Our fuzzy faced faux-friend of the people, James O’Blarney has excelled himself in maths post-budget.
Continuing his long running radio show, with a daily dose of Brexit bashing, he was left a bit confused how right-wing (doublespeak for ‘fascist’) press (aka Daily Fail, Torygraph etc) have forgiven the Chancellor Phil Hand-me-down for a past litany of political land mines. All because he set aside 3 billion squids for a Brexit ‘no deal’.
James doesn’t understand why this is a cause for celebration and said the following which I quote:
“What did Philip Hammond do yesterday to get right-wing newspapers onside? Answer – he put aside £3bn for the possibility of a no deal Brexit, something upon which everybody with an informed opinion agrees is going to be a disaster.”
He then went on to say…
You could today be forgiven for thinking that you’ve woken up in a parallel universe, £3bn.”
…and this further gem…
“You can stick this on a t-shirt if you want or even the side of a bus, why can’t we take the money that we’re spending on Brexit, and give it all to the NHS?”
Whoa …..hold yer horses Einstein O’Brien. A £3 billion contingency cost plus WTO tariff rules if no deal is reached. According to the head of WTO is a 5 billion cost to UK exporters and 9 billion charged to importers. Net 4 billion ‘profit’ for the Treasury. Ignore the 9 billion since the Treasury will probably pay it back to consumers anyway. So that’s a cost of 3 billion contingency plus 5 billion to the exporters. A total cost of 8 billion to the Government. That sounds like a bargain even if it ends up costing a few billion more than that. Better than the 40 to 100 billion the EU is currently demanding with menaces.
O’Blarney must have been in the retard (sorry..remedial) maths class at his private school if he thinks 40 billion plus pounds is a preferable option. Remember cunters, J.O.B is the one with an “informed opinion”. However, contrary to his grandiose self belief, his nous is looking a bit tatty around the edges, in fact, it looks positively threadbare like his barnet these days…all that head scratching post-Brexit maybe? Plebs, thickos, racists….voted leave….how?… why? …
He should be doing a little Oirish jig, since the country he claims to love, will be saved from any further rack and ruin by the Dick Turpins of the EU – if Mavis May does not fold like a cheap suit – to their highway robbery.
Everyday, post-referendum has been an opportunity for him to pollute the airwaves, bitching like a two bob whore who got short-changed by a punter. In his ideological world, he’s still in his student days at the LSE debating society where if he repeated himself often enough he got to be have his way. He has honed that skill since those days to always having the last snidey word on the radio. All ‘”ifs” and “buts” interjected like rapid machine gun fire to cut down all dissenting callers voices. A smug, holier than thou, know it all.
On Brexit, the economic price is irrelevant to him, just so long as we stay a prize hostage to the bandits of the corrupt EU. As for living in a parallel universe, he is firmly stuck in a Noel Edmond’s-esque world where any ‘Deal’ is better than ‘No deal’, even if the box Britain gets handed by the EU bankers at the end is as empty as Junker the drunker’s wine cellar after he has pulled an all nighter.
O’Blarney’s ‘informed opinion’ …fuck it….who needs it?
Nominated by Mike Oxard.
More BBC cuntwittery…
They now have a ‘news’ article online titled ‘We ask mixed race couples about Prince Harry getting engaged’… And on Newsnight: ‘Is the royal engagement a significant moment for people of mixed-race heritage?’…
Lefty media cunts utterly obsessed with race…. They try and squeeze irrelevant identity politics into every single story and every TV show… If we thought the Femstapo/Lezzernazi Doctor Who farce was/is bad enough, wait till they want/demand/clamor for a black one (and probably a black female one), because it’s coming…
Reminds of the time when Obama was elected for his first term. The media decreed that it was perfectly acceptable for black people to vote for him because of his skin colour, but whites who didn’t vote for him were clearly racist irrespective of their actual reasons for voting Republican or absenting themselves from the polling booths.
Double standards: the province of the cunt.
You’re not wrong with that. I’ve never had a problem with the possibility of their being a black Doctor Who. But thanks to that pube headed, ultra left fuckwit, Moffatt, the BBC will probably regenerate the Doctor into a morbidly obese, one eyed, yellow toothed, bald, hunch backed lesbian black transgender freak. With type 1 diabetes.
Quick Draw – at least that would be reflective of the UK population. ?
The minute we had Hambel (the coon dollie) on Playschool, ABBC showed their true colours.
Was Jemima a cross dressing pre op tranny?
We had Big Ted & Little Ted, where was Bent Ted?
Why there wasn’t a slitty eyed chingaling doll too?
