunt never once thought that this was their fault. He also said that it wouldn’t be tolerated in Chelsea. He also said that this shouldn’t be happening in the UK.
    Here’s some thoughts:
    If these cunts either became civilised or fucked off back to the shithole they crawled out of this would not be happening.
    It doesn’t happen in Chelsea because it isn’t infested with vermin.

    Like the cunt listed above there is no accountability for their own behaviour.
    When Somalis first appeared in our area 20 odd years ago a friend in CID told me they were bad news. Lazy, criminal, khat addicted and feckless. How right he was. But at least there aren’t 1000s of the fuckers.
    London is welcome to the fuckers.

  3. I think an exchange mechanisum should be put in place, a very simple system that should you choose to suport or promote an idea, system, way of life, you should live it.
    It is fundementaly wrong to champion a cause that you have no idea about or the ramifications of your actions, case study Joe Lumny.

    Now I am a little Biased on this (due to the fact I have always wanted to shag her), But she championed the cause of the Gurkah, they are indeed great soldiers the idea that they should settle in the UK sounded fantastic. receive healthcare ect all wonderful.
    It didnt work though, they sold up, moved over, then found their pensions were worth fuck all, they didnt have the money to go home, they became resented, disliked ect.
    A massive mistake (I note she now distances herself from the affair)
    she was a do gooder campaigner.

  4. Well said mike.

    These cunts don’t give a fuck about black people, they just use race as some sort of ivory tower that they can pirch themselves on and look down on everyone else.

    She doesn’t speak for black people. She only speaks for herself.

    She just hates white people any tries to justify her racism by saying that she’s doing it for minorities.

  5. She argued the other day the only people who were entitled to braid their hair were black people. If a white person does it it is cultural appropriation apparently.
    Some black fella arguing the toss with her. giving an alternative opinion, just looked at her in absolute amazement that someone could be such a deluded, self-obsessed cunt. How are people like this allowed to be in/on the media?
    I guess black people driving cars is cultural appropriation of the white race? Fucking idiot.

  6. By Fuck,DtS,you’ve not left much meat on the bone with that Cunting. I’d actually never heard of the woman until now,but after reading your diatribe,I feel sure that further investigation is unnecessary.

    She’s a Cunt.

    • Oh dear Dick… not telling porkies are we…never heard of this Afua Hirsch woman until now…?

      Dick Fiddler on December 9, 2017 at 10:02 am said:

      “She’s quite right. We do need a “Museum of Empire”, and what a glorious museum it would be. Schoolchildren could be shown and taught about our proud history. The good that we have brought,alongside,admittedly some of the bad. I have no problem with the “bad” being discussed as long as people realise that it was “of the Age”,and compared to most Colonial powers we really weren’t the worst. I’d say that the “good” things that we spread around the globe far outweigh the bad. As long as the “Museum of Empire” acknowledged that fact,I’d be fine with it.”

      If it was me I’d put it down to dementia. Not quite sure what to think in your case…

      • Caught out, SB…..but must say I really didn’t recognise the name,perhaps you’re right.

      • Unlike me Dick, you clearly have a life outside of ISAC.

        Obscure cunts like Hirsch & Sarpong often keep my piss simmering for weeks or months following a cunting. Seems I only have to turn on the box and there they are, goading me into sticking my head in the neighbour’s wood shredder. Fortunately he’s usually out when this occurs, working for the man – a pleasure I have long been a stranger to.

        And if these nits are not on TV, they’re popping into my head at the most inconvenient times, this morning right in the middle of what had been up to then a deeply satisfying dump, at 8.04.

      • Not me,SB. I think of just about everyone as a Cunt. I’ve long accepted that the world seems to be passing me by,and I no longer really care what happens. I’ve got no family that I get on with,and as such, once I’m gone I couldn’t care less which bunch of Cunts hold sway. I live in one of the last parts of this country that isn’t yet overrun by the Cunts,and hopefully it’ll stay that way. What fuckwittery the likes of Hirch and Sarpomg get up to is of no real concern to me, but I do enjoy Cunting these bizarre people.
        They fuck me off,but hopefully I’ll have carked before their kind actually hold sway,and, frankly,after I’m gone,I couldn’t care less what happens. I just hope that it all ends unpleasantly for them.

      • I envy your detached situation Dick.

        I still have plenty of cunt relatives who rarely fail to boil my blood. Most so called ‘friends’ have long since been shaken off, the wife is devoted and thankfully mostly harmless… but her relatives (bar one) are all complete dingbats.

        I had the misfortune to overhear her sister (an American) on Skype last night trying to convince her that the Russians were responsible for not only Trump… but Brexit too!

        For the good of my health I had to leave the room. Meanwhile the wife, unusually to her credit, begged to differ with her Killary lovin’ sister.

