Loved Floyd when I was younger, but this lefty windbag’s latest interview in Uncu(n)t Magazine shows what a blundering, harumphing snowflake old fool he really is… First of all, he compares Farage to Hitler: saying Hitler had it in for Jews, while Farage ‘has it in for’ everyone in Europe…. Someone should tell this old cunt trombone that not wanting you homeland infested with thieves, rapists, terrorists and benefit cheats is not the same as gassing millions just because you don’t like them… Gilmour’s nemesis then also has digs at Enoch Powell, says that Brexit is a ‘disaster’ that ‘disgusts him’, and also compares Trump to Hitler (Trump ‘has it in for’ Muslims apparently)… The cunt dodders on about Magna Carta and saying ‘the people should decide!’ Errr… The people did, Rog, and they voted out of the EU…
Yet another rich as fuck country mansion cunt who will never have to live near Iron Curtain benefits thiebing gyppos, or muslamist human flith rapeugees… 22 people from my home city died because of these ‘they’re not all bad’ scum last week, so I am in no mood for his pompous and self righteous buffoonery… Mind you’ he’s always been a bit ‘diificult’ with anyone who dares to disagree with him… The ex-members of Floyd could tell you that…
Nominated by Norman.
His solo albums are horrible but I really liked his collaboration with ron geesin on Music from The Body, neat idea I thought
The Pros and Cons of Hitch Hiking wasn’t that good had two decent songs if I remember correctly Radio Kaos was shit and it was too long,
Amused to death the way I feel about the album is reflected in the title it was too preachy and sad, Ca Ira haven’t listened to it but its a opera a genre I’m not crazy about, And I haven’t listened to the new one yet
It’ll be the usual moaning, TitSlapper… Going on about his dad during the war, about how Trump and Farage are the new ‘inflatable pigs’ and how Palestinians are great and how nasty all us white working class oafs are to muzzies and how beastly Brexit voters are… Macca gets stick for milking Sgt Pepper, but Waters is as bad… Using ‘Animals’ and ‘The Wall’ all these years later…
Three of them stabbing one woman to death?! Fucking cunts!
The 20’000 jihadis in Britain should all be executed…No ifs or buts… Put them down like diseased dogs…
And of course their cheerleaders and snowflake cunts will say ‘But that’s murder!’
Murderers and terrorists can never be murdered…. Murderers and terrorists commit murder… Murderers and terrorists can only ever be executed…
20,000 ? ? Trust me, there are more that 20,000 People need to understand that each Jihadi has a family. Passive support. No squealie squealie ! No tell police me keepie quiet ! Him good muslim !
Me victim, you racist. me vote labour! and so it goes on. 5 million I reckon.
If you really want to know what cunts Muslims are , ask a Hindu. Ask a Sikh. They will tell you.
Grew up with two Sikh families in my old neighbourhood… They despised Parking Stanleys and Muzzies, and this was in the 70s and 80s… An old Sikh friend of my mum’s actually said to me when I was a kid, ‘These people are the worst on earth… You, and everyone, will know this in time…’ She was spot on…
Saw Mrs K in Morrisons last week… Haven’t seen her for a long while, but after the hugs and all that she pointed her finger at me and said ‘I told you, boy… Didn’t I tell you?’ I knew full well what she was talking about…
In nearly 40 years, never had any sort of trouble whatsoever with the Indian people we know…. But these Parkies and Muslamists are the scum of the earth…
Quote from our favourite Londonistan Mayor: “We have showed over the last decades our stoicism and we will be showing that in the coming days.”
That’s Citizen Khan speak for: “Why can’t I have an IRA bombing or two done by white people so that I can take a fucking hard line for once!?! Alas it’s my kith and kin doing the dirty so we’ll just have to be stoic instead.”
Utter CUNT!
Well Mayor Khan, you may think my face is “stoic” but actually it’s stoney-faced abject rage! YOU KHUNT!
Typical ‘Citizen’ Khan bollocks…
‘We will not terrorism win…’
What’s all this ‘we’ shite?! We are we… You are one of them… You refuse to openly condemn their death cult… You appease and indulge them… You say you won’t let them win, but you won’t fight them….
