The whole NHS is a pile of fucking dog shit, if you ask me.
Overpriced and under performing, it wouldn’t mater how much money you threw at it would only become worse. It is a money pit in the truest sense. £1885 per year for every man, woman and child in the country ( not including illegal immigrants ) and you can still die for want of seeing a GP? Fuck right off. I pay less than a 1/3 of that for private insurance and get to see a quack any time I like. Need a scan? How about this afternoon. Hip replacement? Would next week suit you?
Now I’m sure there will be many of you who have relatives or friends who have had their lives saved by the blessed NHS, but don’t think that proves it is the only way of running heathcare.
UK is the only place in the world that has this model of healthcare, does that tell you something?
The NHS is not the envy of the world and no more than is the BB fucking C. Both are an embarrassment and should be ditched soonest.
Nominated by Skidmark Eggfart.
I’ve had mixed experiences with the NHS over the years mainly to do with my ma and pa, both gone now.
A lot of NHS staff over the last few years are very poorly trained and don’t give two fucks. It’s just a job. Half of the cunts look like they just rolled out of bed and went to the laundry basket in the dark and grabbed some clothes.
Another time when my old man was in hospital I walked into the ward and you could smell the shit straight away. The guy in the next bed had lost his marbles and shat himself and wiped it up the wall. There was a 25 stone fat cunt of a nurse, eating her fucking takeaway at the desk. When I went to tell her, she just sat there and said, “Ah!”. I kid you not. She came in after she’d scoffed her gruel with a few fucking wet ones to clear up the excrement. Fucking disgrace.
My old fella had all his marbles but they fucking drugged him up to keep him quiet.We had a meeting with the doctors and my sister ended up banging on the fucking table to get him off whatever the fuck they had him on. He was hallucinating BIG time.
It’s fucking frightening to think what’s in store for us poor cunts.
They need a fucking hard cunt of a matron to run each ward with a rod of fuckin’ iron.
Nominated by kendo nag.
Couldn’t agree more, skiddy and kendo… Didn’t actually diagnose my dad with anything when he was wasting away, sent him home to die… Didn’t diagnose or spot my mother’s cancer, and she died too… More recently, a little girl who was a high risk asthmatic was not seen by a petty cunt of a GP because they were four minutes late…. Said little girls dies overnight…
And the horror in their voices when a house call is requested… Your leg could be hanging off, yet the cunts would still expect you to get to the surgery…
It was that cunt Blair who reduced GPs hours and upped their pay. They are a self interest group just like any other.
I had an aortic aneurism repaired 4 years ago. The standard of the surgeons and intensive care was high but the ward care was appalling. Junior doctors ok – run off feet, but most nurses, nursing assistants and the jumped up cunt that did ward rounds (not one of surgical team) were terrible.
I wouldn’t be around without the surgical team, who were courteous and explained everything. The rest were by and large cunts. I can see how patients are abandoned to rot.
And that piece of shit ‘doctor’ is still allowed to practice. The BMA needs a serious cunting too. What does a doctor have to do before the BMA consider it serious enough to strike someone off? Clearly, it isn’t allowing a four year old girl to die.
My mrs works for the No Health Standards. The dept she works in is shambolic. She’s in a team of about 15 women and 1 poor fucking dude. She won’t have fuck all to do with em outside of work as won’t a couple of others due to all the bitching and shite that goes on. During any 1 period you can find probably at least 2 of the lazy cunts on long term sick, 6 months full fucking pay mind, due to stress, dad’s ill or the fucking grass needs cutting. Funny how the situation always seems to resolve when the 6 months are up. There’s much more but I ain’t got time. That’s 1 little dept in 1 big hosi. Times that nationwide and add the numbers up, staggering. I think a fucking bowls club treasurer would tell em where it’s going fucking pear shaped. Idle cunts.
I went nuts for a while 7 years ago. I had a psychiatric nurse come around every day for three weeks. We got to be friends of a sort.
He told me that once he had a new job as head of nursing at a loony bin. On his first day he was walking around and there were all these people laying on the grass in the sun smoking tabs and fuck knows what else. Turns out the place was riddled with pikey bastards. They would come in around March, do the well rehearsed doolally thing hetting their cock out and screaming and get sectioned for three months, Three square meals a day, bed and board and still draw benefit, then after three months, they would recover get a discharge and go off the the Costa del Sol with all the bennies they had saved up.
