Wolfgang Schaeuble

Yet another EU lickspittle has stuck his head above the parapet in the Brexit divorce argument, this time German finance minister Wolfgang Schaeuble.

Wolfie reckons that we’ll have to cough up £50,000,000,000 to be ‘allowed’ to leave the EU because “it’s not like leaving a golf club”. Well I’ve got news for Wolfie because it’s exactly like leaving a golf club. You quit. You stop paying your subs. You’re no longer a member.

The EU is a club. Nothing more. We’re not married to it and it makes my piss boil every time they call it a divorce. Article 50 makes no provision for a leaving fee, so ol’ Wolfie can just go fuck himself.

This a man who was forced to resign from Kohl’s government in a corruption scandal. This is a man that is so ingrained with the EU gravy train, he even has EU in his name!

He reckons that if we don’t stump up, they’ll take us to the European Court. That’s the European Court that no longer has juristiction after we’ve left the EU. He’s so deluded that he’s living in a different galaxy, the cunt.

Nominated by Dioclese

331 thoughts on “Wolfgang Schaeuble

  1. I have still yet to see a breakdown of this fifty billion or so ?

    It will make very interesting reading

    • Apparently they are struggling to produce an accurate sum. The reason being is that all EU accounts over the past 5 decades are “dodgy” and therefore not up to scrutiny by auditors. £50 bn is a blag figure because they were expecting that Cameron and Gideon would be fielding the ball……

      Wake up you daft German Brockwurst sucker ( I think that is German for cock ?? )
      Regardless, he is a Kraut, and that makes him a KUNT

      • Did this kraut go to the Diane Abbott School of Economics? Her car crash interview was another nail in Labours coffin.

      • Christ, and Labour think she’s home sec material?

        Welcome to Labour economics!

      • Welcome to labour cuntenomics.

        Wouldn’t trust those cunts with a 5 year olds piggy bank let alone the economy of an entire country.

      • Havent the EU accounts been refused signing off by the auditors for years? How can we owe for something that cant be verified? Fuck the lot of them.

    • This man is clearly a monstrous cunt of the highest order. The mafia have nothing on these corrupt gangsters. Fucking crooks.

  2. Teresa should tell the lot of them to fuck off. The EU are finished they know it and we know it, let France and Germany prop up the shit economies of the rest of the countries. I am sick if these cunts.
    The cunts.

    • Madame May should declare war on the Krauts and the Froggies, and she should also charge Blair, Mandelscunt, Banana Tree Whore, and Dickie Branson with the highest of high treason…

    • It’s a giant bluff by the EU, they do not have a leg to stand on here.

      If anything, the cunts owe us £50 billion!

      • Funny thing, this “golf club” comment… From Juncker-Himmler’s behaviour, I always thought it was some sort of exclusive drinking club.

        Golf clubs applied with force to the cranium might be useful…

  3. Why the fuck do these mother fuckers think we owe them money?
    They can see their meal ticket disappearing, and are desperately trying to claw in as much as they can so the bone idle bastards don’t have to work themselves.
    Guess what you thieving bunch of malingering twats, it’s because we get nothing for our money which is why we’re leaving in the first place.
    Fuck off and drop dead you cunts.

  4. We’ve paid in far more net than we’ve ever taken out of that shithouse gang of cunts!

    So on balance we’re in credit as far as I’m concerned.

    However if the likes of Wolfgang Schaeuble start to get snippy on “monies owed” then someone ought to tell the cunt to shut the fuck up otherwise we’ll demand repayment in full of all the monies we’ve contributed net and that figure far outweighs any £50bn that these lickspittles pluck from their arses when it suits them!

    We owe you fuck all you cunts! Just be grateful for the fact that we might allow you to sell your shit into this country (another net in trade to their advantage), including – Wolfgang Schaeuble – £19bn p.a. in German car sales!

    So shut the fuck up, YOU CUNT!

    • Nice one Rebel…we should also pull our troops out now, and let the Eurofuckers defend themselves.. I would love to see Putin steam roller krautland. They need it.

      • Yea I’ve always thought the best negotiating card we have is to pull out of nato.
        If we go the Americans will go too.
        …and the ruskies are going through you first!

        …wanna play nice? Yea?
        …though so.

      • Half a trillion!

