Yet another EU lickspittle has stuck his head above the parapet in the Brexit divorce argument, this time German finance minister Wolfgang Schaeuble.
Wolfie reckons that we’ll have to cough up £50,000,000,000 to be ‘allowed’ to leave the EU because “it’s not like leaving a golf club”. Well I’ve got news for Wolfie because it’s exactly like leaving a golf club. You quit. You stop paying your subs. You’re no longer a member.
The EU is a club. Nothing more. We’re not married to it and it makes my piss boil every time they call it a divorce. Article 50 makes no provision for a leaving fee, so ol’ Wolfie can just go fuck himself.
This a man who was forced to resign from Kohl’s government in a corruption scandal. This is a man that is so ingrained with the EU gravy train, he even has EU in his name!
He reckons that if we don’t stump up, they’ll take us to the European Court. That’s the European Court that no longer has juristiction after we’ve left the EU. He’s so deluded that he’s living in a different galaxy, the cunt.
Nominated by Dioclese
Those of us here can still have a laugh though.
I tried with some cheesy jokes earlier, but only king cunt followed my lead.
Chat away cunters.
We don’t need no new thread.
If Maybitch had half a brain she would put Sir Nigel in charge of these so called negotiations. He knows all those cunts and how their brains work. As soon as he walked through the door they would shit themselves. Can you imagine him going…..”WHO are you?” And “have you ever had a real job?”. A week of that and they would be paying US 100 billion and begging us to leave. As my old Dad (Gawd rest his soul) used to tell me…..”You let cunts walk all over you and they fucking will.”
If anything, the fuckers owe US tens of billions of pounds!
Hey Freddie, what do you make of May claiming that the EU is trying to influence the General Election? I can actually believe that, it’s pretty blatant that they’re playing the same game in France after all.
Of course they are the cunts. For the first time in my life I am thinking about voting Tory. I will have to have a look at who the candidate is. It will just be a principle thing of course . I will still end up with the professional politician as my MP …..Helen fucking Hayes…….dirty Blairite remoaner whore.
No doubt she would like her old master back too…..
Eh, I’m voting Tory again, to think the 2nd time I’m able to vote in a general election is so soon after the first.
Where I am has been Tory for a while now.
Saw Comrade Corbyn was on the campaign trail in Bedford, and what did I see next to him on the TV? Four peacefuls of course.
By the way fellow cunters, I do believe I found an actual picture of Doubledouche:–/YXBwaWQ9aGlnaGxhbmRlcjtzbT0xO3c9ODAw/
Fantastic ……
A cunting for celebrity kids names, every chavy ex Big Brother retard to washed up X factor cunt turned soap star thinks naming their sprogs unusual names will somehow make them stand out for a future career. Every cunt from plastic slapper Jordan to the ox tongued prick Jamie Oliver has had a go, its just vain one up man ship. Frank Zappa made me chuckle though, Dweezil and Moon Unit, they must have been some good shrooms.
You might think those names are funny but I had to change my name from Dweezil to Ian Appropriate. That worked out ok for me but my black half sister Moon Unit changed her name to something more normal too. Chose the name Diane Abbott…..didn’t work out so well for her.
This is not a new name, but i know THREE Percy’s.
Three fuckin Percy’s!!!!!!!!!
Ain’t that a budgie name??
Poor fuckin budgie.
Mines are called
V was called Violetta coz we thought she was a girl, but then its cere changed from pink to blue, so we stuck with V.
Sorry if i bored any cunter, but i can talk about my beautiful buggies all day.
I also have two terrapins called Cuff and Link, just like Rocky’s.
Sorry again. 🙂
We had 3 budgies over the years birdman, two we named Ricky and the last one we called Snowy. When they chatted away you could hear my dads voice In them. Lovely birds, but my favourite is the Kingfisher.
Nearly sent myself to sleep then.
saw something on the box yesterday pm, squeaky little kid, sounded like a ten year old girl, mascara like a KardashitrashiKunt, yes, you’ve guessed it, it’s a boy, mummy encourages him to “Feel / be himself” and, oh, I nearly forgot, he’s always liked wearing make-up.
I am NOT homophobic but, jc, all these amateur theatricals, more camp than Catterick.
Wierd possibly sicko. Only in America.
Only a bloody yank would capture their own death on camera.
