We shouldn’t be surprised at the list of our favourite cunts who have queued up to pay tribute to the late great Martin McGuinness. The only thing we should be surprised at is that he’s never been cunted on here before!
Nicola Sturgeon released a statement on Tuesday saying that without his “hard and brave work to bridge the divide” that “peace would not have been achieved” in Northern Ireland.
Bill Clinton : “He believed in a shared future, and refused to live in the past, a lesson all of us who remain should learn and live by. May he rest in peace”
Tony Blair : “For those of us able, finally, to bring about the Northern Ireland peace agreement, we know we could never have done it without Martin’s leadership, courage and quiet insistence that the past should not define the future.” Apparently he had “genuine affection for the man I came to know and admire.”
Jeremy Corbyn declared himself “very sad” to learn of the death of McGuinness. IRA sympathiser John McDonnell said ‘bombs and bullets could unite Ireland’ and joked ‘gutless wimps’ opposed to Sinn Fein should have their knees blown off’
Alastair Campbell said “A great guy, a good guy, I liked him a lot” The same Alastair Campbell who said people who voted democratically leave the European Union were “Thick, fascist, racist, xenophobic cunts”
The list is endless. Even the BBC has sunk to new lows with this one and has been accused of ‘fawning coverage’. Jon Snow summed it up with “A great loss; an extraordinary life that culminated in great service”. The BBC coverage has been endless and never a bad thing to say about the man.
Martin McGuiness was an evil cunt. The only good thing about him is that he’s now a dead evil cunt.
Nominated by just about everyone who comments on this site
One thing is for sure, I bet Saint Brendan will be fucking quiet about all this.
Well Brendan, the loss of your wife may be tragic but this is the “appeasing of peaceful cunts” UK she wanted.
So let’s see how “on message” you can be about this terrorist attack on UK soil!
Also the ABBC richly deserve another cunting for painfully avoiding the “peaceful” categorisation of these cunts when we all knows it’s those cunts who are responsible.
No doubt just another bunch of misunderstood Norwegians eh?
Utter, utter cunts!
And Gary and Lily, I hope you have a few more words to say now. Please, we’re all listening, so justify this shit you fucking shills!
Unfortunately not. St Brendan has already been on comparing this with the murder of his wife and calling for peace and understanding. Nothing to do with Islam, of course, just a deranged individual like the cunt that killed his wife. No mention of a Koran and religion filled with hatred versus an inadequate, individual piece of shit from Dewsbury.
Well Brendan, the loss of your wife may be tragic but this is the “appeasing of peaceful cunts” UK she wanted.
So let’s see how “on message” you can be about this terrorist attack on UK soil!
Also the ABBC richly deserve another cunting for painfully avoiding the “peaceful” categorisation of these cunts when we all knows it’s those cunts who are responsible.
No doubt just another bunch of misunderstood Norwegians eh?
Utter, utter cunts!
And Gary and Lily, I hope you have a few more words to say now. Please, we’re all listening, so justify this shit you fucking shills!
Well Brendan, the loss of your wife may be tragic but this is the “appeasing of peaceful cunts” UK she wanted.
So let’s see how “on message” you can be about this terrorist attack on UK soil!
Also the ABBC richly deserve another cunting for painfully avoiding the “peaceful” categorisation of these cunts when we all knows it’s those cunts who are responsible.
No doubt just another bunch of misunderstood Norwegians eh?
Utter, utter cunts!
And Gary and Lily, I hope you have a few more words to say now. Please, we’re all listening, so justify this shit you fucking shills!dsdssdxzsssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss
Jeroen Dijsselbloem, president of the Eurogrup, is a cunt.
So this arrogant cunt in a recent interview said that the countries from the south of the E.U spend all their money in women and alcohol drinks and then they come ask for financial aid.
Well fuck me , but how can a cunt with his anecdotal, racist, sexist and unfair views be president of the Eurogrup?
Sure some countries in the south have deficit ,debt and ask for financial aid but is more due to corrupt politicians and bankers and even joining the European union was economical blow to some, than spending money on women and drinks.
Maybe they would like to spend their money on women and drinks but guess what there isn’t any left, instead taxes get raised to pay for the”help”, salaries stay the same or you get fired from you job due to cuts and it makes pretty hard to get to the end of the month still fuckin alive and breathing .
And Jeroen Dijsselbloem after confronted with the media, apologised and said that he was misunderstood and was not thinking to resign his job.
