Aqueela Khursheed

(Note:This is not an actual picture of her as far as I or anyone else knows)

A short Cunting for Aqueelah Khusheed.

This a mother of 4 from Nottingham whose 12 year old son. Rahjs Wajid was given the choice of washing pots or detention after several instances of misbehaviour. He chose washing pots,but broke down in tears in his mothers arms after this dreadful punishment had been completed.

His mother has accused the school of slavery and is consulting a solicitor because she believes that his human rights have been abused..

What an ungrateful grabby bitch. She should have disciplined her brat,and thanked her lucky stars that she lives in a country where education is free for her tribe,along,no doubt,with housing,benefits and anything else she can get her greedy claws into.

Typical scummy,greedy,selfish behaviour from another ungrateful “Cultural Enricher.”

Nominated by Dick Fiddler

215 thoughts on “Aqueela Khursheed

  1. I reckon I would get “access denied” by my neighbour…..but that is a different story.

    David Lammy is a cunt of high proportions. Now he is saying that the official number of dead from the Grenfell Tower fire is not being reported truthfully because if the true figures were to be revealed there would be a riot.

    • Why is their always a threat of violence with these snowflakes?

      Since the tower fire we have been warned of an uprising and when that Muslim chap died at Finsbury, his family told their ilk not to retaliate.
      Retaliate against who?

      These minorities, when upset, are excused from their own behaviour yet when a Brit gets pissed off, he’s labelled a racist if he retaliates.

      More effing word games.

      • Fucking Lammy is a rubber lipped, shit stirring socialist cunt.

        This man plays the race card more than Keith Van. Perhaps Waddingtons could make him a special pack?

  2. Just been round to Aqueela Khursheeds house for a cuppa.

    Never again, the cup was manky as was the rest of her kitchen.
    Someone should take more care with the dishes in that house.

  3. This is now getting sillly. Virtually every resident of Grenfell tower seems to have been a foreigner. just been watching residents from the Camden towers who have been evacuated being interviewed. Guess what? They are all foreign too ! Mohammad this ,Sulliman that Mansoor the other. What the fuck are they all doing here! One fucker who had 5 kids was complaining about the quality of his hotel room, it just wasn’t good enough! Why is it our problem ffs!? We didn’t ask you to come here, we don’t Fuckin want you here. You do realise that there are people in Camden who have lived all their lives who have been on housing waiting lists for YEARS.? And you’re complaining about your hotel room.? Fuck of out of it.

    • Unbelievable.
      It’s hard to comment in all of this as it’s off the wall doolally crazy as a box of monkeys madness.

      Everything we were taught growing up has all been thrown out the window.

      I mentioned last week the irony that all of these immigrants coming to the UK are supposedly fleeing violence, persecution or poverty.
      Their home countries couldn’t give two hoots about them so they make the treacherous journey to Britain, whilst being abused by people smugglers and bad guys in their midst, and the whole time bleating about their misfortune and begging for help.

      Give them help and let them stay in Britain and all of a sudden a big pair of balls have sprouted overnight and nothing us good enough for them.

      Whinge, whinge, whinge
      More, more, more,
      Now, now, now
      Mine, mine, mine

      Racist,racist, racist.

      Oh and for some reason they think k we should all adopt what ever culture they were fleeing from.

      Common sense tells us this is wrong and hypocritical.
      A four year old could tell you that this is wrong.
      My dog could tell us this wrong, but nobody’s allowed to say this is wrong.

      Hands up all those who thought it would be a major war that would have been the end of our way of living and freedoms .

      • From a peasant to a snob; sponsored by Britain’s weak, fear-of-offending handout system.

  4. Don’t like it you clitless cunt. I suggest Syria so they can throw rocks at you.

  5. Hahahehehahahehe

    The ranting penguin is now useless.

    No room at the inn.

    Absolute genius, Checkmate, genius i tells ye. 🙂

    • I was happy when drunk but will admit that i maybe got into more fights when drunk on vodka.
      Vodka and redbull is perfect though.
      The red bull keeps you perked up and happier.

      Two pints of whiskey?
      I cant even imagine what state someone would be in after two pints if whiskey.

      I don’t drink but the missus has some Malibu in the fridge so i’ll maybe have a Malibu and soya milk with ice later.mmmmmm

      • “Two pints of whiskey?” Yeah but 1 Pint of whiskey per person I imagine still alot tho. Theres something in whiskey that makes you more fighty then other spirits I find guess you could say the same with vodka or gin. Whiskys got More of a stimulant and a boost- to adrenaline type feel where every word automatically become fighting words.

        Haven’t had a vodka redbull before believe it or not… I might of had a sip before tho Actually haven’t had any alcohol for almost 24 days now going on a therapeutic dry run at the moment, its good to purge every now and then.

        “Maybe have a Malibu and soya milk with ice later.mmmmmm” And break your long record of Sobriety?

      • I had some Bushmills at new year.
        Its the hangovers i can’t take.
        This summer for the first time in years I’ve been dying for a pint of lager and or Guinness, but i just really hate hangovers.

        Apart from new year, that’s me been ten years no alcohol.
        Give me my medal. 🙂

      • “Its the hangovers i can’t take” Hangovers are a cunt I agree had a nasty one from drinking too much gin 3months ago I drank alot that evening.

        The best buzz’s I get from drinking is minimal amounts of booze, like 2 brandy alexanders or 1 ale and 1 rum and coke nothing too hardcore but you have to have limits You push a certain limit and it become a unpleasant experience real fast.

        Few pointers… Sip slow getting drunk isn’t a race(To some punters it is) If you drink too much alcohol drink plenty of liquids and have something to eat I get bad headaches next morning if I don’t sore stomach too sometimes

  6. fuck ! 8000 migrants picked up in the Med in the last 2 days !! it’s an invasion.