Change the fucking record, you career politician Parkie cunt…..
well said Norman
Finally Theresa May is saying things she should have said ages ago. These fucking cunts are in our midst and could be down the road from anyone.
I predict open street battles in most major cities by the end of the year. What kind of pussyhole attacks defenceless people who aren’t even expecting it. Utter cunts.
If I was Tess I would ask the Krauts if they have any leftover gas from our last skirmish with them… Save a lot of time and property damage…
She would use it on us.
Archbishop of Cunterbury worried about backlash on our Muslim community saying that’s what the terrorists want. Colonel Richard Kemp replied that this was an insult to British people because despite recent events there HAS NOT been any backlash save for a few verbal exchanges. He also went on to say that if we are continually being told about backlash like silly children then that is precisely what will happen. It’s not a word I use more than twenty times a day, but I fucking HATE HATE HATE HATE these scruffy looking, unhygienic, non-using bog paper, smelly cheapskate Allah fucking CUNTS!!!
Im with you on that Kendo
Archbishop of Cunterbury more bothered about muslamist deodorant denouncing filth than he is about actual British people and British C of E followers….
Big Henry would have the cunt on the block for high treason…
What the stupid cunt forgets to realise is that the Muslims persecute and slaughter Christians.
It’s their thing!
Muhammed spent years murdering Christians. That’s pretty much all he did.
Apart from raping children making up ridiculous stories about flying horses that is.
Deploy, what would you say was your favourite animal-related true story?
a.) A man with an elephant’s head?
b.) A talking snake?
c.) A flying white horse?
d.) Animals gathering on a giant wooden boat during a flood?
Personally I can’t pick, they’re all so exciting.
Well they’re all so plausible and believable but I’d probably go with the winged horse that muhammed (child rape be upon him) flew to heaven.
He had so many great adventures like when muhammed (child rape be upon him) split the moon in two. …or maybe that’s a euphemism for one of his child raping exploits.
Hallowed be thy choice.
Splitting the dark side of the Moon in two is a job for Roger Waters Akbar.
Teresa May fucked up this election campaign. She was poorly advised, and she was too dumb to plan properly. Yesterday, Labour were only 1% behind the Tories. Would she win ? Probably , but not by much. May faced the prospect of losing several seats and provoking a leadership challenge.
Fortunately for May, some not a muslims murdered some people and injured many others. her first soundbite was the usual shite of we all stand together.
Some really pissed off member of the team told her to make hay, capture the “sensible citizen vote” ( those who have the sense to see muliticulturalism is a fucking mess ) and the next minute, May is on the box saying “things must change, we have been too accommodating ” ( music to my ears ) Blah blah and blah.
This useless cunt of a Prime Minister will wing it as a result of that sound bite, but absolutely fuck all is going to change This is the cunt who let 4 officers at Oakington get the shit kicked out of them, and rewarded the attackers a T/A , benefits and of course a free property. in Tavistock.
2 of the officers never worked again, the other 2 resigned. May was the most useless cunt of a Home Secretary we ever had. She is an absolute load of shite. She was behind Dave all the way, because that is what she does best…toe the party line. Why am I angry….like fellow cunters on this site, I have to vote for her, not because she is wonderful ( she is not ) but because she is a better choice than all the other shite
If Tess does declare war on these filth and the military and (real) coppers are allowed to do their jobs, she could flush Corbyn away with a wave of Falklands style ‘Don’t fuck with us! bravado…
Some fucking hope though, eh?….
In the words of Vince McMahon’s entrance theme; No Chance in Hell!
Well said.
If she really wants to win by a landslide all she has to do is send out the SAS tonight and get rid of a few hundred of these cunts.
It’s not enough but it’s a start.
They know who these people are, you cannot tell me they don’t. Neutralising the IRA scum in by the SAS in Gibraltar should be the model. Time for a few of these cunts to go missing.
Only a few Skidmark?
I love walking by the garage and the tree further along where they cunts expired.
There’s supposedly still a bullet hole in the tree but I’ve never found it.
On special anniversaries some IRA cunts come out to pay respect and get arrested by some force or other.
Fuck knows who they are but they stake the place out for three to four days over the anniversary and arrest any cunt that lingers by the tree.
It was quite exciting , the time i saw a a group of five Irish men and women getting taken away in their flip-flops.