How can what he said be misunsderstood?
So Mister Jeroen Dijsselbloem sincerely understand this,
Go fuck yourself sideways, you arrogant cunt!!
Well, as someone living in Southern Europe I can confirm it is true.
Any excuse and they are having a festival of so and so or a fiesta of this and that or a feria what’s his name. So far this year they have 3 in my small town, and it’s not even the end of March yet. Easter will be the next one. And each one goes on for several days, the entire town closes down while they all get pissed up. We are talking about erecting a big marque in the square, having bands on followed by big fireworks displays. And where does the money come from? The EU, is where.
When they are not having a 3 day piss up they are not exactly industrious either. In fact it’s difficult to tell when they are working and when they are not, lazy fucking cunts. Feckless and thick as pig shit and all, most have never done a good days work in their lives and are completely disinterested in doing so. Customer service is a foreign concept to the cunts, they are doing you a fucking favour by selling you stuff so you had better not complain, not that it would do you any good as all they’d do is shrug and carry on smoking a ciggy.
As for corruption, it is endemic. What little actually does get done only does so because somebody knows somebody else’s cousin who works at the town hall. It is not just the politicians who are corrupt, it is all of them! They have a word for it, which I can’t remember but it is basically an informal system of patronage which works all the way from the bottom to the very top.
Birdman said earlier it was like living in a 3rd world country, and he is right. In fact I have lived in Africa and parts of it are better sorted out than Southern Europe.
I also live in southern Europe and thats a pretty big generalization, sure he have big parties and festivals but they also serve to generate money, what can i say we like to enjoy life.
There is costumer service not bad not good simply average the only thing you are right is corruption and crime , because even if we get money it gets lost in their hands.
Even adopting the euro coin make things get priced almost the double that was before.
So as i said we would like to spend it on women and drinks but there isn’t any left.
The lazy greasy dago might be a cliché, but clichés are clichés for a reason, they generally have more than a seed of truth to them. In my estimation they are feckless inbred peasants.
I’m glad for you that you like the place, you are welcome to it. I’ve been here since 2000 and can’t wait to leave and go somewhere civilised like back to Africa.
You are right it is a cliché .
Joroem djizzbloom is a proper cunt.
Just shows why the eurotwats are so hated over here.
Hopefully our Mediterranean friends will join us soon and we can destroy the reich together!
I wouldn’t hold your breath, M8. It might mean they have to work for a living. Southern Europe has done very well out of the EU and will be loathed to give up the money teat.
Oh shit I was hoping to get some decent tapas.
Guess I’ll have to keep taking the plane for now.
wow! it seems the perpetrator is a well known British Muslim. i’ve seen him loads of times on TV. JEEZ.
TREVOR BROOKS . an old crony of abu hanza. fuckin good riddance.
Indeed. The picture evidence on the Sky news site seems pretty conclusive. The BBC have given him airtime on a number of occasions to spout his poison.
Let’s see how the cunts at the Beebistan Broadcasting Caliphate spin this one out, and how the usual bunch of libtard lefty snowflakes justify why it’s happened and that we shouldn’t jump to conclusions blah blah blah.
Why don’t they understand that the religion of peace indoctrinates from birth, the cult followers it creates will never change their beliefs and will kill every last one of us in the west if they can.
When will our so called leaders realise this. Cunts.
oh. just a minute. i got my info from C4 NEWS. now they are saying trevor brooks could still be in prison . so fuck knows. this always happens, always fuckin confusing in early stages.
Glad to know McGuinness is now down in the hot country. To quote some lyrics from “Fuck U”…”There’s a space kept in hell with your name on the seat, with a spike in the chair just to make it complete”. These libcunt unicorn farriers living in the inner fringes of Narnia who go on twatmedia to “praise” him are fucking deluded. No doubt the plethora of 17 year old SJW’s will wade in and voice their vast life-experience opinions, when in fact they know cunt-all. Cunts.
Have they announced who it was then?
Fuckin snowflakes releasing these cunts back onto the streets are trators!
If I ever got my hands on one of these cunts I’d make ramsay Bolton seem like mother fuckin Teresa.
….for anyone that doesn’t know who ramsay Bolton is, he’s the guy on game of thrones that skins cunts alive and shit.
Hanging is too Good for these cunts.
…Sorry but they make my fuckin blood boil!!!!!!
