Voter Apathy

I’d like to cunt Apathy. Especially political apathy. Specifically Voter apathy.

“Democracy is the worst form of government, except for all those others that have been tried.”
~ Winston Churchill ~

Whine Number 1: “I’m not interested in politics.” Fair enough, although it’s virtually impossible for your life not to be affected by issues, statutes and local /national decisions.

Whine Number 2: “I don’t have anyone for whom to vote.” Possibly true, although no-one coheres to everything in a party’s manifesto.

Whine Number 3: “I don’t believe my vote will make any difference.” You never know; some elections are close.

Whine Number 4: “I can’t be arsed to vote.” Yes, if only that Polling station 300 yards away were a tad closer.

Whine Number 5: “The parties and candidates are all the same.” No, they’re not. They share certain similarities, i.e. they’re all power-hungry whores, but they hold different beliefs.

Whine Number 6: “I don’t trust politicians.” We all distrust them. These hussies would do anything and say anything to be elected. They’re full of shit. To win elections, these unctuous, lying lechers would walk over broken glass, crawl through tunnels of toxic shite and drink glasses of your cold, fresh vomit. We know they’re cunts; if you’re surprised when they capitulate, you’re the cunt for being so naive.

These apathetic, idle too-cool turkeys will be the first to moan about the “bloody Government.” However, it took a long time to obtain the vote. Moreover, some cuntries haven’t got it. Use it. Open your blasé eyes, take your half-hearted, lukewarm thumb out of your jaded, spiritless arse, drag it down to the Polling Station, and vote.

Nominated by Captain Magnanimous

191 thoughts on “Voter Apathy

  1. Let’s hope so. If I’m one of the survivors I’m going to kill every religious cunt I come across (unless she’s got good tits and then I’ll kill after she’s popped out a brat) Give mankind a chance of survival I say!

  2. Fucking hell! Even Kerrrang! magazine is blowing Corbyn’s trumpet on it’s front cover.
    Fortunately most of it’s readership are not of voting age, or too permanently stoned to bother walking to the polling station…

    • I remember when Kerrang was just about heavy metal Mr Bastard, now all types of musical shit is mentioned in the dross magazine, cunts.

  3. After some research I have been able to confirm that there is indeed a general election in the offing. After exhaustive investigation of the process I have discovered that I can vote for my choice of cunt to represent in in parliament.

    If the cunt I vote for is on the same side as the majority of other cunts also elected tomorrow all those cunts can then form a government.

    In this election I am spoilt for choice, every party is represented by a premium cunt. Such is the magnitude of cuntishness on display it is very tempting not to vote at all, after all no matter how I vote some cunt will be living it large on my and other decent normal peoples hard earned.

    In the end I am going to vote for some cunt but only because if I don’t I won’t be able to say I did my bit to prevent the filthy socialists cunts getting elected.

  4. How come the sauce sachet in large Pot Noodles is the same size as normal Pot Noodles?

    Any party have bigger sachets for bigger pots in their manifesto?

    • How’s the insomnia? If you get the Bombay Bad Boy pot noodle don’t put the full sachet in. like eating lit petrol.

      • I add even more salsa brava into a Bombay Bad Boy.
        They used to be hot, but not so much nowadays.

        Got some kip at about ten, and after a couple of hours the missus woke me up to tell me i need to take the dog out as she’s off for lunch with the girls.
        Imagine if us blokes did that?

        Anyway, that’ll be me awake until the early hours of Saturday morning.

        Its a pity that there’s not more insomniacs on ISAC, coz i keep looking for new comments through the night but rarely there is any coz ye’s are all in yer wanking chariots, asleep.
        Or wanking.
        Maybe our lazy cunters from down under or USA could join the “last man standing” sometimes. 🙂

      • Friday morning i meant, not Saturday.
        Insomnia fucks with yer head and makes ye lose days.
        I do shift work so i don’t get the Monday to Friday routine to keep my muddled brain in line

        Cant believe its only Wednesday.

      • Bombay Bad Boy pot noodles are the food of the gods. Lived mostly on them (plus fags, weed and beer) for a couple of years when my first marriage went pop.
        Add a dab of Naga chilli and you can see into other dimensions…

  5. Didn’t she crack up after our favourite Troll e-mailed her office with all our horrible posts ?

    • Hope you’re right, ASA.I’d love to think that our abuse caused the Abbott to blow a gasket.

