Fuck off, Andy Burnham, you disingenuous venal virtue signaller of a cunt…. You make me sick with your bullshit faux outrage… I spit on you, you fucking Scouse bastard pro-muslim cunt…..
Nominated by Norman (and everyone else on recent threads)
284 thoughts on “Andy Burnham [4]”
Problem is the voters of Manchester would have voted for Jimmy Saville if he wore a red rosette. How’s about that then.
Neither did I… Burnham is the sort of slippery cunt who would have crawled around Hitler’s arse in order to get himself a position in a German puppet government….
Nah.. If we deport them,the greasy ay-rab filth will just worm their way back to Blighty… Either as ‘reformed characters’, to see ‘relatives’ or posing as ‘child refugees’…. They should all be thrown into a vat of bacon fat and then gassed to death…
Fucking two faced, Blairite, Muzzie loving, dishonest, Scott Tracy lookalike, self serving cunt. Wanker got the bird at Anfield so decided to champion the scouse Hillsborough weepfest but , like all scousers, never mentions Heysel. This cunt makes sure he never walks alone. As an MP claimed 17 grand a year to rent a flat while renting out a flat he owned within walking distance of Parliament. Duplicitous, untrustworthy snide little cunt. Don’t be surprised if he’s Prime Minister one day. Bastard.
That’s Burnhamesque for “a Greater Manchester resident” just like the London deaths were caused by “some bloke from Kent” – courtesy of the capital’s mayor.
This week I have been exiled in a place with no WiFi and my cunt mobile provider O-fucking-2 do not allow access to ISAC unless I provide credit card details!?! What the fuck for I have no idea as I have 5GB of “free” data. Free so long as the Internet Stasi think so! So called free world eh!
Well anyway fellow cunters this week my piss has been boiled so much in respect to our “peaceful” problem that it has evaporated, turn to steam and finally superheated into plasma!
Not one news agency outside of Fox will call it for what it is, a problem beginning with ‘M’.
And the think that rankles most is that the authorities – rather than worrying about the next “peaceful” attack – were more concerned that “citizens” should report hate crimes (in my day, at school, we called that “name calling” – ahhhhh, presh).
Katie Hopkins has been reported for daring to use the two words “final” and “solution” next to each other. The difference being – as she was afforded to explain but only on Tucker Carlson on Fox – was that during the 30’s the Jewish people’s were not blowing the fuck out of their native countries and while they followed that religion they were also proud to be German, French, Swiss, Polish, etc. Unlike these “peaceful” vermin we have to deal with now – whether home reared or imported courtesy of Frau Merkel’s master plan!
Surprise, surprise on this morning’s ABBC 3 Counties radio (which includes such “peacefulness” in the likes of Lutonistan) was the number of “hate crimes” being reported against their beloved “peaceful” population (no doubt someone normal fed up of the appeasement shouting “bomb maker” or “rag head”, or summat) which is far worse than some cunt setting off a nail bomb in a national venue for star gigs!??!
I fucking guve up, I really do. What kind of bent logic do we live in these days where the cunts doing the atrocities are considered less heinous that ordinary cunts calling them out on it???
Apologies if this sentiment has been echoed time and again over the last few days but I had to vent my fucking spleen!
Oh and Andy Burnham can fuck off! I wouldn’t let that cunt mind me car never mind a city! Feckless cunt!
You should try using a VPN to access ISAC, however I don’t think you would be able to post comments.
Actually a lot of 4x2s were acting the cunt in Germany in the 1920s and 30s, but not in the name of Judaism but rather the failed religion of communism. That is where Hitler’s hatred of them stems.
Oh Indeed Dio…Just when it was getting interesting too.
Should you be interested, his former associate is on Linkedin and twatter. Company Director Records will direct you.
When I’m not on WiFi those fuckers at O2 want proof of being over 18 by giving credit card details as proof. I’ve had a contract with them for 10 years the stupid cunts.
Something Andy Burnham, Owen Jones, James O Brien the stupid lickspittle cunts would say not realising how fucking hypocritically stupid they are in the same sentence of their argument http://imgur.com/a/dxOvv Tell me I’m wrong this is something they say all the time again and again
Gentlemen, I implore you to support an emergency mass cunting for Chris Spivey and his deluded “believers”. Go and have a look at the comments and opinions on this cess pit of a blog regarding the tragic events in Manchester.
Dogman showed up here a once a couple of months ago.
He was telling us to check out Spiveys latest nonsense and slagging the guy.
I asked him if he was the Dogman from Spiveys site but he never replied.
Took a look. Never visited that shite ( sorry site ) before. Very chaotic and weird. What exactly is the chemical in use on that blog? It must be very potent.
An interesting read again, CMC. However I’m not so sure about your assertation that “many people in the non-exist “Moslem Community” hate and fear the same people the rest of the population does.” I don’t believe that most of their “community” hates them at all. They are quite happy to shield the extremists,not through fear,but because their religion tells them that the extremists are justified in waging a war against the Unbelievers. People can continue to try and convince themselves that it’s just a few rotten apples,it’s not. By their inaction and tacit approval,the vast majority are guilty of condoning the actions of the terrorists and bombers.Even when confronted with the aftermath of some outrage,the terrorist’s family and friends,in the main,refuse to accept that “little Abdul” could have had anything to do with it. The trips to terrorist training camps(funded by who?) are explained away as “Oh,no,he was doing humanitarian work.”… No one is as blind as someone who just doesn’t want to see.
Enough naivety. Until the whole “community” demonstrates that they are prepared to root out the extremists,they should all be tarred with the same brush.
I profoundly disagree Mr Fiddler. If people in these “communities” were given a genuine choice, most of them would be down the pub eating a bacon sandwich before you could say “Muhammad is a cunt.” Islam is a totalitarian, anti-human ideology that only exists because of fear. Without that fear it would be a niche pursuit like Morris dancing or train spotting.
One of the reasons given that the government ‘Prevent’ strategy was not accepted by the peaceful community was that it offended conservative Islam. An interesting description of the fuckers. Conservative as in savage deluded murderous cunts.
Conservative Islam is very devout. It is a sin to examine or question the authority of Islam, and that sin is punishable by death. As HBelindaHubbard says, Islamic support, tacit though it may be is assured. The reason for that is that to deny support is to deny Islam. As they believe, they will give consent. Barbarism, they couldn’t give a toss.
Burnham is a cunt. Its as simple as that. He’s a cunt. Mayor of Manchester? He’s a cunt. On Thursday’s Question Time, he was a cunt.. The guy who accused the local mosque was closed down ! Burnham said nothing. When the guy tried to show a flyer from the mosque in question, he was closed down. Burnham did nothing. When the young muslim lady supported, corroborated, and said that it was urgent to call a halt to immigration. She got closed down. Burnham did nothing. As Mayor of a city that had been attacked, I would have demanded that an enquiry was held! Burnham did fuck all. He’s a cunt. Instead of grasping an opportunity to call out the plants in the audience , Burnham did fuck all.
This useless waste of fucking space, is also a waste of his fathers gonads. The Oily greasy little turd. Burnham was elected to office as Mayor by the people of Manchester. Is that the best they could do? Cunts.
… and when the guy that mentioned the astronomical over-seas ‘aid’ budget could (should) be spent protecting the UK citizens … he was closed down.
.. and to touch on Millenials from the earlier thread .. there was a ‘hipster’ Cunt with a bun, being interviewed on TV about the Manchester tragedy, he said .. ‘Although I never knew any of the people, I spent the whole day crying …. ‘
WTF … ?
Burnham was voted mayor of Manchester by all the peaceful cunts who live there and the cretins who would vote for a dog turd if it had a labour rosette pinned to it. He is a power hungry cunt of the first order, jumped the sinking labour ship for a shoe in job kicking the people of Manchester in the nuts on a daily basis.
Burnham is no better or worse than any of our politicians. Not one of them dares to utter the dreaded “Muslim” word when it comes to condemning the acts of the filth who they all seem so terrified of offending.
The whole rotten bunch of them would do or say anything,as long as it meant that they couldn’t be accused of committing the cardinal sin of being “racist”. Not one of them is prepared to ruin their career by bringing the ire of the twitter-generation down on their head. What’s the death and maiming of innocent people matter,when compared to the risk of being labelled a “Hater”?
