Lilly Allen has presented herself for another cunting. She must fucking love the abuse. Apparently, the criticism of the Abbottopotamus is NOT because she’s a nasty, racist, incompetent, ignorant, moronic fat TWAT! It’s because everyone criticising her is racist and sexist. Give…me…a fucking…break. Seriously, the she was conceived, her mum should have insisted on taking it up the arse.
If it hadn’t been for millionaire daddy, Keith Allen’s money and connections in showbiz, this simple minded gimp would never have been able to inflict the childish shite that she calls music on the general public. The woman is a fucking twat.
Nominated by Quick Draw McGraw
More mongmungous bollocks from Lily The Windowlicker…. Her latest monumental online eppy is about how ‘racists’ and ‘sexists’ were to blame for Abbott The Hutt being taken out of the game… Nothing to do with Abbott being an incompetent , laughable, and totally useless cunt and a complete liability then?….. But this is, of course, typical and quintessential Megamong… Everything and anything is the fault of nasty and evil white men… She probably blames the carnage in Manchester and London on white blokes…. Yet this spaz featured cunt has the nerve to call others racist and sexist… But, of course, racist and sexist are always the classic snowflake responses when they don’t get their way or have no other answers… Fucking coked up STD riddled mong….
Nominated by Norman
That “Smile” is a fuckin floor filler though.
If lily Allen is being cunted, then we should have the picture of lily Allen’s cunt in the header.
Her only redeeming quality.
Lily Allen may be a supa dupa mega mega cunt but life would be less fun without her and her thoughts.
When you read her twattter , eh, posts (?) and she’s talking to some doss cunt that hangs on her every word, you can feel the sense of authority in her words, yet when someone disagrees, supa dupa mega mega volcanic meltdown.
She’s a cunt, and a doss cunt at that, but i wouldn’t want her any other way.
Fuck it. She’s 32. Well over the age of 27 which is the common age for spazmotron pop singers to die. And Keith Allan is a 100% belt driven cunt as well.
Amy Whitehouse: died, but a good enough singer.
Mark Bolan: died having a wank in the bath.
Lily Allan: still going strong. No justice.
Bolan stuffed a Mini 1275GT into a tree, Jim Morrison pegged it in the bath. No idea about the wanking though…
Mama Cass death by ham sandwich haha
death by wanking? lol maybe david carradine and michael hutchence
Marc Bolan and girlfriend Grace Jones were too loaded on wine who knows what else and she ran into a tree killed him instantly she survived
I think Lily should buy herself a Porsche. Those rear engined death traps have seen off more celebs than drugs and light aircraft combined…
Gloria Jones I believe old bean.
It was Grace Slick.
Jim Morrison ain’t dead.
“D’ya remember when we were in Africa”
The only person who finds Keith Allen funny is himself!!
It’s hardly surprising lily is such a cunt look at her old man!!
The Apple doesn’t fall far from the tree!!
I would love to hear one of the rapefugees had raped this ugly cunt to death in a puddle of piss in the middle of that shithole camp full of cunts in Calais.
If only carlsberg did wishes….
Jim Morrison croaked having a wank in the bath…
Bolan was killed by his daft bitch of a girlfriend, when she crashed her car into a tree… She survived, Marc was strawberry jam… As you so rightly say, no justice…
Heroin high is alot like wanking Norm…. Jim morrison overdosed on some very potent heroin. Apparently maryanne faithful said Jim bought it off her ex-boyfriend/dealer at the time, was intended for his girlfriend but Jimbo took it himself.
There is also theories that he was murdered which are actually believable considering how the music industry operates
If there is such a thing as death by wanking I should have popped my clogs years ago.
I always considered Lily Allen a cunt of bibical proportions – even at the height of her ‘fame’. This cunting chamaeleon, one moment mockney chav and the next and estuary vowelled paid-up member of the liberal intelligentsia, this fucking specimen bears all the hallmarks of the typical spoilt rich brat. Except now she’s knocking on and the act has worn very fucking thin indeed. Anything to stay relevant with this shitcunt.
