The BBC [116]

Accordingto David Aaronovitch on Newsnight: By 2020 enough brexit supporting voters would have died so as to enable a repeat referendum to return a vote to remain!

Are youfucking serious? Apparently, Millenial voters can’t afford to buy a house and won’t buy from companies who don’t virtue signal for the LGBTQQHDIVSJCHCGJVFKVJFK community or the peacefuls so are all remoaners:WTF?

Oh and apparently, all members of the Tory party are coffin dodgers and that is why Theresa May is P.M…

This station needs to be taken off the air……..

Nominated by Kravdarth

BBC have some fat cunt now telling us the Brexit vote would now be lost because Brexit voters are all old and dying off. Can we not just cunt the BBC but get involved with getting enforced public funding removed.?

I’m too fucking angry to wrote a good cunting, I’m fed up with his organisation that is meant to be unbiased but constantly pumps out thinly veiled agenda driven shite into our homes.

They may as well tax me to fund the wanky labour cunt party

Nominated by Sixdog Vomit

Editor’s note:
Aaronovitch was repeating what Nick Clegg said before Christmas

38 thoughts on “The BBC [116]

  1. yeh i saw that. i did think he was actually cunting it rather than agreeing with it. might be wrong.

  2. Any TV organisation that inflicts upon the unsuspecting public Sunday Kitchen Live or whatever the fuck day kitchen live it is, deserves to be shut down for gross misrepresentation. If the title was changed to Dogs Minge Live at least we would know what to expect.

  3. If there is another referendum, I’m having nuffin to with it.

    Voted once to keep Blair out. Failed there, and have never been bothered since as I still get told what to do by cunts I wouldn’t piss on if they were part of my kinky wet orgy.

    Then years later I voted again to leave Europe. Fail.
    This brexit debacle has only strengthened my belief that I should be out for myself and fuck every other cunt off unless they are friendly or are getting wet with me.

    Politics can go fuck itself from now on.
    Welcome to the independent state of birdman……… But yer not fuckin gettin in……..

    • PS….. Fuck the BBC an’all…… Cunts had Blair on the other day. The name of the interviewer escapes me. Grey hair, used to be a newsreader. Anyway, the cunt was lightly trying to interrupt Blair in his talking of shite, but it was only half hearted interruptions and he always let Blair finish with his nonsensical crap.
      Cunts are entitled to opinions, but Blairs drivvel is not opinions, it’s bare faced lies……… How does the cunt sleep?????????

      Fuckin lizard……….

      • I heard that interview and Humphries kebabbed the lying cunt by presenting truths to each of his points. Blair got fucked over.

      • The way I heard it was Humphries lightly arguing and then falling away as him an Tone giggled each argument off.

        To me it felt like a show by Humphries. Making himself look the part, but then giggled in unison with the evil warmongering scumbag lizard cunt.

    • If you refuse to vote for anyone Birdman, at least scrawl FUCK OFF or something similar across your ballot paper. Don’t let them get away with thinking you’re apathetic. Could even achieve a working majority…

      • Thanks for the interesting link Cuntflap, however don’t think they’d have much trouble interpreting my intention…

      • I’d rather not get involved with them.
        My taxes are going to be spent on what whoever is in power wants.
        I pay my way, I’ll use services that I pay for with tax, and I’ll spend what’s rest of my time here on this flat earth getting stoned.
        If people are disgusted by my carefree attitude then they should get stoned with me (buy yer own) and learn to not give a fuck.

        It’s fuckin hilarious that the proud Scots are getting well and truly fucked of by scotch nazis they voted in to keep the tories our. Hilarious.
        The daft cunts are now doing booze runs to Northumberland to buy whisky………. Hahaha

        Nah, fuck politics…… I’d rather not be part of the plan to destroy me.

      • You argue a highly convincing case. Especially the bits pertaining to scotch nazis and getting stoned. Yeah, politics been fucked for years. Fuck the lot of them.

    • Im same Birdman,the Brexit betrayal by May has now convinced for me that democracy is dead and fuck it now,wont waste my time with the Westmonster cunts??

      • Which means the establishment can breathe a sigh of relief and re-install Tony Bliar as PM in the safe knowledge that cunts like us will no longer be bothered to vote to keep the cunt out.

  4. What Aaronovitch doesn’t realise is that sneering arrogant cunts like him plus the treacherous politicians and the EU carpetbaggers have been piling up votes for our side. Brexit and Trump were a terrible shock to the liberalati system……they really didn’t see it coming. Now they are running around crying and moaning trying to make up for their previous lethargy. If the cunt had a brain he would realise that he is his own worst enemy and also that the Establishment dare not risk a 2nd referendum. There are other ways to wriggle out of it as we are finding out. Whether they get away with it or not is another question.
    You can see this cunt’s Newsnight shit piece on YouTube. Marvel at the scruffy bastards arrogance and pomposity and laugh at his simplistic demographic analysis. A fucking loser trying to convince the world that he is really a winner. Pathetic little shit.

