I could spend time singling out prize cunts one by one. As my time fades away I may regret the wasted time. So here is a catchall, boilerplate cuntification for the sloppy beta male cuckold bitch cunts of the LEFT.
If you know such a person (and you shouldn’t really, interacting with them only encourages further hypocrisy and vapid pointless pontification) you have a responsibility to will them to die of atrophic lateral sclerosis with a mouth full of cocks.
If you are one you must find a way to hasten your demise. You could seek out a political protestor to do it for you (unfortunately Mr D T Traitors Freedom F Britain will be unable to assist you in your transition to being dead on account of serving some time in jail for helping Jo Cox to become an hero). Or you could just drink a gallon of bleach.
I have a non exhaustive list of key indicators to help you identify the limp lame and utterly useless cunts;
1. Never knowingly held a belief that could be close to correct. Left cunts.
2. Only love social conservatism when practiced by brown people? Left cunt.
3. Academic? Left cunt.
4. Never accomplished anything worthwhile (see academic)? Left cunt.
5. Bleating on about the NHS or other public sector train wrecks? Left cunt.
6. Never knowlingly held an opinion of your own? Left cunt.
7. Beard with product in? Left cunt.
8. On a lame protest for cunts about other cunts? Guess.
You may on reading this realise you are a left cunt. It’s unlikely as most left cunts come with gravity defying self denial but possible. Know this; you are a cunt; your friends are all cunts; your mum is a cunt.
Nominatwd by Fuckwit
The key indicators seem like a check list for a Limp Dumb/Green Party candidate.
When I was young and idealistic – i.e, a fucking clueless halfwit, I thought I was a leftie. Indeed, the first time I voted was for Blurgh in 97. However, life soon knocks that shite out of you if you’re prepared to open your eyes and look at the world around you.
At 43, I am now pretty much to the right of Ghengis Khan. There are two salient sayings for me:-
‘A liberal is a conservative that hasn’t been mugged yet’;
‘If you’re not a liberal at 18, you have no heart. If you’re still one at 30, you have no brain’.
Well I must have been a real heartless bastard when I was 18 then because I have never been a liberal!
My heart said Foot, but my head said Thatcher. So I voted SDP.
The possibility of the headline
“Foot heads arms”
sadly never came to pass, as MF never got the MoD job…
We got
“Foot heads arseholes instead.”
That’s why the left, and Lord Adonis in particular, are so keen on bringing the voting age down to 16. Some dippy cow on the radio last week thought it should be lowered to 13!
I was not really fit to vote before my 30s. Should be raised to 40+ imho.
Why do the beards annoy me so much?
Is there anyone with a fashion beard who isn’t a cunt? Are they all lefties?
I have neatly trimmed beard, because I’m lazy. But I’m a right wing cunt! Don’t condemn all beardies…
Most men have beards if they can’t be arsed to shave. Not usually hard to tell the leftards from the lazy right wing cunts. I shave about once a week despite the fact I hate beards. Just don’t give a fuck.
Going for my first haircut since 2016 tomorrow – as you can imagine am a regular fucking washout. The wife will be in for a pleasant surprise for once though. Unless I end up not being bothered…
It’s a particular sort of beard.
Can’r quite but my finger on it, and honestly wouldn’t want to, as I might catch something. I live in a student-infested zone, so the beards are really facial pubes on utter dickheads.
