
“Slow metabolism” “Big bones” “Need support”. No you fucking cunts, you are fat because you are weak. It is your fault and your fault alone. Society didn’t make you fat, McPukeburger didn’t make you fat, Glegg’s nasty pasties didn’t make you fat, you made you fat by eating the fucking shit.

And you can stick your fad diets up your fat arses because all you need to do is consume fewer calories than you burn and you will lose weight. Nothing more complicated than that, just plain old thermodynamics. Unless you are trying to tell me that the laws of thermodynamics do not apply in the tiny corner of the universe you inhabit?

You should be fucking ashamed of yourself you fat cunts, you are a drain on society and a fucking disgrace.

But so long as you have a big pair of knockers you’re on.

Nominated by Skidmark Eggfart

156 thoughts on “Obesity

  1. Jesus titty fucking Christ!

    Look at that land whale and tell me it shouldn’t have it’s own postcode.

    What a fat cunt!

      • Jesus, Mary and pissed up Joseph. Fucking hell, the fat cuntplumper on the right would make a sumo wrestler look like a bulimic. What amazes me, are the so called “support” campaigns for obese cunts like this and various fat-charities to try and help them out.

        One remedy is to grow a bit of fucking willpower, stop drinking fucking Mazola, get their lard-covered cunts off their armoured sofas and do something about it instead of sitting there playing the professional victim card and engorging vast piles of cunting cake down their throats.

        Easiest way to tell if cunts like this are on the move…Leave a glass of water on your dashboard and watch it vibrate, just the same as the T-Rex entrance in Jurassic Park.

        Fuck me with a knight’s lance, what’s wrong with these people? There’s just no proper excuse for this sort of lazy cuntish lifestyle.

        Also, if this was a bloke…he’d be called a fat cunt, however because they’re wimminz, the usual right-on “go for it girl” sisterhood big body-prouders, big some of these fat fucks up as though they’re something special? Special alright…special needs.

        Stop eating shit, get to cunt and after that, get down to the gym and stop being attention seeking morbid lardwanks. Mother of fuck?

  2. I also like to know why a fat woman is considered beautiful and a fat man is gross in these days …
    Also i don’t know how can you look in mirror ,see that you transformed yourself in a new species of whale and don’t do anything about it, like exercise, eat less or just trying get off or own ass for once.

    • I have something more radical in mind for these two individuals.. They could be ground into a muck spreader and sold in bags at the local Homebase or B&Q as manure for Allotments and agriculture.Their families could be informed that they payed society and the NHS back in full.

  3. The two pet pigs that the ‘big boned’ one is sitting on are either dead ir very well behaved. Maybe she’s gonna eat them after she’s eaten her snack. ???????????????

  4. I notice these Procul Harum birds on the telly last night were all wearing headscarves. So they’re all fucking Muzzies right? And these Procul cunts are Muzzies right? So a load of Muzzies treat their women like shit, like they have done for centuries. So can somebody tell me what the fuck it’s got to do with me and why I should give a fuck? It’s poking our noses into Muzzie business that’s got us into this shit in the first place. They’re fucking animals, let them get on with it.

  5. If anyone or anything could move that hoofer on the right, they should take it to Africa. Cooked properly, the mountainous fucking blubber whale would feed those bony black folk for a lifetime. Or she’d eat all of them. Either way, starving people problem solved.

  6. I used to be fat (15 stone as a matter of fact – pretty heavy for my height) but guess what? I recognised I was fat, took responsibility for it and seized the initiative to lose weight and now I weigh 11 stone. If only these people would do the same thing instead of victimising themselves and wearing their victim status as a badge of honour.

    • Then you are a winner, it isn’t easy to lose weight. Self awareness and determination as you rightly say is both the key and the solution.

  7. It’s probably terribly unpopular to say this…but some people are definitely more prone to fatness genetically.

    I’m lucky. I’ve always eaten what I wanted and at the grand old age of 32 I’ve always been in pretty decent shape. So decent that people rarely point and laugh. I’ve always had physical jobs which may account for some calorie burning, but frankly I probably should be a lot fatter than I am (76kg at last weigh in).