We’ve got hundreds of the cunts in our prisons and my tax money is used to feed and clothe them.
The ABBC are acting all ‘shocked.’.. But they’ve been welcoming, promoting, apologising for, and turning a blind eye to these dirty stinking muslamist filth for a long time now… They were cheering the cunts on, as they brazenly swaggered through Croydon via the Calais Shitheap…
And I wonder what the snowflake high council of Gary Linekunt, Jim/John/Jack /Joe Monroe, Benderdict Cunteberdinck and Lily Mong have to say tonight?…
Not much, I’ll fucking bet…
A picture paints a thousand words;
This is difficult to analyze without context.People react oddly in horrendous circumstances.This woman may have been squeamish and wanted to let those around the casualty get on with helping them.When I had a man have a massive seizure in front of me in the seat too many fuckers crowded round him and made things worse.Also my Aunt was in a massive train crash had a panic attack and just ran away in distress and shock.
Ever hear of Occam’s razor? It a problem solving tool invented by a monk in 14th century. Basically what it says is the simplest explanation is generally the best. The woman may be in shock, she may be having a panic attack, she may be any number of things, but the simplest explanation is she doesn’t fucking care.
Possibly but I think it is unfair to judge a particular picture at one snap shot.people don`t behave rationally in such situations.Like my Aunt a trained life guard and first aider was in a train that overturned and had some sort of breakdown .Just climbed out the train and was found aimlessly wondering around by emergency services.Apparently she said she can only remember thinking I need to get out of here find a phone and ring my mum.She doesn’t`t remember too much of it to this day which is probably a blessing.
I’m not arguing with you, Shaun. I was in a car crash once and afterwards all I could think about was buying some shampoo.
But once again, Occams razor; if it looks like a dog, smells like a dog and barks like a dog it is probably a dog. If it looks like a couldn’t care less heartless peaceful bitch that’s probably what she is.
What is the cunt saying “target down, I repeat target down” ?
I think she’s texting.
“Allah akbar. ….lol.”
McGuinness was a cunt and the only one speaking the truth was Tebbit.The BBC and Blair arselicking of this terrorist cunt made me want to puke.
He was certainly no “man of peace.”
Cunt killed more children than any paedo and slaughtered more people than any cereal killer!
McGuinness was an evil murdering cunt: who ordered attacks against military, police, royalty, civilians, politicans, children, war veterans and pensioners alike… The bastard was an enemy of the British just as much as the Germans were in both World Wars… And what horrifies me is that this cunt’s heinous reputation was being airbrushed long before his death, and that revisionism will now go into full ‘Che Guevara’ mode (Guevara was a murdering cunt too).. Scum like McGuinness and Addams were inexplicably tolerated and even respected eventually… Not by Maggie: she rightly despised the Fenian cunts… But Major and then that fucker Blair: bowing and scarping to these killers and allowing them into Parliament?… What the fuck is all that about?!… That’s the mistake May is making with Wee Burney Sturgey and Salmond The Hutt… These two sacks of shite and their party loathe the English and brazenly spread anti-English hatred… Like Sinn Fein in the the 70s and 80s, Krankie and her SNP should be banned from English radio, television, and internet… Banana Gob Miller is another enemy of the English: who incites trouble and has committed treason by going against a democratic proccss, and she shouldn’t be allowed to…
As for McGuinness, (dum-dum-dum) another cunt bites the dust… Shame it wasn’t agonising and he didn’t suffer, like so many people did at the hands of him and his provo troop… The fucking Fenian cunt…
And just like clueless student cunts who wear ‘Che’ T-Shirts (but don’t even know who the murdering dago cunt actually was!), I see a time where overprivileged libmong students will wear McGuinness -T-Shirts as part of their laughable radical chic…
I am so pissed off I dropped McGuinness in the Deadpool.He would have been the first hit who I would have been glad about.I reckon he probably did suffer as the condition he had does to the organs what Alzheimer`s does to the brain.
Judging by this pic I would guess it was thankfully a painful death.
Here is what amyloidosis does to you .
Great chant at a recent Alzheimer’s awareness rally…
“What do we want?”
“Don’t know”
“When do we want it?”
“Want what?”
oh dear it seems it wasnt trevor brooks. this could get interesting. will he now sue C4?
I wonder if Corbyn knew him.
