The Presidents’ Club

Why’s everyone moaning about this presidents club dinner at the Dorchester?

Women often use sex to get what they want.
Men use money and power to get what they want.
Any woman that says that she hasn’t used her “charms” on a man before to get what she wants is a fucking liar.

And that was the fucking point. The reason those girls were there was to get the leering old drunks to dig deeper and cough up more. Funny how some guys are prone to spending shite loads of dough as soon as they think it’s gonna impress a pretty girl.
It always works.
That’s why these tactics are employed.

Women utilise this male weakness all the time but that’s ok. As long as the moment that they get what they want, the men put their dicks on ice and go back to sucking up, being sensitive to their feelings and listening to their stupid mother fucking problems.

Women spend all their time tarting themselves up and turning themselves into objects of desire.

Every fucking women’s film that you watch is all about getting a man and sex sex sex.

Every women’s magazine is about how to look good, how to lose weight and how to get a man. (Apart from all the usual gossip and bitchiness about other women that is).

Women are just as obsessed with sex as men, probably more, and if they don’t want men to notice them then why to they take so much effort to look attractive to men.

And another thing.

Could you image a women’s only event with hunks walking round? I guarantee that they would be 100 times worse behaved than any man.
I remember a few years ago at a friend’s birthday party. Her friends decided to get her a stripper. Man, I’ve never seen a more perverted and unruly hoard in my life. They immediately turned into animals and if any men had been half as bad as that, they’d have been locked up.

I’m not saying that women should be treated as objects but if you go to work at one of these things, get told to dress sexy, get told what underwear to put on, what the fuck do you expect from a bunch of drunk old cunts?
What did these women think they were being hired for?

And now we have the usual short haired old women coming out and bleating:
“What, using sex to get money? What kind of cunt would do that?”
Oh apart from the advertising industry, movie industry, music industry, media, tv, fashion and just about every fucking industry on earth.

These same cunts would think that Miley Cyrus acting a slut to get their daughters pocket money is empowering, then act horrified when women use their “talents” to get more money from rich old drunks .

It’s just pc bollocks and it’s the usual “feminist” crowd making a fuss.

No woman should be sexually harassed if she’s not interested. That kind of behaviour is deplorable. Cunts like Harvey Wankstain should be ashamed.

But let’s not forget that women and all industries use sex to get what they want all the time and this is not some ground breaking scandal.

Some men are perverts and some women are slags. Big fuckin whoop.

Nominated by Deploy the Sausage

( In case you’re wondering why this makes the Presidents Club cunts, it’s because they’ve caved by bowing out of further events. Fucking pussies! )

43 thoughts on “The Presidents’ Club

  1. Very well put, Sausage. I spent my career as an accountant in industry and hit the shop floor at least twice a day, and the women, my god, if men acted the same way they literally would be fired. I spent half my time in Los Angeles and the Hispanic women were even worse!!

  2. A non fucking story blown out of proportion by the man hunting media snowflake lefty cunts. Hostesses? My fucking arsem, most of the women do this sort of work know the score, know how to deal with pissed up old men and go home intact without a second thought. Some journalist bint thinking she can make a name for herself exposes the “shocking behaviour” at this bash, no more presidents club, no more charity donations.

    We can look forward to more devastating news from this cutting edge investigative journalist

    Animals killed at slaughter house

    Dead soldiers found on battlefield

    Sun comes up everyday

    What a load of cunt gunge

  3. Some years ago in a nearby town there was a hen do at one of the local pubs (now shut) .Naturally there was a male stripper, he was dressed as a fireman, so far so predictable. Anyway, part way through his routine a fire breaks out in the kitchen and the fire brigade is called , (you know what’s coming ). They arrive very quickly as the station is only about 400 yards away, in the meantime there is mayhem in the pub with staff trying to evacuate everyone, unfortunately the audience have entered full feral mode and the stripper is under major assault. Enter the firemen and a collective howl of primeval lust issues forth, the drunken horde launch multiple sexual assaults on the beleaguered firefighters who cannot convince them that they are not part of the act. Only when the rozzers arrive mob handed and the frenzied females are physically removed is order restored. Women are far from innocent.

  4. Its lucky The Donald has been busy in Davos or they may have had something to whine about.

  5. Off topic, but re “Women’s magazines”

    Kirstie Allslop claims to have lost TWO stone.
    Maybe she means two gallstones.
    Or the most recent tv appearances with Spunk-Pump Spencer, where she still buttons up (just about) like Tom fucking Kitten are old repeats…

    Defo one for the SLS Shit-Bucket, the hot runny stuff.

