Lily Allen [5]

Lilly Allen has presented herself for another cunting. She must fucking love the abuse. Apparently, the criticism of the Abbottopotamus is NOT because she’s a nasty, racist, incompetent, ignorant, moronic fat TWAT! It’s because everyone criticising her is racist and sexist. Give…me…a fucking…break. Seriously, the she was conceived, her mum should have insisted on taking it up the arse.

If it hadn’t been for millionaire daddy, Keith Allen’s money and connections in showbiz, this simple minded gimp would never have been able to inflict the childish shite that she calls music on the general public. The woman is a fucking twat.

Nominated by Quick Draw McGraw

More mongmungous bollocks from Lily The Windowlicker…. Her latest monumental online eppy is about how ‘racists’ and ‘sexists’ were to blame for Abbott The Hutt being taken out of the game… Nothing to do with Abbott being an incompetent , laughable, and totally useless cunt and a complete liability then?….. But this is, of course, typical and quintessential Megamong… Everything and anything is the fault of nasty and evil white men… She probably blames the carnage in Manchester and London on white blokes…. Yet this spaz featured cunt has the nerve to call others racist and sexist… But, of course, racist and sexist are always the classic snowflake responses when they don’t get their way or have no other answers… Fucking coked up STD riddled mong….

Nominated by Norman

157 thoughts on “Lily Allen [5]

  1. Flabbott’s problem is really her 5 gallon bucket of shite head and face

  2. I was listening to LBCunts b4 and they were talking about wether the attackers should have the right to a Salat al Janazah funeral ceremony to pray for their forgiveness. Some were for and some not. To be honest I think they should have one. But in their own SHIT HOLE of a land they pledge their allegiance to. So FUCK OFF you horrible brain dead cunts.
    P.S lily is a fuck stick.

    • Chuck the bodies in with some pigs,they’re not bothered about anyone saying grace before they tuck in.

      • You’re always gonna have problems lifting a body in one piece. Apparently the best thing to do is cut up a corpse into six pieces and pile it all together.

        And when you got your six pieces, you gotta get rid of them, because it’s no good leaving it in the deep freeze for your mum to discover, now is it? Then I hear the best thing to do is feed them to pigs. You got to starve the pigs for a few days, then the sight of a chopped-up body will look like curry to a pisshead. You gotta shave the heads of your victims, and pull the teeth out for the sake of the piggies’ digestion. You could do this afterwards, of course, but you don’t want to go sievin’ through pig shit, now do you? They will go through bone like butter. You need at least sixteen pigs to finish the job in one sitting, so be wary of any man who keeps a pig farm. They will go through a body that weighs 200 pounds in about eight minutes. That means that a single pig can consume two pounds of uncooked flesh every minute. Hence the expression, “as greedy as a pig.”


      • That’s a good point. I heard something pretty much identical a few years ago. “Make sure you accurately dispose of the hair and the teeth, then feed them to a group of pigs. Most efficient cadaver disposers in nature”. Interesting stuff.

      • I don’t know if you have heard of any of the old London gangsters from the old days , limply probably will.

        But i had the honour of meeting a few of them through a ex work mate .

        Ronny Biggs , Roy Shaw ,Lenny McLean, Tony Lambriarno , Dave Cortney Nosher Powell etc.

        I had the pleasure of having a little chat with Jamie Forman’s dad Freddie.
        He was known as the Hitman to the Kray s he told me that the best method was crabs down the south coast area . That they eat everything including the hair and teeth.

        I didn’t stop to ask him quite how he knew this fact but i didn’t doubt he had personally experience with the matter…..

      • I reared a couple of weaner pigs a few years ago. They were a fucking nightmare to deal with,always getting out. Delicious when they were butchered,the thought of the belly-pork has me slavering now.

    • Of course the should be given the funeral ceremony.
      That’s what separates us from them.
      Our compassion for any life that was cut down too early.

      Now, anybody know where i should send Michael Stones invite.

      Calling Michael Stone, come in Michael Stone.

  3. …. She doesn’t look too clever, does she … I don’t mean in ‘an ill’ sense as suggested she is … I just mean … she doesn’t look too clever.

    • I didn’t manage to get past the part “she has been serving the British public” ?

      • Oh and Im holding that thought….
        Yes I’ve still got it……
        Abbotts is a completely useless cunt!!!…… that’s it…..

    • The bit about her CV is a bit confusing – she seemed to be doing two jobs at once. She also set up The Black Child Initiative to improve the educational prospects for black kids and had her own kids privately educated.

  4. lol these numbskulls really do seem to think that if you criticise any black person than de facto you must be racist whereas in actual fact its them being racist by lumping all black people into one big amorphous blob. silly people.