HBH – proper reply – allegedly there are more infestations and nasty stuff lurking in one of those beardy horrible cunts facial faeces than there are on your average toilet seat. I can only speak from an experience I had as a young sailor after I left the shipyards and decided a life on the ocean wave was one for me. I asked for a time out to grow a fullset (Jackspeak for a beard). After not shaving (my face was like a baby’s arse prior to joining the mob and suffering from a CPO staffer insisting on compulsory shaving regardless of facial growth made my face like a welders bench) for a month my CPO asked at morning muster what the fuck was going on with my facial hair. I replied I was growing a fullset. He said “Tommo – get those pubes off your face right now – your face resembles a football match – 11 hairs on each side” – Needless to say that was the extent of my attempt at growing anything that grows wild around my arse – my anal hair would make a better “beard” than my fizzog ever could 😉 Bearded cunts – however it appears on their face – are just pure lazy bastards insisting facial hair is a sign of masculinity – it isn’t – its a sign of laziness and of course a sign of being an enfant terrible at Uni when you get your grant cheque and find out Mum and dad aren’t around to show you what to buy. PS – We had a sailor (when pay went from cash fortnightly to monthly into your bank) whose Mum rang the Navy to insist that his pay was “doled out in 4 equal weekly amounts” as young sprog didn’t grasp the fact that the money tree had a limit. He (seriously) told his mess Killick he couldn’t be overdrawn at the bank as he still had lots of cheques left. That’s a genuine dit (or sailors story as we called them). He was 19. lived in Felixstowe and had never spent as much as a night away from Mummies and Daddies, I shit you not !!
Ahoy there, Cunto !!
I nearly went into the navy, via their recruiting office in Holborn, and Cpt. Jesse James (I kid you not …).
Thought I’d make a passable galley slave, and also spoke Russki at the time. In the 80s, might’ve been useful. Might still be, but I speak it no longer, not decently, anyway.
Didn’t make it, for same health reasons that got Katie Hopkins discharged from the army, sadly.
That wasn’t real communism. Well pal that isn’t a real beard. You’re a cunt.
We could add:
Champions wimmins rights provided that – they are not Muslim or part of the Labour party/Momentum, which of course is the Stalinist organisation that now holds sway.
The left used to be alright people, some even slightly respectable. All went to hell in the late 70’s. Since then, the left has basically been infiltrated by twisted deviants and militant liberals, many of whom don’t actually have any real left leanings but they needed a platform from which to project their bile, anger and hate… and they couldn’t afford to join the Tory’s. They are now essentially a mix of angry, indecent, incompetent student types constantly thinking up new and more pernicious ways to spread misery under the guise of ‘helping the working man’. They basically want to bully you (just as they were bullied at school) into doing what they say. Not because it is good for you, or even good for them. Simply because it’s what they ‘say’. Understand that, and you understand the left as it is today. Insecure, capricious people only interested in fulfilling twisted fantasies of domination and punitive punishment to all, simply because when they were growing up the rest of us thought that they were a bit weird and no one wanted to be there friends at school.
Yep, well said Big Kunt, the left are all about imposing their will on others regardless of the outcome, total power is what they are after.
The other issue is that those that espouse the leftist mantra to the extreme are the first are the first to indulge themselves in the very best of what capitalism has to offer, directorships, consultancies, bribes, rent boys, generous expense accounts etc. One never sees a poor left wing politician.
Case in point, just how did blair amass an estimated 80 million fortune given that his salary as PM was less than 200k for 10 years? Hhmmmm, answers on a postcard.
I think you mean “their”, you cunt!
Quality and bang on the nose.
I really wouldn’t know where to start or stop with the cunting of the Liebour party (or the left to keep on topic) so I will keep my rant to a few lines. I could write a tome about the left and still not have vented my spleen sufficiently. Can anyone imagine a front bench of the swivel eyed lunatic, an out and out communist in John MccuntingDonnnell and the racist formerly known as the love child of Mugabe and that equally odious batmanjelly woman thing AKA Diane Flabbott. Add shrieking ninnies like Emily Thornbush (and I bet it is), right on Angela Rayner who went to Universiiii (I think that’s how its pronounced), Barry fucking Gardiner, the awful chucklebutty woman thing, a gazillion other ethnics who must earn a fucking fortune but I have never heard of and top it off with Tom Watson and the various hanger onners who run the various qangos and you have the recipe for the destruction of Britain (or Briiian as our Ange would call it – fucking education secretary too) in one wiki page. Until I sniffed out who was who I nearly fell over at the amount of shite is actually contained within HM opposition front benches.
To finish this brief cunting a special mention to the Transgender spokesperson for women who just happens to be a 21 year old bloke and there you have it. Anyone who thinks liebour and the leftist cunts that follow it or vote for it are readying themselves for government have more chance of platting snot. attached is an image of said “female” – make sure you have eaten first – with the swivel eyed lunatic and I just noted a quote from “Lily”.
