European Union (2)

I’ve been meaning to do this for a while. I’m nominating the EU. It likes to portray itself as a benign organisation. One big, happy family where everyone is at peace and everything is perfect. It’s complete bullshit of course, as their behaviour since the UK voted to leave has proven more than once. The majority of the voting British people voted out, because the EU was treating us like shit, and we were sick of it.

Ever since that vote, various members of the EU ‘elite’, have made statements that contained threats, both veiled and otherwise, naked contempt, outright hostility and/or sarcastic remarks. Why would they do that if the EU was as benign as they make out? They wouldn’t. The fact is though, the EU is actually quite a malign, insidious organisation, whose only aim is to gather as much power as possible for a few unelected people. A bit like the old Soviet Union, only more secretive.

That brings me to another reason we voted to leave, the lack of democracy. Sure, we get to vote for MEP’s, but how much use are they really? They don’t don’t make any decisions. Only the likes of Juncker and Tusk get to do that, and we’re not allowed to vote them into their positions in free and fair elections. Which means that EU democracy is nothing more than an illusion. And there’s another thing. Not a single person ever voted to join a pan-European political organisation, with dreams of nationhood. It was initially sold as being nothing more than a trading bloc, though we know now that was a lie.

The UK has been the EU’s second largest financial contributor, pretty much since the EU was formed, and THAT has been the EU’s only use for us. It surprises me, that the likes of Juncker and Tusk would seemingly be so offended that the British people finally got sick of them treating us with increasingly naked contempt. What the fuck did they think would happen?

For twenty years or more, various EU ‘leaders’ have laughed at us, threatened us, belittled and humiliated us. Did they seriously think we wouldn’t reach a point where we decided enough is enough? And ever since June last year, aided by the Quislings here in the UK, we’ve had dire warnings that the UK will collapse without the EU, well that’s bullshit. If anything, it’s the other way around. Without us, there will be a massive black hole in the EU’s finances. And the EU’s ineptitude when it comes to handling money, they’ll have a very hard time fixing it. That’s why they’re demanding we pay an £80 billion “divorce” settlement.

The stated intention of the EU, is to punish the UK for daring to leave. It’s supposed to be a deterrent to other nations, like Hungary and the Czech Republic who are unhappy with the way they’re being treated by the EU. It won’t work. The more they try to grab to power from national governments, the more countries, especially those in Eastern Europe, will fight back.

Then sensible thing for the EU would be to negotiate a deal that is fair both them and the UK, but they’re so obsessed with keeping the EU together without reform, that they’d rather shoot themselves in the head than act in a mature, responsible manner. Well fuck ’em. We have the option to walk away from the EU right now, and we should exercise that option. Wave goodbye right now. The EU is just 27 countries, not including us, out of a planet of 196 countries. If they won’t work with us, plenty of others will.

Nominated by Quick Draw McGraw.

49 thoughts on “European Union (2)

  1. Excellent cunting QDM
    Your right, why would any right thinking person want to stay in this Dictatorship ?
    We left because we want the return of democracy and Independence.
    An end to Subjugation to unaccountable foreign rule.
    A nation that does not control its borders, laws, trade, economy and Judiciary is not a nation at all.

    • That patently is treason and misleading of the people at its worst.

      I never knew about this until now.

      The very fact I have to read about factual documentary evidence such as this via an opinions site (albeit the truest, honest and most common sense one) is a disgrace and sad indictment of our – so called – free press (please note an accurate use of “so called” unlike when it’s used to appease “peaceful” terrorist groups)!

      Just like the neo-liberals (i.e. old fascists) said outside of govt buildings in Hamburg during the G20 summit. All made up of simpleton snowflake virtue signalling types. Basically the types who – on a Friday daytime – can quite happily sit there all day and get water cannoned.

      Because it’s to be sure not one of the cunts works for a living like ordinary folk have to!

      Also the police response to that was half-hearted. “Water cannon” hah! I’ve had stronger pisses! If it had been a “Fuck the EU” protest that Merkel stifled in December the water cannons would’ve been the proper ones like the ones used in Toxteth where the force could lift you off your feet and fling you 20yds! Not the water pistol that some long string of piss snowflake could walk through yesterday.

      So the German cops need to be seen but – as Merkel see this as a protest against Trump and Putin – not too strongly.

