Yet another EU lickspittle has stuck his head above the parapet in the Brexit divorce argument, this time German finance minister Wolfgang Schaeuble.
Wolfie reckons that we’ll have to cough up £50,000,000,000 to be ‘allowed’ to leave the EU because “it’s not like leaving a golf club”. Well I’ve got news for Wolfie because it’s exactly like leaving a golf club. You quit. You stop paying your subs. You’re no longer a member.
The EU is a club. Nothing more. We’re not married to it and it makes my piss boil every time they call it a divorce. Article 50 makes no provision for a leaving fee, so ol’ Wolfie can just go fuck himself.
This a man who was forced to resign from Kohl’s government in a corruption scandal. This is a man that is so ingrained with the EU gravy train, he even has EU in his name!
He reckons that if we don’t stump up, they’ll take us to the European Court. That’s the European Court that no longer has juristiction after we’ve left the EU. He’s so deluded that he’s living in a different galaxy, the cunt.
Nominated by Dioclese
I know, let’s give the EU a bill for World War Two. We only got involved to help the cunts, and seeing as we have only recently paid off our wartime debt to the US, for all the stuff we had to buy to liberate Europe, perhaps now is the time to chuck that bill on their collective mat. Not only that, we can also bill them for the post war policing and rebuilding, and the last fucking seventy years of keeping Germany out of the USSR. Saying that, I am trying my best not to judge the nations people by their politicians, because I hope we are are not judged by ours.
See, Clegg, Farron, Blair and all those other cunts who bang on constantly about us proles not knowing what we were voting for, I can tell the difference between the continent and the peoples of Europe, and the federalistic political group of troughing cunts know as the EU. Also, no, I didn’t think the NHS would be 350 million quid a week better off, and yes, leaving the EU probably meant leaving the customs union and the common market. Only a dull cunt would have thought otherwise. As for Russia meddling with elections, isn’t the EU, with all the current threats and bluster, overtly trying to influence our election? Same as they did in the Netherlands and are doing in France, and will undoubtedly do in Germany later this year.
A spot on post…
Let’s bill those Deustcher Pigs for every building and property bombed or damaged during The Blitz… Industrial, financial, military, civilian, private and public…. Charge the sausage sucking cunts for all the damage they did… And fuck the EU….
My grandads greenhouse was hit by a kraut bomb. It cost my grandad nearly £92 billion to replace the glass.
Has all the Trump bashing in the media stopped?
Have all the protests stopped?
Its all gone a bit quiet since he bombed from the hip.
Trump supporters should be protesting trump he backstabbed them on basically everything including the bloody wall! Same with DACA, moslem ban, abortion clinic he literally back pedaled on bout everything.
So much for his campaign promises and apparently hes a “nationalist globalist” now whatever the fuck that means
What actual work does Wolfgang Snowball do? How many people does the European commission employ and how many are like him? Better off out of it.
The scary thing is many years ago a certain MSP said that he was opposed to Scottish parliament because all the local politicians wanted to be in the EU Parliament. Fucking gravy train.
Woolfie ( to his chums ) is one of the hardest working members of the European Council. He has earned this reputation over the many years the he has served in one of Europe’s most prestigious and powerful institutions. L’ Acadamie d’ Self Servee. Twateree.
Translated into English. the Academy of Self Serving Twats.
Woolfie has never missed attendance at any dinners, drinks party or other EU function in all of his serving years, and has never failed in claiming his expenses, even when the party was for free. He displays excellence in the art of egotistical masturbation, and has tutored many of today’s senior figures.
Forced into resignation several years ago by jealous persons of little consequence or significance. This former finance Minister of Germany was left out in the cold for the simple matter that the uneducated , illiterate mass of plebs, failed to understand the complexities of his accountancy.
He was however quickly pulled into the EU higher echelons, where his accountancy skills were far more appreciated,and the members far less inquiring . Woolfie my friend, you are a most wonderful example of the self serving twattery that is the Union. Rest assured, we will continue to cunt you, for many years following our leaving. Oh , and as for the £92 Biliion.? If Tessa won’t say this then I will….Fuck Off Cunt-Go Whistle.
