Chris Flossman a Green Party activist and former Parliamentary candidate is a monumental cunt who is so far up his own arse that his first instinct when children are blown to pieces is to make out the Tories are worse and therefore the real enemy we should focus our attention on. and deflect from the threat of radical Islam.CUNT CUNT CUNT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
A post on his social media yesterday (supplied to me by a friend as the cunt blocked me):
“:Ugh, Im sorry. but these Conservative posts about sympathy for victims of the Manchester attack, but wtf.
Conservatives: your government has killed more people in benefit sanctions than this attack. does the nature of their deaths somehow make them worthy of sympathy, than those you’ve killed in the cold and the dark away from cameras?
honestly, the way people are able to divide their sympathy on this is imo evil. being reflective on this, I suspect that this is because people cannot comprehend death by social infirmity. I have seen children wither away on dialysis, life shutting down before their eyes. just in the same way as people with depression, ill health, and old age, are isolated and executed by a benefit system designed to kill them.”
Nominated by Shaun of the Dead
Disclaimer:I have met this guy several times and he is one of the biggest cunts I have ever had the misfortune of encountering.
Some things are beyond parody. Like the Greens. It really baffles me, every time I see Caroline Lucas, as to how anyone could vote for a person and a party that has polices so bat shit insane that the entire party and it’s supporters should be permanently sectioned. Moreover, anyone who even considers voting Green should be barred for life from ever voting again.
Ah yes Caroline “Air pollution is racist” Lucas.Funny she campaigns against Page 3 but not Islamic oppression of women!
QDM… I live in Brighton/ hove how do you think I feel?? The fake do gooders love the greens, the crazier their ideas the more they like it, 20 mph speed limit over vast swathes of the city, more speed bumps than you can wave a stick at!! ticket machines that you can only use if you own a fuckin Mobile phone, Beach BBQ passes, the introduction of higher costs to park your diesel vehicle , an idling fine for traffic, messing around with bin collections and covering the city with a tsunami of advisory notices!! CUNTS…..
Utter Cunts……….
I’ve heard it’s a fucking mess there. Wouldn’t surprise me with the Green’s in charge.
Fucking hell, last time I ever went to Brighton, some 4 or 5 years ago, it has it’s problems then.
If this is how it is now, no way in hell am I even going near there!
They are the Loony Left in all but name. Caroline Lucas has made Complete hash of Brighton where I live, so much so that the Government we’re going to send in an acting council because the Greens had know idea how to run a council .
Christine Shawcroft, a member of Momentum and Labour’s NEC has got her ugly face in the Telegraph. Apparently, she reckons that, instead of doing their job and killing muslim terrorists like ISIS, they should instead “get the teabags out” and have a brew with them. She’s now claiming that her comments, part of a wider speech, were made in a “jocular” fashion. BOLLOCKS!
Her basis for this claim is that it worked on a number of EDL members who were protesting outside a mosque. Well that’s fine and dandy. But the EDL are NOT terrorists. None of their membership has ever blown themselves up, taking dozens of innocent people with them. They’ve never gone a shooting on spree, beheaded anyone or thrown anyone from a fucking roof. ISIS have, and continue to do all of that.
I made a comment yesterday about Corbyn wanting to have a cup of tea with terrorists. I was actually joking. I should have known that the far left would take shit like that seriously. I mean this is a group of people who, if he gets into Downing Street, will allow people to decide if they want some of their taxes to be spent on the military. I can imagine there’d be quite a few ignorant, ungrateful far left shitbags who’d take him up on that.
The point is though, if you try to have a cup of tea with a member of an islamic terrorist group, they will kill you in a very unpleasant manner. It really astounds me that there are people in the UK, people with the right to vote, who are willing to ignore the fact that islamic terrorists, like all other muslims, are violent, homicidal savages.
Ok, everyone can relax. May has deployed the Army. Outside Parliament!
What happened to the bit about everyone carrying on as normal?
Politicians aren’t normal.
To be fair, they’re not deployed just outside parliament. They’re all over the place and it frees the cops up to go cunt hunting…
The MSM is pushing a story that 7/10 Brits would support a world government to deal with the worlds problems. The world is being integrated, borders disregarded and cultures washed away.
