Have I Got News For You. (HIGNFY)

I would like to nominate Al-BBC staple Have I Got News for You for a cunt-therapy session. Therapy for my benefit of course, not fucking theirs.

Not only has this satirical cuntfest gone well past its sell-by date, it has fermented into an unrecognisable, putrid mass in the fridge crisper. Choice vegetables of course in this salad o’shite being Ian Hislop, Paul Merton and whichever liberal elite comedians happen to be out-cunting themselves each week as the ‘guest’ hosts.

Confession time – back in the 90s, I used like this show. I remember Paula Yates and Piers Morgan on respective episodes getting a good old cunting. That Bruce Forsyth terrorist card game was funny. The William Shatner one wasn’t bad. But the show is now just a sorry fucking self-parody tribute act. What is worse, is that like anything from the Al-BBC post 2008, it has been infested with divisive neo-lib rhetoric and goes hand-in-hand with the very fucking worst dregs you find nodding sagely to Polly Toynbee columns in the Guardian.

The political agenda is barely concealed – all parties might be mocked but it is evident where the bread is buttered by noting who gets a real kicking. Unsurprisingly, plenty of pro-EU/anti-Trump/pro-immigration bollocks can be heard within each episode; topped off with the crowd of blue-haired quinola-scoffing hemp-wanking fucktards in the audience, who have taken to cheering anything pro-EU.

I no longer watch this shitfest, but in a moment of ill-judged stupidity I tuned in for the 2017 post-election special. What a fucking monumental mistake that was. Leading the charge as host was Jo Brand: a perfect fucking encapsulation for what the corporation champions as a box-ticking ‘comedian’ and amazingly, not even the most unfunny cunt with that surname. Ian Hislop as ever doing his indignant lectures that were once cutting and revealing, but are now just dull rambling speeches into cuntdom, delivered with a constantly bemused face which is so delightfully punchable – his head is increasingly resembling a cancerous potato. Central to the shit-mix is Paul Merton, who once upon a time at least had irreverent timing and wit, now reduced to a randomly barking shitheel whose outbursts are neither funny nor indeed fucking relevant. Guests this episode were Alan Johnson – a fucking member right down to his own surname – and Ross Noble, a truly unfunny rambling fucker whose head and sigmoid colon make a perfect geometric fit.

To be fair, HIGNFY is far from the only show that has been politicised beyond any humour; but it is one of the worst and most dramatic examples of right-on hijacking that I can think of. Plus, the ‘guest’ host list could be worthy of a cunting all on its own. A special place in cunting hell is reserved for the likes of Victoria Coren-Mitchell, her chinless fucking husband David, Alexander Armstrong, Miranda Hart and fucking Eddie ‘Top Cunt’ Izzard. Every single one of these bastards boils my piss into supercritical steam.

Nominated by The Empire Cunts Back.

221 thoughts on “Have I Got News For You. (HIGNFY)

  1. If this Cameldriver was already dead before the clean up van turned up does that mean he only gets 48 virgins and has missed out on his bonus? Damn bad luck if you ask me.

  2. That cunt on Sky news complaining that plod were too slow turning up? Fuck off you spastic.

    • Ok back to HIGNFY
      I can’t watch it anymore. The smug self righteous little cunt Hislop and the about as funny As cancer Merton with their endless digs at Brexit and Big Don have become so fucking tiresome .
      Their typical of the smug cunts that sit on the Fence with arrogant authority, knowing they will never have to be accountable for any major decisions .
      A bit like Corbyn really.

    • If our emergency services arent good enough maybe they can go to Afghanistan.

      • I saw how quick the peacefuls were to lie about certain details:

        They first claimed there were 3 attackers – it was just the one.

        The claim the police took an hour to arrive – they were already nearby!

        They bitch about the fool not being shot – hmmm, wonder why that is?

      • Can camels piss high enough to douse a multi-storey mudhut?

        Maybe Allan’s Bountiful Squirting Virgins ?

  3. I gave up watching this sneering pro-EU pile of BBC shit in February but I seem to recall that Merton was always trying to distance himself from the constant digs at brexit. Has that changed? I would be surprised if it has.
    I also gave up buying Private Eye but occasionally flick through it in the supermarket. A cunt’s rag these days. If I want to be patronised by a bunch of cunts I can just switch on the Blairite Broadcasting Corporation.

