Today I think I’ll choose:THE SCOTTISHWhat a bunch of arseholes!Don’t get me wrong. I actually like the Scots on a personal level. The Scots I’ve worked with and drunk with in the past were OK fellas but all they do is moan, moan, fuckin moan.
They get a vote on independence and vote to stay in the UK even though pretty much everyone wants them to fuck off.
Then they moan, moan, fuckin moan about England and vote for those incompetent, miserable lefty’s the fucking SNP just because they hate the English.
We all know that the only reason that they stayed in the UK is because they knew that they’d be a bunch of bankrupt nobodys that would no longer be able to blame the English for their problems if they’d left.
You hate the UK because you don’t want to be ruled from Westminster (you have a devolved parliament you cunts) yet you voted to sign it all away to the fourth reich.
Will they give you powers over your own laws and tax? I think not.
Will they give a shit about your fishing or industries? I think not.
Will they put up with your constant fuckin moaning? Fuck no!
And neither will I. I’m fuckin sick of Scotland and those lingering, malignant cunts the SNP.
And Nicola Sturgeon! …what a disgusting, whining, deluded, super cunt she is!! Her cuntitude is only surpassed by 2016 isac world champion Tim Farron. Maybe …Blair. …Abbott. …Miller. …
OK. There are bigger cunts about but not many!
She was in the running and she wasn’t far off!
She said that the brexit vote was about racism and xenophobia.
Scotland is by far the most racist country in the world! …but I guess it doesn’t count if it’s against the English. (Yes I know the English don’t technically qualify as a “race” but fuck it).
The only reason the SNP were ever voted to power in the first place is because of racism.
I recently heard Alex salmond moaning on the radio about the brexit vote. How he chirped with delight “the pound has tanked!”
Then sign up to the Euro, pledge allegiance to Junkers, Schultz and all those other cunts and FUCK OFF!
…Oh. …but they don’t want you either!
….ahhhh that’s better.
Nominated by DeploytheSausage
Surely he should be called Prof IS AC Grayling.?
…. Nice. ?
It was about 6 months ago that I started tuning in to LBC and by and large would listen to most presentersveven though I didn’t necessarily agree with their views. However pretty much from day one there was one cunt who I found myself screaming at. You’ve guessed it, James O’Cunt. The sound of his fucking voice sets me off let alone his liberal lefty views where he hates everything British, loves the EU, immigrants etc and is rude enough to switch off callers who have the temerity to have a different opinion.
This bloke is ripe for public execution.
Complete cunt.
Whilst watching the lords predictably voting for the amendment to guarantee EU nationals the right to remain in the UK before May triggers article 50 whilst leaving the British nationals living in the EU with no such guarantee was amazing enough but some of the virtue signalling from the waxwork relics was jaw dropping! Amongst the worst was lord hailsham who actually compared passing this amendment to the removal of Asians from Uganda by idie Amin?? He compared an African dictator to a British government! Well done Cunt!!
After the amendment was passed the BBC feed went back to the studio, the smug look on the news readers face was clearly evident, after a few words we were sent back live to the House of Lords for comment, first up a smiling smug faced paddy ashdown who had the look of a man who had shot his millet into his pants!!, droning on and on about due diligence and procedures blah blah, next up you would be probably expecting the other side of the argument?? No chance of that with the utterly biased BBC, cue baroness smith who gets a solid 5 minutes to talk about ” doing the right thing ” ” these EU nationals need to have certainty ” well you utter CUNTS how about our citizens who have been hung out to dry???….
As lord tebbit correctly said “why is everybody here today so excited about an amendment which looks after the foreigners and not the British?” As you can imagine that didn’t go down so well!
The guy kicked a chinese kid in a dragon costume.He gives 0 fucks.