We ARE leaving the EU, and any UK politician going on about ‘when you leave a club, you have to settle your bill’ like Nick ‘the cunt’ Clegg should be exiled to Poland where I’m sure they will appreciate the great things about the EU. If any of these cunts lived in a shitty, poor EU member country they would be straight back here like a fly is attracted to shit. I’m sick of these cunts, I’m not a Conservative voter traditionally Labour but a coalition of Labour, SNP, Lib Dem would be a cunt beyond comprehension. What a load of cunt.
If there is anything to settle they should be reimbursing us and we can give them back the countless illegals over here. Could also charter a train to Brussles stick every moaning pro EU cunt politician on it and send it on its way then brick up the tunnel.
Praise indeed, Birdman
Well said, B&W, one sad little wanker.
Thou protesteth too much methinks.
I think 20 quid is to low for a prostitute to accept to fuck an ugly
boring mentally sick looser mega cunt like Rickie who takes gigantic knobs up his ass every day.
Do you know how Rickie removes a condom after his done?
He farts.
What is it you want? Whoever you are I’ll bet your the kind of cunt who got picked last when the captains were choosing who they wanted to be in their team. Let me give you some advice, try and join in or don’t bother. If you see a load of people playing a game of football you don’t go over and disrupt it because you don’t like football or disagree with it. You let it be and keep away from it, why let it bother you? You seem to crave attention and believe by being an annoying cunt it gets you the attention you think you deserve. Why not try and get people to like you and then you might get worthwhile attention that may last.
Seriously whoever you are go and do something useful like clean your shithole of a bedsit you sad cunt.
I’m sure Birdman thinks you’re a cunt.
But no one cares mate. That’s the truth of it.
Apparently Steven Hawking says that mankind must escape the Earth within 100 years if we are to survive as a species. He’d do better to worry about being raped by a Dalek.
Well don’t send one of those naughty postcards…Poor,sad Rickie Doubleday might get too excited and mess himself.
Forgot to put his address..never mind,it’s at the top of the page.
She is also dying, if she has not already died, of cancer, you sick fucker.
It”s nice one,not nice on,you cunt……………………….aw,did I miss you on Kyle then?…………..CUNT……….Baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah
Grinder more like, cuckold…….
Cheers X.
I went on Ranting Penguin but it was from 2012.
I know I’m a thick cunt, X, so a little more direction for retard luddites such as myself please.
Used to read the Penguin regularly. Wonder where he is now?
Anybody else suffering from hay fever/allergies ?
Wtf is hay fever all about ?
I grew up in the countryside (i had three neighbours) but never suffered from it.
I then moved to Northampton, which is surrounded by fields, and still never got it.
Move to the fuckin seaside and baaammm.
Take that cunt!!!
I always thought that allergies were all in the mind, or reserved for weak cunts, but no, they’re real and affect macho cunts too. 🙂
Hay fever is a snotty nosed, watery eyed, sore throat, hanky carrying cunt.
Usually associated with coastal areas with dunes,, gorse, heather etc. You may find large areas of clover. This combination with a saline atmosphere is a common trigger. Cetrizine 10mg o.d or Phenergan may help, but I found that climatisation and consumption of local honey worked quickly and effectively.
I used to prescribe all sorts of shit, but none worked a swell as local honey. Hope that helps
Cheers, Asimplearsehole.
You’ve described where i live perfectly.
That’s what it is, them dunes are covered in gorse and last night the wind was coming off the Med when it suddenly hit me.
I cant have the honey coz, and i risk exposing myself as a weak cunt here, honey gives me a dicky tummy.
It aches as if i have a massive lead weight in there, after eating honey.
Shame, coz i love the stuff.
Ta. 🙂
Hi mate , try Cetrizine 10mg. once daily ( am ) for 7 days, you can buy it over the counter. Shame about the honey tummy, because its the most natural way to gain sensitization . You are really lucky to live in such a terrific area. Good luck.