    The thing is, I’d be fucked if I did start putting on weight. I can’t turn down good food and the thought of ‘exercise’ is completely depressing. I think the only answer would be to join a football club or something. I’ve tried running and cycling in the past but 10 minutes in I just think ‘Where the fuck am I going? Why am I running away from my house when that’s where I want to be?’

    That said, you really do have to lack any sort of self respect to end up like that fat cunt pictured above. No excuses for her. What a complete waste of life.

    • While I agree that some people have a problem, it is a small minority. I am 68. Fat people or children were rare in my childhood/youth. Chocolate, biscuits etc were a treat. Fast food was a chippy meal perhaps once a week. We played out as kids and walked everywhere within reason. And yes, I remember when this was all fields, but the point is that it is lifestyle and consumption that is the problem. Responsibility is with the individual. We don’t have to eat shite and loll about watching Jeremy Kyle or the fucking x factor. These fat cunts should get a grip.

      • Where I live, if we lost all the peaceful people, 95 % of the d&v / junk food places would close down. This could be another very positive effect of Brexit. Furthermore, peacefuls are just filthy disease vectors.

        The Labour Party are cunts, going on about banning junk food… Do they seriously think it’s going to solve their worst problem fast ??! Flabbott is sadly not about to shrink away to nothing….

    • You’re right Total Crank, I’m one of those who are ‘prone to gain weight’ (hello all, by the way…been reading the site for 12 months but never posted before) however, I still have the same choice – moan that I’m one of the unlucky ones, or make sure I only eat what my body requires- about 1350cals/day- and so it comes down to this, I refuse to be a fat fucker, no excuses, I have to get on with it and eat less. Needless to say, these ‘victim’ fatties really piss me off. I adore food – all food, and it’s a constant battle, but the thought of looking like those whales is what stops me stuffing my gob!

      • I rather be skinny and fit, then fat and diabetic. Being 40 stone (300-400 lbs) sounds like literal hell to me Also I thank god I’m a slow eater

      • Welcome aboard NellC. 1350cals/day is easily achieved. I went on a diet a bit back and was on 1500 cals/day and that included a bottle of wine so was only eating about 900 cals/day. I lost 10 kg in 6 weeks and didn’t break a sweat doing it.

      • Thanks Skidmark! Been reading all your comments for about a year- & pleased to hear you find it easy – wish I did…1350/day holds my weight steady, under 900 if I need to shed a few pounds, so after taking off 250 for my milk in coffee, only 650 left. That takes off about 1-2lbs/week for me. Oh I wish I didn’t like ice cream, cheese, crisps, cheese, fresh baked bread & butter & cheese!!!!

    • You are spot on, TC.

      The thing which always comes to mind when I see really massive people is, why did they not consider their weight to be a problem when they were half the size they are now?

    • 76kg ? what’s that in real money please. Let’s all agree to stop this metric shit and deal in imperial measurements, weights etc. I for one never went metric and any self respecting Englishman should never measure anything metrically.

      • We’re all metric here in Australia, Johnson. I do miss my MPH but everything else seems to make sense. I best get back to work now, it’s almost 90 past 4.

      • Imperial units are a cunt. Who the fuck decided there would be 16 ounces in a pound and 14 pounds in a stone? It just doesn’t make sense. Apart from pints for beer, MPH for speed and feet and inches for height. Tell me someone is 183 cm tall and it means fuck all to me, but tell me he is 6ft and I get the picture.

  8. Wanton obesity is completely different to metabolic obesity. The latter is rare, and is a condition of state that is both physical and debilitating. The wanton obese, are those who our society” allows” We provide welfare and benefits, and we allow them to continue a self determined lifestyle, that both you and I fund. In the third world, or in countries where the benefits system provides for a marginal existence, you will see none of this nonsense. The state, and the people cannot and will not support this kind of lifestyle.