We are just as responsible,because we have allowed these second-rate,self-serving political pygmies to dominate,riding on the back of a generation which seems to hold such a childish,blinkered and naive view of the world.
As a fellow Cunter pointed out to me previously (S.E).We get the politicians that we deserve. How true.
This is what does my head in! Not one of the cunts will call it out for what it is, a “peaceful” problem and actually use the “M” or “I” words.
Like I say, it comes to something when Katie Hopkins becomes the voice of reason and says it like it is, and then gets pilloried on social meejah by the same cunts lighting virtual candles with their “thoughts” for those in Manchester.
Those permissive enablers with their hate speech against ordinary (non-“peaceful”) folk are almost as bad as the “peaceful” cunts themselves.
And here we are on the ABBC settee with Charlie and Naga discussing how the “Muslim community is feeling alienated” and the “pressure that they feel” when an attack like this takes place.
Well boo-fucking-hoo! My heart metaphorically bleeds for these “peaceful” cunts unlike the physical heart bleed that the victims suffered, which – as we now know – is insignificant when compared to our “peaceful” friends’ hurt feelings!
But – here’s the thing – can you imagine the associated press’ outcry and outrage if a similar incident was to occur inside a Mosque? Oh but only if committed by a non-“peaceful” o’course. If it was “peace” against “peace” then that wouldn’t be newsworthy at all (as per fucking usual).
Why is this pandering to these “peaceful” cunts so prevalent? I could understand it if there was any benefit – even selfish ones to the likes of the cunt political establishment – but there isn’t one good thing, in my mind’s eye, to come from gifting this nest of twats a free ride (in all aspects of UK life from bens to just being “misunderstood” in the light of atrocities)???
Can anyone please explain how appeasing these cunts and worrying about their poor wee hurt feelings is of any benefit whatsoever to our indigenous society?
They’re all fucking takers to a one and contribute fuck all to our society, they are only interested in their community – the “peaceful” community – and transforming the UK into a “peaceful” state.
Isn’t it about time we said enough is enough? If you live in Britain act fucking British! If you want to live in a society that’s just like downtown Islamabad, Tehran or Riyadh then please feel free to fuck off their and enjoy the delights of those cities – YOU CUNTS!
Superb rant Rebel, could not of put it better.
You should go on question time and recite it to the BBC in front of the nation. But you do realise that you will have to detonate your suicide belt straight after , after all you probably would not get out alive anyway. A blaze of glory. You could say something just before like praise be to Katie Hopkins.
Play at their own game.
Please don’t take me to seriously though.
Islime is totally incompatible with life in any civilized, modern country. Therefore, regardless of their place of birth, they should just fuck off to sharia-infested shiteholes, and fuck their own goats and babies. Btw, they’d be allowed to take the Spasmotrons (Linedancer, Church, and lilythemong) with them if they are desperate for white pussy…
The Afghan convicted of the rape of a young woman in Austria, who in his defence argument stated that it was a “sexual emergency” that made him commit the offece, has just had his 7 year sentence reduced to 3 years by a sympathetic appeal court Judge.
So gentlemen, should we ever feel a “sexual emergency” emerging, then Ryan Air flights to Austria are particularly cheap. ( Sarcasm, not to be taken literally )
Precocious Brats need a cunting. There is an article on the BBC website today about an 11 year old girl who complained about the collective punishment of her class for one kids behaviour by describing this as a war crime under the Geneva Convention. Instead of being told to shut up until she has tits,she is now being hailed by some as a great thinker and being promised a years worth of icecream. Jesus wept. You dread to think what this is going to grow into.
If I’d have come out with a twat comment like that when I was 11 at school I’d be busy rubbing the chalk dust off my black sweater where the board rubber had twatted me in the chest having been launched at me by the teacher in question!
And you’d have to make sure that it was all off before you got home for fear of getting worse there off your Mam (with her 100hz slipper) for being cheeky to the teacher!
This is why we’re casting generations of such cunts from an early age and into snowflake adulthood because no one has told them “NO!” or given them one upside the head for being a cheeky brat!
I was a good kid at school and never got into any bother but the threat of the cane, or in-class discipline (or worse when you got home) was a great deterrent from being a little cunt!
If bringing back the caning of minors is so abhorrent to their snowflake Poppy and Tristan parents then how about this: if your kid kicks off or acts like a little cunt then each parent gets six of the best across their knuckles?
My kids are still at school. I’d take that risk because I already deal with them myself if they ever head towards cuntishness!
From my experience, most teachers were cunts who deserved everything i gave them.
Bring back the cane?
I asked a teacher for a square go outside and i got three days suspension/HOLIDAY for it.
No way is some cunt getting permission to hit my kids.
I don’t hit my kid.
Kids should be taught to respect respectful people but should also be taught not to suffer cunts.
You must be 10yrs or so younger than me birdman cos most of my teacher’s would’ve happily obliged and kicked the fucking snot out of me!
You weren’t by any chance still in school when Blair was on his throne? That was the era of schools becoming liberal concentration camps!
I can still name every teacher I had from infants to polyversity and they were all decent. Most of them wouldn’t tolerate being pissed about but they all steered me well.
That all changed in 1997 – along with numerous bad things!
I’m 42 and a sixth and started primary in 1980.
Im aware there are little cunts that make teachers lives hell, but there’s also teachers that make kids lives hell.
If a teacher done their job with no nastiness, i paid attention and respected the elbow patch wearing cunts, but if a teacher was a cunt or bitch cunt , then i gave double back.
The teacher should definitely be respected but when they bully kids they should be given some mental torture.
And there you have the dilemma! Everyone wants mouthy kids given a slap…….er…..as long as it’s somebody else’s kids. Every cunt who breaks the speed limit should be banged up……except me of course, because I can do it safely. If only cunts could walk a thousand miles in my moccasins.
You’d like to think that it has been publicised to show up the gobby little twerp, but sadly it is probable that these parents are the competitive type who want to brag about their clever and already politically aware offspring. I bet some cunt has already told her she will be Prime Minister one day! She will be writing to her MP next. We taxpayers ought to get a rebate in respect of the education of any kids who turn out to be cunts.
No need to go to Austria,ASA. Just change your name to Mohammed,buy a taxi,and move to Rochdale As much young,white meat as you fancy,no jail time,free house and benefits,and an Establishment that’ll excuse your peccadilloes….. ” It’s cultural,we must understand and empathise. Haters gunna Hate.”
Apparently the sentence was reduced on appeal as the prosecution had not adequately proved the 10 year old boy being viciously arse raped by a grown man had made his objection to the attack sufficiently clear.
Well, what can you say to that skid…? I really can’t believe that that is the case…but ..in this crazy fucked up world..! What 10 year old child is going to fight off a grown man, and what kind of people allow judges like that to expose the children to some ragheads notion of free gratis. If that had been my child I would fucking kill the bastard in the most painful way.
So, a 10 year old gets raped by a peaceful cunt, since there’s no way a 10 year old would consent or ever be able to fight off a grown man, still isn’t proof enough for these wanker judges?!
Fucking hell, if that was my kid, I would kill the rapeugee and the judge for this one!
Greater Manchester Police chief Ian Hopkins is also a massive cunt, already trying to paint the peacfuls as victims with a reported rise in ‘hate crimes ‘most of these i suspect involves being called a paki or told to fuck off home. The same force that stood around with its thumb up its arse for years while muslim paedophile gangs went unchecked for years. Burnham and this fucker are made for each other.
Sadly you are right. I saw a clip on TV showing various locations in the city being policed by full bearded peacefuls who incidentally, and with their long hair, look fucking stupid with those fucking helmets jammed on. Are the traffic dept equipped with camels?
They’re not really coppers in the real sense, they’re there to point out directions to the nearest DHSS office for any “fresh off the boat peacefuls”.
They have to use “peaceful” coppers because while non-“peaceful” coppers would happily give them the same directions to the DHSS they wouldn’t be able to tell them in Urdu or Arabic…
Aren’t they called community police?? And the community they serve is trumpton!!
We need real police officers not fuckin social workers masquerading as law enforcement…… Cunts……
Is he the fucker who apologised for an actor using the phrase Allahu Akbar during a terrorist exercuse or was it another useless fucking arsehole who should be nowhere near the top ranks of our police service?
