She said all the immigrants that have been in the UK for five years are still able to bring any family that wants to come to the UK and they can stay permanently after five years.
They will receive all the benefits , pensions, dole and health care, just like BRITISH CITIZENS.
But they are not British citizens and in my view , shouldn’t be entitled to anything of the sort.
The UK is not America, its not a massive country that was built on immigration.
Britain is a small island that has or had its own values and is full.
Even if it wasn’t full, its not on that we are being forced to change everything that we were taught our country was.
May also said immigrants are vital to our economy.
Strange, as i know Brits who are unemployed, but no one seems to think that they could be vital to our economy.
I hoped Teresa May would be a good UN’, but she’s not, she’s weak.
Nominated by birdman.
They will receive all the benefits , pensions, dole and health care, just like British citizens?…. Even if they don’t know (and will never attempt to learn) the English language, and will never work, pay taxes, or pay in ever?…. And when old Fenella (the Kettle dwelling witch from Chorlton and the Wheelies) says ‘EU’ we know she doesn’t mean French,German, Dutch, workers or professional people… She, of course, means even more jabbering Eastern Bloc white w@gs and benefits hoovering, queue jumping gyppo leeches… Oh, and what happened to ‘Learn and speak English in two years or you’re out’?! Let me guess… Spineless Rudd abandoned that plan when some mong on Twatter squealed ‘Racist!’…. Classic case of the tail wagging the dog…
Worst things ever were the collapse of the USSR: None of those gyppo shitholes would be in the EU, and we wouldn’t have Iron Curtain off licences all over the place and the cunts infesting Britain like dose of Colorado Beetle…
And the reunification of the Hun… Der Frumpenfuhrer Merkel would still be on the other side of that wall and there’d be no rapeugee living excrement ruining ever country they appear in…
I fucking curse the day the Berlin wall came down. I dare say most of the West Berliners do as well.
Sorry, didn’t mean to dislike your comment. Sausage fingers and no way to change it. Which cunt’s idea was it to have a dislike button?
No probs my friend. And I agree the dislike button is a cunt.
Treeza is a cunt, and those comments on immigration display a level of cuntitude that I am disappointed to learn exist. I originally didn’t have her pegged as completely bad. However, regardless of how much fucking Compo appears to be the shit-emperor’s new clothes, Treeza has to take most of the blame for such a fucking piss-poor election campaign – extremely poor when you consider her strong starting position. This mess potentially fucks Brexit up more than anything else could.
The fact is, she’s everyone’s punchbag now after that dreadful election campaign. Either she goes, or she has to be all things to everyone – the latter isn’t sustainable, and her carrying on in the role of PM will jeopardise the bit of power we have left to negotiate with Cuntcker and the rest of the fucking EU quislings. The longer she remains, the more softening of Brexit will be done to appease cuntfucks that could cause ruckus with that small Tory majority.
So, face the disruption now and replace her. Get it over with. To me, it is the lesser of two evils. She’s shop-soiled post-GE and that will hobble any attempt she has at anything. There are for sure plenty of worse cunts in politics than May; but nevertheless she has proven to be a sizeable cunt, and now needs to fuck off, sadly.
I think the reality of the Brexit has dawned on most politico’s, that freedom for nation states and the EU are not compatible values, hopefully one day they realise Islam and Christianity are also not compatible, before some form of genocide occurs.
I personally hope its no deal at all, on anything. That means no ‘guarantee’ or rights for UK citizens in Europe or vice versa (and EU nationals in the UK outnumber Brits in Europe by something like 3.5 to 1). If you want to stay, then you would have to naturalise, which should be made punitively expensive, just like it is in Switzerland. It should also mean if there is no deal, then there is no need for a transition period and call the EU’s bluff, the Germans categorically can’t afford a trade war as much as England can’t. Its a pipe dream maybe, but stranger things have happened lately…
In any case, £1 billion to keep Tbag in power until the Brexit shite is out of the way is a price worth paying I’m afraid, its certainly cheaper than the alternative.
Theresa May is a complete cunt. When she became leader it seemed like she could become another Thatcher but she fucks everything up. She calls an election when there was no need to, trying to give her party a bigger majority, and then she pays those Irish cunts one billion pounds of our money to keep herself in power. We need someone who’s willing to put the country before party politics. The trouble is, I can’t think of anyone who fits that description.
What strikes me about mother Theresa is how she manages the seemingly impossible feat of being both wooden and twitchy at the same time. Incredible to watch.
Calling the election wasn’t the problem. Fucking up the campaign to the extent that Corbyn looked reasonable was the problem. Marxist, terrorist friendly, anti-Semite, incompetent cunts are on the verge of fucking us up for all time. That is some achievement.
… If the Tory election fuck up was offered to Hollywood in a script, it would get thrown right back at you saying ….