  6. It’s simple. The only chance of a Brexit that means owt is getting the blues in. Anything else means remaining in by the side door. If that happens we will be treated even more like lepers than we already are and will then be subjected to a new set of rules dreamed up by Bad Herr Cut that will see us manacled to the dungeon wall of the most corrupt club on this shit hole of a planet for ever more. I may, if the unthinkable happens look for a new place in Iraq. Instinct tells me I would have more chance of a half decent life. Cunts

  7. If that happens I’m going to become a Muzzie before I’m in the minority. Got any goats?

  8. Get on eBay…. search sand people paraphernalia….
    try looking between explosive vests and large knives…..

  9. Apparently Jaabot The Hutt is “ill” and has been replaced.
    Let’s hope it’s serious.

    • I’ve heard she’s retired to spend more time with her fridge.

    • It will be if liebore get in, then they can give loadsabenefits to the thick cunts…

  10. Probably a case of foot in mouth, but with clueless fat tool Flabbott its the whole fucking leg.

  11. Flabbott is “ill” apparently. This could be entirely true. Japanese whaling harpoons are complex to remove at times.

  12. I can’t wait for the World Cup there, in five years time, which they “won” fairly and squarely and shan’t be at all too hot.

  13. There seems to be a few cunters who are refraning from voting and the consensus from the voting cunters seems to be that we have to remain silent, not whinge and shut the fuck up.

    If so, how about a couple of politic free days on ISAC?

    But then politics concerns everything from having a roof over yer head to not getting blown up when you leave the house.
    Even food and drink.
    Politicians have a say in everything we do.
    It only at their discretion that One Direction were allowed to exist.
    If they wanted them banned , then they could.
    So, if i don’t vote, then i cant complain, then I’m a mute.

    Can i cunt the weather?

    • First it was the remainers labelling me a racist then I’m getting told to shut the fuck up by voters.

      My Falling Down/First Blood episode is getting closer.

    • Living in an area where the cunts would vote labour if the candidate was a crash test dummy, I will not be voting. I am not voting in the best interests of Labour voters. So I can avoid punching them in their smug faces as I leave the polling station.

      Not voting will in no way dissuade me from moaning about the government, as not paying the TV licence in no way dissuades me from moaning about the BBC.

      • Well, I am voting tomorrow and I know who I’m voting for.

        That said, after this, I don’t want another fucking referendum for like 5 years!.

      • It might not dissuade you from moaning but it will dissuade me from taking any notice.
        If that’s how you feel then get off your arse, go to the polling station, and write “no suitable candidate” across that ballot paper.
        Do that and I’ll listen to your complaints. If not then you can just do one…

      • Hey Dio, I presume that you and I will be voting the same way for virtually the exact same reasons?

        If it goes how we hope it does, is ISAC going to run dry on cunting material?

      • I’m just a snowflake
        My skin’s really thin
        Just a snowflake
        A delicate thing
        I melt in the sun
        It isn’t much fun
        I’m there for a minute
        Then gone…

        No vote, no opinion that counts for anything. I’ve always said that at my place and I’ve scheduled a post for tomorrow saying it again…

      • Defacing the voting paper? An utterly futile, if not childish gesture, that I did when I was 18, with my first vote.

        You think voting someone you don’t want, or defacing a ballot card is the only way a person can show his worth in opposing a government? I don’t think so.

      • You’re not opposing anyone if you don’t vote against them.
        You think a couple of thousand spoiled ballots in a constituency wouldn’t get noticed? The press and politicos would be all over it.
        It’ll never happen because people are too lazy to vote ‘NO!’
        And people died to get them the vote they’re pissing on…

      • I moved from a socialist shithole county to a mixed marginal before it drove me postal. Its hard work and a bit stressful to keep up where I live now, but believe me, it was worth it. The difference is tangible, attitudes are different, public services are better, and the lack of peacefuls mean its a little cleaner and doesn’t look like down town Mosul everywhere.

        Socialist attitudes are incredibly toxic and breed envy politics, add peacefuls into that mix and you have a massive inner city cunt soup.

  14. Check out “radical Muslim gets owned by British man” on you tube….. funny stuff……
    sorry for some reason couldn’t paste it…..????

    • I’d much rather see ‘radical muslim gets knocked out by British man’

    • I like the bit where the guy calls Islam evil shit, and the Muzzer responds “don’t swear in front of kids”. Despite the fact that there were no kids. He just couldn’t bring himself to resort to form of flying off the handle when islam gets insulted.

  15. Sadsuck Kunt is now bleating about hate crime on the streets of London after the terror attack. He says it’s not acceptable to be attacked because of the colour of your skin or religion.

    Totally agree mate, White Christians are now a prime target, the cunts think this is their country or something maybe?

    • “We’ll never be cowed by terrorism”

      There was a time when a “leader” would say
      ” we’ll never be cowed by terrorism, what we’ll do is X”

      Now its “we’ll never be cowed by terrosm”


      “Eh, we’ll never be cowed by them”

      These cunts look up to Gandhi and Martin Luther King and quote there speeches , yet they come away with weak shite like this.