    • 8000 in two days?!

      At the risk of coming across as a cunt, if the idiots didn’t keep picking up and rescuing this rabble and left them to it, they’d be less inclined to try and cross the Med.

      • I suspect that our latest billion-pound (or so) aircraft carrier will in time become a floating woggon…

    • Too right it’s an invasion,an invasion aided by our “leaders”. We should be sinking these migrant boats and leaving the survivors to swim for it.That might discourage the rest of the scum. Most of them are fit,fighting age males, they should have no trouble swimming back and if they do…Well,good.

      • What I want to know is why the Italian/European coastguard going as close as 20 miles to the Libyan coast? 20 miles!

    • Every Sunday evening, the Spanish news gives the total number of successful crossings that weekend.
      Its a bit like the football results, but they haven’t mastered the Alexander James Gordon tone yet

      • James Alexander Gordon.

        What chance do i have when the guy has three first names ?

        Or is it Gordon Alexa……..

  7. the question of whether or not charitys operating in the Med are encouraging migrants was put to one of the aid workers, he didnt really have an answer to that. but its blatantly obvious the low life people smugglers are saying to their victims ‘ yeh your boat/ raft may be a bit over crowded but don’t worry there are big ships out there that will rescue you ! i feel sorry for Italy , they have to take in most of these people.

    • Some environmentalist group should be investigating the effect on the eco-system of having all this human effluent bobbing around in the Med. Their shit can’t be helping either.

    • When the ABBC covered this shite last year with some libbo bird on board a ship picking them up she said this: “And here just 3 miles off the Libyan coast it’s a distressing sight as these people attempt to cross the Mediterranean to Greece and Italy. On this Italian naval vessel they at least stand a chance of reaching their destination in safety.”

      Let’s roll that one bsck a bit: “…just 3 miles off the Libyan coast…”

      Or hundreds off the Italian coast???

      Just put the cunts back where they came if it’s that close!

      If they do it again keep putting them back. Eventually they’ll give up, or die trying, same difference in the migration into Europe count stakes!

    • On a video posted here a few weeks ago, there was radar footage showing ships leaving Italy, heading for the coast of Libya and then heading back to Italy.

      Shaun of the Dead 69 put it up.
      It was on a piece about the Manchester bombing. The narrated one.

  8. I’m coming back to blighty late August, early September.
    What mode of travel should I take?
    She wants to fly, but I’m thinking it would be a great family adventure if we bought some lilos and paddled out in the med with a sign sayin’ “Britain, now”.

    That way we get to stop off for a few days beach holiday in Calais.
    It wont cost us a penny and we’ll get new clothes, phones and spending money.

    The downside to my plan is the return.
    Folk who take the adventure route rarely return.

    • Have you considered a pedalo shaped like a giant swan? You should have no problem reaching ramming speed when you catch sight of a dingy full of gollies and at least as a cyclist you’ll be used to leaving people shouting abuse and shaking their fists in your wake.

      • Cyclists are c•••s
        I had to screech to halt last night going round a corner of a one way street.
        The helmeted, Lycra wearing c•••t never budged and ignored my protestations.

        You were all right and i was wrong, Cyclists are c•••s.

        I’m a biker who pedals. 🙂

      • I was going round the corner on the feckin PAVEMENT the other day, and some virtue signalling CUNT came barrelling round…


    • If you can pass yourself off as a child then you’ll be minted!

      Just greet the UK Border Force with: “Salam alaikum.”

      And you’ll be in quicker than a honeymooner’s cock on his wedding night!

    • You might get a free telly from the lorry on the trip over.
      And if not the goverment will give you one when you arrive.

      …and a free house.

  9. Evening cunters.

    2 points:

    1. Every time I see a costume like that I just wanna post some dog shit through it’s letterbox.

    2. If I had a gettup like that I just wouldn’t be able to resist fitting a little red led going from side to side on the bittom of the slit.
    …That would be pretty cool.

    • So Google have been fined £2.1billion by the fucking EU.

      Hmmm. Where do you think that money will go, cunters…good causes maybe?

      I don’t think so.

      • Where does Google make its trillions ?

        Were does Fakebook make it’s trillions ?

        Is there a product people are buying that I’m unaware of?

        I really don’t know and it’s not a pisstake question.

        There are no stupid questions, only stupid answers.

      • Yea 2 billion for favouring it’s own products over the others.
        It’s a fuckin business, what do they think Google are gonna do?
        Do the EU put the interests of foreigners above the interests of it’s own people?

        … err … shit, hang on … ok. bad analogy.

  10. Some c•••er post a thesis length post that’s topical and must be read with urgency.

    That’s how a new thread gets started.

    Some call it ‘Sods Law’, some call it a ‘bitch’

    Talking of bitches, hello stalkerrrrrr

  11. bloody hell. anyone seen the video of the man hit full on by a bus! ? he gets up and walks straight into a pub !. well done sir!

  12. What about this lazy thieving cunt?… Can’t be arsed to think of his own shop name… Might have known it’d be a Parky…. If a white or English shopkeeper had done this, it’d be seen as ‘chavvy’ ‘lacking class’ ‘not in the rules of retail fair play’ etc…. Morrsisinghs?! It doesn’t even scan… In fact, it sounds shite… Morrisons say they don’t mind… Wonder if they’d mind more if he wasn’t a Parking Stanley?…. Course they bloody would…

    • A white and English shopkeeper?! They’re now on a par with Bigfoot, Nessie, and The Beast Of Craggy Island…

    • Boys ‘R’ Us
      TAI Friday Prayers
      Burka King
      Camel Phone Warehouse
      Giza Hut

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