Praising McGuinness

We shouldn’t be surprised at the list of our favourite cunts who have queued up to pay tribute to the late great Martin McGuinness. The only thing we should be surprised at is that he’s never been cunted on here before!

Nicola Sturgeon released a statement on Tuesday saying that without his “hard and brave work to bridge the divide” that “peace would not have been achieved” in Northern Ireland.

Bill Clinton : “He believed in a shared future, and refused to live in the past, a lesson all of us who remain should learn and live by. May he rest in peace”

Tony Blair : “For those of us able, finally, to bring about the Northern Ireland peace agreement, we know we could never have done it without Martin’s leadership, courage and quiet insistence that the past should not define the future.” Apparently he had “genuine affection for the man I came to know and admire.”

Jeremy Corbyn declared himself “very sad” to learn of the death of McGuinness. IRA sympathiser John McDonnell said ‘bombs and bullets could unite Ireland’ and joked ‘gutless wimps’ opposed to Sinn Fein should have their knees blown off’

Alastair Campbell said “A great guy, a good guy, I liked him a lot” The same Alastair Campbell who said people who voted democratically leave the European Union were “Thick, fascist, racist, xenophobic cunts”

The list is endless. Even the BBC has sunk to new lows with this one and has been accused of ‘fawning coverage’. Jon Snow summed it up with “A great loss; an extraordinary life that culminated in great service”. The BBC coverage has been endless and never a bad thing to say about the man.

Martin McGuiness was an evil cunt. The only good thing about him is that he’s now a dead evil cunt.

Nominated by just about everyone who comments on this site

249 thoughts on “Praising McGuinness

  1. It took Sadcunt Khunt 5 hours before he appeared before cameras to make a statement, 5 fucking hours for the mayor of Londonistan to comment on a terror attack in the heart of Londonistan. What a peaceful cunt.

  2. I’m sick of fucking hearing that islamic terror attacks are a proportionate and reasonable response to the West’s military incursions in the peaceful lands. It is our fault for attacking them in the first place. Complete cunting bollocks. Since its inception. islam has been a religion which sanctions, in facts compels holy war ( jihad ) in order to spread its sick ideology of submission.

    Year zero for islam is 622AD, by 624 Mo the peaceful had all his jewish supporters executed or banished. 624 also sees the first islamic battle, Battle of Abdr. By 630 they had an army of 30,000 which attacked and took meca. 637 they have taken Jerusalem. 711 the army of peace had taken Syria and Iraq, the whole of North Africa and Southern Spain where they continued to rule until 1491. But that wasn’t the end of islams attempt to take Europe. They continued to attack Europe until they were defeated at the battle of Vienna on 11th September 1683. 11th September, ring any bells? Hardly a history of peaceful people, is it? For reference the first crusade was in 1095, 384 years after Spain fell to islam.

    And if the cunts aren’t killing the infidel they are killing each other. Take a look at any place where there is islam and at any point in islams’ history and it is a story of violence.

  3. And the ABBC STILL refuse to use the ‘M’ word in relation to the “peaceful” filth who committed this act of terrorism (unless they eventually use ‘M’ for misunderstood).

    Above I mentioned that Saint Brendan of Cox would be keeping his gob shut and let all this bollocks drift over but no, this morning the cunts at the ABBC gave this twat airspace to essentially excuse what had happened as act of hate by a single individual (while either side of this cunt’s drivel the ABBC were reporting of raids across Londonistan and Birminghamrabad) and that we are allowed to feel sad (cheers for that Brendan) but not to loose perspective. Blah, blah, blah!

    Fuck off Brendan Cox you cunt! We all know you want your wife’s MP job next election around and that you’ll need the massive “peaceful” vote in your mini Mecca constituency in order to get it but do not used this heinous act of terrorism as a means for you to cheese off and appease your “peaceful” community in order to lay the groundwork for your nomination, YOU CUNT!

    And you – ABBC – can double fuck off because when Sait Jo of Cox was murdered, the man in question was named, was explicitly stated as being a “white male Christian” and was branded as a “Nazi sympathiser” within two hours of her death!

    Yesterday no name, no mention that it was obviously a “peaceful” cunt who perpetrated the crime, and no mention of Islamist Extremism even after many hours had passed. And only begrudgingly so today.

    I don’t mind if you name and shame cunts ABBC but at least have the decency to be consistent across all sectors of the UK populace. These “peaceful” cunts do not deserve any special treatment! Cunts!

  4. I despise that horrible little paki Sadiq Khan, terrorist sympathising super cunt.

    • I have gleefully shat out less pungent turds than the current mayor of London.