The icing on this shitty cale has to be a complete lack of self awareness. How can this fucker not realise how fucking fake she comes across, whether faux-sobbing at the fate of refugee man-children, or doing her SJW routine for inept Jabbott. Mind you, she took a battering on Twitter over her Abbott defense and rightly fucking so.
I can’t even bring myself to watch her dad anymore, knowing what he created. ‘Vindaloo’ was on TV the other day and instinct was to punch the fucking screen, such is the resentment of anything connected to the Allen abomination.
I worked in a supposedly “upmarket” BMW motorcycle dealership for a mercifully short few months and in the big posh glossy showroom they had large wall hanging TV screens and a sound system playing mostly her shit over and over again, all fucking day. The very sound of her singing(?) voice sets my teeth on edge.
Playing Lily Allen. In a fucking motorbike shop? Wannabe yuppie cunts…
Why is it every time I see a brand new 1200GS, fitted out with the big posh panniers and touratech lights, I get the feeling that the guy riding it will only ever ride it to work and back?
…. on sunny days.
Sounds like Guantamono more than a dealership
My offer to bring in some Motorhead CDs and DVDs was sneeringly declined.
Tasteless cunts…
Everyone who owns or works with motorbikes and DOESN’T like Motorhead, or rock in general, is a monumental, ocean going cunt.
I suspect that actually expressing that viewpoint, albeit in a non-swearing good humoured kind of way, might have contributed to my no longer working there.
The boss was a Born Again God Botherer (ugh!) and there were corporate style motivational slogans posted up all over the place. There was that business-suited “move up by assassination” feel, even amongst the grease monkeys in the workshop.
The money was decent, but I was still overjoyed to leave and return to self employment…
Her ‘singing voice’ always reminds me of that kid off Tiswas: who dressed as a rabbit and bawled out ‘Bright Eyes’….
Nice blue hair Lily you fucking talentless cunt! Seriously girls knock that shit off. Blue hair, pink hair, purple hair,green hair my oh my just keep your normal hair colour or just fucking shave it off already
I used to bang this bird who’s hair was a different colour every time I saw her.
Fit as fuck she was, and I wish I was still banging her.
attention seeking ugly talentless cunt this bitch
And their her better qualities…
Just been reading the Daily Mails piece about the Flabbots downgrading.
In it they mention her schooldays were she mentions her Jamaican immigrant parents splitting up with her mother moving to Yorkshire and she was left to do all the cooking and cleaning as her father hadn’t heard of “modern feminism”
No slurs against the chauvinistic old cunt, no he was just unaware.
And i thought Jamaican mothers would go to the end of the earth for their children?
Is Yorkshire the end of the earth?
She’s one twisted sista.
For once, to be fair, Lily has actually got it right.
Flabbott was taken out by a nasty evil white man. His name is Jeremy Corbyn.
Can’t wait for the revelations that will come from Jabbott after the election. “Hell hath no fury…”
Yes but, in the world of the privileged snowflake, Jezza walks on water. It’s obviously Trump’s fault the racist, sexist murdering fascist.
I call bullshit on Abbott’s story. I am not saying she doesn’t have a chronic medical condition, but her inability to debate any kind of defence to her behaviour goes back at least a couple of years ago when Brillo pulled her a new one on his programme re the expenses claims and her claiming that ‘African women would go to the wall for her children’. Are the two connected; evidence suggests not?
This is not a recent problem and she didn’t mention this after the Brillo interview.
Tellingly there are no details disclosed of this illness and she is already vowing to be back ‘in the fray’.
What illness stops someone saying either ‘yes’ or ‘no’ to a simple question posed by Piers Morgan?
Flabbot is an incompetent bullshitter and Lily Chromosome Deficiency is a weapons grade window licker and box of creams.
…and here are the latest numbers in our “Adopt A Refugee” campaign:-
J.K.Rowling (millionaire)…. 0
Gary Lineker (millionaire)… 0
Lily Allen (millionaire)…… 0
Yes, ladies and gentlemen, it’s neck and neck.
