Methinks it’s a bloody good job that this repulsive creature is not tasked with the Brexit negotiations. We would probably end up paying the EU an annual sweetener of £20bn in exchange for the much coveted open borders and no trade deal.
Has she something sleazy on Corblimey? She certainly is not Home Secretary material. Despite her history degree from Cambridge, I wouldn’t task the dozy tart with making my ‘rice, pea and chiggun’ dinner. Besides she’d likely scoff the fucking lot before I’d get any look
Nominated by Paul Maskinback
My god, Diane Abbott, what the fuck were you smoking last night? Top grade hash, wrapped in banana skin? According to this CUNT of a jungle bunny, speaking on LBC this morning, if Labour got into power (NOT A FUCKING HOPE IN HELL), they would recruit 10,000 police officers at a cost of £300,000 over 4 years. Are you fucking serious. What are you going to pay them with! Oh, I forget. You’ll be paying them with your staple diet. MONKEY NUT’S. CUUUUNNNNTTTT.
Nominated by Rikmeister
A fucking monumental condescending, looking up at the sky, RACIST cow. Her fucking skin must be as thick as her intelligence. Horrible CUNT.
stating the b obvious, I know, but had she been white, she’d have been vilified, pilloried and banged up for hate crime and racism yonks ago.
If anyone wants to know why there’s an increase in hate against the wogs, look no further…
I had many eggs work for me some if them had honors from MIT and all that bullshit, didn’t stop them from being lazy basttards though. Fuck everyone who cant sleep. Cunts.
Racist …✔
Hypocrite …✔
Incompetent at Maths …✔
Smug/Complacent …✔
Inarticulate Fuckwit …✔
Cunt …✔
Jabba Abbot, you wretched blob, you poor excuse for humanity, you dire spectre of a pro-EU UK, is there no beginning to your talent?
You just don’t have a good word to say about her, do you?
…erm…she’s not fussy about her food…?
This creature is beyond ridicule or cunting. God help us if she ever gets anywhere near anything more intellectually demanding than cleaning.
What a horrible cunt of a woman
This about sums it up for me…
Ah yes, the black scholar, an expert on history, obtaining a degree awarded by one of England’s most prestigious Universities. A researcher working for TV, an alleged expert on matters regarding race and discrimination, with an evangelical zeal in the persecution of everyone who happens to be white. Even those who have the ethnic right to form the majority ( for the time being ) of this country become victims of the rabid persuant of apologies for heinous crimes committed against persons of black skin.
I fucking hate this bitch, and with good fucking cause. It was several years ago during the Avian Flu scare, and as , in her official capacity, she paid a visit . I am not able to give further on the circumstances of that visit, except to say, that she is the most bigoted , racist , rabid , blind, arrogant, insufferable fucking arsehole that it has ever been my misfortune to meet. We had words! Lots of words, and I left before I said something that would probably have resulted in a striking off order.
This fucking bigot,s whole attitude is warped and biased. Twisted to suit her own fucking agenda. The black has never been the only human to suffer exploitation and slavery. Whites too have been enslaved, and long before fucking Africa was ever discovered. Slavery is not the exclusive domain of the black.
Gutbucket has such a fucking chip on her shoulder, is so fucking bitter and twisted, that she is blinded to the reality that surrounds her
Fuck off you cunt, the sooner your arse is kicked out into the long grass the better, But the cunts in your constituency are so fucking keen to destroy this country, they will continue to vote you in. Fuck them also!
I am a bit frustrated at not being able to add to the dialogue after being a user for 3 years or more.
I want to count Count Kalergi who the real strategist behind the EU.
Why the fuck did Merkel invite in 1,000,000 without asking us if it was OK.? Your readership are grumpy but they gave little idea of the end game. Merkel and Rumpoy have 3 Kalergi awards for the miscegenation of the European population. Hope you can find your way to let me post. I’m not a looney. Much.
Nowt stopping you. Go for it.
Your frustration has come to an end, DT. Thy cunt cherry hath been popped.
ah yes, Kalergi – half Austrian, half Jap. Eichmann and Hirohito in one. Need we say more.
Slavery was practised in Africa long before the colonists got there. Black brethren keeping slaves, black brethren selling black brethren to Arabs first and later to whitey.
And where is slavery still practised? Africa and other peaceful regions.
Abbot is unfortunately typical of blacks in positions of power. She would fit seamlessly into the corrupt ANC in South Africa. They have what I call the arrogance of incompetence. And the thing is – they don’t give a fuck about ordinary folk of whatever hue.
Abbot is pure ANC, victim mentality, arrogance, corrupt, incompetant, cunt.