‘Nobody is that thick as to offer such a monumental manifesto fuck up …keep giving away £13 billion a year to foreign countries when our own country is struggling .. …mentioning fox hunting, for fuck sake … nobody would buy into that shit.’ … ‘What would she be trying to do there .. lose the election?’
I read somewhere she is signed up to the Rothschild team.
Everything I see so far would indicate that.
e.g. Watch Brexit screw up.
Also why should the nurses have to pay for the cuntish hubris, bullshit and bailout of Fred Goodwin?
Most people don’t see this but it was the insurance business that tipped the last crash, but we can’t say anything bad about that industry as its a Mob business.
If Catweazle and co are real commies once they have power all this airy fairy snowflake bollocks will be out the window. Any cunt moaning about racism, sexism. this and that phobia, non binary queerboy shithouses etc will soon find themselves in a gulag on some remote Scottish island. However, i suspect that they are just another bunch of shitsoft wet liberals like all the rest of them. Hopeless fucking cunts.
The racism and sexism etc moaners are the useful idiots, who are brainwashed and manipulated to cause unrest and to fragment and weaken society in readiness for the “Big Red Takeover”
I take some comfort from the notion that they might be in for a shock if/when it finally happens.
Stupid gullible cunts…
Exactly MB, the hard left are Labours propaganda machine and the spreading of fake news, smear campaigns and lies in the GE would make Joseph Gobbels blush.
Compo, McDonnell are playing these useful idiots by promising a Socialist utopia that will not work here without tanking the economy. Instead of marching on Parliament and waving their fucking placards about they should pick up a book and read the history of Cuba, Venezuela, Vietnam to name a few and see what that means in practice. The young left leaning voters are all too ready to believe what they read on Twatter or cuntbook and take whatever celeb cunt says who have morphed into an authority on everything from Brexit to Islamic extremism as gospel. As Gobbels himself said ‘ if you repeat a lie often enough it becomes the truth’.
The cunts can just look at recent UK history to see what a monumental fuck up socialism made of things. But they are all too young to remember it and the only history taught in schools now is how nasty white people have been.
May is a disaster. It is honestly a shock that her party hasn’t forced her out of office. On her watch there have been numerous terror attacks, the Grenfell Tower debacle and her party losing seats after she called for new elections (her fucking marvelous idea).
What her biggest betrayal imo is Brexit and appeasing the moslem community after every major attack is truly disguising especially the bridge attacks and manchester bombing. Burnham and cressida dick are cunts too sheshould of had them fired and imprisoned Her political brand is toxic period!.And for a PM she seems to be asleep at the wheel on about every issue
She’s fucking hopeless.
This is a chance for someone to show leadership but will that happen, will it fuck.
And while we’re on the subject of The Towering Inferno I think I’m going to be violently sick.
People who shouldn’t even be here making “demands” like free rent for ever (I actually heard that today on the BBC) no council tax for ever and new houses to live in.
No shame and I’m embarrased by it all. I think people will eventually get sick of the lot of them.
Yes, I heard some of that shit. Demands and entitlement from cunts who shouldn’t be here in the first place. I expect they would be staying in the Ritz for ever for free if this happened in Syria, Afghan, Iraq, Somalia (add shithole as required.)
The fire was a disaster and obviously down to incompetence at many levels but the ‘entitlement’ and demands from these cunts is sickening.
I’m with you on this subject Spanky. Fucking ungrateful sandw@gs. Shame this country and the cuntish politicians haven’t looked after the indigenous people that are in need of help and that includes any party that was in power. As Fraser would say on Dads Army “we’re doomed, we’re doomed”.
Where the fuck have the smart women players gone at Wimbledon? There just seem to be a load of boot-faced lezza types. I used to like that Ana Ivanovic, Martina Hingis and Gabriela Sabatini.
Even if you take those two testosterone laden,tea-party escapee Williams sisters out of the equation,they are a pretty gruesome bunch from what I’ve seen. Most of them have arms that would be better suited to swinging a lump hammer in an halal slaughterhouse,shoulders like the All Blacks front row,legs like a pit pony and faces that look like someone’s been splitting firewood on their foreheads.
Bring back the chicks,ditch the swamp-donkeys.
I’m beginning to think that Andy Murray and Joanna Konta are the same person.
Well,they’re both sourfaced cunts…
I think Joanna Konta is Andy Murray in drag.
I had the misfortune of seeing a short interview with Andy Murray the other day, the dour cunt managed to make winning Wimbledon seem terribly dull??
Amazing stuff!!
Mind you even he struggles to compete with surly sports dullest cunt Lewis Hamilton!!, here we have a young man who’s paid a kings ransom, drives at 200 mph in some of the worlds best locations, buzzes about in helicopters, speedboats , and private jets, gets to poke virtually any bird he wants and against all the odds still manages to be the most boring cunt I’ve ever heard!!! Seriously that takes some doing!!