No matter what these terrorist cunts do
You will NEVER stop me from doing what I want to do in my own country
You will NEVER scare me from going around my day to day business
You will NEVER win, you have to get past angry cunts like us
In fact, put your guns/knifes down, fight like men with fists, you soft, dress wearing cunts, whose beliefs are no more believible than the Easter fucking bunny.
You are cowardly incest loving, smelly, fucking scum, enjoy burning in hell (as your promised land does not exist, its bull shit) you smelly unwanted turds.
Fuckin damn right!
Why do the cunts go after civilians and little kiddies?
Coz they’ve got no fuckin choice!
Stand up against an army, police force or even a few normal men they’ll get fucked up bad!
They’re not soldiers like they think they are. They’re not even men!
Pisses me off when they say “lone wolf” attack.
A Wolf is a cunning predator.
“Lone rat” or “lone roach” are the only terms that apply to these cunts.
Scuttling about in the shadows and scavenging on easy meat.
As birdman would say:
“Ye weak cunt!”
The missus has just came in from work.
She had a massive argument with a Spanish colleague coz the Spanish bitch blamed the attack today on …….Brexit.
It just goes to show what happens to doss cunts who’s minds are ruled by the media and sleb nonsense.
The missus gave up as she was vastly outnumbered.
You should’ve married an apache birdman: ” always outnumbered, never out gunned!”
Or maybe that’s the helicopter!
Oh yea, it was the helicopter.
…not sure if that’s legal.
Married ???
I don’t see no ring on this finger.
I call her my ‘missus'(not to her face) coz girlfriend sounds like we’re young sweethearts, we’re not, and partner has a, I don’t know, a gay sound to it.
We have a daughter, but there’ll be no wedding.
And anyway, she’s already been married twice, and hasn’t even divorced her last one.
She’s 38.
No, marriage ain’t for me.
And not being married has probably helped me last longer than the last two.
Well that first one anyway. 🙂
You’ve somehow managed to get that awful beonce song stuck in my head.
…I fuckin HATE beonce.
…Thanks mate 🙂
Beyonce: the fat arsed hypocritical coconut (brown outside, white inside)… Makes all the noises about being an ‘independent woman’ and proud to be black… But is married to known misogynist and uppity plastic gangsta cunt with form, Jay-Z, and also goes out of her way to appear white and to sell herself and her crap to white audiences… A total cunt…
Ain’t it ironic that Boyonce sacked the other two from destiny’s child yet can’t give a ‘performance’ without tarts dancing in sync behind her.
True what you said the other week, Norman, about her and her hubby calling for equality yet wanting to be treated like the royal family of America.
She does have a cracking body, but the hotpants and heels is a but old hat after more than a decade of it.
Yea we had heart tv channel on in the office the other day (not my fuckin choice!) and they had an endless stream of beonce videos.
It was all electronic bongos, keyboard played to a standard that would be embarrassing for a first grade 5 year old and women dressed as sluts, pulling wallets out of mens pockets and yelling about girls being in charge.
…try to take my wallet bitch! You’ll see who’s in charge then! Ha ha.
How in the name of freshly brewed fuck did they get from islamist terror attack to Brexit? What kind of convoluted twisted contortionist style logic is at work. Oh yes, Spanish. Say no more.
That is pretty fuckin dumb!
How many were killed in the French attacks?
Are France a fully paid up superfan of the reich?
If anything brexit is the reason we haven’t been attacked anywhere near as much as we would be if we were a member of shengen.
And that stupid squatting jelly arse ‘dance’ Beyonce always does… Looks like she wants to have a shit…
Douchebag Juncker again, again, again, and forever needs cunting.
Roger’s Profanisaurus has just been republished with a 1,000 page section devoted entirely to this shitebag, scumbag, weasel, syphillitic ringpiece, self-delusional fraudster, snake-oil merchant, pox-ridden goon, oxygen thief, … He said he hates Nazis, but he seems to have turned into a satanic amalgam of Heydrich and Himmler, with a touch of the Goebbels ranting for good measure. (The abused becoming the abuser…)
“Britain’s example will make everyone realise that it’s not worth leaving” is his latest…
As far as HBH is concerned, tomorrow we bomb Belgium, Luxembourg or anywhere else this bastard will no doubt be in hiding.
Look at a pic of him and Verhofstadt-Goebbels together: “Should have gone to Specsavers”.
