Methinks it’s a bloody good job that this repulsive creature is not tasked with the Brexit negotiations. We would probably end up paying the EU an annual sweetener of £20bn in exchange for the much coveted open borders and no trade deal.
Has she something sleazy on Corblimey? She certainly is not Home Secretary material. Despite her history degree from Cambridge, I wouldn’t task the dozy tart with making my ‘rice, pea and chiggun’ dinner. Besides she’d likely scoff the fucking lot before I’d get any look
Nominated by Paul Maskinback
My god, Diane Abbott, what the fuck were you smoking last night? Top grade hash, wrapped in banana skin? According to this CUNT of a jungle bunny, speaking on LBC this morning, if Labour got into power (NOT A FUCKING HOPE IN HELL), they would recruit 10,000 police officers at a cost of £300,000 over 4 years. Are you fucking serious. What are you going to pay them with! Oh, I forget. You’ll be paying them with your staple diet. MONKEY NUT’S. CUUUUNNNNTTTT.
Nominated by Rikmeister
Cunt looks like James Earl Jones in a badly fitting wig
That fucker in Conan the Barbarian
More like she looks like his and Jabba the Hutt’s lovechild.
And to think that Corbyn used to shag that.
Cotbyn once showed his pals some naked photos of the Flabbot to “impress” his pals.
Isn’t that called”revenge porn” nowadays?
Fuck knows who his pals were , and if they were impressed, then i can only assume that they were lepers.
porn for the blind and hard-of-taste
You almost start to feel sorry for her, the battering she is getting from the media, both social and mainstream. Then you remember how much of a world class cunt she is, and any thoughts of mercy just melt away. A metropolitan ponce, who happily uses the shields of sexism and racism, to mask the fact that deep rooted class envy is not a basis for a political career.
Not too mention her sheer hypocrisy over private education – blasts anyone who sends their kids to private school while doing the same thing for her own hell spawn.
Typical metropolitan ponce who deals out the bile and then hides behind her gender and skin colour when people inevitably return fire.
She is an election asset though – for the Tories.
Corbyn, McDickwad, Flabbot and Lady Nugee.
Shit, what kind of shit slinging mong would think having that sorry lot in power is a good idea?!
They’ll still be a few shit slinging mongs voting for them….their called Socialists, or cunts to give them their proper name.
It was her son that wanted to go to private education.
She only done what any black Caribbean mother would have done when their children ask them for something.
You are white, so you just don’t understand.
Well technically only 75% white….
Still makes her a hypocrite though.
75% white and 25% gold. 🙂
Ummm, thanks? ?
You are golden , Prime Minister Sinister.
It was a compliment. 🙂
Aww, thanks Birdman.
But only almost…
Of course! I only have a few shreds of humanity left, and they are reserved for more deserving people.
I bet the Flabbot has a nice pair of beef curtains……..fucking cunt who am I kidding
Remember them frozen birdseye beef dinners in gravy?
Not so appetizing now. 🙂
more like safety (danger ??!) curtains in a theatre
Those French coints throwing eggs at Le Pen.
Booing and throwing eggs in the name of peace, at someone who’s main aim is to keep you safe is moronical.
I wonder if they have the balls or brains to throw them at Muslime clerics who favour terrorists.
The hypocrisy of these coints knows no bounds.
Well when they vote in cunt Macron and then suffer the next peaceful attack, I won’t have any sympathy for them.
It might come down to the enemy of my enemy nonsense when I’ll start cheering on the “so called” isis when they butcher the cuckold coints.
Oh I wouldn’t cheer them on, I’d be happy with sitting back and saying ”Told you so” when it happens, and it will.
I have listened to her interview with Nick Ferrari about 20 times, and it is still making me piss myself. The squirming in her voice,the utter uselessness, the iron clad conviction, is a joy to behold. No human in their right mind would vote for ANY party with her in. Dumb fuck.
Now imagine her sense of economics on a much larger scale and that’s the Labour party and socialist cunts in general.
Christ, we haven’t recovered from the last Labour government’s reign of error.