  5. McGuiness a terrorist, Mandela was a terrorist, Moshe Dayan was a terrorist, they all obtained power through terrorism and gained respectability.

    Allowing terrorists to gain from their vile evil acts encourages the next bunch of cunts with an axe to grind to follow the same path.

    Fucking obvious to me that the only outcome of terrorism must be death

  6. Fox News deserves an un-cunting for describing the London attacks as “Islamist Terrorism” (are you watching ABBC cunts).

    Nigel Farage deserves an un-cunting for saying how it is.

    And Katie Hopkins deserves an un-cunting for saying what every other cunt in the UK is thinking right now away from the libtard appeasing cunts who get all the airtime on the anti-democratic ABBC!

    Her bit is about 1/2 way through and is worth a watch.

    • 25 minutes into Sky’s “all out politics” and still no mention of islam or the m word. Cognitive dissidence on a heroic scale.

      • Shit! Just as I posted someone mentions Islamic State. But only in the context of it being a tiny minority and if we let it poison our minds against peaceful folk then ISIS will have won. As usual, make the lie big and repeat it often.

    • Well, Nigel and Katie are going to get all kinds of shit thrown at them for that performance. Doesn’t make them wrong tho’ does it? I particularly liked Hopkins’ point that there should only be opinions, not right opinions and wrong opinions. Agreeing to disagree seems to be a banned option these days.

      The weekly cuntfest that is Question Time should be especially sick making tonight. Not sure I can bear to watch it.

      I blame Brexit. After all, everybody with a right opinion does so, so I must be wrong…

      • I don’t know, but I took Katie to mean morally right or wrong opinions. In other words virtuous opinion and evil opinions. The liberals always try to claim the high moral ground, but then again so did the Nazis, “Gott Mit Uns”. What was that about the road to hell being paved with good intentions?

    • No doubt the muslamist sucking libmongs will throw the Jim/Joe/Jack/Jed Monroe thing at Hopkins, even though it has nothing to do with what Katie said about yesterday’s atrocities… And I’ve also no doubt that the aforementioned smug gonk haired identikit lezza snowflake will show his/her smug mug and say ‘See… I was right, wasn’t I?’ (and then tell everyone for the millionth fucking time that she ‘won’)…

  7. How ironic that news of McGuinness’s funeral was bumped down the headline order due to an act of terrorism.

  8. Good stuff from Nigel farage but as usual the liberal Cunts aided and abetted by BBC and Sky will eventually start the one nation, one people propaganda, I saw Brendan cox on the Beeb this morning talking up our Muslim community’s, after the initial outrage all the quisling Cunts like Blair, clegg, cambell and co will go into overdrive, farage will probably get hung out because he actually says what the silent majority think!
    Will anything change?? Don’t bet on it!!

      • I could not believe how politically correct the BBC’s Newsnight programme was last night. They were using every possible technique to minimise the Muslim factor, including the elite’s current ideological weapon of choice, the jihad as mental illness “not real islam”.

        They then brought on Muslim propagandist Sara Khan who is paid by the British government (I’m not joking wish I was) who pushed hard on the dangers of the far-right(yes the ones who don’t attack people), lumping jihad and forceful resistance to jihad together under the rubric of “extremism”. “We will never waver in the face of terrorism.” Boy that Theresa May is a mentally retarded two faced witch isn’t she?

      • Really am finding it hard to stomach the BBC at the moment. I used to watch Breakfast regularly in bed over a cuppa. Now listen to ITV when Piers Morgan is fronting and Sky the rest of the time. The ads get on my tits, but not half as much as that giggly twat Menchen…

      • I feel sorry for the guy having his wife murdered – but capitalising on it to get yourself elected as an MP is a bit beyond the pale IMHO…

      • Strange, if you are an islamist jihadi you are actually just mentally ill and if you are anti-islam you are suffering from a phobia, another mental condition. It makes it difficult to know what is the sane position to take.

  9. House of commons now patting itself on the back for being brave heroes and going back to fucking work defending democracy. All apart from the libtards and SNP who aren’t too keen on democracy.

  10. If you switched on half way through, you’d be forgiven for thinking they’d spent the night in Nakatomi Plaza….

  11. One silly cunt was talking about the comradery and the brave response of the house?? since when did locking your door and hiding under a table constitute bravery?? What next?? Maybe some will be expecting the victory cross!! ??