When the Authorities define the thoughts and feeling of millions of law abiding people as a “hate crime”, something bad is going to happen at some point
Quite right AndyC. A fucking swift kick in the balls at the ballot box will not work, as they are all in the same PC cock sucking club. A bloody good show of civil disobedience may do the trick, but that would probably be countered by the surrender brigade. We should all take a leaf from the book of history Wat Tyler may have lost his head, but by the fuck he scared them all shitless.
I am a copper and yes that chief cunstable is a cunt. The police service is now a culturally marxist think tamk. The next commisoner will be an indigenous Australian black autistic disabled non binary trans who is a wickan who is also visually impaired and Hindu on alternate thursdays. There partner will be a amazonian pigme with adult ADHD who drags up on Friday afternoons.
Don’t laugh. The police service has gone mad. We now have a transvestite who has two warrant carfs woth two genders and two names. When this fucked up ,sorry confused, snowflake otherkin
was asked what would happen if he came to work as a she and decided mid morning that they wanted to revert back this donkey said that they would have tp remain in that gender for the rest of the day but that it sucked. Well fuck me! Get me a tissue… BREACH OF HUMAN RIGHTS! GET ME SHAMI SHARABATTY BOLLOCKS ON THE PHONE NOW!
I am gay so tommorow I am going to demand a massive rainbow flag in my office non stop kylie records and I demand the Commisoner (her of poor hairstyle) to provide me with rent boys and GHB in work time at taxpayers expense.
If one of my colleagues can prsncs around in drag…..
Brilliant,thanks Kravdarth!..will you be insisting they all learn Polari as well?.it is depressing but you can sometimes have a bit of fun at the expense of a PC cunt…they tend to have no sense of irony so are very easy to wind up.
Kravdarth, I must ask you how as a rational, sorted individual you can put up with the shitfest you are being served. You have my admiration but get out before your head gets completely fucked up.
The Charlatans have been doing FREE stuff for the last month in Manchester to promote Different Days released May 26th, their best album in 20 years.
So yer talking shite.
What in the name of freshly brewed fuck is this all about? UKIP are backing the Labour candidate, an arch remainer in a strongly leave constituency against a strong Brexit Tory?
UKIP,without Farage,are like a Punch and Judy show without Mr Punch. They need Mr Punch back being “beastly”,or they might as well just bin it all and fuck off home.
Nutall will jump ship that often to stay in his (emaciated) position as UKIP “leader” that they’re thinking of having bridges installed between each of the parties.
I mean for fuck’s sake! A scouser who had to *PRETEND* to be personally affected by Hillsborough???
And then the Stoke result. Stoke is one of the most anti-EU cities in the whole of the UK and he *STILL* couldn’t win there! In fact the cunt couldn’t even win a game of blackjack if he was holding a king and an ace!
Farage didn’t stand in Stoke because he thought the result was a given and Nutall even managed to fuck that up! What a useless cunt he is!
If I wouldn’t let Burnham mind my car then I wouldn’t let Nutall mind a bike I chucked on a skip 2yrs ago!
No chance, Moss side is one of the most “peaceful” areas in Manchester.
It had a bad rep 30yrs ago but it’s a lot fucking worse now due to all of the “integration” of “peaceful” multiculturalism.
Even so, if bombs are your fear then go live in Luton.
Sure it’s like downtown Karachi these days and the only non-“peacefuls” you’ll meet have thick eastern block accents but hey, you stand no chance of getting blown up – unless one goes off accidentally in the many bomb-maker residences they have there – what a bonus eh!
Sky are a set of fucking useless cunts who wouldn’t be given a job on any other news channel. Kay Burley is particularly loathsome. I have not had the shit pump on since the bombing preferring to get my news from more reputable sources like ISAC.
speaking of Sky, has anyone seen that cunt Ian King Live ?
He’s like some highly dishonest cockney spiv in a camel coat.
Probably sells cut and shut cars that have been clocked on ebay.
The next cunt I hear whinging about hate crimes again the peaceful goat fondlers will get dumped in Afghanistan by me to show them how tolerant Islam is. I’m sick of pandering to these fucking violent, barbaric, goat lusting, paedo worshipping cunts.
The only reason they come here is to earn better money. The salaries are shit over there.
But their is still a lot of common sense in Poland , They teach there kids well and have respect for each other and don’t take any bullshit. They value their freedom unlike the snowflake generation here, and are not afraid to call a spade a spade.
Yes i know their are a lot in Blighty but unlike the peacefuls they assimilate and blend in.
I have always said that the Poles are a great and proud people and, for the best part being at least nominally catholic, will take no shit from goat/baby-fuckers. They were brilliant during the war in the RAF, as well, and Britain should be grateful.
I lived in Vienna for two years, and I am acutely aware of how unhappy not just the Poles, but also Hungarians, Czechs, Slovaks are about the islime problem.
Of course, every country produced a mega-cunt; I guess Poland is “quite embarrassed” by Tusk.
On another point, good to hear Trump having a go at the German douchebag about car imports. If I were in the USA, I’d support the local economy, buy American.
Sickening, though, to see obummer and the douchebag enjoying some love-in on a platform in Berlin.
Sure little girls being blown up by homemade nail bombs is bad but do you know whats even worse?……. Racism and skin hatreds! Just think how hurtful and racist it is to be called a terrorist can you even imagine the skin hatred this little girl must feel?
Just read the article,TS. Apparently the kid was asking her father,on the way to school..”What’s a bomb? Daddy,….How big is a bomb, Daddy?”. She should just have a look in her brother/cousin/uncle’s room,he’ll probably have one under construction that she can have a good look at.
I’ve been struggling to respond without overstepping the line.
They say that some good can come out of a tragedy.
I hope a serious backlash by the British people is that “good”.
At this moment poor devastated people are organizing funerals and their shattered lives yet some goat fucker is upset at playground name calling AND it made a national rag, and the national rag are upset.
Sorry, BM but I don’t think anyone is going to do anything anytime soon and unless it is done soon it will be too late. It is already too late for most of Europe, without a radical reversal of political power Europe is doomed to be over run within the next 5 years.
UK has slightly longer and with Brexit the British people have shown they can ignore all the leaders, ignore the experts and ignore the media and make a decision for themselves. So there is still a glimmer of hope. We are also an island, which is a huge benefit in holding back the hoard that will surely engulf Europe in the near future.
I for one am getting out of Europe while I still can. I’d recommend anyone else who does not want to live in a caliphate within 20 years to do the same.
The appeal for unity, came from the very same audience that closed down two very important people who had something to say. It was patently obvious that they wanted that conversation not to happen. The Muslim girl who wanted to speak, was interrupted several times by the very same people who are coming up with all this “unity” shite. I watched it and saw it and it was shite.
No one on that panel wanted THAT to be aired or persued.
That cunt can fuck off and all. Doesn’t like him or his being called a “bomb makers” then out the cunts in *your* society who fucking are bomb makers and make their lives such a living hell in *your* society that they either tow the line, or – preferably – fuck off!
Any Burnham like many Labour representatives is never going to say a bad word about Islam, his job depends on immigrants, that’s why Labour made a priority to get as many to come here as they could when last in government. Corbyn intends to repeat the same trick.
Everyone is now scared to have an open discussion on Islam in case they end up prosecuted for hate speech. I heard a young man, who had been a radical Muslim explain his journey out of radicalism and eventually out of Islam on the radio (LBC I think). He understood how he had been radicalised by Wahhabism. he understood that Saudi Arabia is spreading their hateful brand of Islam throughout the world.
His father or grandfather told him the form of Islam he was following bore no resemblance to the Islamic faith they followed, this made the young man question Wahhabism and study Islamic history and other forms of Islamic faith. He learned the real history of Islam and how murderous it had been when a power in the middle ages, that gave him perspective to see all empires commit crimes against humanity and that Muslims were not under attack in particular.
He eventually walked away from Islam and is now an atheist. Interesting fella who will probably be a target of his former Wahhabist’s now.
Saudi Arabia is attacking the rest of the world, it gave us Bin Laden and funds terror across the world. The nations the west has attacked on the whole have been the secular more free Muslim countries, Saudi Arabia a human rights free zone who’s royal family are descended from camel loving bandits is the source of the problem.
