Robert Mugabe [4]

Damn it, I know it’s an easy one. But still we can have fun with this – I nominate robert mugabe for a merciless cunting.
Just a few quotes to whet the appetite:

“The only white man you can trust is a dead white man.”

“I have died many times. I have actually beaten Jesus Christ because he only died once.”

“I am still the Hitler of the time.”

Let’s not forget all that murder stuff too, kicking out farmers, asking us to pay for them, asking them back, asking for more money, bit more murder stuff, you know.
Gosh it must be jolly difficult being quite so awesome.
What an utter, utter, prize cunt. May his retirement be peppered with real, visceral fear for his life on a daily basis.

Nominated by Cuntflap

100 thoughts on “Robert Mugabe [4]

    • From ‘The Breadbasket of Africa’ to The Basket Case of Africa’ but saying that there is a fair bit of competition from the Dark Continent. Give Bono and St Bob time to put their underpants on the outside of their trousers and polish their halo and all will be well.

    • Bullet in the back of the head too good for the psychopathic cunt!

      Break his arms and legs with a baseball bat, stick a burning tyre round his neck and have Anton Deck serve him up as a bush tucker treat to those Celebrity twats pretending to be stuck in the fucking jungle.

    • Am surprised the cunt and his cuntwife weren’t shot.

      Two more bloated corpses over there wouldn’t make much diff.

  1. I reckon he must drink blood like some depraved black vampire how else has this fanatic lived so long and have the energy to fuck his young wife.

  2. I’m confident that once the nasty little shite is out of power, someone will eventually take the cunt out. It won’t be anytime soon, a year, maybe two, but at some point, we’ll be hearing about someone burying a machete in his head. And how ironic he would compare himself to Hitler. A mad cunt who despised black people as much as he despised the Jews.

    • Maybe one of those cunt American cowards who pay thousands to murder tame lions could be pointed in Mugabe’s direction…?

  3. Now that he’s ‘resigned’ our soft as shite leaders will probably pour cash into Zimbabwe to support the ‘new’ government , fuck them , the cunts.

    • The ‘new’ government that will still be run by the same evil corrupt fuckers who aided and abetted Mugabe for literal decades……

  4. Timely cunting. As someone who fought the cunt – and his replacement – in the Bush War, my big regret is I didn’t get to shoot the cunts. Now that the halo has been removed, someone will take him out, for sure, and it won’t be long before Gucci Grace ubercunt is strung up a la Mussolini. Roll on the revolution.

    And it didn’t take long for our Theresa to tell the Zimbos we are you oldest friends – translated “expect loadsamoney”

    Total cunts the lot of them. There are so many we can’t keep up………..

    • While they continue to shite on those bank rolling her bad cash scattering habits of recent times.

  5. Now the twats going i just hope they can at least start to rebuild and go forward now .

    Zimbabwe can help sort out the hunger issues in Africa if they don’t fuck it up again with just another stock rent a tyrant .

    Its time for African countries to start to move on and forward. They have the resources, but all the tribal shit needs to fuck right off stop fighting and start building.

    • Tribal shit?
      Bit like the Muslims?
      Bit like the Christians too?
      For tribe read religion
      Or football team

      We’re no fucking better than they are…

      • Too true,Dio….and the fact that we too are tribalistic is something to be celebrated. I’d hate to live in a homogeneous world involving the “great big melting-pot”.We are different and the day that we lose our “tribalistic”identity will be a sorry day.

      • I never said we was better them they are Dio, I worked with lots of Africans and Muslims in my time and by tribal i mean in the literal sense not nationality your re thinking to big.

        The guys and girls i worked with would tell stories about the beefs they would have with the next tribe only a few miles down the road and so on and so forth. Afghanistan isn’t a single country in reality its made up of many tribes who are always fighting each other over long standing family /tribal feuds, debts etc.

        when i said they need to stop all the tribal shit that’s what i was talking about . Stop with the constant petty squabble’s and come together as a nation and grow like England, USA, France Spain ,Italy, and Germany did
        in the west .

  6. Considering there are tens of thousands of the sods here, will they be going home to old Zim?
    No, “Hic est novus dominus, etiam ut vetus bulla”, here comes the New Boss, same as the Old Boss.
    The “Crocodile” who helped old Mugabe wipe out the population of Matebeleland and profited from stealing the farms, diamond fields etc. Do we really expect any change? Except for the worse?

  7. It must have come as a rather unwelcome surprise to the anti-colonialists that the vast majority of Africans were a hell of a lot better off under a reasonably benevolent European power than they are under the rule of a corrupt,backward “Hero of the People.” Serves them right. I have no sympathy for them,and no Cunt had better start thinking about sending them any aid. They made their bed,let them lie in it. Ungrateful sods.

      • It’s shit like this that drives me fucking mental. There’no money for schools,hospitals,the military etc,but we can throw away £2million a week. Ffs it’s obvious that the money is being misappropriated,so why keep shoveling it out? It just shows the utter contempt that the government have for the taxpayers who provide this money…although it isn’t the taxpayer,when I think about it,it’s fucking borrowed money,which makes it even more ridiculous Absolute madness.
        Fuck them.