        Fuck me that feels like money well spent doesn’t it…

        Nice to see it lining B.Liar, Juncker, Tusk, Verhofstadt and 1000’s of pointless MEP cunt’s pockets!

        Half a trillion!

  5. what is going to happen to our farmers when we leave? most of them are only surviving on EU grants. can we afford to subsidise them?

    • Britain contributed,in 2016, 7.6 billion and recieved 3.8 billion in return from the C.A.P.

      • No idea,Richard1,but I can’t see why farmers should be treated as a “Special Case”. There was farming before the CAP subsidies,and,presumably,there’ll be farming after.

      • We used to have a milk marketing board, and an agricultural board, seemed to work before eurofuckland rolled in.

  6. Another pointless ABBC poll thing…Who is Great Britain’s greatest heavyweight? Joshua? Fury? Bruno?Lewis?

    Has to be Joshua… Lewis isn’t even British…. Fury is a fat gyppo coked up cunt… Bruno was/is laughable (and was pally with Sir Jim’ll and Ver Ripper)…. So that leaves Anthony Joshua with not much competition…

    • Lewis is s British as Joshua, he was born in London and lived there until he was 12. Joshua hasn’t fought anyone yet. The only notable name on his CV is the ageing Wladimir who hadn’t fought for 18 months and very nearly made AJ a footnote in his own history.

      Lewis fought and beat all the big names of his day. Lewis is one of the top 10 heavyweights of all time. AJ has a lot to prove before he can rated up there with Lewis. Not to say he won’t but all the hype around him is likely to end his career before it’s started.

      If he doesn’t stay focused he will find himself knocked the fuck out by the first competitive fighter he faces.

      • All very true Sixdog. AJ was very nearly knocked out in Saturday’s fight and perhaps more importantly he had Klitschko over 3 times in the fight and still he didn’t put him away. This is a 41 year old man FFS who can take the best AJ has to offer and still come back to almost win the fight. Makes the one punch knock out machine hype look a bit like dogshit, to me. There will almost certainly be a re-match and who knows, on Saturdays showing Klitschko still has a 50/50 chance as I see it.

        AJ a great Britsh champion? Do me a fucking favour. You may think Bruno was a joke but at least he got in the ring with Mike Tyson at the hight of his powers and almost knocked the cunt out. I’d like to see AJ against Iron Mike at his best and then tell me how great he is.

      • Couldnt agree more, anyone tonguing AJs arsehole doesnt know anything about boxing

  7. Wolfgang Schaeuble.. A Nazi movie villain (in name and appearance) if ever there was one…. I bet the cunt loves jackboots and a monacle…

    • The SS Panzer Captain in Battle of the Bulge? yeah , you’re right Norman. that was surely that Wolfie Shovelbubble. But fuck…he’s aged terribly.

  8. For me this bank holiday weekend will be one to forget.

    I lost a good friend and drinking buddy in a tragic accident.

    He got his finger caught in a wedding ring….

    • Shite, my sincere condolences for another fallen brother.

      Why so many ? WHY?!!

  9. This kind of eurotwatt cunt motherfuckers make me want to vomit… on the top of their big goblin heads.
    This cunt in particular should be force to work a minimum wage job for the rest of his live and that should be the punishment for cunt politicians, death is to good for these dissimulated conniving cunts.
    I say England is doing the right thing to leave this fucking boat full of greedy cunts which is not sailing anywhere it matters and will probably sink very soon..

    • You’re right elder.
      They were our “partners” and “friends” before we voted to leave and now they’re enemies.
      It all helps our cause. If the remoaners do by some miracle get a second vote they’ll get routed.
      Now they’re showing their true colours and if people saw it before the vote it would’ve been a landslide in favour of FUCK OFF EU!

  10. This 50 billion bill has been plucked out of thin air to give ammunition to the remoaner traitors. If we paid it they’d come up with something else, like another 3 million Muzzies we’ve got to take. All designed to give the traitors an excuse for a second referendum. This time they’ll win because this time they’ll FUCKING FIX IT! They are kicking themselves they didn’t fix the first one but the cocky cunts didn’t think they had to. I said , on the morning of June 24th….”How the fuck are they going to wriggle out of this one?” Well we’ve been seeing it ever since, every fucking day. Mark my words, leaving the EU will take hundreds of thousands on the streets with bricks and petrol bombs, up for a serious fucking riot or three. Bring it on I say!