Were coming to get you cunts, and your first on the list Dick Fiddler.
Is that what your boyfriend says before he fills your arse with spunk?
His uncle I believe
Kudos to the administration for splicing them two comments together.
The universe is a weird place
FUCK, I’m on my own now.
Eh…alright….eh…..chaps and chapesses.
Hope ye’s are well. 🙂
Sorry, Birdie, forgot you two are a couple.
I stand alone, as the lack of appreciation my posts gets prove.
I wont have that Birdman,you’ll always have your “Special Fwiend” Rickie. Perhaps you,Rickie and your other new pal,the sandwog neighbour,could get in touch with the Goodies and borrow that bicycle made for three? Just think of the fun as “The three Amigos” take long rides in the country…just make sure that Ricky’s saddle isn’t pointing straight up. If the big boys laugh and point,you just ignore them and tell a policeman.
Ricky’s going to be so excited tonight….his first real friend.
Ok, I’ll bite, who the h*ll in the s*ndw@g neighbour?
I’m finding it hard to answer yer question coz, and i don’t want to sound like a paranoid nutter, the , ssshhhh moderator doesn’t like me talking about him.
Seriously, my last four post about the him have been held back.
Spooky or CIA????????
Fuck!!!!!! CIA is nearly ISAC or IAC.
So I’ll describe him using opposite descriptions.
He’s a good guy who doesn’t live near me, and we get along great, and not once has he ever tried to attack me with a carpenters tool.
His stunning wife has always told the coppers the truth about me. Never laying about me wanting to end her life.
He’s also a good guy who i never bashed last week for being too quiet.
He’s also not a Moroccan Muslime. 🙂
Fingers crossed. 🙂
Haha, fuck da CIA.
Damn BM, sounds like a major league POS.
He actually looks like one, his nose especially.
It looks like that little computer shite that’s everywhere these days.
Ye know, instead of a smiley face, people started leaving a curled up turd/Jobby/toalie.
He’s a total cunt, but my main problem is his ugly face and nose.
He also stinks, but the good news is, i think he’s lost his job.
He hasn’t been at work for over a week and a half.
Strangely, the last day he was at work was the day he came out of work and found me glaring at him at the gates.
Maybe it’s just a coincidence.
His name is mustafa/mustapha.
Would I be correct to assume that like much of his ilk, he’s highly aggressive and of low intelligence too?
That’s spot fuckin on.
That’s why i no longer argue with the cunt.
When i told the court that he attacked me with a carpenters tool that rhymes with “stammer”, he jumped up and told the judge that i retaliated with a stick.
He’s a doss cunt.
Brilliant, seriously brilliant.
What a picture. 🙂
On the six o clock news this evening, Teresa May has stated that the EU are trying to wreck UK election, and derail Brexit. What she did not say, is what she should say, that a 5th column of traitors, Farron/Blair/Miller etc exist in our midst.
We expect of course the Europeans will act like cunts, but when British people, born of this country , take sides with what is now becoming an enemy, then that is treachery.
The BBC are obviously siding with Europe, and in particular that odious little fuckwit blond who needs to be rogered with main line battle tanks forming a column up her cunt.
I would hope for a Tory landslide, not because I am particularly fond of May, but in the hope that she will trigger withdrawl by repeal of the act of accession
Fuck all of these political cunts who are the scabbed arsehole of society. Particularly that cunt Farron who I strongly suspect may be Rickie Doubleday.except Doublday has the edge in intellect.
Blair should be deported, farron should be put into one of those little wooden cages and poked with sharp sticks and gina banana …. well …. she should just fuck off back up her the banana tree the cunt.
Blair should be pimped out to crackheads and then shot.
Farron should be made to sleep with Diego Maradonna.
Miller …… Polonium 210, ’nuff said.
Talking of trees (Gina and my magic tree) i was watching a programme about people with strange defects.
There’s a guy called The Treeman of Indonesia.
Everybody, and i mean everybody should have a geez at that guy.
Ye’ll realise that yer not all that bad after seeing that poor guy.
Shit man. Fuck that.