I don’t dislike individual Muslims, I do despise their backwards ideology disguised as a religion and most of all I am comfortable stating Wahhabism is at war with me.
I heard that. It was on Nigel Farage’s LBC stint this week. Here it is (right at the start) and deffo worth a listen: https://youtu.be/GudSReMo6h0
If this bloke can go from moderate, to militant, to the realisations that it’s “all a load of bollocks anyway” and still as a young man then many other “peacefuls” could make the same journey themselves.
O’course it would require their own “peaceful” community to pillory and ostracise the radical/militant element from within but they won’t. Why? Cos most of the cunts support them and their heinous acts against the infidel that’s why!
And that’s why I have no fucking sympathy whatsoever for the lickspittle above cheesing off about his daughter getting a bit of name-calling at school (while other’s daughters lie in bits on the floor of an arena) and how bad it all is…blah, blah fucking blah!
Hey cunt don’t tell me, tell the fucking twats in your mosque every fucking Friday night because – in case you missed it – we’re not the problem but you “peaceful” cunts definitely are!
And you can always tell when your entering the more “ethnic” area around me by the rows of vote labour signs in the front garden.
Pretty much every other cunts garden has an estate agent style vote labour board.
Fuck you cunt, I’ll vote for who I want!
To sum up Andy Burnham, he is the definitive sellout/whore.
When all the New Labour era cunts, to their credit, showed their displeasure with Comrade Corbyn being leader all buugered off to the back benches, Burnham happily, despite being a leadership rival, joined his shadow cabinet.
Burnham is the sort of cunt who would have ratted out any hiding Jews to the Nazi occupiers.
Burnham is the sort of quisling who would become a head chopper for ISIS if he thought it would save his own skin.
Burnham would join the Tories if he thought he could get a position of power with them.
Burnham would become an arch hate monger for the peacefuls if it gave him power.
Having endured the “pleasure” of hearing him speak on television on several occasions I have to say to you that replacement televisions are fucking expensive.You are so right about this little shit, he is without doubt the type of squealer that all schoolboys hate the most, the type of snitch who grasses up everyone to get in with the teacher. Political ability, well he has all the right credentials doesn’t he?
Even though I’m mad at Trump for a number of reasons (I could list them if you want there are so many), some he can’t control because the stupid russia conspiracy. Which isn’t even a proper conspiracy just lies from the slanderous terrorist loving mainstream media and deep state……… but at least hes having a larf at Burqa Merkel and Juncker’s cuntface friends https://i.redd.it/d3ktae7tt20z.png
The Moslems kill us randomly, non-stop We are being slaughtered by these people, and it is incredible that this sort of thing doesn’t happen more often. No time in history have we ever seen any situation like what we have right now. A situation where we are told by our governments where we have to be kind and protect an invading army that is slaughtering us on the streets, this is by definition a civil war but also overtly supported by EU and deep state this is complete fucking madness.
Fuck me! A convicted criminal and nutter stabs 2 innocent people to death on a train and you make him a hero? Get a grip and lay off the booze for fucks sake.
Why you mad? they were not innocent lad they were two poofy faggots who deserved death he rightfully killed those terrorist abiding fucks Look it doesn’t matter what I think your right he probably wasn’t a hero but who gets in a middle of a fucking fight like that?
I’m sober btw I haven’t even started drinking been at least 3 days although I did buy booze today
It is a screwy story that doesn’t make a whole lot of sense to me. Its weird that he randomly started yelling at them I mean how did it escalate into a knife fight so quickly? Then there is the new age mother of one of the victims which is just weird https://i.redd.it/9ki98u48740z.jpg Yeah it just seems politically motivated or something I dunno
When it comes to discussing the Islam/Muslim problem within the UK, it appears the Government and cunts like Burnham are trying to implement a similar policy mirroring the first rule of fight club…..which was obviously stolen from mute club….
I loved the film when it came out birdman I watched it a bunch of times but upon watching it again a few months ago. On reexamination I forgot how long winded the movie was aside from a few cool scenes it drags like crazy and its so puzzle-like that you forget certain elements of the plot
@J R Cuntley Tosser May said terrorism happened because of mean words on the internet and we have to do something about the right wing who voice their opinion on moslems. That was her brilliant argument she wants to punish tech firms also who grant free speech to these individuals but her excuse is to stamp out terrorism
I love it! It is my favourite movie. I have autographed photos of Brad Pit, Edward Norton and Helena Bonham Carter on the wall of my home cinema. I love Chuck Palahniuk books, they are subversive and dark. I haven’t read all his books but I’ve read quite a few. That’s how big a cunt I am.
Problem is the voters of Manchester would have voted for Jimmy Saville if he wore a red rosette. How’s about that then.
MOST voters in Manchester. I certainly didn’t vote for the cunt.
Neither did I… Burnham is the sort of slippery cunt who would have crawled around Hitler’s arse in order to get himself a position in a German puppet government….
Apparently GB is home to 23,000 jihadis (and I bet that’s a conservative estimate).
Round the cunts up, first flight out, and drop them into the sandshitepit from 30,000 ft.
Disappointing, really, as we all know that’s only the tip of the iceberg…
Nah.. If we deport them,the greasy ay-rab filth will just worm their way back to Blighty… Either as ‘reformed characters’, to see ‘relatives’ or posing as ‘child refugees’…. They should all be thrown into a vat of bacon fat and then gassed to death…
Piss on that, ship the fuckers off to the ”happy” camps and be done with it!
Does Andy wear eyeliner?
He’s a fan of clockwork orange
and he is a fucking massive cunt
Never trust a man without a top lip!
That’s exactly what my old dad used to say about John Major.
It’s just like the song says,
“Just stop your crying it’s a Sign of the Times,
We gotta get away from here,
We gotta get away from here.” ?
Harry Styles, poet.
Fucking two faced, Blairite, Muzzie loving, dishonest, Scott Tracy lookalike, self serving cunt. Wanker got the bird at Anfield so decided to champion the scouse Hillsborough weepfest but , like all scousers, never mentions Heysel. This cunt makes sure he never walks alone. As an MP claimed 17 grand a year to rent a flat while renting out a flat he owned within walking distance of Parliament. Duplicitous, untrustworthy snide little cunt. Don’t be surprised if he’s Prime Minister one day. Bastard.
A A A O A-A O-A-O A!
That’s Burnhamesque for “a Greater Manchester resident” just like the London deaths were caused by “some bloke from Kent” – courtesy of the capital’s mayor.
This week I have been exiled in a place with no WiFi and my cunt mobile provider O-fucking-2 do not allow access to ISAC unless I provide credit card details!?! What the fuck for I have no idea as I have 5GB of “free” data. Free so long as the Internet Stasi think so! So called free world eh!
Well anyway fellow cunters this week my piss has been boiled so much in respect to our “peaceful” problem that it has evaporated, turn to steam and finally superheated into plasma!
Not one news agency outside of Fox will call it for what it is, a problem beginning with ‘M’.
And the think that rankles most is that the authorities – rather than worrying about the next “peaceful” attack – were more concerned that “citizens” should report hate crimes (in my day, at school, we called that “name calling” – ahhhhh, presh).
Katie Hopkins has been reported for daring to use the two words “final” and “solution” next to each other. The difference being – as she was afforded to explain but only on Tucker Carlson on Fox – was that during the 30’s the Jewish people’s were not blowing the fuck out of their native countries and while they followed that religion they were also proud to be German, French, Swiss, Polish, etc. Unlike these “peaceful” vermin we have to deal with now – whether home reared or imported courtesy of Frau Merkel’s master plan!
Surprise, surprise on this morning’s ABBC 3 Counties radio (which includes such “peacefulness” in the likes of Lutonistan) was the number of “hate crimes” being reported against their beloved “peaceful” population (no doubt someone normal fed up of the appeasement shouting “bomb maker” or “rag head”, or summat) which is far worse than some cunt setting off a nail bomb in a national venue for star gigs!??!
I fucking guve up, I really do. What kind of bent logic do we live in these days where the cunts doing the atrocities are considered less heinous that ordinary cunts calling them out on it???
