Apparently not only should we be prioritising those with a degree, but we should be making a special allowance for single mothers with a degree. Sorry – if you choose to pop out a sprog and the father skips the light fandago out of existence then that is, sad to say, not the responsibility of any employer with regards accommodating your demanding flexible needs, and/or childcare.
Perhaps we ought to add this social problem to Blair’s already overloaded tab of cuntitude because after all, this silver-tongued demon did come across all evangalicunt about ‘ed-u-cashun’, and how University was for EVERYONE. No lub, it actually isn’t. Simple supply and demand – if we now have a plethora of grads holding certs in stuff like Biblical Studies, Town Planning and Transport Operations, and good olf Business Administration, then what jobs will they be walking into exactly?
Yours truly was a graduate during the peak fucking Blair years, and I had to pay my fucking dues for years after my graduation without question – no sooner had I doffed the cap then I was working in a waste plastics factory, then a fitted kitchen showroom, then a call centre before getting my money together and being able to move to where the professional jobs were in my field. Some hard graft and no mistake, but without the option of daddy’s millions, it was always understood to require more work than just grappling with library books.
These days, no fucker post-Uni wants to put in the hard yards. And the sorts of cunts you see within Question Time audience, crying that their 2:2 in Applied Underwater Basketweaving from Teesside University has landed them on the side of the ‘have-nots’, typify this level self-entitlement perfectly. These days it seems to be an aspiration for ex-students to both look, and behave like Corbyn.
Nominated by The Empire Cunts Back
Jeremy Corbyn is having ‘stuffed marrow’ for Christmas dinner. No comment needed.
I assume that’s his pet name for Diane Abbott….
Wonder how many of the engineers and Nobel prize recipients patiently waiting at Calais he will offer a seat at the table to? I’m sure a stuffed marrow will give them an idea or two.
Stuffed marrow? That’s what he says. In reality he’ll be picking bits of turkey, sausage and bacon out of his beard all day. He’ll be arseholed on Guinness from breakfast to bedtime and end up outside his front door singing “We’re all going to Dublin in the green, in the green” and pissing over the hedge into his neighbours garden.
Enduring image.
Sounds like my perfect christmas. Just throw in a bottle of fizz at breakfast before hitting the black gold and job is a goodun.
Great cunting TECB, I hire quite a bit in what I do (and am about to be a job seeker myself, because I stand the current batch of cunts no longer). It’s always the same story… CV full of meaningless words, 2:1 in ‘computer and network administration with business and psychology’ given largely just for turning up and gained from a (ahem) university that’s changed its name seven times in as many years, mostly to try and sound similar in name to the proper one down the road or simply to avoid the bad press that 90% of its fisicks grads end up manning the self serve counter at Morrisons. No experience at the coal face, probably a terminal sickie taker too with a primary school aged level of English. Wants 40k… Fuck off I say, Why? Response – Got a digree init, graduates r sposed to earn more, fleek skills man. I wouldn’t trust them to clean the toilet properly and I’d probably only use it if they promised I could use their catskin for the freshen up.
Ive said this before and will continue to say it. What bugs the shit out of me is fees. A flat £9000. What the fuck? The fees surely should be seeded.
Cunts that do materials technology, applied engineering medicine and subjects, heaven forbid, that are useful to society should pay fucking none.
Cunts that do French literature, art history, philosophy, PE and Islamic studies with bomb making pay 20k.
Any foreign cunt doing anything 40k.
If some of the useless subject departments have to close then so be it.
It really makes my blood boil.
They can study whatever they want as long as I’m not expected to fucking contribute. Make them all pay the full market cost and if they can’t earn enough to repay it take it out of whatever benefits the Cunts sign on for in the future.
What about that Parking Stanley cunt who is trying to sue a university 17 years after he graduated because he’s got a shit job and he was crap anyway?… The fucking cheek of these cunts…. ‘You give me first class degree for one pound! I give you one pound!’
Seen one, seen ’em all….
Where I worked most recently the administrators, ie youngsters doing paperwork who were paid the least and did most work while cunts like me swanned around to no particular purpose, mostly had degrees. Forensic science (no jobs apparently, although it is an actual qual) Music (what the fuck? Why?) Sociology and numerous other worthless bits of paper. Oh, and debts.
A large % of Uni degrees are absolutely worthless. And I agree that proper subjects – sciences, engineering etc should be subsidised while the rest should cost more as they are vanity projects that don’t actually contribute to the economy or the dull cunts who take them.
Forensic Sci Labs were originally Home Office establishments, regionally based and attached to several assosciate Police Forces. It was our political elite who closed most down and now we rely upon Science Labs Commercially funded and Privately owned. The result is that we now have a variable service with a poorer quality and with many services disbanded because of costs. I completely agree with you Cuntstable. Science and Engineering degrees and some others should be funded by the state, ( encouraging people to persue them ) Degrees in Dog Stool Analysis should be charged at a minimum of £50k!
