Praising McGuinness

We shouldn’t be surprised at the list of our favourite cunts who have queued up to pay tribute to the late great Martin McGuinness. The only thing we should be surprised at is that he’s never been cunted on here before!

Nicola Sturgeon released a statement on Tuesday saying that without his “hard and brave work to bridge the divide” that “peace would not have been achieved” in Northern Ireland.

Bill Clinton : “He believed in a shared future, and refused to live in the past, a lesson all of us who remain should learn and live by. May he rest in peace”

Tony Blair : “For those of us able, finally, to bring about the Northern Ireland peace agreement, we know we could never have done it without Martin’s leadership, courage and quiet insistence that the past should not define the future.” Apparently he had “genuine affection for the man I came to know and admire.”

Jeremy Corbyn declared himself “very sad” to learn of the death of McGuinness. IRA sympathiser John McDonnell said ‘bombs and bullets could unite Ireland’ and joked ‘gutless wimps’ opposed to Sinn Fein should have their knees blown off’

Alastair Campbell said “A great guy, a good guy, I liked him a lot” The same Alastair Campbell who said people who voted democratically leave the European Union were “Thick, fascist, racist, xenophobic cunts”

The list is endless. Even the BBC has sunk to new lows with this one and has been accused of ‘fawning coverage’. Jon Snow summed it up with “A great loss; an extraordinary life that culminated in great service”. The BBC coverage has been endless and never a bad thing to say about the man.

Martin McGuiness was an evil cunt. The only good thing about him is that he’s now a dead evil cunt.

Nominated by just about everyone who comments on this site

249 thoughts on “Praising McGuinness

  1. .His name is. Rickie Doubleday
    and he lives at
    9 Church Road
    , Upton,
    NR13 6AJ


  2. I’ll admit Chas C is an “acquired” taste…….ah well,even Mozart had his critics. Do you prefer a little taste of Back Street Boys?

  3. Shame,nothing I enjoy more than a bit of cunt……you,not so much, I’m guessing?…. C’mon one pervert to another…what gets those juices flowing?

  4. I love a good joke,but don’t get this one….why are you “Laughing Out Loud”? Have you cocked the punchline up? I know I often do that… Perhaps J R Cuntley could explain it to me? Hate it when I miss out on a good guffaw.

  5. I’ve never had a plate of revenge…Is it better cold? I’m guessing that it’s one of those fancy new dishes from Heston Bloomenthal? Is it garlic based? Garlic gives me terrible wind…..guess I’d better give it a miss and stick to a well-done steak.

    • So a bit like a Guiness shit? Funny,we were just talking about that the other day. A good clean out never hurts….amazing what gets flushed out after a good guiness shit.

  6. Does anyone know what sort of police they are OR are they police? outside Scotland Yard on the news? They have no ribbon round there hats and hats are all black? I saw a similar one standing near Parliament when I was at London on holiday in summer 2014.

  7. Chris Sutton is from Norwich and he has the most annoying voice ever.

    Is it just him or is that how all Norwich punters talk ?

    If you have something to say Dickie, then now’s yer chance before yer silenced.

    My ears/eyes are open.

    You seem to have problems, and I’m willing to hear ye out without mocking you.

    Get of yer chest boy.

    It might do you some good.

    If not, get well soon mate, and embrace life.

  8. Why do you keep lolling? Is it a nervous affliction? I know I had an aunt who suffered from Tourettes,fuck could that woman swear….is that why you keep lolling? If so,it’s in very bad taste to laugh at my cursing auntie….course she has been dead for 30 years so she probably wont mind… loll away billybob

  9. Billy Boy you rambling cunt. Go drown yourself in a sewage works and do us all a favour

  10. Outside Scotland Yard on the news. There’s blokes who look like police but they gave no ribbons round there hats. There hats are all black, who are they??!?? Are they security guards?

  11. Have no ribbons, bloody predictive text. I was just puzzled? Nobody must know who they are???

    • Triple baaaaaaaaaaaaaa with extra cheese on my dear!

      Is the coast all clear now…has Billyboy gone?

  12. ‘Hate will not divide us’, ‘Lessons will be learned’..same old clichéd 6 o’clock news soundbite bollocks. That parasite Blair was stood outside No 10 12 years ago saying the same thing yet here we are.
    The only lessons we need to learn is that when we catch one of these fuckers send them on their way to ‘paradise’ at the end of a rope.

  13. Paul Joseph Watson is a great source for cunting, pity about Milo Yiannopolis and his remarks, Alt Right have dropped him like a raghead with a bacon sarnie.

    • It was disgusting of Breitbart to drop Milo like they did, but it illustrates a problem with conservative/right wing ideology; you have to buy into it all. You have to drink the koo-laid all the way down on the right just as much as on the left. If someone says they believe in man made climate change you can pretty much know where they are going to stand on race relations, gun control, abortions, the environment, gay marriage and immigration. Similarly with the right, no deviation from the script is allowed, if you are against gun control you had better be anti-abortion or the right will dump you like a sack of shit. That doesn’t sound to me like people thinking clearly, it sounds like bullying and indoctrination.

  14. Ex president Clinton at the funeral of the murdering cunt. “President Clinton, who was central to the Good Friday Agreement peace negotiations, told mourners he “came to treasure every encounter” with Mr McGuinness.

    “Our friend earned this vast crowd,” he said. “Even more, he earned the right to ask us to honour his legacy by our living. To finish the work that is there to be done.”

    Has the fucking world gone mad or just that cunt Clinton representing all the mick loving wankers over there who gave their dollars so that more women and children could be slaughtered by those scum.
    Or did Martin suck the presidential hampton on their treasured encounters?
    Fuck me running, who are these terror loving spunkbags?

  15. Just watched the most nauseous crock of shit espoused from the lips of the Clinton Cunt in praise of a murdering bastard who” turned the corner to see the light.” I don’t think so…. McGuiness was rewarded with a position in government and immunity from prosecution by that other murderous bastard Blair. Clitoris Clinton needs to fuck right off back to his crazy cunt licking dog of a wife and get on with being a complete retired retard.

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