    • I’m afraid that they’ll just keep chipping away,and May will concede on the major points. We’ve heard no more from her about “a bad deal is worse than no deal at all”. I reckon we’ll get the worst of both worlds,a watered down version of Brexit where we get truly “anally-invaded”

      May was never that committed to Brexit,and I just don’t believe that we’ll end up with anything like the Brexit that we are hoping for.

      • Nah, I think with a much improved majority she can get the deal she wants, which is a good one for Britain. She may have stopped with the “no deal is better than a bad deal” line but she used to refer to the EU as being our friends, now she is saying they are our enemies and are all lined up against us. She was never a very convincing remainer, she popped her head up once and said the EU was shit but it was probably better to be in than out, then said nothing more about it the whole campaign.

      • Hope that you’re right S.E.,but I just wonder if she’ll get the vastly improved majority. If the opposition parties actually get their acts together and do organise tactical voting in the correct constituencies,it might not be the landslide that everyone seems to expect.
        If the Remainers ally with the “Any party bar the Tories” in the marginals,who knows?

      • I get a bit confused here….A hard Brexit, means we have no deals and walk away ? A soft Brexit means we don’t really leave, keep paying, and get a few crumbs ? Is that right?

      • @ASA, that’s the thing, isn’t it…nobody actually has set out just what a “Hard” or “Soft” Brexit actually involves.

      • Read Craig Oliver’s book on Brexit. May did a Major and kept her head down during the campaign. Cameron leaned on her to force her to tow his line.

        She’s spent years fighting the EU courts to deport cunts like Abu Hamza. She has a clear mandate to deliver Brexit and my money’s on her to do just that. Takes a woman to do a man’s job…

      • I agree. I trust her more than the others.
        Maybe Reese mogg might be OK but she’s got more fight in her.

      • If she was prepared to kow-tow to Cameron,I can’t see that that demonstrates the backbone and resolve needed to negotiate Brexit.

      • But she wasn’t the boss then.
        The first thing she did when she became leader is called each one in and fired the fuck out or gove , giddion and basically anyone she didn’t like. I think she makes out that she’s nice for the press but I bet behind closed doors she’s a proper BITCH.
        Just what we need!

      • “No deal is better than the deal we currently have” was being used before and during the magnificent Brexit Referendum Victory of 2016. I heard Richard Tice (Leave.eu) say it over and over so don’t credit May with it.

        There’s no such thing as Hard or Soft Brexit, no determining adjective whatsoever, they are Media inventions. There is only leaving the EU: Brexit.
        1.) Make our owns laws.
        2.) Control our own borders.
        3.) Trade with whom we want.

        Furthermore, I agree with DeployTheS: Reese-Mogg was a hero during the Referendum. It’s a shame he can’t be more involved.

      • Did a major?! She Uturned cause she was forced too by Cameron. She has been Pro EU as fuck since forever and she has stalled for a full year and has basically pissed the process. Hows that delivering on brexit? and now the reelection I just don’t see it happening….

      • One of the Greek ministers said to Treez “Don’t negotiate with them. We did, and we got fucked over.” Nuff said.

        And any bollox from Macon about the eu needing to adapt… a total lie. If Macon is elected, Juncker and Verminhofstadt will claim that the eu is wholly vindicated, and the tera-cunts will steamroller through even more deranged filth.

      • You’re right. I wouldn’t even validate these unelected cunts by negotiating in the first place.
        They are just an empire.
        An empire that needs to be dealt with.
        …let’s see what happens with le pen.
        If she wins they’re fucked!

      • Bad nite / early am… cannot get to sleep, don’t even want to put the light out.

        Am very scared of the dark(ie woman); did anyone else see that monumentally awful pic of Flabbott in the Metro this am ?? The stuff of true nightmares. Gave me a bad case of the squitters all day…

    • Well said Freddie!

      I still think we should just flatten the reich with military power and fuck em!

      They are NOT our allies or partners.
      They’ve tried to invade our country.

      Send the SAS after Junkers and tusk and the like, flatten their buildings, destroy their currency and then declare war.