Apologies if this sentiment has been echoed time and again over the last few days but I had to vent my fucking spleen!
Oh and Andy Burnham can fuck off! I wouldn’t let that cunt mind me car never mind a city! Feckless cunt!
You should try using a VPN to access ISAC, however I don’t think you would be able to post comments.
Actually a lot of 4x2s were acting the cunt in Germany in the 1920s and 30s, but not in the name of Judaism but rather the failed religion of communism. That is where Hitler’s hatred of them stems.
VPNs shouldn’t be a problem unless the IP address is on the banned list in which case you can’t access the site at all.
Thank Prickie for that one.
He seems to have buggered off from The Ranting Penguin. Couldn’t take the trolling.
Oh the irony…!
I tried posting using Tor once and it blocked me.
That’s not the ISAC end as far as I’m aware.
Some VPNs have problems with some sites…
I use a vpn on my wifi but can anyone tell me if I use it on 4g will I be charged for using say a Canadian ip as if I was using it in that country ?
Oh Indeed Dio…Just when it was getting interesting too.
Should you be interested, his former associate is on Linkedin and twatter. Company Director Records will direct you.
Still there.
When I’m not on WiFi those fuckers at O2 want proof of being over 18 by giving credit card details as proof. I’ve had a contract with them for 10 years the stupid cunts.
Something Andy Burnham, Owen Jones, James O Brien the stupid lickspittle cunts would say not realising how fucking hypocritically stupid they are in the same sentence of their argument http://imgur.com/a/dxOvv Tell me I’m wrong this is something they say all the time again and again
Gentlemen, I implore you to support an emergency mass cunting for Chris Spivey and his deluded “believers”. Go and have a look at the comments and opinions on this cess pit of a blog regarding the tragic events in Manchester.
Pathetic isn’t it?
Is Dogman a glove puppet?
I think we should be told…
Dogman is in all likelyhood Spivey himself. Deluded fucker.
Dogman showed up here a once a couple of months ago.
He was telling us to check out Spiveys latest nonsense and slagging the guy.
I asked him if he was the Dogman from Spiveys site but he never replied.
Fuckin double agent.
Beware. 🙂
Took a look. Never visited that shite ( sorry site ) before. Very chaotic and weird. What exactly is the chemical in use on that blog? It must be very potent.
Be aware it usually takes around 40 minutes to scroll down through all those photoshopped pics to get directly to the comments.
Yeah, chaotic site, weird…fucking weird..and that dogman ?? Is he sane?
I’ve just finished slagging off Burnham over at my place…
Good the cunt deserved that. My reply is polite ( I assure you )
An interesting read again, CMC. However I’m not so sure about your assertation that “many people in the non-exist “Moslem Community” hate and fear the same people the rest of the population does.” I don’t believe that most of their “community” hates them at all. They are quite happy to shield the extremists,not through fear,but because their religion tells them that the extremists are justified in waging a war against the Unbelievers. People can continue to try and convince themselves that it’s just a few rotten apples,it’s not. By their inaction and tacit approval,the vast majority are guilty of condoning the actions of the terrorists and bombers.Even when confronted with the aftermath of some outrage,the terrorist’s family and friends,in the main,refuse to accept that “little Abdul” could have had anything to do with it. The trips to terrorist training camps(funded by who?) are explained away as “Oh,no,he was doing humanitarian work.”… No one is as blind as someone who just doesn’t want to see.
Enough naivety. Until the whole “community” demonstrates that they are prepared to root out the extremists,they should all be tarred with the same brush.
I profoundly disagree Mr Fiddler. If people in these “communities” were given a genuine choice, most of them would be down the pub eating a bacon sandwich before you could say “Muhammad is a cunt.” Islam is a totalitarian, anti-human ideology that only exists because of fear. Without that fear it would be a niche pursuit like Morris dancing or train spotting.
We must agree to disagree, CMC.
It is my belief that the Religion of Peado community are MORE than happy to give tacit support to the islimic terrorists. End of.
One of the reasons given that the government ‘Prevent’ strategy was not accepted by the peaceful community was that it offended conservative Islam. An interesting description of the fuckers. Conservative as in savage deluded murderous cunts.
Conservative Islam is very devout. It is a sin to examine or question the authority of Islam, and that sin is punishable by death. As HBelindaHubbard says, Islamic support, tacit though it may be is assured. The reason for that is that to deny support is to deny Islam. As they believe, they will give consent. Barbarism, they couldn’t give a toss.
Burnham is a cunt. Its as simple as that. He’s a cunt. Mayor of Manchester? He’s a cunt. On Thursday’s Question Time, he was a cunt.. The guy who accused the local mosque was closed down ! Burnham said nothing. When the guy tried to show a flyer from the mosque in question, he was closed down. Burnham did nothing. When the young muslim lady supported, corroborated, and said that it was urgent to call a halt to immigration. She got closed down. Burnham did nothing. As Mayor of a city that had been attacked, I would have demanded that an enquiry was held! Burnham did fuck all. He’s a cunt. Instead of grasping an opportunity to call out the plants in the audience , Burnham did fuck all.
This useless waste of fucking space, is also a waste of his fathers gonads. The Oily greasy little turd. Burnham was elected to office as Mayor by the people of Manchester. Is that the best they could do? Cunts.
… and when the guy that mentioned the astronomical over-seas ‘aid’ budget could (should) be spent protecting the UK citizens … he was closed down.
.. and to touch on Millenials from the earlier thread .. there was a ‘hipster’ Cunt with a bun, being interviewed on TV about the Manchester tragedy, he said .. ‘Although I never knew any of the people, I spent the whole day crying …. ‘
WTF … ?
I despair mate!
Burnham was voted mayor of Manchester by all the peaceful cunts who live there and the cretins who would vote for a dog turd if it had a labour rosette pinned to it. He is a power hungry cunt of the first order, jumped the sinking labour ship for a shoe in job kicking the people of Manchester in the nuts on a daily basis.
Agreed Skidmark, as the Ruskies used to say they know a useful idiot when they see one.
Burnham is no better or worse than any of our politicians. Not one of them dares to utter the dreaded “Muslim” word when it comes to condemning the acts of the filth who they all seem so terrified of offending.
The whole rotten bunch of them would do or say anything,as long as it meant that they couldn’t be accused of committing the cardinal sin of being “racist”. Not one of them is prepared to ruin their career by bringing the ire of the twitter-generation down on their head. What’s the death and maiming of innocent people matter,when compared to the risk of being labelled a “Hater”?
We are just as responsible,because we have allowed these second-rate,self-serving political pygmies to dominate,riding on the back of a generation which seems to hold such a childish,blinkered and naive view of the world.
As a fellow Cunter pointed out to me previously (S.E).We get the politicians that we deserve. How true.
This is what does my head in! Not one of the cunts will call it out for what it is, a “peaceful” problem and actually use the “M” or “I” words.
Like I say, it comes to something when Katie Hopkins becomes the voice of reason and says it like it is, and then gets pilloried on social meejah by the same cunts lighting virtual candles with their “thoughts” for those in Manchester.
Those permissive enablers with their hate speech against ordinary (non-“peaceful”) folk are almost as bad as the “peaceful” cunts themselves.
And here we are on the ABBC settee with Charlie and Naga discussing how the “Muslim community is feeling alienated” and the “pressure that they feel” when an attack like this takes place.
Well boo-fucking-hoo! My heart metaphorically bleeds for these “peaceful” cunts unlike the physical heart bleed that the victims suffered, which – as we now know – is insignificant when compared to our “peaceful” friends’ hurt feelings!
But – here’s the thing – can you imagine the associated press’ outcry and outrage if a similar incident was to occur inside a Mosque? Oh but only if committed by a non-“peaceful” o’course. If it was “peace” against “peace” then that wouldn’t be newsworthy at all (as per fucking usual).
Why is this pandering to these “peaceful” cunts so prevalent? I could understand it if there was any benefit – even selfish ones to the likes of the cunt political establishment – but there isn’t one good thing, in my mind’s eye, to come from gifting this nest of twats a free ride (in all aspects of UK life from bens to just being “misunderstood” in the light of atrocities)???
Can anyone please explain how appeasing these cunts and worrying about their poor wee hurt feelings is of any benefit whatsoever to our indigenous society?