Was a great show, Brian Cant was the main man and if i remember right, everything was cushty until Floella Benjamin came along with her carnival.
Surprised the windows weren’t broken and the stuff knicked.
An excellent cunting MO, even if I didn’t quite get the money bit
Brexit and how people voted on it is nothing to with O’ Brien, as he is a Bogtrotting Spudfucking twat…
And the cunt looks like his mother has dressed him in what they couldn’t sell at the Oxfam shop.
James NoBraian.
Cunt of the Millenium, or something…
There’s nothing really funny about this cunt but I did LOL when I found out he was adopted and that his adoptive parents packed the cunt of to boarding school as soon as he hit puberty. He says his parents weren’t rich and made huge sacrifices to pay for his education. Funny as fuck. More like They realised he was a cunt of the highest order and hated him that much so worked 3 jobs so they could pack him off to a school where he’d be ‘taken care of’. O’ Brian is right up there on my list of Top 5 Cunts. A major Stroke is to good for this cunt.
Pity they didn’t get shot of him under the patio instead.
Ha ha ha ha . What a summation. Can anyone beat that?
No idea who this cunt is, but I suppose I would need to live in that London to benefit from his wisdom. It is dreadful having to live in the Lincolnshire countryside, deprived of the right-on views of those that know better and the general 3rd world squalor of the place but I will grin and bear it.
Trust me, you don’t want to know who this cunt is. Ignorance in this case is bliss.
It could be a lot worse, take a day trip along to Scunthorpe.
Its like the cunts on the news deserting Myanmar and its only the school run.
Who put the cunt in sCUNThorpe? That’s what my dearly departed mum used to say, born and bred there, ha ha.
Spent a fair bit of time there as my employer had a head office there. They used to put me up in a _house hotel thats room stank like an old whores drawers, that haze rose / lavender shit they sprayed between knobbing sessions. Had to get pissed up in town in order to get to sleep with smell. Noshed at Giovanni’s regular.
If it looks like cunt ( which he does) ,acts like a cunt and talks utter shite like a cunt …………”
“hes a cunt cunt cunt cunt a big fat stinking cunt everyone knows from his head to his toes hes a big fat stinking cunt ”
( Kat McSnatch copyright) *
He’s a cunt, he’s a cunt, he’s a c- u- n- t cunt
he’d fuck your granny and he’d sniff her fanny cos basically he’s a cunt.
Chubby Brown
…. I set my blood pressure on the day, of how long I torment myself on listening to O’Cunt …. last week I had a ‘five minuter’ .. and that included the news.
It was when he was able to conclude the Grenfell ‘disaster’ was caused by Brexit … the Cunt condensed it into about a minute. He is the true definition of a CUNT.
Why upset yourself listening to the cunt for even a short time? I gave up listening to these arseholes a long time ago. I get all the news I need from Guido Fawkes. All the other purveyors of biased shit can go fuck themselves.
Someone has to monitor the traitors, gauge the opposition so to speak. Takes a real masochist, of course.
LBC is far too biased, in my opinion its an anti brexit shop and must be a requirement of applicants.
Stig Unable, Homo on nights, Clive Bullshit, Jihad Noways and worst recruit for sometime Alec “I’ve no seat in Westminster” Salmond who didn’t listen to his constituents, but expects people to listen to his diarrhoea.
Nigel Farage, Andrew Pierce and the sex therapist at 2100 are the only ones worth tuning into
You forgot Owen Jones!
Well aware of what a complete cunt this guy is.
Voted Brexit in the distinct hope that the government would respect the result of the democratic referendum and get us out of the EU as quickly and as cheaply as possible.
Relatively early on in the process (when Treesa failed to trigger article 50 when she first had the opportunity) realised quite quickly that government were not up to the task, and too fucking weak and watery to get the job done properly.
When the stupid bitch had a snap general election, fucked the campaign (accidentally on purpose) the writing was unfortunately on the wall and decided from that moment on to make our household a Brexit Free Zone wherever possible.
Do not want to look at or listen to any more shit that bastard remoaners or lying politicians come out with. I do not want to look at or hear from any of the EU negotiators or their allies. I do not want to listen to what James O’Brien has to say.
Was starting to damage my sanity, just like the forthcoming royal marriage will. Have already heard most of the arguments on Brexit and made my informed decision. I do not need to hear the same arguments again and again and again and again.
All are complete cunts not worthy of my time or respect.
Spot on Willie boy, and we don’t need to vote on it again either as we have already decided after a process that cost the tax payer £142.4 million.
The EU won’t pay costs of member states referendums will they?