The problem with private health care is there is much less demand so of course it’s quicker to be dealt with there, but the doctors are the same cunts that work in the NHS. I think that’s moonlighting and should be banned. How can the NHS improve? Ask the staff. Get IT systems that will last 50 years, not 3-10. Reduce salaries at the top end.
Cunting needed for F ratings in Films , what’s an F rated film i hear you ask well this is what the bbc had to say ,
Ms Tarquini said: “The F-Rating is intended to make people talk about the representation of women on and off screen.
“It’s exciting when new organisations decide to join us in shining a light both on the brilliant work women are doing in film and on how far the film industry lags behind most other industries, when it comes to providing equal opportunities to women.
“But our real goal is to reach the stage when the F-Rating is redundant because 50% of the stories we see on screen are told by and about film’s unfairly under-represented half of the population – women.”
im sure a film like , shawshank redemption or green mile would be much better films if they were fully 50% women , or football factory would be great to see them getting there heads kicked in or saving private Ryan.
Its ridiculous to try and force equality and fairness on anyone because both are made up and for kids, no one is equal to anyone else as we are all unique you soppy cunts. All this virtue signalling crap just makes me want to be sick, its so pathetic and cringworthy .
I think it’s a good idea. It’ll act as a warning to discerning cinema goers because most films made by women are unadulterated shit.
Loads of women in Scrotal Recall.
Mark my words : one day you’ll see films like Ryan where half the soldiers coming out of the D-day landing craft are women.
Hollywood was never big on historical accuracy. Just look at westerns and how they won the war single handed… when they eventually turned up!
Link to the bbc article here if anyone’s interested;
Same as the Oscars ‘controversy’ being too white last year and of course the Brit Awards and Bafta’s had to jump on board the victim express, ignoring the fact that they already have the MOBO’s . If a film happens to have a black actor/director and is shit, you are doing them no favours by giving them some token award through some historic white guilt crap.
At least this year the luvvie cunts were too busy finding the right envelope they forgot to bitch about Trump. When we leave the EU does this mean they will kick us out of Eurovision? I fucking hope so.
I had a wasted journey to the hospital this morning for the premature ejaculators support group meeting.
Turns out it’s tomorrow…..
Premature ejaculation is nothing to lau-aahh-aahh-ahh-gh about.
The problem with the NHS is that from day one the Tories have been trying to privatise it and from Blaircunt onwards the Tories with red ties have been joining in….number one priority being to make sure their rich pals help themselves to the bottomless pit of the taxpayers’ wallet. Everything that can be contracted out costs way above the market price from PFI to drugs to cleaners to agency nurses. You want that lightbulb changed?…..75 quid, fuck you pay me. You want a new blind in that window?……850 quid, fuck you pay me. You want a new mattress?….350 notes, fuck you pay me. Why do you think they never ask you to return crutches?…..because some cunt is supplying them at 250 quid a pop. So yes, it doesn’t matter how much money you throw at it, that’s just more money for the rich cunts to divide up among themselves. We are being robbed blind hand over fist right under our stupid noses. There is nothing wrong with the principle of the NHS just it’s execution. The real problem lies in the Palace of Westminster, among those parasites and the endless greed of their rich friends. Cunts!
At the odean once I saw a trailer for a film about premature ejaculation apparently it was ” coming to soon to a cinema near you” …….
One major problem (of many) with the NHS goes back to its formation in 1948. In order to make it happen at all the Labour Guvmint needed to get the Dr’s on board. But the savvy medics didn’t want to sign up until they got themselves a very cushy deal. Socialists can be very flexible with their principles when it suits them. The UK has the highest paid GP’s in the world ( about £100000 pa on average) A lot of people don’t realise that GP’s are “self employed contractors” , they don’t work directly for the NHS. They get all the security of employment and generous payments but at the same time get all the tax and accountancy swindles that the self employed enjoy. (This was enhanced significantly by the way when Noo-Labour said they didn’t have to work weekends or nights anymore and gave them a whopping pay rise to compensate…) HMRC always has turned a blind eye to this. Try doing a “normal” job for just one organisation and try to claim you are self emplyed, yeah right… Those Dr’s/surgeons in the hospital system are employed by the NHS but can still slink off and do private work, why do you think they’re so against weekend working? The UK also offers the most financial help to medical students, why exactly?