They’re all fucking takers to a one and contribute fuck all to our society, they are only interested in their community – the “peaceful” community – and transforming the UK into a “peaceful” state.
Isn’t it about time we said enough is enough? If you live in Britain act fucking British! If you want to live in a society that’s just like downtown Islamabad, Tehran or Riyadh then please feel free to fuck off their and enjoy the delights of those cities – YOU CUNTS!
Well said rebel.
Here here.
Superb rant Rebel, could not of put it better.
You should go on question time and recite it to the BBC in front of the nation. But you do realise that you will have to detonate your suicide belt straight after , after all you probably would not get out alive anyway. A blaze of glory. You could say something just before like praise be to Katie Hopkins.
Play at their own game.
Please don’t take me to seriously though.
Nigel farage akbar!!
Islime is totally incompatible with life in any civilized, modern country. Therefore, regardless of their place of birth, they should just fuck off to sharia-infested shiteholes, and fuck their own goats and babies. Btw, they’d be allowed to take the Spasmotrons (Linedancer, Church, and lilythemong) with them if they are desperate for white pussy…
Our politicians are traitorous cunts.
I don’t think we’ll be dealing with the Muslim problem until we’ve dealt with the lefty’s first.
Unfortunately illiberalism too entrenched in western society to deal with easily.
I have the results of the ISAC jury;
Andy Burnham is a CUNT.
Sexual Emergencies.
The Afghan convicted of the rape of a young woman in Austria, who in his defence argument stated that it was a “sexual emergency” that made him commit the offece, has just had his 7 year sentence reduced to 3 years by a sympathetic appeal court Judge.
So gentlemen, should we ever feel a “sexual emergency” emerging, then Ryan Air flights to Austria are particularly cheap. ( Sarcasm, not to be taken literally )
Precocious Brats need a cunting. There is an article on the BBC website today about an 11 year old girl who complained about the collective punishment of her class for one kids behaviour by describing this as a war crime under the Geneva Convention. Instead of being told to shut up until she has tits,she is now being hailed by some as a great thinker and being promised a years worth of icecream. Jesus wept. You dread to think what this is going to grow into.
A J. Cox clone complete with virtue signals!
If I’d have come out with a twat comment like that when I was 11 at school I’d be busy rubbing the chalk dust off my black sweater where the board rubber had twatted me in the chest having been launched at me by the teacher in question!
And you’d have to make sure that it was all off before you got home for fear of getting worse there off your Mam (with her 100hz slipper) for being cheeky to the teacher!
This is why we’re casting generations of such cunts from an early age and into snowflake adulthood because no one has told them “NO!” or given them one upside the head for being a cheeky brat!
I was a good kid at school and never got into any bother but the threat of the cane, or in-class discipline (or worse when you got home) was a great deterrent from being a little cunt!
If bringing back the caning of minors is so abhorrent to their snowflake Poppy and Tristan parents then how about this: if your kid kicks off or acts like a little cunt then each parent gets six of the best across their knuckles?
My kids are still at school. I’d take that risk because I already deal with them myself if they ever head towards cuntishness!
Great idea! Make the parents pay for the child’s cuntish behaviour. They do it in Japan.
Common sense still prevails in Japan. I don’t think they allow peacefuls to set up home there either.
And there you have highlighted the problem. A large no. of cuntparents do bugger all at home to discipline their sperm of satan.
A lot of psychologists say that children have no idea of right/wrong before a certain age.
At the moment, I’d include most people under about 35 (years, not months !)
From my experience, most teachers were cunts who deserved everything i gave them.
Bring back the cane?
I asked a teacher for a square go outside and i got three days suspension/HOLIDAY for it.
No way is some cunt getting permission to hit my kids.
I don’t hit my kid.
Kids should be taught to respect respectful people but should also be taught not to suffer cunts.
You must be 10yrs or so younger than me birdman cos most of my teacher’s would’ve happily obliged and kicked the fucking snot out of me!
You weren’t by any chance still in school when Blair was on his throne? That was the era of schools becoming liberal concentration camps!
I can still name every teacher I had from infants to polyversity and they were all decent. Most of them wouldn’t tolerate being pissed about but they all steered me well.
That all changed in 1997 – along with numerous bad things!
Fucking cunt New Labour!
I’m 42 and a sixth and started primary in 1980.
Im aware there are little cunts that make teachers lives hell, but there’s also teachers that make kids lives hell.
If a teacher done their job with no nastiness, i paid attention and respected the elbow patch wearing cunts, but if a teacher was a cunt or bitch cunt , then i gave double back.
The teacher should definitely be respected but when they bully kids they should be given some mental torture.
Hey , teacher
Leave them kids alone.
Aye, amen to that.
Quite right. You have to earn respect…
And there you have the dilemma! Everyone wants mouthy kids given a slap…….er…..as long as it’s somebody else’s kids. Every cunt who breaks the speed limit should be banged up……except me of course, because I can do it safely. If only cunts could walk a thousand miles in my moccasins.
There’s an old saying “spare the rod, spoil the child”. I think this truth has come home to roost.
A fat cunt?
Well done to her parent for posting it on line.
Their kids likely feels a complete cunt now and is being laughed at.
On the other hand she could be revelling in her new found celebrity…?
You’d like to think that it has been publicised to show up the gobby little twerp, but sadly it is probable that these parents are the competitive type who want to brag about their clever and already politically aware offspring. I bet some cunt has already told her she will be Prime Minister one day! She will be writing to her MP next. We taxpayers ought to get a rebate in respect of the education of any kids who turn out to be cunts.
Most likely a cunt.
No need to go to Austria,ASA. Just change your name to Mohammed,buy a taxi,and move to Rochdale As much young,white meat as you fancy,no jail time,free house and benefits,and an Establishment that’ll excuse your peccadilloes….. ” It’s cultural,we must understand and empathise. Haters gunna Hate.”
It’s another great “benefit” of living in a “peaceful” multicultural society.
To be fair there are very few goats in Austria and you usually have to climb a fucking mountain to get to them.
As I recall it was a young boy he raped.
Thanks skid, my copy said “young woman” Looked on new site and you are spot on 10 yr old boy !!! Which actually makes this far worse!!!!! Cheers
Apparently the sentence was reduced on appeal as the prosecution had not adequately proved the 10 year old boy being viciously arse raped by a grown man had made his objection to the attack sufficiently clear.
This really is some Alice in wonderland bullshit.
Well, what can you say to that skid…? I really can’t believe that that is the case…but ..in this crazy fucked up world..! What 10 year old child is going to fight off a grown man, and what kind of people allow judges like that to expose the children to some ragheads notion of free gratis. If that had been my child I would fucking kill the bastard in the most painful way.
So, a 10 year old gets raped by a peaceful cunt, since there’s no way a 10 year old would consent or ever be able to fight off a grown man, still isn’t proof enough for these wanker judges?!
Fucking hell, if that was my kid, I would kill the rapeugee and the judge for this one!
Greater Manchester Police chief Ian Hopkins is also a massive cunt, already trying to paint the peacfuls as victims with a reported rise in ‘hate crimes ‘most of these i suspect involves being called a paki or told to fuck off home. The same force that stood around with its thumb up its arse for years while muslim paedophile gangs went unchecked for years. Burnham and this fucker are made for each other.
Sadly you are right. I saw a clip on TV showing various locations in the city being policed by full bearded peacefuls who incidentally, and with their long hair, look fucking stupid with those fucking helmets jammed on. Are the traffic dept equipped with camels?
It bothers me to see who the police are taking on these days. Should we have confidence in their vetting procedures?. I seriously doubt it.
prob is that it’s no longer the police “force”…
it’s the “service”
“You are in a queue, please hold and a useless twat will answer your query in about six hours.
If you want to speak to Cressida about a dick up your arse, press 1”
They’re not really coppers in the real sense, they’re there to point out directions to the nearest DHSS office for any “fresh off the boat peacefuls”.
They have to use “peaceful” coppers because while non-“peaceful” coppers would happily give them the same directions to the DHSS they wouldn’t be able to tell them in Urdu or Arabic…
Aren’t they called community police?? And the community they serve is trumpton!!