Call me a paranoid cunt but it sure feels like social engineering on a global scale to me.
One large city hit by a “terrorist nuclear\bio\chemical” attack and we will accept a global solution to a global problem? Soros finances assistance to illegals entering Europe and the US. Does this man give a flying fuck about humanity?
Al smells bad to me. Cunts like Flossman are pawns spreading the new age poison.
Kim Yong will provide the opportunity and the excuse, and if he doesn’t someone will push him to.
World Government? Bollocks to that, I’d rather not have some cunt from a cuntry that has less than positive intentions towards us have a say in how we live, it’s bad enough we’ve had that from the EU for decades.
This cunt needs fucking with a slowly rotating pineapple,,,,treble cunt
I was going to suggest that was a tadge too cruel….but upon reflection..yes…yes I agree…a pineapple!
Side ways…..
Shove an ananas comosus up his anus
Fuck is that one ugly kid hes not far off from having a full fledged unibrow Green Party activist says it all really….. I’m wondering if his family got blown to bits would he have the same sympathy for terrorists? I’d have to read his full post to see where this awkward unibrower is coming from
This Flossman is a monumental, simpering cock-sucking weasel.
He bears a similarity to that so called comedian Michael Mcintyre. With the emphasis on ‘tyre’ as I would welcome a burning one being placed around his neck.
All Greens are mad as a box of frogs. Which is OK in itself but most folk should see them for what they are before marking their ballot paper. Fuck me, even the Elvis Bus Pass party has more sensible policies to offer than this gang of shit kickers.
For his despicable comments, Flossman should be made to assist the clean up team in the Manchester arena. The cunt might then taste some reality.
He blocked me for calling him Chris Tossman.
Free speech is a wonderful thing – as long as nobody is allowed to disagree with you…
I guess he’s not going to like me much either :
“@CFlossman Tossers like you give serious politicians a bad name. Do you REALLY believe the bullshit you’re spouting or just crave attention?”
Nice one Dio.
Yup I too would love to leave the wankspangle a shitty little ditty but I can’t find his toddler outburst on Twitter.
That’s genuinely funny!! Like it dio….. ???
Looks a bit forint to me…..ugly looking little cunt….Green Party you say….? Yes, looks about right. Cunt
He looks a bit like the little bloke on Fantasy Island!
Yup, I would like to see the little cunt trussed up in a ships crows nest like Nik Nak in ‘Man With the Golden Gun’.
Would be a bonus if said vessel was on a one way trip to the South Pole.
De plane
De plane
Climate change is caused by de plane
What a fat salad dodging famine resistant communist Israel hating bed sheet wearing apologist muesli knitting graola crunching fair trade shopping eco warrior recyclying fascist UBER CUNT! Al Greens hate Israel. All Greens love the peacefuls and hate those who pay tax.Fuck off down the gym you butt ugly retatded fucktard scum cunt.
I take it your not a fan of his…?
You missed out smelly
I think this lesbian needs to shave her chin just to look a bit more womanly
People have asked me several times if he is a woman who had a sex change to be a man.
This guy proves conclusively that you can’t educate pork…
What a monumental prat. That’s what ISAC is all about – highlighting fucking idiots like this..
He has the look of a fucking child molesting cunt. I hope somebody knocks fuck out of him.
“Your government has killed more in benefit sanctions than this attack.” This from an idiot who I’ll bet has never contributed a penny,but has enjoyed a free ride from the day that he was born.
To compare kids being blown apart and maimed by a nail-bomb with people dying from old-age and disease is abhorrent. People like this idiot think that they are more intelligent,better educated,more “developed” than the Common Herd,who, I’m sure,he actually considers his inferiors. If Cunts like this are the next generation of our “Leaders”,we might as well just pack the job in now.
Having met him numerous times your assessment of him is spot on.
Fucks sakes. Yet another LAMPA (Look At My Political Agenda) tossbadge who tweets his own self absorbed banal fuckery in the wake of a truly sickening incident. I used to briefly work for a libtard green who had similar ideas to this wankwit. He was a total deluded cunt. I told him to wank over my resignation letter as I’d rather go and peck shit with the pigeons.