    • I read somewhere that they couldn’t find a comedian who would admit to supporting Brexit. As if it was akin to paedophilia. So I doubt London based, right on Merton is anything different.

  4. Just been listening to that pillar of the community, Baroness Warsi, pontificating about “Islamaphobia”….”Hatecrime” and “far right extremism” etc etc.
    Sorry, is this the same Baroness Warsi who was suspended from the Lords for 9 months for fiddling her expenses and was damn lucky not to get banged up? (Well we all know it wasn’t luck). Who the fuck do these cunts think they are. I don’t need lectures and sob stories from a fucking thief!

    • You don’t hear much about that cunt Warsi these days. She should have been banged up. Crooked old cow.

    • Warsi is yet another incompetent, deceitful cunt who only got where she is on the back of her gender and religion. An irrelevance if there ever was one.

    • Funny, she didn’t say anything about Manchester or London Bridge, did she?…
      Paki slag…

      • Of course she didn’t.

        Usual double standards, silence when it happens to non-peacefuls and when this happens…… good lord, we get it full force!

  5. Emergency cunting for Darren Osborne.
    This is the cunt who drove a van into a crowd of muslims in London. Fucking brilliant. Now they are all over the news as fucking victims. Paris (failed) attack pushed aside. Borough Market and Westminster forgotten. Muslims are victims. It’s official. I saw it on the BBC. ‘Hate crime for no reason. See what the peaceful religion has to put up with.’
    This deluded, inadequate cunt has probably achieved what that Yorkshire cunt did when he made Jo Cox a fucking martyr.
    I hope they throw away the key.

    • It would not matter if Darren Osborne had done what he did or not, the narrative from the MSM would have been exactly the same. We, the native people of Britain are the bad guys and the only way we can atone for our sins is by flooding the country with cunts who hate us and we must sit on our hands in silence with a rictus grin on our faces while the cultural enrichment continues apace until Britain no longer exists.

      However, some people are not happy to sit on their hands and do nothing as they watch their country and culture disappear, as they watch their children raped by the invaders and as they see the same children blown to bits by nail bombs.

      The first role of any government is to protect the people, and successive ones have proven unable or unwilling to do so. If the government refuses to protect the people then at least some of the people will protect themselves.

      • For a man who wanted to play ”terrorist”, he did a shit job of it.

        Bet it was spur of the moment.

        I also cunt this fool for now the London and Manchester atrocities are now a faded memory.

    • It’s a bad business but I don’t think the community will get much sympathy in light of all the other shit that’s happened. They don’t go in for candle vigils and their music doesn’t sell well.

    • It’s a bad business but I don’t think that community will get much sympathy in light of all the other shit that’s happened. They don’t go in for candle vigils and their music doesn’t sell well.

    • He is indeed a cunt as he has given the media and elite the narrative they wanted. Right wing terrorism as bad as islamic terrorism .

      • The media already had the narrative, they have been pushing it for years. Now they have a fact to back it up, but just look at the numbers and it falls to pieces. But who needs facts when you have the magic narrative? Unfortunately most people are pretty gullible and believe what they are told.

        I’m not going to cry any crocodile tears over what happened, it was inevitable and no doubt there will be many more to come.

  6. Fuck me, if your neighbour started a rat farm in his back garden and your house was invaded by the fuckers who would you blame, the rats or the cunt who brought them to your back door? Well it wouldn’t help if every cunt kept telling you they are cute, friendly little creatures and you had a load of animal rights cunts camped in your front garden. The only thing to do is to run away or take a flame thrower to the fucking lot of them.

  7. Strange how this Osborne cunt was named almost instantly by ABBC….
    But it took them days to name the filthy greasy piece of muslamist excrement who committed mass murder in Manchester…

    • Funny how quick it was called a terrorist attack.

      Funny how quick he was arrested

      Funny how quick a COBRA meeting was chaired.

      Funny how quick May was to visit Finsbury Park

      Funny how quick the cunt was named.

      Funny how the wording was ”a van ploughed through” and ”a van mowed down”.

      The sheer amount of double standards is galling.

  8. I’ve found WiFi at a gaff – no nanny Web so ISAC it is.


    The thing that fuck’s me off about the “Terrorist Atrocity” (when this actual was “some bloke from Cardiff” – unlike one after another, after another, and another “peaceful” cunts) is that it a) legitimises any other attack by “peaceful” cunts, b) all “peaceful” cunts – whether jihadis or just those that condone their actions – will be expecting UK Plc to fall over itself appeasing them to fuck (as Dick Fiddler hints above).