How disappointed was i to learn that Nick Ferrari was a bloke.
I thought it was going to be a busty blonde tart.
I’ve never rezipped my jeans up that quick before.
Hope it didn’t get caught in the zipper when you did that…..
If it did i wouldn’t have felt it.
I’ve knocked all feeling out of the wee man through the years.
Geez, overdid it much?
……fair play.
There will be many more gaffes like this I reckon.
Queencuntbich , May should let this fat sack of shit shoot her mouth off & watch the votes role in.
They will. Everyone is on to this vacuous shite. I don’t know if I trust May though? Anyone is better than the freak show that is the Labour party.
Between Jabbott and Corbyn, this should be a walk in the park for May, they are so toxic to voters it’s untrue.
And that’s before we even get to the likes of McDickwad and the other Labour lackwits.
God knows how Corblimey managed to climb on top of that. I imagine he scuffed his arse cheeks on the Artexed ceiling…
The good ol (predominantly) non-reflective constituents of the people’s Republic of Hackney will faithfully vote in the Hackney Hippo every time. To them she is simply of the right shade on the RAL chart. And that is all that matters to de unrepresented. And dat not bees raciss. Nomesayin?
And as for Labour’s mayor wins in Mouserland and Manchester….. well you could put a red rosette on a lump of dog shit up there and the daft cunts would still vote Labour.
As for Hackney…… they’re cunts anyway.
They did put a red rosette on a lump of dog shit…it’s called Andy Burnham.
Shows you what brain dead cunts they are in Greater (ha!) Manchester.
Making the man culprit of that Mid Staffs fuck up their Mayor – they deserve everything they get for that one!
If only feeble minded stupidity was a capital offense.
I didn’t vote for that Scouse cunt, Burnham…
And any cunt who elected a Scouser as Mayor of Manchester, hang your fucking heads in shame….
Trouble t’ mill vote labour
Less than 29 per cent voted yesterday. So take those cunts, who didn’t know what they were voting for anyway, add the other 71 per cent and that means 100 per cent voted AGAINST BREXIT! I’m sure Diane can confirm my calculations.
Polls suggest that 60% (ish) of French voters are cunts. Spineless Bastards who have no backbone or bollocks.
Their brief is to elect a bloke who wants to fuck the U.K in the ASS, because we expressed our democratic right to vote how we like, and those cunts don’t like the result. It’s a fuckin joke, and the cunt who is about to win needs to be elected DEMOCRATICLY!
Wankers, the lot of ’em.
They have soon forgot what we did and sacrificed for those cunts in the last 100 years… There are millions of English, Scottish, Welsh, and Irish people that should have been alive now if it wasn’t for bailing these lame cunts out TWICE!
Let’s get out, sort OUR shit, and tell em to fuck off when some other CUNT state wants to invade the CUNT state 3rd time round.
Bollocks complete bollocks…
CUNTS the lot of em..
We will succeed, it’s what we do.
Fucking epic post Count!
We need to withdraw all our military resources immediately, and exit from fucking NATO. Lets see what happens if Putin decides he wants a bit more “living space”. Frau Merkel will absolutely disembowel herself as she shits her pants.
Thank you Sir!
I understand The Flabbott has a degree in History. Every history degree I know of includes a course in statistics….they call it “cliometrics.” Obviously she must have missed those particular lectures and seminars, not to mention the exam paper. Perhaps she had a migraine or two?
Has Diane Abbott claimed Corbyn only did her up the arse 56 times yet?…
The degree is probably an honoury one. She is black and left wing so she’s obviously entitled to it
she probably read it is “clitometrics”
Any thoughts on what her clit resembles ?
Like the stinky tongue of a whale.
One up the bum…
No harm done!
Who the Hell should I vote for?
labour, a leader who looks like a out of date Cornflake with the charisma of a pound shop plant pot.
Liberal, I just wouldn’t vote for the socks and saddles brigade.