    • Pity the cunt (and cunts like him) wasn’t so simplistic about “Supply & Demand”!

      Far easier to understand than “demographics” and explain why this country’s infrastructure, services and resources are fucked.

      It also goes a long way to explaining why ordinary folk (unlike privileged cunts like him) voted the way they did in the EU referendum because they’re fed up with their lots getting worse and worse in real terms but being told (by all and sundry in the socio-globo-libero circles – who are all personally minted) that life and circumstances have “never been better”.

      When they are asked to quantify this they then spout off some virtue-signalling shite about the “intangible benefits” of the modern UK society.

      Well let me tell you now, I can take hard cash to the bank (which is effectively becoming less and less as wages stagnate bit prices inflate) but I cannot cash in on the glory of “multiculturalism” can I!

      This is one of the many reasons folk voted out and it is as simple as that most basic of economic equations: “Supply & Demand”.

      The thing is if you were to say to these cunts: “Why does fuel constantly go up in price?”

      “Why, my thick working class northern friend, there’s becoming less and less fuel but more and more people wanting to use it. Hence, due to the law of ‘Supply & Demand’ the price goes up.”

      “I see. Thank you for clearing that up my socio-globo-libero virtue-signalling wouldn’t appreciate reality if it bit you on the arse cunt friend. Ok so what would happen if we changed ‘fuel’ to be ‘houses’?”

      “I’m sorry, I don’t get it?”

      “Or ‘NHS beds’ say?”

      “No I’m afraid you’ve lost me…”

      So these cunts can identify and appreciate plain logic except when it comes to people – preferably non-indigenous (hopefully “peaceful”) people – because “Supply & Demand” in that instance equals racism.

      Fucking cunts!

  5. This evening, the BBBC have let Kier Starmer and Cunt Scotland off the hook by not reporting on their incompetence , and concealing evidence of the 102 reported crimes.

    The BBBC are simply the mouthpiece of the liberati. If you are reading this BBBC, not only are you biased bigoted cunts, but you are actively subversive and are conspiring against the people of this country. May a thousand poxes fall upon your syphilitic carcasses, and may your rancid eyeballs fall from their sockets. And let the peaceful ones roger your arseholes ragged.

  6. The tide may well be turning, cunters. The Austrian vice chancellor has said to put all immigrants and asylum cunts into old army barracks, and take any money they have to pay.

    There’s Catalonia. Now if Flemish Belgium and Bavaria got going…..

  7. “Editor’s note:
    Aaronovitch was repeating what Nick Clegg said before Christmas ”

    Which explains everything. Clegg is a galactic cunt beyond cunting, Does the wankworm really think that counting the dead would get a new referendum? Christ he is sectionable .
    Recommended for the Ed. 11 white hot poker up the dungtrumpet,twice.

  8. Aaronovitch used to take the piss out of Blair, then when Blair went to war he became one of his most fawning arselickers. Both Aaronovitch and Blair ought to have got off their arses and gone and fought in Iraq instead of spouting their cuntery on radio and TV

  9. I read recently that the BBC and Netflix have worked together to make a show about the fall of Troy entitled; Troy: Fall of a city. This in itself is not particularly a bad thing. Unfortunately, they just couldn’t put their left wing idiocy aside for the sake of making it an accurate portrayal of an ancient Greek legend. Both Zeus and Achilles are being played by black actors. Apart from the politically correct bullshit behind that decision, it is grossly offensive, even racist, toward the Greek people and their history. This is akin to employing Matt Damon to play Kunte Kinte in Roots.

    • It’s getting to the point where actual history doesn’t matter anymore. Sci fi bollocks that it is, the Christmas Dr Who was set at the battle of the Somme. Of course, there was the BBC obligatory black tommy, yet there were no BAME figures among the the German troops. Yes, there were troops from the colonies that fought in World War One, but I’m pretty sure the used up the British army before they really needed the manpower. Are we really that ashamed of our heritage? The BBC seems to be.

      • Never let the facts get in the way of a good story…..

        And if you control the story you control the facts…..


    • I’m looking forward to the day when they make a film musical about Robert Mugabe, casting Danny Dyer in the lead role…’ere who the fack are you looking at you fackin’ white farmer cants ? Fack off before you get a Soweto necklace, you fackin’ cants you !
      The white farmers would be played by darkies who’d been given a coat of white emulsion, and the soundtrack would be provided by surviving members of The Black and White Minstrel Show, who would appear at regular intervals to sing such classic numbers as ‘Break dem Chains’ and ‘ Papa was an Idle Cunt ‘, before being kidnapped by South African mercenaries to swell the ranks of their highly rated concert party, which is run by Windsor Davies.
      Mugabe’s wife is played by Kim Kardashian who features a heavy spray tan and eliminates her rivals by creeping up on them as they lie sleeping, then suffocates them by plonking her great arse on their faces.
      Eddie Izzard makes a cameo appearance as Chris Akabusi ,he dies horribly early on in proceedings because he won’t shut the fuck up, and Camilla Batmanghelidjh stars as Zimbabwe and a massive Swiss bank account in an impressive double role.
      I think it’s got legs.
      The BBC is a total cunt and I despise it.
      Time for hot beverage of colour, (cocoa to us normal folk)