      • They spout bollocks such as ‘love will triumph over hate’. It wasn’t love that ended last Saturday’s rampage – it was a hail of bullets.

      • Yeah, funny how the good old hail of bullets is at stopping terrorist scum isn’t it?

      • Candles are so much more fluffy, though, and can be used for other things by the “diverse”…
        Bwaaaaaah !!

        Personally, I think a blowtorch is more my style…

      • Very true. Wooly-hatted hipster vigil cunts holding hands on a bridge at midnight and waving lighters will solve exactly fuck all. The most effective proven method against nutjobs is a blizzard of 9mm slamming home. The late John McAleese of 22 SAS was asked (after he vented one gunman in the Iranian Embassy) “Do you feel anything as you shoot him?” to which he replied…”Nope, not a thing. Nothing at all”.

    • There can’t be many whites in London , can there? Khan and his goat herders have seen to that. Stop Child Allowance. Stop em breeding, knackers off before entry.

  16. Most normal people would fuck off when the realise they don’t fit in anywhere. Not these fuckin lot. Quite happy to sit there and reap all the country has to offer for free and then stick two shit stained fingers up at us. Cheeky cunts.

  17. Khan is a cunt. We all know that. He is whining on the radio about hate crimes against his people following the London attacks. I don,t believe him.. White people are too shit scared of the thought police and the loss of their jobs etc to say boo to a goat herder. Its all made up.. There are too few indigenous whites in London to start with. Khan will contest the leadership following the defeat of Corbyn, there will be others who will try, but they won’t have an army of killers to back them up. Khan does!

  18. More mongmungous bollocks from Lily The Windowlicker…. Her latest monumental online eppy is about how ‘racists’ and ‘sexists’ were to blame for Abbott The Hutt being taken out of the game… Nothing to do with Abbott being an incompetent , laughable, and totally useless cunt and a complete liability then?….. But this is, of course, typical and quintessential Megamong… Everything and anything is the fault of nasty and evil white men… She probably blames the carnage in Manchester and London on white blokes…. Yet this spaz featured cunt has the nerve to call others racist and sexist… But, of course, racist and sexist are always the classic snowflake responses when they don’t get their way or have no other answers… Fucking coked up STD riddled mong….

  19. I won’t or wouldn’t want to tell anyone whether they should be voting or not voting. I will be voting Conservative, not because I am a May fan, but because the hunchback is a lesser evil than that cunt Corbyn. Corbyn as our PM, Corbyn as leader of this country, Corbyn as defender and protector of this country and its people. Wait a minute, scrap that, here is a cunt that refuses to say that if under attack he would strike back. Corbyn is a militant, he was a militant in his uni days and nothing has changed, a cunts a cunt and Corbyn is a massive cunt. He has plenty of backing from the young, especially students and free uni fees. This cunt, if he gets in, has a very good chance of bankrupting this country. Either way, come this Friday my friend Jack Daniels and I will be inseparable

  20. The Met has made 25 arrests for “hate crime” this week as a result of a “spike” in reporting since Saturday night. I hope Cressida Dicksplash was proud of that as her poor bloody infantry were fishing that body out of the river this morning.

  21. Yesterday on radio four they were asking some bowling club members, or whoever, what way they were voting.
    One stupid doss wummin said she’d be voting Lib Dem coz they promised a new referendum in leaving Europe, and she doesn’t want to leave Europe.

    They just cant see the double standards, irony, fuckwittery or whatever you call it.

    There was a time radio four wouldn’t put idiots on the air and rightly so, but these days it seems nearly nine out of ten cunts prefer idiocy.

    • Would be great if they got in off the back of that vote, then pretended like they never said it. I’d love to see the look on the Remainders faces as they get shafted for a second time.

  22. I’ve just heard from the missus that Muslimes pray five times a day and must wash before praying.

    That’s at least five times a day these cunts supposedly wash.

    I’m not having that.

    • Given how the bastards don’t do personal hygiene, I call bullshit on that.

  23. They only wash their hands and feet though. Some of those goat pens can be very dirty places.

    • Don’t they have specific uses for their hands too? Right hand for eating and left hand for wiping their arses.

      • I think it’s the other way around but I wouldn’t swear by that. I remember reading about some big Muzzie opera star who fucked up when she came to the West. Her explanation was that when she looked at the audience she imagined them wiping their bums with “little bits of paper” and couldn’t concentrate. Now that’s what I call a culture clash.

      • Yeah, I don’t think the buggers believe in toilet paper.

        No wonder disease is a thing when so many of this lot come into the country.

        I’ll be glad when this damned election is over.

