
I’d like to nominate the cunts who decided to jeer and whistle at key moments during last night’s PDC World Darts Championship semi-final between Michael Van Gerwin and Rob Cross.

Whether you enjoy darts or not, last week’s match was probably one of the best and closest ever, culminating in a 6 Sets all, 5 Legs all final leg decider.

It was nip and tuck all the way and could have gone either way and then you get the cunt loud shepherd whistlers spouting out just as the player was about to throw.

The players are used to the general hubbub and noise but loud shrieks are definitely off-putting and it was obvious what the cunts were trying to do.

I hope the pissed up cunts were identified, thrown out and then forced to eat their own vomit off the floor!

Both players deserved the very best of order and neither received it. I know most cunters couldn’t give a shit but it really boiled my piss!

Nominated by Rebel without a Cunt!

16 thoughts on “Hecklers

  1. There’s a game in golf called ‘Boo’ where each player can shout ‘Boo’ a total of 5 times during another players downswing. It’s light hearted but it is quite off putting coz you are always expecting it. Just a bit of fun. Maybe they should allow it in arrers.

    • That’s fine if it’s coming from your opponent/playing partner if that’s what’s agreed up front.

      But if the two of you were playing forra pint/fiver/20p a hole or whatever and some 3rd party cunt strode up and shouted “BOO!” at the top of your backswing then I’m sure you’d join me in thinking that said cunt would deserve a 7 iron buried into the back of their cunt skulls!

      That’s the point.

      I’m sure if you visited said “whistlers” on their day jobs stacking shelves in Aldi and just as they’re placing the last couple of bottles of beer on the top shelf you give out a health double-fingered whistle and they dropped the cunts and then had to clean up the mess, I’m sure they’d be rolling in the aisles with laughter?

      What d’ya reckon?

      • Yeah, that was my point really any barracking from the spectators is not on and they should shut the fuck up. Lately in golf in the USA some cunts have got into the habit of shouting mindless fucking shite just as the player twats the ball. Gone are the old ones ‘get in the hole’ or ‘be the right club’. Nah, now its ‘mashed potatoes’, ‘say hello to your mother for me’ or ‘you’re mad at your father’. Shower of sister fucking cunts.

      • Apart from what he did on the pitch, I will always have respect for King Cantona… That piece of Palace toe jam, Simmons, thought there would be no comebacks after the little gobshite spat at and verbally abused the French maverick… But Eric must have thought, ‘Consequences or not… That cunt is getting it…’ Only shame was Eric didn’t deck that cackling old cow (Kathy Churchman) who was laughing next to Simmons… Old fucking witch…

      • That’s one of my all time favourite sporting moments….

        I absolutely loved the way he just snapped and flew at the cunt. He went in with only one intention and Went in hard.


  2. Not a fan of darts but always thought everybody was pissed anyway – audience, players, ref. Surely heckling is the least of their worries with a pissed up crowd?

  3. Darts -like football – is now mainly followed by total knobheads and entitled mongs…

  4. They ought to allow heckling from the public gallery in the House of Commons, after all they are always doing it to each other.
    “Sit down Flabbot you fat bitch!”
    “Fuck off Catweazle you wanker”.
    “Shut your lying hole you hunchback slag!”
    “If you love the EU so much why don’t you fucking live in the shithole you CUNT?”

    They could charge to go in and they would clear the national debt in no time. I’d buy a season ticket myself.

    • Don’t mean to be pedantic, but we already do live in the EU shithole. Soon to become an independent shithole, apparently.

  5. This reminds me of a funny story. Back in the day I had a friend who was a professional boxer.of sorts. When I say professional, he got 20 quid or so. His name was Flinny. He was boxing in Wimbledon so we hired a coach to take us up there, and with no designated driver, the alcohol was flowing.

    By the time it was our man, we were a tad vociferous. The bell ra9ng for the first round the boxers touched gloves and I shouted out

    “Come on Flinny, kill the cunt”.
    The woman in the next row turned to look at me and said

    “Do you mind not calling my son a cunt”

  6. fuck ! anyone heard the new ‘ we buy any car’ ad. ? jesus fuckin wept this is a new low. it features guess who ? Phillip Schofield. now dont’t get me wrong its not Schofield i’m having a go at, i’d probably take the easy money too. its the fuckers responsible for this bilge. fuck off out of it !

  7. We buy any car, fucking mongs, one step removed from the quims on the online bingo adverts and the big time winners on the cocking health lottery

  8. I hate that Ray Winstone cunt in his exaggerated cockney accent – “We bet responsibly,we know everything we are the largest…”, Fuck right off you has- been dwarf cunt.
    Most of the bloody ads on sport programmes are gambling companies sucking the dimmos dry. The Govt was supposed to be protecting the weakest members of society from this no win horse shit but it’s got worse! Sky Sport etc would collapse if they had to replace those ads, so nothing is done.
    And Greg Wallace is a cuntmonster

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