      …or maybe a more cold and calculated destruction would be more fitting.

  11. Just been listening to Dianne Abbott’s interview,she really is a ridiculous woman. Stupid,arrogant and totally self-deluded. The thought of her as Home Secretary with Corbin as P.M,all propped up by Farron and Sturgeon is mind-boggling.

  12. Just what does this cunt think he is going to do if ( when, surely ) we tell him to stick the money? It all sounds very much like the EU will not allow UK to leave with any dignity, total humiliation is their plan along with stinging punitive financial sanctions.

    Well, I’m sorry, Adolf but we are leaving because we think you are a bit shit. Not quite up to scratch and a bit substandard. Not quite up to it, old boy. No hard feelings, but you just don’t have it where it counts. So if you think you can puff out your little pigeon chest and threaten us we will just shrug, say we tried and walk away and there isn’t a fucking thing you can do to stop us. Get that, you cunt?

  13. You can tell these cunts are shitting their pants by all the bollocks they’ve been coming out with lately.
    From us ….just dignified silence.
    They’re fucked and they know it.

    ….come on marine!
    That’ll fuck em good!

  14. JK Rowling is a cunt… ‘Apologising’ again for another ‘death’ of another fictional character?!
    Can you believe this fucking cunt?!? They’re not fucking real people. they’re not dead, they were never alive, and nobody cares, you daft sodding bitch! Apart from spotty, sweaty, pimple encrusted see social media as real life Harry Potter fancunts, that is… Fucking cunt… She’s going to milk Potter Hillsborough/McCann style until she croaks, the damn cunt…


  15. Sorry if anyone’s already mentioned this but I’ve been off for a while coz I’ve been so busy with work.
    Blair said that he would come back to politics and announced:

    “I know the moment I stick my head out the door I’ll get a bucket of wotsit poured all over me, but I really do feel passionate about this.”

    …sounds like he’s volunteering for the shit bucket challenge!…God I hope he’s volunteering for the shit bucket challenge!

    • Talking of you being away, I was thinking that I’ve never seen you and the “troll” on the same thread.

      • I have have been called a troll on many an occasion but not online.


    • Read this in the paper this am; wondering if this satanic trinity has been visiting the sunny isle of Isac ??! Through the shredder slowly, feet first, with campbellend and mandelbumfiddler on either side.

    • I’d like to nominate my good friend Tony Blair for the boiling water bucket challenge.

  16. Off topic but it is an emergency! Diane Abbott is a CUNT.

    I feel better for saying that…..

    • It does feel good doesn’t it!

      ..I just wish someone would tell the cunt to her face!

      • I’d be pissing myself laughing if i ever saw that face for real.

        Do ye ever think of rice when ye see the Flabbot?
        I do.

      • Somebody must have called Abbott a cunt within her earshot at some point in her life. Nobody could go through life being as cunty as her without someone letting loose an ‘ABBOTT, YOU’RE A CUNT!!!’ in her face at some point.

        Anyway, if no one had yet, I bet Corbyn has today!

      • Was a classic…Err, but no..ummm, no…mmm. Like Vicky fucking Pollard.

  17. Corbin-bag backed up the Flabbot by saying that the cunt has been cunted her whole career, so can handle this cunting.
    That’s not the fuckin point though, is it?

    The point is that time and time again, the fat cunt Flabbot has proved that she should not be anywhere near politics.

    Has Spitting Image ever done a Flabbot sketch?

    Come on Atletico.
    Bury them fascist cunts.

      • Imagine the outrage.

        Even if the snowiest of snowflakes was put in charge of making that puppet, ye know it would still coz outrage amongst the white guilt cunts.

      • …a white one would be even funnier!

        …like a dog turd that’s been left on the pavement too long.

  18. Wolfgang shlonglube.

    Britain is lubing it’s shlong for you buddy!

  19. OK , i know he’s a great player.
    OK, he may be one of the best players ever.
    OK, he keeps breaking and making records.
    OK, he’s just scored his second goal of the night.

    But Cristiano Ronaldo is a CUNT.

    • OK he may have more grease on him than a chip shop.
      OK he may cry like a bitch every time a real man goes within 5 yards of him.
      OK he us a cunt.
      But for some reason the girls fancy him.

      ….what a CUNT!