In other words she’s fucking winged it?
Hi, I’m Nicky Campbell and today on the Big Question we ask
‘John Claude Junker, who elected this mouthy little cunt?’
While Tusk is saying it will be impossible to negotiate Brexit unless emotions are removed from the equasion, cunty boy Junker is saying English is becoming less important to the EU to thunderous applause at some freebe circle jerk at tax payers expense. What a bunch of cunts.
How much does this cunt get paid? He is having a fucking laugh the cunt.
that youtube vid made me laugh man, what sort of cunt slaps people in a jokin manner like that? …. i will tell you, people who think they own the place, thats who. the 4-eyed cunt.
Quote of the day :
“Challenged about Mrs Abbott’s performance during a visit to Southampton, Mr Corbyn said he was “not embarrassed in the slightest” by her comments”
Two cunts for the price of one…
Why would he be embarrassed,his used to her by now .
It is common public knowledge that he stuck his cock in the festering sack of pig shit and he still shows his face in public. He has no shame.
One can only imagine what kind of faecal, broccoli lumps grew on his lampton after sticking it in this monster’s stinkhole.
The most anatomically perfect description of the odious creature….well done
I live in Southampton. If I’d known he was here a mighty kick to his bollocks might have ensued.
The gormless cunt has just been on TV saying the kicking labour have received in the local elections don’t really matter and what does matter is the handful of mayor elections. What arrogance! She still refuses to accept the fact that people do not want her or her party.
A lot of Labour have that Arsene “I haven’t seen ze incident” Wenger/stick-your-head-in-the-ground refusal to see the truth.
After the election it’ll be, “Jabba Abbot, do you think losing forty seats could be called a disaster?”
“Well, we were expected to lose fifty seasts so The Tories are clearly in trouble. I still think the EU is…”
………ad nauseum.
One glimmer of hope is the Flabbots Hackney seat and Comedy Comrade Corbyn’s seat in Islington will be merged under boundary changes to form a single seat. Some one will have to go………Although by that time labour will be a decimated shell, Corbyn will no longer be leader but the Flabbot will still be blaming it on slavery and refusing to accept any accountability what so ever.
As Milo would say “a ham planet”
The Flabbot strikes again . Its happened so much and so often over the last , what decade now ? Its amazing she is still anywhere near the slightest bit of power at all.
She must have some truly awful and dark shit on her peers that she could yield or the race card works too. Speaking of race ,the fact that she has on a few occasions said some racist things about white ppl should exclude her from any frontline political decision making just for that bias alone.
Not saying she cant have her say as free speech is important. But if you say stupid bollocks then you should be held to account as well.
P.s she s also a condescending face like a heavily buggered dogs ring piece , A, I talk so much but say fuck all CUNT!
COTY little Timmy is still punching way above his weight in the cunt stakes. He may be an insignificant little speck of fly shit in the political scheme of things but a collosus of cuntitude.
His latest offering; the only way you can save democracy is to vote LibDem.
Would that be the same libdems who want to overturn the largest democratic vote in the history of Britain? Hmmm, I think it might be.
Astounding cuntishness.
He’s a bit special,is Timmy. Not many people could have filled the void left by Clegg,but Timmy’s managed to out-cunt even that fucking wankstain. We live in a Golden Age for Complete Cunts,I doubt any generation would be able to compete with the greasy,untrustworthy,second-rate bunch of chancers who we currently have to endure.
I’ve never really understood political parties that insist on sticking the word “Democratic” in their title (as an adjective”.
My party will be “Undemocratic Bastards”… qed
Fuckin’ hated the 70’s and 80’s but hate this modern world more….
The 70s were great, great music, great movies and the road I lived on was all white working class English. Now it looks like Islamabad, movies are glorified cartoons and music is made by robots. Where did it all go wrong?
When stupid people voted Labour and let Blair in…
The cunts in Sedgefield Grrrrrr!!!!!
“now… music is made by robots”
You take that back you bastard! Kraftwerk has made some fine music
If you are referring to autotune as robots then I humbly agree with you sir
My daughter listens to all that latino/Miami/Dominican sheeeiiittteee.
All its is robot voices repeating the same phrases to that beat that goes,
Doot, dootdoot, doot
Doot, dootdoot, doot
Doot, dootdoot, doot
Doot, dootdoot, doot
The Abbot creature is what results from letting them get too uppity. I’ve seen Planet of the Apes and now firmly believe that Diane is Ground Zero for the coming monkey revolution. She should be sterilized before she mates with a gorilla of normal intelligence. The combination of her bile,wickedness and sense of entitlement allied to the intelligence of a normal monkey could be the catalyst for all kinds of bother.