I expect mass riots on the streets if the will of the people is not withheld.
Upheld, not withheld.
Tramadol is a brain fogging cunt.
Nice cunting MO…..
I care not a jot what this bigoted cunt has to say! I’ve no idea why people would tune in and listen to his incessant anti brexit ramblings….
He should get Owen Jones in to Co present the show , call it birds of a feather!! Or maybe the crying game!
No doubt about it o, brien is absolutely obsessed with brexit……
Or a remake of Life on Mars followed by Ashes to Ashes when their European utopia implodes and goes down the crapper.
Owen Jones has his own fucking show now! O’Brian still takes the biscuit though…
Oh dear, I won’t be tuning in for that. I’ve got that DAB shite do think I will give talk radio a turn.
There is nothing this grade A cunt can’t blame on brexit. He is totally in love with the EU and spends 3 hours every day spewing out their propaganda plus loads of his own made up shit that even Juncker would be embarrassed by. Because he is a fellow LBC presenter he used to abuse Sir Nigel without actually using his name. Now he just comes right out and slags him off by name. The other week he referred to him as “the image of beery flatulence writ large.” Fuck me, how unprofessional can you get?
But his love for the EU, Tony Blair, mass immigration, the Muzzie ideology and his hatred of anything British dominates everything that comes out of his traitorous gob.
Add to that, his arrogance, smugness, creepiness and the fact that he is oh so fucking pleased with himself and you have my cunt of the year no question. This bastard just cannot be cunted enough.
Very true, this cunt has to be the worst remainer. This cunt would happily sit and talk to himself all day. Rarely let’s a caller finish their first sentence before interrupting and going off of on again.
Everything that has gone wrong Brexit somehow is responsible or involved. Posh twat who tries to be down with the odd working class caller, bet the cunt doesn’t love on Tower Hamlets. The cunt.
The ‘establishment’ is set on fucking up brexit. Carney making his doomed forecasts again today. The cunt has never been right so far. What happened to the emergency budget and economic collapse he and Gideon warned of?
Politicians, lawyers, bankers, academics and every gravy train riding cunt in London and the University cities are doing all they can to fuck things up. And right-on comedians and cunts like O’Brien are part of the sneering shower of shite that looks down their noses at us plebs. Fuck the lot of them.
Europe – well Germany not so stable, likewise Spain and Ireland. Italy have a strong possibility of an anti EU prime minister soon. French have huge unemployment figures (but good productivity – work it out) and most of the rest are basket cases, particularly those that are tied to the Deutschmark. The EU parliament is divorced from economic realities and Europe is awash with murderous Moslems.
What’s not to like? No wonder our betters know we are misguided.
Carney is a total cunt who should have been sacked the moment he opened his gob during the referendum campaign. He is a fucking public servant, appointed by Cameron and elected by nobody.
The first thing May should have done is put the cunt on a plane back to Canada instead of making that bullshit speech in Downing Street. But he is still here , talking down the economy and spewing out his pro EU propaganda. He is a fucking disgrace and Sir Nigel is the only one who says anything about the cunt. Why is he allowed to get away with this shit?
It is a mystery. She got rid of Osborne, so why not Carney? He’s done more than virtually anyone else to get the bullet. What is the point of him? He’s never got anything right. And why would you want a fucking foreigner as Governor of the Bank of England in the first place? From what I’ve read he was a fuck up in Canada, everything the cunt touches turns to shit. Not unlike Mrs May, come to think of it…
Greece isn’t in a good way either.
I also think Ireland’s fucked but Spunker & co are propping them up to keep them sweet as they use them as a tool to detail GB departure.
Ireland is used by the EU as a back door into the U.S as well.
They need to either leave too or get the border up again.
I’m not happy about Northern Ireland being used as a gateway to GB following a short ferry trip. Can’t expect Sturgeon to start to police Scotland’s ports properly.
In reflection of recent events concerning sexual abuse its weird all these people with the last name stein keep getting exposed and nicked as cunts just saying https://i.imgur.com/LKDO6i7.jpg
JC, and bang in the middle is The Thing from Empty Space (between j Kak Rowlinginit’s ears)…
Jock Stein got away with the fact he knew Jim Torbett was abusing kids at Celtic Football Club and he said nothing. Harbouring cunt.
B.J.K – Big Jock Knew.
Jimmy Savilestein
Ian Huntleystein
Fred & Rose Weststein
Rolf Harristein
Ian Bradystein
Myra Hindleystein
Jon Venablestein
The list is endless!