    Wanton Obesity in the United Kingdom, has a incidental correlation to the increase in wealth of the nation, and ( more importantly ) the increasingly generous welfare state. Just think, what other countries would provide everything for those who choose lifelong unemployment?

    It is Socialism , and the seductive purchase of your vote, that is the real problem behind this tosh.

    • It isn’t socialism, it is feminism that’s to blame. Ever since wiminz were given the vote politics has moved further towards the left. What are considered centrist politics today would have been left wing only a few decades ago and it is because wiminz vote for these policies. Wiminz consistently vote for left wing or “progressive” parties, especially in the 18 to 24 year old range. The trend is overturned only in the 54 and over age range.

      Society is now hostile towards men. Young boys are being encouraged to identify as girls, ffs! Schools are failing boys. Fewer young men are going to university than girls and although more men are in government than wiminz it hardly makes any difference when the men are all pursuing increasingly feminised policy, it is just yet another example of men doing all the work and wiminz getting all the benefit. In Uk, 76% of bariatric surgery, when the stomach is made smaller, are wiminz, that should tell you who all the fat cunts are.

      • Couldn’t agree more, Skiddy… What’s worse than a feminazi snowflake? A fat feminazi snowflake…

  9. I once worked with an insufferable cunt who was from Finland of all places… She was a lezzer and also a ‘feminist’ (like I said, insufferable)…. She was also one of those who didn’t give a fuck if anyone else was having any sort of trouble, except when she was it would be toys out of the pram and everyone should (but didn’t) feel sorry for her…

    But what has this got to do with this thread?… Well, she was also a proper lardarse, and she made out she was proud of it by saying (totally falsely, like it didn’t bother her) that she was ’round’…. Round?! Fucking massive, titanic, a pain in the arse fat fucker, more like… But for all her liberal, feminazi, ‘big is beautiful’ bullshit, mention the ‘f’ word in her presence and there’d be a three day long fit… Last I heard of her she was still doing ‘fansites’ for whatever female movie star she was slobbering over… Used to be Reese Witherspoon and Scarlett Johansson… Now the sad cunt is probably onto Daisy Ridley and Felicity Jones now…

    Mind you, I ‘d also like to get onto Felicity Jones, but that’s another story…

    • Said fat Finnish bulldyke used to listen to godawful crap like Sleater Kinney (the ultimate band for ugly misandrist feminazi lezzers), and she liked The Gossip, because their singer was (like her) another fat unattractive cunt…

  10. £2…yes just £2 each month ! just £2 each month can help fanny maintain her enormous bulk…..With your help , Fanny can enjoy her life again. She will recline and enjoy your generous support as you sweat your bollocks off to keep her…. Yes, just £2. And for your generous reward for helping fanny, a lifesize cuddly Fanny doll will be yours to keep. And you will also benefit from regular updates on her increasing weight… yes, just £2.


  11. no one ever emerged from a pow camp obese. Not nice to think about it but true. I am large because I eat too much:Simple as that

  12. Skid made this nomination, and it provides for some meaty discussion. ( pardon the pun ) Think of all the politicians we have been cunting over god knows how long? The majority in themselves are fat fucking bastards. Gut ridden cunts who preach, but are above everything themselves. Well I can think of many gutbucket cunts in politics. Why only 3 days ago it was the turn of Abbott. The only politician defended and protected by greenpeace. Those politicians who go into power thin, always end up fat. That means they are paid far too much, given far too much, and have generous expense accounts. And …( wait for it ) these are the cunts who are slagging the nation off for obesity, yet at the same time are paving the way for their chums in business to open more and more of these fast food shitholes that you see at every fucking roundabout, and on every high street. Hypocritical cunts the lot of them.

  13. I’m not saying my wife’s a fat cunt….. but she was once involved in an accident which left her paralyzed from the neck across…

  14. Fat girls may have big knockers, but they’re horrible when the bra comes off, usually like dinner plates hanging down to their navel. No thanks.
    Anyone with a weight problem has the solution, and they know it. All it takes is to eat less, eat healthy foods and exercise on a regular basis. They won’t get slim overnight, but they’ll get there. It all comes down to what’s more important to them – looking good or stuffing their mouths full of crap.