An interesting coupling that would be Dick. But a Silverback would probably be scared shitless at the prospect of mounting such a horrendous sight, could be construed as cruelty…yes very cruel…..for the Silverback I mean.
She should l be sent to space and put in our planet orbit to scare potential alien invaders,
She woudn’t orbit us. Her mass would be so great it would attract other space debris etc which would orbit her. She might even steal our moon.
She fucked up again on basic arithmetic today!Said one minute that she thought Labour had lost 50 seats then said 100 after being told it was 125.This is just beyond painful!
Its almost too painfull to watch. Almost…..
But not quite?
I don’t think she knows how to count , Diane darling, you already ate 10 hamburgers, fifty chicken nuggets and a dead hobo, enough is enough…
Absolute cunt of the highest order. To call Abbott a cunt is an insult to cunts. There is no word in the English language – which incidentally will still be the language of the EU in 20 years’ time despite what cuntface Junckie thinks – to describe her. So I’ll settle for the most appropriate one I know. Cunt.
There wont be an EU in 20 years time.
she’s a right feckin’ Juncker.
I wouldn’t leave this retarded fat cunt in charge of a hotdog stand let alone our nations finances. She’d scoff all the wieners anyway.
Looks like Jabba the Hutt as gain some weight…
Jezza Yoda, fat cunt one you are Flabbott.
if she gets any more obese, she’ll disrupt planet earth’s centre of gravity, and we’ll spin out of orbit
I know the ABBC come in for a cunting on a regular basis – quite rightly so in my opinion. However I feel it’s the time for the ABBC to be nominated for a MOAC. What’s that you all cry ? It’s a Mother Of All Cunting. From the biased “news” and false news, the fucked up “experts” ie Swirly gobbed Kuensberg. A woman who has gone up the ladder by jumping ship from channel to channel. The horrific morning program that I watch whilse having my breakfast. What school of shite hawks do they pick them from ? Dan the man – with his sixth form level presenting skills…..knows fuck all about football but he’s on Football focus as well. At least with Louise M there’s a bit of scrunt to ogle. Then I’m off to work so I miss the day shit. Teatime and it’s pointless. Two middle class, braying cunts. The ten foot sex case likes to think he’s right on by appearing to like Fulham. I’m guessing the place rather than the football team. The other one goes on like a fucking child know it all ….”I know this one, let me answer, let me answer”. Fuck off xander with your large slice of white bread forehead. And the list goes on as the bile rises in my throat. And the best part of it… have to pay for the 1984 Orwellian nightmare
Well, technically you don’t have to pay for it as you only have to pay if you are watching live TV or using BBC iPlayer. If you have a digital TV recorder, say built into a freeview box for example, you can record programs and watch them with about a minutes lag so technically you are watching a recording, not live TV.
It shows how desperate Labour is that Corbyn made this ridiculous moron Shadow Home Secretary. And they actually have the nerve to take this piss out of Boris, when they consider this fat, racist, window licking oaf to be the best person in Labour to be Shadow Home Secretary. If she’s the best they’ve got, I’d hate to see the worst.
replace her with a tub of lard…or, at least, a smaller tub of lard
She is so fuckin fat that, when she goes camping in the woods, its the bear who has to hide his food…
I heard that The Flabbott has actually turned down a paid TV gig…….Celebrity Countdown.
Like prince flip, shoorly the Flabbot just calls it like it is.
Laugh off the slurs of the queens old fuck pole but get upset at the Flabbot when she spews shite?????
My most favourite person has been well and truly cunted by the members of this site. most of the comments have been very cruel, indeed crude. Ms Diane would be very upset to think that persons within ISAC do not hold her in high regard, and that if anything, she is a target for a merciless ragging.
Horrid name calling is at least unkind, and at worst, can drive even the strongest to suicide…………………..
May I respectfully suggest that members of this site continue.
She should move to Canada now that bestiality is legal, the only problem its that she would have pretty good competition.
There are some beautiful pigs and cows out there.
I bought a pig calendar this year, oddly some of them look a bit like Kate Winslet.
You have been warned…
How come the religion that rhymes with “mew” doesn’t make it through moderation first time, yet all the negative words to describe black folk do?
Because this site is run by agents of zog and also because they added the word into the word filter cause of fellow cunters/ranters. Yours truly had a ant cement tight problem
I don’t voice my opinion on mews anymore incase I offend someones sensibilities in other words biased racism
There’s you being aunty mew, and then there’s me , staunchly pro mew, yet the two of us have a beautiful relationship.