    I wanted hard action to be taken but I wanted HM Gov and the powers that be to do this! Not some deranged twat to do it because of the very reasons I give above!

    Yeah you showed them – Darren Osborne – you CUNT!

    Just when mass non-“peaceful” public opinion was on the cusp of demanding action of our Govt you go and do this and reset “peaceful” clock so every single time after the next multiple death Muslim Terrorist Attack occurs we’ll just get: “Well you killed ONE of ours!” (copyright Mayor Khunt)!

    What a dick head!

    I don’t want them killed, I want them rounded up, annexed and deported. And if any of the cunts decide to mix it with SO19 and get blown away then so be it. You won’t see me shedding a tear!

    But now, no chance. It’s open season on the infidel again and woe betide anyone who dares cry “peaceful problem”. You’ll get locked up!

    What a fucking cunt of a cunt! ?

    • I nominate Darren Osbourne for a cunting.

      So….. at a time when it was maybe, just maybe time that the powers that be finally realised they had to get get serious and possibly consider taking decisive action against the peaceful nutters, this dumb as fuck cunt decides to drive a van into them.

      Well congratulations dipshit, you now have them overplaying the victim and racism cards more than ever and every fucker under the sun is bending over forwards to appease and pander to them!

      You’ve just set back the case for decisive action against that mob by years becasue they will never let this go and ever lily livered cunt will do everything to protect and please them – at the expense of everyone else!

      Darren Osbourne, you are a stupid cunt and for your stupid cuntery I hope you end up sharing a cell with two bigga-boy types called Jamal and Abdullah! Cunt! Baaaaaaaaaah!

  9. Media logic: When an Islamic conspirator kills a westerner, it’s a lone wolf, one a western lone wolf kills one of them, it’s a right wing conspiracy.

  10. Oh yeah, and I am sick to fucking cunt of hearing the likes of May, Rudd, Khan, and numerous snowflakes and social media mongs saying ‘They will not divide us!’…

    There is no bloody ‘us’…. We are British, they are muslamists… They refuse to adapt to British life and society… They have no respect for us or our values… They get treated better than British families, taxpayers, workers, and pensioners… And they openly piss in the face of Britain (Oi! Queen! Come ‘ere!’?! Fucking ignorant sandspade cunt!)… There is no ‘us’… We are us and they are them… But the UK should belong to its own people and they should all fuck off back to their flybown shitheaps….

    • Goo luck with that one, every cunt is now going to protect them.

      Tit for tat? Shit, by all logic they have a lot of ‘tat’ heading their way but no way that will happen now?

      Wonder what the reaction to the next peaceful attack will be?

      • John Humphreys was interviewing a bystander this morning on radio four, and the guy said the fucking bellend in the van was shouting kill all Muslims. Humphreys asked him to repeat that phrase, not once, but three times, just in case no one was paying full attention. Contrast that with the interview with the woman who witnessed the female teacher getting stabbed by some other women. They cut out the bit where she said the women stabbing were shouting ‘this is for allah’. It’s not about who is right or wrong, but they should apply the same rules to both crimes.

      • Yes, that attack happened not a million miles from me and was hardly mentioned locally let alone on MSM.
        The double standards of a lot of the media cunts shouldn’t come as a surprise now. Just try making a complaint about this and they don’t like it.

  11. Apparently the van driver was radicalized after watching too many Alf Garnett dvds….

    • I think you’ll find it was Sir Nigel who was responsible for that as in the BBC documentary about St. Jo Cocksucker the other night.

      • Well apparently JK Rollinginit already blamed Farage and Tommy Robinson for this.

      • “Although I am a cunt I am going to out cunt until myself and blame a couple of random right wingers, so here goes…………”
        Her exact words.

  12. Oh and don’t get me started on “double standards” between this single incident and the raft of “peaceful” atrocities in the West worldwide over the last 12 months.

    As I’ve said dozens of times before, Thomas Mair was named, labelled a “Nazi Sympathiser” and branded an “Extremist” before St. Jo’s blood had even had chance to dry on the road!

    Once again another fucking nut-job but again the disparity on naming and shaming between that and the dozens of UK “peaceful” twats killing dozens of people remain unnamed, defined as “French”, “Norwegian” or “some bloke from Kent” and each to a one “disturbed” or “misunderstood”. It fucking stinks.