  2. The E Useless is a shitfest of corruption. Apparently there are certain rooms below offering all the slime ball pen pushing idle cunts any ‘services’ they require. For instance that monumental cunt Guy Verhofstadt is in charge off the room where young kids, all ages up to 13 are forced to strip and then any of the fine upstanding bureaucrats who are that way inclined can go and fiddle to their hearts content safe in the knowledge of complete immunity from prosecution. Similarly Junket holds the keys to the debauchary room full of endless supplies of the finest wine, champagne, cognac and believe it or not narcotics. Apparently someone said that there are three floors of such rooms offering things the normal man on the street could not even imagine. Now is this the sort of club the fine citizens of Great Britain should be associated with? I think not.

  3. As the traitor Heath is on record as saying when we joined the Common Market “If we tell the people the truth, they’ll never go for it!”

    And the kiddie fiddling bastard was revered as the father of the house up to his death. They should exhume his body and stick his rotten head on a pole on Westminster Bridge as a warning to all traitors. Bugger was probably cremated just in case…

    • After Savile and Cyril Smith, there were strong rumours about the cozzers digging up very smelly dirt on old Ted…That went quiet, din’t it?… Wonder how much cash changed hands over that?….

  4. The old soak Jean Claude Junker was spot on when he called the European Parliament ‘ totally ridiculous’ after a grand total of 30 MEP’s turned up for a debate out of a total of 300 odd. Maybe it was the red wine and cognac taking after a long lunch but epitomises the freeloading, unelected arrogant cunts lining their own pockets.

    As for this ‘divorce bill’, its just an attempt to bleed the taxpayer dry to recover the shortfall in our contribution, £500 billion we have paid since 72′ they should be giving us a fucking rebate. The sooner we lance this boil that is the EU that’s been growing on Britain’s arse for the last 45 years the better.

  5. Three crises the EU has faced in its current form:
    1/ the Yugoslavian war,
    2/ the economic meltdown of 2008,
    3/ the migrant problems of 2015 onwards.

    In every one of these situations, the EU made the situation worse. Utter cunts whose incompetence makes Thesrea May’s election campaign look good and whose corruption makes FIFA look honest.

    At the risk of offending fellow cunters, I would fucking LOVE to be an MEP. Vast salary, huge expense account, wife as secretary, no work and no fucker knows who you are because MEPs are elected on a party list.

  6. Not that it will concern us soon but Turkey has just declared that it will no longer be teaching Evolution in its schools. As long as it persists with that bollocks it shouldn’t be allowed in the EU. I am assuming Kendo Nags post about ‘kiddie fiddling rooms’ was just hyperbole to make a point. Wasn’t it?

  7. 5 star cunting QDM……??
    The EU is without doubt my favourite ISAC topic…..
    It’s a target rich environment, full of the biggest political Cunts Europe has to offer, it’s always reminded me of the sepp blatter run FIFA, utterly corrupt, a top down swamp of shite!!, if you ever want to see ” pulling up the drawbridge and throwing the keys away” as uber cunt clegg accused the brexiteers of you need look no further than his beloved EU, remote, unrefomable with an agenda that is plain for all to see, squeeze the last breath from nationalism and set sail for the liberal United States of Europe!!
    The annihilation of anything that approaches the real political centre and everything to the right, a political pogram which is being waged all across Europe and in America too.
    The new political centre is anything but, the scales have been reset, Europe is sleepwalking into becoming ruled by an anti democratic, unremovable and unelected socialist elite, aided and abetted by the pro left media and corporate business……..
    I voted to leave as I believe that a country should have the right of self determination, and the people can remove a government they think is failing them, i believe if the EU remains unchecked all of these hard fought freedoms will be lost forever!!
    I hate to say this but I fear we are going to be sold out over brexit!! I really hope I’m wrong..

  8. I don’t believe that the EU will even exist in a few years time. It is nothing more than a front for those who wish the end of Western civilisation. It has nearly completed it’s task of causing mass unrest throughout Europe by causing financial chaos and enabling an invasion of anti-western scum. Once Europe has become nothing more than a collection of bankrupt,civil-war riven states,the real game will be revealed,and I don’t think that we’re going to win.

    • I agree. The migrant issue alone is causing immense resentment in countries affected by the EU and Merkel’s insane policies. Italy is literally groaning under the strain. They recently had 17,500 turn up in TWO days. Greece is becoming increasingly pissed off with the situation, especially since they seem to be have been ignored by the EU. Hungary has told the EU to go fuck itself over the demands take in migrants, and so have Poland.