“Labour Party rules state a “women’s officer must be a woman,” but Madigan said it was “misguided” to say she could not fulfil the duties of the role just because she was born male”.
You really couldn’t make this shit up – unless you vote Liebour
Maybe it’s a subjective thing but to me there is a big difference between the left and modern day liberalism. Like the OP I can’t give vent to all my thoughts or i’d be here all day.
No true lefty would give a fuck about racial and gender equality… those two things would flow naturally from economic equality and the destruction of the class system. Neither would they give a fuck about poofs, trannies, junkies, criminals or any other cunt with “issues”. If they don’t want to co-operate they go up against the wall. Muzzies and any other religious idiots can join them.
Fuck it , that got posted by accident. Carrying on……
They don’t give a shit about the Arab/Israeli problem or about any other foreign shit unless it affects the U.K.
Most importantly they would be totally against the fucking EU, free movement and globalist capitalism. All the rest of the bollocks people call left is just modern day liberalism and there’s a big difference. O’Shithead, for example, describes himself as a “lefty liberal” but he’s just a liberal. That’s why his hero is the cunt Blair, the ultimate modern liberal.
Now Catweazle is very much a lefty by inclination. His problem is the EU because both so called wings of his party are essentially liberal and love the EU. His lefty instinct tells him fuck the EU but he sees the door of no 10 looming. That, and his courtship by the EU bureaucrat cunts will bring him into line.
As far as i’m concerned liberalism is my enemy and I have nothing to fear from the real left.
Nothing to fear from the real left? I’m sure they could find some excuse to put you up against the wall Freddie…Or maybe I’ve misunderstood and real left are just some sort of idealist fantasy?
Then again, maybe Corbyn & McDonnell will turn out to be the first lefty government ever to establish utopia on the planet. Trouble is they would also have to remove human nature from the equation, which could prove somewhat tricky.
McDonut was in Davos this week praising Venezuela and saying the principles there were right but they failed to control the distribution of their oil wealth for the good of the people.
Basically it’s all the fault of the wicked capitalist oil companies and nothing to do with their corrupt left wing rulers stealing all the money…
Ah, so it is the wrong sort of cummunism in Venezuela that is the problem and of course this total cunt thinks that if he was in charge then his communism will usher in the peoples paradise.
Deluded and dangerous.
With you there all the way. The real left deserted the Blair centrists in droves during the Brexit vote – they saw what the alleged Right saw: that globalism was bleeding them dry in order to keep recipients of unearned income in luxury yachts. The Sun-reading Right is not so different from the Morning Star-reading Left when you come right down to it. Except perhaps that the Star readers are a little more literate.
Also, the public debate has been dumbed-down beyond belief. What the proles – Left or Right – think is now completely irrelevant to the financiers actually running the show. We are intentionally kept unaware of the underlying mechanisms governing how a country is run. Conspiracy theory? Have a look at Varoufakis: “And the Weak Suffer What they Must?” (“Europe, austerity and the threat to global stability”) and see if you still think so.
Perhaps if Corbyn had stuck by his principles and campaigned for Brexit, the Leave vote would have been considerably more decisive?
Corbyn had no option but to keep his powder dry. Perhaps if the combined media hadn’t thrown so much shit his way, he could have been more decisive. He’s still keeping his powder dry. He knows that the Tories will produce a Brexit that is no Brexit, and he’ll be able to pick up on the discontent that inevitably follows.
Follow the money, SB, and you’ll see where we really stand. The international, global, concentrated money. No government of this country can stand against that.
Understood K. The end justifies the means.
9. Inherently racist, hypocritical, divisive and unpatriotic.
For example, speaking in 1984, Diane Flabbott said that Ireland “is our struggle – every defeat of the British state is a victory for all of us. A defeat in Northern Ireland would be a defeat indeed.”
She then went on to say, “Though I was born here in London, I couldn’t identify as British. Anyone who comes from a former colony knows the troops always have to come out.”
