Dead Pool [58]

We have a winner!

Congratulations to Sheriff of Cuntingham for correctly predicting the demise of subhuman scum, Ian Brady.

So the slate is wiped clean and nominations are now open for Dead Pool 58.

Here are the rules (pay special attention to the first one):

1. Nominate who you think is the next cunt on the way out. You can have up to five choices. List your nominations in the comments of this post. It’s the current Dead Pool. Comments not in this post (e.g. in the previous one or other posts) will be ignored!

2. You win if your Cunt dies first.
Then the slate is wiped clean and we start again. Of course, you can always be a really annoying cunt and steal someone else’s dead cunt candidate from the previous pool (like Black and White Cunt frequently does).

Any cunt who tries to cheat by nominating the World’s Oldest Man or Woman is a cunt and will be ignored. Any anonymous cunt who can’t be bothered to make up a name for themselves will also be ignored. Oh, and the usual “Our Blog Our Rules” thing applies.

Nominations are now open on this post only. Good luck.

Fred West’s Nominations:

Clive James

Denis Norden

Liz Dawn

Leslie Philips

George A. Cooper


155 thoughts on “Dead Pool [58]

  1. Prehaps the relatives of Ian Brady’s victims may feel a little better today.

    Evil kiddy fiddling murdering UBER CUNT. Rot in hell you vile scum.

    PS: I have changed my mind about shagging Harry Styles.

  2. Cunts like this are a sobering reminder that evil does exist in this world. I for one would have quite happily seen the cunt hanged, drawn and quartered while enjoying a couple of pints and a nice vindaloo.

    Has anyone bagged Phil the Greek? If not I’ll have him;

    Phil the Greek

  3. Burt Reynolds
    Jake LaMotta
    Jill Gascoine
    Baroness Trumpington
    Gregg Allman

  4. Sepp Blatter
    Michel Platini
    Jack Warner
    Chuck Blazer
    Jerome Valcke

  5. Asked one last time, Brady still refused to say where Keith Bennett’s body is. What an evil piece of shit Brady was.

    • The evil cunt should have been minced and fed to pigs… Bit unfair on the poor porkers that though…

      • How are psychopaths like that granted immunity like that? like fucking seriously enough with the prisoners rights bullshit. He wasn’t just a normal criminal he was a child abuser and killer.
        If the cunt refuses to give vital information why not just torture or humiliate the cunt?!

        If I were the warden I’d make bradys remaining days in prison literal hell for him, until he spilled the beans Let him live with hungry feral rats in his cell see if he remembers then…

      • Quite right Titslapper. It is the” Human Rights” that is the cause of society’s rot. Prisoners on offences like that should not enjoy any human rights whatsoever.
        he should have been taken from his cell every day, waterboarded, burned and flogged until he talked. Every waking moment in his life should be made shit. And his death…crucifixion springs to mind.

      • I’m not a vengeful person. Locking him up was inhuman, but more importantly it was a drain on taxation.
        I would have just hanged the cunt. Simples…

      • I agree , imprisonment without prospect of parole is cruel. Death by long drop hanging is quick, cost efficient and inflicts little pain on the executed.

  6. Yes !! Won my my first deadpool and with such a deserving cunt like Brady , hope he was miserable and in a lot of agony when it happened .

    Ric “WOOOOO” Flair
    Vincent K McMahon
    Burt Reynolds
    Hawkeye from M.A.S.H.
    Roy chubby Brown.

    Thanks everyone its nice to pick such a nasty fucking pile of dog spunk to die and get it right ?

      • We could do a special ‘Next Beatle to go’ pool…
        I hope Pete Best outlasts the lot of them…

      • Paul McCartney, one of the stars of Pirates of the Caribbean 5.

  7. Elton John
    Mikhail Gorbachev
    Barry Gibb
    Bobby Charlton
    Warren Buffett

  8. How GREAT is it that ye can’t say ” Ian Brady is a cunt”

    Ian Brady WAS a cunt.
    That sounds better.

  9. If anyone’s seen the Deadpool movie , they should have kept Brady in the same machine that brought Deadpools powers out.

    A machine that would keep you on the edge of death and when your just about to die , brings you back just enough so can repeat and rinse the cycle every moment of everyday.

    • The Deadpool is a great filum only slightly ruined by Liam Neesons pony tale and presence.

      There’s two filums called the Deadpool?

      • Ryan Reynolds (the superhero in Deadpool) is a cunt… Like a Yank version of Tyrone off Corrie…

      • Ryan Reynolds performed one of the most hilarious/seedy scenes in a comedy filum.
        The filum is called Buying The Cow.
        He sneaks out of a girls bedroom window naked, asks a little boy if he can borrow his T-shirt, and the boys dad catches the boy taking off his t-shirt, to give to his naked “special friend”.

        I know it sounds dodgy, but its funny as fuck, and every time I see Ryan Reynolds, i snigger. 🙂

    • Just googled him he is indeed still going.Well you learn something new every day.

  10. There’s CUNTS mourning the passing of B*#@y online.
    One tart/cunt/bitch/sickfuck has “Ian and Myra” tattooed on her arm.
    The are commenting that even though he wanted to die, they hope he passed away peacefully.
    These cunts need a severe doing/skull caving and these bitches that celebrate what they evil cunts done need a good Gilberting.
    In fact Gilbert them all.