I can’t listen to this self righteous arrogant opinionated cunt without wanting to hurl my radio at the wall. He will only challenge people who don’t have much between their ears and on the rare occasion when someone with a good argument slips through the net, he cuts them off and dismisses them as idiots. I fucking loathe the cunt James O’Brian so much that if he was dragged out for a public beating yours truly would be there to cast the first brick at him. Oh and he WILL be my cunt of the year. Fucking Irish schmuck .
have you noticed J O’B doesnt do Newsnight anymore? he just couldnt toe the BBCs impartial stance well enough. i listen to him quite a lot and its true he does think anyone who voted Brexit are ill-informed plebs. i have to say though i don’t hear many people phoning in making a good case for Brexit, even allowing for him always having the last word, the callers are woefully inadequate. anyone here going to call him?
Interesting this nom, because despite JoB being an A+++ energy efficient piss-boiler, many here still tolerate his shit shows.
In answer to your question, the last time I bothered with phone-ins they were adept at screening callers and gauging their level before choosing to put them through to the host. I only ever managed to get through to a handful despite many, many attempts; a similar with friends interested in topical debate. In addition, someone like JoB can very easily manipulate the discourse with subtle leading/distraction tactics and tie the unprepared cunt in knots, just like Matthew Wright does.
Yet when these cunts aren’t in control and appear elsewhere as a guest, their debating skills aren’t a fraction of the illusion they normally portray – said cunt Wright was out-witted by the fucking toothless simpletons in the celebrity jungle, for Christ sakes.
He was on ‘Have I Got News For You’, was like a frightened schoolboy, barely uttered a word, totally lost when out of his comfort zone.
I would like to issue a short cunting to Tescos. I bought their own brand toaster. It’s a very nice toaster in brushed stainless steel and when you set the dial to 3 o’clock you get perfect toast. You know these days everything you buy comes with instruction manuals of several hundred pages translated into 70 different languages. Well the toaster came with 6 pages in two languages. English. And fucking Arabic. Fucking fucking fuck. Is that It? Are we that infested with sand dwellers that can’t read basic English? I’m speechless.
The only reason an A-rab would want a toaster is to stick his wife’s hand in it when she didn’t get his breakfast quick enough.
Maybe camel-toe toasties…
I have this cunt on in the background most days – don’t ask me why, sometimes I can barely hack 10 minutes, but it does tend to strongly confirm my worst suspicions about the EU and the Remainer 5th Columnists beavering away within, my resolve to escape the clutches of the 4th Reich are reenergised every day.
Recently he was typically inviting calls from “just ONE person” who could suggest “just ONE positive thing about Brexit”. Surprisingly, one unfortunate yet very articulate woman (who presumably hadn’t heard the programme before) took the bait and was predictably bullied remorselessly by O’Brian for her pains.
“They say they’re going to take back control!” he bawls hysterically on a seemingly hourly basis, “what does that even possibly mean?!” squeals the bearded twat like a stuck pig. If some poor cunt calls in to enlighten him, he immediately shouts them down or takes exception to to their grammar or uses some other ‘clever’ diversionary device like changing the subject or demanding to know why the NHS hasn’t received the £350million a week promised by that “racist liar” Nigel Farage yet, etc, etc, patronising them for their “ignorance” before cutting them off abruptly, barely a word allowed in edgeways.
He then arrogantly pats himself on the back for demolishing yet more irrational Brexit lies, so on and on and on it goes, blah-blah woof-woof – you really have to experience it to believe it! Don’t forget to pack a strong stomach…
It’s usually at that point I have to switch channels, cos exposure to O’Brian is a cruel and unnatural punishment, the sort of thing the EU is no doubt looking to inflicting on the UK once they’ve safely got our €100billion tucked under their belts.
James O’Brian, or Lord Haw Haw as I prefer to call him, is a torture that would probably test the patience of even the staunchest Remoaner. A genuine mega-mega-cunt. Deserves a honorary place on the Wall of Cunts forthwith!
Well, that was a lot more than I thought.
£55 billion? What absolute cunts we have governing us. Those EU gangsters must be partying hard tonight.
Nigel says it’s only (!) £45billion. Nothing guaranteed in return. 5 years worth of NET payments. For nothing. The EU probably won’t even exist in 5 years time, imo. Madness however you slice it! We’ve been shafted by our own side. Did Canada pay £45billion for their trade deal? Of course fucking not.
Even if they used money cancelling HS2 I’d still be incandescent with rage. Not a penny should we pay! They owe us! Only consolation is it’ll be the snowflake EU loving generation who’ll probably find themselves with the bill, or their hopefully enraged grandchildren.