Another point, I know a nurse who’s been off “sick” with “depression” for nearly a year now. Six months full pay, six months half pay. So thats got to be at least £18k out of NHS funds. I bet when the full year is up and she’s dropped down to peanuts pay she’ll suddenly start feeling a lot better. Although her going to work or not probably hasn’t made much difference, she was on pointless courses half the time anyway.
It makes me sick they all keep going on about how its a “vocation” and how hard worked and self sacrificing and important they are. It’s a job of work like any other and they should get on with it. The system as it stands is being bled dry from every conceivable angle. It can’t go on as it is.
Its the anniversary of the Zeebrugge ferry disaster.
Friends of Zeebrugge, a charity group including some ex boy/girl band members and a few z-list ex soap stars are releasing a cover of Lionel Richie’s Dancing On The Ceiling.
Proceeds will go to the relatives and swimming lessons.
Fuck me, a mate of mine was on that ferry. He had a stroke in his 20’s which left his left arm and leg fucking useless. So once he was in the water he was dead meat. Some bloke got hold of him, kept him up and saved his life. He never saw him again and never found out his name. It just shows you how tenuous life is ; I mean nobody goes on the cross-Channel ferry expecting to end up as fucking fish feed. That’s why I always go through the tunnel these days. Yeah I know it’s more expensive but I just stick a couple of Muzzies in the boot at a thousand quid a pop. I may not be able to produce a charity record but I do my bit for the humanitarian cause. No need to thank me.
A report into the tragedy found that the disaster could have been avoided if they hadn’t cancelled Larry Grayson as the entertainment.
He was the one that usually gave the command to “shut that door”.
Fat people are cunts. Especially celebrity fat people.
That silly fat cunt Barbra Streisand just came out and said: “Donald Trump is making me gain weight. I start the day with liquids, but after the morning news, I eat pancakes smothered in maple syrup!”
So let me get this right. Donald Trump comes round your house and forces you to buy some pancakes and maple syrup. He then forces you to stuff them into your fat ugly fucking face. …Surely that’s illegal! ….why haven’t you called the police?
Maybe it’s because he isn’t making you do anything. More likely it’s because you are a fat greedy cunt and you should stop stuffing your face.
I can’t really say anything. I’ve been stuffing my fat face with all kinds of junk lately but at least I admit that no one is making me.
It’s not advertising, cheap pricing or Donald fucking Trump.
It’s just because I’m a greedy fat cunt.
Same as Barbra cunting Streisand.
Babs could lose 2 stone instantly – if she finally agrees to the nose job!
Donald trump could press the button and he still wouldn’t be able to create as much damage as the Streisand’s “music” has.
This bitch is fucking bananas, and thinks that everything she says and does is worthy of awards.
FACT : the Streisand truly believes that she’s the worlds most beautiful woman.
She once bought the rights to a filum telling the story of the worlds most beautiful woman and cast herself in the lead role.
Ugly faced cunt, and if she had a soul, it would be way fuckin uglier.
If hearing of the Trump ruins her day, then hearing of the Streisand ruins my week.
In fact she’s made me smoke this doob.
The doob was sparked before, but I’ll just blame it on her.
What was the name of the film Streisand bought?? RATATOUILLE by any chance??
She looks like a dust buster!! FFS
I was about to say the last time I saw summat with a nose that big it had landing gear!
Imagine if her and Barry Manilow ever got it on… ?
The Streisand and The Manilow performed a concert together once.
The first three rows saw the most amount of damage, with many survivors still being treated at the eye hospital.
I remember Kenny doing Streisand…
Usual boring shite from Al Jazeera.
Protesters are standing by the side of the road outside the”winter white house”, the place that American Presidents holiday in winter.
There’s about twenty of the doss cunts holding placards and the obligatory smiling for the cameras.
How does a small group of brain dead twats having a whinge make internation news ?
What are they protesting for ?
Is it new jobs ?, coz these moaning cunts seem to have a lot of free time to stand about with per printed placards.
Maybe they should get a job with the placard company.
I don’t watch Al Jazeera anymore, but the brain dead missus does, so sometimes its hard to avoid, but i swear to you this, any time you switch it on, you are never more than three minutes form a whinge about Trump.
As i was writing this, they were reporting on the Palestinian CUNT that was shot by Israeli armed forces earlier, and it was the usual interview with the CUNTS family and friends telling us how unjust his killing was, as he was a nice guy who was only trying to murder Israelis.