It’s all warts.
That’s what they are.
He got most of it removed, but fifteen days after leaving hospital, they started to grow back.
Poor guy.
What a surprise the EU cunts are trying to influence our election.
What’s the matter fuckers? Don’t like it when someone stands up to your pseudo USSR knock off dominion?
That’s been one of the best things about Brexit, it shows Europe’s true colours. The true face if Europe that has, does and always will hate us.
We never should have joined that rotten club.
Then they are aided and abetted by those quislings Blair, Farron, Miller and all the other cunts who deserve nothing but an excruciating end.
Cunts, cunts, cunts the lot of them!
I wish a lot of ill on the EU and all the cunts who run it!
Whats blue and swings through the jungle?
Tarzan wearing a denim jacket.
Two eggs and a sausage in a frying pan.
The sausage says “its hot in here”
And the eggs reply, ” fuck me, a talking sausage”
Two crabs walking along the beach and they find a big cream bun. They decide to half it but one complains that his claws are dirty and he’s going to find a rock pool and wash them.
Ten minutes passes and he’s not back. The other crab is drooling.
Twenty minutes passes and he’s still not back, so the crab decides to eat his half. Half an hour passes and he’s still not back, so the crab eats his pals half.
Just as he’s finished scoffing the lot, the other crab comes along and says “you’ve eaten it all, you shellfish bastard.
Thank you, thank you.
Now the main event and the man we’ve all been waiting for, Mr J R Cuntley. 🙂
Was Doubledouche around earlier?
If yer talking about “X” then , yes he was.
I think you could try and be a little bit more polite with yer name calling.
How would you like it if we started calling you ” Prime Minister Brown or Blair or Cameron or Major???????
If anyone called me PM Major, Blair, Brown or Cameron, I’d be inclined to role play a certain scene from Game of Thrones season 3, I’d be Ramsay Snow, and the perp calling me any of those awful names would be Theon Greyjoy.
Besides, Doubledouche is apt for the cretin.
One as a sharpener :
Guy walks into Bar – Says to Barmaid “Excuse me, can I smell your cunt?”
“Certainly Not” she replied
He looks at her and says :
“Oh, must be your feet then”
🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂
Years ago i did go out with a girl with a fishy fanny.
When I say fishy, it was like the entire Mackerel population were hiding up there to evade capture from the Spanish fishing fleet
It was beyond bad, I had to finish with her, pretty girl but poor personal hygene. I think a condom melted once
Was she a ginger?
Oh dear, most of the comments make no sense, I guess we have been Doublecunted again ?
Harder to get rid of than membership of the EU I suspect
Could we please have a new nomination, Admin. More than 200 posts, after Doublewank’s comments removed. Can’t keep up!
Cheers ?
Even without Doubledouche, the last few threads have beein hitting pretty high on the post count – this is the 207th for this one, Blair’s latest cunting hit 160 and Macron’s hit 234!
All it takes is for someone to write a beautiful, long, well thought out cunting, and post it.
Then the new thread will appear.
I did a decent cunting of Miller a couple of days ago……
I would cunt the EU in general but that’s like taking the piss out of Doubledouche – too easy.
I would cunt HMRC, but that was done recently, speaking of which…… those fucking cunts keep blasting me with import fees on every. little. thing. i. order. overseas!!!
FFS, it was only a few years ago that I got some of the more expensive parts of my collection shipped from the US without getting hit with that!
This year? Oh no, the absolute cunts keep hitting me with these bullshit charges every time! And given that the miserable fuckers can charge for anything worth over £15, it happens a lot!
I mention this today when I went to the post depot that I’ve been hit on this so many times in 2017 and they tell me that it’s luck of the draw?! Bull Fucking SHIT is it!!
The VAT is bad enough, but Royal Mail and Parcel Force can really take liberties on handling fees. Case in point – last month I got something shipped from Japan for about £49 if you include P&P – and those Parcel Force cunts and Customs cunts hit me with a £25 charge! What in the actual fuck!
After the last few months, customs are right up there on my personal ”DIAF you cunts!” list!