No chance this spineless lot will walk away now either, imo.
An eye-wateringly horrific amount when you consider everything else is being cut.
Everyone in the EU upper echelons must be astonished at how easy Britain was gulled. If these figures are true they’ve pulled off their biggest heist yet on the UK’s finances.
It’s difficult who to loathe more: The EU parasites or our own disappointing, betraying bunch of pirates..
O’Brein is a prolix prat, as well as a cunt. I can just see him licking the stinking arses of Hillary Benn and Keir Starmer. But if you think he is bad, and he is, have you heard the wankers who infest The Now Show on Fridays on Radio 4? – Punt and Dennis or Cunt and Dennis
Cunt and Pennis more like it.
If you don’t like brexit you bog trotting paddy cunt, fuck off back to Ireland for son priest bumming.
Exactly my sentiments and thoughts, similar to yours, just posted above.
Few presenters have anything less than a seismic ego so it wouldn’t do for them to be schooled by some lowly shitheel caller. The only exception I can ever remember was a regional radio host for the now-defunct TFM. He happily engaged dons and often came off second best, but kept inviting all and sundry.
At least on Nigel’s show the Remainers get a fair hearing and are treated with respect – better than they deserve in many cases. But O’Brian cannot contain his desire to belittle and be downright rude and nasty.
Today he said he’d clearly won all the arguments because hardly any Brexiteers phone in these days. Deluded twat.
newsflash ! Viagra to be made available without prescription. ! not that anyone here needs it of course.
You ain’t seen me outside the pharmacy, right?
do we think o’brian reads these august pages? . hiiiiiii james if you do …
I saw someone posted a link on his Facebook page. Lol.
lol. i wonder what they’ll be charging per tablet?
Heard somewhere today pack of 4 £20.
I have never needed Viagra. When is it available without prescription ???????????
not sure when but its definately happening.
Waste of them them Viagra.
There’s not enough hours in the day to enjoy them and the looks i get at the beach are unnerving.
I was banned rom the school pick-up.
What the fuck happened to that brilliant rant by Quick Draw McGraw? I won’t mention the name of the cunt he was cunting in case there is some legal problem but I would like to know just the same.
If it’s the A.C.Grayling rant, it’s moved to the ‘nominations’ page – press the CUNT ME button. Probably won’t be there for long though. And yes, it’s awesome!
I can honestly say that I’ve never heard this cunt once.
Sounds like even that’s zero times too many!
maybe he read it and didnt like it? i am sometimes surprised at whats said on here, lol. as a point of interest, if someone demanded to know a cunters email address would the people who run this site be legally obliged to supply it?
Good question.
It does assume that the people who run the site are in the UK for a start. They’re not.
If an admin is asked then the answer is no. If the police ask then it would would be done under caution and you’re not obliged to answer.
FOI request? See point 1 above
To get the IP or email, they could ask WordPress but it’s a self hosted site so they wouldn’t know
And all this assumes the email address is real. You have to provide one. It doesn’t have to real just consistent to pass moderation.
My email was trolled so I changed it to one I never use anywhere except for commenting so its never made public
Ah right . Cheers for that. Not in the UK eh? Never knew that. Some of the stuff on here must be bordering on the libellous and if you can be done for a tweet…… well be careful peeps ! But not toooo careful obviously.
ive said it before and ill say it again never trust a cunt whose surname starts with an O’
especially one from de republic the fucking shitcunts
My mates name is O’Reilly but his da is called Reilly.
I know the “O'” stands for Of as in son of, but why wasn’t his da called O’Reilly an’ all?
Fuckin weird practice and surely should be obsolete after the second generations were born centuries ago.
Oh, and they are right taigue taria fenian cunts. And he owes me more than £500 the papish cunt.
they sound like a bunch of robbing fenian cunts birdman
Perhaps I’ll take an overdose of Viagra and go round LBC and cock cosh that cunt O’Brian to death ?
This supercilious mega cunt does my fuckin cake in. Sometimes I force myself to listen for a few minutes to his whining rants with his incredulity that he can’t compute how anyone of sound mind could possibly see things different to him. I see a picture of him in my mind akin to some cunt standing in a hole that’s getting deeper but the cunt keeps jumping up shouting ‘I fucking told you all this would happen. You’ll all be sorry. Should’ve listened to me shouldn’t ya’!! I’d punch that cunt till my fists bled. I bet the cunt surrounds himself with as many ethnic, lgbtdrxcz and any other minority cunts he can possibly bestow himself upon just so he can pat himself on the back every night while he stands blowing kisses at the mirror. Anyone know where the CUNT lives????