      Then there’s the increasing financial problems that many EU countries are suffering. We all know about Greece. Another one of Italy’s banks has just had a bail out from the EU. Spain’s finances are in bad shape. And when we leave, the EU will have a massive financial black hole. And as I said, their casual attitude to money means they’ll have a big problem filling that hole.

      I’ll be surprised if the EU survives in its present form five years from now.

      • That poisonous old bitch,Merkel,knew exactly what she was doing when she encouraged the migrant swarm. It wasn’t just Germany that was going to be irrevocably changed,it was the whole of Europe.

        I honestly can’t see beyond the whole idea of forced integration and ruinous financial policies being anything less than a deliberate plan to cause the collapse of Europe.

      • It is the policy of the left in the West to encourage poor immigrants to enter their countries – legally or illegally – because when it is they do vote they vote left.

        And when the left get in power they turn a blind eye to the illegals, give them amnesty and secure more guaranteed left votes.

        It really is that simple. Then you get the likes of Comrade Corbyn rallying the snowflake masses who’ll neither work nor want and feel like it’s the middle-aged white man who’s responsible for them having £27-40k of student debt (after doing a degree in Beyonce Studies) and can only -surprise, surprise – secure a position on the fries counter at Maccy D’s.

        There is no party who wants to represent common sense nor the interests of the indigenous people. To do so is to be branded bigoted racists because we’re not allowed to be concerned that we have rallies of “peacefuls” walking the streets shouting “Death to the British police!” whilst being escorted by said British police…??? Is that sane!?!

        You can’t say that the reason the nation’s services are struggling because we’re full. We can barely cope with the natural increase in the population let alone 300k extra bodies in net per year. No you’re not allowed to say that because you’re a bigoted racist.

        There is no longer room for common sense in the west because to argue factual and logical arguments is to be cast as bigoted racists by the neo-liberals (old fascists).

        The sad thing is that the end game is that we’ll all end up as a global “peaceful” state. I’ll be dead before then but I fear for my kids. Hopefully some of the generation snowflake era will live long enough to see how their oppression of common sense has fucked the world over and handed it over to a tribal, backwards way of thinking and living. Well, live long enough to have their heads lopped off at least!

        Mind you most of them are so fucking limp-wristed they’ll convert quicker to Islam than an ice cube converts to water in Death Valley!

        Hopefully they’ll still be thinking “#welldoneyou” in 40yrs time. Cunts.

        UKIP is a joke and is still riddled with former BNP members which procrastinates the stigmatism of being a racist party.

        The Tories are just as left as Labour in the common sense stakes. The thing is, you couldn’t start a Common Sense party nowadays because the neo-liberals (old fascists) would see that as a threat to their group-think mantra and brand it as a bigoted racist party.

        RIP common sense! You were once a great ally to intelligent people and now I bid you a sad farewell.

      • I’m not so sure any longer that we will be ruled by the “Peacefuls”.I believe that it goes deeper and can be traced beyond Soros and directly back to the Rothschild tribe.

        I’d always believed that muslims were the great enemy,now I’m not so sure that both we and they aren’t being played by the true manipulators.

  9. Spot on cunting. I voted to be part of a trading organisation back in the 70s. I didn’t vote for and was never consulted about the undemocratic edifice these cunts have turned it into.
    We should walk away. EU business and agri needs us more than we need them. Fuck the lot of them. Then these unelected cunts can explain why there are job losses and closures all over the EU. And even less money to keep the immigrant vermin from over the Med in the style which they are entitled.

  10. A couple of days ago, I read that Comrade Coryn is heading to the EU for ‘talks’ with EU leaders. Why? He has neither the power nor the mandate to negotiate on behalf of the UK. His only possible reason for going is to try to throw a spanner in the works of Brexit. This would be contrary to his previous statements of support for us leaving the EU. Anyone who believes a word this lying, traitorous cunt says about anything, is a moron who can’t even spell ‘X’.

    • Yep!!! Absolutely fuckin outrageous stuff!! …. plotting in broad daylight…… so utterly contemptuous …..

  11. Who would have thought, ten years ago today, that our reaction to the atrocities that killed many of our people was surrender, keep your head down, keep silent and act as if everything is sunshine and vine ?

    • You can always take one of the fuckers with you.

      I’m too old too run, I will stand my ground and look the fuckers in the eye. Worst case I can spit in their face

  12. I’ve just read about Rachael Booth,a dinner-lady from Preston who attended a “UK against Hate” march in the wake of the Manchester Arena bombing.It was billed as a “multi-cultural protest” and she attended with her mixed-race,ex-military husband to show sympathy with the victims of the muslim nail-bomber.