    And now I have to suffer the lies of some “peaceful” cunt with a doily on his head (ABBC News 24 right now) extolling how peaceful all the “peaceful” folk are in Finsbury park. Butter wouldn’t melt in his mouth but I bet C4 would of the cunt was given the chance to take a few innocents out with him!

    Fuck off you’re all murdering cunts and if you’re not you condone the actions of the “peaceful” ones who do it.

    Fucking Darren Osborne CUNT!


    And then after another attack in Paris. Not named but “known” to the authorities. You may hear of his name in a couple of months or so. No doubt a misunderstood lone-wolf who just happens – by pure coincidence – to be “peaceful”! GRRRRRR!!!!

    • I just googled “paris attack” and the only results were from Fox News, NBC, CNN and the Times of India. Not a fucking dicky bird from UK MSM.

      Google “london attack” and all the usual suspects show up, BBC, Guardian and Independent.

      Do you think they are trying to hide something from us?

  13. Awwww! Everyone’s favourite ickle mong is now getting ‘upset’ over ‘evil’ and ‘abhorent’ messages on her Twatter page… The windowlicker we all love to hate said that Darren Osborne cunt was ‘radicalised by the British media’…. Could the British media she is condemning be the this be the same British media she covets and whores herself to on a regular basis?…
    Also, how come the musical mong is more upset about Finsbury Park than she was about Manchester, London Bridge, or Westminster?… Oh, one of her precious little pets has been killed by (drum roll) ‘nasty white men’… She must be frigging herself silly tonight…

    • I have to take issue with your description of this mong as “musical”. She can’t hold a note, the whiney cunt.
      She must be as thick as shit as she must realise what will happen after her outpourings.
      Has she visited the scene in Finsbury Park yet to get her grizzling mug in the papers.
      Also how many families from Grenfell Tower has she taken in ?

      • She knows exactly what she’s doing… She spouts this anti-English, anti-white crap knowing the responses she’ll get, and then she plays the victim and laps up the publicity…. The Mongotron is another Sinead O’ Connor… It’s not about white people, or peacefuls, or tower block fires… It’s all about her… Everything this coke addled STD riddled gluebag does is for attention and publicity… She’ll even lie to get noticed (the taxi driver ‘story’)…. That the media now see the Ultramong as the go-to person for opinion on social and poltical matters shows how fucked Britain really is… One can imagine the scenario: Daily Mirror/Sky/ITV/ABBC offices…. ‘Oh fuck, lads! World War III is starting tomorrow… Let’s go out with a great story and a real solid and philosophical view… I know, we’ll ask Lily The Spaz!’…

  14. We’ve already been labelled and not lowering ourselves to their level us fuckin bullshite.

    What else is there to do?

    Seriously, “lowered to their level”?
    Grow some fuckin balls and stop worrying about an image.

    Darren Osbourne is a pioneer and hero.

  15. Sorry to piss on the parade (don’t worry my piss comes out as steam these days anyway) but that was the most piss poor, feeble fucking “terrorist attack” that I’ve ever seen in my life.
    Firstly, if you’re gonna drive down a road and kill as many people as possible, try choosing a road that’s longer than 10 FUCKIN FOOT long.
    Secondly, don’t get dragged out and beaten the shit out of by the cunts that your trying to kill.
    Thirdly, out of all the traitorous, backstabbing, cousin marrying, vermin that you have to choose from why go after a bunch of randoms. …not very british.
    If you want to make a point, find the biggest, baddest, mouthiest, goat shagger you can find and spill HIS guts over the floor.
    Darren Osbourne is a stupid cunt.

    …He’s probably clinically insane but I doubt we’ll hear too much about that. I’ll be all “right wing” “anti immigration” and “voted for brexit”.
    Stupid, soppy cunts like him and thomas mair give us “righty’s” a bad name.

    ….and I bet those ISIS cunts are pissing their fuckin pants!

    • Yeah, at least the Mair arsehole picked a relevant target and tried to get away with it by doing a runner and changing his clothes. He should have told the coppers he got the gun from a Muzzie, which he probably did. I mean no proper criminal is going to sell a gun to a wanker like him as the chances are he’ll get caught and grass them up. A Muzzie would just scream Islamaphobia and they can’t touch the cunt

    • And why the fuck did he travel all the way from Wales to do it. Haven’t they got mosques in Wales.