Let’s not forget our man
Cumbersnatch….. 0
Fuck Cumberdink. The nasal talking, cock womble
And, on the outside, it’s….
‘Hairy’ Carey Mulligan… 0
Bob Geldof…. 0
Lily Cole…. 0
After this race stay tuned for the Celebricunts For Rapeugees Gold Cup…
Problem being it’s the never ending race!! ?
….but wait, who’s this racing ip on the outside track…it’s a late surge for Jude Law… “0”
And bringing up the rear ( or taking it up the rear) is Keira knightley…….
Reminds me of the Derek & Clive “Racing from Newmarket” sketch…
“and now over to topless darts from Cheltenham”
Hosted by The Ladies College, perhaps ?
And big tits gets a flyer!! ??
Shaun & Mike – hope you don’t mind me changing the Lily Allen pic. It seemed more appropriate to show the mong off her face with no knickers on…
That’s the one.
Cheers Fred West. 🙂
Spot on, Fred….
She looks positively fucking rancid. You’d need a Hazmat suit to safely negotiate that well-used snatch.
I wouldn’t go near it until Time Team had done some extensive GeoPhys on it.
Lily Allen is nobody. In the scheme of things, exactly what has she done? Does she have a unique vocal range ? No…Does she have published acclaim ? No.
So who the fuck is Lily Allen ? She seems to have risen to dizzy heights for achieving very little.
Regarding her warped perception of her reality, she is in fact pretty typical of many young feckless morons of today. She lacks educated insight and experience and is like many others, infatuated with her own self image and persona. A silly girl best ignored I think. ( There now…I’ve completed a post without a single “cunt” or “fuck” in it! )
I watched Supersonic last night and i don’t think I’ve ever heard the word ‘cunt’ used so much in a documentary.
I watched with the hope of seeing myself, but nah, it wasn’t to be.
I am in the Glasgow Rangers ‘Four In A Row’ video though, to my eternal shame.
Anybody else been on telly or video or filum?
Amateur pornstars need not reply.
Sayin that, there was a coup……. 🙂
I featured in a promotional video recorded for the Home Office Immigration Detention Units. I had to ponce around doing this and doing that smiling at all these immigrant rag headed cunts through gritted teeth. We had a benefits team there as well dishing out benefits, arranging accommodation, and so on. The director was a right full on leftist cunt called Rodney ( I fuck you not ) and he was a cunt.
Two years later, I was in the BBC expose of Abuse in Immigration detention centres. A journalist undercover got a job as an officer, and filmed some shit and so on ( cunt )
Funny thing was, every one of us knew he was a plant, in the height of summer he was the only cunt on camp wearing full uniform and overcoat including hi vis storm jacket. concealing half the fucking BBC’s fucking production unit including catering. CUNT!
I’m in this, wearing a pisspot helmet and shades and riding my old Suzuki GS550. Blink and you’ll miss me tho…
Hardly fame, but it got played on MTV a bit…
That’s a tune man.
I like it, cheers Mr Bastard.
Cool , very cool Mr bastard.
I was seen on Granada TV’s OSM show in 88 at a Happy Mondays gig,
and also on Midweek Sports Special…. Manchester United vs Liverpool 1985 FA Cup Semi Final Replay at Maine Road… I was part of the pitch invasion at the final whistle…
Worked as an extra on the Comic Strips Strike. It was great, because at the time they were my comedy heroes, Fistful of travellers cheques, Mr Jolly, Bad news and not to mention the young ones. The only regular who wasn’t there was Rik Mayal which was a shame. Peter Richardson, Ade Edmonson and Nigel Planer came across as tidy guys, plenty of time for cunts like me who wanted to chat. And to bring it back to topic, Keith Allen was there too, with his brother Kevin. Didn’t bother with them……
Bikers, Immigration services,music videos,the Comic Strip… I can out-cool the lot of you. I was on Blockbusters with Bob Holness…hah!
Bob Holness was mega! THAT is fucking COOL !
He was a cult figure, and shows like that were as popular as Neighbours at the time.