Referring to Northern Ireland as an “enclave of white supremacist ideologies,” she spoke against Labour’s then official policy of seeking unionist consent, asking, “Should we have waited to win the consent of the white racists in Zimbabwe?”
In 2010, on the This Week sofa, Flabbottomus raised eyebrows by stating:
“West Indian mums will go to the wall for their children.”
She made the remark to explain her hypocritical decision to send her son to a fee-paying school after having previously criticised the private sector education.
Andrew Neil responded: “So black mums love their kids more than white mums, do they?”
Neil then went on to ask: “Supposing Michael [Portillo] said white mums will go to the wall for their children?…Why did you say that, isn’t it a racist remark?”
Apparently the overgrown slug had nothing further to say…
Two further beauties while we’re here:
“White people love to play divide and rule”
“Finish blue-eyed nurses aren’t suitable to look after Black people”.
Recently she had the gall to whinge about online abuse… I mean, what do these cunts expect? Live by the race card, die by Twatter.
And I haven’t even started on Labour, Momentum & anti-semitism…
The saddest part of the moronic, deeply cuntitudinous but typically Flabbottastic comment re Finnish nurses was that, at the time, Miss Finland was of mixed parentage.
Half black African.
I really think that The Flabbott has got to be the most stupid person around… Out of her depth in a shallow puddle.
There is a world of difference between “The Left” and the current bunch of “neo liberal” fascists who refuse to accept any other point of view other than their own or their zombie group-think cronies’.
These cunts and their delusions are also aptly facilitated by the similar thinking elite “neo liberal” fascists at FaceCunt, TwitCunt and Googlecunt who regularly – and with more frequency – suppress/remove even centrist views (let alone any which could be construed as being right leaning).
The thing is that true left folk are as pissed off with these “neo liberal” fascists (and their easily lead snowflake followers) as folk on the right.
No one – left or right – is exempt from the cuntitude being perpetrated by “neo liberal” fascist cunts, and the real worry is that folk under the age of 21 won’t know any better and think it completely normal to act and behave like a cunt with a “talk to the hand” attitude to debate and differences of opinion.
In the fullness of time cunts like Zuckerberg, Dorsey and Page will be considered in the same light as the jumped up little moustachioed Austrian twat of 1930’s Germany.
Alas, as they now control all world news and propaganda, they’ll be hailed as saviours: ever benevolent and ever watchful – just like Big Brother!
Hear hear. And see above.
When I started my apprenticeship sparking I was put with bloke they called ‘Terry the Red’. I got on with him fucking great and had some good laughs and conversations and I did agree with a lot he said. He had leaflets on The Lords and The Royals explaining how bad they were and he fucking hated the police with a fucking passion. Said they were only there to protect the rich. He did fucking go on and on tho and most of the other lads couldn’t fuckin stand him. He hasn’t changed on fucking bit in 30 odd years. Got a good heart tho and would do anything to help anyone he could. Voted for Catweazle in the elections obviously. Soft cunt.
The trouble with cunting the left is there’s not much to say. I reckon the amount of material is barely 5 times the size of the British museum library.
The Left in comic meme form https://img.4plebs.org/boards/pol/image/1515/73/1515733147017.jpg
Has anyone had the misfortune to tune in to ALBBPC, well I have and there’s a “show” on called, all together now, what a cringeworthy pile of fuckin shite, some cunts will do anything for their fifteen minutes of infamy, it really is scraping the fucking barrel, the cunts
There is only one political system, whatever label is attached to it, whether it be left, centre, right, communism, socialism or capitalism. it’s called ‘The people at the top fuck the people at the bottom’. It’s evident in every country in the world, because humans are greedy selfish cunts.
Agreed there young man, but at least with capitalism one has a chance.
Best we can ever hope for is free speech and the ability to vote fairly for the lesser of all evils.
Trust the fucking Red Shite to be the first club to benefit from a technology penalty. Stuffy cunts. Ha ha cunt missed. Cunt.