    • The cunt now has a hatrick.


      In other football news, happy Leicester City Champions Of England Anniversary Day. 🙂

  20. Saggie May has quoted that she will be “bloody difficult” towards Jean Claude Spunker. I fear that just being “bloody difficult” won’t cut it. Not wanting to be a harbinger of doom, but I reckon this is all pantomime in the vein of WWF wrestling.

    A clean Brexit won’t happen. After some stern exchanges, Saggie will agree to an annual membership fee in exchange for retaining the key to the golden Brussels shitter. We will have no better control over what detritus may stumble over our borders. Free movement will not cease.

    All in all a massive, multi billion pound pile of wankery. I see little or no good ahead to be honest.

    Time for a cup of tea and a lie down.

    • If they (the elected) fail to stop the free movement of Eurotrash then there should be no repercussions if we (the people) have a go ourselves??

      Only seems fair if you fail to deliver on that most fundamental of promises.

      Access to the single market only favours one party in this “divorce”, those EU cunts!

      Dear negotiators, don’t forget to mention these two words at EVERY possible negotiating opportunity “trade deficit”!

      In fact if Theresa May could adopt the same attitude as Catherine Tate’s “AM OY BOV-ERRRRED!” character…

      “Yes boot Madame May do vous noh agree thet you should noh pay sam-sink?”

      “Trade deficit!”

      “Jean Claude allowings me pleazen! Unt you vill pay zee amount vee hev agreed in zee EU! Hile Hit…ahem…forgive me.”


      Oh, and if you’re reading this Madam Prime Minister, please feel free to stick a “cunt” on the end too from everyone here in Blighty! ?

  21. William and Kate are demanding £1.3 million from the magazines that published those topless photos!!!! £1.3 million for a picture of the most itty-bitty tittys I’ve ever seen. If the magazines want some proper tit-pics my moobs are bigger than Kate’s tits and I’ll send them a picture for a fiver.

    • So for 1.3 million i can take pics of an unsexy plain cunt.
      How much is the fine for taking pics of a threesome between Beatrice, Eugenie and Fergie?

      And that’s Fergie their mater, not that guy from Govan who is in the Black Eyed Peas.

      • Fergie from the Black Eyed Peas is a Goddess, I’d fuck her till the neighbours complained about the smell of burning flesh.

      • According to the chatter my local living room, Fergie has a cock and balls.

        She looks like Skeletor with them facial features. I’m not saying she’s ugly, just……strange.

      • I’m prepared to run the risk, Birdman. If all trannys looked like Fergie I guess I’d have to get used to picking the odd bit of sweetcorn out from under my helmet.

      • You can have a threesome with them dahn Mile End Rd for about 5/-…

      • I’m on holiday in Cornwall and have just finished my third glass of Champagne. Has the PM been in Cornwall today? Has Dianne Abbott, the fat, brown hag, said something she shouldn’t? I am drunk, and confused.

      • Blimey your drunk after three glasses of champagne? I need at least a bottle.

  22. We should take a leaf out of Wolf’s ancestor’s book. When Hitler was told he would have to carry on paying the Versailles Reparations (which would have lasted up until the 1980’s, believe it or not) he said “go and fuck yourselves.” When told that by re-arming he was breaking the Treaty of Verailles he said “what you gonna do about Englander cunt?”
    Well, as we all know, we had to kick his arse in the end. I can’t see this current generation of sausage bashers being up for a ruck especially as half of them aren’t even German. Oh…and Wolf…. We’re not gonna decide it on a football match ok? Saucy cunt.

  23. just seen on News at Ten the EU demand 100 million euros from us for leaving . lol. and if we don’t pay?

    • Really, it’s just time to tell these very silly cunts to FO&D in appalling agony.

    • As I’ve said before we should put aside the money that they demand and when the day comes to pay, say “oh sorry. We just commissioned 5 new aircraft carriers and 100 new jets.”
      “Well I guess if you really want it you can come and take it.”
      They’re deluded cunts for thinking we owe them anything. As far as I’m concerned they’ve attempted to invade us. They should be nice. They have no troops, no ships, no planes and they want to make demands!
      They’re weakened massively and they know it.