I already see that the Twatter floodgates have opened to various slebbery griefjacking (right-on career furthering). I also fully expect that fucking Lily Mongoloid to chime-in with her spasticated ramblings on how we should “understand” the minds of the filth who do this sickmaking carnage. Cunt on that. Society is forever sliding downhill. Wiping out innocent kids…Fucking wrong and filthy on every known level.
Could I beg leave to cunt Lilymong Allen in advance of her next tweet.
Hence various synagogue-goers saying “jews are islimes too”
There’s an old Viennese saying “Wen a Jud blod ist, es ist wirklich blod” – when a yehudi is stupid, it’s REALLY stupid…
If there is one thing more distressing than terrorist attacks, it’s the knob-ends, youghurt-knitters, twats, pillocks &c. that line up to support the assorted medieval goat and baby-fucking ragheads.
Has anyone cunted that mancunian poet yet?
nah….Didn’t get the cunts name. I watched and listened because I honestly thought he might say something like ” murderous cunt” or something like that. He looked a bit working class and that is what I expected. Fuck me, the fucking drivel he spouted, it sounded more like a rap than a poem. The man’s not a poet, he’s a simple deluded fucking idiot.
Personally I always thought Python was overated, but now that it appears we are using poetry in the fight against Islamic terrorism, with a bit of tweaking we can learn something from Cleese and co…..
Tony Walsh apparently.
Some meat-headed, Mancunian skidmark whose poetic skills would be outshone by kids nursery rhymes in a fucking Ladybird book.
Talentless cunt.
That fucking poem was cringeworthy shite.
Would be nice f someone just publically roasted the Peacefuls for this. Metaphorically and literally.
If you remember the film “Shirley Valentine”, the son gets a job as a “community poet”…
“Don’t nick cars, it’s mad, it’s bad, it makes yer mam sad”
“Aww. fuck off !!”
Off topic, but anyone have sir Roger Moore in the deadpool ?
No.He had been picked in many previous pools though.
You missed one…
May 22, 1970: The Avivim school bus massacre was a terrorist attack on an Israeli school bus on May 22, 1970 in which 12 Israeli civilians were killed, nine of them children, and 25 were wounded
Expect the next atrocity on 22nd July ?
Jesus H Christ. My hospital appt is on the 22nd June and Im going on holiday 22 July
Plenty of 22’s from the past Mike, Lee Rigby 22nd May 2013, Westminster March 22nd, Brussels March 22nd 2016, Munich July 22nd.Its like the fucking X-Files. According to DM piece today, 22 represents disorganisation and chaos in the Old Testament…where does Jezza live again?
I will, its a load of shite.
Piers Morgan just slagged off Charlotte Church and Lily the musical mong on twatter?Odds on him being fired from ITV for saying what we are all thinking?
Piers is a cunt, but I hope he kicks Lily Mong in the kipper and fills Slaglotte Church’s gob with concrete…
Piers is a cunt but he’s been saying some smart things lately.
A week or two back he roasted a cuntish snowfalke couple on Good Morning Britain for referring to themselves as ”non binary”, whatever the fuck that is, and for saying how they are raising their kids gender neutral. In my opinion, that concept is a form of child abuse.
Christ, I’ve just looked at this bloke’s Twitter feed.
He’s totally off his trolley. Makes Momentum look like a WI knitting circle with his rants. What worries me is not just that there are people out there who believe this nonsense, but that they influence other people to think the same way. He’s so divorced from reality, it’s bloody frightening!!
I have been tempted to punch him in the past.
Big Don should nuke Brighton and all…. Any lot who votes the Green cunts in deserves to go…
Up until now I was mercifully unaware of this self important cunt.
Yet again it is an excellent example of why not to vote for any fuckwit in the green party.
He’s not fit to breathe the same air as any right minded person, so why wasn’t the girly little twat drowned at birth.
I have some other screenshots of his narcissistic rants later.Apoarently it is the governments fault that terrorists have no prospects!