You always wonder if Bob Holness ever got the urge, when inevitably asked “Can I have a P please, Bob”, to just reply with “Fuck off, you unfunny jumped up cunt”
Bob Holness had the distinction of having played James Bond before Sean Connery, in a radio play version of Casino Royale…
Lily Allen should do a benefit concert for the gimmigrants at Calias. As soon as they twigged to the lyrics and message behind her songs they would drag her off the stage and stone her to death as a harlot.
I would pay good money to watch that!
That’s the problem with these fucking champagne socialist SJW cunts – It is probably lost on Lilycunt that the very refugees she pleads sympathy for wouldn’t think twice about clubbing her stupid mong face for her ‘haram’ behaviour.
Last night I was in Islington where I stumbled across a Jeremy Corbyn gathering (he was giving a talk at the town hall.) I spoke with some of the faithful ( amd some agreed he can not win) and I was kicked, threatened with violence and told I was a dirty little Zionist. When I asked where Diane was I was called sexist and racist. I asked why they assumed I was a man and could they please check my prefered gender pronouns (just as they would). This was met with more threats. I expected nothing less. The left are vile. They are truly dangerous. As a Jewish Zionist they really scare me.
This site is often light hearted and represents free speech: A right millions died for to defend. However this is not a subject that I can laugh about. Please to all my fellow cunters I urge you to go out, bote tory and protect me and my tribe. Britain fought the Nazi’s . My late grandfather ,may he rest in peace, worked during the blitz in London with the fire brigade: I never asked him what he saw amd he never talked about it. One can only imagine what he saw.
The left are the new Nazi party. They can not be allowed to turn this country into a Stalinist state.
PS; Lilly Allen is a muesli knitting, granola crunching, fair trade shopping, eco warrior, carbon offsetting, talentless ming mong useless talentless cunt.
Regardless of what many believe, the “hard core” of labour have a long history of anti jewish rhetorical antagonism.Corbyn and a lot ( far too many ) support the aims and the objectives of Hezbollah and the PLO, and would not shed a tear if the State of Israel was caught in the crosshairs of the developing situation in the middle east today.
The true Labour was a party that died in the 1960,s. After that, no matter what it called itself, in truth they were just fucking nutters.
It’d be just like that cunt Corbyn to come out with shite like, ‘Oh, Hitler had some good points and ideas….’
After all, he loves other mass murderers, like McGuinness and Addams, doesn’t he?…
And I also agree that Harold Wilson was the last true Labour leader…
Anal Cunt did a song called ‘Hitler was a great bloke he was just misunderstood’
Perhaps Labour should adopt in preference to ‘Things can only get better’?…
Harold Wilson was a great guy I loved that response to his cabinet. “ don’t kick your creditor in the balls ” ( Ref USA Vietnam War ) He was a pragmatic and reasonable bloke.
It’s a shame you didn’t stumble on a weapon of sorts and beat those cunts within an inch of their lives. There’s very few problems that can’t be resolved by a punch in the face, and I firmly believe a good thrashing would square away the majority of those smelly fucking retards for life. Plus, the satisfaction of fucking up a liberal would be immense.
Unfortunately, due to my job (think the bill) I can not afford to get into fistycuffs. What I want to know is:Why do they feel the need to get violent? Why do they start swearing? Why do they hate Israel? They never complain about problems on Tibet, womens rights in Saudi, the Egyptain security fence to keep out Palestinians or other real world problems. No, they just fixate on Israel.
The left is spiteful and it hates.
They must be stopped.
I’ve long since given up trying to understand the inner workings of the liberal/leftie. Their minds are poisoned with hate. Absent of logic and reason. All lefties should fucking hang. The world would be a better place for it. The unrelenting shower of complete and utter fucking cunts. I absolutely fucking despise every last one of them.
liberal / lefties are just fashion followers, that’s all.
Brainwashed sheeple.
No fuckin imagination.
