I like to cunt the CPS, in particular Alison Saunders (present head of the Crown Prosecution Service but hopefully not for long).
She recently insisted that the justice system was working properly, despite a string of rape trials collapsing. In the latest collapse of a CPS rape case, 17 year old (at the time) Oliver Mears, who had been on bail for two years, was adjudged not guilty after more defence evidence “turned up” at the last minute, 5 days before the trial was to begin. The defence had been asking for the evidence for 3 months. The CPS prosecutor, Ms Sarah Lindop, told Guildford Crown Court that the case was ‘finely balanced’ from the start, meaning they were going to fit up the poor cunt with no evidence apart from the anonymous complainant saying she had been raped and sexually assaulted. What a cunt of person and stays anonymous.
We need to start a campaign of outing these anonymous complainants, allowing reasonable people to say “you’re a cunt” to their faces.
Even more telling is a Twitter statement from Tory MP Anna Soubry. She wrote: ‘Appalled at the ill-informed comments of DPP Alison Saunders”. This makes Alison Saunders an even bigger cunt, coming from an arch cunt like Soubry.
Nominated by Smeggy Frenulum.
‘What’s the capikal of France, Micky Luv?’
She looks like a local shopkeeper for local people.
She looks more like something from …The league of gentleman
Indeed, CC !
Is it a man, or is it a camel ?
Or, possibly, a camel in drag…
Spot on Norman, I fucking knew it was someone I knew (so to speak) but couldn’t get it off the top of my tongue??
Looks like Alan Bennett with lipstick…
Maybe she is jealous. No cunt would shag that, not even John Worboys.
“White Ugliness” as Frank Zappa described things like the thing in the picture above.
Poor Alison, she must get that all the time.
“Are you looking at my precious things?”
“There’s nothing for you here.”
Serves her right, fucking bitch. She should be sacked tomorrow morning , the cow
Hello hello! There is a Swansea.
I don’t think she’s Tubs…
Bet she loves pens.
If they withheld evidence, well that’s illegal and the cunts should be prosecuted But who is gonna prosecute the CPS? Probably no-cunt. Just like bankers and cladding fitters.
Well nominated. The CPS are racist, treasonous cunts.
Don’t know if any of you signed the justice for Chelsea petition but it was about a white girl that got gang raped by a house full of Afghan rapeugees, and despite lots of evidence and witness testimonies the CPS decided not to prosecute. … presumably because locking up rapists is racist if they’re of the Brown skinned persuasion.
They probably decided that it’s “just their culture” so they let it slide.
They did however prosecute her brother, who went round to “have a word” with them. He’s now in prison while the rapeugees live free on the taxpayer’s hangouts.
Tommy Robinson had a whip round for a solicitor to review the evidence and get a conviction.
The CPS blocked the case.
Treasonous cunts … send em to the gallows.
Sorry my bad, i just double chrcked and they weren’t Afghans, they were Iraqi and Syrian.
Same fuckin thing to me but just thought I’d clarify.
No worries, they are indeed all goat and camel-shaggers.
I sometimes wonder if they fantasise about Colin the Camel and Gary the Goat when they’re shagging a relatively non-furry organism…
Sorry, but if Soubry says she’s a cunt then this cunting should be reconsidered. If Soubry had a go at Peter Sutcliffe I would see the good side of him.
It’s a shame the hunchback is so weak I would love to see her fuck soubry and cuntasaurus ken off from the Conservative party…………
It’s a great shame that Sutty never had a bloody good go at Soubry.
My local MP wrote to this fucking useless bitch on my behalf regarding a problem I was having reclaiming expenses (totalling about £22). Attended court on behalf of the prosecution at their specific request.
After mind blowing train fares not short of £900 for two persons, overnight hotel accommodation (both paid for by the DPP) plus the additional court costs for the prosecution, defence, judge, jury, court officials I thought that my pathetically small claim was entirely justifiable. Why should we be the only people to be put of pocket when everyone else would be compensated for their time?
Was informed that there was a daily limit of £4.50 and that I should have been informed of this beforehand.
Advised I was not informed of this until after the event (the oversight later admitted by their offices) and as there were two of us one day and three the next this equates to the £22 I was claiming.
Also that the court case could not have taken place without the main prosecution witness, namely my daughter. She had been the victim of a serious assault and did not want to proceed however was persuaded to by the police.
My local MP at the time received a return letter from Saunders stating incorrectly that the matter had been resolved. Unfortunately this was not correct and I had to continue fighting for a total of two months to be fully remunerated.
It was a point of principle with me and not about the money, I thought it wrong that I was being asked to pay for someone else’s mistake especially after being asked to assist the prosecution team.
I have read many times of injustices and poor treatment of the victims of crime. Never really believed it until this happened.