  6. I suppose the same old dried up cunts like that thing on QT last night will be touring Soho and the areas round Glasgow where the tarts tout their trade nightly displaying “down with that sort of thing” banners or flying out to convince the peacefuls in the desert that marrying a prepubescent girl and fucking her insides up or slashing the lips of a girls minge is far more abhorrent than a few tarts playing up to earn a few more quid for charideee. Of course they wont – only in the cosy West will such outrage be displayed and the cunts of Rochdale are just culturally misunderstood. Boils my fucking piss.

  7. I certainly will not be cunting the presidents club, even though I was not invited this year.

    One young lady alleges that she was offered £75k from an elderly man to fuck her.
    £!!! If said elderly gentleman is in such need of relief, then I am willing to offer my arse up for exactly that amount! Well hell!, I’ll even tickle his balls as well ( fully included )

    The young ladies ( I use the term respectfully ) seem to return each year, and some compete to gain the coveted invite. Well, to get paid £200 to attend, to have as much free booze as you can flush down the gargle shute, and to get shagged by some old git who shoots his load as soon as the zip comes down. And get paid fucking thousands , seems a fucking good goer to me!

    As for the reporter who went undercover. No fucker did any more than try to hold her hand !!!

    Virtue signalling fuckwit, complete fucking cretinous arsehole to pass on £75K for shags!!! Idiot!

    • Strange that the so called ‘reporter’ didn’t manage to catch any of this debauchery or so called ‘harassment’ on her mobile… Cunt.

      • Yes, when interviewed this morning she was asked if she could elucidate on the circumstances surrounding the assaults she claimed she was subjected to. ‘I don’t want to, its not appropriate’ she bleated. Lying exaggerating muck raking hack cunt.

    • £75,000? In the words of Churchill – “now we have agreed on the principle, it only remains to discuss the price” 🙂

  8. Older very rich men, with loads of alcohol and possibly substances, in an enlightened mood, giving lots of money to really good causes, and more alcohol and sexy girls not wearing much. Fuck me, it’s not rocket science. Spoilt by some mank cunt journalist.

    Who the fuck does Great Ormond Street think they are? Half a million fucking quid treats a lot of very ill kids. Absolute cunts.

      • If they can afford to blow £half a million quid on virtue signalling, they can afford to do without any further donations from me. Cunts.

  9. There’s one group of modern fascists who missed a trick here. I saw one photo which, on close examination, showed two of these rich cunts surreptitiously holding lit cigarettes. ….Indoors!…In a public place!
    Why aren’t the health nazis screaming the place down?
    For these poor innocent women this is their place of work. So they are being raped AND murdered at the same time!!
    Are there no safe spaces left anymore?

  10. I pity the poor fuckers who told er indoors that thy were off to “one of those boring charity events luv – tedious but all for a good cause” – for the wife to reply – “ok love, I will be fast asleep so don’t wake me up like you usually do when you are pissed trying to take your undercrackers off over your fucking head and sticking your man thing in my back looking for a drunken fuck” No, promise love. See you in the morning 😉

  11. One of the first wimmin to come out of the woodwork to deplore was of course uber cunt Jess Phillips a Labour MP who seems to have an almost dykie hatred of men, yet she is married. I can only assume her other half turns her over on her belly and fucks her up her arse if and when he ever gives her a seeing-to. If she can open her legs as wide as she opens her mouth she must be a very good screw but she would look better in a hijab.

  12. I know I sail close to the wind with these kind of comments – but I have increasingly less and less respect for the females of the species. Certainly the ones from this country anyway.

    We are almost indoctrinated with how men and women are equal in society. So why then are women so fucking collectively brittle and ready to adopt victimhood status for any possible smidgeon of percieved offence? All this crap around ‘body shaming’, ‘rape culture’, ‘toxic masculinity’… it’s a fucking witch-hunt designed to advantage women by grinding men down. Instead of driving equality on their own merits, they can only seemingly do it by hypocrisy and selective demonisation of men when it suits.

    Why no screams for equality in the manual labour industry? Where’s the uproar over the Diet Coke ads? Why insist that men must do all the approaching when it comes to dating or sexual interest?

    The literal cunts just want to have their cake and eat it.

    Equality in jobs – when jobs are well paid.

    Equality in not seeing us as sex objects – but we can all post pictures of stereotypical beefcakes on our Facebook shitposts.