The missus is well pissed of just now.
Her and her colleagues wages are twelve days late.
Twelve days ffs.
They were told on Friday that everybody would be paid by Monday, and it was the banks problem not theirs.
The trouble with that excuse is that its TWO banks they use. Her colleagues have been complaining all day on whatsapp, including one single mother of two, who has no food for her kids.
They all do shift work, so about half the staff are off today and are totally skint.
To top it off, the company she works for has sent a few whatsapps saying that anymore complaining may result in disciplinary action.
What a bunch of cunts !
Not everybody has savings or a partner to support them when wages are TWELVE fuckin days late.
I’m self-employed,and know what a cunt it is getting paid sometimes. I did a job once for a bloke…..lovely house,range-rover,ponies,snooty wife,land,he obviously had money,just didn’t want to part with it. After 3 months of excuses I got sick and went round to the house at 9 o’clock at night,Christmas Eve. I knew that the cunt had all of his posh family and the wife’s over for a “sophisticated” get- together. I hammered on the door,and when he answered I shoved my way in and started bellowing at the cunt that I wanted my money. The cunt couldn’t get his cheque-book quick enough. The thought of being shown up in front of his snooty family did the trick,no bother.
I felt like a fox in a chicken coop as the chinless wonders retreated when I emerged from the bastards study with my cheque and wished them all a merry christmas….certainly put a damper on his party.
I’m a shameless cunt when it comes to collecting my money,and I never let a debt get away from me.
‘Fraid I’d make a poor doctor, Mike. Personally, I believe that the fact that NHS services are provided “free”,just encourages people to run off to the doctors at the drop of a hat….nothing much the matter with most of the fuckers,and if they had to pay a nominal £5 to see a doctor,it might discourage some of the malingering sods and overprotective mothers.
Do you collect debts for other cunts Dick. I got one from 83.
From 83 ?….it really boils my piss when people don’t pay on time. I’ve found that the more money people have,the worse they are at paying up promptly. I’ve got people to pay so see no reason that I should wait for my money.
Mayor Sucdiq Khan admits he lied about immigration plan Fucking wrath of commie Khan!
This is what happens when you import millions of Muslims into the bloody capital. Once they outnumber the native population, they can out-vote the natives and elect a fellow Muslim into office. Who then brings in even more immigrants… ethnic cleansing no other word for it punters It happened in africa under the guise of “whites are racists so lets murder them”
Double cunting….
Gary Lineker: what a fucking holier than thou sanctimonious slimy cunt…
Lily Mong: a total sweaty flyblown rotting mackerel stinking gaping gash of a cunt…
Wasn’t it these two monumental cunts who called people fascist and racist for having misgivings about letting a certain ‘child refugee’ into the UK? Let’s see what the aforementioned ‘child’ is up to now, shall we?….
No mention of the arrest of the ‘child’ terror suspect sandsambo on the BBC though… Funny, eh?… And how convenient that Lily Spazmotron has ‘taken a break’ from Twitter… Now she won’t have to see all those ‘vile trolls’ posting her messages like ‘What have you got to say now, you fucking mong of a cunt?!’…
Beat me to it Norman.
This is very true. More than likely, she’s crawled back under her rotten tree root along the riverbank with the other snakes, although that’s a bad insult…to snakes. Ideally her and her devotees need to fuck out into deep space and get lost.
There will be fuck all of this on the ABBC. In fact the ABBC will invent an awards ceremony tonight to hand out the wrong prize so they can cover it for the rest of the week so they can avoid this story.
Yes! Yes! YES!!! Invite more “peaceful” cunts in without any documentation whatsoever! It’ll be a BLAST! (eventually)
And woe betide any thick, racist cunts who voice concerns for their family’s safety as these undocumented “peaceful” cunts come waltzing in en-masse without so much as a bye-or-leave.
Gary Lineker is quoted to have said: “They’re totally stupid these working class idiots! If they’re that concerned then why don’t they improve the security of the fences around their private estates and add an extra guard or two to patrol their grounds – like I have for myself and this week’s wife!”
While Lily Allen was more guarded: “Wey’ull oy ‘opes vey dant send ‘im ‘ome cos like that like wuddunt be fair in’it. Ees onleee ay choild like in’ee!!!”