Ukip, Mr Nuthall, who trys to talk in the same style as Nigel with pauses Inbetween his words and his mannerisms of bobbing up and down when he talks to also try and act like a poor mans Nigel Farrage.
Therese May, the terrorhawk Zelda lookalike who is out of touch with everyone past Manchester.
Or should I not bother and just attend the job centre in the hope that one of the above cunts might save me from the cesspit dole circle of despair?
When Nutsall gives a speech he sounds like a 5 year old reading to the teacher…. And…… the…. funny……man……. said to the…… thing……My, your fanny……. is big……. isn’t it, isn’t it isn’t it isn’t it isn’t it isn’t…isn…is
Sandles not saddles.
Saddled with Tim as leader and about to be socked in the mouth. I saw old Mong Farong being admonished by an old bloke about Brexit. Fuckking ace.
Anyone notice that Tom Watson Keir Starmer and over half the shadow cabinet are as quiet as a mouse.Even Cat Smith who used to be on tv every day defending Corbyn has fucked off .Probably because she knows she will lose her seat.
I reckon there will be daily gaffes from the few corbynites left each day.I am now convinced that Corbyn and McDonnell just want to turn the Labour party into the SWP .They would like big losses as most of their MPs hate them.The more moderates that lose their seat the less opposition they encounter in the commons the less chance they will be ousted.
Auntie Betty (Tom Watson) called Auntie Betty by me because all he needs is clip on ear rings, a purple rinse and he’d look a double of my Auntie Betty, is fucking gagging to be the labour leader, if Mr Watson along with Keir Stammer becomes labour leader the party will still be shit, if labour want to get back into power they will need to dig out Ravey Davey Milliband.
I think Labour wont recover by getting rid of Corbyn.The key problem at the moment is of course Corbyn it his cronies but underpinning Labours problem is the patronising elitism which pervades every wing of the party.Take Gordon Browns bigoted woman comment or just this evening on Sky Paul Mason saying that the Tories were motivated by racism whilst discussing how Labour can win back Tory voters.The lack of self awareness is fucking staggering.I was at a conference the other day and one of the panels was comprised of the far left despairing at how they thought Tories would win by a landslide.The only solutions they made was greater education thus implying anyone who doesnt agree with them as an intellectual inferior.This is why Labour and the Liberals are imploding.If you can only offer self righteous condemnation and insults they wont vote for you.It is so simple yet so many cunts I know and have met do not get this basic premise.
Fully agree.excellent post
If Labour want power they have to rebrand and purge the far left.Kinnock got rid of militant tendency but didnt go far enough.
I would personally execute the cunt David Milliband. A globalist rimmer
Jezzer and The Flabbot are preparing for sex and he insists on turning the light off.
“Are you shy Jeremy?” She asks coyly.
“No” he says, “I keep burning my arse on the lightbulb.”
My favourite cunt A C Grayling now says that Tories will only have a mandate for Brexit if 50% of those registered to vote vote Tory.Seriously this cunt tries to disguise his arrogance through a thinly veiled argument about democratic ability .It hasnt anything to do with that though and you know it you Rhodesian cunt and as mere stupid misinformed plebs we all know it too.So why lie about the fact that you will never be satisfied !!!!!!!!!!
This morning, the Greens were crowing about the huge runaway success their party is becoming. With proportional representation, they would have 22 seats in Parliament. ( based on 1.1million votes )
This means that the Islamic Foundation Party ( current UK membership 3.9 million and rising daily ) would form either the government or opposition in the UK.
We would in all probability have Sharia Law, stoning, and sponsored conversions to Islam . I wonder what Grayling would make of that ?
For a philosopher Grayling is a naive cunt, but so are most academics, something to do with the massive fucking ego blocking their eyesight or something. Another reason being that in their private/government funded lives they can ignore all the nasty bits of life, whilst attempting to shag all the little girlie/boy students who are in awe of their… Fuck it nearly all the academics I have met have scored quite high on the cunt scale.
Eurotwats demanded ever more money from the UK; Scottish Nazis making everything about them; Abbott and Thornberry as candidates for great offices of state. This election is a cunt.