The game is turning into a fucking nightmare KN, the ref is calling out the video for every decision. Great that the bin dipping cunts are down 3-1 at half time. Couldn’t happen to a better set of cunts.
The Left have always been around. Just like flies around a bull’s arse at every party meeting. Their ascendancy was assured in the Wilson years, and further nourished by big cunt James Callaghan
The Unions ruled the nation, and tens of thousands of jobs destroyed. Whole industries collapsed due to bad governance and a potent and highly organised trade union syndicate of “Rent a Mob ”
It was during these years that: a) We lost our aircraft industry ( ( thanks Harold )
b) We lost our car industry ( thanks Jim )
In these years, mob rule was encouraged, forced ( closed shop ) membership was prevalent, and power cuts further hampered a struggling industry. Liverpool became a mini Soviet State, pay went up, but jobs were lost. Prices soared and inflation spiraled out of control. In the Blair years we saw a new and more corrosive state, and we had wars! Plenty of them.
Now funnily enough, these times are almost certain to return. High taxes, more benefits ( but only for those chosen people ) further divisions in society and a stronger and more effective stasi
I’m glad I’m an old fart. I’m glad I will not have to live my life again under the new marxist state. And I’m glad I won’t have to fight again for the fucking rabid arses of the new peoples front.
I’m sad though for the poor fuckers who are rushing to embrace the ” New Age” , beards flowing and body piercings jingling. I’m sad to think that they are so fucked up, it will be too late to turn and run away.
And all of this for what? A useless spastic twat of a minger who calls herself Prime Minister. A woman so fucking useless and gormless she even makes the demonic prospect of Corbyn attractive.
And gentlemen, await the first directive of the new Home Secretary to be. The fat ugly fucker will have your fucking nuts.
All politicians are cunts.
Shiver at the thought mate. I remember the power cuts and 3 day week but I was an apprentice in the shipyard so got 2 days off with pay – problem was too much week left at the end of the money 😉
Red Robbo from Leyland, Scargill the red cunt and the power workers holding the country to ransom and that’s what these young cunts want to see?? I am sure glad I was a teenager when I was and even more glad I am nearer the exit door than the entry door. My England is fucked – totally and utterly on the brink of destruction – and the swivel eyed lunatic is coining the votes in by promising no tuition fees – the problem with youth is that it is wasted on the young.
Nailed nicely Asimplearsehole, and Cunto too.
Thanks to the utter uselessness of Maybot, greedy big business, & all those vision free career politician cunts in Parliament, we’re likely to see something even worse enter 10 Downing Street following the next election.
Also glad I’m nearer the exit door, but fear a vague belief in reincarnation might see me croak out of the frying pan only to be reborn straight back into the basket case fire.
Not sure reincarnation would be a bad thing SB – as long as some quirk of fate (now I am getting deeply fucking stupid) gets me to be reborn in the year of my birth with the knowledge I accumulated throughout this present incarnation. I would make some cunts lives truly fucking miserable on reflection and correct some awful mistakes given the chance. I don’t regret a thing I have done – only the time I spent on other people who weren’t worth it. Fucking deep that – must lay off that Pussers rum 😉
Must be pretty heavy stuff that Pussers rum Cunto. Suggest you forget reincarnation – it’s straightforward backward time travel you’d be best off with.
Wouldn’t it be great? All those cunts we could go back and smother at birth! Sadly it will never happen, otherwise some cunt in the future would already have come back and done it already, and the world would now be a utopian paradise.
Unless some evil cunt came back and rubbed out all the good potential cunt leaders…? That must be it! At last a rational explanation as to why the world is like it is and headed for armageddon!
Phew, that’s a load off our tiny finite minds then.
@Cunto. Shipyards? I remember the days of Swan Hunter and all the other Tyne @ Wear Shipyards. If you google Swan Hunter you will find they have an employed workforce of just 20 ( 20 FFS }
Shipbuilding in this country was deliberately sacrificed to save the Shipyards of Italy, Poland and the Scandanavians. In other words, 43,000 jobs sacrificed for the fucking EU!
Name me one poor Trades Union leader?