  10. Given that an undeniable majority of us voted to leave the EU, WHO-THE-CUNTING-FUCK do the BBC think they are broadcasting to ? Do they (Jeremy Vine R2, Anyone on R4) have that little awareness of their audience that they can’t begin to comprehend the simple fact that we don’t agree with their perverse perception of democracy ? Vine has been on a 2 strikes and you’re off policy with me for the last 12 months. I allow him 2 denigrations of Brexit then the cunt’s off my fucking radio. Cunt fails just as often as O’Ballbag.

    • Jeremy Swine is unlistenable, sadly heard a snippet the other day…

      I think it may have been something to with the story about homeless and beggars at the venue for the royal wedding next year, but anyhow there was some cunt of a caller on the line and he (Swine) was talking about how much a ‘professional’ beggar could ‘earn’ during the working day, and I kid you not… this thick cunt replied that ‘well if they are earning so much then I don’t understand why they have to beg’…..aarrrggghhhhh

      For fucks sake.

  11. Slightly off topic but really have to share this.

    I have a mate who works for the UK operation of a global high end Household Goods manufacturing business.

    He was telling me earlier that business was good but that they were starting to suffer with some supply issues.

    This isn’t massively uncommon as when you exclusively manufacture everything you sell and don’t outsource a bean spikes in demand often outstrip supply so you manage the situation.

    However I nearly crashed my fucking car when he told me what had caused the issue.

    So this is a global brand, showrooms in most of the top capital cities and an extensive dealer network.

    He said where do you think the demand is coming from, I guessed at UAE, he said guess again so I took a stab and said New York, he said NO do you give up, I said yep.

    He said Addis Ababa.

    Get fucked I said, no I promise you mate Addis Ababa.

    Fellow cunters you have to trust me on this, I didn’t even think there’d be a market for the stuff they make in Ethiopia let alone the money to buy it.

    I’ve never donated so much as the steam off my shit to these charities that try to tell us Nmambu needs to walk 10 miles a day to collect piss and maggot infested water and I can safely say I never will.

    genuinely these charities are really taking the piss. But then I think we already knew that.

    • Do they sell Bison Piss?

      I’ve heard M’Tembe walks 8 miles a day for a cup of it and his scrawny ass was in Ethiopia I’m sure?

    • For what a crock of shit charity is look up Ethiopian Airlines the government owned airline. Largest in Africa youngest aircraft fleet in Africa largest cargo fleet in Africa.
      Meanwhile the government let the poor average cunt who is as likely to fly on their planes as I am to become the grand Morf of the planet zargon Starve and suffer in abject poverty. Wonder when they started expanding, around 1985 I would think.

  12. And if I see those CGI animated paecefuls/parking stanleys on the BBPC once more… Once it was the iconic revolving globe and God Save The Queen… Now it’s cartoon peacefuls in shopping trolleys… And I thought the boxing lezzas continuity was bad (which it was/is)… But making out these benefits scroungers and terrorists who are a blight on Britiain are wacky cartoon characters? The BBPC can get to fuck….

  13. Saw the BBPC ‘Top Of The Pops – The Story of 1985′ show… It was actually quite interesting (especially Paul Hardcastle talking about ’19’), but then they had to do the ‘Black DJ/Presenter’ bit and make a big fuss about it (it was some minor player called Dixie Peach!).. And Gary Davies trying to ‘explain’ why he said that Dixie was the only man at Radio 1 with a better tan than himself?!… A bit of banter from over 30 years ago?! For fuck’s sake… This is insane! This sort of shit is fascism, not diversity… Then they went on about some act called Loose Ends as a ‘breakthrough pioneering British black act’… Fucking hell! They’re obsessed! As I recall, Loose Ends were a here today gone tomorrow act who had a couple of minor hits…. But, hey, that’s the Black Broadcasting Corporation for you…


    Aaronovitch is the son of communist intellectual and economist Sam Aaronovitch, and brother of actor Owen Aaronovitch and scriptwriter and author Ben Aaronovitch. His parents were atheists whose “faith was Marxism”, according to Aaronovitch, and he is ethnically half Jewish and half Irish. He has written that he was brought up “to react to wealth with a puritanical pout”

    There you have it in nutshell, Marxist Cunts that hate anyone not part of their screwed up world vision. As Brexit is pulling the UK away from the EU then it doesn’t surprise me that Mr Aaronovitch is spitting bile and cursing all those who voted leave by wishing them death. Cunt is not strong a enough description for this man, but it will have to do for now.

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