I’d like to cunt Apathy. Especially political apathy. Specifically Voter apathy.
“Democracy is the worst form of government, except for all those others that have been tried.”
~ Winston Churchill ~
Whine Number 1: “I’m not interested in politics.” Fair enough, although it’s virtually impossible for your life not to be affected by issues, statutes and local /national decisions.
Whine Number 2: “I don’t have anyone for whom to vote.” Possibly true, although no-one coheres to everything in a party’s manifesto.
Whine Number 3: “I don’t believe my vote will make any difference.” You never know; some elections are close.
Whine Number 4: “I can’t be arsed to vote.” Yes, if only that Polling station 300 yards away were a tad closer.
Whine Number 5: “The parties and candidates are all the same.” No, they’re not. They share certain similarities, i.e. they’re all power-hungry whores, but they hold different beliefs.
Whine Number 6: “I don’t trust politicians.” We all distrust them. These hussies would do anything and say anything to be elected. They’re full of shit. To win elections, these unctuous, lying lechers would walk over broken glass, crawl through tunnels of toxic shite and drink glasses of your cold, fresh vomit. We know they’re cunts; if you’re surprised when they capitulate, you’re the cunt for being so naive.
These apathetic, idle too-cool turkeys will be the first to moan about the “bloody Government.” However, it took a long time to obtain the vote. Moreover, some cuntries haven’t got it. Use it. Open your blasé eyes, take your half-hearted, lukewarm thumb out of your jaded, spiritless arse, drag it down to the Polling Station, and vote.
Nominated by Captain Magnanimous
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RAlF4kMyctI :Brilliant take from the Iconoclast again.
Cheers Sean Of The Dead 69, i love that guy.
Excellent SOTD …… ??
http://www.iaindale.com/posts/2017/06/05/general-election-seat-by-seat-my-final-predictions-a-tory-landslide-is-still-on :What does everyone make of this?
I reckoned a couple of weeks back a Tory majority of 70-80 so Dale seems to agree with my initial estimate and he’s done a lot more detailed research than me.
Of course we could cut and paste his list into the GEGame on here and see how fucking clever he really is!
It’d really piss him off if he won…
I’d just like to point out that Terry Nation was NOT a cunt in any way, shape or form.
I declare jihad against anyone who disagrees.
Cheers for the links, Shaun…
Meanwhile, in Birmingham…
Never knew Corby was in the Manic Street Preachers. 🙂
Belter of a pic.
Never fully took to the Manics…. I think it’s because they were such knobheads at the start of their career… Never really disliked James Dean Bradfield or Sean Moore, but Nicky Wire and Richey Edwards were total pricks…. All that pretentious, self conscious bollocks, and saying cunts like Axl Rose and Marilyn Monroe were their heroes… Not to mention looking like dicks and doing piss poor Marc Bolan and Johnny Thunders impersonations… All that staged and studied glam punk shite… Fucking horrible… When Edwards covered himself ink prints of Warhol’s Marilyn Monroe, I decided, ‘Yeah… He’s a cunt…’
Turns out he was a cunt and all… Fucking off without a word to his family or his bandmates… Thoughtless twat… At Least Ian Curtis left a note behind…
Oh, they are shite, truly shite.
if you tolerate this then…….
stop cunts i cant fucking tolerate your shite
Fantastic picture. Where was it taken Norman?……
“Voter Apathy”
Isn’t that Depeche Mode’s new album?
Simples. If you can’t feel positive about any of the parties / candidates (a fair enough state of mind) do what WC Fields did – vote AGAINST, rather than for.
Just bloody get out there and vote. Democracy in UK might be questionable, but it’s still streets ahead of what some shiteholes have to suffer, and our ancestors died defending what they believed in – even if they’d be spinning in their graves today…
If you don’t vote , no feckin right to complain.
Aren’t I a miserable cunt ??
I rarely complain anyway. 🙂
44 and a half hours now, and still no heavy eyelids.
There’s only so much Majong Titans one can play.
Fuck, and I’m up in three and a half hours.
I don’t take sleeping pills coz i don’t want to rely on them but maybe that’s better than no sleep at all.
Insomnia is a mind fuck of a cunt.
If you don’t vote then don’t complain what you get.
If your party won you can criticise what they do
If your party lost you criticise the other lot
If you didn’t vote then shut the fuck up! You didn’t care what you got
You don’t like any of them? Spoil the ballot paper to register your protest…
And let’s not forget “I don’t vote ‘cos it encourages the bastards!”