    There you go X, if you want to close down and/or attack blogs and sites, and bring cunting to the victims attention, why don’t you go after these fans of two cowardly beasts?
    They’ll still be crying their blackened hearts out, so they wont be that hard to find.

  11. Righto here’s my first 5 Dead Pool choices. I use the selection criteria “because I can’t stand ’em.”

    Damian Hurst
    Whoopi Goldberg
    Woody Allen
    Jane Fonda
    Phil Donahue

  12. The original Fleetwood Mac Lineup
    for Anyone of a certain age that remembers them
    I’m surprised any of them are still here.
    Peter Green
    Danny Kirwin
    Jeremy Spencer
    John Mcvie
    Mick Fleetwood

    • Gold that is…pure Gold….terrific band in those days…..ah..the 60’s

      • Oh yes, that was a renaissance period in music. Fantastic bands. Highly original, possibly never to be repeated.

  13. When I saw that picture I thought Gorbachev had died. That must have been a crap court room artist.

    Good news Brady is dead. Cremate the fucker.

    • No, string his corpse up in Manchester High Street until it rots, then string it up again.

  14. Who claims the beasts body???

    I’ve just heard that the coroner won’t release the beasts ashes until he has confirmation that the ashes won’t be scattered on Saddleworth Moor.

    Bury him next to Savile, and we can all take pot shots at the mourning cunts from the bushes.

    Or just bash their skulls in.

    • Brady doesn’t deserve any decency, he gave none to those children.

      • Apparently their planning to build a dance floor over the cunts grave. Form an orderly queue.

      • Or, his skull could be set into a clear acrylic urinal, and folk could have the pleasure of pissing into his face. That would only be better if you showed the sick cunt the plans for his remains before he snuffed it.

  15. Anyone watching 3 girls on BBC1 about the Rotherham grooming gangs.Bet it whitewashes the issue of Muzzy peados turning parts of Britain. into a ghetto.

    • I’m watching,can’t wait to see how those wicked,white children managed to corrupt the poor,misunderstood peaceful people

      • Ah yes, the underage white devils made the peaceful perverts do this!

  16. I knew little else about Brady aside from him being a monster. I have just read a few online editions of UK newspapers and am rather horrified that such an animal was not dispatched long ago. And what is with his request to have his ashes scattered at the same place where he committed his horrendous acts?
    Brady is a massive cunt.

    • That request should be ignored with a vengeance, anyone who grants that request should be shot!

      When Brady and the Hindley bitch committed their evil crimes….or rather when they were found out, the Labour party had just abolished the death penalty over here.

      Word has it that one of the coppers who heard their evil tape recording of what they did to that 10 year old girl was so horrified he wished he killed them with his bare hands – he should have, no jury in the country would have found him guilty back then.

    • Still a touchy subject in Manchester…. I once saw a ‘comedian’ do a ‘joke’ when Jimmy Cricket was on the scene… The joke was ‘Who wears wellies and says ‘C’ mere… There’s more?’ Ian Brady’…. A bloke got out of the audience and nodded him one…

  17. I will not waste my efforts of typing about Brady and Hindley, I think the ‘cunt’ is not a strong enough word for the pair.
    I would like to re-cunt

    Daniel Wallace
    Kacey Adams

    I hope this pair cowardly so-called tough man hard cunts, have ‘utter HELL’ in prison and both now have arseholes like a wizards sleeve (they’ll probably enjoy it) if these to had any remorse, the two stinking minging VILE cunts would name the 3rd dirty vile person who was with them, CUNTS!!!!!!!!!!!!

  18. And i’m boycotting cunt Walkers crisps t(400 jobs going) they are shutting a factory in Peterlee county durham, not many jobs in Peterlee but yet again, the north east suffers! 2 more factory’s in the north east are cutting jobs, some arsehole in my local rag blames BREXIT voters, he/she must be Tim Farron writing under a different name. Its the North/South divide, not BREXIT!

  19. I also hope that plug ugly crabby old witch, Chrissie Hynde, croaks and all…
    Doesn’t like it when people mention that she formed a band called The Moors Murderers and did a song called ‘Free Hindley’…. That cunt, Steve Strange, who was also in this pile of shite, snuffed it…. Let’s hope Hynde follows suit, the fucking cunt…

    • I’ve hated that cunt since i was the size of a packet of crisps.
      Glad i was right on that ugly manish cunt.

      Her music is shite.
      Really shite.

      • And if there is a Hell, I hope that utter cunt, Lord Longford, is also taking a flaming fork up his khyber alongside Brady and his bitch, Hindley…

      • Thats the name of the band…. The Moors Murderers thats it, I referenced it a few cuntings ago but forget the name.

        I didn’t care for that smiths song Suffer Little Children. Morrissey was playing with some pretty sick imagery there, regardless of his intent of the song

  20. Michael Barrymore
    Boy George
    Oscar Pistorius
    Dick Dale
    Former Pope Benedict

    • Yoko Ono’s gone, I’ll have Michael Collins instead. (Apollo 11)

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