      • There was a story a few years back about universities having instructions in the bogs on how to use a western toilet. Mainly for ‘middle eastern peacefuls’ who were used to a squat toilet and found Britsh bogs confusing. I’m more surprised they just didn’t make everyone else take a dump in a hole in the ground.

      • They did. That hole in the ground used to be called Brick Lane, known today as “Banglatown.”

      • Oh that will no doubt become the way L2 (mind if I call you that?).

        Hell, I’m surprised in a way that we don’t see the cunts taking a dump in public. Of course if one did that in my presence, they’d get their head kicked in.

      • Yes me too.
        Trouble is, it could well be the wrong result.

        The only thing is though, if Labia do win it can’t last. If you think of Corbyn, Fuckwit Flabbott and Mcdonnell, they just won’t cope.. their just not capable. Their government would probably self destruct within a couple of years.
        Trouble is they’ll more than likely bankrupt the country in the process.

      • Ian, if Comrade Corbyn and his Commie Cunts(tm) get in, this country is fucked the moment it happens. Like I said before, if they win, I hope the ”dark forces” deal with them.

      • Correct. A fact substantiated by my old man when he was stationed in India when he were in the army.

      • So, the peacefuls definitely eat with the right and wipe with the left then Kendo?

      • Its not a case of how they do it but where they do it.

        Here its everywhere bar the Main St.

        If you go down to the town today
        Your in for a big surprise
        If you go down to the town today
        You wont believe your eye.

        Coz everywhere that muzziez shit
        Is the place we like to sit

        If you go dine to the town today

        Wear fuckin waders.

      • You’re right PMS.
        I must have been having some sort of soft, fair minded episode when I wrote that.
        Eh? What? CUUUNNNTS!
        That’s better.

      • arses usually wiped on pebbles kept in a bucket, or the curtain, from what I’ve heard…

      • Looks like newspapers are already picking it up. I’ll expect he will get a tirade of abuse from lefties on twitter , but he seems to enjoy making people in power – who can’t tell the difference between intranet and internet – look like the tools they are.

    • It isn’t good to have a home secretary that is a liar or has mental health issues. If she has diabetes then that should be manageable, just lay off the cakes. If she has something more serious then hope she makes a full recovery.

      Who was her career advisor? They did a shit job guiding her into something she clearly isn’t suitable for.

  24. Has anyone else seen the story of the nursery worker stabbed in Wanstead High street by 3 peaceful female thingies who shouted at their victim ” Allah will get you” as well as quoting from the Qur’an. They attacked her from behind before pulling her to the ground and stabbing her in the arm. They then ran off this peaceful lot. Surprise surprise no arrests were made but enquiries continue. Kick the fucking cunts literally in the cunt.

    • Yes but they were not terrorists or islamic

      Probably Tory canvassers…the BBC

      • Exactly even thou they declared their god called for her death they were just carrying out his divine plan of surprise murder. It somehow has nothing to do with islam though ISIS hasn’t confirmed it yet.

        They were just cooking her some of their famous allah ackbar homemade pie but they forget to tell her they need to stab and decapitate her first in order to bake it. That nurse was clearly just a racist bigot probably hates islam for no reason too. As you see according to liberals racists are worse then murderers because skin hatred is worse then taking someones life apparently

    • Fucking hell. What do you do if you are attacked by 3 cunts dressed like the phantom flan flinger? Is there an acceptable form of self defence?
      3 snooker balls in a sock
      Bacon (throw it at ’em)
      Pots o custard (throw it at ’em)

      • What do you do?

        You shout “I’m Millwall” and get the cunts.

        Fair play to the “lion” but this clamour to give him a medal , yet he freely admits that he saw a cunt in an Arsenal top looking for a scrap and he thought “fuck yeah”.
        Even when the paper repeatedly states that he held them back and allowed everybody else to escape, his side of the story is that he took them on and everybody fuckin legged it and left him on his Jack fuckin Jones.

        Fuckin disgraceful.
        He’s a hero, but the shitebags that deserted him need to take a long fuckin look in the fuckin mirror.

    • The reference to Allah has been removed from the original story in the Ilford Recorder due to it being mere speculation.

      • PM Corbyn appoints Abbot as Home Secretary, the Krankies and little Timmy as Brexit negotiators and invites AlQaeda, the Taliban and ISIS to No 10 for peace talks.
        Marxist Chancellor nationalises Wetherspoons and raises corporation tax to 75%.
        Border controls scrapped and a hug a muzzie campaign launched. As a show of gratitude British born muslims fire bomb nurseries across the country.
        Pounds gets parity with the Turkish lira.
        Gardens now subject to supertax.

        It could happen. We will soon know.

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