Alison Saunders, you are a despicable fucking useless bitch who in my opinion is not fit to hold any position of authority especially the post you currently have. You have demonstrated time and time again you have no respect for the victims of crime (as allegedly perpetrated by Lord Janner and John Warboys) when you quite clearly have no fucking idea what justice means.
I for one will certainly never help the DPP again following my outrageous treatment.
Useless ugly fucking bitch who should have been kicked out a long, long time ago.
Extremely well articulated Willie. Cunts.
Gentlemen let me welcome you to the cuntiverse. Stand in wonder and see our “leaders” butt fuck one and all as they prove themselves to be totally useless wankers and twats. Gasp as our fearless prime minister is taken up the arse by the whole eu commission whilst mouthing meaningful platitudes re how tough she is being. Cheer as our legal system morphs into a bad acid trip whilst natural justice and jurisprudence are buried ten fathoms down beneath an avalanche of ideology, incompetence and fucking useless cunts (cps). I have lived almost sixty years and from when I became aware of what goes on in the World to date I can truthfully state hand on heart that the past two years has been the biggest cuntfest I have ever expirenced, almost enough to make me reaffirm my faith!
Agree BB – re past two years, I sense the nation has sleepwalked into a new dark age. The ruling elite have at last been found out, at least by many who have lived through all the cuntishness of the last half century or so – that’s why the left, and Lord Adonis in particular, are so keen to bring the voting age down to 16. Easy meat, offer the brainwashed snowflakes unlimited sweeties and they’ll bite your hands off.
Some dippy cow on the radio last week even argued the voting age should be lowered to 13! I’d raise it to 40+.
The establishment has been rumbled, the Government has run out of panaceas – the PFI, Carillion, £2Trillion pound National Debt chickens are coming home to roost. Commie Corbyn and Marxist McDonnell are poised to take power and usher in a chaos not experienced since that in Germany during the 1930s. As a fellow cunter put it recently:
“Within 15 years the UK will be a communist dictatorship and your life will be fucked. Don’t believe me? Ok, if you told an average middle class working German in 1930 that in 15 years half the German male population would be dead, his country would be in ruins, occupied by two competing military powers after a ruinous war, cities destroyed, countless dispossessed and homeless and his government responsible for the death of 6 million innocent people, do you think he would have believed you? Would he fuck……. but it happened. Do not under estimate what Ideology can do.”
Just saying.
That was me! Thanks for the citation I feel all warm and fuzzy now.
It was to be part of a cunting about ‘The Future’ but is was way too long and bleak to be published.
You’re welcome – better get that cunting in soon Dick, while there’s still a future to publish in…!
I lost faith with British justice over the treatment of two of the biggest cunts in criminal history, Jon Venables and Robert Thompson. If ever there was a case for capital punishment, this was it.
Totally agree. There have been many, many instances of justice not being done or significantly delayed), Tony B Liar, Hillsborough, Savile, Scottish bin lorry driver who killed 6 (although Scotlands fuck up) to name but a few.
Will never ever understand why the perpetrators of serious evil crimes or murders are not locked away for the rest of their natural lives. To give a second or third chance plus a new identity is not only unjust, most importantly it is insulting and disrespectful to the victims and their families.
One of Blairs least remembered statements was one where he firmly stated that no new prisons were necessary. Where the lying arseweasel got that information from is a mystery but it has reverberated down through the years and we are permanently short of prison space.
Much said negatively here about the Americans but they do not fuck about ,they build big nasty prisons and stick scroats in them for very long stretches.What with being strapped for cash plus the bleeding heart wankers that we are infected with, this cannot happen here.
If it were,a very large chunk of the law breaking asylum seeking scum would be locked up and the streets would be safer.
We have no political party of any note that wants to change this because no cunt gives a flying fuck.
This useless cunt was appointed by another useless cunt…..Dominic Grieve
And succeeded that gormless looking turd – SIR Keir Starmer.
Is it any wonder?
The legal system is awash with cunts. In fact it is a requirement of entry and the bigger the cunt you are the higher you go. At the end of the day the more criminals they keep out of prison the less cost to the government. Money trumps justice every time in this country. Or should that be Cuntry.
Don’t know if it is Australian, but whatever it is this fuckin flu I have is the biggest cunt I have ever encountered.
Beware cunters,its not fuckin nice.
Five days and no let up.
Anyway, back to my slumber, maybe see you all soon.
PS. That’s one ugly cunt being cunted.
Get well soon Birdman we need you!
A mate has suffered this – he said only thing to do was Night Nurse liquid, beer and knock yourself out for the night so you get uninterrupted kip.
The hottest bath you can stand plus aspirin (despite what it says on the box, three tabs won’t kill you,) also helps, I find. If you’re capable of cunting at all, you’re probably on the mend, though.
Soluble Co-Codamol.