    When she returned to work she was handed a letter of suspension from work by the Headmistress,Suzanne Clough,and told that she was being investigated for potential gross misconduct. Apparently the gross misconduct was attending an event organised by Tommy Robinson and the EDL.

    She wasn’t arrested,or accused of doing anything untoward at the event,so apparently it’s now possible to potentially lose your job for supporting the “wrong” bunch…How Orwellian. Had she attended a Union Jack burning, Poppy desecrating hate filled rant calling for the death and enslavement of non-muslims,no doubt that would be acceptable.

    • Twelve years ago today.
      Anything or anyone connected to Tommy Robinson is seen as toxic by evil folk who don’t want to see their great mass brainwashing program to fall apart.
      As one cunter pointed out before, try finding any racist comments by Tommy Robinson.
      If they exist, then they’re very well hidden, which is impossible in these days.
      Every time Robinson appears in the rags, there’s never any quotes from him as they know he talks sense and it may have a strange effect on their readers, they may start seeing sense themselves.

      I may be biased, but hey, so what.

      • PS. Since i started listening to Tommy Robinson, i have encouraged others to do so, and everyone has been amazed that he’s not the monster the rags make him out to be and they’ve all so started watching him regularly, with one staying up most of the night i told him, watching Robinson on YouTube.

        Spread the news.

    • That is a fucking disgrace!

      The fucking neo-liberal (old fascists) educational establishment yet again imposing an anti common sense group think mantra!

      It fucking stinks and you won’t hear a word of it in the national press! Now when it’s a “peaceful” teacher being told not to wear the full Ayatollah outfit (cos it scares the kids) it’s national news across the boards for a week!

      This is another fucking bug-bear of mine in this neo-liberal (old fascists) world of media – the disparity of reporting stories.

      Anything to promote a good thing by ordinary folk = a byline in the local free advertising newspaper. Anything to promote a good thing by “multiculturals” and it’s national news.

      Anything bad done by ordinary folk = public ostracising, campaigning against them, demands on parliament to have folk like this identified and bound over.

      Anything bad done by “multiculturals” is suppressed and if it’s to big to be suppressed then excused. And if by a particular (“peaceful”) sector of society then it’s an individual lone-wolf crime with demands on parliament to protect folk like this from suffering hate crimes in response (i.e. basically name calling) – the poor wee things.

      So where does this end? Any cunt goes to a footy match can lose their job at a school because the neo-liberal (old fascists) educational group-think mantra have deemed it that you’re obviously a yobbo and need to be sacked (unless you’re one of the “multiculturals” when you’re quite obviously just a football supporter).

      The headteacher in question needs to be sacked or – at the very least – have their conduct reviewed because that behaviour is what you’d expect of a fascist dictator! Utter cunt!

  13. Vatican police have raided a cardinal’s apartment because he was having a gay drug fueled orgy, He is key advisor to the Pope FFS!

    The Pope was furious that he wasn’t invited…

  14. A special cunting for Bell Pottinger.
    Who they?
    A British PR firm which is cuntish in itself, but especially so because they accepted a brief from the Gupta family (S African president Jacob Zuma’s paymasters) to attack white S African business and farming.
    S African business is tottering under the weight of affirmative legislation which rewards blackness and ignores merit. The blacker it gets the more incompetent and corrupt it gets.
    Farmers and their families are murdered daily by savages as it is. This bunch of twats have made this even more likely by portraying them as greedy interlopers, despite the fact that by and large the Afrikaaner was here before the blacks. I have also seen what happens to fertile farmland when repatriated. Looted and ruined within a season. Bush and thorn within 2 years.
    So, Bell Pottinger you stupid, greedy, unprincipled cunts – I hope you go bankrupt and that every stupid pointless, chinless cunt in your organisation ends up on the streets

  15. They leftwing socialists clad in black really showed their true values today in Hamburg, eh?

    Setting fire to cars, damaging property, throwing bricks at the polis and threatening anybody unlucky to be caught in their way.

    Yet i keep hearing about the rise in rightwing attacks.

    These protesters turned up all dressed in black with hats and black bandanas to cover their faces all complete with black shades.
    That itself proves that they were unprovoked and came with the intention of committing attacks.

    The EDL and SDL met the other week and were branded racists by the press yet this mob in Hamburg have the BBC asking ‘who are these protesters?’.

    We all know who they are.
    They are the left.