What the hell is in the air over there to make them so mad?
They could always watch it later,
Just been reading about Stephen Hawkings recommendation that us humans must leave earth within the next 100 years, shame we’ll not be about to see it, especially Mr Hawkings….. More wine anyone?
Stephen Hawking cant even wipe his chin.
Fuckin convenient that he wont be here for the scorn.
I fuckin hate that creepy little cunt.
E-ve-ry b-od-y thi-nk-s i-am sma-rt be-cau-au-se i ta-alk in a ro-bo-tic vo-oice.
I’d love to see that cunts breaks fail on a sloping road.
Aa-ah ca-ant st-o-op, ca-ant st-o-op.
I have no problem with Hawkins theories on quantum cosmology, cosmic inflation or helium production in anisotropic big bang universes, this all appears pretty straight forward.
The problem I can’t get my head round is why does the cunt need to wear shoes?….
Stephen Hawking went on a date the other day but his date stood him up……he fell straight over of course.
Whats black,crispy and sits at the top of the stairs?
Stephen Hawking after a housefire.
Today’s total bollocks on the Jeremy Vine show was a piece on Diane Abbots’ LBC car crash interview. It wasn’t about her poor performance and total lack of facts, or is she fit to be in the shadow cabinet, let alone part of the next government, of course not, this is Jeremy cuntcycle Vine. It was saying that Abbot got all that flak because she is black, and not because she is a shit politician. Isn’t that the Obama defence? Instead of having two opposing arguments, he just had a female black journalist, who defended Abbot, naturally. They also compared it to Natalie Bennetts fuck up of an interview during the last election, where she tried to mask her total ignorance by pretending to cough. Similar in some respect, however, Bennett was only being interviewed for a laugh, because let’s face it, who the fuck was seriously going to vote for her?
Flabbot has form for car crash interviews. Remember the grilling she got from Brillo after she announced that “African women would go to the wall for their children”?
I recall she was lost for words and repeatedly looked up to the studio ceiling as if there was a bucket of deep fried chiggun suspended from a rope above, waiting for her.
She is a nasty, thick racist, lump of uselessness.
I have more talent trapped between my foreskin and glans.
I wondered how long it would be before some cunt played the race card, its usually her first line of defence but this time she left it up to a tame liberal cunt at the ABBC. Similar to that cunt Emily Thornberry crying MISOGONY when someone on sky news asked her who her opposite number was in France and she didn’t know, despite just bragging about having a meeting with the cunt booked for the following week. I guess it is just a coincidence that they are both fat arsed swamp donkeys and both Labour shadow cabinet members. Must be Comrade Corbyn’s type; fat, ugly and fucking thick.
Fuck the London fucking Marathon. Sick and tired of hearing about this “hero” who helped some fucked up cunt across the line. What about all the hundreds of selfish cunts who jogged past and said “fuck you cunt.” That’s the Thatcherite/Blairite Britain I know. Let’s celebrate the CUNT society I say!
I saw that groundhog again this morning.
I walked to the shop this morning….. it was interesting.
I bought a new driver the other day, a callaway big bertha fusion. It’s so good I’m thinking of getting the five wood now. I’lll keep you all posted don’t worry.
Did you not fancy splashing out the eye-watering £400 for the new Cally Epic driver?
On a different subject what names = cunt.
You know what I mean, example: The missus says ‘Oh my friend Sandra is coming over for dinner with her boyfriend Tarquin’ you then think ‘He’s sounds like a cunt’ so Tarquin = cunt name.
I dont apologise if any cunters real name gets mentioned, tough you should have changed your cunt name (you still can ya cunt)
My contribution is:
It’s given me an idea, a book called ‘Cunt names to avoid’.
Definitely a top seller.
© Black and White cunt.
Ladies names.
Cunt names. eh?….
Jase (lazy cunts who can’t spell Jason)
And girly ones…
Princess (some chav cunts actually name their kid with this!)
Maddie (reminds of those ghoulish shitehawks, the McCunts)
+ any foreign fucking name
oops! I forgot….thanks
Moohammed, Mahmad, Mehmed, Mahamed, Mohamad, Mohamed, Mohammad, Mohammed, Muhamad, Muhamed, Muhamet, Muhammed, Muhammet, Mahammud , Mehmet, Mohd, Muh,”Mohamed”,”Mahamid”, Mo, Moh.