Bob Crow, poor fucker died before he could make his first million!
And he could only afford to live in a council house on his paltry £145,000 salary.
2018 Scotch Pie awards everybody
I put this here seeing how it was relevant that the Left is baked… and because that pie looks tasty http://www.thescottishfarmer.co.uk/news/15897413.Angus_butcher_crowned_as_World_Scotch_Pie_Champion/
Never got the taste for Scotch Pies meself. Rancid mutton and pepper encased in cardboard – generally well greased if not deep-fried. Still, I daresay nowadays they’re made with quinoa, creme fraiche, a marmelade of mango sorbet and a jus of sunripened bollocks nowadays, so what do I know?
Well I don’t exactly see the scotch pie as a delicacy or the healthiest of meals m8 but I don’t know where you are buying your pies that include rancid mutton from… A good scotch pie should be made from scratch with the best ingredients possible
Also that scotch pie that I said looked tasty is in fact wooden, yep thats the award not the pie…
John McDonnell is the most dangerous man alive. A utter contemptuous cunt of a magnitude that is difficult to explain. As xhancellor, he woukd utterly destroy this country.
I would happily do time for him. CUNT.
Kravdarth (and others) just get your shit together and engineer an escape route. Believe me when I say that within 15 years the UK will be a communist dictatorship and your life will be fucked.
Don’t believe me? Ok, if you told an average middle class working German in 1930 that in 15 years half the German male population would be dead, his country would be occupied by two competing military powers after a ruinous war ,cities in ruins, countless dispossessed and homeless and his government would be responsible for the death of 6 million innocent people, do you think he would have believed you? Would he fuck……. but it happened.
Do not under estimate what Ideology can do.
You don’t have to convince me Dick. Something extremely unpleasant is readying to boil over. Agree with Kravdarth, though not sure I’d be ready to do the time…
Said cunt has all the Hallmarks of someone who has severe mental health issues!
Very dangerous, for his attitude and incompetence.
The cunt got up in the commons and read a quote from Mao’s little red book.
The #1 biggest murderer in history (#2 Stalin, #3 Hitl@r), responsible for around 50-70 million deaths.
Imagine the uproar if someone got up and read quotes from mein kampf?
Flabbott, mcdonnell and corbyn have all said that they respect chairman mao. The cunts.
Flabbott Daily Politics Show
“Chairman Mao did more good than harm”
Been to China? I have.
Mao lived in a very nice palace and starved millions of his people to death in the ‘great leap forward’…
McDonnell is one of the most evil, vile, repugnant, conniving, disgusting sons of bitches in politics.
He’s the sort of cunt you wish the dark forces would deal with.
I would just like to point out that there is a stark difference between classical/Gladstonian liberalism and the modern lefty -cunt equivalent known as social liberalism (neo-progressivie activism for the uninitiated).
There is a difference, just saying.
Agree – the word ‘liberal’ as currently used and understood was imported from the U.S. circa 1980s.
In Britain it was originally more associated with the philosophy of libertarianism, something closer to what the Conservative Party used to stand for.
For fucks sake
Where is the problem, everyone has seemingly been happy with the arrangements until now
Another victory for the joyless femenazi pc gestapo, if it was some pig ugly swamp donkeys like Flabbott fair enough.
Lipsmacking, thirst quenching, crap tasting, self motivating, dildo buzzing, shit talking, fast living, never giving, ever nagging, men hating, virtue signaling, joy killing, oprah sucking, time’s upping, hypocriting, me tooing,s carjo-ing, polanski licking, self serving, doctor who destroying,victim playing, big don hating, witch hunting, men shaming, meryl streeping, wagon jumping, tits hacking, lynch mobbing, cool fizzing Feminazi…
Love that Norman…
Left out Clinton loving, Franco hounding, cock sucking, equal paying, cum guzzling, men blaming, sharia endorsing, tit flashing, celebrislagging…
Words matter. “Left” is a word that has lost all meaning in recent years. Can anyone seriously dispute that unions and the Labour Party were needed when they were founded? Ordinary working people were treated like shit in the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries- by exactly the same people who still rule us today.