  16. The EU if used properly is a good idiea. Unfortunately it isn’t therefore it can fuck off

  17. Sophie Ellis Bextor

    Not sure if she’s been cunted before but, if not, I can’t help but feel that she should have been. If so, then she probably deserves to be cunted again for her sheer, unadulterated, squinty-eyed cuntitude.

    Skinny, nasal, dim-witted cunt needs a man-sized cunting in my humble opinion.

    Love and best wishes, Billy The Bastard

  18. Nomination: William Shakespeare.

    Turned on the news the other day to see some cocksucker with a waxed moustache wanking on about fucking Shakespeare. Number one, anyone who has a waxed moustache in 2017 is a cunt and anything they say can be safely ignored. Number two (ooer, missus), I fucking hate the way Shakespeare is routinely described as the greatest writer (in English) ever. FUCK THAT STRAIGHT UP THE ARSE.

    I’m pretty sure most cunters would agree that Shakespeare ruined their English lessons at school. Fucking pages of boring, barely understandable crap, interwoven with shite jokes and bullshit history. Shakespeare doesn’t hold a candle to Orwell, Hemingway or even Isaac Asimov when it comes to writing a decent fucking story.

    Full details of unhinged hatred here…

    • It’s a shame they got rid of the down arrow because I’m sorry to say I disagree on this one. Greatest writer? – no that’s fair comment – but I have to say I like a bit of the old Rattle Lance once in a while. Orwell? God, he could fucking bore for England! Met his son on a cruise once and Christ was he a total cunt.

      Hemingway? I find him tedious in the extreme. Now Asimov could tell a good tale, but I prefer Ben Bova as an SF writer.

      I suppose I’m a bit biased as I did MacBeth for my English Lit A level all those years back. Also the Canterbury Tales which was hard going. But if you really want an overrated writer, look no further than William Golding’s Lord of the Flies. Good story line but fuck me the writer could send you to sleep in five pages. And don’t start me on Tolkien. Never managed to get past two chapters of the Lord of the Rings and 20 minutes of the filum. I have tried more than once.

      I suppose it’s all a matter of individual taste and you need to remember that Shakespeare is 500 years old so it’s the style of the time, but I enjoy the odd trip to The Globe Theatre or Stratford to see it performed as it was meant to be performed. The relevance of some of many of the story lines still holds good even when performed on modern dress / settings but I still like it done in period. I’m a bit of a traditionalist…

      • It’s a completely subjective assessment. I’m really objecting to the cunts who say that you MUST like Shakespeare or you are an uncultured oaf.

        Orwell boring? Hemingway tedious? Again, purely subjective but I would say you are talking crap, Mr Dioclese. At least we can agree on Tolkien.

        Maybe I should write a cunting for F. Scott Fitzgerald. Some cunt at university not only made me read The Great fucking Gatsby but Tender Is The cunting Night as well. You want tedium, try that shite.

      • Well, we all talk crap on here don’t we…;-)

        There’s no compunction to like anyone, but I do agree that there’s some fucking pretentious bastards doing literary reviews. And film reviews too come to that. I hate that cunt who does the BBC film reviews, Mark some-cunt-or-other? So inconsequential I can’t even remember his name.

        And that Sewell bloke – what a arrogant pretentious prick he was.

        Who pays these fuckers? And who gives a toss what they think? Money for old rope. Maybe we should cunt critics…?

      • If the Sunday Times critic likes a film, I don’t go and see it. If she doesn’t, it’s a good indication that I’ll like it.

        Barry Norman was a cunt too.

    • I like Sven Hassel,or the bloke who used to write the Commando comics.

  19. Gay Pride today in London, an ideal opportunity for the Muzzies to strike a blow. They won’t of course because their mate Suckdick will be right in the middle of it and they know that real people wouldn’ give a fuck about a load of dead faggots.

    • There’ll be some security there today. Got to let the pooves feel free to express themselves. Cressida Dick’ll be leading the operation herself,so any Brazilian electricians planning to travel by the Tube would be well advised to wear a bullet-proof vest.

      • Footage on the telly of coppers with painted fucking faces and pro up your arsehole stickers and badges. The cops look like a fucking bunch of fucking thick twats …Can’t wear poppies….but can wear dildo’s and fuck knows what…Im with the Muzzies on this one.

  20. The EU ( European Union ) is simply a logo for “4th Reich ”

    Even its flag has a circle against a background. How convenient! change colours add a swastika and Bob’s yer uncle…job done.

    Fuck Europe and fuck the Reich.

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