Silly cunts. His mother should have been well dosed-up with Dr. J. Collis-Browne’s Tincture. Maybe she was…could explain a lot.
otal fucking chaos here in London caused by some loan cunt armed with a car and a knife. If I were one of these Jihadi cocksuckers I would be wondering what I could do with half a dozen cunts jumping out of a car in the middle of Regent Street armed with AK47s. Of course us real Londoners remember 7/7 but that was 12 years ago. It doesn’t sound much but the world has changed in just that short time. We all know that the Muzzies are untouchable and the copper who shot this cunt is going to be well stitched up. Prepare for loads of tinkerbells on the telly blaming it all on brexit or Trump. I can hear the voice of James O’Shithead as I type.
I heard the assailant was Donald Trump in a rubber mask
Possibly, but much more likely to be Sir Nigel wearing a Sadiq Khan mask, the clever cunt.
not sure if anyone has posted this. but worth listening to if you havent heard it.
and where the fuck was the minutes silence before the England match tonight for todyas events??, is it un-pc now or was it not done because it might offend others?
I heard there wasn’t any minutes silence in case it offended the scores of sandspades and rapeugees in ze fatherland…
ooops . for some reason it starts half way through. tebbit is at the beginning.
The man is Abu Izadeen aka Trevor Brooks a well known Islamic exetremist who was deported back here from Hungary.
Shit yea I recognize that goggle eyed cunt!
Should’ve killed him when we had the chance. Fuckin snowflakes protecting the cunt and giving him publicity!
….Wonder how many cunts he’s recruited over the past years.
yeh thats what c4 said originally but later they said he was still in prison. i must say the pictures of him after he had been shot indicate it could be him.
Brooks is still a mendacious cunt though.
Breaking from Sky News;
Will attacks like these become more common after Brexit? After all, we depend on the EU for our intelligence so after Brexit we would be blind to such attackers.
What a bunch of cunts, pose a hypothetical question and then justify it by using bogus information thus implanting in the heads of the thick cunts ( that’s us ) that islamic terror will increase after Brexit.
Just for you Sky news;
1 The UK has far better intelligence than all the EU put together. They will be coming cap in hand to us after Brexit.
2 No one is saying intelligence sharing would stop post Brexit.
3 UK’s a member of five eyes, the largest intelligence gathering and sharing system in the world. And non of the member countries are in the EU.
4 If the terrorist de jour turns out to be British, which at the moment seems likely, how would EU intelligence help us?
5 The Germans, French and Belgians cannot protect their own countries. How are they going to protect us?
Couldn’t agree more!
Five eyes is the only organization that I give a shit about.
I think the threat to leave nato would be a good bargaining chip in the brexit negotiations.
If we left, no doubt the amaricans would follow.
They’d shit it if that happened!
Five eyes all the way mate!
Just heard the May slag’s pathetic attempt at a Churchillian speech outside No. 10. What a load of fucking old bollocks. You were Home Secretary for 6 fucking years and what did you do to stop a single Muzzie waltzing into my country? Fuck all bitch! Now fuck off, stop panicking because one of them came within 400 yards of you and fucking hang yourself you useless whore.
I’m guessing, just guessing, that you don’t like her very much.
Though at least she’s gonna invoke article 50 next week.
It will be delayed because of a “national emergency” or some such shite
May was spouting the usual standard bullshit: ‘We won’t give in to terrorism… People will carry on as normal etc…’ In other words, she and her bunch of clowns are going to do nothing to weed out these barbaric savages and wipe out the festering infestation of muslamist filth… She will just say this after the next attack, then the next one… Just like that cunt Holland does in Froggieland..
And trust the ABBC to interview a muslamist eyewitness… Still doing the ‘Hey, they’re not all bad’ shite… Fuck them….
No sign of Mayor Khan? Can’t wait to hear what he has to say about it…
Wrath of Khan Not all moslems http://i.imgur.com/Vn2ye6w.png
Pray4london 1 prayer = 1 respect https://i.redd.it/z82pgkhut0ny.jpg
I’m sick of caring about this. How many bloody times does this need to happen? Moselms are violent. It’s as simple as that. Even if only 1 in 10 are violent, there’s no way to be sure all the violent ones are filtered out no matter how stringent your security is.
The people who were murdered lived for nothing. And then they died for nothing. Nobody will remember their names next week but there will be a huge outpouring of prayers and support the next time another of these maniacs goes off the deep end. Every single person who has supported this agenda deserves to be lying dead on that fucking bridge but they are not lucky cunts
Put on all Jazeera, they’re playing Sad-dick Kant’s pre written but not memorized speech complete with strategic pauses, every half hour.