      • The UK taxpayer pisses £48billion down the shitter every year in National Debt interest payments ALONE, so what’s another £108million a year into Mugabe’s back pocket?

        Spare change to virtue signalling libturds…

      • Tories ZaNulabour or Lib Dumps. The one common factor is that all off these cunts simply can’t resist hosing our cash down the shitter to benefit these fly blown shit fests.

      • Oh dear and I thought the Grenfell money tree was a cunt.

        Another 20 something million for mental health treatment, to which I ask is going to do what?

        We have mental health services with allegedly short waiting times (on paper), which are fully staffed and we can’t get anymore anyway we were told a few years ago (nobody trained to put into new posts anyway) so we had to make do…and now the record changes?

        Grenfell happened nearly six months ago so given treatment waiting times of 12 to 16 weeks for everyone who should have been at a doctor within a month if not weeks should have started treatment so what’s the £27 million for and what about the money that the Red Cross has current custody of (£18M+) that they said would go towards stress and mental health services? Is Camilla Batmanjelly at the Cross now?

        And again, The Red Cross point the finger at the government about their contributions?

        Something smells rotten here

  8. This odious savage is just the figurehead. The rest will turn out just the same. They are incapable of caring for their country or people. It’s the African way. Seems that only Botswana isn’t completely sunk in a sea of shit coming from the greed and savagery of those in charge. South Africa is the same and will only get worse as one corrupt animal is replaced by the next corrupt animal.
    Aid will benefit the chosen few. Fuck them. Give them fuck all. Let the Chinese have the fuckers.

  9. An utter utter CUNT that twat is. I emailed the cunt several times asking for a poxy 1 million dollars out of his stash and the filthy robbing dirtbox never had the common decency to even reply. Just shows how standards are dropping these days.

    • Hope you didn’t ask for 1 million Zimbabwean Dollars, get you a morning paper or 1/2 pint of milk if your lucky.

    • But alot of Africa is fantastically beautiful with amazing wildlife and natural resources galore…just a shame that there are hundreds of millions of sub-human darkie savages to spoil it…

      • Sub-human……. Christ you’re not wrong there – when they were all celebrating Mugabe resigning I swear what I was not human at all!!

  10. ……How the hell has Mugabe only ever had 4 cuntings over the years? This shitfuck should be on the wall with the rest…..

    • Probably because the mainstream PC media and politicians have kept him out of the spotlight, his mega-concentration camp country not newsworthy in their opinion after first 5 years of atrocities.

  11. The best thing about Mugabe getting the bullet is the biggest cunt in Britain . . Nicolas van hoogenstrand will lose millions good enough for the cunt .. used Zimbabwe as his trust fund for years

    • I think that the slimy cunt van Hoogenstand is well in with Zanu PF as a whole so it makes no difference which piece of shit is in charge, he will be ok. This coup was aimed at Grace Mugabe upsetting the ruling elite. They will carry on as normal, with disgusting pieces of shit like van Hoogenstand in tow.

      • Zimbabwe has received over $80 BILLION (!) in foreign aid since 1982. Ever wondered where the fuck that ended up…?

      • I think thats easy to work out .. Rhodesia .. sorry Zimbabwe has billions in mineral deposits ..our ruling elite ravaged it till Mugabe took over .. then made a deal when Mugabe was ruling.. he was a dictator but he was our dictator … it will be interesting in the next few years .. probably revert to when Cecil n Rhodes ruled with a iron fist

      • It was his downfall .. he made grace the ruler in waiting .. and the mad black fellows had enough .. but your right as long as cuntyballsstrand is making them poppy he will be welcomed with open arms … cuntnugget of the highest order

  12. Thing is if Mugabe was white he’d be universally despised… Big Don has had more libfuck hate and social media hysterics in 12 months than Mugabe has had in his entire life…. But the majority of liberal mongs, celebrity cuntbubbles, and media knobends conveniently ignored or overlooked Mugabe and his heinous regime simply because he was/is a Bogo-Bogo…. All that shite: ‘You can’t criticise them! That’s racist!’ What a pile of wank…

    Same goes for Mandela… If he’d have been white, would there have been clamor for his release, crappy Ska tribute singles, Wankfests at Wembley Stadium, and every celebricunt from Bonio and Sting to Ben Elton and Annie Lennox licking his arse? Would there fucking fuck….

    • And if Hitler had been black the libcunts (especially the Grauniad and BBC) would be bigging him up, saying how great he was, and sweeping all the nasty shit under a very big PC carpet… As those useless fuckers, Milli Vanilli once mimed: ‘Cunt, you know it’s true’….

      • Alot of people don’t know this Norm, but Hitler was black and he was the kindest and gentlest man who ever lived his african name was Dudu Oson. The white biased media keeps telling lies an shite about him

  13. fuck !! the Spiv has surpassed himself. take a look at his latest ‘investigation ‘ lol. he has reached new heights of insanity. there must getting on for a 1000 photos there.. get a job Chris !! you have too much time on your hands.

    • It’s simple Krav, they won’t.