Blair and his fucking turd munchkins deserve a massive cunting for fucking up an education system that was working, and replacing it with a cunts certificate course and enriching the Universities, now awash with recently laundered cash.
University =Bungfund………cunts
Here’s a really useful one.
Liverpool Hope offer a masters degree in the Beatles. Well here’s my thesis.
The Beatles were shit, yeah, yeah, yeah.
I pass with distinction. Cunts.
Simple really…. Any potential ruined by hippy bollocks, self indulgence, rampant egos, shite business decisions, drugs, and Yoko fucking cunting Ono… Degree done…
I did a degree as a mature at 48 after a prior career of Forces, followed by manual and semiskilled work. By the time I finished I was too old to be even remotely employable, so did another (which was grant funded and hence kept me alive). Then two years looking unsuccessfully (but seriously) for work before I got something at well below what some would think to be my pay grade. And it’s my perfect match. I work with uni students now. I don’t think the sense of entitlement applies at all on the science/engineering side. What I’m getting is fear, and over the last few years, greatly increased application to the task of finding work. Arts students – another kettle of fish, and I agree with the cunting of them.
Interesting Komodo.! I too came out of the forces and became a “graduate” at the age of 28. Did medcine and qualified . Took a lot of graft and a lot of part time jobs. My thanks will forever go to HM Forces for their support and encouragement, LEA ( Local Education Authority ) who at the time funded me. Newcastle Breweries who part sponsored me.and gave me part time work when needed.
But importantly. The cunt headmaster who said I needed to get off my lazy arse, get some time in in the forces and grow some. That was the making of me. I am now retired having had a great career.
Very well done you! Medicine is frighteningly hard work, I understand, and you really must have been committed.
My cunt dad threatened to disinherit me if I didn’t join up, and despite being an exceedingly horrible little (figuratively) man during my service, I look back with pleasure on the experience as I found a niche in the system which fitted. Both the college I did my access course at and the universities that followed were supportive and mostly helpful (but a supervisor at the second was a total cunt). Blair started dismantling FE colleges the year after I left mine, of course.
As it turned out, disinheritance wouldn’t have been a disaster – he’d managed to get through most of it before he croaked, and fair do’s to him.
I left the forces at the age of 24. Since then I’ve got 3 A levels in history, geography and maths. I work as an area supervisor for a local security company. If it wasn’t for the military I’d have definitely been in prison. These entitled wankers wouldn’t know a days work and if they had one they’d whinge.
The forces give you direction and purpose, and Im sure you will agree they give you the self confidence and self esteem to go forwards.
Good drills. Did my engineering degree after I left the army in 90. Have run my own engineering company for the last 16 years. Can’t beat the army though to kick start working life!
Nowadays thinking a degree is going to put you in the money is a complete falsehood!, even back in the day when faux degrees were far less common having a 2.1 or 1.1 didn’t automatically gift you a plum job where you simply had to turn up with a wheelbarrow to collect your wages….
My older brother was actually ruined by university, he sailed through his 11+ and went to one of the finest grammar schools in the UK!, before he went to university he was always prepared to roll up his sleeves and do some honest graft, my mums brothers were east end builders , during our school holidays we would join them on the building site , I was too pathetic to carry a hod but would knock up the mix and skivvy like a Cunt, my older brother on the hod…. He went off to university, having failed my 11+ I was at a secondary modern, he returned with a 1.1 in English and a self entitlement that to this day ( he’s 56) still exists! , I got a paltry 5 o levels and none of those Cunts were A,s …..
After university he had changed, still a top fella but the aforementioned self entitlement was off the radar!,
Meanwhile I was taking low paid shit work reserved for intellectual non achievement…
By luck I was fortunate enough at 31 to find something I was actually good at ( amazing) realising this I grabbed the opportunity to work for myself, with a good accountant and brilliant IFA I invested every fuckin penny I earned! , no BMW,s flash clothes or exotic holidays……
At 50 I retired, I’m not blessed with immense wealth but I’m comfortable, meanwhile big brother at 56 is still working and not happy…….
Lots of Cunts ( not all) today think a degree ( often faux) owes them a good living, it doesn’t and never did if it wasn’t applied! ………
Spooky Q – I retired at 49, under very similar circumstances…
After 3 years of doing absolutely sweet FA ( other than my hobbies) I’m a tad bored as all my mates still work, my wife’s also got a few more years to go to cop her full pension , I’ve thought about doing something part time but fuck knows what!….
A friend had a landscape gardening business but sold up and fucked off abroad after inheriting a bundle! , shame as I still don’t mind grafting and working with him would have been a proper laugh…….
BTW SB how long have you been retired? Do you ever think about do a PT job or are you done with work?
Doing a PT………
Easy to get bored Q when you don’t have the discipline of regular paid employment or similar to keep you on your toes. Being retired can be hard work!