    • To be fair, the House was locked down by the security forces. MPs had no say in the matter. Standard procedure in the event of a terrorist attack.
      When they’re after destroying your government, the priority is to protect the chain of command

      • That’s 100% correct but they really should just acknowledge that fact and stop talking utter bollocks and trying to appear as if they did something approaching bravery!! Cunts……?

      • Is she ?

        Theresa May…

        But from what I’ve heard of her speeches today, she won’t.

  12. The real pity is the terrorist cunt didn’t bump into sergeant farron , corporal clegg or brigadier Blair……


  13. More ABBC selective shite… British-born attacker ‘known to MI5’… No surprise there (as Lee Rigby’s family know all to well), but British born?… Do fuck off! That tells us nothing… Could have been born here or in a British territory abroad, could have been brought up in some middle eastern shithole … Of course the ABBC are trying to deflect blame from the ‘peaceful’ filth (like their ‘reports’ on the muslamist sandsambo referred to as a ‘Norwegian’ attacker that was later downgraded to a mere ‘street attack’)… But instead of saying ‘British born attacker’ they will not tell people the truth: that yesterday’s killer was a murdering muslamist turd shat out of Satan’s arse….

    And ‘Citizen’ Khan is a gigantic cunt…. Terror attacks are part and parcel of living in a big city?! Well, they are if the dirty savage bastards are allowed to run amok, are indulged at every opportunity, and there is an apologist/sympathiser in charge as mayor… What a fucking cunt he really is…

    • It makes it all the more disturbing knowing he was British born, it means we have potentially millions of the fuckers already here, but that doesn’t get immigration off the hook. He may well have been British born but he didn’t look native British to me, he certainly came from immigrant stock so immigration is still in the equation somewhere.

      • British ( implying ethnic Briton ) v Brish. ( anything including a dog turd that is within the isles of said Nation, and not of ethnic stock.

  14. Snowflake libmong cunts will be more bothered and upset about what President Trump had for breakfast, or what Farage and Hopkins have said than people getting murdered on the streets of London…

  15. fellow cunters I know it’s a thread about that cunt McGuinness, I saw an advertising pic with her on it and I thought what a lovely piece, had a bit of the white stuff last night so that may explain my wording. Wouldn’t surprise me if she is a total cunt Birdman, most of the surrounded by yes people are I’d make an exception though and fuck her every night. I bet her pussy tastes like the finest Rum. Mmmmmmn.

  16. Well fuck me , but how can a cunt with his anecdotal, racist, sexist and unfair views be president of the Eurogrup?

    Sure some countries in the south have deficit ,debt and ask for financial aid but is more due to corrupt politicians and bankers and even joining the European union was economical blow to some, than spending money on women and drinks.
    Maybe they would like to spend their money on women and drinks but guess what there isn’t any left, instead taxes get raised to pay for the”help”, salaries stay the same or you get fired from you job due to cuts and it makes pretty hard to get to the end of the month still fuckin alive and breathing .

    And Jeroen Dijsselbloem after confronted with the media, apologised and said that he was misunderstood and was not thinking to resign his job.

    How can what he said be misunsderstood?

    So Mister Jeroen Dijsselbloem sincerely understand this,

    Go fuck yourself sideways, you arrogant cunt!!

  17. I know I shouldn’t,but…….What possible debt could I have accrued with “Our Father” billyboy? I’ve never used his “miracle” service,and never bother going into “His house”,or,indeed,bothering with any of his representatives . However, I do enjoy a good sating of temptation.

    Oh,and I NEVER forget anyone who owes me.

      • I still want to know how much I owe….. I’m a bit short this week,but if our lord fancies nipping around next week,I can give him a tenner on account. Must admit though, the life that I’ve lead, the final bill could be quite a stinger….. Ah well, He’ll have to accept the same as the taxman…. FUCK ALL.

  18. Sky news love this sort of shit, it means they only have a single story to cover 24 hours a day. They will speculate endlessly for days as if there were no other news stories in the world. I thought we were supposed to take it in our stride, after all it is just part and parcel of living in a big city. ( although I can’t recall the last islamist terror attack on Tokyo. Maybe its because they don’t allow peaceful cunts in.) Cunts.

    • Sky are a bunch of Cunts!! You’re right about hours of speculation!!
      Whilst I can only speculate what our terrorist Cunt had for breakfast I know what he had for lunch!! A bullet!! Good riddance!!!






  21. How passionate is Billy Boy.

    Have a cigarette man.

    Inhale, exhale, enjoy.

    But stay of the energy drinks and wipe yer chin.

    Yer drooling.

  22. His name is Rickie Doubleday and he lives at Acrefield, 9 Church Road, Upton, Norwich NR13 6AJ

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