    Equality in society – but we don’t want to be traditional women… we want traditional gentlemen who pay for everything, and do all the chasing; sparing our delicate egos from the pain of rejection and feelings of inadequacy.

    Social media has made their self-entitlement go off the fucking charts. Tied into the cancer of the PC nazis, life is becoming fucking unbearable when dealing with these shitcunts in any capacity.

    At this point, all they are good for is fucking. Nothing else whatsoever.

    • The sooner we develop top notch sex robots the better. Then women kind can go and fuck themselves. Literally.

      • Project Emasculation has been happening, in my experience, since the early 1970s. It was a dark spin-off from the legitimate women’s liberation movement of my mother’s generation, its insidious influence keeping a relatively low profile until recently.

        The only way I can hack it is to remain an unreconstructed male chauvinist pig, at least with the wimmin who insist on playing the evil games so eloquently delineated by Empire above.

        Long live Godfrey Bloom.

    • Well said, feminists are fucking hypocrites and sore losers. Notice how anything to do with women is “misogyny!”? Can’t even have a joke nowadays so instead we laugh at their petty attempts to pull men down instead of raising themselves up.

      • Indeed and Cathy Newman being ripped a new one by Jordan Peterson is a prime example. She is called out for blatant bias and responds by crying ‘misogyny’ and the old favourite’ death threats’. I would have called out her male counterpart Jon fucking Snow the same way if he had been the one doing the interview. Spoiled brat.

    • *appropriate* seems to be the favourite word of the pseudo intellectual cunts who turn up on Radio Four these days. Especially those wimmin who read the Ladybird Book Of The Bonce between their therapy appointments and social commentator roles. Obviously borrowed from the Americans – the same way that *behaviour* is now *behaviours* and *harm* is *harms* add an S and it sounds more scientific and impresses the fuckers who think Melvyn Bragg is Einstein, though the fuckwit thinks that of himself. Bragg and some of the other radiocunts could convince themselves that wanking was some kind of deep scientific process

    • Expect Tarbuck’s head on a feminazi stiletto spike first thing tomorrow morning.

      • Never been much of a Tarbuck fan, but today he played a blinder, agree with every word he said. Good on the old cunt!

      • Headline tomorrow: ‘Scarjo Calls Out Tarby!’
        Except, of course, she won’t… Because the old bugger is not enough to generate publicity and virtue signals in Hollyweird…
        And she won’t defend him either, because he’s not a great director/dirty old man….

    • I thought he was dead! Every day is a school day I suppose.

      Not sure about Liza Tarbuck though, sometimes its a yes (if 3 stone lighter) and other times its a no.

    • Surely that can’t be fucking tolerated in the workplace? What kind of a fucking cunt uses that line of outrageous insult?

      • Apparently the correct solution is to ignore anything the guy says and not challenge him.They don’t want to upset him as he is portent and worth a lot of money.

      • Important the cunt may be to his masters but it doesn’t put him above employment law.

        Your employers should take disciplinary action against the offensive little shatstick.

      • Not sure whether I could have done that Shaun, people with money think they can treat people with contempt and need reminding sometimes that their behaviour is unacceptable.

        My youngest daughters first boss was a billionaire heiress and regularly used to poke my daughter in the face with her finger. How she did not retaliate is beyond me.

      • Now poking in the face I would retaliate. Another man tried to inappropriately today and he got not a smack but a very hard push.

      • Once did a contract for Southern Electric where the boss – kid you not – came into the office with a baseball bat and started swinging within inches of peoples head to encourage them to work harder.
        I stood up and grabbed it and informed that if it came within three feet of me it would be sticking out of his arse!
        He backed off when the office broke into round of applause.
        There’s advantages to being self employed sometimes…

    • Should have replied “Hopefully after you?”

      Nothing quite like a one line riposte.

      My reply would have been “Fuck you too!”

  13. Remember clearly a half witted work colleague who I disliked due to his non professionalism once bringing of all things a shotgun into the London office underwriting room, and getting it out lunchtime to show it off. Told everyone it was not loaded.

    Whilst waving it around I told him to put the fucking thing away otherwise I would be calling security. Asked me what my problem was, before eventually doing as I requested.

    I have know only two people to have owned a shotgun licence, neither of these people on my opinion should have ever been granted one.

    • Unfortunately being a cunt is not grounds to refuse a shotgun licence otherwise most of the country set would be denied.

      I had a shotgun licence when I was in the UK, remarkably easy to obtain, as plod have to show good reason for denying you a licence. Wish I hadn’t sold my guns now.

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