We need real police officers not fuckin social workers masquerading as law enforcement…… Cunts……
Maybe they should be rebranded as the GPP?…
Greater Paki Police….
Is he the fucker who apologised for an actor using the phrase Allahu Akbar during a terrorist exercuse or was it another useless fucking arsehole who should be nowhere near the top ranks of our police service?
When the Authorities define the thoughts and feeling of millions of law abiding people as a “hate crime”, something bad is going to happen at some point
Quite right AndyC. A fucking swift kick in the balls at the ballot box will not work, as they are all in the same PC cock sucking club. A bloody good show of civil disobedience may do the trick, but that would probably be countered by the surrender brigade. We should all take a leaf from the book of history Wat Tyler may have lost his head, but by the fuck he scared them all shitless.
I am a copper and yes that chief cunstable is a cunt. The police service is now a culturally marxist think tamk. The next commisoner will be an indigenous Australian black autistic disabled non binary trans who is a wickan who is also visually impaired and Hindu on alternate thursdays. There partner will be a amazonian pigme with adult ADHD who drags up on Friday afternoons.
Don’t laugh. The police service has gone mad. We now have a transvestite who has two warrant carfs woth two genders and two names. When this fucked up ,sorry confused, snowflake otherkin
was asked what would happen if he came to work as a she and decided mid morning that they wanted to revert back this donkey said that they would have tp remain in that gender for the rest of the day but that it sucked. Well fuck me! Get me a tissue… BREACH OF HUMAN RIGHTS! GET ME SHAMI SHARABATTY BOLLOCKS ON THE PHONE NOW!
I am gay so tommorow I am going to demand a massive rainbow flag in my office non stop kylie records and I demand the Commisoner (her of poor hairstyle) to provide me with rent boys and GHB in work time at taxpayers expense.
If one of my colleagues can prsncs around in drag…..
Brilliant,thanks Kravdarth!..will you be insisting they all learn Polari as well?.it is depressing but you can sometimes have a bit of fun at the expense of a PC cunt…they tend to have no sense of irony so are very easy to wind up.
Kravdarth, I must ask you how as a rational, sorted individual you can put up with the shitfest you are being served. You have my admiration but get out before your head gets completely fucked up.
Good to see The Charlatans relaunching their career on the back of the Manchester bombing. Good grief.
The Charlatans have been doing FREE stuff for the last month in Manchester to promote Different Days released May 26th, their best album in 20 years.
So yer talking shite.
Yer bait was set…….
What in the name of freshly brewed fuck is this all about? UKIP are backing the Labour candidate, an arch remainer in a strongly leave constituency against a strong Brexit Tory?
Have I accidentaly taken some very strong drugs?
UKIP,without Farage,are like a Punch and Judy show without Mr Punch. They need Mr Punch back being “beastly”,or they might as well just bin it all and fuck off home.
It’s a fucking circus isn’t it!
With nutall as the head clown.
…did I say clown? I meant cunt.
It’s what happens when you put a cunt like Nuttall in charge of a party.
Nutall will jump ship that often to stay in his (emaciated) position as UKIP “leader” that they’re thinking of having bridges installed between each of the parties.
I mean for fuck’s sake! A scouser who had to *PRETEND* to be personally affected by Hillsborough???
And then the Stoke result. Stoke is one of the most anti-EU cities in the whole of the UK and he *STILL* couldn’t win there! In fact the cunt couldn’t even win a game of blackjack if he was holding a king and an ace!
Farage didn’t stand in Stoke because he thought the result was a given and Nutall even managed to fuck that up! What a useless cunt he is!
If I wouldn’t let Burnham mind my car then I wouldn’t let Nutall mind a bike I chucked on a skip 2yrs ago!
Just saw sky news apparently another bomb has gone off??
Moss side ?
No chance, Moss side is one of the most “peaceful” areas in Manchester.
It had a bad rep 30yrs ago but it’s a lot fucking worse now due to all of the “integration” of “peaceful” multiculturalism.
Even so, if bombs are your fear then go live in Luton.
Sure it’s like downtown Karachi these days and the only non-“peacefuls” you’ll meet have thick eastern block accents but hey, you stand no chance of getting blown up – unless one goes off accidentally in the many bomb-maker residences they have there – what a bonus eh!
Now saying it’s just evacuation??
Fuckin sky!! And their endless news loops???
I need a beer…..
Sky are a set of fucking useless cunts who wouldn’t be given a job on any other news channel. Kay Burley is particularly loathsome. I have not had the shit pump on since the bombing preferring to get my news from more reputable sources like ISAC.
Kay burley!!! One of the most loathsome, overly opinionated, bigoted cows on TV…… ?
I fucking hate Sky.. I agree the endless loops are also accompanied by sad piano music which appeals to all the Chavs.
speaking of Sky, has anyone seen that cunt Ian King Live ?
He’s like some highly dishonest cockney spiv in a camel coat.
Probably sells cut and shut cars that have been clocked on ebay.
I like him only coz he swore loudly on air.
Don’t think any kids watch his show so he got away with it
The next cunt I hear whinging about hate crimes again the peaceful goat fondlers will get dumped in Afghanistan by me to show them how tolerant Islam is. I’m sick of pandering to these fucking violent, barbaric, goat lusting, paedo worshipping cunts.
I go to Poland a couple of times a year , Mrs Fistula is Polish and this is how they feel and deal with the peaceful situation out there.
Tell you now I’d go there to live!
What amazes me is how so many Polish folk still come here knowing that we’ll be a “peaceful” state in a couple of generations time.
I wish our politicians would put our people first like the Polish ones do!
Fuck the EU!
The only reason they come here is to earn better money. The salaries are shit over there.
But their is still a lot of common sense in Poland , They teach there kids well and have respect for each other and don’t take any bullshit. They value their freedom unlike the snowflake generation here, and are not afraid to call a spade a spade.
Yes i know their are a lot in Blighty but unlike the peacefuls they assimilate and blend in.
Fuck the fuckin EU!!
I have always said that the Poles are a great and proud people and, for the best part being at least nominally catholic, will take no shit from goat/baby-fuckers. They were brilliant during the war in the RAF, as well, and Britain should be grateful.
I lived in Vienna for two years, and I am acutely aware of how unhappy not just the Poles, but also Hungarians, Czechs, Slovaks are about the islime problem.
Of course, every country produced a mega-cunt; I guess Poland is “quite embarrassed” by Tusk.
On another point, good to hear Trump having a go at the German douchebag about car imports. If I were in the USA, I’d support the local economy, buy American.
Sickening, though, to see obummer and the douchebag enjoying some love-in on a platform in Berlin.
Burnham gets orf a plane. “I am holding a piece of foreskin in my hand”…
Sure little girls being blown up by homemade nail bombs is bad but do you know whats even worse?……. Racism and skin hatreds! Just think how hurtful and racist it is to be called a terrorist can you even imagine the skin hatred this little girl must feel?
While privileged white racists will never know how it feels to be accused of terrorism because of their christian faith or lack thereof, most of them will agree that it would feel far, far worse than burying your child after a terrorist attack. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-4544604/Muslim-says-young-daughter-branded-terrorist-school.html
Just read the article,TS. Apparently the kid was asking her father,on the way to school..”What’s a bomb? Daddy,….How big is a bomb, Daddy?”. She should just have a look in her brother/cousin/uncle’s room,he’ll probably have one under construction that she can have a good look at.
Bad innit, TitSlapper?.
I’ve been struggling to respond without overstepping the line.
They say that some good can come out of a tragedy.
I hope a serious backlash by the British people is that “good”.
At this moment poor devastated people are organizing funerals and their shattered lives yet some goat fucker is upset at playground name calling AND it made a national rag, and the national rag are upset.
They can go fuck a goat.
Fuck a goat!!!!!!
No complaints there Birdman!
It’s typical isn’t it? People are dead or maimed or traumatised yet it’s all about the poor Peacefuls copping a long overdue backlash.
Makes me sick.
Sorry, BM but I don’t think anyone is going to do anything anytime soon and unless it is done soon it will be too late. It is already too late for most of Europe, without a radical reversal of political power Europe is doomed to be over run within the next 5 years.
UK has slightly longer and with Brexit the British people have shown they can ignore all the leaders, ignore the experts and ignore the media and make a decision for themselves. So there is still a glimmer of hope. We are also an island, which is a huge benefit in holding back the hoard that will surely engulf Europe in the near future.