Kick that flu in the bollocks, birdman…
Get well soon, pal…
Had a bloody irritating cough for a month Birdman.
Coughed so fucking much and with such force thought at one point I had broken a rib.
Don’t be fuckin passin round here.
Get well soon bman smoke plenty of grass and drink ginger ale
Immigrants, refugees, asylum seekers and peacefuls, please form an orderly queue at the front whilst any white British males can wait at the back or fuck off entirely. Don’t mind which.
Is this in addition to paying off all outstanding student loans or instead of? And giving countless billions to the NHS? Must have a fucking enormous magic money tree hidden somewhere.
I understand that there is a problem with people sleeping rough on the streets who need or want shelter however this is simply not the way to address the problem. Anybody with half a brain cell can see that.
Oh, I forgot, we are talking Corbin and the Labour Party.
Fuck me, this is astonishing ! Does everyone get a free pint on Friday night aswell? How about free KFC ? McDonalds?
Is anyone really going to believe this shit?
It’s enough to make a cat laugh!
But it’s enough to make a soft cunt vote. Corbyn is about as dependent on your vote as May is on mine…
Who gets your vote K?
Anyone offering to implement/expand a hard brexit or reasonable facsimile thereof, this time, SB. Failing that, Labour. Which will earn me a monumental cunting, but I see no point in supporting the current system, so that’s a ‘sod this’ vote wasted in a neanderthal Tory constituency.
None of the parties contain a macroeconomist capable of working out that escaping bubbles by blowing up more bubbles doesn’t fucking work, and always impacts the man on the street rather than the speculator. And even if they did, they are so shit scared of the banking hegemony that they’d find an excuse for doing nothing about it.
I think we are in agreement here K.
But for me voting Labour would be the equivalent of casting a vote for Hitler’s scorched earth policy.
On the other hand, nobody in their right mind would vote positively for a May led government.
If I wasn’t living in a very marginal constituency I would spoil my ballot paper, scrawling CUNTS across it. As it is I usually vote for the lesser of the two evils.
Let me just suggest that what we need, painful as it would undoubtedly be, is scorched-earth. Otherwise we get compromise with and acquiescence to an ever-worsening and unsustainable system.
Snowflake cunt as I may be, I do not see the presumption that I exist solely to support the world’s oligarchs by virtue of my synthetic indebtedness to them as valid or desirable.
I’m not a commodity to be monetised. I’m a rational cunt, and I’ve got one shot at existence.
BTW, has it ever occurred to you that globalisation has a hell of a lot in common with State communism a la USSR?
Yes it has. Globalisation is a cunt. Though like a lot of things e.g. immigration, I have not personally felt it’s detrimental impact in my day to day life. Yet. But if you’re voting Corbyn in the hope of scorched-earth, then all due respect.
Guess in my “one shot at existence” I have too much to lose from such a scenario, the benefits of a lifetime’s hard work, scrimping and saving for a relatively tolerable retirement, renders economic armageddon a somewhat unattractive option, bourgeois cunt that I am.
Btw, you ain’t no snowflake K!
A couple of thoughts: The EU would have a Labour government for breakfast, lunch, elevenses, afternoon tea, pringles, dinner and supper. And the system will collapse sooner or later anyway, regardless of government.
And as with death, I’d prefer not be there when it happens.
And allow me to add that the May ‘government’ has had to backtrack on several assurances due to the fact that we are actually not only broke but hopelessly in debt to just about everyone. With no sign of doing anything other than compromise until the heat’s off, and hope that our magic financiers can magic up some more magic money from their magic electronic money tree, which obviously isn’t the same as a primitive steam money tree because it’s fucking digital isn’t it?
No politician assuring us that he/she/it can improve matters need be believed. They’re all cunts, and differ only in the direction of their cuntishness.
This spitting image dolls are just getting too lifelike for my tastes…
These* not this damn spellchecker seriously tho I thought that was her doll from the show don’t think she had one… Alison Saunders is a grade A cunt tho
This is what happens when you put a feminist in such an important position. The fact she’s been willing put men on trial, when there is sufficient proof of their innocence, shows that she has a definite anti-male agenda. And in my opinion, Saunders herself should be on trial for withholding evidence. The police also have a case to answer here, since they have been complicit in not handing over vital evidence to the defence. And because of Saunders, EVERY rape conviction in England and Wales since she took over from that equally useless cunt, Keir Starmer, will now have to be examined to be certain it’s secure. I’m sure most of them will be. But I’m willing to bet that it will turn out that a lot of innocent men have had their lives destroyed by Saunders and her lackeys.
The justice system couldn’t be more undermined if they tried. I never used to be one for conspiracy theories, but the thought is becoming increasingly hard to resist. Either that or the Russians have indeed put something in the water…
Nobody could be this incompetent, surely?