    • It’s a 100 billion not million

      Just declare war on the fuckers and have done with it

  24. All this Kraut Kunt is doing is trying to put the shits up any other country who may be thinking of following our example. If the EU falls apart, the gravy train’s over for people like him.

    • They’re showboating for the French election. Trying to show them how “hard” they are.
      They’re shit scared of le pen coz they know if she wins our hand gets even stronger.
      They call it “populism” but the rest of the world call it democracy.
      If France tell them to fuck off there’s no escape from the shit storm that’s coming their way and they know it.
      I think the shit they’re spouting at the moment is actually helping le pen, showing everyone what cunts they are so happy days!

    • It is breathtaking that Abbott was either poorly briefed or not briefed at all. Or is as thick as a castle wall.

      Methinks it’s a bloody good job that this repulsive creature is not tasked with the Brexit negotiations. We would probably end up paying the EU an annual sweetener of £20bn in exchange for the much coveted open borders and no trade deal.

      Has she something sleazy on Corblimey? She certainly is not Home Secretary material. Despite her history degree from Cambridge, I wouldn’t task the dozy tart with making my ‘rice, pea and chiggun’ dinner. Besides she’d likely scoff the fucking lot before I’d get any look in!

  25. Hillary Clinton’s been whinging on why she lost the election, blaming everyone from the Russians to the FBI. This isn’t a Bond flick with conspiracies and megalomaniacs. Like Cameron your an arrogant cunt who thought the result was in the bag and ignored the core electorate while brownnosing the elite.

    • And let’s be fair, Trump isn’t exactly a genius.
      To be beaten by Trump ….

      Ha ha.

      …what a cunt.

      • And having old Bill following you around while championing the women’s vote cant have helped, Trumps old school but he’s not been impeached for harassment.

    • The thing with the disgusting Hilary was while she was doing some major celebricunt arselicking (Clinton honestly though that hanging out with those two uppity sambos, Beyonce and Jay Z, would get her elected?!), Trump wa asking ordinary Americans what they wanted….

  26. The cunts are now saying that we “owe” £90 billion, because they want us to pay for their farmers now too. And May will be banned from negotiations after saying that she would be “Bloody difficult” with them. I reckon they’re just scared of her. Anyway, I think it’s clear now that the EU has absolutely no intention of behaving in a mature manner and negotiating a deal. And when Macron wins the French election on Sunday, we’ll have yet another turd throwing shit at us.

    I believe the time has come now to tell the EU to forget negotiating, we’re simply going to walk away from their corrupt little club. Ultimately, any damage caused will be for worse for them than it will for us. And sooner or later, the businesses and industries who will have taken the financial hit for the stupidity and immaturity of the leaders will start to put pressure on them to make a deal with the UK. And while they’re doing that, we’ll be busy making trade deals with the rest of the world.

    At the end of the day, The behaviour of Brussels officials, along with Merkel, Hollande and Macron, has been reprehensible. It’s the sort of thing you would expect from 12 year olds acting out scenes from a Mafia movie they’ve just seen. Their second largest cash cow has decided to leave their corrupt little club, and they don’t like it. They’re now panicking in case other Countries, like Greece, decide it’s no longer worth being a member of that club, and they’re treating us like shit to try to stop it.

    I don’t know if other countries will join us in leaving, but I can imagine countries like Italy, Hungary, the Netherlands and Polands at least holding referenda on the issue. I would hope they do decide to leave, because it would mean the end of cushy jobs for the likes of Juncker, Tusk and that Wop they just elected to replace Schulz.

    The sad thing is, the EU could have been a great thing. An organisation that brought together various nations in peace and trade. It’s a noble idea. It’s just a pity that it was hijacked by evil, small minded, incompetent, power crazed little Hitler’s, who couldn’t even run a fucking bath.

    • Poland would never leave the EU – they’ve still got too many of their folk to offload here first!

      • My Mrs is Polish, she still hasn’t forgiven me for voting leave. I say to her you had the fuckin Russians controlling you for years, now you’ve got the Eu where’s your sense of national identity ??
        Mind you… you won’t see any peaceful cunts walking round Poland. The Polaks are standing on the border armed to the teeth waiting for them cunts to even dare to come in . I respect them for that.