  16. There’s a candlelight vigil for the dead Muzzie tonight. No surprise there but guess where it is? Fucking MANCHESTER!!! Fuck me, those snowflakes know a tragedy when they see one. Next step….vigils on Corrie and Eastbenders.

    • Those whiny cunts in Liverpool are going to have to raise their game if they’re not to loose their title of Capital of the Grief Industry… Typical lazy scousers, can’t even manage a job where all they have to do is whinge.

      • Sign-on, sign-on.

        With a pen in your hand.
        Yoooouuuuuu’llll never get a job.
        You’ll never get a job!
        Sign-on, sign-on!

  17. He had the balls to do something.
    He gave up his freedom and family coz he couldn’t take this shite anymore.
    He had everything to lose but still tried to get some payback.
    I’m sure he wanted to get more, but its not his fault that multi layers off clothing protect against deadly injuries.

    To call Darren Osbourne a cunt is not on.
    He done this for us you, you ungrateful cunts.


    • That’s like saying “be nice to teresa may coz she’s trying to deliver brexit.”

      The fact is she’s a stupid cunt that’s gonna fuck it up.

      “It’s not good enough saying that we are “doing our best”, you have got to succeed in doing what is necessary.” – Winston Churchill.

      Anjem pube-face chouda is out on the streets soon. ….if you’re gonna get someone why not go after him?

      Osbourne is a stupid, embarrasment of a shit cunt if ever I saw one.

      We’re british for fucks sake. No point killing a few randoms, that will NEVER win a war.

      • Its fuck all like saying “be nice to teresa may”

        I said he wasnt a cunt coz he gave up everything coz he couldn’t take noore? Ffs

    • Osborne has destroyed and hope of any sort of negative (ie: positive, for us) movement against the peacefuls… There were signs of ‘These cunts have gone too far! Now they’re having it!’…. But after the Grenfell Tower fire and especially after Finsbury Park the camelbummers are back in pole position as No. 1 victims and will now be more untouchable than ever… Talk about playing into their hands…

      A mate of mine said to me yesterday at work: ‘That Lily Allen is fucking hanging!’ To which, I replied: ‘Yeah, but not from a tree… Unfortunately…’

  18. I see the last bastion of childhood entertainers not swallowed up by operation weeting, Bryan Cant, has died of Parkinson’s today.

    I liked old Bryan, and Chloe Ashcroft. Now all that’s left of childhood tv is convicted paedo’s for me…. nobody had him in the pool then?

    I would have liked to hear his inner city role call these days for Islamshire fire brigade: Mohammed, Mohammed, Mohammed Ibrahim, Mohammed, Khan! Allah!

    • not forgetting “Grunt”, when they withdraw from the station goat-mascot…

  19. Cocksuckers at the BBC are making a four course meal out of this. I empathise with Darren Osborne’s frustration but, for fucks sake, what do our wankey establishment expect. People are seriously angry and cities are just a few more muzzie attacks away from civil war.

    The Met has labelled the crime as ‘right wing extremism’. Those lefties are pure as the driven snowflakes of course. This isn’t right wing extremism. The likelihood is that Darren Osborne would have been sitting home tonight, cock in one hand and a tinny in the other had Manchester and London Bridge not happened. This is nothing like what happened in Manchester or on London Bridge. This is an attempt to send a message to cunts like May and Corbyn.

    The public are sick of muzzie terrorist attacks. The sooner the government realises this and acts on it, fewer incidents such as these will occur.

    That skidmark Corbyn is ‘out and about’ in the ‘commoonity’ today. Cuntwallah.

    • Corbyn is opportunistic scum. The cunt was out political point scoring about Grenfell tower while the damn thing was still burning! Christ I wish this Osbourne creature went for him instead.

      • I think he’s trying to make out that he’s some king of robin hood.

        …pied fuckin piper more like.

      • I’ve been saying it all along – he’s a modern day Jim Jones!

        Commie cunt – check
        Brainwashed followers – check
        Insidious beliefs and practices (by henchmen and followers) – check

        All he needs is his own town in some backwater foreign hell hole called Corbyntown and some Flavour-aid and cool-aid…..

    • Bit like Newtons Law. For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction.

    • have no doubt that the slimes will behave like Nazis did after the Czechs offed Heydrich…for every one dead goatfucker, probably hundreds of us slaughtered.

      Because they are evil cunts.