That Katie Boulter got knocked out today… I wouldn’t mind riding that…
My all time favourite was the young Chris Evert… Finest arse in tennis history….
No-one came close to Gabriela Sabatini. Even now she’s unfeasibly rootable.
Gabriella sabatini is still a sensational looking woman at 47. Most of the Eastern Europe birds will be missing their front teeth and 90 stone at her age
There’s a lot of fit’uns in Poland, The Czech Republic, and Hungary…
But all the (cough) ‘migrant’ wimmin that come here look like they come from a Nazi jail….No fair…
Anna hornykova did it for me…????
was listening to O ‘ Shithead this morning. he was almost in tears. he was saying that anyone who in anyway criticises the survivors of the Grenfell tower fire is a heartless unfeeling bastard who should feel ashamed of themselves. any views?
Only that O’Brien is still a massive cunt…
Touche. He personifies the word.
I really feel sorry for the cunts that were raking in thousands by sub letting.
Agreed… My heart goes out to these soapdodging, jobdodging, egg and spoons and camelrapists who are now rolling in dough and living in luxury…
While some poor OAP won’t be able to afford their heating bill this Winter, and a genuinely ill white working person will have to jump through hoops of fire in order get the Doctors and Council to just know they exist…
Britain For The British….
Agreed……. ?
Yes richard1, I am totally pissed off with the ungrateful sandw@g cunts.
Yes, I’ve got a view.. I didn’t know any of the dead,and I don’t know any of the survivors,so why the fuck would I care about them? Most of them shouldn’t have been here,and their loss won’t cost me a second’s consideration.
If some people enjoy involving themselves in other people’s business,good luck to them.Personally, I couldn’t care less about any of them. If that makes me a heartless,unfeeling bastard..Well. Guilty as charged. I’ve got my own life to lead,and the fate of a bunch of strangers means nothing to me.
phone him up ! i’d like to hear that call ,only problem is he has the power to have the last word and then cut you off!
I’ll bet I could reduce the Cunt to a dribbling wreck if I could force him to listen to me for an hour. I’ve done it before to these “caring,sharing” types of people. They seem unable to grasp that I really don’t care about folk who’ve done nothing for me,and believe that people who “empathise” are only doing it to satisfy some need for attention within themselves. That,added to my ability to always see the worst in people and their actions drives the “empathy” types mental.
With you 100%. It wasn’t my fault and I don’t care anyway. Am I a heartless cunt? Actually no, I’m soft as shit but I do believe that charity begins at home. So long as there are ex service men living rough on our streets why should we be housing sand niggers?
….Oh Vienna……
Totally agree DF…
I always find it strange when a celebrity dies and there’s a huge public outpouring of grief , take George Micheal for instance, although not a fan many people enjoyed Michaels pop music and if that’s what you like ? Fair enough, but some of the over the top grieving was laughable!!, ” Britains lost one of its greatest ever artists ” ” a legend dies” cried one OTT headline, TV reports showed assorted weirdos hanging around outside his house with candles/ flowers and tributes?? , many unable to speak such was their personal sorrow, I generally tend to grieve people who I knew and who I was close to, nowadays we appear to be a nation of virtue grievers!!, absolutely any half famous cunt dies and you hear on the news ” the tributes are pouring in”……. it’s utter bollocks……
James O’Shithead should house the ungrateful cunts.I loathe O’Shithead with every fibre of my being!
Fuck these freeloaders. They came from far flung shiteholes, supposedly escaping persecution. We homed them, gave them money. I bet many of these cunts were out of work.
Now some of them brazenly demand more or better than they had before, as if a God given right. Well fuck them with knobs on. If the largesse bestowed to them is not good enough then they can piss off back to where they scuttled away from.
May is as much use as a soft cock. The Tories need to give her a p45 now, not in one two or six months time.
Has anyone got CNN in the dead pool?
3 RIP Fake News
May makes an exceedingly generous offer yet the EU laugh at it and she still hasnt got the balls to say fuck you.Grow a spine woman!
May always has the look of someone who’s entered a Pro Celebrity mixed doubles Jenga competition…… and drawn Michael J Fox as her partner.
(twitching intensifies)
Please sign this petition from Tommy Robinson
Not sure who to cunt more, Blair or Chilcott.
If old Tone wasn’t being “straight” then he fucking lied and should go to jail.
If Chilcott thought he was lying he should not have cleared him.
Actually, can I cunt Blair, as he is a monumental cunt of the first order, and any excuse to cunt the slimy twat must be taken.
That absolute monster and scumbag can never be cunted enough…
Took this country into the depths it’s been trying for 20 years to climb out of, and caused the deaths of so many, cunt. A fucking cunt.