Time was right for me circa 2000 – took advantage of a generous voluntary redundancy package, was mortgage free and had enough capital & investment income built up over 30 years business to keep a frugal fucker like me rolling along nicely…though since 2008 my income almost halved! The wife, 14 years my junior, still out selling pins, so unless Corbyn completely destroys the economy I should make it to the crematorium without a detour via the workhouse first!
No PT work, but very active on eBay, trading rare vinyl mostly, but also miscellaneous junk inherited from parents. Otherwise, home maintenance and a lot of writing, not least all this Cunting! But still have plenty of time for recreational activities like wanking of course…
Good stuff SB….
I took a slightly different route albeit with the same result…..
After 30 I started earning a few quid, got introduced to a razor sharp IFA thru a good friend, he told/ taught me about property leveraging! , I binned my pension which TBH I had started to late and set about buying some flats, ended up with a few, when interest rates bottomed out in 2009/10 instead of spending the cash put it all back into paying some of them off as he said “ what you can borrow now won’t last forever “ ( clever cunt) ended up owning enough to comfortably live of rent….
As it stands now I couldn’t get a mortgage for a shed!! Fortunately I don’t need to…..
I was both hardworking and v lucky , not for a single second do I think I was overly clever……….
Hardwork x good advice x luck x a little bit of bottle…..
Those doors regarding leveraging have been closed
Back in the day my accountants word was all the lender had to hear, nowadays they look at how many times you get your haircut, eat steak or which gym you belong to etc etc ….. borrowing money has become infinitely more difficult……
hence I’m done……
“ being retired can be hardwork”? ??
“Being retired can be hard work” = the discipline required to stay active in all areas, physically & mentally, not just sit in front of the telly watching Judge Judy (who I adore) and Come Dine With Me, or the mountain of box sets accumulated over the years. Lots of walking to and from Sainsbury’s…
However, not very active socially (never have been) except Thursday mornings when I pop next door for a mug of tea and commiserations over the sorry state of the world with a likeminded friend and neighbour.
BTW, should have mentioned – we have no mooching sprogs to drag us down…!
I’m teasing SB…..
but it did make me laugh…. ?
J J fuckin rules!!
Wished we had her cutting a swath thru the bull shit over here!….. watched her for years and very seldom disagreed with any of her rulings……
Your absolutely right about being active, both mentally and physically too, not have a set daily regime can be detrimental to your health……
The worst thing for me as I said earlier is all my best mates still work and the missus still has a few years left before her pension……
She’d make a brilliant President or PM!
Being socially active is important for good mental and emotional health. Unfortunately I have always required an abnormal amount of space, so hard to achieve a workable balance. Not sure what the answer is to that one Q…
Stopped drinking 10 years ago, so don’t even go to the pub now. Still get stoned now and again though!
All true SB,
Keeping physically active is definitely easier for me, my gyms a 5 min walk from my house and my dogs always champing at the bit for a long walk, socially a tad trickier, much more likely to go out spontaneously than prearranged, I fuckin hate going out if I’m not in the mood for it, how the fuck do I know if I can be arsed to go out 930 Saturday next week?? ?
Dogs are cool. They don’t need an iPhone or designer clothing to make them happy. Dogs embrace the liberty that comes with wanting and needing less.
With you on spontaneity – prearranged social shindigs fill me with dread. Including visits to the hairdresser!
The problem is that it’s great to subsidise a degree in a subject that will aid the country etc, but are the jobs there when you leave university, and would you do it?
Quite rightly allow someone to qualify with a degree in biology on the free, but then stick them in a job curing Ebola for a minimum of 5 years.
I don’t want a cure for Ebola…in fact I’m hoping for something far more virulent to raise it’s head. The sooner the better as far as I’m concerned.
Gutted to hear about forensics as I always considered that a possible career change. I was always called a cunt for not going for university or company pension, not because I wouldn’t get in, because it stunk like a fishy cunt I every way possible. I have big respect for mature students who know what they want to do, more than some infantile cunt who sees it as a right of passage. I may take the wrong road myself but it is me that is walking it. And I may not have shoes.
Off point….
just watched LOG , fuckin absolute class……
Some quality PC bashing too..
There’s too many fucking students. Just a bunch of work-dodging wankers in the main. I’d make every Cunt do a proper job for 3 years before they were allowed to go back to school. A dose of real life might wake the Cunts out of their false sense of entitlement.
Most students are lazy,weak Cunts who aren’t as clever as they’d like to think. Poncing off the state and/or their parents is about all they’re good at.
Fuck them.
A lot of employers complain that graduates basic ‘three A’s’ are not up to scratch, but fear not for there is an app for that. Since what a few years ago would have been taken as common sense or a little bit of inconvenient leg work can now be solved from the App Store.
Ironic that snowflake cunts complaining about lack of jobs related to their arse wipe degrees are flouncing off to far flung bongo bongo lands to build schools for a bunch of jigaboos who will be over here in a few years and add to a crowded job market.