BFF’s. 🙂
Not aunty mew never have been, strictly anti-zog and related to the odd mew too through relatives
just like those old Sunday Sport stories, Adolf is alive and well, and has returned to his artistic roots, but this time in the film industry.
His first production, no crappy CGI here, is “Honey, I shrunk the _ids”
After going through some of the Flabbots gaffs on YouTube, I’ve come to the conclusion that she fucks up so much coz she’s trying to maintain a “posh” accent.
Next time ye hear her, listen for it.
It sounds like she’s walking through quicksand.
Gonna be hard to hear her posh accent when all you hear is farts coming out her arse and shite coming out her mouth lol hahaha
The one good thing about this is that Largeflan Flabbott and Labour don’t stand a snowflake in hell’s chance of winning the election in June. No way, no day. I heard recently she stood out in the middle of a field and some poor fucker out jogging had to indicate to go around her.
Arguably one of the most racist cunts in the whole entire country. She looks like Jabba the hut crossed with a giant turd. She should go and write for those racist, sanctimonious cunts Buzzfeed – she’d fit right in there the fucking bitch cunt.
Socialist, of course she’s a cunt.
Another pop at a nom:
Political Nonentities With Dandruff
Following the multi-elections with a particularly jaundiced eye. What a shower. A uniformity orf cunt. Characterless candidates that can only parrot the party line and some cannot even remember their scripts. All determined to say as little as possible orf any substance for the low attention span Twatter generation. Once this colourless series orf elections is finally over who will remember them? Unless ISIS can train a fresh tranch orf cunts to blow their bolloxs orf.
At a time orf unique danger and unparalleled opportunity who is oit there orf any stature to defend our wicket and bat for Blighty? Bugger all in my book.
In me time have shared a cognac with Churchill, heckled Atlee and Eden and had a go at those welsh cunts Bevin and Bevan (look ’em up Google boys). Cunts granted, but there’s me point, not boring cunts. Dreamed through the 60’s (although I do recall the embarrassing fuckdoodle orf our first craven and failed attempts to join what was then the Common Market in 1961. Yes that long ago cunts).
All started to go really tits up in the seventies in to the 80’s as the Polytechnic Political Studies students started to infiltrate politics eg Corbin and Livingstone and any number orf Tory drone clones. Depressing but contrast father and son eg Tony Benn and Hilary, John Prescott and David, Neil Kinnock and slap head junior (fuck, words fail me). Too suicidal to list similar orf other parties. Point is in each instance father a memorable cunt, son a flaccid douche bag. Viewed in HDTV the latest generation orf politicos seem to share a bad dose orf dandruff.
What is there to vote for? ISIS lend me some underpants.
Are the leftie mongs in complete denial about the local elections?
Green cunts win a few measly seats – they make massive gains.
SNP cunts – although still largest party in councils, they made a net loss, they should be wary if this is a sign but they are arrogant bigoted cunts.
Labour – you’re getting shagged into the dirt.
Lib Dems – lost ground across the country, can we please stop this talk of a revival?
As for UKIP, well this confirms something I’ve always felt – they are nothing without Farage.
UKIP voters are willing to ‘lend’ their vote to Tess just as insurance against a coalition of fuck up. It depends how the Torys go about Brexit whether it is permanent. Drunker & Co are getting more desperate by the day with the shite they’re coming out with. So she better deliver or fucking else.
Let’s be honest here, the best thing she could do is say ”fuck it, WTO rules” it would work out cheaper and more beneficial for us in the long run. That way we wouldn’t have to have their shit rule and the European Cunts of Injustice.
Also, put a bigger military presence in Gibraltar so that those Dago fuckpigs don’t get any ideas.
As for Juncker, with any luck he’ll die of a knackered liver soon, the cunt.
Apparently Sturgeon is hailing her loss of a net 7 seats as a ‘victory’ i stopping the advance of the ‘fooking tories’ in Scotland.
“The SNP has won the council elections. We have more votes, more seats and are in the driving seat of more councils than any other party” That’s a nice spin on the fact they ended up with fewer councillors.
And apparently ignoring the net gain of 184 seats by aforementioned ‘fooking tories’ leads me to believe her grasp of basic mathematics is as bad as Abbott…
Either that of she’s a loathsome arrogant cunt.
The Tories made big gains in the MSP elections not that long ago, they’ve made big gains in this election, what will Seaweed say if and when the Tories take a load of seats off of her fellow SNP shit stains?
That Krankie Transgender thing tries to put a spin on everything; I wish the vinegar-faced cunt would spin off the fucking motorway.
none so blind as them who don’t want to see…
.That face you make when you don’t understand basic maths