I dont really get the Green parties love for mass migration at all
Surely concreting over vast swathes of the countryside is not very green at all
Having to cope with all these fucking idiots is starting to get me down
I tell you Andy I have never been more pessimistic about our country.If Corbyn gets in which I fear he will it will be game over.We will be witnessing a slow car crash without the power to stop it.I reckon there will be a civil war come end of the year.
The country needs an alternative party to vote for. Nothing too far right but a lot further right than the Tories. UKIP came fairly close to offering this alternative only for the dopey cunts to implode as soon as big Nige stood to the side.
A party with people like Nige, Kate Hopkins and Tommy Robinson at the top would absolutely steamroller the hateful fucking Labour party in the north and send shockwaves through the establishment like never before.
morr chance of me being straight than Jezza winning
Indeed, what I wanted to see this week , dawn raids on every single fucker who is on a watch list, every single fucker who has been to the middle east on “holiday”, I want big burly bobbies breaking doors and dragging the fuckers out of bed and onto the street, making the lie on their bellies with a fucking gun pointed at their head.
I wanted it filmed and shown on the BBC news
What do I get, a bunch of cunts making excuses.
True, mass migration means more housing, schools, heath care and transport links all using up land we don’t have if we are to keep something resembling a countryside. They are batshit crazy bunch of sandal wearing, tofu munching cunts.
Nahh Shaun.Nah…If Corbyn wins we just have another election….isn’t that the way it works now?
Because we didn’t know what we were voting for ?
Actually, in Corbyn’s case, you don’t…
I just found his e-mail at the University of Cuntery he is studying history at. I won’t post the addy as I don’t want to flout any rules of this site, but it’s available here:
I have written to Flossman to share my considered thoughts with him. I restricted the subject line to a four letter attribution in case he doesn’t read it. What with his in-box being clogged up with all the other e-mails I’ve been sending. I’m still waiting for a reply to this one:
“You are one sick, sad fuck with your comments on the Manchester attack. Why don’t you let the public grieve without foisting your sixth form political agenda into their faces.
By the way, what the fuck is up with those big hairy bastards where your eyebrows should be? Do you have an exotic animal licence to keep those things?”
Of course you have to be wary of writing to effeminate cunts like this. Anything they misconstrue as a threat and they will go crying to plod, who no doubt see them as one of their own. So that pretty much nixed what I really wanted to say.
Like a couple of caterpillars about to get jiggy.
Fuck,they’re an unprepossessing bunch….there’s only a couple of the lasses who’d be worthy of a good Fiddlering. The lads look like they should be swimming in Barrymore’s pool. The rest of the lasses look like they’d be happier manning a guard tower in Prisoner Cell Block H,and there’s two who I can’t work out if they’re male or female. They probably have the same problem.
Firstly….. he looks like some transbender sex change freak
Secondly… undoubtedly he is an utter cunt!!
Israel has it`s faults.However they know how to deal with scum.
Long live Britain! Long live the Queen!
No more vigils. Time to start raising our union flags
The fuckwit lists his interests as Dr Who and Tolkien.
Clearly a fucking space cadet. It wouldn’t surprise me if he thought he was a supreme timelord who could rid the UK of the evil Tory Daleks and UKIP Cybermen with the aid of his tardis (some public bog where he likes to throw pink levers and purposefully push hairy buttons).
he rides the Turdis
I’d write this cunt up too – but words fucking fail me :
How would you write it up? Words would simply fail me. She is however….Labour…explains it all I think.
Crikey what’s wrong with that cunt??? It’s hardly a good advert for corbyn or labour!! What a stupid cow……
Her quivering voice was reminiscent of Betty from Some Mother’s Do ‘Ave ‘Em.
‘Ooh Frank, Mr Corbyn will give us extra bennies for Jessica’s new car seat. Frank, Frank!’
Still a large pair of top bollocks nestling beneath. Would like to have seen a cheeky ‘protest flash’.
Yes well racked, and firm I would wager.
Tina Titwank.
Looks like she could rustle up a tasty sausage sandwich!
Talking of Greens, here in Suffolk we actually have a candidate standing whose surname is “Geake”
I think that might actually say all that needs to be said
We’ve got a councillor called Fucking-Wanker,at least that’s how I addressed him when he came touting for votes the other month.