      At the end of the day, new shit is still shit. That basket case turd hole of a country will not get better, all those farms that had there old owners kicked out are in such a state of disrepair that they can’t be salvaged.

    • Oh God isn’t that the truth……

      In fact it’s more worrying that he could do a better job than those cunts.

      Seriously, Corbyn and his mob of mongtard cunts only look as good as they do because May is doing such a spectacularly shit job at running the country – she almost makes me miss the Pig Fiddler.

  14. Fuck Mugabe and fuck Rhodesia.

    Back to important matters.
    Just seen that eyeliner wearing cunt Johnny Depp back with that Suavage ad.
    “Where am i going? What am i looking for? Something i can’t see? Suavage”

    If the Harvey Weinstein is public enemy no1 for lewd behavior and we are never to see a Kevin Spacey filum again, why is Depp still being shown after beating the shite out of his wife?

    Could it possibly be that that pirate shite is worth too much for Disney to lose?

    Never smelt it but i bet Suavage is for cunts.

    Ps. ‘Fuck Mugabe and Rhodesia is not a slant on the cunting, i just meant ‘fuck ’em’
    (c) Fiddler of the Dick

  15. Two questions please ladies and gentlemen….oh….and gender non binaries. Firstly, does anyone know what happened to that cunt who planted the bomb at Parsons Green? I haven’t heard anything about the ponce and i’m assuming that it is obviously because he was one of the “child refugees” that lily Slagheap and Saint Gary Taxdodger were crying about. Secondly, what is this “wall of cunts” you cunts keep referring to?

    • Hmmm, it has gone very quiet about Parsons Green, in fact I’d forgotten all about that one…..

      As for the wall of cunts……look at the ISAC Banner at the top of the page, it will answer everything.

      • I think forgetting about it is the general idea. At the time real people were saying keep these 35 year children out…..they are all poncing dangerous cunts while the snowflakes were crying and calling us all racists. It turns out we were right which is very embarrassing for the political class who can’t get enough cheap labour. Sweep it under the carpet. Sorry the wall of cunts is still a mystery to me.

      • We could replicate the wall Trump style along the UK/Irish border, with the giant cunt mugshots facing the EU side…there’d also be plenty of space to make it comprehensive…

        Another Brexit problem solved!

  16. I’ve never been to Africa and never intend on risking my life or getting my phone nicked going there.
    I couldn’t give a shit what goes on there but you can guarantee the needs of those poor cunts here in Blighty sleeping under rags, in shop doorways, cardboard boxes, the back seats of cars, bosh’s, on reluctant friends settees etc coz their wife/girlfriend got board will be set well aside once more in favor of Zimbabwe or some other shit hole in Africa and its bottomless pit of a populous that never stop multiplying. Killing white farmers, elephants etc and taking bribes from china is all they know about running a country.

  17. I would love to see Mugabe pushed off a skyscraper. Then to see a febrile feeding frenzy, with the vultures and bald eagles picking over his bloodied corpse on the concrete below.


  18. Anyone seen the story about Sarah Hall, a mother from North Shields. Fucking unbelievable, she has asked the school, where her six year old son goes to, to take Sleeping Beauty off the curriculum because of its “inappropriate sexual message. She goes on that this fairy tale promotes unacceptable behaviour. The bitch then goes on about it normalises women being kissed in their sleep without giving their consent. Fucking cow is worried what sort of message it sends out to impressionable kids. I know what message I would like to send to her courtesy of a baseball bat.

    • Surprised Sleeping Beauty hasn’t jumped on the Harvey Wankstein bandwagon too since some accusations are bound to be fairy tale jackanory bollocks. This is the sort of cunt who would think it ok to raise their kid gender neutral, let him go to school in a dress or play with dolls.

    • Yep, saw that. Hopefully this slag (as she’s named and pictured trying to get her pathetic 5 minutes of fame) will be rightly crucified by all and sundry. It raises an intersting point though. Fuck me, if I were Prince Charming and there was a Rohypnol-ed princess at my mercy…holy shit! Mind you, if she hadn’t washed her fanny for 100 years, it’d be like sticking your tongue on a 9v battery.

      • That’s……… quite the image you’ve conjured up there…..

        Now excuse me while I go hurl.

        As for this Gender Neutral shit, as far as I’m concerned, trying to foist that nonsense on children is child abuse, pure and simple.

    • North Shields!

      Are you sure she wasn’t moaning about there being no DP and Golden Shower action in Sleeping Beauty!?!

      North Shields isn’t the roughest place in the world but it’s pretty fucking close to it!

      Meadowell and Moss Side used to fight it out to see which area was the roughest!

      Can’t believe anyone there can even read there let alone know the plot line of a child’s story! Rougher than a sandpaper Johnny!

  19. He did a great job of integrating Rhodesia into the rest of Africa…by making it just like the rest of it!

    Despotic dictator. Tick.

    Oppressed people. Tick.

    Fucked economy. Tick.

    Produce downturn. Tick.

    Starving population. Tick.

    Robert Mugabe you’re the best advert there is for “integration”.

    I salute you! Here’s to the day you wear those bandoleros is the sky. Oh, actually, probably down below – if auld Nick will take you!

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