I for one am getting out of Europe while I still can. I’d recommend anyone else who does not want to live in a caliphate within 20 years to do the same.
The appeal for unity, came from the very same audience that closed down two very important people who had something to say. It was patently obvious that they wanted that conversation not to happen. The Muslim girl who wanted to speak, was interrupted several times by the very same people who are coming up with all this “unity” shite. I watched it and saw it and it was shite.
No one on that panel wanted THAT to be aired or persued.
That cunt can fuck off and all. Doesn’t like him or his being called a “bomb makers” then out the cunts in *your* society who fucking are bomb makers and make their lives such a living hell in *your* society that they either tow the line, or – preferably – fuck off!
No, didn’t think so! Cunt!
Any Burnham like many Labour representatives is never going to say a bad word about Islam, his job depends on immigrants, that’s why Labour made a priority to get as many to come here as they could when last in government. Corbyn intends to repeat the same trick.
Everyone is now scared to have an open discussion on Islam in case they end up prosecuted for hate speech. I heard a young man, who had been a radical Muslim explain his journey out of radicalism and eventually out of Islam on the radio (LBC I think). He understood how he had been radicalised by Wahhabism. he understood that Saudi Arabia is spreading their hateful brand of Islam throughout the world.
His father or grandfather told him the form of Islam he was following bore no resemblance to the Islamic faith they followed, this made the young man question Wahhabism and study Islamic history and other forms of Islamic faith. He learned the real history of Islam and how murderous it had been when a power in the middle ages, that gave him perspective to see all empires commit crimes against humanity and that Muslims were not under attack in particular.
He eventually walked away from Islam and is now an atheist. Interesting fella who will probably be a target of his former Wahhabist’s now.
Saudi Arabia is attacking the rest of the world, it gave us Bin Laden and funds terror across the world. The nations the west has attacked on the whole have been the secular more free Muslim countries, Saudi Arabia a human rights free zone who’s royal family are descended from camel loving bandits is the source of the problem.
I don’t dislike individual Muslims, I do despise their backwards ideology disguised as a religion and most of all I am comfortable stating Wahhabism is at war with me.
And Uncle Sam is selling them state-of-the-art weaponry.
Is America as deluded and suicidal as Europe?
It’s not the people who profit from the weapons who’ll be on the receiving end.
I heard that. It was on Nigel Farage’s LBC stint this week. Here it is (right at the start) and deffo worth a listen: https://youtu.be/GudSReMo6h0
If this bloke can go from moderate, to militant, to the realisations that it’s “all a load of bollocks anyway” and still as a young man then many other “peacefuls” could make the same journey themselves.
O’course it would require their own “peaceful” community to pillory and ostracise the radical/militant element from within but they won’t. Why? Cos most of the cunts support them and their heinous acts against the infidel that’s why!
And that’s why I have no fucking sympathy whatsoever for the lickspittle above cheesing off about his daughter getting a bit of name-calling at school (while other’s daughters lie in bits on the floor of an arena) and how bad it all is…blah, blah fucking blah!
Hey cunt don’t tell me, tell the fucking twats in your mosque every fucking Friday night because – in case you missed it – we’re not the problem but you “peaceful” cunts definitely are!
Very right.
Quite right sixdog.
And you can always tell when your entering the more “ethnic” area around me by the rows of vote labour signs in the front garden.
Pretty much every other cunts garden has an estate agent style vote labour board.
Fuck you cunt, I’ll vote for who I want!
I’m convinced he is Captain Black from Captain Scarlet
Those Mysterons play a very long game, a very long game indeed
Fuck me…you’re right ! Those eyes…there’s something about those eyes..
To sum up Andy Burnham, he is the definitive sellout/whore.
When all the New Labour era cunts, to their credit, showed their displeasure with Comrade Corbyn being leader all buugered off to the back benches, Burnham happily, despite being a leadership rival, joined his shadow cabinet.
Burnham is the sort of cunt who would have ratted out any hiding Jews to the Nazi occupiers.
Burnham is the sort of quisling who would become a head chopper for ISIS if he thought it would save his own skin.
Burnham would join the Tories if he thought he could get a position of power with them.
Burnham would become an arch hate monger for the peacefuls if it gave him power.
Burham it the worst kind of sellout cunt.
Having endured the “pleasure” of hearing him speak on television on several occasions I have to say to you that replacement televisions are fucking expensive.You are so right about this little shit, he is without doubt the type of squealer that all schoolboys hate the most, the type of snitch who grasses up everyone to get in with the teacher. Political ability, well he has all the right credentials doesn’t he?
Apart from one key ability – the ability to actually do a job.
Mid Staffs springs to mind.
Burnham makes that place look like the panacea of health care!
Even though I’m mad at Trump for a number of reasons (I could list them if you want there are so many), some he can’t control because the stupid russia conspiracy. Which isn’t even a proper conspiracy just lies from the slanderous terrorist loving mainstream media and deep state……… but at least hes having a larf at Burqa Merkel and Juncker’s cuntface friends https://i.redd.it/d3ktae7tt20z.png
Fair play to him, why do that poncy, disingenuous ”walk of unity” when it’s a blatant lie?
As for the yanks complaining about (alleged) foreign interference in their election, I’m pretty sure that they really can’t say anything about THAT.
I’m surprised Macaroni isn’t wearing a gimp suit and being led on a chain by his fuhrer.
The Moslems kill us randomly, non-stop We are being slaughtered by these people, and it is incredible that this sort of thing doesn’t happen more often. No time in history have we ever seen any situation like what we have right now. A situation where we are told by our governments where we have to be kind and protect an invading army that is slaughtering us on the streets, this is by definition a civil war but also overtly supported by EU and deep state this is complete fucking madness.
The type of person who would white knight for haji women is probably the worst type of person of all in the world and they deserved to die no doubt about it. http://www.foxnews.com/us/2017/05/26/two-killed-one-injured-in-stabbings-on-portland-light-rail.html
Didn’t know it is ramadamadingdong.
I was looking forward to a quiet night but i suppose if needs must, I’ll go and puncture some tyres.
Fuck me! A convicted criminal and nutter stabs 2 innocent people to death on a train and you make him a hero? Get a grip and lay off the booze for fucks sake.
Why you mad? they were not innocent lad they were two poofy faggots who deserved death he rightfully killed those terrorist abiding fucks Look it doesn’t matter what I think your right he probably wasn’t a hero but who gets in a middle of a fucking fight like that?
I’m sober btw I haven’t even started drinking been at least 3 days although I did buy booze today
It is a screwy story that doesn’t make a whole lot of sense to me. Its weird that he randomly started yelling at them I mean how did it escalate into a knife fight so quickly? Then there is the new age mother of one of the victims which is just weird https://i.redd.it/9ki98u48740z.jpg Yeah it just seems politically motivated or something I dunno
When it comes to discussing the Islam/Muslim problem within the UK, it appears the Government and cunts like Burnham are trying to implement a similar policy mirroring the first rule of fight club…..which was obviously stolen from mute club….
Does anybody like Fight Club ?
I’ve watched it a couple of times, and fuck knows how, but i even own it.
I don’t think its crap but its not as good as they say, is it?
I loved the film when it came out birdman I watched it a bunch of times but upon watching it again a few months ago. On reexamination I forgot how long winded the movie was aside from a few cool scenes it drags like crazy and its so puzzle-like that you forget certain elements of the plot
@J R Cuntley Tosser May said terrorism happened because of mean words on the internet and we have to do something about the right wing who voice their opinion on moslems. That was her brilliant argument she wants to punish tech firms also who grant free speech to these individuals but her excuse is to stamp out terrorism
I love it! It is my favourite movie. I have autographed photos of Brad Pit, Edward Norton and Helena Bonham Carter on the wall of my home cinema. I love Chuck Palahniuk books, they are subversive and dark. I haven’t read all his books but I’ve read quite a few. That’s how big a cunt I am.
The books is superb. Don’t read any more as he shot his bolt with Fight Club. Choke is readable, but the rest are toilet, personally speaking.
* The book
i thought it was shite
A bit over rated, Ed Norton is much better in American History X.