NO voter apathy amongst the Cameldrivers. Allah not only instructs them to vote but also who to vote for. Any power hungry politician needs to be aware of that……ask George Galloway. There are 2,700,000 of the cunts and reproducing at a rate of knots. 33% of them are under 15. That’s gonna be one hell of a voting block before very long. Think about it..
Hmmmm! Wonder who they’ll vote for?
Is that a rhetorical question?
Haha I think so. Somewhat less than sober at the mo.
Abbot Ale. Lovely stuff…
If Corbyn gets in we should have a vigil and a minutes silence on Friday to mark the death of our country…
Or demand another election, Farron/Clegg style.
Because people didn’t know what they were voting for perhaps?..
Maybe even have an advisory referendum on a second election?? ….
If corbyn wins ( he won’t) I hope we get some wonky eyed Cunts talking about how people didn’t understand what they were voting for?? How the electorate are too stupid to understand politics??
Like the referendum im gonna be first down the polling station
I’ve found the last few weeks irritating!! Just want to Brexit underway…… I’m sick and tired of corbyn, Abbott, farron, clegg, ashdown, miller, cambell, krankie and every other Cunt trying to derail it!!… GO AWAY…
Btw…. are any of you staying up for it??
an excuse for eating, drinking, whor… well, tubby Charlotte’s only about 10 miles away !
This should not be an election, but a statement. ENOUGH!
Or if May gets in, we should have a minute’s silence because this is the person who consistently accused the police of “crying wolf” (her words) when experienced officers from the Police Federation told her that swingeing budget cuts would directly impair their ability to develop and investigate intelligence related to terrorism; perhaps we should also hold a minute’s silence if/when the Tory scum is returned because surely this will be the first time that a political party has published a manifesto with no costings at all (someone will correct me if I’m wrong, I’m sure).No one who cares about the fight against the Peacefuls should be voting for this useless Tory cunt of a PM who has repeatedly demonstrated she’s simply not up to the job.
The apparent willingness to accept a “No Deal” Brexit should set alarm bells ringing too – if the Tories allowed that scenario to occur, I think there’d be another election soon afterwards which would result in a Lab-LibDem coalition for a generation.
So we are meant to vote for the man who doesn’t believe in defence and wants to give medals to terrorists are we Fred?
The only sane vote is Tory.
No deal is better than a bad deal.
Theresa is basically the female Cameron and she is not going to do anything different with immigration than Corbyn would do. Remember Theresa May was the rabid henchman of Cameron in opposing Brexit, so goodbye to the thought of a soft or hard brexit. She is a loyal dog to the EU and good friend of Merkel hard brexit my arse…
Hardly rabid TS. Nicknamed ‘the submarine’ she kept as low a profile as possible until call me Dave threatened to sack her if she didn’t support him. Read the book “All out war” – it’s quite enlightening…
And from the conversation I had with her in the French Horn in Sonning a few years back she can’t stand Frau Fuhrer…
I totally disagree with you Fred but let’s not fall out about it!
You can’t seriously want to elect Corbyn, McDonut and Abbott. Oh sorry! Scratch that last one…
You might hate May but you have to admit Corbyn would be a thousand times worse don’t you?
Actually just had a thought. Without Scotland it’s numerically impossible for Labour to get a majority, so electing Corbyn would effectively put Sturgeon into number 10 as a proxy PM…
Oh well if the reds at the Police Federation told her it then it must be true. Being as there involvement with policy and police budgets is, uhm, zero.
The Police Federation are nothing more than a pseudo-trade union with their own interests at heart, which is invariably to swell police ranks despite there being no evidence to show that increased police numbers means a decrease in crime.
If Labour get in, I’ll be out in my shed.
Saying goodbye to my old motorbike.
Last time I ever logged onto facebook some twats I used to call “friends” were singing Jezza’s praises, all of whom ride older bikes, classics and customs etc.
I dared to point out that they might just be voting for an ideology that ultimately aims to eliminate privately owned transport and will use environmental legislation to start, firstly by getting rid of older machinery that doesn’t meet current emission standards, banning them from urban areas and taxing them into extinction.
Only the more well off will be able to drive, or ride a motorcycle which will breed useful resentment amongst the less fortunate to encourage calls for total abolition.
Motorcycles have only recently been subject to legislation regarding emissions, so it’s going to be a slaughter.
These cretins thought the authorities would just be confiscating Range Rovers from Daily Mail readers.