Fucking good list that
Is there another thread? I’m getting bored
Garth Crooks is a cunt…
OK, we all know Crooks is a sanctimonious, dictionary swallowing, intolerable, smug, staggeringly pretentious cunt… But his bollocks about demanding all players in Serie A in Italy going on strike because that bogo-bogo mercenary, Sulley Muntari, got sent off is cuntitude on a higher level, even by Crooks’ standards..
Crooks is claiming Muntari (remember the cunt at Portsmouth? One of Redknapp’s jungle mercenaries, who fucked off when the money did?) was sent off because he responded to ‘racial abuse’ and therefore should be a special case… Bollocks, of course… And Crooks has also said his pompous bullshit has nothing to do with Muntari being black… Yeah, of course it hasn’t… I don’t recall Crooks leaping to the defence of ErIc Cantona when he was racially provoked by some shiity arsed cunt at Selhurst Park… In fact I remember Crooks being ‘disgusted’ and full of self righteous holier than thou shite… But then again, Cantona isn’t black… Why is it when a white player kicks off he is a ‘thug’ or a ‘psycho’? Yet when one of those lot does it, it is because of their ‘African temperament?’ What complete bollocks.. Garth Crooks is a fucking hypocritical cunt…
Can’t stand Crooks, he is a fucking shit interviewer who tries so hard to sound intelligent. He then ends up coming across as an even bigger cunt.
I bet when he’s home he’s says to the wife “shut up ya bloodclaaht mout an cook me rice an pea an chicken’.
Crooks is a probably a real massive cunt in private… I suspect Ed Sheeran is the same… All this ‘nice guy’ image and ‘sensitive’ love songs bollocks he churns out, but I bet he treats women like crap…
And if I hear that ‘Galway Girl’ shite once more… How is this ginger beetroot headed cunt seen as the top bollocks?!… ‘She played the fiddle in an Irish band, but she fell in love with an Englisman’?!… I heard better poetry and songs than that at primary school…. Ed, you’re a fucking cunt…
Ed sheeran singing Galway girl fell in love with an Englishman. Sheeran is an Irish surname.
Sheeran is a swivel eyed cunt.
His surname is a bit racist, innit?
Crooks head looks like a ripe melon about to explode. So does Alan Brazil come to think of it. Flabbott looks like she has exploded. Fact Hunt.
The beauty of is a cunt is that you don’t need a new cunt/cunting.
All you do is write a cunting (preferably short imo as some long cuntings can be a bit sapping on a cunters enthusiasm) and the cunters can respond after the cunting.
I wrote many a cunting and didn’t get my first cunting published until 40 days 6 hours and 17 seconds. Fucking racist bastards.
King Harold needs a cunting,
Ok fair enough he beat the Vikings at Stamford Bridge and almost beat the Norman’s but he made the mistake of losing a fucking battle when he had the high ground the dumb cunt.
My English side have a Norman surname and I’m glad they (the Norman’s) kicked those moustached Anglo Saxon German cunts asses.
This country would be what it is without the Norman’s.
The Northmen were bad fucker s and they didn’t fuck about, were a big part of the crusades as well.
Inwish I had a sword and a big fucking horse, I would go around London sorting out some cunts.
Yep. My line were ethnic Briton, and we got fucked over by the Roman cunts big time. We were just settling down to afternoon tea having waved bye bye to the last Romans, when those fucking hairy arsed bastards the Saxons flooded in. Well fuck me…all of this open door policy shit meant that very soon we were once again a minority in our own fucking country. The Fucking cheek !
Then came them fucking vikings…they were real cunts..but again after a few hundred years, we managed to kick their arses out as well.
You Norman cunts, now that was something else ( viking mark 2 ) You had spent so much time in that shitehole across the channel, you were speaking fucking frog when you came knocking.
I reckon we eventually became members of the EU because of those fucking Normans. Trouble is, its the cunts who came afterwards…..Now, about that sword…
I like to think of the Norman’s as Viking hearted civilised by living in France cunts. They were the bollocks and kicked many a cunt in the bollocks.
How about your pork sword,BAWC?
The pork sword is for the ladies who I deemed not in need of my medieval Norman sword.