  20. Well done to Dioclese for winning the # ISAC Election Game 2017 # by correctly predicting 23/50 MPs that lost their seats. The losers are listed below.

    I got the list of current, standing MPs from this site:
    Apologies for any errors.

    10/50 lost seats:
    Byron Davies
    Gavin Barwell
    Nick Clegg
    Simon Danczuck
    David Winnick
    Calum Kerr
    Ed Miliband
    Alastair Carmichael
    Ben Gummer
    Angus Robertson

    10/49 lost seats:
    Chris Matheson
    Rob Marris
    Natascha Engel
    Tom Blenkinsop
    David Winnick
    Robert Flello
    Gisela Stuart
    Susan Jones
    Rob Flello
    Alan Meale

    Anton Pillar:
    14/50 lost seats:
    Chris Matheson
    Calum Kerr
    Rob Marris
    Catherine Smith
    Natascha Engel
    David Winnick
    Kirsten Oswald
    John Nicolson
    Byron Davies
    Amanda Solloway
    Corri Wilson
    Rob Flello
    Jamie Reed
    Iain Wright

    Freddie the Frog:
    0/1 lost seats.

    23/50 lost seats:
    Mary Creach
    John Nicolson
    David Winnick
    Ed Miliband
    Chris Mathewson
    Nick Clegg
    Sarah Olney
    John Pugh
    Natasha Engel
    Rob Flello
    Allan Meals
    Alastair Carmichael
    Greg Mulholland
    Mark Williams
    John Nicolson
    Calum Kerr
    Richard Armless
    Alexander Burnett
    Angus Robertson
    Byron Davies
    Amanda Solloway
    Gavin Harwell
    Tom Blenkinsop

    14/50 lost seats:
    Alex Salmond
    Paul Farelly
    Catherine Mckinne
    Elidh Whiteford
    Nick Clegg
    Chris Matherson
    Tuilip Siddiq
    Ed Milliband
    Hiliary Benn
    John Nicholson
    Rob Marris
    John Pugh
    Iain Wright
    Jamie Reed

    Vermin CS:
    4/5 lost seats:
    Alex Salmond
    Angus Robertson
    Tasmina Ahmed-Sheikh
    Nick Clegg

  21. So many cunts, so little interest. The likes of JK Rowling, Flabbot, Corbin, etc.etc ad infinitum. Fuck them all, fuck them all.

  22. Piers Morgan is a cunt but deserves an un-cunting for this:


    This is the “Darren Osborne” affect. Chippy “peaceful” cunts expecting their community to be exonerated of any association with terrorist attacks while non-“peacefuls” are expected to mind their language.

    Fuck off you cunts and watch me tuck into my sausage and bacon bap during daylight hours! Cunts!

    • ….. and while the fucker doing all the talking doesn’t hardly pause for a breath …. at 2.35 … he mentions all the hurt, including the ‘Grenfell Tower ATTACKS’ … jump to conclusions, why don’t you, you gobshite Cunt …

  23. J K Rowling is a skidmark who lives in am alternate ‘cockwarts’ reality.

    She has Tweeted accusing Nigel Farage of influencing the likes of Darren Osborne.

    Naturally Farage is livid. If I were him, I would sue her socialist arse off and donate any award to a worthy cause which would piss Rowling off. Something that would benefit the indigenous population of the UK, such as Help the Aged.

    Rowling can get her magic gums around my wedding tackle. At least it would prevent her talking socialist mumbo jumbo. For a short while, anyway.

    • How do the cunts in power not except revenge attacks to occur after all these latest terrorist attacks like manchester bombing and bridge stabbings? Fucking stupid lickspittle cunt clowns in government.

      When the government coddles the mudslime community after every attack and does bloody nothing. Lets not even fucking forget about the 40,000 radicalised jihadi terrorists currently in england! fucking useless Cunts

    • Would he win though? The Establishment hate him and would love to put him in his place ……..and bankrupt him at the same time.

      • You’re right, Freddie… I still remember Katie Hopkins and her case against Jim/John/Jack Monroe…. The amount of rich snowflake cunts and twats in high places made sure Katie didn’t have a chance…

  24. Suckdick had better watch out, he’s got a rival. The media are turning this Muzzie vicar , who “saved” this Osbourne cunt, into a fucking saint and hero.
    Lucky for Suckdick , Mohammed the cunt already has a cushy job and doesn’t need any snowflakes to vote for him.

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