Turkeys voting for Christmas…
P.S. I just hope I get to see the look on Fatty Prescott’s face, when the mobile crusher comes for his Jag…
If Labour get in I will turn to vodka and stay on it until I go broke or die probably the former.
How did Russians survive Communism?
“Democracy doesn’t work – but it’s the best non working system we’ve got” Mark Twain I think but I could be wrong…
If the prospect of Diane Abbott becoming Home Secretary won’t stop people voting Labour then it is likely that absolutely nothing wouldn’t stop them.
Corbyn could announce that he is confiscating 100% of the income of anyone earning £40k and over as well as their house and this would still be acceptable for some hard of thinking socialist shitkickers.
Isn’t that pretty much what he’s going to do?
Take a look at his garden tax and iht changes
Tax the hell out of you while you’re alive and take the rest when you die
This could make the poll tax protests look like a picnic in the park…
Communism “For the people, by the people, in spite of the people”
Or even “to spite the people”.
I fear that a terrible Social-Engineering themed revenge could be inflicted upon on those who kept them away from power.
After all, it happened last time…
Just visited The Penguin where old Tommy Twelvetoes is still sounding off. Seems he’s now invited us all round for a tea party. I won’t be going.
Not sure who ‘The Rickiebaiter’ is but he’s trolling the hell out of our favourite troll and he can’t take it. If the bloke was up for election tomorrow, he’d get my vote.
Keeps the little bastard occupied and that can’t be bad news for anyone…
as a BA in Linguistics, I’d say there’s a good chance of Phil being involved…
While we’re on the subject , me and the “guys” are thinking that your holidays are getting in the way of our “Friday night club” up the heath.
Your membership is being reviewed. 🙂
Apathy used to piss me off but I can’t be bothered with it any more…
Don’t get me started I’m a defeatist, ahh blast it all to hell what’s the point in explaining myself anyway?
No wonder we have voter apathy when the BBC this morning is whipping up a frenzy of vitriolic retorts against outline ideas of curtailing and modifying the Human Rights Act. The BBC have had a real go at speakers this morning, “the end of civilised governance”…The responses are a little confused, and the BBC are lording it. They ( the BBC ) are cunts. And they are definitely using labour soundbites in their news articles.
BBC interviewing Nick fucking Clegg who is on a rant about how leaving the EU will bring the world to an end. They forgot to remind listeners that the ex Caldicot (infested with child abusers) head boy has a dog in this race.
Shaun posted re Iconoclast. Brilliant! I remember the tracks Iconoclast and Karn Evil fro ELP’s Brain Salad Surgery..which led me to their most inspiring track…Jerusalem! That is why I will vote Tory tomorrow.! Thanks Shaun
As Sargon Of Akkad said in a recent video “The future belongs to those who show up for it”.
Can someone write something for me? I can’t be arsed.
something…., like that dick?
Good cunting, CM, if you don’t vote then shut the fuck up.
My Facebook feed is full of half-witted political posted by clueless cunts who will probably sit on their fat arses tomorrow because it’s too much trouble to walk (or probably drive their SUV) half a mile to the polling station.
If I hear that the Conservatives/Labour/Libdems won’t get my vote because “I don’t like them” without any explanation, I swear fists will fly.
Frank Zappa on apathy…. The man was spot on…
Hippies are very apathetic probably why he hated them songs like hungry freaks, call any vegetable, who needs the peace corps are proof of this. Tho ironically Zappa was a freakbeater basically someone who hypocritically wears their fashion and trolls hippies, criticises their funny ways
“The taking of drugs is a license to be an asshole, which is the same reason why people drink” “I wrote a song about dental floss but did anyone’s teeth get cleaner?” Two of my favorite quotes from him
I’ve been mistaken for a hippy on numerous occasions over the years, due to the ratty jeans, old T shirts and “Full Jesus” hair and beard I wore up until a few years ago.
The illusion was shattered whenever I opened my mouth though, as many found out to their cost…
Poor sensitive little darlings…
Never a Daily Mail fan, but props to them for putting the boot into Corbyn, Abbott, and McDonnell this morning: and openly calling them shameless terrorist apologists… Shame they didn’t include Sad-Dick Khan as well though…
I was kinda hoping that Daily Wail front pager may sway the terminally daft or indecisive to go and vote Tory.
Anyone who owns property, works hard and makes a good fist of their lot will have their pants pulled down by Corbyn and McConnell.
Well whatever happens we’ll still have good ole San Miguel to fall back on. That’s what my Doc prescribes anyway.