Its the first time I’ve seen the dark eyebagged sinister looking cunt on telly, and it wasn’t pretty.
How did he get any votes, never mind get to be mayor ?
LORRA postal votes to be sure
What’s the betting on Al BBCzeera breakfast tomorrow they will be some Citizen Khan style ‘community leader’ appealing for calm with the usual bullshit of ‘islam being a religion of peace’ and not forgetting the rise in hate crimes.
Ah yes, the Peaceful ones, don’t expect any condemnation from them.
Oh hey, I can finally post again. ‘Bout bloody time.
On another note, the only shame about McGuinness croaking is that the bastard died of natural causes. Immolation or feet first into an industrial mincer would have been more appropriate.
Let’s hope he’s getting butt tagged in hell…
Assistant commissioner Mark Rowley just make a statement assuring the peaceful community about the far right wing cunts.
Why don’t you concentrate more on flushing out the terrorist cunts and doing something about them?
…I think the extreme right wing idiots are the least of anyone’s worries!
The normal police offices are heroes but their leaders are lefty cunts.
Why can’t he just say:
“We’re gonna find you and we’re gonna fuck you up!!”
This is half the problem….Worrying about perpetrators instead of the victims. I’ve had enough of this constant kow-towing and scraping to a minority who detest us. Fuck them, the country shouldn’t be driven by the needs and wishes of a group who desire nothing good for the British people.
The government should concern itself with safe-guarding the rights of the British people not to be treated as second-class people in their own country. If this happens to offend a bunch of murdering,sponging,dishonest savages….well,too bad…they can fuck off back to whichever shithole they came from.
Mark Rowley is a ISIS sympathising cuckold and I encourage any of you cunters to throw dogshit or any shit for that matter at his stupid fat dumb head
The big bad alt right? what in the actual fuck? they are not the ones committing random attacks you stunned cunt if anything they come up with the most logical solutions regarding terrorists
I think Rowleys statement was as predictable as it was nonsense. I bet we are all feeling safe after hearing that. Khan eventually trotted out the by the numbers speech you expected from him. May, and her ‘you won’t divide us’ crap. You can’t divide something that wasn’t united in the first place. Elsewhere, peaceful cunts will party, because one of their deluded followers killed a few innocent unsuspecting women. What a fucking world we live in.
May had a chance to look the part and get tough.
Should’ve finished with “the gloves are coming off”
Hash tags, cuddles and candles will get you nowhere….
Politicians kick Muslim arse and bomb the fuck out of them when their rich masters tell them to. When the cunts take their revenge on us we’re supposed to take it and cry for them. However when it comes close to the politician cunts they shit their pants. Total bunch of cunts.
Maybe Trumps flight ban could be something considered here?
I dare anyone to ring LBC to suggest this, suggesting this on Question Time would be cut out.
I just want a safe country, nothing else, just commonsense without being hurled with coments such as being a racist.
Not often that I’d tip my hat to any M.P.,but at least Tobias Ellwood tried to help,instead of locking himself in his office.
Hope the member of the public who was taking “selfies” while posing in front of ambulances gets beaten to death with his own selfie-stick.
The piece of excrement that is the ‘ambulance selfies’ cunt should be chopped up, put in a blender bit by bi,t and then flushed down the bog…
I think the cunt is in for a well deserved rough ride, his mong like mug is going to be in all the papers tomorrow. Worthless fat sack of shit.
Angela Merkel states: “We stand in solidarity with the UK when it comes to terrorist attacks.”
Ok Angela, do a fucking Trump and close the bastard door that *YOU* opened! You fucking Les Dawson lookalike cunt!
http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-34832023 :I got accused of insensitivity for posting this on social media.Bloody relevant though especially after what Jezbollah has said about terrorists.
I would get them to spray several rounds at the cock & bollocks area.
Hopefully they’ll still die from blood loss but at least they’ll be in agony for a while beforehand.
What these appeasing cunts never realise is that when the shoe, or sandal for that matter, is on the other foot do you think they’re concerned about cutting people’s heads off in the most humane and pain free manner?
No, they don’t give a fuck, and neither should we. Cunts!
I wonder whether the latest Muslim terrorist, I mean “religious person” was shouting anything before he ploughed down innocent people. Could it have been, “Freedom of speech, equal rights for all, meritocracy and peace”?