      • I had to keep pinching myself thinking i was watching a sketch on the Fast Show.
        That old white guy near the start saying that their grandfather’s were eating each other, ffs. 🙂

      • I might download the video onto my phone! Wentworth Day was a keen shooting man back in his day, and a far right supporter. I believe he was also quoted as saying in another interview “all homosexuals should be hanged”. Interesting chap who stood by his views! I bet the SJW progressive cunts would recoil in horror at his opinions.

  5. Yeah does Lily Mong understand that arabs and other peacefuls don’t just want rape? They almost always torture mutilate or kill the girl afterwards. Not alot of women I’d hit for being so pig shit ignorant but Lily I’d make a exception

  6. According to The Flabbott, Britain ‘invented racism’. The fat cunt also read history at Cambridge, if she had spent less time at McD’s and picked up a fucking book she would realise how retarded this sounds.

  7. Well this is surprising Once in a while, a piece of evidence emerges that is so shocking, so incredibly unpredictable, that even the most jaded of journalists has to pinch himself repeatedly to check that he isn’t dreaming. “A video clip, originally filmed in 2002, has resurfaced online proving that the Pakistani mayor of London, Sadiq Khan, defended literal Islamic terrorists during his stint as a UK-based civil rights solicitor.”

    Well now we know why sadiq is so good at defending terrorists and making shite excuses for their murdering ways

    • Yeah. posted a bit about this before. he defended 3 “Brish” men in Egypt over a conspiracy involving said organisation, whose aims are to form a Caliphate. They also are prepared to spread Islam with the intention of a Global Religion.. Khan also got involved in another case involving Islamic fundamentalism. Khan is a superheated cunt of a man, and I would not trust this little fucker one bit. Also, his faux sympathy and rhetoric following the attacks in London was anything but sincere. The sooner this cunt goes west the better.

  8. All of them are cunts,but some are more cuntier then others.

    The main difference is that the Labour side pretend to be all virtuous and for the working man and all that even though they must know we can see through there thinly veiled bullshit.

    The Conservative s are just more honest with what they are gonna do, and more in line with the sensible normal thinking person.

    i said more honest in comparison to the la bore, and that creepy little Timmy farron .
    There still full of shite but compared to the watery pebble dash from the lefts side its leaps and bounds ahead of the rest .

    Tmw when all the dust has settled and la bore has obviously lost , hopefully…it will be such a landslide that they have to clear most of the mold and rot out.
    Then maybe we can have a proper two party system again with some decent debate and some decent alternative s to what the Conservative s are offering.

    Can always dream i guess ??

  9. That was my point in my post about her, but i think cunters took it the wrong way.
    Read her Twatter account every day.
    Its priceless.

    Some of the best comedy out there and that’s why i wouldn’t want her any other way.

    Any cunter getting upset at Allen’s comments should remember that its just tat that only gets taken on board by cunts sitting about waiting for the cast of Friends to get back together so they can all watch the new series of shite with big buckets of ice cream.
    She’s harmless, but hilarious.

    • I saw that. Notice too on the DM site that the same bunch of cunts did manage to pay respects for that Brazilian nightclub disaster.

      Proof, if it were needed, that these fucking utter cunts hate Britain and anything associated with it.

    • Peeble pobble pie.Cute fluffy bunnies. All things to all people.
      Life is wonderful all the time. Flibby jibbilly jubbly.

      That was a Party Political Broadcast by the Liberal Democrats.

      • Makes a change from that used tampon Farron whining about a 2nd EU referendum I suppose.

      • Well gentleman, I have been listening to the old cats whisker set this evening, and a very cheery gentleman discussing the possible outcomes of this election has said that Tim Farron is highly likely to lose his seat, and that Nick Clegg could likewise be joining him in the unemployment que. Fucking music is that!

      • If that happens, I will piss myself laughing.
        I hope the Tories get their seat back from that thing out of spitting image too!

      • That would be worth a fucking solid chuckle.

        Don’t forget Shergar lookalike Sarah Olney – that dim cunt who won the Richmond Park bi-election only to make a total cunt of herself a few hours later on radio.

        Those teeth of hers merely need an engraver to be transformed into headstones.

      • Like I said Empire, she’s the the thing from Spitting Image with that grin.

        If the LimpDumbs lose even more seats, surely that’s the end of any talk of a revival?

        I hope that old bastard Cable doesn’t get re-elected either….

  10. Lily Allen is fucking great. She is smart and sassy and probably very talented. This I believe is why Lily has become so unpopular. Lily was such a great child actor that whenever she was on screen all the other so called stars became invisible.