“Paaaarrrrr to tha’ people! Paaaarrrrr to tha’ people! Paaaarrrrr to tha’ people! Paaaarrrrr to tha’ people!” an incoherent Billy Bragg chanted before driving his Rolls Royce into his gated premises in Chigwell.
It’s times like this I miss Granada (it now exists in name only)… World In Action would have nailed these snowflake cunts, and exposed those migrant ‘child refugees’ for the parasitic filth they are…
Don forget that fucking old cunt, Lord Dubs. Wonder if the old bastard’ll be making a statement in the Lords about this.
Ha ha, hope it was Linnycunts house they were walking away from there.
Pair of cunts should be made to apologise. Fat fucking chance of that. They know full well that if there is any problem they won’t be anywhere near it so it’s ok to let in any unchecked “child” cunt cos it’s us plebs who will have to live with the consequences.
Do any fellow counters think that either of these two, in perhaps a quiet moment, ever think “fuck it, what a cunt I am”
No, me neither.
The only cunting I can give to the NHS is how the fuck do you get a job with them. I’ve had no reasons why I’ve been turned down, I’ve applied for domestic work, admin work etc and fuck all, I noticed apprenticeships are been introduced to so that’s me fucked even more. If your 25 and over nobody wants to employ you as the government has introduced a zillion million apprenticeships and if your not aged between 16-24, prepare to be on the dole for the long term. Change of subject: new Top Gear is utter a shit, a irritating yank doing BRITISH top gear and two irritating nobody’s, shite!
Still better than having Evans on it though eh!
Won’t watch it mate. Principal.
Certainly! Evans is a irritating tit rash.
And the ‘offended by anything’ cunts who are ‘sickened’ by Rod Stewart’s beheading gag are complete cunts…. These sort of humourless and puckerarsed knee-jerk twats can’t wait for something to be offended about… They’ll scream their favourite words (‘vile’ ‘hater’ ‘racist’ etc) at Rodders, but there is no noise whatsoever from them when an IS sandspade actually decapitates some poor cunt…
And Rod is a cunt for actually apologising to the baying tide of hysterical Twitter vermin… What he should have said was, ‘Fuck the lot of you! And get a sense of humour, you cunts! I’m Rod fucking Stewart, rock star… And I’ve fucked more women than you cunts have been offended…. Which is quite a fucking lot!’…
Rod Stewart has offended me with his tat for years.
The cunt thinks he’s the”dude”, but his excuse that him and his pals were recreating a scene from some pish filum was weak as fuck.
London boy, born to Scottish parents, yet sings with an American accent.
British cunts singing in American accents annoys the fuck out of me.
Elton John
Mick Jagger
Rod Stewart are the fucking worst.
And the way Rod treats wimmin, trading them in every few years even though they are the mothers of his kids and the press not having a go at the cunt for it, is out of order.
If he was a normal bloke doing that, we’d all be sneering at the Jeremy kyle show sized cunt.
Not a fan of Stewart myself… But he should never have apologised to a bunch faceless social media self appointed offence police cunts.. Apologising? For a fucking Joke?…. Shows what a cunt he is….
Jagger is also a cunt…. Stones have done fuck all of note since ‘Start Me Up’ in 81… And taking a knighthood from the same establishment that tried to destroy him after the Redlands bust in 67… Has bad taste in women too… Only fit one he ever had was Marianne Faithful…
And Ellton, we all know about…
Too right he shouldn’t have apologized.
He should have told them to fuck off, but no, he went and made up a weak as fuck apology.
All three of the cunts mentioned have knighthoods, what that says is, the honours system couldn’t give a fuck if the recipient is a devious cunt.
Remember Rod Stewarts version of Waltzing Matilda ?
Doss cunt tried to ruin a childhood favourite of mine.
I had to remind myself of how badly the stones sucked in the 90’s Norm Put on voodoo lounge nuff said a horrible fucking album.
The only worthy thing of note Rod did birdman was Jeff Beck album Truth thats about it. Faces was alright but weren’t as good as or pure as the Small Faces.. just weren’t
The Stones had a song out in about 98 or 99 called Anybody Seen My Baby that i liked.
Paul McCartney had a song out about the same time called Beautiful Night that was pretty good for him.
I saw The Stones in 99.
Great concert, but I’ve gone off them since, mainly due to them being cunts.
Don’t worry, Lily is going to apologise on his behalf in a tabloid near you sometime soon.