Whatever you may think of them, people like Keir Hardie, Ramsey McDonald, Clement Attlee and Harold Wilson were what I would call “Left.” A lot of posters here like to slag off the EU. Can I remind them that it was Michael Foot’s Labour Party that went into an election with the policy of withdrawing from the EEC. Jeremy Corbyn’s mentor Tony Benn “loathed” the EU.
Since 1976, the Labour Party has fully embraced neoliberal economics. It was the Callaghan government not the Thatcher one that introduced supply-side, inflation-targeting policies. Labour is now fully controlled by public school Oxbridge twats, another part of the Establishment.
Childish identity politics and benefit dependency are not Left-wing in my opinion and nor are “human rights” lawyers using public money to keep jihadists out of jail.
There’s a whole world of difference between Atlee and Corbyn. You can’t compare the two…
Whole world of difference between Foot and Corbyn too. And Benn and Corbyn. Would Foot & Benn, after campaigning for 30 years to leave the EU, have cynically switched sides at the last minute and campaigned for Remain, just to make themselves look nice and cuddly to the electorate? At least Foot had the gumption as party leader to stick by his principles and produce an honest manifesto that included withdrawal from the EU and Unilateral Nuclear Disarmament, two fundamental policies Corbyn spent his entire political life campaigning for yet has recently become strangely luke warm about at best.
Wonder why that might be? Flabbott said her opinions change with her hairstyles…the same presumably applies to Corbyn and his smart new suits and haircuts.
Knock the Left (whatever that means in the 21st Century) as much as you want but remember, a weak opposition creates a weak Government and, by the bowels of Satan, do we have a weak Government.
And The Maybot is just a yellow-brown stripe on a bit of bog-paper.
It still beggars belief that she could ever have won ANY sort of contest…
If the Tories had followed through with a proper leadership contest, May would have been found out…and we’d likely have Andrea Leadsom now…who would have been Boadicean by comparison!
And a Brexiteer, of course.
I voted for Leadsom but she pulled out and the votes were never counted.
I still ask myself WHY she pulled out…
Indeed. Remember thinking at the time Leadsom’s withdrawal was something of an overreaction to the storm in a teacup around her perceived motherhood gaff. A mite insensitive perhaps, but not a good enough reason to fuck off.
If she really did pull out for that reason, then she clearly wasn’t up to the job of leading a political party. But surely something else. Cold feet about overreaching herself perhaps, using the interview as an excuse to throw in the towel whilst saving face? Or was it skullduggery by Treeza’s hench-people?
Like the Gove/Boris back stab co-conspiracy (imho), the truth will probably only come out once I’m happily pushing up the daisies alongside Monty Python’s deceased parrot.
Well, as I said earlier, this is all very subjective so I can’t agree with all the Union bashing I have read here. “Holding the country to ransom” is an expression I haven’t heard for donkeys…. straight out of the 80s Daily Mail. It wasn’t the unions who destroyed this country’s industry it was the fucking useless and backward thinking management who were too fucking complacent in the face of competition and new technology from the Nips and Krauts, whose arses we had kicked in the War. Success makes you lazy ( if you are a cunt) And Scargill was right….everything he predicted about those working class communities has come true…..drug and crime infested shitholes with no dignified and worthwhile employment.
The working class get nothing by holding their hands out and asking nicely. You have to force it and take it. The rich cunts have had it all their own way for 30 odd fucking years and have been coining it in.
If we had strong unions in this country do you think we would have floods of cheap labour, zero hours contracts, the gig economy?They wouldn’t have allowed it.
Remember these names from your childhood…..Feather, Scanlon, Scargill, Red Robbo?
Do you know the name of the head of the TUC today? No you fucking don’t. How many union leaders can you name?
Thatcher promised to make us rich overnight and we bought it. Now our children and grandchildren have to pay the price but the rich cunts have found new ways of stitching them up like a kipper. It was ever thus. Rant over, fuck anyone who disagrees because you’re fucked anyway.