Normans Sword? Does Norman know you have his sword?
The relentless anti Russia, pro queer Sky News juggernaut continues to fight the good fight by showing homophobia where ever it exists. This time they have spoken to a Chechen batty boy who has exclusively revealed how he had to flee the country because of homophobic attacks, even by his own family. These evil fucking Russian cunts, Putin is personally to blame for this outrage!
No mention of course that Chechnya is 95% “peaceful” and the homophobic attacks being carried out there are commonplace in islime-ic countries, including our good mates the Saudis where poofery is illegal and is punishable by death by stoning. And Yeman. And Iran. And Mauritania. And Nigeria. And Qatar. And Afghanistan. And Somalia. And Sudan. And United Arab Emirates. I wonder what all these countries have in common?
What have they in common ? Hmmmmmm thats a hard one
Although it’s not uncommon for asylum seekers to claim they suffer from being gay in order to avoid being sent back to a country where poofery is frowned upon.Once leave to stay has been granted the gayness usually wears off.
The problem with the peaceful submissive type is they will stick their cheesy bell end into anything, Woman, boy or goat, it is all fair game to them.
Check this out, fellow cunters:
Will those two cunts, Lineker and Lily Mong, be signing it?…
I hope they both fucking choke… Keep Britain a filth free zone…
I tried to sign the petition, but when i pressed “add signature” my email address kept highlighting.
Signed it,Norman, Fucking typical,isn’t it? Protect the scum and hush it up. I live in the North East and there’s been no mention in any of the local papers about this.
…..Chocolate flavoured pork swords?…………………cunts…………Baaaaaaaaaaaah
What you on about? My pork sword is like a pork loin nicely browned in the pan… Baaaaaaaaaaaaah
Andy Burnham is a Scouse career politician cunt…
I could never vote for a Scouse cunt…
Mind you, I could never vote for a Tory Punkah Wallah either…
And the Lib Dems (any Lib Dems!) can just fuck off…
Why UKIP ever put a lying slap headed scouse cunt in charge I will never know. Well, I do know to be honest. It is because they are fucking cunts.
Caravanners are Cunts.
And I don’t just mean scrap-stealing,litter-dumping fucking pikeys…Oh no, I mean those fucking wankers who set out with their fucking tin-tents when they have no idea how to tow something behind their vehicle and seem to be totally ignorant of how to reverse the fucking things. They bounce around corners,crawl along narrow roads with no consideration for the queue of traffic building up behind them,overnight in laybys because they’re too tight to pay campsite fees,leave rubbish and worst of all…..they are boring wankers who seem to think that because they’ve decided to eat-out in a pub,everyone should moderate their language because they have their revolting family with them.
Fuck off Cunts, if you’re too tight to go on a proper holiday,fucking well stay at home.
Quality cunting, DF. The problem is them caravans are not cheap and you need a big car to pull the fuckers so all in all you are looking at a tidy sum. Its bad enough the cunts spend a fortune to spend 2 weeks a year in abject misery but they have to spread the pain round everyone else at the same time. Fuck off you cunts.
I think that’s the worst of it S.E.The cunts have money,but choose to spend their holiday cooped up in a metal box 16 foot by 6 foot,eating fucking sandwiches in a layby while the traffic roars past 3 foot away, watching some crappy portable telly at nights,cooking on a stove that puts out less flame than my tab-lighter.take most of their provisions with them,and baaically put fuck-all money into whichever unfortunate area that they choose to plague with their fucking wobble-boxes.
“they choose to plague with their fucking wobble-boxes”
It’s the camping cunts that I have trouble with.
Spending a fortune on kit to live like the homeless…..
Its like those cunts who spend 5 grand on a fucking push bike. I don’t fucking care what it is made from you cunts, buy a fucking car.
I’m a caravanner you cunts.
What I really enjoy is going out with my caravan and keeping to speed limits so all the cunts behind me who normally drive like cunts have to slow down.
ps: you won’t block my cuntings for being a caravanner will you?!
Hey I.A….If a dodgy lucking cunt with a demented look in his eye overtakes you while mouthing obscenities and making the wanker sign at you ,it’s probably me….feel free to flash your lights until I pull over,then call me a cunt before challenging me to a fist fight. 😉 .