    • It really disgusts me when I hear people saying that they can’t do it or that its purely genetic and out of their control. Put simply, if I can lose weight then anyone can lose weight – I just exercise more and eat fruit (usually blueberries and raspberries) instead of chocolate and crisps.

      • Back in the 80s, Viz had characters called “Mr Eating Charlesworth” and “Tubby Johnson, the Big Fat… Person”
        Later they had a strip called “Tranny Magnet”, about a sad case bloke who kept getting chatted up by pre op transexuals.
        That got dropped for some reason…

      • Thieving Gypsy Bastards was funny.

        My favourite was a one-off called ‘Dr.Poo’ where a Tom Baker lookalike kept being thwarted having a dump whilst flying round the universe. In the last image he was frantically screaming at his assistant “Get me to Galaktika 6, I’m touching cloth.


  15. ………….I”m not saying my wife”s a fat cunt,but I ran her over in our car last week…………….I didn”t have enough petrol to drive around her……………….Cunt…………………Baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah

  16. I remember a sketch from tv’s ‘Chewing the Fat’ (look it up) where a female character says “I know I’m fat but it’s glandular” then follows it up with “Aye, I’ve got a gland that makes me a greedy bastard”. Funny then and unfortunately true now. Fat facking cants, as Jason Statham would say.

  17. It’s not difficult to do a bit of exercise each day, even it’s just thirty minutes. There is NO excuse, apart from pure greed, for getting so fat that you become confined to a bed that’s had to be structurally reinforced. Like I said, it’s just fucking greed. That slow metabolism excuse is bullshit. The opposite is actually true. Fat bastards have a FAST metabolism.

    Come to think of it, the ‘I’m big boned’ excuse is also bullshit. I have a naturally large build, what you could call big boned, but I’m not fat. And the reason I’m not fat is because I exercise a lot. I could be fat, and in the months after I retired from the Army, I did pile on the pounds. That happened because I stopped exercising and continued eating whatever I wanted. Didn’t like being overweight, so I started to exercise again. Problem solved.

    What these whingeing fat fuckers need is a massive kick up their grossly oversized arses. No more treating them like victims and pandering to their whingeing. These fuckers are on benefits because they’re too fat to work. A lot of them are on disability. Why? Being a greedy fat twat is NOT a disability, it’s self inflicted.

    Want them to them slim down? It’s simple. Each fatty signs an agreement to work with an expert, who will come up with a tailored meal and exercise plan. To stop them spending their benefit money on massive amounts of food, that money is controlled by a social worker, who buys enough food to last them all week, and in line with their meal plan. And of course, that benefit money also goes toward paying bills. If they refuse to sign the agreement, they lose their benefits and are instead given vouchers to buy healthy food.

    Obviously, there will be much screaming from the fatties, and left wing assholes that it breaches their ‘human rights’, but we keep being told the UK is experiencing and obesity epidemic, and it’s costing taxpayers tens of millions of pounds on medical treatment that we should not be having to pay out. So for the greater good, fatties need to start receiving some tough love.

  18. While researching my rant, I do actually research them you know, I came across this little piece of pseudo scientific garbage authored by 2 wiminz, obviously. I refer you to the little circular chart about 1/4 of the way down the page entitled, “Causes of obesity” According to these bints, eating too much is only 1/4 of the problem. No it isn’t you daft cunts! Eating too much is ALL of the problem. You eat less and you will loose weight. I don’t care what biological, social, psychological, environmental or activity forces are at play, you eat too much you will become fat, eat less and you will loose weight. This is a fucking FACT you dozy cunts!

  19. I have put on a few pounds over the last year as I broke both my knees and had surgery on one meaning I can`t go cycling like I used to.Who`s fault is it though?Mine.I do not have a good diet and could only get away with it when I cycled 8 miles or so a day.I have chosen not to change my diet so I am to blame.These cunts that moan about being obese (which I am not for the record I just have a bit of a gut) need to take responsibility not be pandered to by the establishment and the media.We demonize smokers for participating in a damaging habit but when someone wants to over eat themselves to death they want constant praise and sympathy.Fuck them!