I mean Rod Stewart must be so minted these days if he was never to earn another penny he’d still have too much money to spend over ten lifetimes!
Also this is an own goal as most of the Twitterati are no doubt hipster big debt student types studying Klingon who no doubt sample Mr Stewart’s music courtesy of some free bit-torrent or other piracy site – if at all.
Mr Stewart’s mainstay crowd probably range from their late 40’s into their 60’s, most of whom who are impervious to social meejah bollocks and probably hate these self-important “life experience of a fruit fly” twats as much any other normal person (who is no longer worthy of ABBC airtime).
So in fact, Rod Stewart has probably hurt his sales/fan base by appeasing this group of low-rent fucktards.
If he’d come out with: “Get a fucking life you soft cunts! Oh and by the way get a fucking job too while you’re on you know-nothing humourless twats!” – I reckon auld Rod’s sales would have rocketed.
Personally I can stand the cunt because whenever I see the twat all I can think of is Freddie Star pissing about in leopard skin leggings and an inflatable arse! So no skin off my nose but a definite own goal by team Stewart!
So “peaceful” cunts cut heads off!?! Well you TwitterMong ostriches…they FUCKING DO!!! You twats love your YouTube so check it out twats and sample some fucking reality from the “peaceful” religion YOU CUNTS!
The proof is there to be seen and all you deniers are the one’s who will take this country down! So shut the fuck up and get a life, and if getting a life is a bit hard then at least try to get a taste of reality! Cunts!
Rod Stewart will have a main stay crowd, but today it seems everybody is a fan of every piece of music made.
Ye used to get bands or acts that hated each other, like Duran Duran hating Spandau Ballet, The Bunnymen hating U2, Oasis hating Bluuurrrghhh etc, and the fans would do the same.
Now ye get cunts like Justin Bieber wearing Nirvana t-shirts whilst singing Baby, Baby, Baby Ooh.
I bet Biffy Clyro would say they’re massive Madonna fans.
Cue Biffy Clyro fans loving Madonna.
Everybody seems to love every type of music unless Liam Gallagher’s involved.
Liam, Liam, Liam, Liam !
Can’t wait for his new album.
Hold onto yer socks, cunters.
Think the new Liam album is going to be called ‘As You Were’…
Liam Gallagher sometimes finishes his tweets with”as you were”.
I thought it was kinda funny, as if he was saying “dismissed” after he had spoken.
But when i heard it was gonna be the name of his new album, I thought it sounded kinda shite and something Blobbie Walliams would use for a title.
Talking of new albums, how come when someone is releasing one they say “drop” ?
As in kan-ye (fuckoff) West has dropped a new shitty bunch of wank to annoy every cunt that has the misfortune of hearing it.
There was nothing wrong with”release”, or maybe that’s not kool enuff.
It was Kenny Everett that did the Rod and his inflatable arse gag…
Liverpool’s REAL King Kenny.
I loved his show as a kid and even had the annual.
Harrison Ford is a prick sniffing cunt! He has somehow been cleared to fly again after nearly almost crashing into a passing plane. He is willing to put the whole world at risk to get his sick flying kicks. The only upside here is that if he dies in a crash, he will be dead… well good but he’s willing to put others at risk doing it. People back in the late 70’s early 80’s thought he was such a edgy actor playing Han Solo in Blargh Blores (Star Wars) truth is, that is how he acts in real life a humorless cocky bastard and all around dry cunt
I can honestly say that I’ve never heard of someone being called a “prick sniffing cunt”
Funny as, Titslapper.
You can do what the fuck you like when you are stinking rich and have “connections”. The rich stick together and cover each others’ arses.
Reference : Sir James Savile OBE KCSG
Here is a commemorative plate made following his death to excuse the “top rankers”!
That’s fucking quality.
how do i comment? i have commented using 4 or 5 diffrent names and want to comment again, tell me how to do it cuntface
Read ‘How we do stuff’ you lazy cunt!
Then Google ‘First comment moderation’ and stop being a dick head.
Alternatively just fuck off
Thumbs down for abuse!
Fuck off Waters you irrelevant cunt,…. he’s just doing this to fly his liberal elite flag among the gullible masses, I hope Trump deports this out of touch ex-pat bastard Yeah tour the wall Roger you stunned bastard because germany is doing fucking great since you did that concert at the berlin wall huh? fucking delusional CUNT