One caught my eye a couple of months ago in the shop window, so i went in for a geez and saw that the price tag was about the price you mentioned.
Fuckin idiots.
You should also check out, or not, the price of their clobber and gear.
I only buy gloves and lights, and they only cost two euros in the Chinese bazaar.
Shitting in a bucket listening to the rain on the roof has never appealed to me. Although a fuck off yankee style bus touring Spain has it’s attractions.
The only benefit of have a caravan is if you go out to some remote place and make drugs like that cunt in Breaking Bad.
If the police are reading this I know naffink abaaaaaht it.
Terrible programme.
I got series one and what i now wish for is that no cunt buys me series two.
The whole story could be told in a hour and a half long filum.
I blame the makers of Lost for encouraging storytelles to string a story out for four to five years, when as i said it could of been told in an hour and a half.
Ive watched it all, although slow in places and dragged out a bit it’s good. Funny in parts as well.
Your wish is somebody else’s command, Oh Wise Man of the Bird. For here is the entire 62 episode series compressed into 2 hours and 17 minutes.
Did ye read the comments?
Cunts are pissed off, even though they’ve already watched the programme and nobody is forcing them to watch the filum.
I watched every episode of Lost, and i loved them all coz i KNEW that no matter how crazy the plot got, it would all come together at the end.
Did it fuck.
I remember watching the last episode after staying up all night, and it was shhhheeeiiiittteee.
I’ve lost faith with series’s with an ongoing story line, unless its Dexter.
Yea dexter was awesome!
I fuckin love the sopranos too.
And the stupid cunts who drive 5 miles to the gym only to pedal themselves silly for an hour on a stationary bike…………cunts……..Baaaaaaaaaaaaah
There’s a gym near me with a huge glass frontage just full of posing cunts.
I watched a bird in there recently doing three sets of selfies….
Like it…lol
Listening to LBC and they’re talking about struggling with weight etc. People ringing in going on about people getting support etc, someone was going on about some people’s metabolism doesn’t make weight loss easy.
Listen you cunts, it’s simple next time before you scoff yourself think: am I going to burn this pack of biscuits off, do I need to eat? It’s simple don’t eat as much and the weight will come off.
Ive just eaten 4 doughnuts because of Brexit, I am a bit overweight but because I’m a big cunt I can carry it off, I can lose weight quickly and easily. I don’t make any excuses, why does everyone have to have support for their self inflicted cuntishness.
PS The cunt of Edinburgh… Is a cunt.
“Slow metabolism” “Big bones” “Need support”. No you fucking cunts, you are fat because you are weak. It is your fault and your fault alone. Society didn’t make you fat, McPukeburger didn’t make you fat, Glegg’s nasty pasties didn’t make you fat, you made you fat by eating the fucking shit.
And you can stick your fad diets up your fat arses because all you need to do is consume fewer calories than you burn and you will lose weight. Nothing more complicated than that, just plain old thermodynamics. Unless you are trying to tell me that the laws of thermodynamics do not apply in the tiny corner of the universe you inhabit?
You should be fucking ashamed of yourself you fat cunts, you are a drain on society and a fucking disgrace.
But so long as you have a big pair of knockers you’re on.
Well said SE.
If we just lie in bed each day doing nothing, we would burn 1000 calories by simply breathing. Its called an insensible loss..
If we eat 2000 cals a day, we only need 3 stiff wanks a day.
The rest of the table is available on request.
So, all that peddling, pushups, sit ups, and pull ups was all for nothing?
It was actually the wanking that’s keeping me trim.
I can’t believe some sad cunt actually has researched this;
“You burn about 6 calories a minute. The average time is 10-15min so you burn about 60-90 calories per session.”
Fuck me! 10 to 15 minutes for a tug? They must be really shit at it because I’ve got it down to less than a minute now.
Remember when porn scenes lasted just under ten minutes?
Now they’re over twenty minutes, and sometimes hit the forty minute mark.
They scenes last me a fortnight.
It’s a myth.
I’ve been wanking furiously for years and I’m still a fat cunt.
I had a cream cake today because of Brexit.
Well, the information is here on how to work it off. 🙂
The multi billion dollar weight loss industry can be eradicated with one sentence.
Eat a bit less, do a bit of exercise…
Fat cunts…..
More like it could be summed up in two words – Self control.