Where the fuck were the CTSFO police last night, the special ones that dress in grey? For God’s sake!
They would be the rather gay looking ones who ride around on very gay looking BMW motorbikes?
Diversity training probably. Or sick leave. It’s always one or the other with plod.
I’ve been thinking about Cunty Comrade Corbyn and his asinine campaign slogan “For the many, not the few”.
Forgive me CCC, but isn’t it a principle of democracy that the elected leaders should represent everyone?
Is CCC against the few? If he is not against the few and he is not for them then he can only be ambivalent towards them.
And who are these few, these unhappy few that CCC is neither for nor against? Are they those who earn more than £80,000 a year, the people who already pay 47% of income tax? Who are these greedy cunts who earn more than £80,000 a year? Why, they would be GPs, surgeons, head teachers, senior police officers, senior armed forces officers, senior fire fighters, small business people who employ others and who are the backbone of the economy. These are all the people CCC isn’t for, and that is why he is a cunt and must never be allowed anywhere near power.
I was in Newton Abbot yesterday and there were some Labour wankers canvassing in the town centre. I heard one of them say to a passer-by “yes he is growing in confidence isn’t he? Isn’t it lovely?.” Referring to Corbyn. It speaks volumes that he is spoken about by the party faithful like a toddler learning to walk. Yet they consider him fit for office?. I really would like to see what goes on in these.cunts heads. I imagine it as a gerbil on a wheel saying “wibble,wibble” to itself over and over.
good post skid
Cheers. I’m visiting my folks back in UK next week and I’m fucking dreading it. My Father is one of those sad cases who would vote for a dog turd if it had a labour rosette pinned to it. It will be very difficult to bite my tongue if CCC does win, and that is now very possible.
Just read that 12 goat fondlers have been arrested in Barking. What are the odds they all get released without charge?
Knock on any door in Barking and you’ll find 12 cameldriving cunts no problem.
That would be a sucker bet to suggest otherwise.
Wonder when they will (begrudgingly) name the cunts?
They know who these cunts are in advance. How else do they know which door to knock on. They must have been persons of interest long before last night. Arresting them after the event is never going to work.
At least the fuckers who carried out last night’s atrocities are dead, we won’t have to pay millions to keep them locked up!
That’s only thanks to the shoot to kill policy adopted by the police in these incidents, a policy which our dear dear chum Mr Corbyn opposes. He thinks the best way to stop a homicidal religious psychopath on a stabbing spree is to have a chat with them and try to understand there point of view. No, you fool! Double tap to the chest and then one through the head to make sure.
Someone should have asked Corbyn this:
How do you negotiate with those who don’t want to negotiate?
Dear Gods, the man is such an utter cunt.
If, by some horror, he wins or get into the Unholy Alliance with all the other leftie cunts, I honestly hope that they all get swiftly assassinated!
It is certainly true that we have only one candidate to vote for. Not that things will improve but at least things won’t get 100 times worse. Sure the comrade C will give us another 20k coppers but 80% will be peaceful types. A colossus of a stupid deluded cunt.
And am I the only one sick of seeing and hearing about Ariana fucking Grande?…
She did an Eagles Of Death Metal, and fucked off while the mayhem was going on and is now lapping up kudos, coverage and publicity… And of course the cameras had to be there when she visited that kiddie in hospital… How very ‘Our Cilla’… Even after the London Bridge atrocities, Grande’s manager is still bigging her and that cuntfest of a gig up…. Apparently this knob with a ridiculous name is now saying what happened in London gives pop puppet Grande and the gig ‘a greater purpose’… Greater publicity, I think they mean… Cunts… And she’s crap anyway…
What would Netenyahu do
If he was here right now
He’d probably kick an
Arse or two
That’s what Netenyahu’d do
He’d make a plan
And follow through
That’s what Netenyahu’d do
If Netenyahu was our prime minister we’d be seeing footage of the cowardly muslime cunts families being evicted from their house and deported.
That’s what Netenyahu’d do.
If Netanyahu was our PM, the peaceful scum would be getting blown to Kingdom Come with zero fucks given.
There would be no hesitation.
There would be no talk of how they are the Religion of Peace
There would be no qualms about internment
There would be no apologist snowflake cunts screaming about yuman rites.
Ha ha nice one birdman.