The left can only be stopped by using their own strategies against them. As an example , make them fearful of prosecution, ridicule, and totally despised for holding a leftist belief. That way they will experience what we have had to endure from them. Failing this, you simply take the little fuckers into the back lane and kick the shite out of them. Oh, and if they get those little cameras out, smash it and shove the pieces up their arseholes. ( preferably on the end of a pointy stick )
For Kravdarth. Bill eh? Do what they did in the good old days….no witnesses, swift kick in the balls, and always use the coppers friend….Section 2 , of the Bluff Act 1952 para 15, rule of exemptions, subsection c. ( never fails )
Ridicule only works if your intended target understands shame. I don’t think any of those cunts possesses an ounce of it. I think BH above may be on the right track. Desperately trying to validate their pathetic existence by getting likes on social media for being ‘right on’, and getting other daft cunts to repeat the same shit over and over. When did we start giving a fuck about what anyone else thought about us? I’m guessing May 1997 or thereabouts.
They smugglers i had trouble with a couple of months ago, well last night one of the little cunts killed a Policia.
I’m no fan of the polis, especially Spanish polis but i feel for the guy and his wife and two kids.
I know i buy hashish illegally and some of us don’t mind a bit of contraband, but these smugglers are utter cunts.
They smuggle in broad daylight here, with speed boats coming ashore, a team of cunts grabbing the boxes of tobacco and passing them to 4×4’s and little chavs on mopeds
It was a chav in a moped that killed the polis .
I think he ran into him and the impact killed him.
I hope these cunts get dealt with coz if they’re killing coppers then they’re killing any cunt.
And Gibraltar is complicit in this too.
Its Gibraltarians that buy the tobacco in bulk and bring it into Spanish waters in speedboats.
We think Spanish and Gibraltarians don’t get along?
They fuckin smugglers do.
A copper has been slashed by they smugglers this afternoon receiving 32 stitches.
I’m staying indoors today, even though i need to get more hash.
Fuck that, it seems like a war zone out there.
I didn’t quite know what to make of that. FFS. The propaganda machine rolls along powered by the Libtard feckless eco warriors.
Agree, the fanny needs outed, and made into a cunt.
Lilly the mega musicle mong I think is up there as my most hated fucktard even more that Charlie Church, but I would like to rush through and emergency cunting for the Gallagher pricks, I thought to myself yesterday what a pair of cunts these 2 wankers really are using a situation like the Manchester concert to have a very public barney like the days of old to get their inbred faces in the paper…..anyway today on the news…….silly me,how did I not see it coming. you will never guess, a new fucking album is about to be released,so more ear pain from these cunts….
What a whiny chavvy skank, when the fuck are you going to take in the family of peaceful ones you promised then? Like St Lineker just empty words and attention seeking PC actions. Easy to dismiss her and other cunts like Katy Perry as clueless fuckwits but in the age of Twatter her opinion resonates with idealistic teenyboppers who take her word as gospel and will be voters in the coming years.Has described herself as ‘an argumentative little shit and a fly in the ointment’, aint that the truth, now fuck off back to your body guards, gated mansion and let the real grown ups sort the country.
Can you imagine the smell if Lily Mong and Kunty Perry were in the same room?… It’d pong worse than a mackerel trawler that hadn’t been cleaned in a year… Gasmasks on, chaps…
Pooo! Lily’s cunt is used rather a lot I hear, and it smells ( as you say ) like a mackerel boat. A splash of lee and Perrins may help with personal hygiene …if not…it may make her cunt taste better.
Now I love L&P, but I really think I could skip the mong part quite happily, though
On second thoughts, just shove a load of Tabasco up her cradock.
Quote of the year “If it hadn’t been for millionaire daddy, Keith Allen’s money and connections in showbiz, this simple minded gimp would”….. Be working in McDonald’s, signing on or sucking foot after foot of cock on webcams for pennies. We may have a challenger for COTY.
She’d be too thick or lazy to work in a biscuit factory, McDonald’s, or Poundland…. She’d probably be one of the ‘I’m hard’, arrogant, loud, attention seeking, and ‘difficult’ cunts on one of them ’employability’ (ie: they’re unemployable) courses at Standguide or Seetec… Saying a lot, but saying fuck all…
If daddy wasn’t rich, of course… Like father, like cunt…
lets hope grow up then, mind you whose fault is it that they devolved so much?