    Television and film stars refused to work with her so undaunted Lily turned to a career in music, such was her immediate impact that pop diva’s conspired to ruin her career. Maddogga, Chair, Mariah Scarey and Cristina Aggrolarey spread rumours that Lily wasn’t really very good at music. Dolly Hardon nearly melted when standing next to Lily.

    Now without a career Lily through no fault of her own can only engage with her millions of adoring fans via Twatter posting wisdom worthy of the great philosophers.

    Indeed we have a statement from respected actor Keith A

    “Lily is not a cunt and neither am I”

    I rest my case.

  11. I’d like to do a quickflash Takeaway cunting to the old feller who sits outside the Polling Station asking for your “number please,” to whom I always say, “No.”

    Additionally the old people inside who ask for your name, make a note of your ballot paper number before handing it to you, then subsequently write its number next to your name on their sheet of addresses.

    Secret vote, my arse.

    • Well Cap, let’s hope this election goes the right way….

    • There was a hottie at our polling station, she held her hand out so I unzipped. She only wanted my polling card apparently

      • Shot down Sixdog? Don’t worry, there’s always next time…..

        When I went to vote, which was about 5:15pm, there was only one other voter there!

      • The voting bit was confusing. It must of taken me 5 minutes to work out how the fuck i was voting.

        It looked simple on the instructions they had posted in the polling booth.

        Put you X next to the candidate of your choice, can’t be too difficult can it?

        So I look down at my secret ballot paper and saw the following choice of candidates.

        Cunt………………………………….Cunt Party
        Cunt………………………………….Cunt Party
        Cunt………………………………….Cunt Party
        Cunt………………………………….Cunt Party
        Cunt………………………………….Cunt Party

        I eventually found the cuntservative candidate and put an X by that cunt.

        In the next election I want a second box you can put your X in if you’re making a tactical vote.

        X here if you voted for this cunt purely to ensure this bigger cunt doesn’t get elected.

      • On my ballot paper, the fucking Green party got top billing! The Greens! What the actual fuck?!

  12. Sean and Paddy went out to vote but when they got to the polling station there weren’t any trains so they fucked off up the pub.

    • Heh, thanks Freddie, nothing better than a Paddy joke or two.

      Keep ’em coming, ok?

    • Irish suicide bomber arrives at his intended target and realises he has forgot his suicide vest. He doesn’t want to fail in his mission so pulls out his gun and shoots himself in the head,.

      • Ha! Pffft, hahahahahahahaha!

        Thanks Sixdog, that was hilarious!

        Keep ’em coming fellow cunters!

    • The Labia Party cuntidate for my constituancy is called Khan so it
      was very easy to not vote for that Cunt.

      Penny Mordaunt is our Conservative candidate by the way…..oh yeah!

      • Mmmh, I can see why you would vote for that instead of a Labour cunt called Khan!

      • Had a meeting with her once… not like that cunters, it was about business rates for fucks sake.

        She is REALLY nice.

      • Ian, if it was like that, we wouldn’t begrudge you for it.

        It’s good to see an actual MP who is nice, makes a damn change.

  13. quick cunting for the Saudi Arabian international football team who refused to take part in the 1 minutes silence for the London attack in Adelaide last night.
    Horrible cunts just carried on with their warm up apparently Saudi’s dont do 1 minute silences fucking cunts the lot of em

  14. As an ex-pat in Australia, I didn’t feel I had a right to vote. It’s a great get-out too, because while I despise Labour with every fibre of my being, I find the Tories completely unelectable. It scares me just how marginalised I, and I’m sure others feel.

    I support immigration, but only people who benefit Britain, both in employment and character.

    I support accepting genuine refugees in immediate danger – but in small numbers and dispersing them in different areas where everyone can work to help them integrate. Mass ghettos do not help the refugees or the locals.

    I dislike religion but respect others’ right to choose. Under no circumstance should religion ever be used as a foundation for law – nor should it trump it. Genital mutilation and human rights should never be infringed upon on the justification that it is religion.

    I’d argue that anyone who disagrees with any of that is clearly insane.

    In the most controversial part of my manifesto – slipped in somewhere in the middle. I’d also like to get every citizen in my country to sign a waiver of acceptance. This confirms they accept that in order for this country to be wonderful – other countries must be totally the opposite. I’m sick of Champagne Socialists moaning about oppressed people while reaping the benefits. Fuck off.

  15. Talentless cum receptacle Lilly Allen has split from her builder husband and is now dating a “dj rapper”……..yet another talentless cunt unable to sing a decent tune.
    He’s the only person who will listen to her records, probably under protest…… journeys must be pure hell!

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