Fuck me, The Flabbott is “temporarily stepping down” due to “ill health”. That’s mental ill health I presume. A bit late Jezzer. He’ll have to get his oats elsewhere in future I suspect.
In other words, she’s being stashed out of the way somewhere in case she opens her gob again and makes herself and Corbyn look like even bigger cunts than they already are…
Guido’s site picked the story up yesterday.
Worth a look, has a nice piece on the Flabbotts replacement, a nasty bitch.
Ill health my fucking arse!!
Emails this morning with Shameless Shameus asking if they could use any meds treating her ‘illness’ to explain the car crash on Sky…
I think that was a bit of spoof set up, but the retard fell for it, something about having diabetes…
Speaking of mental health, nobody mentioned Abbot going on about how Teresa May should resign as she has been Home Secretary since 2010 and this happened on her watch.
I have news for you Flabbot, and maybe the penny has dropped for Jez too, but Islamist terrorism came from a minor intervention in Afghanistan and Iraq a few years back, what was the prime minister called who sold that?
Thats right, none other than Labour Prime Minister, the war criminal Tony Blair!
I will gladly help force May out the door right after Tony Blair is arrested and put on trial for war crimes, but the probability of that happening is none.
Our resident troll said that he had e mailed her about all our nasty posts. That’s why she is now a useless gibbering wreck. Cheers Rickie!
dementia paralytica ? 3-ry syphilis…
The usual answer from labour supporters regarding Bliar is that his government was “Tories in disguise”
Is that why his cabinet was infested with former members of the militant tendency?
Hold on, what’s going on here? Is there an election? Someone could of said something for fucks sake!!
Now you cunts may have noticed that I’m not too fond of a certain J.O’Shithead but I just heard him say something that took my breath away.
He said that he regrets the referendum ever took place……not because of the result, but because “it has caused so many divisions in our country.”
You what? You fucking what? Is this cunt having a laugh? This cunt has spent every fucking day for the last year sowing those very divisions. He could have said oh well we lost, that’s democracy, as many people will be doing on Friday. But no, according to this bastard , everybody who voted the wrong way is a thick, knuckle dragging, cockney (for some reason) racist cunt. So fucking thick they actually pay money to be brainwashed by the Daily Mail and take as gospel a silly simplistic slogan on the side of a bus. I’m sorry, O’Shithead, but when you talk about 52% of the people like that they tend to take offence and it get’s their backs up. The arsehole is presenting a national radio programme not pontificating to his pisshead mates down the pub. Take a look in the mirror cunt…….but don’t look too hard, you might not like what you see.
Always distrusted the common phrase “a divided nation” that pops up in the media a lot.
Surely a nation is “divided” because people are allowed to think differently from each other, or at least it seems they were until recently.
Once again that “Imagine” song makes me shudder…
“And the world will live as one… OR ELSE!!”
Exactly right!! We are supposed to be a democracy?? Isn’t that the very idea that people have a choice!! That ” divided nation ” crap has been banded about since the referendum, remoaner cunts just bleating because they lost and instead of accepting it make out that it’s to blame for everything!! The country has always been divided!! Hence sometimes labour are in power Sometimes conservatives….. it’s a red herring bull shit sound bite.. ?
Is there any way we can have a poll on the site to vote if James O’Brien is a complete cunt and then deliver the results to him personally? The man exceeds all normal boundaries of cuntitude and therefore should qualify for a very exclusive Cunt D’or award.
I am happy to sign as Mr P Maskinback from Essex.
lol some fucking idiot has bet £1000 on the Greens having most seats. at 1000/1.
Get me the cunts details asap ! if he gives me a grand cash I’ll give him odds of 1million to one I will only deal in cash, and my name is Titslapper if he wins.!
It’s probably the Flabbot looking to raise some money to buy a new set of knickers to tempt Jeremy back into her womanly folds….takes a lot of material to shroud a hull her size.
hoist the mainsail ! Avast, me hearties ! A vast what ??
The Titanic split down the middle before she went down too…
It’s probably the same cunt who bet that they would find rocking horse shit on the moon!!!
What a waste of a grand!!
They should get a picture of that person holding their betting slip and put in on the front page of every newspaper under the headline…. Britains most stupid Cunt…..
Are you sure it isn’t one of those unmatched bets on Betfair? Its kind of in the system but nobody has matched it yet. You get that all the time on the horses.
At least now Sky will have to get a new sponsor for their weather forecast so it’s not all bad news…
Sounds like a good show to watch Mike. Bet Syria takes some shit as well.