I would like to nominate rubber-faced Golum tribute act and born-again liberal ex-hack Matthew Wright for a monumental cunting.
This fuck-faced fucker continues to chug along on his shitty C5 show, playing the infuriating devil’s advocate like only an ex-journo cunt can. I caught part of his show on Monday, obviously straight after the London Bridge terrorist attacks. One of the phone-ins was about, inevitably, terrorism and whether Treeza’s ‘enough is enough’ speech was justified. One caller – Sarah I think – rightly stating that security of UK nationals comes first, ISIS and associated hate the free West… you know, actual common sense.
But Matthew Wright, cuntlord that he is, justifies these fuckers wanting to blow us up because of Libya. Except, you fucking hideously malformed eunuch, ‘peacefuls’ were blowing us up before that. And there is always an excuse. The truth is these fuckers want to see the destruction of anything not adhering to their warped book of fairytales and associated fuckery.
Aside from all that, Matthew Wright has built up a solid list of cuntship over the years. From wrongly outing John Leslie (himself a cunt, but nevermind) as Ulrika Johnson’s rapist, to asking his backward studio audience whether they would ‘do’ Amanda Knox (right after the death of Meredith Kercher), to joking about dead teenagers (Liam Aitchison) – notwithstanding his daily spiel on his PoS show, pretty much anything he utters from his malformed fucking mouth is worthy of a cunting. Surrounding himself with subserviant fucktards like ex-Emmerdale actors, John Barnes and Janet Ellis, this jug-eared abomination is truly a cunt for the ages.
He has that awful Alibia-Brown woman on regularly.
Good on Lee Hurst for boiling her piss on more than one occasion…
Mentioning poor Meredith Kercher got me thinking… That Knox still makes my teeth itch and my skin crawl…. As Status Quo (sort of) sang, ‘There’s something ’bout you, baby, I (don’t) like’…..
True,Wright is a third rate journo cunt. ISAC favourite James O’Shithead fucked off but is still polluting the airwaves on LBC.
I reckon there should be public cuntings held, some pikey can drive around announcing it on his loud hailer and the people can congregate to watch all the cunts lines up behind Lilly the mong to be tarred and feathered,they could even sell tickets….that’s something I would happily pay to see…
This Charlie Hebdo rag is a cunt. Today in the Daily Mail, a drawing of a decapitated Teresa May, and a cartoon taking the piss out of the victims of the London attack.
Even a sick cunt like me does not find that funny. As far as Im concerned , the cunts of Charlie Hebdo want a good fucking hiding, fingers and toes broken! To take the piss out of people fleeing from murderous raghead scum is surely the lowest of the fucking low.
Fuck Frogs, and fuck Paris…..AND FUCK HEBDO.
Nice to see our good mates the French have got our backs, as usual…
And fuck macron too……
FFS. Did you see her shopping list in her hand ? How many bargain buckets !!!!!!!?
That other woman has pulled off the impossible, she’s actually made flabbot look reasonable normal!!! Amazing stuff……..
smoke and mirrors perhaps…..?
You would need an awful amount of smoke…….
That big bitch is obviously her minder. I wouldn’t fancy getting in ruck with her, or The Abbopotamus to be honest.
Mind you, at least I could outrun them………unless I was carrying a bucket of KFC.
That’s assuming you were in front of them both at the till…?
You just know that Jabbott could polish off a variety bucket as a starter.
In that pic, they just look like another pair of Colonel Sanders’ bitches.
You look at that picture of Lily’s snatch and you just know that it needs a damn good scrubbing and disinfecting. Probably doesn’t even wash the 15 inch black dildo that she uses on it when even her rapeugee friends have had enough and gone to look for something with a bit of tread left on it.
She’s safe from my attentions,and that’s saying something.
Lea & Perrins was mentioned earlier; Lysol would probably be better, or oleum…
Dettol and a wire brush might rid her snatch of some of the many festering bacteriological infections.
I am stunned dick