        I also have a niece who thinks the sun shines out of Catweasel’s arse.

        Apart from that, like you our area is relatively cunt free, no peacefuls or East Europeans, but give it 5 years…

        ISAC is the only thing that keeps me sane.

      • Oh, and should have added, I too no longer care much what happens now. It’s all gone well beyond the point of no return imho. And if it wasn’t for a vague belief in reincarnation, I wouldn’t give a fuck at all.

  7. Quality cunting DtS, second Fiddlers review.

    Mandatory to study at GCSE, gotta get em young before they turn to the dark side and sign up for Corbyn’s Snowflake Wehrmacht.

    • Cheers mate … I fear it’s way too late for many.
      Anyone that’d vote for a government run by a communist hamas sympathiser, marxist McDonald and jabba the flabbott is a lost cause.

  8. This cunt Afua Hirsch is another fool that is incapable of seeing logic or reason just like the other Snowflake Sarpong. I bet she’s a big mouth for the Palestinian Cause, must be working for that nasty rag The Guardian. Which is odd because isn’t Hirsch a Jewish name ???

    • Yea she’s half Ghanaian, half Jewish, half cunt.
      What is it with Ghanaians lately? 🙂

      Maybe they’re doing a kind of national “on the blob”.
      On the cunt blob.

      • To be pedantic, she’s a quarter Jewish – her grandfather fled Berlin in 1938. He must be turning in his grave at his granddaughters behaviour toward the country that gave him sanctuary – and her the freedom to abuse rights hard won by our ancestors, shitting all over Western culture and our great National legacy.

        As has previously been mentioned, In August 2017 Hirsch called for Nelson’s Column to be destroyed, claiming it is a symbol of white supremacism.

        Cunt in a nutshell.

      • I think we should demolish Nelson column but we should tie all these lefty cunts to it first.
        Then we’ll try to chop it down with cricket bats.


  9. The thing is you could take the above (excellent) cunting, and replies, and make a template of it with “INSERT NAME HERE” and you’d universally cunt every neo-liberal group-think EU loving cunt out there!

    Insert the following names instead of A-fuck-U:

    David Lammy
    Diane Abbott
    Gina Miller
    June Sour-pong

    It’s universal across all of the cunts blinkered by sex and race and yet they do not see themselves as either racist or sexist.

    They’re just cunts the lot of them!

    And don’t get me started on the Supply Vs Demand argument because they all – even PhD in Mathematics Abbott – get it when you talk about oranges or buttons or feathers but as soon as you use NHS beds, houses or school places the equation no longer makes sense because the equation is now racist (and probably sexist too for good measure)!

    Useless cunts!

  10. Tesco’s you are a bunch of cunts, well more than usual. It had a fancy dress super hero costume for sale on its website and was described as Dark Panther rather than Black Panther after the greatest film in cinematic history for which Hollywood will be jacking off to for months to come.

    Cue outrage from the Twatter cunts! A simple oversight, embarrassing yes, deliberate racism no….. but from what I read of the ‘outrage’ in the story the intent to yell Raaaysssiiist was there, like everyone has a obligation to know about this piece of overrated bollocks. Anyway I thought white cunts were banned from watching.

    Similar to the H&M kid in a t-shirt saying something about monkey in the jungle, probably an office nerd scratching his balls or watching X- Hamster and waved it through, who really gives a toss?

  11. What a first class cave ape she is. Don’t like a country with white people in? Fuck off to Africa. Want to have Isis fighters here? You fucking house them and pay for them. You want mass immigration? You fucking house and pay for them too. She’s a fucking twat of epic proportions

  12. ‘ she’s a panelist on The Pledge and a Guardian columnist.’

    You had me at that, to be honest.

  13. This odious anti white anti men libtard is merely a product of the creeping culture way that acts like a very slow growing but insidious cancer.

    • Great article goodwoodone. …now my piss is really boiling!

      And we’re supposed to be all nice and compassionate towards them now the boot’s on the other foot.

      • Good article, I knew a little about their raids on fishing villages in Southern Ireland back in the day.

        Had to laugh, got to the end of the article and at the bottom of the screen was a fucking great banner advertisement for ‘meeting Muslim singles’ for fucks sake.

  14. Who the fuck does this bitch think she is?

    Demolish Nelsons Column? She should be strung from a gallows in front of it, so it’s the last thing she sees before her feet stop twitching.

    These cunts are really boiling my piss, the country needs a revolution.

  15. I just came across this website, and I have to say, I haven’t laughed as hard in a long time. It’s refreshing to read people who clearly see through the sjw, liberal bullshit that’s stuffed down our throats every day. Completely agree with the original poster. This woman is an obnoxious bint. I’ve seen her on The Pledge. Thank god Nick Ferrari is on hand to put her in her place.

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