Just wish i could remember the whole song , but couldn’t, so i could only change a few lines.
I’ve stated a few times that Netenyahu is hero and i think we’d see a better tomorrow if after hearing of an attack on our country, our politicians took a moment to ponder “what would Netenyahu do?”
I was in London yesterday on a pub crawl with mates, though North of the river. Lovely Summer day, good ale, great banter, some cider then some Tommy Tucker later on. I’ve lived abroad, I’m fairly well-travelled and despite its problems, London is the best city in the best country in the World. I’m not jingoistically waving a flag or belligerently banging my chest, just a belief based on compare and contrast.
Last night was fucking horrible, as these once-yearly, now-forthrightly, attacks are. I actually feel sorry for the Police. I watched them at about Midnight last night, gathered with their Community Officer colleagues. Their eyes were attempting to appear calm but couldn’t betray a look of petrified confusion, a losing battle against an invisible threat. From their belts hung a truncheon and what looked like mace spray. I’m not advocating guns, they’re terrifying enough, but using truncheons is a bit like charging at tanks on horseback.
These murderous, religious reality-dodgers must be laughing and high-giving each other. What was once fortnightly will soon be weekly.
Especially if Cuntrade Corbyn gets in. It will be open season then!
You’re lucky you still can have a pint in a pub in the holy month of ramalangadingdong with Caliph Suckdick Khunt in charge.
If Corbyn gets in, that will change.
Trump’s had a pop at “Mayor” Suckdick Khant and frankly, you can’t blame him. What’s the bet that during and after the murders last night, this leader of London (!?) was partying in the backroom of a mosque somewhere.
Fuck off Khan you hypocritical, Allah-loving, dwarfish cunt.
Looks like a poove-meerkat
Millwall cunts are treated like animals because they are lowlife scum. I know that supports your analogy but I felt like saying it anyway.
That’s my point, they have a history so are treated accordingly.
The same as Muslimes have a history.
When i put “Millwall” i was expecting you.
I don’t know if thus is funny, genius or strange. Probably all three.
Anyway, Francisco Lopez, who was injured in the Westminster attack is suing Zurich, insurer of Enterprise, the car rental firm the cowardly murdering muslime cunt used before the attack.
Good on ‘im, i say.
Go after peoples money and they may start blaming islime and muslimes too.
Narcissistic personality disorder (NPD) is a personality disorder in which there is a long-term pattern of abnormal behavior characterized by exaggerated feelings of self-importance, an excessive need for admiration, and a lack of understanding of others’ feelings.
Does that sound like someone we know? CCC perhaps? Unfortunately personality disorders are not currently characterised as mental illness however the thinking behind the distinction is being questioned. If NPD were characterised as a mental condition it would disqualify most of parliament from the election.
Fucking Sky have only gone and put that cunt Owen Jones on air right now!
Oh yes Owen Jones, I bet you want people to go out and vote in force. For Labour that is. You utter cunt.
Why do they keep having the cunt on? After he spat his dummy that time and walked off one of their shows you would think they would black ball the cunt.
I don’t get why they are such marks for Owen Jones, he’s a loathsome little shit who talks out of his arse.
I wonder if they have to pay the cunt to talk his shite or if he does it for free?
I hope it’s for free, they’d have to be real master grade cunts to pay for a cunt like that to speak on their show!
The Manchester gig,
I’ve just heard that its called “One Love”.
That’s a Stone Roses song.
Twin that with Oasis’ Don’t Look Back In Anger and it makes me wonder why they didn’t put on a gig with Manchester bands rather than pop tarts.
Even though the original gig was by a pop tart, this concert is supposedly about Manchester.
Pity it wasn’t also about how horrible the world has become since ugly cunts were allowed to freely take over our lands.
Geez Birdman, you know that if these pop-tart types make a poiltical statement, it won’t be against their beloved sand devils.
Remember Glastonbury last year with that wanker Chris Martin’s statement?
I remember nothing of Chris Martin.
Who is this Chris Martin you speak off?
Is he a king Kong mega mega cunt?
The lead cunt from Coldplay, that it his name right?
In any case he made a statement that confirmed him as a cunt in my view.
What is this “coldplay” you speak off?