  20. Anyone noticed in the Supermarket’s that it’s always the shit full of sugar foods that are buy one get one free or cheap as fuck?
    I bought some doughnuts the other day 68p that’s all for a about 5 doughnuts. What the fuck can you get for 68p these days? You go in any supermarket’s these days and if your prone to buying shit food it’s a fucking nightmare.
    When you add this to the fact that the work place’s have changed over to more office based jobs (or jobs which lack any sort of physical work) it’s a recipe for producing overweight cunts.
    I say bring back the days when the peasants worked in the field all day for a bit of pork fat and a slice of bread.
    The cunts.

    • That’s the truth! As a self confessed salad dodger I am a fatty – but not one of these immobile cunts – and do my graft to pay for what I shove in my gob.

      I’m under no illusions that I eat too much, mostly shit, and with a sedentary job to boot and – in my approaching 50yrs on planet earth – haven’t spent one evening overnight in a hospital and avoid the quacks like the plague (even when “healthier” and “slimmer” work colleagues have tablet regimens like a Skittles advert)!

      Working away a lot of the time doesn’t help either but – as Black and White cunt says – you go in Tescos or anywhere and walk down the fruit aisle, a medley of melon, punnet of black sable grapes and a few apples and you’re down a tenner.

      Go to the juices aisle and a bottle of pomegranate juice (my favourite) and a bottle of water and that’s now £15 quid.

      Contrast that with 4Ltr bottle of cola for 99p, jumbo pizza for £3 and a 6 pack of scratchings for £2.

      I’m lucky that I don’t have to worry about the cost of food but if you are in a budget then you can see why the bennos mob will go for shit.

      If you made shit food £20 forra jumbo pizza, etc., they’d soon learn to love a bit of the green stuff! A bit like if the yanks made bullets $10,000 each there’d be no drive-by shootings!

      I also drink a fair portion of real ale of a week which is “rich” in calories. It gets me through the job (obviously not while I’m doing it cunts) and keeps a nice overhang around the belt region.

      I don’t cost any cunt a penny and through excruciating tax and having to collect VAT on behalf of HMGov I put more than my fair share into the system.

      If that ever changes I will revise my habits until then, mines an IPA!

  21. Emoji’s is a cunt,
    I’ve been on here for a fairly long time now and like to think of myself as part of the furniture, but I am getting concerned with certain behaviour.
    The Emoji, what’s wrong with good old fashioned letters and numbers? I come on here to have a whinge about some cunt or cunts, the last thing I want to put is an Emoji. It reminds me of the early text message days when some cunts would write in some shortened way that only a fellow cunt could understand. Anyways before anyone calls me an old cunt I’m 38 and I refuse to use the Emoji.
    Emoji’s fall in the same category as Twatter, Cuntbook, queuing outside an Apple store for the new iPhone, and high fives.
    What a piece of cunt. (is there an Emoji for that).
    Fuck off.

  22. The really fat ones are hilarious,as far as I’m concerned. There’s something about watching them waddling along that never fails to make me laugh,hell,I even watch those programmes where they send the buggers off to a camp to work off their blubber. Fucking hysterical to see them wheezing,sweating,wobbling and moaning just because they have to walk a few yards. Personally,I’d just lock them up and give the cunts nothing but bread and water until they vaguely resembled a human.

    I have an appalling diet, I eat and drink whatever I want,but the fact that I do a physical job keeps me from getting like a pork-pig. Most of the real fatties don’t work,and that’s where the trouble lies. Get the lazy bastards off their arses and make them do some physical graft..O.K,a few of them might keel over,but you can’t make an omelette without breaking a few eggs,and I dare say the world will survive if a few lazy lardarses have a gripper.

    • A bet it wouldn’t stop you from rolling them in flower and looking for the wet spot Dick!