  27. May at this time requires a cunting if only for hunching and strutting aboit in “designer” heels and weird clobber. Old girl looks like Grayson Perry orn the game. Cometh the moment cometh the gender fluid. At this grave moment in our history we get, no not a reincarnation orf Queen Elizabeth 1st or even a Falklands Thatcher, just an old boiler.
    When we the day aches for the grandiloquence and stirring rhetoric orf a Churchill instead we get the turgid repetition orf stock phrases without vision or defiance orf the kraut. Perhaps the grand plan is to bore europe to death. And bugger me, we have another two fucking years orf this.

    • And yes me last para has gorn a little awry because it is late and I am pissed. Sod you.

      • Don’t worry, Sir Limpers, nothing wrong with a late night tipple ?

      • Indeed, just cracked open me third bottle of Hobgoblin…

        (Advertised with the charming byline “what’s the matter Lager Boy? Frightened you might taste something?”)

        Everything’s gone pleasantly fuzzy…

      • I am drinking also… Yes I’m having gin again haha lol yes even after swearing it off, but truth is my grapefruit juice expires tomorrow. So one last salty dog for the shit road…. I’m not looking to get drunk but a buzz is in favor I think

        That drink reminds me of that Procol Harum album its a good one a fishermens favorite I’m sure as it is mine. Cheers Sir Limpy and fellow cunters https://youtu.be/Q6BzNEZxbiw

      • Titslapper…Gin and Grapefruit? That must be why you’re typing in American spelling.

      • I may be wrong, but May may be just the bitch we need. Men don’t like negotiating with women.

        Unfortunately had to lay orf the late night tipple as about to embark on long drive back to Jo’burg. Looking forward to quaffing bubbly in the business class lounge. Should be able to squeeze about 4 hours in then some more courtesy of BA to wash down the steak.

        Helps sleeping on the plane don’tcha know. Flying is enough of a cunt without slumming it too…

      • Blimey. Good for you, Dio. My tipple was M&S Oudinot, not bad for a non-vintage.

        Safe flight home …… ?

      • Disagree. Club class very good. Avios very good. Free booze in this lounge at Jo’burg very good.

        Time for another drinky. Three hours in here before boarding yet.


      • 3 hours free drink?….Fuck me,I’d be as pissed as a fart…probably goose the trolly-dolly,abuse some innocent cunt and start a fight…..What luck that RyanAir doesn’t have Club Class.

      • My last experience of Ryanair was the complete opposite of United Airlines.

        I was kicking and screaming as they dragged me on to the plane…

      • ‘Free’ is a relative term. They include it in the ticket price, so I need to get my money’s worth.

        Only two hours left now so off to raid the Baileys…

      • Oh, so you are the soft cunt who keeps BA flying?

        Simple maths for you, how many seats in a row on BA club class? Answer 8, with those stupid forward and back ward facing seat configuration means you are always having to climb over, or are being climbed over by some cunt.

        Qatar airways, 4 or 5 seats to a row, wider seats with more space between for privacy and all facing the right way and nobody climbing over any other cunt required.

        The last Qatar flight I was on there was also a bar area if you fancy stretching your legs while you guzzle the free booze. You don’t get those on BA.

        Aircrew, BA ageing overweight old queens, and that’s just the blokes. The “wiminz” are like Mili-tant out of viz wearing a cheap ill fitting uniform. Qatar airways, almost all young oriental chicks with a real desire to serve.

        Food and drink, not so much between them. I think BA are quite respectable in this area however the seats being so much wider on Qatar so are the tables so the food is better presented on a nice damask linen table cloth with real wine glasses and even a little vase with a flower in it.

        No comparison, really.

  28. The future is a cunt…

    Think about it… Your either positive about it, which makes you a cunt, or your negative about it which makes you a complete cunt.

    Worst of all, if you just sail through life without a care, neither positive nor negative about the future, you simply exist as a slave to it’s merry tune…. Well than stone me, what a terrible cunt you are.

    No matter which way you play it, the future is a cunt.

    • The future is a cunt I’m negative bout the future too, mostly because we are ruled by cunts, half wits, trannys, feminists, liberals, commies, poofs, and w0gs continue to make our society into a massive shite pile. I pity todays millenials

    • The future doesn’t exist.
      Neither does the past.

      All that exists is the now.

      No wait, the now, right , the now.

      Aw fuck it.

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