I’ve, believe it or not , managed to free myself from the chains of being a Chris Smartin/coldplay hater.
Somehow I’ve managed to drop the soppy cunts from my life and cross hairs.
Until now. 🙂
Coldplay are just another group of bastards, that is all Birdman.
What I’m referring to is when arch cunt Martin claimed that, after the Brexit vote, ”democracy has failed us”.
Fucking master grade cunt.
I just don’t get their popularity.
They are massive yet dull as fuck.
And they get new costumes for every new album.
I’ll nnever work out their popularity.
Its getting harder to block they cunts out now.
Cheers Prime Minister Sinister. 🙂
Anytime Birdman anytime. ?
That cunt Owen Jones is spouting his usual party political shit on sky news.
He started by slating the terrorists …fair enough.
Now it’s “Teresa may, Teresa may, Teresa may”.
What first class cunt!
Even the politicians aren’t big enough cunts to try scoring points on each other today.
You’d think a staunch labour voter would be embarrassed about their terrorist loving leader and would just shut the fuck up, but not Owen.
Cunt probably blames Teresa may and brexit for this, even though it’s quite obvious to everyone else who’s fault it is!
Muslims and lefty’s. Deport the fuckin lot of em!
Fuckin deluded lefty cunt.
Sod deporting Owen Jones, I’d rather the cunt meet the same end as the left’s beloved Trotsky.
I think Sadiq khan is gaslighting British citizens at this point
How anyone thought making that piece of crap Mayor of London is beyond me.
Only this country would make the enemy Mayor of our capital city.
Probably just voted for by ever muslim and every virtue signalling lefty that had no idea what so fucking ever about his policies, but just voted for him coz he’s a muslim.
I see 12 arrests have been made in connection with yesterday’s “peaceful” terrorist atrocity.
Again it was amazing how quickly they were able to round these cunts up when all three of the perps were killed outright and therefore couldn’t tell plod anything.
I wonder how they did that then? It couldn’t be – perchance – that they were *known* to the authorities and had contact with the three perps (who were probably also *known* to the authorities) could it?
The PM, leader of the opposition and Mayor of that city said the same thing as last week’s Manchester “peaceful” atrocity (substituting Burnham for Khan in the role of Mayor) when arrests were made: “Sterling work by the authorities and the Police.”
I say – yet again – 2 days too fucking late! Round up the 20,000 and quarantine them in a disused airfield. If the Red Cross can set up mass response areas in 48hrs so can we. Get a wall round the cunts and feed them pork sandwiches!
If any other “peaceful” cunt is thinking of doing the same who is not known to the authorities then we make sure that they know that if they attack the country good enough to house them – whether they die or not – then all their family will be interred in these camps and that means parents, grandparents and siblings.
We do that a few times and publicly show families being stowed away then it’ll be food for thought for the other cunts!
Don’t like it? Think it’s unfair? Then feel free to fuck off to a more just Shariah society of your fucking choosing! Cunts!
Love it rebel. Bravo.
Get them off the streets and use their families as a deterrent.
And if they go to Syria, their whole fuckin family goes too!
Of course they know who all these cunts are but they just allow them to continue about their business until the kill. Then it is too late, obviously closing the gate after the horse has bolted.
Everyone who the security forces are currently watching need to be detained, interrogated to find out what they know, the most dangerous to be deported, the next most dangerous detained indefinitely and the least dangerous tagged and placed under police bail where they have to report into a police station every day.
And if cunts like Owen Jones start to chelp about it, lock them up too.
The seemingly never present CTSFO
Noticed a token bird in the ranks. Still, I suppose they need someone to make the tea. As well as taking care of some of the erections.
Why does everyone keep banging on about social media on the news?
How many people did facebook stab in the last year?
How many children did twitter blow up?
How many rallies were held by instagram, insulting british soldiers returning home?
Fuck all, thats how many.
In this country we believe in freedom of speech and besides, surely if they can talk shit on facebook, that makes them much, much easier to find and monitor.
Just another way of trying to divert attention from the real cause of alĺ this.
I love how the peacefuls go on about the ‘infidels’ and Western/American imperialism yet use Twatter/Facebook/Apple therefore help fund the US economy(when they feel like paying tax).
The cunts harp on about Western imperialism….. let’s face it, if that was a thing the world would be better off, those cunts only know how to run their cuntries into the dirt.