Arch Euro cunt Juncker , is even saying English is losing its importance within the EU, sad desperate ramblings of a pissed up little turd who’s clutching at straws. Fuck the EU, we have the rest of the world to trade with, historical ties with Commonwealth countries and emerging economies all desperate to learn English not Flemish or some shit which sounds like they are trying to cough up a lung.
Must have been pissed. English is the most used. Who the fuck speaks German or French outside Europe, no cunt, that’s who.
Junckers is an arrogant cunt and I suspect will be replaced because he is out of control and doing no one any good.
And I hope he gets piles like tennis balls with thorns.
and more friends who look like verminhofstadt, what a feckin’ ‘orrible little coathanger-dodger
To be truthful I do not give a flying fuck if the use of English in Europe is diminishing, Much more worried about the decrease of English in England.
Abbott was given a high profile platform on telly because of her colour not her talent or lack of it. This was in the days when blacks were under represented in politics and so when one came along everyone rushed to feature her. Of course these days things have changed but despite a whole host of talented indivuduals available to represent the diversity of black opinion ( which is probably as diverse as white opinion) Abbot has cornered the market and continues to propagate the myth that their is only one monolithic black’ voice and that she speaks for it. Its cunts like Abbott who really hold blacks back .
yeh is there anything more feckin stupid than ‘ THE VOICE ‘. newspaper. it is actually racist.its saying blacks are all alike and merit their ‘own ‘ newspaper. lets see what would happen if someone published ‘ THE WHITE VOICE ‘ it would be fucking idiotic and so is THE VOICE.
Shit! The Voice? I had the fucking thing removed from our local JobCunter after reading a copy of it. Gave the cunts a 4 pager on its content and the cunts removed it! They used to distribute piles of this arse wipe nigger-babble free (?) around Jobcentres to pound home the multi-cuntural message. it’s all derived from the Public Sector ‘Duty’ to Equality which pretty much EVERY public body must adhere to.
If you ever come across a copy of this undiluted ethno-centric bollocks do check out the back, you’ll find at least 3 pages of adverts fer fucking witch doctors, fake cunting psychics, bush meat, monkey sphincters, ju-ju talismans, you name it: in 21st century Britain, jeezus we truly are fucked.
Speaking of bush meat – back to the subject of the thread. There is only one circumstance in which I could conceive me having to pork that gelatinous sheboon and that is under threat of being fed feet first into a woodchipper and even then it’d be on condition that I wear full surface supplied scuba to protect against the invasive reek of sweating gorganzola emanting from her flatulant mudflaps, I’d want grapnels on each piss flap made off to stout ground anchors, a full topside support crew and a mil spec post-poke decontamination chamber so that I don’t pollute that fucking wood-chipper when I throw myself in anyway out of sheer nauseating disgust at what I’d just done.
Just discovered ISAC, haven’t laughed for fucking months but oh this thread…spluttered beer all dripping down the screen. Of all the cunts left free to roam the land this fuck ugly, clueless cunt is my number one, or is it Sadiq Khunt??? Ooooh I just don’t know, I mean where do you start? There’s just so many cunts and so little time – but luckily we’ve been forced to stump up for hundreds of thousands of EU funded eco-freindly replacement lamp posts accross the country to string ’em from. OK with Jabbott we’d need a coupla Tirfors…. when the first post bends double you’d need a gang of welders… and a drip tray. so we don’t pollute the ground water when she involuntarily evacuates. Mind you considering her back catalogue of brain-farts you have to conclude that her whole affirmative action political sinecure has been a litany of involuntary evacuations.
Thanks for the larfs you bunch of disrespectful cunts, that meant more than you could know. 😎
Dianne Abbott – the gift that keeps on giving.
Apparently she now thinks the election is on the 9th…
Dianne Abbott is utterly full of shit! I cannot abide the fucking cow. How incredible she’s not slammed and expelled from her party for such racist views. If Labour think they’ll be in Government with that fat black Cunt in their party – think a fucking gain