  23. Jeez, that picture ….

    The small town I live in is full of fat bastard young women (more than men by a mile), and I wonder why any man would bother. I’d rather go without.

    I think part of the problem is the inability to take responsibility for themselves, they do not seem to realise that there is only one pop at life and if you fuck it up then tough shit there are no second goes.

    Whatever the reason for becoming a land whale, abuse, depression etc. Do something positive, stop being a victim and regain control of your life.

    Sounds a bit harsh but fuck em .. if they are stupid enough to get into such a mess then so what.


    • I’ve fucked a real bloater before. I bent her over a shopping trolley behind the bookies.She continued to eat her kebab while I ground away at what I took to be her fanny,it could have just been a sweaty fold of fat for all I knew,or cared.

      • I also fucked one in a pub’s wendy-house. I had to lift it up while she crawled under,then I let it down over her and crawled in through the normal size door…can’t imagine the families using the beer-garden were too amused.

  24. Tom Daley is a nasty little poove. He should be made to practice his swimming in Barrymore’s pool.

    • The Daley cunt got “married” at the weekend to some yank cunt about 20 years older than him. Pair of bumboys. It’s none of my business what cunts do with their winkles but I wish they wouldn’t mince about as if they were normal. Daley is a creepy little faggot and I would happily give him a good slap.

      • He complained that he was “bullied” at school….What the fuck does he expect? Probably only took up diving so that he could leer at people in the showers.

      • And if this cunt who has ‘married’ Daley thinks his little ‘wife’ will behave, he has another thing coming… Daley is known as a serial doughnut puncher and is on a par with superslags like Paris Hilton and Miley Cyrus for copious cockmunching… Surprised ‘Sir’ Elton didn’t do the little cunt’s ‘wedding’ gig…

      • I’m all for homo weddings. Why should they be excused the abject misery marriage brings to the lives of normal people? Cunts.

  25. I for one enjoy being fat. I stride around like lord of the manor with my large gut proudly protruding.

    Sometimes I enjoy wearing England shirts one size too small just to ensure the bottom half of my stomach can see the daylight. It really tops the look off with a can of beer in tow.

    How could this in any way be considered cuntish? Why just the other month in Torremolinos I could see the eyes of the locals as they purveyed my large estate that they could immediately tell I was a man of honor, full of humorous and witty banter… A true English gent.

    Good God I love revelling in my fatness… Who wouldn’t? Embrace it, consume it but good lord do not cunt it!!

  26. The pic in the header is from My 600lb Life.
    They are mother and daughter, and believe it or not the mother on the right is the only one out of the two to get weight loss surgery, and to diet.
    I’ve recommended this freak show before, and coz its on daily in Spain (kiss channel Skidmark Eggfart) i see loads of it a week.

    The series follows them for three years. Some lose weight, some don’t. The ones that do end up with wings of flappy skin hanging of them.
    There was one “guy” called Chet who, after the first season, transwhatevered into “Lola”.
    Lucky for it being a fat cunt, it didn’t need breast implants coz it already had some.

    Great entertainment watching these cunts falling over in showers, needing their whole family to help them get up, and freak in out when no cunt brings them scran.


    Exercise, that’s all it is.
    Eat what ye want, as much as you want, but just exercise.

    Fat problem solved.

    • Or don’t exercise and eat less. In the end of the day it is all about the amount you eat.

      • I eat crisps by the barrow load, scoff a packet of digestives a day and eat as many donuts as i can.
        If my body has more than ten% fat, then its eleven %.
        Five hundred pushups, three hundred pull ups , and three hundred sit ups.
        I also cycle at least eighty km a week.
        So i can eat as much shite as i can, but i exercise to keep trim or buff as the old lady’s at the beach call me.

      • Why would i lie????????

        I don’t do three hundred in one go.
        Between thirty/fifty then fifty sit ups then more pull ups. Repeat.
        By the end of each day, three hundred have been done.

        I’ve no need to lie coz i ain’t trying to impress no cunt.

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