The cunts don’t even know their own history, Pakistani Muslims are the result of Islamic imperialism, the truth of Islamic oppression in what was India are truly horrific. Silly cunts really ought to understand they are mostly a result of forced conversion.
Hey ho, what’s the fucking point?
Send them all back to Syria, Libya, Shitya etc, do a deal with Big Don, and then nuke the fucking filth…
Theresa May is a typical hypocritical and incompetent Tory cunt.
“Enough is enough” she says for the TV cameras on the morning after the London Bridge terrorist outrage, in a well-crafted soundbite written either by Nick Timothy, Fiona Hill or Lynton Crosby. And yet on every occasion that May has met representatives of NPCC/ACPO (either as Home Secretary or PM) they have told her in no uncertain terms that excessive cuts to Police budgets will result in a severely impaired ability to develop and investigate intelligence related to terrorism – and how did Theresa May respond to these concerns on every single occasion? She pooh-poohed them, told them not to over-react, told them to make “efficiency savings” and went ahead with the cuts regardless.
Now she’s pretending that the Tories are serious about standing up to the Peacefuls. If she was truly serious, she’d have properly equipped Plod years ago, the useless fucking cunt. These arrogant, lying Tory cunts always think they know better than experienced professionals and that “efficiency savings” can be made in perpetuity, but as anyone with a brain knows full well, there comes a point where frontline services are jeopardised and we all end up paying the price for the abject ineptitude of this loathsome Tory scum.
(Disclaimer: All politicians are as bad each other and this cunting should NOT be interpreted as an endorsement of any other party or politician).
Oh make no mistake Mr West, I’m not too enamoured either with our current PM.
Between her and the shit shower that makes up the opposition, our sorry bunch are only marginally better than what the yanks had for their election.
Common sense, which the whole political class lacks, dictates that if you cut our security services, rozzers, spooks and the army, it weakens us completely well……. pretty much immediately.
Also, as I’ve mentioned once or twice before, May and whoever wrote that manifesto deserve a major cunting anyways for coming up with something that would royally piss off the voters – that social care fuck up.
I do believe that cut were and are required by the Government – but never ever ever on defence!
It’s a piss take that Cameron ordered that and then made Foreign Aid untouchable. Thank fuck that cunt has gone!
Not an endorsement of any other party Fred? No mention of the previous Labour government who could attract enough cunts in so sent people abroad to encourage the cunts to come here. Labour who will now not do a fucking thing about immigration if elected and have a leader who doesn’t seem to able to identify terrorists and would not have police shoot to kill the cunts if he was PM.
You are perfectly correct to cunt the Tories but you can’t do so without cunting Labour the other side of the LabCon coin.
With Corbyn and the rest of the Trots now running Labour do you seriously believe there is a better alternative on offer than a Tory government?
I would love to see the current political class wiped out at the ballot box, until there is a credible option to the Tories they are the best we have.
I sure as hell would rather May who may have woken up late in the game than Corbyn who has sympathy with he enemy.
I agree 100% Fred great cunting! I wrote up a cunting on Maggie May earlier but deleted it because it was profanity laced and definitely wouldn’t have been accepted
Relevant Read
I thought she said ‘enough is a snuff’. That would make more sense than believing this gnarly cunt is doing anything other than banging the drum to a lot of gullible voters who think her intentions will last any longer than the election results.
I bet JBiebs hates Muslimes.
JBiebs has a history of racial slurs and opinions, so some muslime bashing should be a breeze for the little cunt.
C’mon JBiebs, nave a foul mouthed dane at these dirty cunts.
I may even buy yer album if ye call them cunts.
If Bieber ever ripped into the peacefuls in that way, it would surely wipe away every single satin of cuntishness he has. Right? RIGHT?!
Its jbiebs
He’s a little cunt, but he dies it his and his dads way.
They know they’re taking the pisz , so are just taking all they can get.
And get smashed along the way.
Ye can tell summers here.
I’m backing JBiebs.
They last two posts were written without glasses.
I can spell owight.
Lily Allen is putting in overtime on Twatter today. Is that all she does these days? That and writes taxi driver fiction……..on Twatter.
140 character thoughts for a 140 character brain.