They (we) were all in it together – unions, management & workers all to blame. And yes, I do know who the head of the TUC is today, Francis O’Grady – whining Remoaner cunt, second only in uselessness to Theresa May.
Fucking ace stuff Monsieur Frog.
miners were given a 35% pay increase in 1975. They went on strike for £135 for a 4 day week in 1977 and rejected a 20% pay rise in 1979. Joe Gormley had Wilson over a fucking barrel as did all the Nationalised unions. Holding the country to ransom is exactly what they did regardless of where you heard it before. We built the greatest ships, built the best cars (for a while), produced the best steel and had the world and his dog tipping goods from all over the world right here. The dockers of Liverpool cut their own throats with unionising everything – closed shops, work to rule, go slows, thieving robbing and general thuggish behaviour. Ships were built too late, too expensive, too fucking unionised, cars the same – that was fuck all to do with management – that was the nationalised industries – did you ever use BR – Sealink?? Fucking run like nobody gave a fuck – which they didn’t. And you want cunts like McClusky calling the shots and everything nationalised again under the swivel eyed lunatic and commie Mc Donnell? If miners earning £300 a week in the late 70’s / eighties were happy to live in some 2 bed semi on a council estate and blow all their money on ale and Majorca that was a shit of their own making. I lived in a relatively deprived area but got out by my own volition via education and spirit. Wilson actually closed more pits than Thatcher did but the fact doesn’t fit with the rhetoric that unions were good for us. “technology and competition”?? I have seen 2000 men go on strike at a nuclear power station because a fitter put a fuse in a welder without waiting for a spark to do it and a welder being blacklegged for undoing a scaffold clamp to tack a joint that was holding a 200 man shift up, union bollocks. They were useful when we doffed our caps to the mill owners and put kids up chimneys and unless you buy the shit being pedalled by the swivel eyed lunatic and his merry bunch of cronies we don’t put kids up chimneys and we don’t doff our caps to the mill owners. Only a leftie cunt would disagree with that and if they do fuck em. As an ex AUEW member for 25 years I got fuck all apart from what I was due which we would have got anyway but that same union with its wildcat strikes cost me fucking thousands. And did anyone appear rattling a tin for me when I was paid off like the miners outside the power stations asking – nay demanding – £10 per man and woe betide you if you refused or offered less – no. I packed a bag and fucked off onto the next job for however long it was as a travelling man. Unions?? The left??? Fuck the cunts – one and all.
Brilliant post Cunto. I agree +++
It was the unions that steadfastly refused to allow the new technology into the work place or anything that would result in reduced manpower. Their power was truly staggering on the political scene in the 70’s/80’s no wonder Maggie had to deal with them otherwise we would still be in the 70’s now.
The unions ruined themselves. I lived near the Cowley works and knew many workers there, witnessed the self inflicted demise of the plant with both unions and management to blame but 366 strikes/walk outs in a single year really does not help productivity.
Unions had their place in time and truly made the lives of working man better and removed exploitation. This is now legislation in place for workers rights so what is left for them to do other than represent members in disputes with management, no wonder we don’t here that much from them, union leaders only showing up from time to time to show they are still alive (and drawing an outrageous salary).
Were you there in the 1980s? I was and it definitely was the Unions the destroyed British industry.
I was in the print industry in the 80s so you’ll never persuade me otherwise.
Now I see it all being tried again by cunts like McCluskey…
yep, lived nearby from 1975 to 1995
My father was in the print business until Maxwell shut them down,
Admittedly because a load of skiving cunts were never turning up for their day job (suburban London), but fucking off to Fleet St, for night work (and pay), signing in as M. Mouse and D. Duck
I attended a State school.A failing school by today’s standards. Yet I have always voted Conservative. Come ahead you snowflake bastards.
I went to a major public school so I guess that makes me a Tory Toff cunt… ?
Not at all Dio, your cuntishness and cunting capability proves you are one of us (whoever us is) – proud cunters one and all 😉
The left will not be happy till the world looks like THX 1138.
Guarantee that if the left get in next time they will pursue a cashless society and with it the last vestige of your freedom and liberty.